Published OnlineFirst March 20, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-16-1292


The Epitranscriptome of Noncoding in

Manel Esteller 1 ,2 ,3 and Pier Paolo Pandolfi 4

ABSTRACT The activity of RNA is controlled by different types of post-transcriptional modi- fi cations, such as the addition of methyl groups and other chemical and structural changes, that have been recently described in human cells by high-throughput sequencing. Herein, we will discuss how the so-called epitranscriptome is disrupted in cancer and what the contribution of its writers, readers, and erasers to the process of cellular transformation is, particularly focusing on the epigenetic modifi cations of ncRNAs.

Signifi cance: Chemical modifi cations of RNA play a central role in the control of messenger and ncRNA activity and, thus, are tightly regulated in cells. In this review, we provide insight into how these marks are altered in cancer cells and how this knowledge can be translated to the clinical setting. Cancer Discov; 7(4); 359–68. ©2017 AACR.

AN INTRODUCTION TO RNA MODIFICATIONS adenine (2 ), DNA seems to have a smaller reper- toire of modifi ed nucleotides. RNA molecules can show All life forms need mechanisms to regulate RNA levels a more diverse spectrum of modifi cations that includes, and activities. An important part of these control belts for among others, or a hypermodifi ed 7-deaza- RNA occurs at the transcriptional level, but it is becom- (queuosine). ing apparent that a signifi cant part of RNA homeostasis From an academic standpoint, the RNA modifi cations can depends on RNA stability and degradation. This can be be divided into two main types: reversible and nonreversible. particularly true for common human diseases, such as Among the fi rst, one could count the different types of RNA cancer, where an aberrant RNA constitutes methylation, such as cytosine and methylation, a hallmark of transformed cells that cannot be fully attrib- whereas in the most permanent RNA changes, one could uted to alterations in the DNA-associated transcriptional cite editing and splicing [including the formation of circular start sites. In this respect, one interesting idea to be further RNAs (circRNA)]. However, this classic scenario is quickly explored is that molecular lesions in tumors occur not only evolving, and modifi cations previously presumed nonrevers- in the original DNA molecule, but also in the RNA itself. ible are slowly being discovered as reversible. More than 100 differently modifi ed nucleotides have been Most importantly, the number and types of potential tran- described and cataloged in RNA molecules ( 1 ). Although scripts that are amenable to modifi cation are growing almost some of these have also been described in DNA, such as exponentially, in part due to the emergence of transcrip- cytosine methylation, hydroxymethylcytosine, and, recently, tomic techniques that use different strategies to provide RNA landscapes for 5-methylcytosine (m5 C; refs. 3–5 ), 5-hydroxy- methylcytosine (hm5 C; ref. 6 ), N 6-methyladenosine (m6 A; refs. 1 Cancer and Biology Program (PEBC), Bellvitge Biomedi- 7, 8), N 1 -methyladenosine (m1 A; refs. 9, 10), pseudouridine cal Research Institute (IDIBELL), L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, (Ψ; refs. 11–13 ), or inosine-to-adenine editing (14 ). Many 2 Catalonia, Spain. Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats times, these chemical modifi cations are dynamic, adapting (ICREA), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. 3Physiological Sciences Department, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona (UB), to the environment; however, at the same time, they are Catalonia, Spain. 4Cancer Research Institute, Beth Israel Deaconess Cancer locally transmitted during mitosis and meiosis. Thus, in a Center, Departments of Medicine and Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess similar manner as DNA and histone modifi cations, we can Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts. discuss an RNA epigenetic setting or an epitranscriptome. Corresponding Authors: Pier Paolo Pandolfi , Beth Israel Deaconess Medi- Herein, we will discuss how the ncRNA epitranscriptome is cal Center, Harvard Medical School, 330 Brookline Avenue, CLS Suite 401, altered in cancer and the possible functional consequences Boston, MA 02215. Phone: 617-735-2141; Fax: 617-735-2120; E-mail: [email protected] ; and Manel Esteller , Cancer Epigenetics and of these alterations; the existence of defects in the writers Biology Program, 3rd Floor, Hospital Duran i Reynals, Avda. Gran Via Km (i.e., RNA-modifying ), erasers (enzymes that remove 2.7, 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Phone: these marks and modifi cations), and readers ( that 34-93-2607140; Fax: 34-93-2607219; E-mail: [email protected] decode these RNA modifi cations) of the ncRNA epigenetic doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-16-1292 code; and how this knowledge could be exploited for trans- © 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. lational and therapeutic purposes. Figure 1 illustrates the


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MINI REVIEW Esteller and Pandolfi







Cap m5C 5hmC m6A m1A Ψ Edit Circ U-tail

RNA stability, , export, localization, structure, splicing, processing, recoding, retargeting

Figure 1. Examples of RNA chemical modifi cations; their writers, readers, and erasers; and different effects on the transcript molecule. In the middle, a molecule of RNA with different chemical modifi cations is shown: addition of a 5′-end cap (cap), m5 C, hm5 C, m 6A, m1A, pseudouridine (Ψ), editing (Edit), circularization of RNA (circ), and poly (U) tails (U-tail). Top, (s) associated with each modifi cation: writers (green), readers (orange), and erasers (red); bottom, functional consequences of RNA modifi cation. Proteins and RNA chemical marks reported to be involved in tumorigenesis are tagged with a yellow star. ADAR, adenosine deaminase RNA specifi c represented by ADAR1 and ADAR2; APOBEC, apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzymes represented by APOBEC3A and APOBEC3B; ALKBH3, alkB homolog 3, alpha-ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase; ALKBH5, alkB homolog 3, alpha- ketoglutarate dependent dioxygenase; BCDIN3, methylphosphate capping ; CMTR, cap represented by CMTR1 and CMTR2; DKC1, dyskerin pseudouridine synthase 1; FTO, fat mass and obesity associated; -like family represented by METTL3 and METTL14; NUDIX, nudix hydrolases represented by CDP2 and NUDT16; NSUN, NOP2/SUN RNA methyltransferase family; PUS, pseudouridine synthase family; RBPs, RNA binding proteins such as HuR and HNRNPA2B1; RNBs, RNase II/RNB family represented by DIS3, DIS3L1, and DIS3L2; RNMT, RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase; TET, tet methylcytosine dioxygenase represented by TET1 and TET2; WTAP, Wilms tumor 1 associated protein; TGS1, trimethylguano- sine synthase 1; TUT, terminal uridylyl transferases represented by ZCCHC11 (TUT4), ZCCHC6 (TUT7), and PAPD4 (TUT2); YTHD, YT521-B homology domain-containing proteins composed of the YTHDF family (YTHDF1, YTHDF2, YTHDF3), YTHDC1, and YTHDC2.

RNA chemical modifi cations described in human cells; their appropriate technologies. Indeed, in recent years, we have writers, readers, and erasers; and the different effects on the witnessed amazing exponential growth in the knowledge of transcript molecule. other types of ncRNAs that exert essential roles in cellular homeostasis and contribute to the natural history of many human diseases, including cancer. These range from small CHEMICAL MODIFICATIONS OF ncRNAs ncRNAs (sncRNA), such as miRNAs and piRNAs, to long AND THEIR FUNCTIONS ncRNAs (lncRNA), such as long intergenic ncRNAs (linc- The role of chemical modifi cations of RNA has been exten- RNA), pseudogene transcripts, and circRNAs. Table 1 shows sively explored and discussed (1, 15, 16). However, with the a summary of the various classes of ncRNAs, describing their exception of some post-transcriptional chemical marks on characteristics in human cells and the role of selected RNA certain subtypes of ncRNAs, such as transfer RNAs (tRNA) chemical modifi cations according to the transcript. The reader and ribosomal RNAs (rRNA), that have been known for dec- will note that major gaps remain regarding the chemical modi- ades, the focus of research in this area has mainly been on fi cations of several ncRNA subclasses, and very few examples the impact of these modifi cations on mRNA. By contrast, have been reported for those included in Table 1; however, we little attention has been devoted to their effects on other expect that this review will raise the interest of many researchers classes of ncRNAs. Part of the explanation for this current to act and fi ll in these unknown gaps. In the following para- lack of knowledge relates, of course, to the most recent tim- graphs, we will discuss what is known about these post-tran- ing of ncRNA discovery and the very recent development of scriptional marks in ncRNAs and how the fi eld could advance.


Downloaded from on October 1, 2021. © 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst March 20, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-16-1292

Epitranscriptome of Noncoding RNAs MINI REVIEW

Table 1. Epitranscriptomics of ncRNAs

A. Chemical modifi cations in ncRNAs Described Number in chemical Examples of ncRNA type Size Location humans Functions modifi cation modifi ed ncRNA miRNAs 19–24 bp Widespread >1,500 Targeting Editing, m5 C, let-7, miR376a*, mRNAs m6 A, U-tail, miR455-5p, Poly(A), 5′-O-m miR381, miR26 piRNAs 23–31 bp Clusters >20,000 Transposon 2′-O-m, U-tail piR30840, silencing piR-L-163 snRNAs 150 bp Different loci Several RNA splicing CAP, TMG, 2′- U6 spliceosomal O-m, Ψ, U-tail, RNA m5 C, m 6A snoRNAs 60–300 bp Mostly intronic >300 rRNA CAP, TMG, 2′- C/D Box and H/ACA modifi cations O-m, Ψ Box snoRNAs tRNAs 76–90 bp Widespread 519 Amino acid m 5C, m 1A, Ψ, AspGUC , Gly GCC, carriers queuosine, AspGTC , Gly UCC, mcm5U, ValAAC editing rRNAs 120–1874 bp Clusters 6 mRNA reading/ m5 C, m 1A, Ψ, 28S RNA, 12S RNA, recoding editing, 2′-O- 5S RNA m, m1 Ψ, m7 G, 6 4 m 2A, ac C Vault RNAs 88–98 bp Chr 5, Chr X 4 Vault particle m5 C vtRNA1.1, regulation vtRNA1.2, and vtRNA1.3 lncRNAs* >200 bp Widespread >30,000 Many CAP, m5 C, m6 A, HOTAIR, XIST, Ψ, splicing, MALAT1, TERC, editing, U-tail RPPH1 Circular RNAs >200 bp Mostly intronic >15,000 RNA regulation Splicing, editing Within UBAC2, SMARCA, SPECC1, HIPK2

B. Role of selected RNA chemical modifi cations according to the transcript type Modifi cation Role in coding RNAs Role in ncRNAs m5 C Translation effi ciency, mRNA structure, genetic Regulation of vault ncRNA processing recoding into small RNAs, tRNA cleavage hm5 C Translation effi ciency Unknown m 6A Translation effi ciency, mRNA structure, stability, lncRNA silencing by XIST, tRNA selection export, and splicing m1 A Translation effi ciency tRNA T-loop, rRNA regulation Ψ Translation effi ciency, mRNA structure, genetic tRNA, rRNA, snoRNA, lncRNA regulation recoding *lncRNAs include, among others, lincRNAs, transcribed-ultraconserved regions (T-UCR), antisense RNAs, and pseudogene RNAs. Abbreviations: CAP, 5′-end cap; m 5 C, 5-methylcytosine; m6 A, N 6-methyladenosine; m1 A , N 1-methyladenosine; Ψ, pseudouridine; 2′-O-m, ribose 2′-O-meth- ylation; 5′-O-m, O-methylation of the 5′ monophosphate; TMG, trimethylguanosine; mcm5U, 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine; Ψ, 1-methylpseudouridine; 7 6 4 5 m G, 7-methylguanosine; m 2 A, N6-dimethyladenosine; ac C, N4-acetylcytidine; hm C, 5-hydroxymethylcytosine.

One of the most well-known chemical modifi cations of TMG) cap can be added. snRNAs are additionally modifi ed by RNA affects its 5′-end, the so-called “5′ cap” (17 ). Therein, ribose 2′-O-methylation on the fi rst and second transcribed the most characterized cap modifi cation is the addition of to allow for correct splicing. an N 7-methylguanosine (m 7G). Further changes frequently m 5 C was originally thought to be confi ned to two par- occur, and in some small nuclear RNAs (snRNA) and small ticular types of ncRNAs, tRNAs and rRNAs, but the use of nucleolar RNAs (snoRNA) a trimethylguanosine (m2,2,7 G or bisulfi te modifi cation and deep sequencing has identifi ed


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MINI REVIEW Esteller and Pandolfi

m5 C in many other types of RNA transcripts (3–5 ). No mRNA (15 ), with more than 20,000 unique sites estimated strict motif for m5 C has been described to date (3–5 ). m5 C is in lncRNAs (32 ), whereas m 5C is most prevalent in tRNAs common in mRNA 3′ untranslated regions (UTR), whereas and rRNAs, with more than 30,000 unique sites in lncRNAs Argonaute I–IV binding sites are enriched in the proximity (32 ). Around 2,000 unique sites have been proposed for of m 5C sites, pointing to a role for m5 C in miRNA targeting pseudouridine in lncRNAs (32 ), but, for this and for other (3 ). Modifi cation of lncRNAs by m5 C regulates their pro- RNA modifi cations, emerging epitranscriptomic data and cessing in smaller regulatory ncRNAs (18 ), the positioning further posterior validation experiments could provide dif- of 2′-O-methylation of snRNAs (19 ), and the production ferent numbers. of tRNA precursors (3–5 ). The lncRNA XIST is also regu- Finally, RNAs can undergo specifi c modifi cations at their lated by m5 C where cytosine methylation has been shown 3′-ends. is the obvious modifi cation that to interfere with the binding of the histone modifi er PRC2 ncRNAs undergo to modify their stability, but uridylation ( 20 ), thus establishing a link between epigenetic modifi - can also occur. The best example is the precursor of let-7 (33– cations in RNAs and histones. Importantly, m5 C is not a 35 ); however, there is an increasing amount of data regarding static mark of RNA. The same enzymes that demethylate uridylation and adenylation events affecting the activity of DNA are also able to catalyze the oxidative demethylation miRNAs, as recently reviewed ( 22 ). It is probable that the of m 5 C to hm 5 C in RNA ( 21 ). hm5 C is preferentially present development of new high-throughput technologies will pro- in polyadenylated RNAs, where it may favor translation vide an improved landscape of the so-called “3′-terminome” in the case of mRNAs (6 ). It has been reported as an over- of RNA. represented motif that tends to be UC-rich and contains Unlike the described RNA modifi cations, which are revers- UCCUC repeats ( 6 ). ible and do not interfere with RNA sequence per se, there are RNA can also be modifi ed at in the form more stable changes in RNAs, such as splicing and editing. of m6 A and m1 A. The presence of m 6 A has also been dis- These are irreversible changes to the RNAs that interfere with covered in DNA ( 2 ). m6 A is the most abundant internal the stored information and with their role in cancer, which modifi cation of mRNA ( 8, 22 ), but it is also relevant for have been previously reviewed ( 36, 37 ). A few exciting recent miRNAs, controlling their maturation and expression lev- discoveries in these areas are the cancer-associated altera- els. In this regard, there is an enrichment of the m6 A con- tions of the editing enzymes APOBEC3B ( 38–40 ) and ADAR1 sensus motif at the junction between the hairpin stem and ( 41, 42 ) and the role of circRNAs in tumorigenesis ( 43–47 ); the fl anking single-stranded RNA regions of pri-miRNAs however, they will not be discussed herein. (23 ). The depletion of m 6A diminished DGCR8 binding to pri-miRNAs, thus preventing the formation of the mature miRNAs, as has been shown in the case of the tumor-sup- CHEMICAL MODIFICATIONS OF ncRNAs IN pressor miRNA let-7 ( 24 ). m6 A is also found in lncRNAs, CANCER AND THEIR MODIFIERS although its functions in this type of transcript are still The above-described scenario of balanced ncRNA modifi - unclear. In the case of the extremely abundant lncRNA cations allows cellular homeostasis to undergo important metastasis-associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 alterations in human cancer that we are just now starting (MALAT1; ref. 25 ), it has been shown that m6 A destabilizes to understand. Without having a complete picture of the the hairpin stem structure (26 ). m6 A is also required for global epitranscriptome of transformed cells, we have to the effi cient transcriptional repression mediated by the construct the puzzle from the small pieces that are emerging lncRNA XIST (27 ). At the global RNA level, transcriptome- from each particular RNA modifi cation. At the same time, wide m 6A mapping suggests the motif DRACH (D = A, G, we can try to go back upstream in the pathway and dissect or U; H = A, C, or U) as a consensus motif for m6 A (7, 8, 28, what went wrong with the encoding the proteins 29 ). The other methylated adenosine present in RNA, m1 A, responsible for adding, reading, or erasing a specifi c RNA is typically found in the tRNA T-loop. However, recent data modifi cation. demonstrate that m 1A is not restricted to these abundant For the processes of RNA capping and decapping modifi - ncRNAs, but rather is also observed around the start codon cations, such as m7 G or m 2,2,7G, and modifi ers, such as upstream of the fi rst splice site (9 ) and in the 5′ UTRs of the RNA cap methyltransferases RNTM, TGS1, CMTR1, mRNAs (10 ), in sharp contrast with the localization of m 6A CMTR2, and BCDIN3 (16 ) or the decapping enzymes that is enriched in 3′ UTRs and near stop codons (8 ). The CDP2 and NUDT16 ( 48 ), there is a lack of information in proposed motifs for m1 A also differ greatly from those rec- the transformed cell setting. More is known about m 5C, ognized for m6 A (9, 10). particularly at the level of the involved RNA methyltrans- Two other RNA nucleotides are also worth mentioning: ferases. The DNA methyltransferase 2 (DNMT2) turned out pseudouridine, the 5′-ribosyluracil isomer of , and to be an RNA methyltransferase (TRDMT1) with activity queuosine, a rare that is structurally similar to fi rst described for the methylation of the cytosine located guanine. Pseudouridylation is the most abundant modifi - in position 38 in tRNAAsp (49 ), a modifi cation that affects cation in ncRNAs (30 ), not only found in tRNAs, rRNAs, its processing into tRNA fragments (tRF; ref. 50 ). Interest- and snoRNAs, but also observed in lncRNAs (11–13 ), such ingly, DNMT2 mutations in cancer cells mostly lead to as the aforementioned XIST and MALAT1. Interestingly, diminished RNA methyltransferase activity ( 51 ). The other queuosine substitution of guanosine at the wobble pos- type of cytosine-5 RNA methylase is constituted by the ition of tRNAs may alter mRNA decoding (31 ). Overall, NSUN family, NSUN2 being the most well-characterized m6 A is the most prevalent internal modifi cation found in member (4, 17). NSUN2 methylates cytosines in tRNAs, but


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Epitranscriptome of Noncoding RNAs MINI REVIEW

also in other ncRNAs including lncRNAs and vault-associ- vide another explanation for the phenotypic differences ated RNAs (4, 17). NSUN2 is upregulated in some tumor between closely related species. Additional m6 A RNA bind- types by copy-number gains ( 52 ), and it is targeted by criti- ers are the RNA-binding proteins HuR and HNRNPA2B1, cal transforming proteins such as c-MYC (53 ) and Aurora which modulate and enhance miRNA kinase B ( 54 ). However, in other classes of malignancies, production (23, 24). such as skin cancer, NSUN2 expression is depleted, caus- The m6 A modifi cation is not a fi nal fi xture of the RNA ing a reduction in protein translation rates and increasing molecule, but it can be oxidatively reversed by two members the tumor-initiating population ( 55 ). Other proteins in of the ALKB family of Fe(II) and α−ketoglutarate–dependent this family include NOP2 (NSUN1), NSUN3, NSUN5, and dioxygenases, FTO (68 ) and ALKBH5 (69 ). FTO germline NSUN7. Interestingly, NSUN5 modulates life span and polymorphisms have been associated with melanoma risk stress resistance (56 ), and NSUN3 defi ciency, in addition ( 70 ), and loss-of-function mutations of FTO in a monogenic to m5 C reduction, results in diminished 5-formylcytosine disorder impair proliferation and promote senescence (71 ). in tRNA ( 57 ). Conversely, FTO promotes leukemogenesis by reducing m6 A In a manner similar to that of m5 C in DNA, TET methyldi- levels of mRNA transcripts involved in cell differentiation oxygenases (TET1, TET2, and TET3) catalyze hydroxylation ( 72 ). FTO was also found to be overexpressed in human of m 5C to hm 5 C in RNA ( 6, 20 ). Because TET1 mutations samples. Among the different breast cancer and deletions are observed in myeloid leukemias (in associa- subtypes, the aggressive HER2-positive subtype is the one in tion with impaired hm 5C in DNA; ref. 58 ), and because TET1 which FTO is primarily overexpressed, suggesting a critical loss accompanies the presence of aberrant fusion proteins role for FTO in carcinogenesis and aggressiveness of breast found in hematologic malignancies where it can act as a cancer ( 73 ). Interestingly, FTO overexpression triggers an tumor-suppressor ( 59 ), one also wonders if the loss of aberrant metabolic state that allows the breast cancer cell TET proteins might have a greater impact in RNA demeth- line SUM149 to survive glutamine deprivation stress (74 ). ylation than in DNA demethylation, a possibility that is yet FTO-overexpressing cells are resistant to chemotherapeutic to be explored. drugs and show higher metastatic potential. Further, a link In addition to its above-described presence in ncRNAs to cancer is also found for ALKBH5, where Alkbh5 knock- with a role in cancer, such as let-7 and MALAT1, m 6A has out mice undergo aberrant expression of the p53 functional been described to act in cell reprogramming by affecting interaction network (69 ), and ALKBH5 overexpression sta- mRNAs associated with different degrees of pluripotency, bilizes NANOG levels by decreasing m6 A and increasing the while at the same time miRNAs control m6 A in these mRNAs number of breast cancer stem cells ( 75 ). by sequence pairing (60 ). Thus, m6 A affects ncRNAs in For m 1 A in RNA, neither the corresponding methyltrans- multiple ways, and their related protein machinery could ferases nor the readers for this modifi cation have been also potentially be involved in cellular transformation. The characterized, but RNA can be demethylated at this pos- methylation of m6 A is performed by methyltransferase-like ition by another member of the ALKB family of Fe(II) and 3 (METTL3), methyltransferase-like 14 (METTL14), and α-ketoglutarate–dependent dioxygenases, ALKBH3 ( 10 ). It the Wilms’ tumor 1–associating protein (WTAP). is worth pointing out that ALKBH3 has been recognized as For the latter, the connection with cancer is clear; it acts as a DNA-repair enzyme guarding the against alkyla- a splicing binding partner for the Wilms’ tumor 1 (WT1) tion damage (76 ), but the identifi ed function of ALKBH3 protein (61 ) and regulates cell-cycle progression (62 ). From as an RNA demethylase for m 1 A could open new lines of a functional standpoint, WTAP and METTL3, upon their research in the area of chemotherapy-response prediction. recruitment mediated by the RBM15 and RBM15B proteins, In this regard, ALKBH3 repair function is dependent on the promote the methylation of XIST and its transcriptional DNA helicase ASCC3 (77 ), and other helicase-binding part- repression activity ( 27 ). ners have been associated with chemosensitivity profi les for Although readers of m5 C or hm5 C in RNA have not yet been DNA-damaging agents (78 ); thus, a link might exist between identifi ed, these proteins have been characterized for m6 A: the the m 1A mark, the described helicase activities of its bind- YT521-B homology (YTHD) domain-containing proteins that, ing partners, and the observed chemosensitivity signatures, in humans, are composed of the YTHDF family (YTHDF1, which warrants further research. YTHDF2, YTHDF3; refs. 7, 63), YTHDC1, and YTHDC2. The Regarding the other modifi ed nucleotides that are less YTHDC1 protein binds m6 A residues of XIST and is required frequently investigated, pseudouridine formation in RNA for the transcriptional silencing mediated by this ncRNA involves the pseudouridine synthase (PUS) family, where ( 27 ). Interestingly, the Drosophila nuclear protein YT521-B most of the pseudouridine sites correspond to sequence also binds m6 A residues in the sex determination factor motifs associated with these enzymes ( 11, 12 ), and dyskerin Sex-lethal (Sxl; ref. 64 ) and contributes to sex determination (DKC1; ref. 30 ). DKC1, which modifi es rRNA, is mutated in ( 64, 65 ). The role of YT521-B in the potentiation of Sxl X-linked dyskeratosis congenita, where an increased suscepti- alternative pre-mRNA splicing (64 ) has correspondence in bility to cancer exists and an impairment in rRNA pseu- human cells where the YTHDC1 protein has been described douridylation is observed before the onset of the disease in as a global regulator of mRNA splicing by its binding to m6 A hypomorphic Dkc1 -mutant mice ( 79 ). A specifi c defect of RNA residues ( 66 ). Interestingly, even if these proteins exert the internal entry site also occurs upon DKC1 loss, similar functions among different species, m6 A modifi cations affecting the translation of tumor-suppressor proteins (80 ). may nevertheless show different patterns, as has been recently DKC1 mutations also affect the stability of H/ACA small shown in distinct primates ( 67 ). These variations could pro- RNAs and are associated with impaired hematopoietic stem


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MINI REVIEW Esteller and Pandolfi

Table 2. Selected RNA modifi ers involved in cancer

Gene Activity Link to cancer (reference) DNMT2 m5 C RNA methyltransferase Diminished activity associated with candidate mutations ( 51) NSUN2 m5 C RNA methyltransferase Copy-number gain ( 52 ), target- ing ( 53, 54), depletion increases tumor- initiating cells (5 ) TET1 DNA and RNA m5 C demethylase Mutations and deletions in leukemia ( 58 ), tumor-suppressor role (59 ) WTAP Cofactor for m6 A RNA methyltransferase Binding partner of the tumor-suppressor WT1 ( 61 ), regulates cell-cycle progression ( 62 ) FTO m6 A RNA demethylase Variants associated with melanoma risk ( 70 ), promotes leukemia ( 72 ) and breast cancer (73, 74) ALKBH5 m6 A RNA demethylase Knockout affects the p53 network (69 ), overexpression increases breast cancer stem cells (75 ) ALKBH3 m1 A RNA demethylase and DNA repair Protection against alkylation damage (76 ) DKC1 PUS Mutated in dyskeratosis congenita ( 30, 79 ), regulates translation of tumor-suppressor proteins (80 ) DIS3L2 Exoribonuclease for the poly (U) tail Mutated in association with the development of Wilms’ tumors (85 )

cell differentiation ( 81 ). Neither the readers nor the erasers of represented by the enzymes DIS3, DIS3L1, and DIS3L2 in pseudouridine have been described to date. humans. Therein, the link to cancer can also be invoked Although still poorly characterized, modifi ed nucleoside and because DIS3L2 mutations are associated with the devel- queuosine provide a new perspective on RNA modifi cations in opment of Wilms’ tumors ( 85 ). Coincidentally or not, the cancer. In this case, although queuosine is incorporated into m 6A RNA methyltransferase WTAP cooperates with WT1 eukaryotic tRNAs by the tRNA-guanine transglycosylase, only protein to regulate proliferation ( 61, 62 ), suggesting that bacteria can synthesize its precursor, , de novo ( 82 ). this tumor type (which is also characterized by the aberrant Therefore, human cells must rely on nutrition and our gut imprinting of ncRNAs) could be particularly associated bacteria to obtain the necessary queuine to substitute guano- with a disrupted pattern of RNA chemical modifi cations. sine at the wobble position of tRNAs. Thus, two factors of Table 2 summarizes the most relevant RNA modifi ers increasing interest in the cancer arena, diet and the microbi- involved in cancer overall. ome, could be linked by an RNA modifi cation. Last but not least, alterations in the chemical modifi - cation at the 3′-end of ncRNAs and abnormalities in the PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES associated genes can also contribute to the natural history The study of the cancer epitranscriptome is in its early of cancer. For example, the precursors of the tumor-sup- stages, even more so if we devote our attention only to pressor miRNA let-7 are monouridylated by the enzymes the chemical modifi cations of ncRNAs in transformed cells. ZCCHC11 (TUT4), ZCCHC6 (TUT7), and PAPD4 (TUT2) However, knowledge in this area has recently made a quan- to facilitate processing and miRNA maturation ( 35 ). tum leap, as we have described above. Not only do we now Tumoral cells can express the oncogenic protein LIN28 have more complete deep-sequencing coverage of several of that induces a long U-tail in pre–let-7 oligouridylation, the described RNA marks, such as m5 C, hm 5C, m6 A, m1 A, which prevents the formation of the mature molecule ( 33, and pseudouridine, but we also have recognized the involve- 35, 83). Interestingly, the poly(U) motifs are enriched close ment in tumors of some of the genes involved in these to poly(A) sites, both are regulated by heterogeneous ribo- epitranscriptomic pathways, such as the m6 A RNA methyl- nucleoprotein C (HNRNPC) and ELAV-like RBP1 (ELAV1; transferase WTAP, the m 6A demethylases FTO and ALKBH5, ref. 84 ), and alternative polyadenylation signals can clearly the m1 A demethylase ALKBH3, the pseudouridine-forming affect competing endogenous RNA networks. The degra- enzyme DCK1, and the RNA-editing enzyme ADAR1. How- dation of the poly(U) tail is also tightly regulated by ever, the fi eld still needs to carefully address how different the exoribonucleases from the RNase II/RNB family that is epitranscription profi les are between normal tissues and their


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Epitranscriptome of Noncoding RNAs MINI REVIEW

paired tumoral samples, how these RNA modifi cations could ylation of pseudouridine in rRNA by EMG1 ( 93 ); and the shift in carcinogenesis from early benign lesions to metasta- presence of intermediate RNA demethylation nucleotides ses, and how heterogeneous these marks are within a given such as formylcytosine, carboxylcytosine, N 6-hydroxylmeth- tumor. In a few words, future work must address which of yladenosine, and N6 -formyladenosine. It is also relevant these events are critical in tumorigenesis, and it must follow to further defi ne the spectrum of modifi ed RNAs: Beyond the genetic and DNA epigenetic studies that have tackled tRNAs, rRNAs, and mRNAs, how many and which miRNAs these key issues of cancer biology in the last 25 years. and lncRNAs are modifi ed? This is a key issue because there Many advances in science depend on the existence of the is an increasing number of lncRNAs, such as linc RNAs ( 94 ), proper methodology to assess the desired parameters. For transcribed-ultraconserved regions (95, 96), and pseudo- ncRNA modifi cations, the development of the above-men- genes (97, 98), with key roles in tumorigenesis that could be tioned epitranscriptomic techniques that mix bisulfi te mod- regulated by RNA modifi cations, changing their biogenesis, ifi cation-based protocols or immunoprecipitation against stability, and intracellular localization, or shifting their the different marks with deep sequencing has been a major interacting RNA targets. Genetic and functional studies, achievement. However, some of these approaches do not pro- using CRISPR and similar tools, will also be necessary to vide single-nucleotide resolution, or they often depend on the identify the missing machineries involved in RNA modifi - batch specifi city of the antibodies employed for the analy- cation, such as the enzymes responsible for circRNA for- sis. At the same time, most of these methods are unable to mation, the readers for m 5 C, or the methyltransferases for discriminate among the simultaneous presence of different m1 A. In addition, in vivo studies crossing the available genet- RNA modifi cations in the same molecule, thus losing part ically modifi ed mice for the writers, readers, and erasers of the richness and complexity of the epitranscriptome. For of RNA modifi cations with well-established knockout and example, the same lncRNA can undergo m5 C, m6 A, and pseu- knock-in mouse models of recognized tumor-suppressor douridylation, but do all these modifi cations take place at the genes and will provide another read-out of the same time? Do they cooperate or antagonize each other? New contribution of this epigenetic layer to cellular transform- tools to address these questions are needed. Among these, ation. These experiments are absolutely necessary to dis- it is worth highlighting the advances in combination mass tinguish those RNA modifi ers that could truly be drivers spectrometry ( 86 ), isoform-characterization sequencing ( 87 ), in carcinogenesis from those events that could be just pas- and the use of single-molecule real-time sequencing (88 ), a sengers for tumorigenesis. third-generation sequencing technique. Finally, a better defi nition of the RNA modifi cations pres- Interestingly, part of the information necessary to advance ent in human cells, the existence of differences in com- the fi eld may already exist but may be overlooked. Careful parison with cancer tissues, and the characterization of the data mining of the many RNA-sequenced and fully sequenced proteins responsible for the epitranscriptomic patterns will and publicly available can provide fur- facilitate the translational use of RNA epigenetics. We can ther clues about possible aberrant RNA modifi cation patterns imagine these different scenarios as diagnostic and predic- and their possible causes and consequences. For example, a tive biomarkers or even as potential targets for innovative simple review of the data available at The Cancer Genome therapeutic strategies. In the two fi rst cases, the use of RNA Atlas has shown that underexpression of RNA demethylases changes in miRNAs and circRNAs, very stable RNA mol- and overexpression of mRNA methyltransferases occur in ecules, for the detection of cancer cells in serum or biological human and the use of the cBioPortal suggests the pres- fl uids as well as the determination of the epitranscriptome ence of additional mutations in some of these enzymes (89 ). in RNA molecules involved in DNA repair and, thus, in This list that could grow with the use of other platforms such the assessment of chemotherapy sensitivity, is a possibil- as the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer genome ity worth exploring. For treatment, we can start designing browser, which has been recently updated with new genomic synthetic-lethal strategies for the recognized defects in the and epigenomic data from 1,001 cell lines (90 ). Interestingly, RNA modifi cation machinery, or approaches aimed at inhib- for some of these cell lines, such as HeLa or MDA-MB-231, iting or activating specifi c RNA-modifying enzymes. Related epitranscriptomic data are also available, and different data- to this last point, the elucidation of the crystal structures for sets can be cross-examined. Unfortunately, many of these some of the proteins involved in RNA modifi cations, such as databases were produced from poly(A) fractions, and thus m 6A modifi ers and readers (99–101 ), represents an impor- chemical modifi cations of many ncRNAs cannot be analyzed. tant step forward. Interestingly, the drug 5-azacytidine, used New experimental data, however, will be also fundamental in leukemia treatments ( 102 ), inhibits both DNA and m5 C in moving forward. Among the more than 100 differently RNA methyltransferases by competing with cytosine, lead- modifi ed RNA nucleotides (1 ), it is not well known how ing to RNA hypomethylation ( 103, 104 ); thus, it is worth many are present in human cells. For other RNA modifi - exploring how much of the growth-inhibitory effects of cations that have been identifi ed, the information is scarce, DNA-demethylating agents relate to a change in m 5C RNA but exciting. Interesting cases include the O-methylation levels. On the other hand, we can improve the effects of of the 5′ monophosphate of pre-miRNAs mediated by anticancer RNA medicines by adding appropriate chemical BCDIN3D that negatively regulates miRNA maturation modifi cations to the RNA drug backbone. Exciting times are (91 ); the 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine (mcm 5 U) modifi - coming; stay tuned. cation of tRNA regulated by the cancer-related enzymes ALKBH8 and hTRM9L (92 ); the existence of further modifi - Disclosure of Potential Confl icts of Interest cations of an already-modifi ed nucleotide, such as the meth- No potential confl icts of interest were disclosed .


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MINI REVIEW Esteller and Pandolfi

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The Epitranscriptome of Noncoding RNAs in Cancer

Manel Esteller and Pier Paolo Pandolfi

Cancer Discov 2017;7:359-368. Published OnlineFirst March 20, 2017.

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