MIDFIELD CONCOURSE TOPS out the Recent Topping-Out of the Midfield Concourse Marks a Milestone for the Midfield Development Project
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ISSUE 078 第78期 November 十一月 2014 (From left to right) AA Chairman Vincent Lo, Secretary for Transport and Housing Professor Anthony Cheung and AA CEO Fred Lam officiate at the topping-out ceremony of HKIA Midfield Concourse. (由左至右) 機管局主席羅康瑞、運輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授及機管局行政總裁林天福主持香港國際機場中場客運廊平頂儀式。 MIDFIELD CONCOURSE TOPS OUT The recent topping-out of the Midfield Concourse marks a milestone for the Midfield development project. 中場客運廊進行平頂 中場客運廊進行平頂儀式,標誌着中場範圍發展計劃踏入新里程。 Turn to Page 3 P04 P07 P10 Getting the green light Tricks at the terminal Pitching in 獲發環境許可證 客運大樓的幻覺藝術 齊建綠色環境 HKIA’s three-runway system project receives an Optical illusions bring 3-D paintings on display to life AA volunteers help discard marine debris at the Environmental Permit. at HKIA. International Coastal Cleanup 2014. 香港國際機場三跑道系統計劃取得環境許可證。 香港國際機場向旅客展示帶來視覺幻象的立體畫, 機管局義工在「香港國際海岸清潔運動2014」協 力 清 栩栩如生。 理 海 岸 垃 圾。 1 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO | 行政總裁的話 I am delighted that our proposed three-runway 我很高興環境保護署署長在本月初,批准我們建議 system (3RS) project has begun a new chapter with 的三跑道系統計劃環境影響評估報告,並發出環境 the approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment 許可證,為這個計劃揭開新一頁。 (EIA) report. Earlier this month, we welcomed the 事實上,我們經過一段長路,才走到今天這一 issuance of the Environmental Permit (EP) for the 步。早 在 2011年,我們宣布《香港國際機場2030規 project by the Director of Environmental Protection. 劃大綱》時,向公眾提出香港國際機場的兩個未來 We have come a long way to reach this point. 發展方案。在隨後公眾諮詢進行的調查中,大多數 Back in 2011, we announced the HKIA Master Plan 參與人士均支持以三跑道系統作為機場的未來發 2030 which presented the public with two options 展方向。往後數年,我們的專責小組,包括機場管 on the future development of the airport. A large 理局專業和盡責的同事,以及本地及國際顧問,一 majority of the people participating in the subsequent 同努力不懈完成環評報告。同時,我們亦積極聯繫 public consultation survey supported the 3RS as the 不同界別的持份者及廣大市民,徵詢與聽取他們的 development direction for HKIA. In the following 意見及看法。我謹此對他們在整個期間給予的寶 years, our team, which comprises professional, diligent colleagues and both local and 貴意見和指導,致以衷心銘謝。 international consultants, has spent tremendous efforts in completing the EIA. At the same 獲批環境許可證只是漫漫長路的第一步。下一 time, we have intensively engaged our diverse range of stakeholders and the general public 階段,我們將應對環境許可證附帶的條件,並完成 to gauge their opinions and listen to their views. I would like to express our gratitude for 其他所需的法定程序,目標是讓三跑道系統可在 their feedback and guidance throughout the period. 2023年 全 面 投 入 運 作。 The issuance of the EP is just the first step of a long journey we have embarked on. 與此同時,我們在其他發展計劃上亦取得實質 Our next step is to proceed with completing other necessary statutory requirements, with 進展。我們剛慶祝中場客運廊平頂。中場客運廊 a target to have the 3RS in full operation in 2023. This is in addition to managing the 共有五個樓層,預計將在2015年 年 底 前 完 成,屆 時 conditions that come with the EP. 機場每年可處理的客運量將增加1 000萬 人 次。此 Meanwhile, we have been making concrete progress on our other development 外,設 有 28個停機位的西停機坪擴建計劃亦如期 projects. We have just celebrated the topping-out of the Midfield Concourse, a five-level 進行,預期在今年年底完成。在中期而言,這兩項 passenger concourse that can serve an additional 10 million passengers a year when 發展計劃將有助減輕機場因容量飽和所面對的重 completed at the end of 2015. The expansion of the West Apron, which is equipped with 大 壓 力。 28 aircraft parking stands, is also progressing on time and will be completed by the end 聖誕節將至,這是香港國際機場一年中其中一 of the year. These two projects will help alleviate the mounting pressure arising from the 段最繁忙時間,將有大量旅客離港與親友團聚或 capacity constraints we face in the medium term. 外出旅行。為迎接佳節,機場客運大樓已換上聖誕 Christmas is around the corner. For HKIA, it is one of the busiest times of the year, 裝飾,並準備了一連串的慶祝表演和節目,為機場 sending people home to reunite with families and friends, or to their holiday destinations. 增添節日氣氛。我也藉此機會,祝願各位和家人有 Our terminals are all decorated for the festive season, and we have prepared a series of 一個愉快、健康的聖誕節。 entertaining performances and programmes to light up the holidays at the airport. May I also take this opportunity to wish you and your family a merry and healthy Christmas. Fred Lam 行政總裁林天福 Chief Executive Officer 2 COVER STORY | 封面故事 AA Chairman Vincent Lo (first from left) and CEO Fred Lam (third from left) explain to Secretary for Transport and Housing Professor Anthony Cheung (second from left) the various features of the Midfield Concourse. 機管局主席羅康瑞(左一)及 行政總裁林天福(左三)向運 輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授 (左二)介紹中場客運廊的 各項特色。 MIDFIELD CONCOURSE TOPS OUT 中場客運廊進行平頂 Hong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) Midfield development project took 於11月25日,香港國際機場舉行中場客運廊平頂儀式, a significant step towards its completion as the airport celebrated the topping- 超過200位嘉賓出席,慶祝中場範圍發展計劃朝着落成 out of the Midfield Concourse with a ceremony on 25 November. Over 200 guests 的目標 邁 進 重 要 一 步。 attended the event. 中場客運廊位於一號客運大樓以西,在現有兩條跑道 Located to the west of Terminal 1 and between the two runways, the new facility consists 之間,共有五個樓層,總面積達105 000平方米。中 場 範 圍 of five levels with a total area of 105,000 square metres. Other key parts of the Midfield 發展計劃的其他主要部分包括20個 停 機 位、連 接 一 號 客 development include 20 aircraft parking stands, an extended section of the Automated People 運大樓的旅客捷運系統伸延部分、一條跨場滑行道及其 Mover system connecting to Terminal 1, a cross-field taxiway and other supporting facilities. 他配套設施。這個項目將於2015年 年 底 前 投 入 運 作,屆 時 The project will come on stream by end 2015 and allow the airport to handle an additional 機場每年可處理的客運量將增加1 000萬 人 次。 10 million passengers per year. 中場範圍及即將在今年年底完成的西停機坪擴建計 The Midfield development, together with the West Apron expansion which will soon be 劃,正好趕及應對香港國際機場的中期航空交通需求 completed by end of the year, come as timely solutions to cater to the medium-term traffic 增長。 demand growth at HKIA. 機場管理局主席羅康瑞在儀式上表示:「中場範圍發 “The Midfield expansion will come just in time to help HKIA meet its faster-than-expected 展計劃正好讓機場應付較預期為快的航空交通增長。去 traffic growth. Last year we saw another record-breaking year for passenger volume and flight 年,機場的客運量及飛機起降量均創新高。」他又說: movements,” Airport Authority (AA) Chairman Vincent Lo said at the ceremony. He added, 「中場範圍發展計劃顯示我們致力應付機場的中期航空 “The Midfield development shows that we are making immense efforts to cater to HKIA’s 交通需求。然而,機場雙跑道系統即將達到其最高容量, intermediate air traffic demand. But our two-runway system is close to reaching its maximum 故擴建機場成為三跑道系統實為長遠的解決方案。」 capacity, so the airport’s long-term solution rests with expanding into a three-runway system.” 中場客運廊不但有助提升香港國際機場的運力,同時 In addition to enhancing the handling capacity, the Midfield Concourse serves as a 亦是其履行承諾成為環保機場的最佳證明。中場客運廊 testimony to HKIA’s commitment on being a green airport. The building has incorporated 在設計、採購建材,以至未來運作等多個範疇共採納了逾 over 35 green features ranging from its design and the sourcing of construction materials 35項 環 保 措 施。 to its future operations. 這些措施包括在中場客運廊樓頂安裝太陽能電池板, These include the installation of one of the largest arrays of rooftop solar panels in 以收集可再生能源,其規模是全港最大之一;使用發光二 Hong Kong to harness renewable energy, the application of LED lights to increase energy 極管燈以提高能源效益;採用高性能玻璃及遮陽裝置,並 efficiency, as well as the use of high performance glazing panels, solar-shading and north- 裝設朝向北面的天窗,盡量引入天然光線,同時減少吸收 facing skylights to maximise natural lighting while reducing solar heat gain and saving on 太陽熱力及節省空調用電。此外,空調系統的水冷式製冷 air-conditioning. Meanwhile, greywater, condensate water and rain water will be recycled for 機將循環再用廢水、冷凝水和雨水製冷。 water-cooled chillers of the air-conditioning system. 中場客運廊憑藉環保設計,目標成為本港首批獲得 By doing so, the Concourse aims to be one of the first buildings in Hong Kong to be BEAM Plus金級標準認證的建築物之一。BEAM Plus是 certified with the BEAM Plus Gold Standard, an industry-wide comprehensive assessment 建築業內一套全面的評估方法,用以評估建築物的環保 scheme that evaluates the environmental performance of buildings. 表 現。 3 NEWS & EVENTS | 每月要聞 GREEN PERMISSION GRANTED 獲發環境許可證 The proposed expansion of Hong Kong International Airport 建議擴建香港國際機場成為三跑道系統的計 (HKIA) into a three-runway system (3RS) recently reached a 劃最 近 邁 進 了一 個 重 要 里 程,環 境 保 護 署 署 critical milestone as the Director of Environmental Protection 長批准計劃的環境影響評估報告,並發出環 approved the project’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 境 許可 證。 report and granted an Environmental Permit (EP). 環評報告評估三跑道系統計劃對12個主要 The EIA report evaluated the project’s potential impact across 12 環境範疇帶來的潛在影響,當中包括空氣質 key environmental aspects, including air quality, aircraft noise, marine 素、飛機噪音、海洋生態及健康影響評估,報 ecology and health impact assessment, and proposed over 250 告內亦建議了超過250項 相 應 措 施,以 避 免、 corresponding measures to avoid, minimise, mitigate and compensate 盡量減少、緩解及補償潛在的環境影響。機 for the potential environmental impact. The Airport Authority (AA) 場管理局致力以高度透明的方式及專業的態 is committed to carrying out all measures outlined in the report in a 度,非常審慎地執行環評報告中提出的所有 highly prudent, transparent and professional manner. 措 施。 Visit www. During the time, the AA has also substantially completed the 在環評期間,機管局亦大致完成三跑道 threerunwaysystem. scheme design of the 3RS, which provided the necessary input to the 系統的方案設計,為環評工作提供必要的 com for the 3RS project’s EIA exercise. 資 料。 latest updates. The AA is now reviewing the 3RS project’s cost estimate and 機管局現正審視三跑道系統計劃的成本估 請瀏覽網站www. associated funding options, and will then submit its recommendation 算及相關融資方案,然後向政府提交建議。 threerunwaysystem.com, to the Government. Once it obtains approval, the AA will proceed 獲得批准後,機管局在處理環境許可證的附 了解三跑道系統計劃的 to completing other statutory procedures. This is in addition to 帶 條 件 之 外,亦 將 開 展 其 他 法 定 程 序。 最新資訊。 managing the conditions that come with the EP. AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS 屢獲殊榮 成就非凡 HKIA recently received three accolades, bannered by its selection as the “Best Airport in China” at the 2014 Business Traveller China Awards by readers of renowned travel magazine Business Traveller China. This marked the eighth time in the past nine years that HKIA has received this distinction, reflecting its long-standing excellence in the industry. The airport also bagged the “Hong Kong Star Brands Award 2014 – Enterprise”, jointly organised by the Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Productivity Council. Running for the third year, the award scheme recognises local brands and inspires entrepreneurs to build their own “star” brand. On the cargo front, HKIA snatched the Industry Choice Award under the “Asia Pacific Airport of the Year” category at the Payload Asia Awards 2014, organised by air cargo magazine Payload Asia.