Pacific Petroleum Geologist NEWSLETTER

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Pacific Petroleum Geologist NEWSLETTER pacific petroleum Geologist NEWSLETTER MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT: 'Tis the Season "'Tis the season,"as the song goes,"to bejolly!"lt's the special The Call for Papers is on the website (;the last season offamily and friends, the season ofgiving and receiving, date to submit an abstract is January 31 (see page 11). Registration and the season to reflect on the past year and plan personal packets will be mailed out on March 1.This will be an exciting, improvements for the NewYear. On behalfofthe Pacific Section high-energy meeting with stimulating technical presentations, Executive Committee, I hope your holiday season was joyful and motivating social events, and great opportunities for networking. that you are blessed with a very happy and healthy New Year. Wow!! Be there! And, Iwould like to thankthose who have given the rest of us in The latest report from Allen Britton, our membership Pacific Section so much during the past year-the Executive chairman, shows we have 710 members within affiliated local Committee, standing committees, Foundation committees, local societies, which range in size from 16 to 197 members. No matter society committees, convention committees, and many persons where you fit into this group, you are an important member. If who have worked quietly and effectively behind the scenes.The some of your colleagues are not members, tell them how the efforts ofthese people make the Pacific Section a leader in AAPG Pacific Section benefits us all through technical presentations affairs. We all benefit from their service and appreciate their most and publications, mentoring, data preservation, community valuable gift oftime. outreach and networking, and ask them tojoin. Also, ifyou happen Mark Wilson, Chairman of the Pacific Section Foundation, to be one ofthe 157 important members who are delinquent in recently distributed a letter asking for our support of Pacific your dues, please pay up. Allen works hard atthis, and it will make Section'sTeacher oftheYear Award program and other Foundation him very happy. programs. Please join me in sending a check to the Pacific Section Finally,as I commented above and in previous columns about Foundation to make a real statement of appreciation to all our the benefits of belonging to Pacific Section, Iwould like to leave Pacific Section volunteers who have worked so tirelessly you with a similar thought about AAPG. In his November 2002 throughout the year.'Tis the season. President's Column,AAPG President Dan Smith said,"... it is not Most of us don't get to Portland, Oregon, very often, but their justthe products and services that are the keys to AAPG's success. local geological society is alive and well in the form of the It is the benefits that are derived by taking advantage ofthese." Northwest Energy Association.They may be small, butthey are an These derived benefits are the value to membership in both AAPG important Pacific Section local society with a lot going on. Read and Pacific Section. I encourage you to consider these benefits about our northern (southern for all you Alaskanites) colleagues and to join AAPG, if you are not already a member. Your in this month's "Society Spotlight" (page 3). Pay them a visit if membership, and mine, works to the benefit of us all on both a you're up (or down) that way on the second Friday ofany month, personal and national level. Octoberthrough May. - Tom Hopps, President, Pacific Section AAPG Wow!! That word pretty much sums up the joint PS-AAPG & WR-SPE convention to be held May 20-25, 2003, in Long Beach. 2003 COMBINED MEETING PACIFIC SECTION AAPG & WESTERN REGION SPE Hilton Hotel Long Beach, California Technical Sessions May 21-23, 2003 (805) 278-3609 MorganStanley [email protected] Lydia M. Hopps TRITON Associate Vice President, Financial Advisor Environmental Group • Retirement Planning • College Savings Plans • Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds JUmNP.BEMm Triton Envl1'Mmentai Group, Inc. I:iWJI~lil, ll~ of O~(im 4450 CallfOl'!1la Suite K·299 300 Esplanade Drive, 10th Floor, Oxnard, California 93030 B<Ikl:~r:sfleild, California 93309 Morgan Stanley Dean Witter is now Morgan Stanley. tliton'bal< Morgan Stanley is a service mark of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co. Services are offered through MorganStanley DWInc. member SIPC © 2001 MorganStanley DW Inc. Well Data Research A Service Provider DAVID B. DEL MAR of Historical Production & Injection Data ConsultingPetroleumGeologist for Wells within California California Registered Geologist #634 Initial Production to Present Development- Thermal EOR - Property Reviews (661) 324-5441 2027 Park Drive H (323) 664-3358 Connie Selgrath 5400 Rosedale Hwy Los Angeles, CA 90026 [email protected] [email protected] Bakersfield, CA 93308 PacSeis, Inc. Pacific Seismic Company The leader in subsurface information Resources that Deliver the Difference • One ofthe largest seismic databasesavai/able for license • Seismic availablefor immediate license • Over500,000 line miles Qf2D data located in domestic United States (onshore &offshore) • South America, offshore Peru, and offshore·Siberia Exclusive Opportunity 2002 Recently acquired seismic databases by Pacific Seismic Co. • Chevron USA California, OXY USA Nationwide (including Arca & Enron) • Santa Fe Energy, TXO, Cities Service Oil·& Gas Nationwide • Southern Pacific, PG&EI NGC, SOHIO Pacific Seismic Company Your full-service Seismic Brokerage & Acquisition Company Exploration Consulting Prospect Financing Project Development Production Marketing Bakersfield Houston New Orleans (661) 322-1171 [email protected] Page 2 Pacific Petroleum Geologist Newsletter January & February' 2003 SOCIETY SPOTliGHT: Northwest Energy Association The The Northwest Energy Association (NWEA) was founded in 1982 by a group of landmen who were involved in the development ofPacific Northwest energy resources.The Portland-based group was initially named the Northwest Association of Petroleum Landmen. The members soon realized that interest in northwest energy matters was not limited by professional boundaries.The organization was renamed the Northwest Petroleum Association to reflect the inclusion ofgeologists, geophysicists, and engineers within the membership. Manyearly members were associated with the discovery and development ofthe Mist Gas Field in northwest Oregon, and with the search for additional fields. In 1994, the group was again renamed. Membership had grown to include engineers, scientists, and other professionals working in gas storage, gas pipelines, energy marketing, and geothermal development, as well as the upstream hydrocarbon exploration and development activities.Today the NWEA is one ofthe few groups in the energy industry in which members attending its meetings will represent both upstream and downstream industry activities. The NWEA holds a luncheon meeting in Portland on the second Friday ofeach month from October through May.The group also organizes an annual symposium held in September.This event typically includes a one-day seminar conducted by invited speakers, followed by a one-day field trip. In addition to its normal activities in 2002, the NWEA organized a session for the GSA Cordilleran Section meeting in Corvallis, Oregon. It was titled"Unraveling theTertiary stratigraphy and structure ofthe Pacific Northwest and its implications for hydrocarbon occurrence and underground gas storage: In honor ofAlan and Wendy Niem.''The session included eleven papers and was attended by approximately 70 people. The group is presently planning its 2003 Fall Symposium, which will be held in Bend,Oregon. -Jim Jackson, President, Northwest Energy Association THE GRAND CANYON OF SOUTH MOUNTAIN - VENTURA COUNTY'S UNKNOWN SCENIC WONDER An Exhibit Featuring Color Photographs by Terry Collins The California Oil Museum's new exhibit,"The Grand Canyon yellow are the brighter hues and they are interlarded with ofSouth Mountain-Ventura County's Unknown ScenicWonder," interstrata ofgray and stone." presents dramatic color photographs bywilderness photographer This exhibit features the work of contemporary wilderness Terry Collins, historic photos, and fascinating geological maps photographerTerry Collins. He has been granted special access to ofthis little-seen area ofVentura County. this scenic area by Vintage Petroleum South Mountain is the prominent and has produced a group of striking peak rising to 2300 feet above sea level color photographs ofthis canyon rarely immediately south of Santa Paula. seen by the general public. Terry has Rugged canyons incise the north-facing recorded scenes to rival those of slopes ofSouth Mountain, including the Arizona's Grand Canyon and Utah's 1000-foot-deep canyon known the Bryce Canyon, all hidden in a corner of "Grand Canyon ofSouth Mountain." In a Ventura County just a mile south of 1922 account ofthis area, atraveler said, Santa Paula. "So magnificent and inspiring are the The exhibit also contains historical views along the roads that lead up the photographs ofthe South Mountain oil mountainside across the Santa Clara field and the workers who developed River from Santa Paula that the rare it. Oil was discovered on South visitor forgets for a moment the Mountain in 1916 and, within five years, meaning and value ofoil, overlooks the it was the leading oil-producing area in interesting steps in the progress by which it is won from the Ventura County. Many residents ofSanta Paula worked in this oil depths of the rocks, and thinks only of the magnificent views field
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