Population Analysis & Breeding and Transfer Plan River Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) AZA Species Survival Plan® Yellow Program AZA Species Survival Plan® Coordinator & AZA Studbook Keeper John Davis, Riverbanks Zoo & Garden (
[email protected]) Adjunct Population Advisor Colleen Lynch, Riverbanks Zoo & Garden (
[email protected]) 2 October 2014 Executive Summary Species Survival Plan® for the River Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) The river hippopotamus population at the time of analysis consists of 98 (37.60.1) individuals at 37 institutions in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The Wild Pig, Peccary, and Hippo Taxon Advisory Group (TAG) designated the River hippopotamus to be managed as a SSP in their 2008 Regional Collection Plan (RCP) with a target population size of 101. This population currently qualifies as a Yellow SSP Program. Of special concern to this population is the high degree of unknownness in the pedigree. Only 55% of the living population’s pedigree is known (i.e., traces back to known or assumed wild ancestors). Genetic management of this population can only be conducted in a rudimentary fashion by avoiding close inbreeding where possible and by attempting to keep family lines equal. However, due to the long lifespans of these animals, even a simple genetic management strategy such as avoidance of close inbreeding will be difficult to implement for those animals with unknown pedigrees and unknown origins. The Program should continue to investigate unknown origin & unknown pedigree animals in order