ISSUE 078 第78期 November 十一月 2014

 (From left to right) AA Chairman Vincent Lo, Secretary for Transport and Housing Professor Anthony Cheung and AA CEO Fred Lam officiate at the topping-out ceremony of HKIA Midfield Concourse. (由左至右) 機管局主席羅康瑞、運輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授及機管局行政總裁林天福主持香港國際機場中場客運廊平頂儀式。

MIDFIELD CONCOURSE TOPS OUT The recent topping-out of the Midfield Concourse marks a milestone for the Midfield development project. 中場客運廊進行平頂 中場客運廊進行平頂儀式,標誌着中場範圍發展計劃踏入新里程。 Turn to Page 3

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Getting the green light Tricks at the terminal Pitching in 獲發環境許可證 客運大樓的幻覺藝術 齊建綠色環境

HKIA’s three-runway system project receives an Optical illusions bring 3-D paintings on display to life AA volunteers help discard marine debris at the Environmental Permit. at HKIA. International Coastal Cleanup 2014. 香港國際機場三跑道系統計劃取得環境許可證。 香港國際機場向旅客展示帶來視覺幻象的立體畫, 機管局義工在「香港國際海岸清潔運動2014」協 力 清 栩栩如生。 理 海 岸 垃 圾。


I am delighted that our proposed three-runway 我很高興環境保護署署長在本月初,批准我們建議 system (3RS) project has begun a new chapter with 的三跑道系統計劃環境影響評估報告,並發出環境 the approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment 許可證,為這個計劃揭開新一頁。 (EIA) report. Earlier this month, we welcomed the 事實上,我們經過一段長路,才走到今天這一 issuance of the Environmental Permit (EP) for the 步。早 在 2011年,我們宣布《香港國際機場2030規 project by the Director of Environmental Protection. 劃大綱》時,向公眾提出香港國際機場的兩個未來 We have come a long way to reach this point. 發展方案。在隨後公眾諮詢進行的調查中,大多數 Back in 2011, we announced the HKIA Master Plan 參與人士均支持以三跑道系統作為機場的未來發 2030 which presented the public with two options 展方向。往後數年,我們的專責小組,包括機場管 on the future development of the airport. A large 理局專業和盡責的同事,以及本地及國際顧問,一 majority of the people participating in the subsequent 同努力不懈完成環評報告。同時,我們亦積極聯繫 public consultation survey supported the 3RS as the 不同界別的持份者及廣大市民,徵詢與聽取他們的 development direction for HKIA. In the following 意見及看法。我謹此對他們在整個期間給予的寶 years, our team, which comprises professional, diligent colleagues and both local and 貴意見和指導,致以衷心銘謝。 international consultants, has spent tremendous efforts in completing the EIA. At the same 獲批環境許可證只是漫漫長路的第一步。下一 time, we have intensively engaged our diverse range of stakeholders and the general public 階段,我們將應對環境許可證附帶的條件,並完成 to gauge their opinions and listen to their views. I would like to express our gratitude for 其他所需的法定程序,目標是讓三跑道系統可在 their feedback and guidance throughout the period. 2023年 全 面 投 入 運 作。 The issuance of the EP is just the first step of a long journey we have embarked on. 與此同時,我們在其他發展計劃上亦取得實質 Our next step is to proceed with completing other necessary statutory requirements, with 進展。我們剛慶祝中場客運廊平頂。中場客運廊 a target to have the 3RS in full operation in 2023. This is in addition to managing the 共有五個樓層,預計將在2015年 年 底 前 完 成,屆 時 conditions that come with the EP. 機場每年可處理的客運量將增加1 000萬 人 次。此 Meanwhile, we have been making concrete progress on our other development 外,設 有 28個停機位的西停機坪擴建計劃亦如期 projects. We have just celebrated the topping-out of the Midfield Concourse, a five-level 進行,預期在今年年底完成。在中期而言,這兩項 passenger concourse that can serve an additional 10 million passengers a year when 發展計劃將有助減輕機場因容量飽和所面對的重 completed at the end of 2015. The expansion of the West Apron, which is equipped with 大 壓 力。 28 aircraft parking stands, is also progressing on time and will be completed by the end 聖誕節將至,這是香港國際機場一年中其中一 of the year. These two projects will help alleviate the mounting pressure arising from the 段最繁忙時間,將有大量旅客離港與親友團聚或 capacity constraints we face in the medium term. 外出旅行。為迎接佳節,機場客運大樓已換上聖誕 Christmas is around the corner. For HKIA, it is one of the busiest times of the year, 裝飾,並準備了一連串的慶祝表演和節目,為機場 sending people home to reunite with families and friends, or to their holiday destinations. 增添節日氣氛。我也藉此機會,祝願各位和家人有 Our terminals are all decorated for the festive season, and we have prepared a series of 一個愉快、健康的聖誕節。 entertaining performances and programmes to light up the holidays at the airport. May I also take this opportunity to wish you and your family a merry and healthy Christmas.

Fred Lam 行政總裁林天福 Chief Executive Officer

2 COVER STORY | 封面故事

AA Chairman Vincent Lo (first from left) and CEO Fred Lam (third from left) explain to Secretary for Transport and Housing Professor Anthony Cheung (second from left) the various features of the Midfield Concourse. 機管局主席羅康瑞(左一)及 行政總裁林天福(左三)向運 輸及房屋局局長張炳良教授 (左二)介紹中場客運廊的 各項特色。


Hong Kong ’s (HKIA) Midfield development project took 於11月25日,香港國際機場舉行中場客運廊平頂儀式, a significant step towards its completion as the airport celebrated the topping- 超過200位嘉賓出席,慶祝中場範圍發展計劃朝着落成 out of the Midfield Concourse with a ceremony on 25 November. Over 200 guests 的目標 邁 進 重 要 一 步。 attended the event. 中場客運廊位於一號客運大樓以西,在現有兩條跑道 Located to the west of Terminal 1 and between the two runways, the new facility consists 之間,共有五個樓層,總面積達105 000平方米。中 場 範 圍 of five levels with a total area of 105,000 square metres. Other key parts of the Midfield 發展計劃的其他主要部分包括20個 停 機 位、連 接 一 號 客 development include 20 aircraft parking stands, an extended section of the Automated People 運大樓的旅客捷運系統伸延部分、一條跨場滑行道及其 Mover system connecting to Terminal 1, a cross-field taxiway and other supporting facilities. 他配套設施。這個項目將於2015年 年 底 前 投 入 運 作,屆 時 The project will come on stream by end 2015 and allow the airport to handle an additional 機場每年可處理的客運量將增加1 000萬 人 次。 10 million passengers per year. 中場範圍及即將在今年年底完成的西停機坪擴建計 The Midfield development, together with the West Apron expansion which will soon be 劃,正好趕及應對香港國際機場的中期航空交通需求 completed by end of the year, come as timely solutions to cater to the medium-term traffic 增長。 demand growth at HKIA. 機場管理局主席羅康瑞在儀式上表示:「中場範圍發 “The Midfield expansion will come just in time to help HKIA meet its faster-than-expected 展計劃正好讓機場應付較預期為快的航空交通增長。去 traffic growth. Last year we saw another record-breaking year for passenger volume and flight 年,機場的客運量及飛機起降量均創新高。」他又說: movements,” Airport Authority (AA) Chairman Vincent Lo said at the ceremony. He added, 「中場範圍發展計劃顯示我們致力應付機場的中期航空 “The Midfield development shows that we are making immense efforts to cater to HKIA’s 交通需求。然而,機場雙跑道系統即將達到其最高容量, intermediate air traffic demand. But our two-runway system is close to reaching its maximum 故擴建機場成為三跑道系統實為長遠的解決方案。」 capacity, so the airport’s long-term solution rests with expanding into a three-runway system.” 中場客運廊不但有助提升香港國際機場的運力,同時 In addition to enhancing the handling capacity, the Midfield Concourse serves as a 亦是其履行承諾成為環保機場的最佳證明。中場客運廊 testimony to HKIA’s commitment on being a green airport. The building has incorporated 在設計、採購建材,以至未來運作等多個範疇共採納了逾 over 35 green features ranging from its design and the sourcing of construction materials 35項 環 保 措 施。 to its future operations. 這些措施包括在中場客運廊樓頂安裝太陽能電池板, These include the installation of one of the largest arrays of rooftop solar panels in 以收集可再生能源,其規模是全港最大之一;使用發光二 Hong Kong to harness renewable energy, the application of LED lights to increase energy 極管燈以提高能源效益;採用高性能玻璃及遮陽裝置,並 efficiency, as well as the use of high performance glazing panels, solar-shading and north- 裝設朝向北面的天窗,盡量引入天然光線,同時減少吸收 facing skylights to maximise natural lighting while reducing solar heat gain and saving on 太陽熱力及節省空調用電。此外,空調系統的水冷式製冷 air-conditioning. Meanwhile, greywater, condensate water and rain water will be recycled for 機將循環再用廢水、冷凝水和雨水製冷。 water-cooled chillers of the air-conditioning system. 中場客運廊憑藉環保設計,目標成為本港首批獲得 By doing so, the Concourse aims to be one of the first buildings in Hong Kong to be BEAM Plus金級標準認證的建築物之一。BEAM Plus是 certified with the BEAM Plus Gold Standard, an industry-wide comprehensive assessment 建築業內一套全面的評估方法,用以評估建築物的環保 scheme that evaluates the environmental performance of buildings. 表 現。

3 NEWS & EVENTS | 每月要聞


The proposed expansion of Hong Kong International Airport 建議擴建香港國際機場成為三跑道系統的計 (HKIA) into a three-runway system (3RS) recently reached a 劃最 近 邁 進 了一 個 重 要 里 程,環 境 保 護 署 署 critical milestone as the Director of Environmental Protection 長批准計劃的環境影響評估報告,並發出環 approved the project’s Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 境 許可 證。 report and granted an Environmental Permit (EP). 環評報告評估三跑道系統計劃對12個主要 The EIA report evaluated the project’s potential impact across 12 環境範疇帶來的潛在影響,當中包括空氣質 key environmental aspects, including air quality, aircraft noise, marine 素、飛機噪音、海洋生態及健康影響評估,報 ecology and health impact assessment, and proposed over 250 告內亦建議了超過250項 相 應 措 施,以 避 免、 corresponding measures to avoid, minimise, mitigate and compensate 盡量減少、緩解及補償潛在的環境影響。機 for the potential environmental impact. The Airport Authority (AA) 場管理局致力以高度透明的方式及專業的態 is committed to carrying out all measures outlined in the report in a 度,非常審慎地執行環評報告中提出的所有 highly prudent, transparent and professional manner. 措 施。 Visit www. During the time, the AA has also substantially completed the 在環評期間,機管局亦大致完成三跑道 threerunwaysystem. scheme design of the 3RS, which provided the necessary input to the 系統的方案設計,為環評工作提供必要的 com for the 3RS project’s EIA exercise. 資 料。 latest updates. The AA is now reviewing the 3RS project’s cost estimate and 機管局現正審視三跑道系統計劃的成本估 請瀏覽網站www. associated funding options, and will then submit its recommendation 算及相關融資方案,然後向政府提交建議。, to the Government. Once it obtains approval, the AA will proceed 獲得批准後,機管局在處理環境許可證的附 了解三跑道系統計劃的 to completing other statutory procedures. This is in addition to 帶 條 件 之 外,亦 將 開 展 其 他 法 定 程 序。 最新資訊。 managing the conditions that come with the EP.


HKIA recently received three accolades, bannered by its selection as the “Best Airport in ” at the 2014 Business Traveller China Awards by readers of renowned travel magazine Business Traveller China. This marked the eighth time in the past nine years that HKIA has received this distinction, reflecting its long-standing excellence in the industry. The airport also bagged the “Hong Kong Star Brands Award 2014 – Enterprise”, jointly organised by the Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Productivity Council. Running for the third year, the award scheme recognises local brands and inspires entrepreneurs to build their own “star” brand. On the cargo front, HKIA snatched the Industry Choice Award under the “Asia Pacific Airport of the Year” category at the Payload Asia Awards 2014, organised by air cargo magazine Payload Asia. HKIA was selected by an industry panel based on criteria such as operational performance, cargo growth and development strategy, customer service, product innovations, and competitive cost and services.

香港國際機場最近獲頒三個獎項,其中在著名旅遊雜誌《商旅 的2014年讀者評選大獎中,獲選為「中國最佳機場」。這是香港國 際機場在過去九年內第八次獲得這項殊榮,足證一直以來機場在 業 界 的 超 卓 表 現。 機場亦獲頒「香港星級品牌企業獎2014」。 這 個 獎 項 由 香 港 中 小 型企業聯合會、香港貿易發展局與香港生產力促進局合辦,今年是 第三次舉行,以表揚及鼓勵本地品牌及企業家建立「星級」品牌。 在貨運方面,香港國際機場在航空貨運雜誌《Payload Asia》舉 辦 的「Payload Asia Awards 2014」選 舉 中,榮 獲「年 度 亞 太 區 最 佳 機場—業界之選」。業內評審團按營運表現、貨運增長與發展策略、 客戶服務、產品創新,以及成本競爭力與服務等準則,選出香港國際 機 場 為 優 勝 者。

4 REPORTING SONGSHAN SUSTAINABLE AIRPORT EXCHANGES SUCCESS 與台北松山機場交流 「持續」取得成功 The AA shared its experiences in airport The AA released its second sustainability report entitled “Sustaining management when a delegation from our Capacity – Addressing Emerging Constraints” on 12 November. The report Taipei Songshan Airport visited HKIA on 13 explains how HKIA continues to support the sustainable development of Hong Kong November. The delegation first visited SkyDeck amidst increasing pressure on the capacity of the existing two-runway system. for a panoramic view of the major facilities on Covering the fiscal year 2013/14 which ended on 31 March 2014, the report reviews the airport island. They then embarked on a HKIA’s performance across four key sustainability areas related to airport operations: comprehensive tour of the different facilities at economic contribution, operational and service excellence, environment, and people Terminal 1, the Integrated Airport Centre and and the community. the airfield. Apart from airport operations, the During the year, the airport’s total electricity consumption dropped by 4.2% despite group was also briefed on HKIA’s development a 6.1% growth in passenger volume, representing one of the biggest reductions projects and contingency planning during in HKIA’s environmental footprint since its opening in 1998. This year, the airport the tour. also recorded its best-ever safety performance with an Airport Composite Safety Index of 5.32, which was 2.2% better than its stretch target. In addition, an Airport 機管局在11月13日接待台北松山機場的代表團,與 Transportation Liaison Group was set up to address staff concern on transportation to 他們分享管理機場的經驗。代表團首先前往機場展 and from the airport. As a result, more than 60 bus trips were added, as well as the 望台,俯瞰整個香港國際機場的主要設施,隨後到 introduction of new bus fare discounts and various facility enhancements. 一號客運大樓、機場中央控制中心及飛行區參觀各 The 2013/14 sustainability report fulfilled the requirements of Global Reporting 項設施,行程豐富。機管局除了向代表團講解機場 Initiative (GRI) Application Level A+ and was externally verified by the Hong Kong 運作外,亦介紹機場的發展項目及應變措施。 Quality Assurance Agency, providing greater transparency and accountability for stakeholders.

機管局於11月12日發表第二份可持續發展報告,題 為「 延 展 機 場 實 力 —跨 越 障 礙 穩步向前」。這份報告闡述香港國際機場在現有雙跑道系統面對運力限制下,如何繼續支 持 本 港 的可 持 續 發 展。 報告回顧香港國際機場在截至2014年3月31日止的2013/14財 政 年 度,於 機 場 運 作 相 關 的四個主要可持續發展範疇的表現,這些範疇包括經濟貢獻、營運及服務佳績、環境,以 及員工及社區。 年 內,機 場 客 運 量 錄 得 6.1%增 長,但 總 用 電 量 則 下 跌 4.2%,這 是 機 場 自1998年啟用以 來,在減低環境影響方面最顯著的成果之一。本年度機場也取得歷來最佳的安全表現,機 場綜合安全指數為5.32,較 理 想 目 標 高 出 2.2%。此外,機管局成立了機場交通聯絡小組, 探討員工關注的來往機場的交通問題,最後成功增加逾60班巴士班次、提供新車費優惠, 並 提 升了多項 設 施。 2013/14年度的可持續發展報告符合全球報告倡議組織(Global Reporting Initiative) A+應用等級標準的要求,並經香港品質保證局獨立驗證,提高透明度和對持份者的問 責 性。


The AA often reaches out to Hong Kong youth. On 27 and 29 October, two separate airport tours were held for students from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s School of Hotel and Tourism Management, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology’s Business Students’ Union. During their visit, the students learnt about HKIA’s operations and its future development plan, as well as paying a visit to the heart of the bustling airport – the Integrated Airport Centre. They also took a look at the green features at the airfield and the Midfield development site. Apart from local students, another airport visit was held for a delegation of around 30 students from Japan’s Hokusei Gakuen University in September to exchange ideas AA Assistant General Manager Rebecca Ho (left) gives students from Japan’s on airport management. The students looked into HKIA’s retail operations, catering Hokusei Gakuen University an overview of HKIA. 機管局顧客服務助理總經理何佩珊(左)向日本北星學園大學學生講述香港國際 outlets, customer service, facilities and the application of technology. The students 機場概況。 then shared their comparison between airport services of HKIA and that of the New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido, Japan.

機管局向來積極聯繫香港年輕一代,於 10月27及29日分別安排香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業 管理系學生,以及香港科技大學商學院學生會的學生參觀機場。在活動期間,學生認識了機場 運作及未來發展計劃,並參觀了運作繁忙的機場心臟地帶—機場中央控制中心。學生們亦一睹 飛行區採用的環保措施,以及中場範圍發展計劃的建築工地。 除了本 地 學 生 外,約 30名日本北星學園大學的學生代表團於9月亦到訪香港國際機場,就機 場管理交流意見。一眾學生在行程中了解機場的零售業務、餐飲店、顧客服務、設施及技術的應 Students from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have an enjoyable visit at HKIA. 用,並隨後分享他們就香港國際機場與日本北海道新千歲機場服務作出的比較。 香港理工大學學生參觀香港國際機場。

5 NEWS & EVENTS | 每月要聞


Hong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) 2013/14 Annual Report, titled “Building Tomorrow Today”, was recently commended with two awards. The report received an “Honours” award in the “Copywriting: Annual Reports – Asia” category amongst some 600 entries at the 2014 Galaxy Awards, an international competition that honours excellence in marketing communications. The report extended its winning streak at the 2014 Best Annual Reports Awards organised by the Hong Kong Management Association, receiving a “Citation for Design” distinction for its outstanding disclosures SHARING VIEWS ON AIR CARGO on corporate governance and risk management, on top of its clarity and conciseness. 分享航空貨運意見

香港國際機場以「掌握現在 創建未來」為題的2013/14年度年報,近 期 HKIA’s award-winning air cargo and logistics facilities were on 獲得兩項大獎。在表揚優秀市場推廣與通訊的國際性比賽「2014年國際 display as the Airport Authority joined the Hong Kong Logistics 銀 河 大 獎 」中,這 份 年 報 從 600多 項 參 賽 作 品 脫 穎 而 出,奪 得「編 撰:年 Development Council, Hong Kong Trade Development Council and 報 — 亞 洲 組 別」的「榮 譽」大 獎。 Invest Hong Kong to take part in the 27th International Air Cargo 此外,機場年報亦在香港管理專業協 Forum and Exposition (ACF). The three-day event, held in , 會舉辦的2014年「最 佳 年 報 獎 」中 奪 得 South Korea between 7 and 9 October, also provided a platform 優秀設計獎」,表揚年報設計簡潔鮮明,清 for visitors to learn about the future development of HKIA. 楚披露企業管治及風險管理的資料。 ACF is a biennial event organised by The International Air Cargo Association. This year, around 2,000 air cargo industry professionals came together for fruitful exchanges on industry trends and to keep a close tab on opportunities prevailing in the industry. The event also provided participants with great networking opportunities.

機場管理局聯同香港物流發展局、香港貿易發展局及投資推廣署 參加第27屆國際航空貨運論壇暨博覽會,介紹香港國際機場多項獲 獎的航空貨運及物流設施。活動於10月7日至9日在 南 韓 首 爾 舉 行, 為期三天。活動同時為參加者提供一個了解香港國際機場未來發展 的 平台。 國際航空貨運論壇暨博覽會由國際航空貨運協會每兩年舉辦一次。 今年約有2 000名航空貨運業界專業人士參加,共同就行業發展趨勢 交換意見,並掌握當前業界的機遇,參加者亦藉此活動建立聯繫。

VANILLA AIR ARRIVES AT HKIA DID YOU KNOW? 你知道嗎? Japanese low-cost carrier Vanilla Air recently flew its maiden flight between HKIA and ’s Narita Airport on 2 November. Currently, it is operating three flights per week, on every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Vanilla Air launched just in time to provide travellers with another flying option to Japan for the autumn foliage at this time of year. 16,500 香草航空加盟香港國際機場 km 公里

於11月2日,日本低成本航空公司香草航空首辦每周三 班往返香港國際機場與東京成田機場的航班服務,分別 在每周二、周四及周日出發。每年這個時候,正值日本紅 葉遍遍之時,香草航空適時推出服務,為旅客提供另一 個 飛 往日本 的 航 班 選 擇。

The surface of HKIA’s runways looks smooth at first glance, but upon a closer look, you will find grooves have been etched to the runways’ surface. This is to facilitate the swift drainage of rainwater in inclement weather for safety reasons. Laid out from end to end, the grooves stretch over 16,500 kilometres, more than the distance of a round trip from Hong Kong to Perth, Australia. 香港國際機場的跑道表面看起來平滑,但當您走近細看,便會發現跑道上刻 有一條條的凹槽。這些凹槽有助在惡劣天氣下迅速排走雨水,確保安全。若 將 這 些 凹 槽 連 接 起 來,總 長 超 過 16 500公里,相比來回香港及澳洲珀斯一趟 的 距 離 還 要 長。

6 CANTONESE Near departure gate 20 CANTONESE Near departure gate 21 DRAGON At departure gate 22 OPERA 近20號登機閘口 OPERA 近21號登機閘口 BOAT RACE 於22號登機閘口 粵劇 粵劇 龍舟賽

GOLDFISH At departure gate 23 MARKET 於23號登機閘口 金魚街 EYE - POPPING ARTISTRY

CLOCK TOWER 鐘樓 Near departure gate 35 立體視覺藝術 近35號登機閘口

LAM TSUEN At departure gate 29 TAI HANG Near departure gate 28 WISHING 於29號登機閘口 FIRE DRAGON 近28號登機閘口 TREE DANCE 林村許願樹 大坑舞火龍

LION DANCE Near departure gate 33 醒獅 近33號登機閘口

Have you ever imagined seeing a giant goldfish swimming in the air or a 在香港國際機場一號客運大樓,你有沒有想像過一條 dragon boat breaking through a wall at Terminal 1? Surreal as they might sound, 巨型金魚在空中暢游?或者是有龍舟穿牆過壁?這些 these sights can now been seen at HKIA. The airport recently put up a series of 聽起來離奇荒誕的場面確實在機場出現。最近,機場 3-D paintings at the Departures Level of Terminal 1 and takes its travellers on an 舉辦「幻覺藝術機場遊」,在一號客運大樓離港層不同 eye-popping “Trick Art Journey”. What is more, travellers can get into the paintings! 位置展出一系列立體畫,讓旅客一睹這些令人目不暇 Designed by local artists Alex Wong, Fei Wong and Terence Choi, the 3-D 給的視覺藝術,並「走進」這些畫作當中! paintings incorporate Hong Kong features such as Cantonese opera and fire dragon 這些立體畫由本地畫家黃揚、黃俊飛及蔡耀東創作, dance to showcase the local culture to worldwide travellers. Visitors can make use of 融入粵劇和舞火龍等香港特色,向世界各地旅客展示本 the optical illusions and take amusing photos that trick viewers into thinking they are 土文化。立體畫帶來視覺上的錯覺,旅客拍下照片後,仿 part of the artwork. 佛 置 身 其 中,非 常 有 趣。 Let’s track down the 3-D attractions now! 現 在 就 去 尋 找 立 體 畫!

7 NEWS & EVENTS | 每月要聞

Take a glimpse of the two-volume history book titled “天空下的傳奇—從啟德到赤鱲角 ” for the fascinating behind-the-scenes stories of HKIA’s various stakeholders. 細閱一書兩冊的《天空下的傳奇—從啟德到赤鱲角》,了解多名機 場 持 份 者的動人故 事。

Opening its first duty-free store at in the 1960s, DFS Group Limited (DFS) has been a business partner of Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) for decades. According to DFS General Manager, HKIA Devin Pun and DFS Assistant General Manager, Operation, HKIA Paul Lee, the company’s shops at Kai Tak were so small, sometimes customers would form long queues to pay for their purchases, hence reducing people’s willingness to shop at the stores. Like other retail brands, DFS eagerly anticipated the relocation of the airport to Chek Lap Kok, as it saw the potential in strong traffic demand growth. The larger retail space at the new airport was also an attractive factor. With every confidence in HKIA’s future, DFS bid for retail space at the new airport and succeeded in securing the concession. Today, the DFS airport stores remain as popular destinations for travellers. However, the retailer went through two challenging periods, one in 2003 with the SARS outbreak, another with the Asian financial crisis in 2008. Both reduced the number of travellers and sales volumes at the stores. DFS General Manager, HKIA Lee remembered that during the SARS outbreak, there was once Devin Pun (above) and DFS Assistant General Manager, a time that he saw only six passengers at the Departures Hall. Despite Operation, HKIA Paul Lee (left). this, DFS staff kept their spirits high and business bounced back DFS機場店總經理潘熾廷(上) 及DFS機場店店舖營運支援助理 eventually. 總經理李漢標(左)。

DFS Group Limited的首間免稅店於60年代在啟德 機場開幕,數十年來,一直是香港國際機場的業務夥 伴。DFS機場店總經理潘熾廷及DFS機場店店舖營運 支援助理總經理李漢標憶述說,昔日啟德機場免稅店 的店舖面積較小,有時會出現顧客排隊付款的人龍, 影響旅客的購物意欲。 DFS跟其他零售品牌一樣,期待機場遷往赤鱲角,預 期航空交通需求增長強勁會帶來商機。新機場的零售 面積增加亦是一項具吸引力的因素。DFS對機場的未來 發展充滿信心,因而決定投標在新機場開設店舖,並成 功獲授特許經營牌照。 至 今,DFS機場免稅店仍是備受旅客歡迎的商舖。 然而,機場分店曾兩度面對挑戰,2003年爆發非典型肺 炎及2008年的亞洲金融危機均導致旅客量和店舖銷售 量 銳 減。

The bustling scene at a DFS 李漢標回憶,在爆發非典型肺炎期間,他環顧離港 store at Kai Tak Airport. 大 堂,只 見 到 六 名 旅 客。儘 管 如 此,DFS員工仍然保持 昔日啟德機場的DFS免稅店擠滿 着顧客。 士氣高昂,機場店的生意其後亦成功反彈。

SPORTS SENSATIONS FLY HOME 運動員凱旋回港 HKIA welcomed the triumphant return of the Hong Kong, China Delegation to the 2014 Asian Para Games held in Incheon, South Korea on 25 October. Upon touching down at the airport, the athletes were greeted by the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services Michelle Li and Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled Chairman Dr James Lam. A welcome ceremony was also hosted at the Arrivals Hall A of Terminal 1, where the athletes were presented certificates of commendation by Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive C Y Leung for their remarkable achievement at the Games.

10月25日,香港國際機場歡迎南韓仁川2014年亞洲殘疾 人運動會中國香港代表團,載譽歸來。運動員甫抵達機 場,便獲得康樂及文化事務署署長李美嫦,以及香港殘疾 人奧委會暨傷殘人士體育協會主席林國基迎接。當天在一 號客運大樓接機大堂A更舉行了歡迎儀式,各運動員獲香 港特區行政長官梁振英頒發嘉許狀,讚揚他們在殘奧會上 取 得 驕 人 成 績。


The beauty of nearby Tai O village is showcased to travellers at a photo exhibition at the Departures Hall of Terminal 1. Open now till mid-December, the display titled “The Charm of Tai O” features different perspectives of the tranquil fishing village through the lens of local photographer Irene Flanhardt, who spent the past three years to experience the lifestyle of Tai O. The 35 vivid photos depict the village’s iconic stilt houses and fishing boats, as well as different aspects of the inhabitants’ lifestyles, including a glimpse into the traditional cuisine of boat dwellers.

由現在至12月 中 旬,一 號 客 運 大 樓 離 港 大 堂 舉 行 名為「大澳魅力」的攝影展,向 旅 客 展 示 香 港 國 際 機場近鄰大澳的美麗風光。攝影展展出本地攝影 師Irene Flanhardt 35幅栩栩如生的作品。過去三 年,她一直在大澳體驗生活,以鏡頭捕捉這條寧 靜 漁 村 建 構 獨 特 的 棚 屋、漁 船,以 至 村 民 的 各 種 生 活面貌,包括漁船居民的傳統美食,都一一展現在 這 些 照 片裏。

A SIP AND BITE AT HKIA 機場美食會 HKIA offered passengers fine wine and culinary delights as it joined the 2014 香港國際機場參加2014年香港美酒佳餚巡禮,以 美 食 Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival. From 30 October to 12 November, a “Tasty Snap” 佳 釀 款 待 旅 客。在 10月30日至11月12日期間,一號客運 booth was set up at the Meeters and Greeters Hall in Terminal 1, where passengers 大樓接機大堂設置「美味快拍」專區,旅客可免費試飲 could enjoy complimentary wine and food. Passengers could also take selfies with 葡萄酒並品嘗美食。此外,旅客亦可在巨型食物布置前 gigantic food props and share the images with their families and friends on social 自拍留影,透過社交媒體將照片與親友分享。旅客同 media platforms. In addition, the photos were printed out instantly and handed out to 時可獲即場列印的相片,作為紀念。 passengers as a souvenir. 這些巨型食物布置亦在美酒佳餚巡禮的開幕派對出 The gigantic food props also made an appearance at the Wine & Dine Festival’s 現。派 對 於10月30日至11月2日 在 啟 德 機 場 舊 址 舉 行,為 期 opening party at the former Kai Tak Airport site. More than 1,800 visitors were attracted 四天,香港國際機場的攤位共吸引逾1 800名 人 士 到 訪。 to HKIA’s booth during the four-day party from 30 October to 2 November. 為配合美酒佳餚巡禮,香港國際機場超過50間零售 To bring out the festive spirit, over 50 retailers at HKIA offered special shopping and 商 店,在 10月底至11月 亦 提 供 特 別 優 惠,讓 旅 客 盡 情 享 受 catering promotions to passengers from end October to November. 購 物 及 餐 飲 樂 趣。

Say Cheese! Visitors capture their happy moments at the “Tasty Snap” booth and the Wine & Dine Festival’s opening party. 大 家 齊 說「Cheese !訪客在「美味快拍」專區及 美酒佳餚巡禮開幕派對攝下開心一刻。

Cheers! Passengers enjoy complimentary wine at the “Tasty Snap” booth. Cheers !旅 客 在 美味快拍」專區免費 試 飲佳 釀。

9 GOING GREEN | 關注環保


The Aiport Authority (AA) took another green step by participating in the International Coastal Cleanup 2014 Hong Kong for the seventh year. The event, initiated by Ocean Conservancy, aims to spark a call for action among the public to discard trash and debris from beaches and waterways. On 1 November, over 50 AA staff and their families and friends, together with volunteers from Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Tung Chung Integrated Services, cleaned up the shores of Shui Hau Wan in Southern Lantau. Shui Hau Wan is considered to be ecologically important as it supports a wide variety of coastal species and is a nursery ground for horseshoe crabs. Twenty-six bags totalling 270 kilograms of marine trash and debris were collected by the end of the day. As part of the activity, the participants also captured images and recorded the types of trash collected for future analysis. The results will be used to identify the sources and devise long-term solutions on the debris problem.

為持續建設綠色環境,機場管理局參加了「香港國際海岸清潔運動2014」,這是機管局第七年參與這項由美國海洋 保育協會發起的活動。活動旨在呼籲公眾身體力行,清理堆積在海灘和水道的垃圾及廢料。 於11月1日,50多名機管局員工及親友,與香港聖公會東涌綜合服務的義工,攜手清潔南大嶼山水口灣海岸。水口灣內有 多樣海岸物種,亦是馬蹄蟹的育幼場,故被視為有重要生態價值。 活動當天共收集了26袋重270公斤的海洋垃圾和廢料。活動的其中一部分是參加者拍下照片,並記錄收集到的垃圾類 別供日後分析。分析結果將用以識別垃圾源頭,以制定解決海岸垃圾問題的長遠方案。


Hong Kong International Airport’s (HKIA) commitment to operating a green airport was reinforced at the “Exploring Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Hong Kong Seminar 2: Electric Vehicles” held on 18 October. Organised by the Environmental Management Association of Hong Kong, the seminar invited representatives from various sectors to discuss about the opportunities and challenges faced in the Electric Vehicles (EVs) market in Hong Kong. AA General Manager, Technical Services Ricky Leung shared the airport’s roadmap on vehicle electrification at the event. Leung highlighted HKIA’s planned deployment of entire airside saloon EVs by 2017. To attain this target, the AA has implemented a series of measures, including restricting all newly registered saloon cars operating in the restricted area to be EVs, providing subsidies to encourage the replacement of existing saloon cars with EVs, and installing additional EV charging points at the airport.

在香港環境管理協會於10月18日舉辦的「香港替代能源車輛前瞻—第 二 篇:電 動 車 」研 討 會 上,香港國際機場再次重申其建設環保機場的堅定承諾。 是次研討會邀請了各行各業的代表,一起討論香港電動車市場面對的機遇和挑戰。機管局工程 及維修總經理梁永基,在會上分享了機場車輛電動化的藍圖。 AA General Manager, Technical Services Ricky Leung (left) receives a certificate of appreciation from Environmental Management Association 梁永基指出,機場計劃在2017年年底前將機場禁區內的所有房車更換為電動車。為達到這個目 of Hong Kong President Wilson Tsui. 標,機管局已推行一系列措施,包括限制在機場禁區行駛的所有新登記房車必須為電動車、提供資 機管局工程及維修總經理梁永基(左)接受香港環境管理協會會長徐秉璋 頒發感謝狀。 助鼓勵現有房車更換為電動車,以及在機場增設電動車充電站。 10 ALL IN TO BE GREEN 全力支持綠色發展

HKIA partnered with Airports Council International (ACI) to host the 4th ACI 於9月25日及26日,香港國際機場與國際機場協 Asia-Pacific Regional Environment Committee Meeting on 25 and 26 September. 會合辦國際機場協會亞太區環境委員會第四次會 The two-day event brought together over 20 representatives from more than 10 議。會議為期兩天,有超過 20名來自10多個亞太 regional airport operators to share their insights and experiences in addressing the key 區機場營運商的代表參加,共同就應付機場業界 environmental issues faced by the airport sector. 面對的主要環保事宜分享意見和經驗。 During the meeting, topics including noise control, carbon emissions and solid 會上討論的環境議題包括噪音管制、碳排放及 waste management were discussed. The AA also introduced the eco-friendly 固體廢物管理。機管局亦介紹了香港國際機場的 facilities and equipment at HKIA, such as the wastewater treatment plant, 環保設施,例如廢水處理廠、機場禁區垃圾站、 airside waste station, food composters, EV charging points and zero-emission 廚餘堆肥機、電動車充電站和零排放太陽能旅客 solar-powered passenger stairs. In addition, Airways Head of 梯。此外,國泰航空環境事務部主管馬歌司博士 Environmental Affairs Dr Mark Watson shared his views on business sustainability 亦從航空公司的角度分享如何達致業務的可持續 from an airline’s perspective. 發 展。


PASSENGER TRAFFIC CARGO TRAFFIC INJURY RATE 客運量 貨運量 受傷比率 (per million (‘000 passengers 千人次) (‘000 tonnes 千公噸) passengers 6 每百萬旅客) 5


9/2014 5,037 9/2014 364 3

5.39 5.38 2

9/2013 4,805 9/2013 346 1

0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 8月 Aug 9月 Sep

11 HAPPY HOURS | 工餘時光


To cultivate a balanced work-life culture among the airport community, Hong Kong International Airport Recreation and Community Engagement took a group of airport staff on a relaxing trip around Lantau Island on 18 October. Participants started their journey with an Ngong Ping 360 cable car ride, followed by a tour to the Po Lin Monastery and the Big Buddha. The group then paid a visit to the Tai O Heritage Hotel. During the outing, the group also went on a boat trip and took in the fascinating views of Tai O fishing village’s trademark stilt houses. The excursion rounded up with stargazing on Cheung Sha Beach in the evening led by members of the Sky Observers’ Association (Hong Kong).

為鼓勵員工建立作息平衡的文化,「機場同業綜藝社」於10月18日為 機場員工安排暢遊大嶼山。 參加者首先到昂坪360乘坐纜車前往寶蓮禪寺和天壇大佛遊覽,隨 後到大澳文物酒店參觀。活動當天,一眾參加者亦乘坐舢舨小艇,穿梭 大澳漁村的特色棚屋,欣賞其種種面貌。晚上,眾人在坐井會成員帶領 下,一起在長沙海灘觀星。

Winner: Ng Wai Tak, Felix Share your most thrilling 得獎者:Ng Wai Tak, Felix Caption: Gateway of adventures throughout the India (Mumbai) world and stand a chance to 圖片說明:印度門 (孟買) win exciting prizes. Simply send us your photos with your bilingual name and caption on or before 15 December 2014 at [email protected]. Winners will receive an HKIA cash coupon worth HK$100, with the winning photos published in the next issue of HKIA News. 將旅途中拍攝到的精采照 片與讀者分享,有機會獲取 豐 富 獎 品!請 於 2014年12月 For rules and 15日 或 之 前,將 照 片 連 同 regulations, please 中英文姓名及圖片說明發 規則詳情請瀏覽 visit 送至hkianews@hkairport. http://www.hongkongairport. com。得獎者可獲得價值 com/hkianews/ 100港元的香港國際機場 world_T&C.pdf 現 金 券,而 得 獎 作 品 更 會 於 下 期《 翔 天 地 》刊 登。 Winner: C Lam 得獎者:C Lam Caption: Gloomy Sunday (Budapest) 圖片說明:憂鬱的星期日 (布達佩斯)

Have a great idea for HKIA News? HKIA Tower, 1 Sky Plaza Road HKIA News is published by Airport Authority 《 翔天地》由香港機場管理局印 Contact us via [email protected] Hong Kong International Airport Hong Kong. All rights reserved. This publication 製並保留一切版權。本刊物為非賣 and tell us what you’re thinking. Lantau, HONG KONG may not be sold. No part of this publication may be 品。未經香港機場管理局授權不得 otherwise reproduced, adapted, performed in public 若你對《 翔天地》有任何意見, 香港大嶼山香港國際機場 複製、使用、向公眾以任何方式展 or transmitted in any form by any process without the 示或傳播刊物內任何內容。 歡迎隨時與我們聯絡,電郵地址為 翔天路一號機場行政大樓 prior authorisation of Airport Authority Hong Kong. ©香港機場管理局2014 [email protected] © Airport Authority Hong Kong 2014 Printed on environmentally-friendly paper 12