Odonatologica 14 (4): 331-339 December I, 1985

HemiphlebiamirabilisSelys: some notes on distribution

and conservation status (Zygoptera: Hemiphlebiidae)

D.A.L. Davies

Department of Surgery, University of Cambridge Clinical School,

Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, United Kingdom

Received and Accepted May 29, 1985

H. mirabilis is in a taxonomically isolated position and the opinion is widely held

that died it is the oldest relic among livingodonates. The species seems to have out in

the its known haunts dueto and area of original in Australia, farming, it was probably

last seen there in the late 1950ies. It is listed as endangered in the I.U.C.N. Inverte-

brate Red Data Book A has been found this in S. Victoria. (1983). strong colony year

A brief history of the species is given and an opinion on its survival prospects.


A recent journey which took me through Victoria, Australia, provided an

for opportunity to make a brief reconnaissance Hemiphlebia mirabilis.This very

small, metallic-green (approx, span 22 mm, length 24 mm) was descri-

bed from more than 20 specimens sent to Selys by ”mon honorable collegue M.

Weyers”(SELYS, 1877), together with a female ofSynlestes weyersii Selys, from

Port Denison, Queensland.

features in Selys recognised unique Hemiphlebia (”...ce genre extraordi-

naire ”) which are reflected in the specific name heallotted. The species was not ...

seen again until about the turn of the century, when Captain Billinghurst of

Alexandra, Victoria (about 160 km N.E. of Melbourne) sent specimens (also

Caliagrion (Pseudagrion) billinghursti and Austrocnemis splendida) from the

Goulburn river lagoons to Rene Martin who said (MARTIN, 1901)’’Cettejolie

consideree semble petite espece, longtemps comme tres rare, assez repandue dans

certaines localites de la province de Victoria”. Although more than20 years later

T1LLYARD said .the known localities for it so far Port (1928a) . only being

Denison (Bowen), Queensland and Alexandra, Victoria”, he had explored widely 332 D.A.L. Davies

in Queensland and Eastern Australiafor it without success and declared (TILLY-

ARD, 1937-40) that there was no suitable habitat there for it. Indeed it is no

longer believed to have existed at Port Denison and actually Selys’s series from

labelled Port Denison Weyers are not but just "Qland”, except one specimen at the British Museum(paratype, ex Selys, ex McLachlan). Noris it believed to have been in, Queensland although in the light of the nature of the niche described below I would not agree with Tillyard’s views about unsuitability. With regard to

this in weyersii, also turned up due course in Victoria and certainly would in its Victoria-NSW not occur Queensland because north of range it is

other of is Denison replaced by species Synlestes. It supposed that Port was the

place ofexport of Weyers’s material. Be thatas it may, TILLYARD (1913) found the species in 1906at Billinghurst’s Alexandralocality; other specimens pre-1906

British at the Brussels and Museums are ex-Martin (Victoria) from Billinghurst.

TILLYARD described curious behaviour (1913) a fascinating and pattern of the male its to white waving abdomen up and down expose the long feathery inferior appendages to draw the attentionof females; without thissignal the is difficult very to see, camouflaged in the reeds. On seeking larvae in 1927,

TILLYARD (1928a) gave the impression that there was only one Hemiphlebia

wide Goulbum of lagoon, although the valley has a great number lagoons and ox-bow lakes as it meanders north as a tributary ofthe Murray river. Tillyard had

difficulty in finding the lagoon, "About two hours were spent on the Saturday

for without evening searching the original locality but success...” The party found the place the following day. Tillyard could hardly not have lookedat other

in indeed his this lagoons 1906; Tillyard gave opinion later that lagoon was

different in having deep holes as a reservoir of water while other lagoons periodically dried up. From photographs ofthe area taken by Tillyardthis lagoon was cleverly rediscovered by a party in 1954 (BURNS, 1955) and specimens found in found in good numbers. Some years later no specimens were there nor the

valley ofthe Yarra river (Dr A. Neboiss, pers. comm.) where there were colonies,

at least one of which was still in existence to the end of the 1950ies (NEBOISS,

is in British 1962); a pair taken there in 1959 (Healesville) by B.P. Moore the

Museum. This area is on the other (South) side of the West end of the Great

Dividing Range, from where the Yarra runs West into Melbourne; the Yarra also had numerous lagoons a century ago, now built over, farmed or polluted. My pilgrimage round the area in 1985was odonatologically most depressing. Before

niches farming took away the Hemiphlebia may well have been widespread

of in several river must among the thousands lakes the valleys. The cow be

Hemiphlebia's worst enemy.

Also recognising the unusual features of the species, Tillyard sent material to

Kennedy, who, from examination of the penis stated (KENNEDY, 1920). "It

relatives ”. obtained larvae certainly has no near among known Tillyard in 1927 and from his studies (TILLYARD, 1928a) said "It will thus be seen that Distribution and conservation of Hemiphlebia mirabilis 333

the of researches the progress on order Odonata... has picked out this obscure

Australian from of unrelated forms it a mass and set up as one of the

key-genera for the right understanding of odonate phytogeny”. He went on to

make detailed studies of tracheation and venation (TILLYARD, 1928b) and

related the species to early lestids, particularly to synlestids, (among which are the

only other extant generawith an open base to thediscoidalcell, i.e. Chorismagrion

risi Morton and, as an aberration, in Synlestes itself). He drew several other

possible connections, such as the biramous mandiblesbeing not unlike those of

Epallagidae (Euphaeidae) and Polythoridae; these families have (with Caloptery-

gidae) a complete pterothoracic interpleural suture but somehow they failed to find Australia incursion (ignoring a recent by Neurobasis from the North); but

must be of from far they separate lineage very back because Hemiphlebia is

conventional in this regard (ASAHINA, 1957). The larval gizzard showed archaic structure, and features ofvenationTillyard related to the Triassic fossil

Permagrion falklandicum. He also sent ”an ample supply” (over 40 specimens) to

Fraser, who also discussed the implications ofthe venation (FRASER, 1938) but showed that the ’’double-barrelled” vein anal plus wing border was not special to

Hemiphlebia. TILLYARD (1937-40) elevated Hemiphlebia to superfamily sta- tus.

At a time when there was no known colony of Hemiphlebia still existing, a

was identified single specimen among some Odonata found at Wilson’s Promon-

tory on the S. Victoria coast, 230 km S.E. of Melbourne in 1977 (Dr Rosser

Garrison, but unknown to me at the time of pers. comm.), my recent visit! The

made and hence its capture was by a dipterist significance was not recognised.


In January 1985 I looked along the S. Victoria coast from Sale in the East, via

Lake Wilson’s in Denison, to Promontory the West, where a strong colony of

Hemiphlebia was found. Lake Denison was explored because ofthe possibility of

confusion with Port but with the oftime the of firm Denison, lapse possibility any

connection will have In the 1860ies Lake Denison km gone. was a large (3 x Ikm) sandy-bottomed, reedy fresh water lake. I have the whole fascinating history of this from lake its present owner, Mr David Borthwick. After floods the lake fills

is and let out by a gap made through an artificial cutting between the sand dunesto the sea. The then builds sand bar 2.5 in few This sea a new up to m high a weeks.

accretion has led rapid to numerous such fresh water lakes and lagoons all along the from Sale Wilson’s coast to Promontory. The area was settled for farming in the and the 1850ies, more easterly Gippsland lakes were opened to the sea in 1889.

marshes, even still marked on have Many current maps, been drainedand sucked with wind dry pumps for cattle. In addition several rivers draining South into the Bass Strait, e.g. the Tarwin, show traces (from the air) ofextensive meanders 334 D.A.L. Davies

and ox-bow lakes. Thus, very little damp ground was found in January 1985

it ’late” East of Wilson’s earlier than (although was a season) Promontory; of marsh. January there had been a few areas wet

Wilson’s Promontory itself is composed of a row of hills, the highest being 755

attached in recent time to the mainland m, formerly islands but very geological by sandbanks. The hills drainto the sea through extensive areas ofmarshy reeds on

National Park in the North sand. The area became a 1905; a tract to (Yanakie

in the 1960ies. Isthmus) was added to the Park

the first there, a male, It was with surprise and delight that I spotted specimen

the catching my eye by waving its long feathery appendages as Tillyard described;

much in when attention to abdomen is curled up, as many calopterygines calling

themselves; in Hemiphlebia the inferior appendages are separated out laterally

is 2 second. into a wide V form and the movement made repeatedly at about per

thumb and The specimen obligingly allowed itself to be picked up between

conti- forefinger for inspection; on release it flew gently to the nearest reed and

will suffice” — old Welsh nued signalling, (”Do not travel far if a short distance proverb wrongly attributed to Confucius).

and smaller and The general area is forested with large Manna gums trees shrubs, Coast Banksia, Drooping She-oak, Coast Wattle, Swamp Paperback and Coast Tea-tree. Wet areas are difficultto penetrate having dense reeds up to shoulder height in shallow marsh, ankle deep to 1 m or more. Patches sheltered

hundred from the wind had an abundanceof specimens, I estimated as many as a

2 when active in 10 m . These were perched, more or less horizontally or flying

which in water not about the Tea-trees and lower among the reed masses, were

wind over 0.2-0.3 m deep. They extended, dense or sparse according to exposure,

of about 100 2 The females over an area m . stance was very characteristic, were

in silhouette around the ofthe shrubs which easy to see horizontally perched tops Females had more or less vertical, rather thanspreading, growth style. responded

their also. to male signalling by revealing own snow-white appendages

another at least An adjacent area more or less dry had none; adjacent area as

in several km ofmarsh, had large, but 0.5-1.0 m deep water and extending on to

occasional A visit 10 intended only an wanderer, (not teneral). return days later, rewarded in to extend the observations and survey, was only a negative way: a

revealed The had careful search of the whole area of the colony nothing! patch

of next had not dried up; but somewherein there was the seed year’s crop as they

of Indeed it is hard with moved to other areas deeper water nearby. to imagine

substantial movements would take place; such weak flight that any population distant life down in the reed beds does not reveal routes to places by any measure

number of of relocation. Sharing the reed bed, but in more open parts, was a

Procordulia Austrolestes common species, jacksoniensis, Nannophya dalei, psy-

che, A. analis, Ischnura heterosticta, Austrocoenagrion lyelli and others. Distribution and conservation of Hemiphlebia mirabilis 335

Fig. 1. Hemiphlebia mirabilis Selys. Typical "active” position as seen in S.Victoria coast colony

15 January 1985: male (top), female (bottom). Distribution and conservation of Hemiphlebia mirabilis 337


2 The wet areas of Wilson’s Promontory are to 50 km extensive, amounting ,

current 1" 1 mile is or more as seen on a (1983 printed) to map. That probably

obsolete the much of it is information, however, as on ground rarely wet or is

actually dry and perhaps the effective wet area is nearer half that shown; of this a

would suitable for good proportion seem Hemiphlebia but the right depth of

water may constitute the essential niche. Cows have been taken in for seasonal

since 1852 but confined the North in grazing are now to part added the 1960ies.

This is be in the few the the is facility likely to stopped next years: sooner better. It

fortunatecircumstance a most that the colony(ies) is in the Park. At least the area

is not threatened the which by drainage; dry areas are wet on the maps appear to dried have by natural events of recent (geological —) time, indeed 1:100,000 scale

maps of the area claiming data of 1965(printed 1971) actually show lagoons in the

Park area some of which are now thick scrub.

An is whether the intriguing question species needs permanent water as Tilly-

ard of seasonal desiccation supposed, or can accept a degree as suggested by my

observations and indeed already hinted at by NEBOISS (1962). I do not think the

thousandsof flew specimens I saw away across a wide sward and roadway to wet elsewhere when their dried in ground patch out the hot weather. I suspect the eggs

in reeds but are protected oviposition has not yet been seen; ifthis is the case then

there may be some places along the coast between Melbourneand Sale still

few other thansaline which supporting colonies; a places exist, lagoons, rarely get On dry. general grounds a long-term survivor through geological time is most

to survive unlikely be unable to a seasonal dry spell. But long term prospects for

such colonies maximum cattle is determined any are poor; density by how many

can be brought through the dry season, hence the intensive drainage and wind


Current 1:100,000 maps of the Goulburn/Yarra regions still show marshy

the data be 1965. ground: are claimed to These areas were dry in January 1985and are not marshes now. Nevertheless some dry but reedy patches in out-of-the-way had of corners species Austrolestes lurking about (A. psyche and A. analis); did they have Hemiphlebia earlier in the season? I doubt it, but if they did, long term

there bad than prospects are as or worse the South coast farming areas. In Europe

land tends retain odonate faunain its grazing to good drainage system while that of arable land has lost nearly everything from carrying all the field dressings. It may be different in Victoria where farm urine, especially, with its high soluble nitrogen content, may accumulate in dry seasons and be inadequately

diluted seasonal rain by so as to contaminate, unduly, the water courses. That is,

at least, what those watercourses look like. I favour this over an explanation

washed through dung being away, rather than beetle-buried for re-cycling.

With to control of regard communal emergence, a good candidate would be a 338 D.A.L. Davies

critical in high temperature reached shallow water in Summer before drying out.

was absent from areas of Hemiphlebia deeper (cooler) water, but was possibly

there for later in the waiting emergence season. Sandy coastal lagoons are a in speciality Australia, indeedmore than halfofthe total coastlineof Australia is

formed ofsand dunes and sand ridges and at leastseveral odonates have speciated

in that niche (e.g. Orthetrum boumiera Watson & Arthington; Austrolestes

minjerriba Watson; Argiolestes parvulus Watson). from Protected drainage, as at Wilson’s Promontory, the Hemiphlebia mirabi- lis niche is safe for foreseeable the future. On the large scale there is adequate marsh with of a range depths. On the small scale the niche is difficult for predators

between the dense reeds. to penetrate I recall at a dune lake in Queensland the

carnage of little A. minjerriba by cohorts of Orthetrum sabina, O. boumiera, O.

villosovittatumand O. bits in bits caledonicum, jaws, floating about;but a few of

the Lestids still safe among the thickest reeds.

We are no nearer knowing where Weyers obtained the specimens he sent to

Selys; I thought it might have been Lake Denison but 1 have only confirmed the

ofthe suitability place up to a century ago. Hemiphlebia has now been ”re-disco-

vered” by Billinghurst (MARTIN, 1901), by T1LLYARD (1907), by Messrs

Burns, Dobson & Neboiss and Garrison (BURNS, 1955) by and the present author and Let this (1977 1985). us hope that precious insect will not need

rediscovering again.


wish I to thank Mr STEVE BROOKES for providing data from specimens in the British Museum; to Dr P. GROOTAERT for similar help about specimens in the de Selys collection in Brussels, and to Dr A. NEBOISS for attention his of (Melbourne) kindly drawing my to paper 1962,


On ASAHINA, S., 1957. the pterothoracic interpleural suture of Mesozoic and recent Odonata.

J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. (VI) 13: 1-7.

BURNS. A N., 1955. of fossil" Rediscovery a "living damselfly in Victoria. Victoria Nat. 72:


A the FRASER, F.C., 1938. note on fallaciousness of the theory of pretracheation in the venation

of Odonata. Proc. R ent. Soc. Land. (A) 13: 60-70.

KENNEDY, C.H., 1920. The phylogeny of the zygopterous dragonflies as based on the evidence

of the penes. Ohio J. Sci. 21(1); 19-29.

MARTIN, R., 1901. Les Odonates du Continent Australien. Mem. Soc. zoot. Fr. 14: 248.

NEBOISS. A., 1962. Notes distribution and Mem. on description ofnew species. natn. Mus., Melb.

25: 244-245.

SELYS LONGCHAMPS, M E. des sme Les de, 1877. Synopsis Agrionines, légion: Agrion. genres

Teiebasis, el Agriocnemis Hemiphlebia. Bull. Acad. r. Betg. (II) 43(2): 62-65.

SELYS LONGCHAMPS, M.E. de, 1886. Révision du Synopsis des Agrionines. Première partie.

Mem. Acad. 38: 90-92. r. Betg. 339

Proc. Linn. Soc. T1LLYARD, R.J., 1913. On somenew and rare australian Agrionidae(Odonata).

N.S. W. 37: 404-478.

T1LLYARD, R.J., 1928a. The larva of Hemiphlebia mirabilis Selys (Odonata). Proc. Linn. Soc.

N.S. W. 53: 193-206.

Introduction and TILLYARD, R.J., 1928b. The evolution ofthe order Odonata, Pt. I. early history

of the order. Rec. Indian Mus. 30(2): 151-172.

based TILLYARD, R.J., 1937-40. A reclassification of the order Odonata on some new inter-

pretations of the venation of the dragonfly wing. Aust. Zool. 9 149

Red Book. WELLS, S.M., R.M. PYLE & N.M. COLLINS, 1983. The I.U.C.N. Invertebrate Data

I.U.C.N., Gland-Cambridge.