


A Gom> Maiuzinb.—The March MVJr Written expressly for the Dkmockit. Don't Dm In the House.—Ask drug- WASHINGTON LETTER. OLD DOCUMENT. fur oa Kats. It clears out 1· brilliant with line one VANITE. gists "Kough Awate pictures, 15c. 1882. rat*, mice, roaches, fliee, bed-bugs, Washington, 1). C., Feb. ID, Feb. 24, 1882. of Charles Yolkmar's famous dack-palut- Ciiklsea, Mash., HV MARUIEKI1K. To the the IH>moerat: Of(LMort>Dnnocrat Kditorof Oxford l)*ar Sir : as Mn. New flounces are gathered. the ι« iogs heading lilt frontispiece. The is well filled with visitor#. city Enclosed in this I teed the has a beautiful full lost that on the morrow Fryeburg Jessie Curtis Shepherd Metbought, night, Important το Travki.ebs.—Special in- The hotels are crowded, and uo rooms to KVKHV Τ Γ KSD A V, Petition fur Incorporation. It is a splen- who wear line morn ducements are offered the for ami page engraving. "They yon by Burling- PUBLISHED remedy sleepless irritable be had. ha·» drawn many towns 80 much of good I'llr. here, but far the are That on th« waking of another advertisement to be found elsewhere In by large&t portion that cau show as good a Documentary a· with two to illustrate WATKIX8, from fUll-length figures, I'll be ao kind, ·ο loving, and bo trae. this issue. >· It. Pitcher, Free and here for and For " G Κ Morphine, pleasure, sight-seeing. can. The next document will enti- not Narcotic. Fryeburg the irresistible poem by Μ. Κ. B." Editor and Proprietor. Formula published there has been a No hiuty word· of scorn «hall pa·· my lip*. l'auiers more bouffant. years past very apparent be from the pen of old 1'areon Fes- tled "A Girl of the Period." Bodflsh also grow with eat h l or wholly I'll heart <0 froin «In «eeiire; bottle. desire on the of to have keep my pure, Flatulency, part many society aenden. The fact wan, he went to the in the num- |ipr a et» General Court aud α Petition that "Hannah's "A And care· with I'll endors. Send a three cent aud your ad- m »Ιτ in ·»<. a ·1*4ϋ01·η forgot ber illustrating Snares," petty patience stamp, ,i.| «:'IftlT a Feverishness, Worms, and disor- ; ·!* m -Bth«. been a determination to this about. " dress to Wiikat BirrKRs 1!» I'ark k.le. If p\ I with·· briug he had in his for one of the and of Co., will \t dered liowi Castoria band-box, ( Sawiug Match," The Storr Maple And now another day liu« come and gone ; of t.«reBt? ή*«· c«wte ls has the have at- Place, New York mentioning this jr u.rtion ol Uk* larg- For years past public receptions so he had to at- City, n«t fti'il t"1 th« *η·Ι towns around there.) explain The letter is I my tired head upon the bed ; »i le. If est sale of article Sugar." press equally lay and receive a set of «111 b* charg«.l. any dispensed by tracted few of those who paper, fancy cards, year :«o dollar· comparatively to t'te General Court, &c., \c. tractive. The are "Two I cannot think of one kind action done, live fl»· MBtl. poems Littlej elegant designs. 9ln(l· Co|>I·· Druggists. consider themselve* the "elite," and rep- " One tender, loving word that I have «aid. Yours Sincerely. Juliet C. Marsh; Behind na- Pilgrims," by White moir· fans are in fashion. representatives of the wi-alth of the John F. Pbatt. How It la to AdT^rtialnx, the Arras, A. 1). 1486," a charming art po- ea*y, lying here, plnn Hat»»· of all It would be but j tion if they attended at " Of noble deed· to do, of pathway* new; is LKOAL 5<»Tt0k». cm by Mrs. Margaret J. Preston ; March,' Am. Wkm. Thai Ends Well.—nrriu a few moments toward the and then And think our life of work ha* Ju*t begun 4:» of ·<· or>p w>ek. |l.cf close, Coi.ony ok tiik MASSACiirsKTTs Bay. t'atlin, Pearl Street, Buffalo, Ν. V. says on# n«*h ·ρβ "Shadow and Echo," " For w»rk, 1Λ celt*. by Kdgar Fawcett; When it may be, for aught wc know, 'limit I tried various y «-h very seldom appeared in the East Room, T<> ihr Honourable Uenrral Court, convened remedies for the pile* but r< r cent. a IdiUoaa!. Mrs. F. Butts ; "Catkins," Mrs. Clara VHi'-p·—β at the 2'J Sov. ..-Inno by by through! found no relief until I used Thomas's ipeci* but would gather in groups In the room II'atrrtmctt, day of Γ*<»Β*ΤΒ Wei De Ihmini 177—: Dotv Bates, and "A Girl of the Period," FBTEBUItr,, Feb. 18, ISrt. Electric On., which entirely cured in·· took Em»»·, «Λ. where the reception proper place. after a few Ν >J ·<· ■·· R*»l Meyer ; The Petition of the subscribers, Inhabi- Μ. Ε. B. The stories include "The applications." .^e·*· by »-V WET DE MEYER S CATARRH one a w I·. This there has been hut public tant* a (»,<<·· ..... 1 M yt-ar of New Township formerly grant- a "The RESOLUTIONS. S >i "ft. Car·, a Constitutional Antidote for Sixpence of Princess," Sawing cheviots are li *n« I JO and to Spring self-covered. *b4 KXMUtor·' NotiC*·, held at the White House, th« General Court of said colony, " -n r»: >r«' thi· terrific reception by I Two Little ι .... 2.1A malady, by Match," How Entertained Notice·. Absorption. sheweth that we " l»m* ««:>·«·«' none at any other place, and we now have Joaeph Frye, Es<|., humbly Ham. ok Kk/.ar Valmcy Lodgk, ) I)r. Pierce's Favorite \1rnlitfri.ii4 SPURTS of ha\e the conditions of Girls," full of charming rcmlnisceuces oi (» rrescription." ».T>"»"Bvl(wililw»l diicniting fully performed I or 0. F., for all those weaknesses to wo- con! β :ed itr courier tb* Mucon«i an and no need ap- peculiar ,!v.· .emenia Suufile», aristoerscy. plebian said Grant in at M. Alcolt an old schoolmate, 18*2. H,· oc eiten Crackling Pain» in the every respect—having Louisa by Lovell, Feb'y l'5, ) is an Distress- aie. ai*». lor th.·»· opyia* who de- men, unequalled remedy. .j." seems to have l»e«n those least families settled on said " Head. Fetid Breath. Donfn·». and ply by sixty-three Club aud A Feb. seusa «pace. "Their Ours," (serial), by At a regular meeting of this Lodge, ing backache and bearing-down ,.«« Catarrhal to coutainiuated Graut who have called and settled »ι*<χ-"»ιτ. any Complaint, can be sire keep from being l>y lately " a; lo' Frera the Hudson to the Neva" (se- resolutions were : lions yield to its strength-giving proper- to lont.ng welt eiuMitl.e! exterminated Wei a Learned X Orthodox Minister of the Boy, 2.">, the following adopted -» tie at lb· by Do lu coutact with the horde. Meyer*· coming vulgar of ties. By Druggists. Catarrh Cure. The most Gospel according to the usages of the rial^, by David Ker, "The Story Maple Wiirrkas, It has pleased God In His In- 'Well A Co 10 Sonic· St.. Sew Tork : important Private dinners have taken the of all t.eo. P. Κ since place Churches in this That we labour a of woods' duite Wisdom to again enter our Lodge 1 Pulton St.. *ew ^o'k; J. II Discovery Vaccination. Other Colony. Sugar," delightful piece lore, Solid browns are on new Pm .· Λ ■I are of jet capotes. * M »*etten Μ.'-·»4 Wa*BI»*?.ia Mons the Sabbath ha» been desecrated being corporate society I .· c Μ said Minister Mrs. "What Grandmamma those who s Ν W A»r-A vOn vide Tor the support of our Catherwood, pathize with mourn; therefore, color snd luetre by the use of Parker {> β Μ ι·· One « ith them. V Λ*ο. m Û. S,Jt, package generally t.njftce*. manner the " That In the death of Brother Hair Balsam, an •, A Oui * ο., In the usually practiced by Did," Hannah's Snares," by M. M. B. li'êolrtd. elegant dressing, admired n: *· BoatoB, Ht". Delivered by Drocnist·. or by D. P. The Couveution of the Woman's Chris- several Towns ami Parishes In the Frank W. Μι-Keen. this has. for the for its and rich I Colony aud "A Moan Little Mouse," Mrs. Eyt- Lodge purity perfume. « * -h mentioned the time, give » »ie a mon η t ,1ue. an ■narlioliii statement· the curei as ns the .ι '·-·. lj- rising Generation among us are in danger tides, mil.I, yet entertaining thor. lté advanced an Experience the Bkst Glide.—The rea- > |>avm<'Bt*. to the and awaken " a*»·· thcm»elte»ol fre·. impetus movement, of a Wild uncultivated race, in which Edward Ev- Itesolrrd, That we extend to tbo mourn- bv or han ! te the near? >t »a"«rt growing up stories To-day," son women use u m ιil. why everywhere Parker's .a I inter» .st iu the cause of that is to as well as " friend· our heartfelt in this on tbc œ· ma tb« j'a.tî temperance much the pnbllck damage ing sympathy m, : ahp, erett Hale the tariff ; Short Sto-1 Ginger Tonic Is, because they have learned of their aa also of explains tbeir alllictiou, and can recom- U·* ;o :haî <1tfe. very to its friends. Three weeks grief parents; Incapable deep only best c ire ·1>·>4ηΙ b« uk> ο te gratifying ries from the Arthur Gil- by experience—the guide—that this u m œ.'ae» i» »ent. and Dictionary," by meud them to Him who docth nothing money ta no» err !ite.i ranee establishing repairing necessary High- ne tiie »fip. an I 'f the sgo the National Teu-.j Conference excellent medicine overcomes ut aa as our own man "A Pair of Mrs. Dickin- desponden- «f. u »e ah .»i. ι be apiirlMt «fit. way» well for the publirk ; Gloves," by wrong. ■ .S was held iu the l>t church cy; periodical headache, indigestion, pain Congregations! use; as al>o other a Jltaolrrd, That wc our charter in doing many Corporate son; "Beautiful Mr. Baby," Japanese drape In the back and and other trouble·· uudrr the of the Nstlonal Acta for the well of and wear the usual for kidneys, auspices Temper- ueceasary ordering Then to mourning, badge Cards. £c\ that sketch, by Mrs. Arthur. follows, of the sex.—Il>mt Juurnal. Professional ance of the ci'v Society, We therefore humbly pray thirty days. Socitty. The ckrcy very Course the Honourable Court would be pleased to crown this, the month's Reading ι; UEUKi κ. « i.tt red into the work. Atlanta, Ga., now rivals as a r *ιι â generally heartily take our case into consideration and afford for the Chautauqua Reading Union, spark-, No. Bridgtox.—The spring term of the Chicngo ι divorce town. Centaur Governor Dlngley gave a very instructive us us to at relief by Incorporating according lin·; with wit ami wladom, helpful with Academy opened on the rth ult. with 120 Attorneys Law. ind <. titr-rtaiuiug niK'ress.and it « »·> well re- the limits of our Grant or Grants thereby and brilliant with •cholars. the number ever Λ G<«,:· our Βκγββι. Mb. j which other practical suggestions largest present I*ve«tmi.*t.—One of promi- •eived. I hear it of mst\ as a Vesting us with the Privileges spoken by a tine a term since the ·*. Aammom κ ' Towns in this do tine engravings, among them veiy at the commencement of nent Lusiness men «aid to us the other ; b ι wii pam and well cal- incorporated Colony by day remarkably fine production A Law enjoy and your Petitioners shall as it ilrawiug by I.ungren for the music article school was established in 1*09. large "In the niv wife trot all run down α wailM, A·· a of tpring rulated to do much good. sign " Jiniment.i duty bouud ever pray. entitled Mo/art for friends." of the students are advanced snd could not eat any thim; ; parsing your „· ino-t playing majority quite Poworful, he tlmc> of mention, as it was the « •tore I saw a o( II(xh! « ir* worthy Siguetl The music this month Is Mr. G. W. in their more than pile Sitreaparilln and Coutht 'lor at Law, l'en·*! rating 1 Proi'kikto«s. by studies, aevtnty-flve Attorney I'ain*rcli<>uu^ 1rst entertainment of the kiud ever given Nox-Prohuktors. the window, and I got a Isittle. After she *r>>xi>. V* I'hadwick. the musical conductor of the and several a K: T;t.!<.·«;> ever i.. wscd bv h:.m. It Joseph Walker Richard Eastman having taught schools, many had taken it week she had a routing ap- 1ère at which were not a part of s liquors Aaron Abbott llezeklah Asteu Ureek he set Mi*s A uumber in attendance are and did her Mie took vr ( >K. s.·*·;h* l'un, it uul.umuation, play, .V.dipus, having terms. largo petite, everything. the * utertaiunxnt, lion, and Mrs. I! J. ('. " nnd it was dol- ^i'TU Joseph Emery William Wiley Muloch's Mill for Wide and homes of three bottler, the best three it I.luIs Wounds and it cures Song especially j from Oxford county, the lars! everiuvested. C.l.lIuedA Walker of the Pa District, Jonathan Daniel Karrlngtoa I'u^Loweil.Miw. Williamsport Hicblngs .Itrule. SO a year. 1). Lotbropl others are scattered from Maine to Cali- and Counsellor at Lair, Samuel (»nly RIIEI/MATISM, λ e a and at "WiHard's Dradley Joseph Frye Ativrwy ; large party hop Co. Publisher*. "Isles of tho sea" in I tah hss timed his mar- ΓΐΙΙΒΓΚί. Μ Κ. Scint it'ii, Job Eaatmau Stephen Knight Uoî>tou, fornia, and even the A Mormon I.limitait». Scalds, the ar- λ here they hail as guists maty of so that he can now celebrate «er lor Ne* Ihn r-h!rf. Hunts, Stitf tJoints, Cuts Swell- Samuel Walker James Swan claim representation in these "classic riage nicely Frost i*to< ra< of our own laud and repriMtila- John his china wedding annually during the ings, biten, t>uinsoj Stilt y William Eaton .') Farrington Τιι κ Ν aw Scikntikic Amkkhan Om- and men who will be at the >:m.kk a nr.K-tY. halls," present next seventeen and before the ls«t t:vis <>f the in the Peter Allen David Evans years, Khi'iiui, Itcli, Spraius liai.«s, and Forelgu Ligations city, We ere to announce that the here ilrst Γ» CIM.— glad coming re-union at Portland one is reached his annual silver wedding »s Abraham Uusseil Moses Day Ijuiiciii from any cttUM*. Suf- ind no )ii|uor of any kiitil, cot even punch, Counsellors at Law, Edward Cutler Samuel Osgood Sfimtifir Amrriran came out of the late learned their "Amo" "Amas." little think- will commence. ferers ircnn itss furnished. James Parker (Ire in New York, like the tabled Phunix, then of the in State Buckfleid, Me. Stephen Farrington ing prominent places Mother Died ot Sali Riieim. l'A IΝ IN 1 \v< sudden deaths the week Carter THE BACK. during past John Walker Ezra with renewed life. lists, would till with so much ν :a*t Pi BL;c for oirou COt'XTT. The subscription and Nation they J. W. Adams, Newark, Ohio, says: "Cti- Fo\er ltr«>l,«*n uwaki η rccolkctiuns of tbe one of John Stevens Hichard Kimball o. ii iikkbkt sort's l*rti|»tioiis, pftfct, account books, records, honor to themselves and their constituents. tlcura Remedies art the greatest medicines ο !' imp Jonathan Dresser Isaac Walker patent patent 11 roast », coutniCtcd Curtis Neu- w to ml the of border case Salt Rheum which ill call mi days aud were manufacturers. on earth. Had the worst I. WAl ΚI Κ John Chandler Timothy Walker Irawings, correspondence pre- The extensive furniture ralgia, 1*αΚ>ι r «lisl«N-ateest planters —the first member of from that John Itoll Miller Johu Charles At! πι*ι, and Counsellor at Laic, l'uD(jr«s priutiug of the Scientific American aud their Arm: Mr. John C. Wells retiring, to Cutlcura would have saved her life. My « ι:\ men j μλιχε. I n, lu.nts and professional Mat*.—diet.) at thetîovernment Insaue A»y· Jacob Colby Abner Charlea for Lovcu Suj>i>lement was dont· in another building; be succeedeil by Mr. Byron Kimball. They arms, breast and head were covered int :. everv « in sa\ t:iat John Becknell Benj'n Kussell here, unite :ημ. iuni. Mr. wa» a uative of South three years, which nothing relieved or Conway Simon Frve the types, presses, pa- will this year use al»out ."«.iniO cords of wood ( Johu Blcknelljr. couse-iuenlly plates, cured uutil I used the Cutlcura Remedies M. EST IVB LINIMI NT I'arolma. ra:*»d in and went to »".! «ImK»»· men FRANK Η, TIITON D„ Maryland, K/.eklel Walker per, etc., were uuharmed, aud no inter- amnlniin· alintit \0 ill rt-lit f when all other I.ini- Kaunas in the between the Ebeneerer and brings early struggle Day of business was occasioned. various nr"' so well Physician Surgeon, ruption the departments, Oscar Wilde says: "The set-ret of life 1 xtra< ts and Embroca- freedom and the border rullians Samuel Charles >, OK votaries of The new offices are we have Moses Ames Scientific American known are their manufactures, that they Is in art." And all these years tions have fulled. as a Democrat, but uncomprom- " under the im- ■ < Dt»r Douglas located at .'01 corner of War- " betn laboring erroneous u » I:·! '>tu<·· *trte:. Nsth'i Merrill Broadway, have orders ahead constantly." an was > ο jur· 1-a to : p. m to tbe lutroductiou of that the secret or life In Li ·Η<(τ 3 II isingly opposed John Evans ren Street, a central and excellent s. r. pression very so, that Da\id Dar nature. But then, things change you s!a\»r\ iuto Territory. Being young lituatlon. The new bulldiug fronts to- / < I» un I M 1>. know. m 1 of au ardent temperament, he soon --.,, ι. ·ι.„ r·:,.. h.π ,v... r·.....« ιιΛ.,«« ,„.ι Hamlet, Γκινοε υκ Denmark.—The il- JUST OUT! the friends is honored first became a marked mau umoug FAMILY CHARACTERISTICS. the New Post < >rtlce—a struct- lustrious hard of Λνοα >>eing American Ladies.—The Impres- I Λ" Surgeon. magnificent sion Sara Bernhardt received of the Amer- ttyshwi/i )f a Free State. Ile was elected Chief with still another edition of his works, and iu Oxford ure. which cost millions to build. ! mm mk. A few years ago tlitre lived eight ican ladies manifested itseli thusly "Oh State under the at u tills time it Is one that will not Justice of the attempt auil a few feet distant delight ouly /a are so soch clear Morris Λ Ireland's Maine, an w iJow. who had Nearly opposite, z.e ladies, beautiful, ϋϋΤϋΓϊ State was county, aged to adorn their State government. ar.d when the from the American is the the rich, who are pleased I nevare see before," all of j." Λ Ε W larHOVEIt fifteen children. A peculiarity Id this fam- Scientific otllces, complexion the con- with beautiful but also the which is due to the universal use of lually admitted under Wyandotte " entrance to the libraries booka, was what may be called double mar- great Suspension Bridge skin diseases, Physician iS' Surgeon, in ily to whom the Swayne's ointment for EIGHT-FLANGE stitution lie took his seat Congress. over the Fast between New York millions of book-buyers, pos- m>» ru Ktu«. riages." Thus, two of the daughters mar- Hiver, which insures a clear and clean complex- was as Consul at Marseilles, session of a handsome edition of Shakes- a* >■ ;η«· m«r · «penalty. Hi appointed two of the and Brooklyn, which required ten years to and a color. This recalls to '* ried brothers, named l'aimer; Ion, healthy II ^ and re- on ac- Krsuce, by Froid» nt Lincoln, ronstruct and millions of dollars to peare has heretofore been impossible mind the divine precept "cleanliness is sons married sisters, named Barrows ; two twenty c : M BU M i>., *d there several when he re- count of the cost. We have received next to Godliness." Fire-ProofSafes, I nain years, pay for. In front, also, of the Menttfc high other ions married sisters, named Bonuey no trade urned to this country. Having American is the Hall Park aud Print- from The I eeful Knowledge Publishing ladiss were two sisters, married City Two well dressed examining Pi'<■ ci an ft he grand daughters, cou- " ysi Surgeon, ,r *ession, an>l without money, House with its statue of Ben- Compauy a charming little volume a statue of Andromeda, labelled, Execut- MAIN». pre brother*, named thus be- ing Square, ΡΑΚΙ*. Bonney. They cotta." one, "where is Sor Mr·. Λ. ti. Mttoa. Pir.i »u oflice that would afford him "Hamlet, Prince of Deamark;" ed In terra Says At rtt.deact of Franklin, aud the homes of eminent talulng " lought came sisters in law to their uncles' wives; jamin am sure I don't H.:.. in a excellent that?" I know," replied neans to himself acd family editors aud such as the New 14* page·, beautiful, leaded type, tupport two other sisters, mar- newspapers, the other, "but I the poor girl, where- Ti ll hB« his ideas of graud-daughters, which pity nauner commensurate with York Sour York New York paper, and tasteful cloth biuding, DFNÏI8T. ried brothers, named Bonney, cousin· of Tribune, Sun, sver it was." be. In this he sell for 1*0 cents ! are is- vhat his "hould New York and AV- they only They " p.>sitiou those named. Thus there wer· World, Herald, Mail, ! e\i- already in 10 A Good Thing.—It is splendid Why, soon sud gave his dramatic works 'ailed, became g''X>my iu this three jireti, Zeitun st α τ Villao·. Ui. lecured for him a iu theTr» *i*ur-T· aided trained examiners aud ornamented gold, them with Pond's Extrac γ. It is a position down on farms within two miles of their Co., by ing This au- for man or beast." T"«'ih ia»er.e i on SUrer or he felt to be and he aud umes, all for $4 50. Company remedy, good rhis degrading. oue load there were three draughtsmen, prepare specitlcations splendid '"· *l'j mother. Ou a one iu our olHce. 'm.^1 Rubber. ι a number of and So farmer, day, to shoot Senator for American and nouuees large standard spake emptcd I'omeroy. faims next to each other, and on drawings Foreign pa- from as mauy thou- UK HSTITUTR. j owuing excel- He spoke experience, I saw him but a week or two since rid- tents. If oue of our readers should exceedingly valuable publications, HàTTU K. M l>.. seperintenltnir Λτ· very er that τΛϋ between them.—lioftoii fortune), they have only drop x~ *\ :.jt 'f«oo. Ail ΙιιΙβΓ*·ΐ£«- card to The •U < aud while in the 1 loose Munn & *. dar- such as nadc two that attracted very who will at once, without Knowledge Publishing Compauy, a visit outside between the act·», W CHATHAM, Snip made, spcechcs has re- reply charge, Nkw Μ γ flic.—The Hrj.ubliran New York I had such a It almost took JAVE3 jeneral attention, lie was quite small, stating whether the in\ention is probably It)? William Street, City. ling, fright! Tilt: l'A Τ F ST from the Si'Kiiti Deux· breath l»m i ï SHERIFF ά lot over live feet Ave inches and so ceived pablishers, A handbook of in- my away." COBOXEB, high, novel and patentable. is out Mrs. 717 New York, three Solon's Stekk».—Solon Chase "Mercy!" exclaimed B, turning uof v, Broadway, " Kkzak Kai l* Mb. ilim that he would not weigh OTer oue structions, with full will also her ftce I wish it had, John." as follows : particulars, with a card that he is to start away. Kï» ne » compositions, announcing by st.: prompt]* attended lo. îutidred aud with red very pleasant free. Messrs. Munn ί have And then John looked sheepish enough, twenty-live pouiids, " be sent, Co., at Chase's ·· The Old Rustic a Greenback newspaper, Bolt La 5,'aecottc Waltzes," weekly as he inserted a clove in his Inside he wore well slyly ' lair which over in Work,!: very long, coming " had thirty-flve years' experience is tar oihv K.re from the March 15th. He Fusion," >1 re »ecur* from UurjrUr· than b Τ the Mill," and Far Mills, agin mouth. ISAAC BAGNALL. in on his him a strik- Bridge " Proof Sate, md η» <\in'iiw repair- lowu shoulders, giving " the business. 44 "La Mascotte Waltzea," for the rag straight, and ιη„· Holts or Locks. Old Home. by goes baby Woolen ng appearance. for the 44 need- Manufacturer/ «-ER, are a collection οΓ the makes the following appeal -ψ. Wm. Pke> Μλι»' ι;>··'«ιι» »4T:**rrs.Corrn> witnesses are beiug here " ^ Λ tent Many brougiit — : !.. AS ·. Pu Cap, the of La have ful WL K^^kl.·. r*OC*IJ«0· Hinged moat r *1"» of opera A Ntw Ηκλι.τη Ai.maxac. We »*: Τ aux» 'rom the West to before the (irand popula cciTW Cloth Diuts«i>u and Hull testify and Λ has a mouth, SCROFULA. Four- II 'heel Locks, Maacott," arra oge^ iu a simple pleas- just received from the well-known pub- newspaper great large in the Star lioute cases. come can tin* of lury They " Rustic Il- takes a deal of feed. A forkful A remedy that destroy germs HANOVER. MK. in wal '·* time. The Old lishing house of Fowler £ Wells, their and good Inside Iron torn all the Territories and » >regon, ing style scrofula. and when once settled lus the pow- Linings, nearly a meal from true men, woi '1s aud music by lustrated Annual of aud Health of hay and ration of md the here assert that most of Bridge by the Mill," I'hreuology er to r>x>t It out, must I*· appreciated I.y A. C. Corners. papers allian- JONES, Solid is a chorus of Almanac for 1682, G4 octavo pages, price, who will not enter into entangling those afflicted. The remarkable cure* οί Angle are on or sub· .1. I'. Skei.i.ev, aong v/'th them brought bogus forged all the more run -t Tlie words 10 ceuta. This has become a ces with either of the old parties, Is young children and wonderful Stateia ac- more than ordinary merit. publication SMITH AND MACHINIST, Tk*Siii··»·! now uemg «old in thia Une is sure, that, of those of middle and late In life, as il- punas. thing quite is needed to make Them Steers plow age South l'uriit. M'urtr. are much l>etter than those of the ordinary neuessily in mauy well-regulated families, that jording to the claims of the Star Koute lustrated by.our printed testimonials. prove Μ \ Μ > TI of Ta' ve'D for It is tilled with a furrow from the white birch hillsides of KKR r- π·»··Ι»ΙβθΓΤ.··>-*ιη LARGE NUMBERS, the music has au and well it should, to be a rem- -*· cau no indictmeut iiallad, aud original HooK'rt SAKSAI'ABILLA reliable "· 2i wv>rk. »ρ«·>·1 η.·» h|n»-ry it 1 tool·. nvestigators, there be ■" ·*'· TUB matter valuable infor- Maine to the land of the olive and the remedial which do r-w· tap., ·!ι*. ia ! dril'· made an·! AND GIVE aud is The composition reading containing edy. containing agent* re|w "· round, as the statute of limitatious will very pleasing. cure scrofula and eradicate it front -renj no* rg >d I ttif»»!iiO|i B>a- to orange. ·· a «Λ* mation Physiog- « of medium Phrenology, .-r-o. within the soprauo relating ie blood. : ml; k od«, prr *·ιη», pi.lol» Greatest Satisfaction, prevent a trial. range Bwitivcly ri4*· ·«.·.«■ a.atiy aoil pr> uipUy repaired < and there seem· to be no nomy, Health, Hygiene, Diet, etc. Th· »iid >:;roRD. tenor voice, A Wonderkul Story.—Iu another part 2t. 1*Τ·Λ »»;^r pp n< dot* tooruer. Warker. X. If., Jan. Being the Most H ·hy Finlehed, before us, in addition to the usual MKtSRS Ο. I. Ilooi> & l^'Weli, Mas·».: reason it should not become very .Number of our will be found the advertise- »'«>., ·*'0 ·Β<1 ι» that most free-traders why paper — For ten to the H'r —It noticeable notes calendars, Gentlemen years previous «· to the astronomical and monthly ^ >»w WantHVV *ιρ<η-<>. ,UJL\per First- the tariff as one It is certainly superior ment of a most wonderful story which la early Part of 1(77 I had been a constant »ι;:- "*6 Host leal with question popular. 0υ1 Made,and Cheapest " or sores, which β««»·αγτ. seed lor circular·. For Far from the Old Home," contalus the principles of Phrenology, ferer from scrofulous ulcers jf statesmanship. instance, average ballad. to be in the AVie Y»rk Weekly. a A'i.tre·». Η L. r ΑΚΗΛΚ. ever practical published had Anally reduced inc to helpless condi- Class SAFE free trader from votes J. P. with the names and the location of the or- as letter to lu Pam. mai*e. the l'ennsylvauia words by ftEoRGR Cooper, music by It is entitled, "Mtrciles* Ben, the lhir- tion. described in my you s-li- tem be r of that year. Ibe continued excel- for a tariff "u iron; the free trader from of con- illustrated ; a tine life-like of Skei.i.y, is a.'eo a song and chorus gans portrait and is from the pen of the lent health which enables me to keep house Louisiana votes for a tariff on sugar; the Lifler," highly- i produced. are musical Mr. Nelson the well-known Phren- for my aged father and to enjoy life. kee| h ha·! the votes for a tariff siderable merit. The words Sizer, and Ned Bunt- BUT CUBE or HUMAN «BEET These Celebrated Suit· free trader from Virgiuia gifted Immensely-popular alive my intense personal interest in Hook s and are and Lecturer; and sketch 1 cannot l>u tobacco; the free trader from South find in Cooper's best vein, pleas- ologist portrait line. The .Veto York Weekly shows an en- Sar.saparii.la.and refrain fronicx- Is the Loss of gratitude (or the RECORD Carolina votes for a tariff on rice. And which is of Mrs. £li/.a Garfield, the mother of the pressniK my |«-m>aiieul CIIAMPIOX antly adapted to the music, quite and energy wonderful, and cure tills wonderful medicine effected in free trader ahowi his terprise truly my IN 1UE herein it is that the some contrasts we meet in ease two ago. while living in to the Daily late President: teem with the most beautiful nearly years sense, for a tariff on whateve) his up average.—Binykamtoicn it* columns wneu all gave me up voting of habit on Lowell, my pltvklcians life, illustrated; influence as In an incurable condition. One manhood constituents desire to have protected, thus flepullican. dally stories and sketches. We predict that being before I close. I have recommended are free character and illustrated; mental thing ·* »b· *·«!!>« trMluitul.anil showing that some free traders destiny, ·'Mtrrilett Ben" will add tens of thousands to hundreds, and I Hunk |ii 1 Twentieth Maine Regiment.—The your Sarsaparilla r°:,! of or Fire but in In illus- >eininal Writm·» M-eima· Boston traders in theory, and medical science China, with more than a thousand cases, and my faith m » Great protectionists u i<-cd at the Sol- to its circulation. ^ bv >c!f-Abuae, InvoiBOtar. Historical Add.*ess delivered already great its invincibility in curing scrofula h.:s h, υ ιμιόκτακτ practice. character and the an- 'mpotenry. .Serr< u« l*ibiliiy. an I and m ace ihtt time CKKAf AN trations; longevity; come the wonderful cures it has ia ► t, diers' Reunion i η Portland, last Bummir, absolute"by to M.rtiage lenrrtl'iT; C"Muap itttKui BMKMTS bave been made. with hints and admoni- she "Charles can effected aside from . 1 trust yon SD'' nual sanitarium, —«'No, ma," said, .. 'f'Ji * it·: M»rt and otb*r concern, Hewitt, of New York, and will not be slow in the merits of It. »!, I*hy»>«-al Before giving your order to any —Congressman has been published in pamphlet form, nuking *c ROB CRT J. Cl LVI.R· Catalogue. the case of the silver dollar tions for the farm and household, suitable never be to me more. lie has Ho<>t>'s Sarsaparilla known *nTCli·. 1 -B* j •*nrices address ifte record of τ l'iiorol lb»' t.rrt» lUwI.'Af. embraces be&idee the for It is a duty you owe to mankind. NSitli ! and conclusively thus : for the different seasons of the year; and come out in bis lut season's overcoat; Ltt- /or author, in thie admirable best wishes I remain very truly yours. "· j of the silver the two reunious of the Twentieth Regi- |>Γ"»^· from h β ηwn e»irà· dsojtroti* »ur|re«l SUDBURY ST., if It were not so expensive and miscl lievous- the paragraphs, 'l·** l:.>lruaienia. no··, or c r- 04 in the history of tho regiment, flxLug ROSTOX. MA%*. men are of works by and we have HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA oot a moι are at once to safes where and friend of the ou-n, of Uie best remedies of the vegetable u,r*W!'1 a boon to nr ;t IX NEW YORK, which consigned to every member regi- not want to b« tau«K More thoue· tJlUvk'U UUt te UUklr j a circulation. We will Senator David Davis doe· 'U;B*.cd-. are as useless as was the < or· will have large aay knowu to medical science as altera- il·. they »riginal ment. This book can be obtained by send* kingdom ia % th· next l« that an ablet 'Jrt.. J:n'*r.»»al puio envelope, to any a·! before It was mined, smelted, and coined. to our readers, send 10 cents in stamps at President, proof tives, Mood-purilicrs, diuretics, and tonics. ut e,x ^ote ·Γ t*o cei its in silver or to •iat Ht a Γ1"1 postage a waste of en- ing twenty-Dre scrip brilliant liar has risen Sold all Price $1, or six tor It is against such national once to the Fowler 4 Wells, audacious and up by druggists. Mines. Botaniste publishers, Fertile U> eiaxme ores,also for and that I and this the Lincoln Coujçty News, WaJdoboro, $X C. 1. HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass. «1 .1*'KWELL· MEDICAL CO. M:nrraioci"t· sal·» ergy capital protest, New Y"ork. among us. and #9 cents each. For bj 755 Broadway, d * *Mk. Λ. *.» Hoai udice use, at .V,»a Ml, waste my bill propoaee to remedy." Me. »*o. HfcNKY M. WΑ ΙΚΙ.Νβ, PAKM illL'., ■ Ι' 1 ■ " ϋ— SORTHEHX IBtPERlAL FIRE For The Oxford IXmocist. iFrom the Π Ιο· Herald, Hep.] A REMARKABLE STATEMENT. NEWS OF THE WEEK. AT MR. FKKLING- ASSURANCE TEMPERANCE. MILD SAKCASM COMPANY, or LONDON.COMPANY INSURANCE.... .ii*n(iV IIUYSEN'S EXPENSE. mine horror oc- ΤΠΕ rxcaiAL kxtkriexcc of A prominent Another coal Or LONDON. • II».O· U Saturday: In OO Capital DM dMûrb time at In Austria, §β.000,0"0 up • l.mio îlcntocralJ this Styria, OO —·" ρ·Μ ouu MAN MADE PUBLIC. curred, rtpiui Capital ο» Mr Kditor : were I pal.lMp«ρ |ί.ΙΜ)1»,««Η» Why all thin wild talk about the neceMl- which one hundred and tlfty persona Capital Ρ»ΙΊ Inter- Since ther» bus been of late, some ty for improving our nary with Freling- killed. The Mormon Legislature adopt- BRANCH STATEMENT FABI8, M aine, M ABCS Ml be VSITED STATES est in the ev ic of temperance, it may huyaeu at the head of the State Depart- The followiug article from the Democrat ed a memorial to Congress protesting 1, 1882 What do we want with a efforts to overthrow gam.τ. JANUARY some of the ment? nary, and of Rochester, Ν. I» of ■gainst the poly proper to consider prominent Chronicle, Y., were ASSET Γ9. under the lamb-like that is now Seven members of one family IMIKUIAI docs diplomacy so from so N''*THu« Decisions. reasons so benevolent an object striking a nature, and emanates (10 Newspaper why in fashion? We have no quarrel with any hurled in a snow-elide at Big Cottonwood, nil Mr. a is re- F.1 « person foreign power, I'tah. failed 9i»'o« Uwrnimnt Hon J·. tttJITO «J rem U»« oilice—whether directed to hi· ntiue or one with Boston was a il standard bearer iu this State, advo let any foreigu power get up us, entire. In addition to the valu- ; : A man in Slate B>»nd4, 07i 0) archer"*. or whttbtr he hae subserl'oed or not— the published .Sunday young 1>ηη#·»«·" all a in R*>n OH takes a whole of thrown frlcod Suie I'. tM 4,1115 1· reeiOtustWe for Me payuieut. the of a more effectual law; if it library correspond, able matter It contain·, it will be fourni killed by a snowball by Virginia au estes uec>sity Λ*ο<ι Virginia Da'erred Certldcaiei, S,M .W 2. 1( a person order* hia pai>er discontinued, ence to convey our humble apologies. 3 Î44 'Λ writer of this article : sport. Ca»h In Kink and Ortlie, er.fi π be must pay al! arrearages, or too publiaher m.tjr with whom the no anil we don't exceedingly interesting J as. O. delivered a «o,»« u and We have foreign policy, Monday : Hon. Blaine Premium* la oourae or COlleOUO·, 3,350 ou continu? to senti it until pAjrmeiU is inmie. the whole (iar- The history of want ottVnd or : ou the late President an accrued, c olivet the whole .-uaount, whether tae p«|>er U fully agrees any—it might England To the Kdltor of tbo Democrat and Chronicle national eulogy Kent* due J ftvia the office or not. or or some other State, two Honses of • 1,4)30.0147 4)1 taken world show >. that even in the highest Chill, Patagonia. Held before the Congress, ·*?7,.10(4 Court* decided that to take Sir: motives for the of, is 3. The have revising or State. If auybody smites us, My publication aud other high olllcial dignitaries; it I.I ABILITIES. am) i«ertodtea»s ir«u the ofBee, civilized countries the teachings of moral alleged the most unusual statements which follow • 40,*,"5 y newspaper* po*t we are to turu the other cheek—and Sec- to have been η mas- or an ti rv*.i*>vtng has failed to rcstraiu meu it that are, first, gratitude for the fact that 1 have | the oc- r.ma /fcett evidence of traud. philosophers retary Krellnghuvsen will see to terly effort, worthy of the subject, Kt-ervo lo Hf-innuranec, Γ"4 ;« been saved from a moat horrible ; All other Liabilities, from evil pra tices. the is done and with the death, and the "orator. -Longfellow's SUIlPLUâ. JIis.Vju at thing gracefully all who casion As for com- and. secondly, a desire to warn celebrated lit- The wisest ?-talesmen and proper degree of humility. birth was generally by 41.1 philanthropists read this statement against some of the day $I.O:IO,UUT »*7?,.v.0 .1.1 merce. we have no commerce to protect ; clubs, schools, etc., throughout the With have found it necessary to Institute laws moat Influences which they erary INCOME Irtl- Supplement. and it would be extremely injudicious to deceptive by lias m ai tltt.k. V » ί to the vic- have ever been surrounded. It Is η fact country. Ca*h f.»r Premiunu, m a»» tt *<7 with severe penalties, prevent undertake to get any, lest England should j Four of the Gloucester, Mass., Te are within : TvtMlay: Interest. ίο y.~ m ml their fel- a that to day thousands of people there —Our this week, contains ious and depraved from Injuring tlnd fault with us. To build great big Ashing flett were given up for lost; Kenla, supplement, a foot of the grave and do not know- New na\y be takeu as a menace by some- they w»*re ven on hoard. |>ll,9 44) ΛΟ «r,7 on Gaitield, au article low men. might wan from tlfty-si persons H laine's «uk>gy would break Mr. it. To tell how I caught away Are. l«l. had body or other, and that Haven suffered from a 6100,000 EXPENDITURES which should be read every young \ ir the true rricuûs οΓ temi>crauce just this position and to waru others |14l r«0"i »· • »li.tM Tt by heart. No, gentlemen, has laid by the tariff question Ρ lid for Ι.οί-οΜ, "4 Frelinghuysen's arc in this Congress wi.TW »·.'« !»4 land. Never »u such uni- cont oiled our bodies, a We agninst rearing it, my objects ('omnv-lona and Brokerage, man in the actually legislative we must not, cannot build navy. unti! other bills are disposed of. Paid lor 37.T»·! ». 37.ÎM >·; communication. P»|r| for Ktlarie· an.I ofllce E*l>«'i«*·. I 4SI the effort \% e h ive had a law years are too little and too to thiuk of : Senator Hoar made one of I·» 47 14 *·'. «I versal mmendation accorded should twenty peaceful Wednesday tor National. SUie and Lmiti Tasea, * On the tlrst of June, 1881, I lay at on I'aid fti 7i * IW »| it. day usual and forclbl·* «peeehes nod of n-.an. a·» has this touching Mitticicnt to prevent the unholy trafllc. his eloquent All other |»>meiita e*|*sc: blinded the eyes of thinking attack its provisions, on the one part, or l>y li.juor Thursday: February'* reduction Agents, η,. a weeks a few one had told me Canlont X.WI'IFC, t«'l Frr<-burK ex- turer who died at Cork few ago, years previous, any was a trifl·· short of $10,000,- Α.». HATH I WAY, Ag'C. critics, to the beauties and > re them, ou the other: debt and keen t wholly icn> just wealth to that was to be so low, and so public says the vastuess of his "points brought by Ro«roe Conkling was confirmed at (RH). t lit nt arts of this address. ed the success of their party >:i be if terrible a disease, I should have scoft'.-l j they suppo an assert! which Would iBcrëdibt·, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court by a few direct olticiai statistics. the idea. I had always been uncommonly required. Then demagogues it were not based upon the Senate; he received :i:> votes, aud 12, DRUG and had over -00 DEN'S STOKli, MO Κ MON Ol E>110.\ In last for which the returns strong healthy, weighed LLOL 1HK our k i»islatloi, unmindful of the thousands lS80,the year including Senators Hoar, Dawes, Morrill, have btcu made the Irish paid pounds and hardly knew, in my own expe- and issued the a or up. people and voted against him, The following circular, by j who go down to drunkard's grave; to land- what or sickness were. Hawley, PARIS. more money to liquor dealers than rience, pain Very of whom were SOUTH is of ι for food, about half Republican*, ot Portland, great importance fatherless ehi drea bill was larger than many who will read this statement to hs- ople ' languishing lords. Their liquor people "dodged." An attempt wa« made be a realize at times that tire I t u< ail. It Is time for the peopleeto or the cold charity of their rent bill by nearly $10.000,000." This they nnnsually Victoria at the Windsor dependent upon feel dull sa«Hinate ^ue»n NEW LINE OF MEDICINES. ia statement does seem almost iucrcdible.— and cannot account for it. They DR. HOLDEN'S and showing their w^?h regard world. j Station, but sin· was not hurt; lUieuniatIr a Hit (.out somewhat uuf>-eling various of the Railway of Har>opa ΙΙοΜ·μ*4 fur·, tjr. and indefinite pains in parts was his lluMdi'i Compnnnd Kyrup :.· ti.i- We recommend at a mass in the a*sas*|n, who said poverty great Some years ago. meeting and do not understand it. Or wllh I»tlM· Potililum, For *ne called in every om of the most are one and cut ire- only in chronic »1frr. ■eat* m tkmie ; ilao g meetings Frvburg. addressed by exceediuglv hungry day life since she was It i* eeploynl wild »Ίνβοΐ»ββ A small sum of money attempt upon her IcrMklM »ffe<·· (be Gout. (>.\K rd to the sugges- of the very daily, spent without the next. This was rk'n mI canty, according Influential politicians ly appetite crowned.—The President nominated Cor- Ri« tell··· Roil·, luiro'·, prominent, on will amount, in the course of the I felt when the relrrtltss linn· «nch n· Pimple·. Il"Mrn'· Cmirarm Rlllrr*. t. n ot this : liquo43, just way Minister to Chrvttie Hhrumntitm. acil ration* circular was asserted that if his party nelius P. Login of Kaphas, Suit Rttfum, Ind ration Stato.it a fee. We do which hail fastened itself upon me of th-i blood A reei'dy for Dy*pep»U. *iar. a to rental malady — to Par- ollivriliiMMilrliio. from itni>urnl«*t \\ι». lv 1·^:'. tak- year goodly " Chili Bradlauirh was re-elected C.ui «'«·. Ttii· m.i't not b« r.)Q(i Γοκτι Feb'y no further action should be (1 ret Still I it was nothing : >H)'«Hoo. prevailed, not have much of a redeemed began. thought were rr- I lie II.ι » · · b rh r » rcun / s hope liament. Disastrous freshets Ilolrfcii'· Llv«r Regulator. will) Mhirkrf next on the that I had taken a cold which ir% »· It l« * n,»-tlrir.«l bitter. Thp lorn· a com- en. during the legislature, she has been freed from probably in Vermont. Rhode Inland, Sew billon· ilitonlrr·. »och a» Pj»p<|> la. purely In an Invitation from Ireland/till priest- after tl>i- ported For all f cltli' d* »f public majority Her suffer oi to plare II any trie the Chicago, craft and inebriation. people l noticed a dull, and at times neuralgic, vouane··, >a I linonler» anting Iroui torpidity »ra«!y ! were drowned. mai k at. : w:.« held iu this ou Jauuarv afterwards chosen were to Helena, Ark forty persons et;·. city Neri reported more from these two evils than from op- iu but a· it would come one ibe liver. • palu my head, took in t■ » i!S-ni* the of A very spirited debate place :« y·'' juestioo be frier.· Is of Yet the Maine; and be gone the next. 1 paid but little temperance. land laws. Heliigous liberty day ov*r the Consular and at Lwisl Pricti t. ai to >.>me pressive the House Diplom- All Dsn sold /' provide expression in obedience to atteutiou to it. However, my stomach Baby Cannes of ptnas u Law was and sobri- Bill. .nu. of the up this wholly Ignored, muit atic Iwl. ^ community precede political liberty, was out of and food often failed Appropriation Έ. B. HOLDEN, D. master From that order, my was in dis- the will of a political cleanliness are to1 : The S« nate occupied fnm: our •led. evil. ety and prerequisites to causing at times great inconven- t\iday «*-I'hy»lciar·' pre«tion· caWulljr wa- has digest, the Chinese which Is ab- i ie lion. I >t M Morrill appomted time to the present day, legislation self ience. Yet I had no even as a cussing question, government. Idea, physi- attention now on ami » r: at 1 he iutr«Hiucc\l the sorbing considerable just subject J fail I to th >se defects which make cian, that these things meant an) thing se- Wiiinr Ur«lr)iu· fcrminai) was f«»I- supply It turns out that Mac Wit remarks. lie the Pacific coast. Friiiulr 4 n; ropriste a \ μ κ s ι o> Pensions.—The new rolls rious or that a monstrous disease was be- ollrgr. the law to an effectual sup- Ρ to shoot ieen Victoria, « i»v lite Hon. Charle> \V. Goddard, inadequate Lean, who tried i£ κ D. 1» t. L. I».. I'MfatnEM r. d of the agency for the payment of fixed upon me. Candidly, I thought Il Ρ TORS V, F. evil. Augusta coming whs a former Inmate of a lunatic of thl« t u » Τ it 1111· ·η uni r. m- lirv. Asa l>a!t n. the H>»n Geor«e ρΓί"ΐ'·η of the over and so doc- asylum The Sprititf Tt-rtn l'ailed States pmsious contain ll.ooo I was from Malaria, II an I contlm.r 'bir· GOODS CHEAP FOR CASH, M Seward. sus- suffering —Mauagt rs of the leading railroad trunk m»nce un IfOntJaj Marrh DRY .· rv. am! the Rev. l>wiïht 1 ic mau who the 1 no un- selfishly proposed names. In order to eusure their correct- tored But got trrn wifL». Tbe mutieU l»«-pir(m.mi will be myself accordingly. lines at a mteting held in New make rooiu 1». ever since a odor agreed, direction ot Prof. I. A '·οττη·. In order to 1>." of the Maine Law. has ness. Gen. Connor will make the coming better. I ucxt noticed peculiar of der the by pension York, to advnnce rate> on most classes Κ. A K"BIN*»>X Neerefarjr. The following resolutions. reporte·! March at Coucord, where access otHiiit the fluids 1 was that moved in the circles of society, payment passing—also enit boiind The Riis«j m uo\ R. M soli.K,steward for a large Spring; stock .U. ï were unanimously adopted. highest which and frfiglit. lgctioOdu j be had to all the records from there were <|Uantities one day II. Ivi and au oftl ciai may large ernment (ieneral SkobelHF for K*nta mil. »l·. : >rwar1\εvrtiy for. Interest in fall and win- » It» a> usual. And I did not realise 3S Per t'eut > t>ruiide«l ith the iuebri- cord yet my danger, bargains t-:■ r centuri» be«-n ju»tlj withheld from poor for the (Ί * anviau protection j these coutluu An invaluable strengtheucr tamy !>> tlit- criminal eôd<"t ever) to indeed, seeing symptoms illy, ter four a-» ! neatrttctive att has caused lamentations to go up and including .·η Un* to wou>:tn | Pfrsonaj Samuel Holmss, sged I became accustomed to them, aud ner\· s, muscles digestive organ*, pro- goods, it iia« in all »£<·■« Capt. finally • tlie ,· ...> and the botu*', .vin a hovels «·: wretch- Feb. l\*»th the aud is Brown's want of a warm cases Ladies Gents and wr«knw« uud he from thousand s.-, years, died iu Dixdeld, my suspicion was wholly disarmed by dncing strength appetite, 0-n t>c aaved if you *re In good :t· pur··- of ignorance, the rum »! meet- the of his life I had no in the allotted Iron Bitters. un: atural vice·, and lia* wrought edness and woe. At a temperance Capt. Holmes, in early part fait that pain ν ! children's » I' ln< »1 ! t •••il, Injr 1 ν ·■·;·:. ]·■ pr<1 lived m Monmouth, and removed from or iu their Why ai am rnr. in th.s list fall, addressed a organs vicinity. ΤκμγκκαιCltK Lv-i Wkkk 7 — .ι κ i « rvw In iv tin· deadh ing town, by a!*.i\·» .s. he resided for so blind I cauuot under- : order anl Iree there to Peru in Is where should have been SuntI iv. Hi 5 ; dear; my i«i rttif, eu iluation. good j and a cloudy Monday, UNDERFLANNELS, prominent party leader, pretended From there he remov- 3 » — 'ViTnaient some thirty year*. stand. Tuesdnv. 'J I eleir: Wedni»sdfiy, :*.· I'HOW loull I he said when al U, ~>Ιμ·.|, ΤΙαΙ tb:~ champion of tciuperauec. ed to Dixtleld about thirteen years There i« a terrible future for ail p'.iysh '.s 3. ill 3 · -■»« di·· village, Γίιίιι; Thursday, rain; Friday, «nirtu» u ..« lu 1<«1ί 1>V Al t «■' «>Ιι^Π | -- I ««ni ,...... t„ II» llmri' In til»· OVERCOAT to 1.00 in over and : ;ι τ ne rcrri- that is>ue one neglect, impending danger usually J* 2ocenls prire. t» .>■ Hti : f«»rl M« ί:ι gave party advantage clear; Saturday, cloudy. S .ι was a soldier in wen ! >' :!·■« !··Γ till ι·| fini· time of hi* death. II·· a person to his senses though Τ Ι 1 an ither. it had letter be This bring* « I lit dropped. i ut, ;h· Mori: >ι <·ί II the war of H12, and for that service re- it may then be too late. I realized, at last, Two thousand yards :·»« :«■·>».ι Uvn χΙ1»« ιΙ t«· >· t tbo I :.a> .fL-uthe though they assert States. ytts ρ dicy. rriv» I a from the l aite·! my critical condition aud aroused mvself Μ Λ lill ! ι:ι>. : ilrdiuiCf, uutil tin* " pension Best brown at I tii. in» open of crimes. a ! sheetings ;r the ruru trail! is the crime He was Free Mason, and had been for to overcome it. oh ! how bar 11 tried, Suits, -s r*-crui»«Hj by ti ctaiaM Aud, Also Heavy f| --··« fit Ku « Star skill iu the la Oifoi J Feb.2Vh. tr I*"·». S. I ». Itrowu.lfr worth one from :nn ·'■< th J»r< Honest men ami many of the clergy, are Jong time a mctnVr of >rieutal Lodge, I consulted the Iwst nicdical 7 1-2 c., 9c., » t ant M.»· Ilatilc K. Weal>n,0>lb ι»! Ι·ι ilio uti-l I visited all the mineral Chaney vaunt, few ; at I.ivermore. land. prominent of w to the will of the selfish Otrixil. case remnants bleached I Ins ol'>'··juious | Feb. «!tb a Maim- ..ttiti of t'tali. <>utho of Monday. In A merit and traveled from iti'Miiiwi who make a evening springs .·» π » au I often vote for candidates of worse. No at worth 11 c. tr. λ»· «ι moral Rev. A. A Ford and wife, Waldoboro, to California. Still 1 grew lUKIt. cotons 8c., it to th«· Am«rlc«n 111:10η use of intoxicating liquors. Thus were kindly assisted hv their parishoners two physicians agreed as to my malady. * 'li Mr. l{ >bMn· site I <3 two thousand all until·' the truth of said I was troubled with irrita- l'i A L«ni ll'h ln*i Jaco» Jackets yards — » .1 between and in celebrating anniversary One spinal iiturv. tie »»« ul C'liiiiillilll -'·> lisagreemeut precept yp*r« and |0 fotiu»My of \ arumitb M«. Cardiji'ii ex-j the ir Thu ladle.· of the parish tion : another, nervous anoth- Linen Crash at 8 and on the of our seems to marriage. prostration: ample, part clergy, j > deck au- 11 » It jui «.« ssion of the pastor's bouse. er, dyspepsia; another, heart disease: >: *iar .m.I * .: .It which 10c. lv< I ·!·'!;· .u icate a want of sincerity, always It w ith flowers and filling the pan try other, debility; another, cong« s- very cheap. ν v> li ι· ni· Ιι tin .ι;>(Η<1ΐι1ιη· ut itig general blockades the of moral reform, with fur the even'nit's repast. tlon of the base of the brain; aud v» on a line Lad- it areh-traitor m- 1 fais* nrn|Mh'i, llntluim pathway good things Also goo· To use a it is often The beautiful through long &e. &c., a t·· Inilnr»·, Mgniiicant expression, and Cloak- ·. lias pfnvi t t«'!npl« cake. Tin choir flirimhed all of which I had. In ies' Cloaks tut gant wedding >vinptoms of really Ί· Mi»rtin>n <,'i« *ti«»n :i ult* < lur- said"Tha" talk temperance, they they an I the selec- several during all men tl m tiûM' li i» nmit' n>r tl.i vin· j \ocal mush*. organist gave tiiis way years passed, Woolens for deiu- Γ·>γ ti e mo.illi ο K-*'iu t icd Ma ch. ings; ν M'I Un- uiiiji tl) «if I.iw vote rum." Therefore, unprincipled tions on the s W. Jackson, e»«| of which time 1 w;is | 1#.', piano. steadily growing u( < ._·[· — !·» ti lit lit ratl- become U,· buying and wear. ag.»gue> are enabled to arrest, iu one short Chairman of the Hoard of Sclectuf»,u. worse. My condition had really iKI bnys I 1 * «t tin* 'ni tlmt lin· iU'> " | t > I a: fir*t ? η it lull H Ut la»· the e in years. the kindly interest of many friend» p.iiu had grown to oaks <>Γ agon>. .1 l{ luck timl rolnrrrf «lrr»« (nods a and handed Mr. Ford a little fr..:n *>, t·» 130 1 In it law was made iu Massichus- their welfare, weight hid been reduced Iroiu I tlr. to 81 1.1 prr jhdI m lilt ; νv* Λ moi -i ■· XorawM dollars in life was a torture t·» it:». at: ! same time oue in t'ou- basket containing lift) gold.— I .nui!·:. My mysrli F. f about the Î *ilk*,*nllit* Vrltfl* mill rink'^* nun it .v. v> : t tu· r :t iffii ELLIOTT, friends. 1 could retain no ft.ο 1 upon Q. <· ami n tfl ΙΓ\ pWIU. U i:« u at. to r· strain lo Hint «Il fciiinr faigrllirr uilh 1. u. _·«· «.r iutemperatedrioklLg. my and lived injet- h:lt stomach, wholly by lull liurfcllk llmiilkrri-lilrf «.< or· r. ·, m· ttv :«·» u· In 177i th I'ontiaental Congress recom- Kor the IHsmocrat. | I was a mass of tlπ. ι*. >n of l ta atiJ •rl*. llo>lr r). I.nrr*. («lovr» mci: to an nuise was uncuutrollable. lu ■ ltd the State put DRAWING JCRORS. ui) Λ-"ΓΙΓ : , Itft ..ι· Λ:.·1 rtli. i· lit »ί··ι ITU· Legislatures Nil (unlid lu ιι < il) 1 fp fell the iH«>r. c»n\u v«- κοο«Ι« iiMifill) iumic ! at ο to qucntlv upon ψ. .stop the'-pernicious practice atul '·>. Ή l»ry (Jonds Mnrr. ι: ». m I. il March lv clutched the carpet, [»ray."i f.ί· οΓ The first modern Court sits Tuesday of next week, distilling." temper- or uo til t ια τ death. Morphine haJ little GREAT BARGAINS Kfntmhfr iff ri a> a ,rh « ΊΙ "« ":|*'·:*. « Il It fl T9- tlie Court frytkinj (.—■· f,. ance was in Litchfield, 111h. There being no Clerk, ί1χ IVS tutti. ■ formed the Ι·'1"" t. lu Im I Ι·ιΊνΐ« IIiv M'iinte society deadening pain. of the ',1 h c- I Itcti State* r.»nn.. it: by -.'-M farmers, who re- will appoint one at the opening nights 1 hvl the death-premonltory « Ic w tu, r»v't that tiit ΐΗ·.>ι le iu » The <»rand is the same as toughs constantly. My urine was tllletl so'v c·! t > urk. In 1*11 the of last Term. The Revised Statutes, » -t. question of the »·.ι· vj ni ί W ii;· this *Uug with Bright'* Disease Kidneys -ranee an and S. c. 71. ides for the drawing of Trav- laaaalaa··· In \ ami hup· lif ;rr· m rant'. .1 has bem *!*.· ::: vî proper to temp a»--timed organized prov In its last stages. .lorHay lllmgr. k«rpln( m flr.t rla·· «'«ι k ami arllliatf Ίι· to arrange fur erse Jurors in term time. In this event While thus 1 received a rail ALL KINDS :i>k ir frin Ν in Maine >ysti ma· form; though f>»r several years suffering HEAVY SUITS?? Mm· a low t· an«rll araiailnianii AT prlrca u.·*· una in tLi ir ?> cti\ e 1 m not ill ed and re- from my the lie v. Dr. l· oote, •f aaaia. %'«ay Itr.prrlf tally, j>u uo beneficial results were apparent. The they are "to be drawn, pastor, t. Γ a ·: irr.- .·. .ar.« t. Au I it of St. l'aul'e Church, of this city. rj'^or1 iir»t law was passed in Maine. turned forthwith. or on a day appointed," fç.t STOWELL'3 » r but in the r » y υ pou cUrgy to prohibitory that it was our 1»··Ί Interview, M. M. PH1NNEY, «■> and named in the venire. In this manner a > .· «-et from t..« .r pulpit*. .t: 1*1·;. hut '.! I not meet the expectations course of conversation he mentioned XORfFAV VI I.LACE. but tïiat uur ρ«·<·plr iua> ν lu·■; ·"i«:» y arvu^vU of its advocates. one Jury could Le obtained by Wednesday re ine-lv of which I had heard much (1!iOTIII\(i ν Pure. t ii. 1 Fuotc detailed to me ROOMS, : tii·· ilau^· r aiiU tnortn tj of the last of the had ue'vrr used. Dr. Absolutely The Maine Liw, drafted by Gen. I>ow. afternoon, and the oth.T by the It !.« ·!·>ΪΓιΊ thai. information maybe the many remarkable cures which ThU ne\or varie·. A mtrvel of purity I bcr at the so that there neeo be but lit- hadj powder tiι what we now have, with per- week, sure; means of; »*rensth at·! wbu>«o eue»·, M >r* er >οι· ο >·« •γη! ·>ιι tti· to Cln -»!!·» every tue ^ e—« Μ Ιο ί ·1 ■ f » ii -vrir. τ pr> tctntl. .\li1 il ip' H>mc modification-, was in; tle. if any. delay th is and me to try it. Asa ry passed remedy, urged ι· »mp<· itlno w tth thf inttlliPMe of 1>*· lev. 11H I STORK, ··»«·. oftbt i'-»rt· is no case and a of the w- > nt .'•r:;..* parp th»· 8ww>»} 1?.">1, and repealed in lvVJ. After two' Court. There generally ready practicing phvsician graduate alum. r piA'pkll· tn»*'l»r·. (Cnder N«ionlc ΠβΙΙ) l'ort- the both nat- Sold in can». KoY M. IS4KIN·· POWtlEU 'JO. t'î» t Mr. William Ε trial before the second and some- school*. Γ cherished prejudice only years with the increase of crime for day, t It Ν>* V..rli w anil poverty, urel and common with all regular pnu ton- ι >j. to receive of , South Paris, Maino. at. 1 >r was en- times not till the third. The Constable and derided the >'»«"' of tt <· t > oth* r corr«-s- dis :er. another law rr" r»:·.'· t· ·_'· p;iï>!ie hanm U iheV"", leastbene ! a should side"lie regular being Pocket α each on receipt of venire, »«l I Scissors, ? ted and submitted to the people, which town, « al >o solicitons. however l»r >ooN. cutlery, Three cakes of Toilet sonp or a was the ofll-ers, majority U.at. ηi«ally Shears &c. Κ article ratified I'rohibi- notify municipal so rt < oui very * by i'majority. ti,lice and trv the reme.lv he bt^ i> for also all the choice Wi : ·. : .·< \ !i"le to assemble 10c.; pamphlet ion is now the settled policy of the State, of them, and the Town Clerk, „| belllUl It» use Oil til·' llr*t 'lu> «I warranted. At and tooWlt according to direction, At Gerry's Drug grades at low At Ger- eatitl 1 Country Under forthwith and be at the draft of Tunc j prices. Pemiqaid but can never be accomplished until the present nr.» It sickened me. Mil this I tliou-ht was h and Hook So. Paris. *»··. trt.- It I* a r read he fere called for iu the for one «'» 111 y debilitated condition. Stoic, it's Xo. 2 Oilu j. i[ :rue friends of temperance sever their con- the number of persons L.Jd sign Drug Store, λ! ~.r H>' >r::al Sxietvhv 11 \V. as Jurors, and should then Fellows So. nections with aspiring party lea Jers. venires, they Bird Cages, Feed Cups, Block, l'aris. M '.» filar <'f the I'ortlar.·! .!■/· to draw from the I am unable to perceive why an intelli- and there proceed jury- Seeds of all Notice ol Forr<-|o»urr. * Λ .î..'ïï,:'?u «ϊΛ,νιε Bathing Dishes, NOW We often nJer how Mr. number of Jurors, anil ttii.lnhrs. friend*. Mv hiccoughs < eeaed and I e*pe class like our should aban- box the required Wherra··, Cali-b !.. Morrill of Sumner in the gent Claryv, rienced less than 1 was so ic kinds. Lowest at Κ ..arili* r», the editor ! a pain formerly. prices Conntv ««I < ixto'd and «t*t* of M * In··, hi. deed lit the Time to bi t λ daily paper, don secular affairs to the ten- the Constables should immediately notify 1 lce«l at tills condition that, upon by important Improved ο Mortaif»*··, lated the ·*} I «It* of J%ia*rr a. I>. lur such «tint I had believe,! but a lew -lay» 1"«ί»«·*Μ A. M. GKKRV'S r.il» tinu* ar.'l opp· rtunity deep the Jurors thus drawn to attend Court j Ι·Τ»,»ο·ι r«corded in Oxiortl of Jer mercies of who I In the of U»'»i--ry D-ed#, political vampires, mv dying M-d, vowed, présente my < and close a» his show. Rook lt>'i page I M, onveyed to the *>. .»erlb«-r two PIANO OR ORGAN, or ou the iu the ami should I recover I *"<">1-1 South Paris. < study writings friends, ■ live on the life-blood of our people. In forthwith, day appointed iMtnlly cllin «Ί··Ι* III land Wi'h I he but ding« I hereon e,rt' on «how both publicly aii'l privately make known thU The long winter evening· are a ear, and H:< little '>x)k- financial topics j return his at eituAtr-fl in nail Sumner »η·Ι I»· n* *11 and precise- do case, where a is au venires, and then venire, j rvtne.lv for tlie good of humanity, wherever farmer muulj have a person seeking ly th· »ani'· hind convex ed to aai'l Morrill I>y «ill a kaowi of the attained by with his re- whenever 1 ha.l »n opportunity. I also i)^e subject at* -e. whether he is Democrat, mice, to the Cletk of Courts, j «,!!! »'er Itonney and m* une to .John M. piixo oh omai Republi- determined thnt I won!.I give a com se of lee- conveyed :·.μ, ai. i in defense of his favorite do^ma I.ane by O.iver It >nn»y in \lortg«ge <»o the IMtli turn When Jurors are drawn in tnres in the Corinthian of Music of an or Greenbacker, can he be trusted to thereon. Academy •lay nf a u 1HF7·, and which deed la reeor-t for hi· children, to make home plcasia: to best m M" the and April ! ftee trade, he brinir·» bear the this city. statin* symptom* al- ni w no notices are to be ; ill »ϋ·Ι Oxford Ita-ord* Ho >k I6Î pig* 4M) 'tand at the head, or direct the movement this manner required most of my dîneuse and there* YOU CAN Ll'V FIRST CLASS tllSOi hopelessness 1882. reference bring ha I t > the uni for a more of that school of lull arguments political verbal notice markablo means t.y which 1 have been saved. A.\D ORUANS. η the reform, for his avarice posted, and the Constables' | deac< tptton ofthe premi-e* un I givra ι·ι «ecure < temperance whs constant from that time, ^nomists. Now he enters the field of My Improvement the payment 01 |l *'. an t whereaa the condition* al- to the Selectmeu and Clerk, to assemble. I and m lees than three month» I had WHKELKR 8 W! s!C STORK ind hope of self aggrandizement will of aiid d>ed arc broken t claim a foreclosure of ί and i.tre he exhibits the same twenty-six rounds In flesh, became entirelyKilned >tory, t. 1 th* »ame agreeably to the »ta:uie in »uc'i rase ways couuterbalauce his motives for is sutticien j free from and I believe I owe life And lin"' arehilne%« and oi re>earch that U pub- pain, my provided, and give tbia notice for that ifet your money'· wor'h »veTV 'B. depth and condition to Warneis purpose. • Uutuent» of all klbk· on ban! »t! ic present wholly NEW Jolis M. Lank. t'oc»tanUy must good. and Liver the remenv • on eatv «how η in lis other work*. One Dild.—Samuel L. Chandler, esq., of Safe Kidney Cure, which Snnner, K-*b. IH, 18·.'. li The has beeu the 1 ;nter«.st in the to re- question agitated by died of en-1 d subject Frytbure. Thursday, paralytic my 1 have re In- MONTHLY HMTALLMEXT·. greatly was "mce recovery thoroughly NOTICE. friends of for -00 lie was au old resident, aud < Pi·"0 : iit!t» r the names and characteristics of temperance years, pro- emia. j vestigated the subject cf kidney dlftioulties and Old li ((ruai·nt« ttkrn Id xi-hanr·-. of His father was ! UriiihL'i ftiul the trutbe 111 ο Sto· PUno ar-l KAT1IS WHICH OCCCB IS AMERICA Onu physician H UK THE WALL PAPERS conform with the of erven Fellow* Block. : so are but a few Py prayer petition- (·ί r.fw their demagogues there was an law ARK CAt sr.D nr bbiqhi's diskase or iiik htu* er·. W. J. '•lit ^ mntry—leaving dler attorney-at by profession. In member· of the above corporation (or a WIIKKLER. the for and ν, s This may sound like a rash statement, meeting ol taut -ration, I soi' ι μ P*a>». M nee î iff or evil the States States which have any safeguard He was justice of peace years, j We luve reçoive 1 our corp hereby notify »uch ir.riui upon legal bat I am to It. ·■ to mitt at the Insurance Co. prepaid fully verify Brights H|Mir.l»in »rh'»d bouac iu arbool secretary of the Fryeburg no distinctive its to !>e tvrincd. The Maine HUtori- igaiust the wicked trafiic. j maeue has symptom» of District No. l'i lu the town o| l'art· ou yet the *a'U'day He has been member of legislature.— own (Indeed, It' often without anv Uie eleventh ot March at to in j develops iUy next one o'clock In al is a good work in l't-rsuaslou has done much hold whatever In the or their vlcinl- tiif afternoon t Society doirijj pre- Journal. naln kidneys NEW PAPERS act on tbe following article·, viz : tv ) but hits the of nearly l'irtt. To cnoose a R· and the records check the ravages of intemperance, yet symptoms every Président of raid Coipj a GRAND TRUNK R. «trving classifying; early other known complaint. Hundred· of people non. the short of a with Dieu.—Ou Feb. Dauiel terrir ry. a:.d c«says, aothiu^ good law, penal- Saturday, 23th, by ôVn»n<ί To choo&e a Clerk and one Director to Arranfdiitnt. frequent certificate of formerly of Sweden, died of heart iilivilclan'· "Heart Disease.' tike the pla· e of tbore decea-ed On and after Oct. and un'il further notice, it which the «I »\e notid is one. are Lies commensurate the enormity of, Knight, " " lately 17, pre- Jwith ••Apoplexy," l'aralysis," Spinal torn- Third. To Oil all oiher vacancies to tra.o» will no a· : disease at Minn. His atre " " the board of follow· a Minneapolis, Rheumatism." l'neumonia. and AND i material t >τ future of the crime, will restrain an ava- ; plniul." BORDERS, ofticera wbl< h mat then be lound ira;g history effectually 1 mouth and 14 davs. He, cutting aomo west. was 79 years, common when In it f ourth. To do Siher complaints, reality any otter bualne»· which may wiil be of her rec- r:< ions class from the miseries readers of tUe was Disease of the lew trains for leave Port'a&J Maine which worthy living upon was well know u to mauy Brisrht's Kidneys, FOU properlv C'irn·· before auch meeting. Fxpre»» Lewi»ton,will and fewer realize the ex- At 7 :10 A.m., 12:**Λ an.I 5:15 m ■ : takes the been a subscriber every physicians, people, llKRItlCKO p. when the true historian if their fellow men. Jt'.vius. I'kess, having TCKLL, Librarian. < hi*·»'0 tent of this disease, or it· dangerous and in* Weit Sumner, Keb. IsfcJ For 8wtith Pari·, Norway, Montreal, it was started, lie was an un- 15, ® ta»k in hand. year since sidiouH uature. It steals into the system like and the Weet, will leave Portland M I "» I' cle to Knight of this city, and known it thief, manifests its presence the common* Lewlaton 1A7 ρ m„ South Part* at Id* 1 Judge by SPRING TRADE. —Our in an < *t symptoms, and fastens it«»oli upon the con· way .130 p. ra ,aodUorb«m at 5Λο· tn S. Maxim Fryeburg corres{>ondent, to many of our citizens.—l'regs. etn agree poet J.ongfeliow, Vrmi-Weeklj Line to New York Lewi·· ieh he Κ er.gagtii in collecting which was them ! Kxpreaa train· for Portland will leave a can was observed last mysterious power i-etnovln» :his \iew. So far. the result of generally ( 'on At 7;10 a. m.. 1 i7*nd ι :tt p. m. : s \var«. Most of the familic» large px-ts, Instead ot common symptoms it often shows 3all before the assort-1 many early For south Lewiaton. Port!»"' vote, has been to elevate men j Feb. 27. Portland, the home none whatever, but brings death and Parla, Norway, are some emperance Monday, suddenly, and Bo· ion wilt #Ai α. π>·, Sob»" are written up : but there as such is to be heart dis- ment is broken («Are«tornam at fully held elaborate exer- usually supposed Pari· lout- a. to into office. An I of his very one at 10:tt a. tn.. and Norwny at ®·.. youth, ease As who has sufferwl, and knows b> »: incom:te. Mr. Maxim will be >pposed prohibition Mixed ttain* lor and Lewinon yet of the Maine bitter what he says, I ev* Portland nference ha? thus out the cises under the experience implore < * 01 ·■ gow against auspices leave Uorhatn At 3:ΙΛ a. m., and II :l" ■J. ■! rcc-.-.e familv records an! old rry one who reads these word· not to neglect bout h Pari» at *. m.. Μ* ■nt'ircement of the lav and an Historical Society. the slightest symptoms of Kidney dlftli ulty. »i:tu «ni μ·»· .n.rzit- f kind to the opposite Steamer* Train* will run Portland tltae. e\»ry relating ertaln agony «.nd possible death will be the N D. BOLSTER, Eleanors and Franoonia bjr •ri'ect from the one desired has been ; Will nntllfurther JOSEPH Hit Κ HON. General Manaff ( f tl is town. There it a pro- sure result of such neglect, and no one can af- notice leave Franklin Whart ».tr!y history luced. Xo better iL1 ustration of this TOWN MEETING, TARIS. ford to hazard such chances. 'ortlaud, everv MONDAY and ,t« P. M. and leave THURSDAY.' i.i-t :r. ;nt of work to be done, be- voters at 1 am aware that such an unqualified state- Pier tt Ka«t Noltcc of Ι-'ογγοΙομιγγ. yet a:, There was a meeting of River, New be found than the state of large ment as this, coming from inc. known as i um PARIS. fork, every MONDAY and : re t;.»· util be for present SOUTH THURSDAY at 4 W'hcreaa, Ira F. Swift of Niœner, η ibeCooi-i* history rea.ly publi- l'aris town house on aud the throughout the entire land as a ». M. ffairs in Maine, where three for four the Monday, practitioner >f Ox tord and 8 Ate of Maine, by hi· i'·«1 .i ·.. h .t Mr. Maxim is it with in,I lecturer, will arouse the and During the atimmer month· *· pu-iur.g were surprise pos- 82. these steamer· Kortfftge (I tie J the Gt renin of October, lundred \otes Plaisted ofticers elected: bible of the medical and fob. 24, rill touch at Haven day with the temperance placed following animosity profession Vineyard on their pav-, »· 'S.'J and receded In Oxford Rettery <·Ι Ι"*1·· all the possible lim· hstonish all with whom 1 am but 1 are to and from New York. expedition ϋ the Moderator—II. G. Brown. acquainted, Price, Β >ok WJ, 2·5, U> ihe »nb»erit> Governor's caair. make the statements based Uiemom*, including Pa#e convejtd : d l ie nt hi·* Wc trust that foregoing upon > certain ere with tbe fcuildlnu* disposal. Thcae •'.earner» are pi of laid A. Wilson. tacts which I am prepared to produce and auction. Otted up with One >n and »■ Clerk—Geo. ii.dation» for arcom- ntuated η ta id Sumner and beiug a!1 he will receive ail the truths which 1 can substantiate t the letter, paaaenger·, thia a encouragement E. Cushmao, W. E. Cur- TI1K Sub»rrit»er a'lmini-tratnro'' the netate eoirable making verv —\Ve understand that Lieut. E. T. Selectmen—W. j l he welfare of those who may possibly be suf. of| route for traveller· between a friend« of the ( ;hirle.i K. Virgin I alt of Kumi>rd hereby give* New York «Sii-tance enterprise r. rers such as 1 was, is an nd Maine. ti«x>d» destined son M. S. F. Stearns. ample inducement , otic.! that lie will a<-il 61 iblio au;tiou at the beyond Portland irown, of the late T. II. Brown, Lis, take the 1 and ρ r New York tor«a'ded to c.in him. or me to step have, it 1 can sue- « K. de*tina.ion at once sive wellinx hoa-e of thi I ate Cbarl· Vngii, all Kr· m Dec. to of is Advocate in the Treasurer—N. D. Bolster. •essfully warn others from the dangerous path tin *aid l«t, May lat, no will md the Wu )., Paris, Jat'ge , lie right tltln aud lnt»re«t that Virgin e taken bv tbia line. paaaenger* cundiiloo* of aal I deed ixfmg" ii which I once walked, 1 am willing to endure » la m a th·· B J. Curtis. t ail iu any real eetacc in Uuniford on Monday Ap- HENRY VOX foreclosure of tbe Mme and give —The widow of l>aniel Webster died ! C 'ourt Marshal trial of Mason, the S. S. Com.—A. til professional and personal consequences. .General ■ gua^d r II3 -d Α. I». lf*2 at 2 o'clock i·. M. J.F. Agent,Portland. Ice for that puri>o»e agreeably to tbe Statut· .: She ho fired at the Guiteau Black. J. B. D. JOHN L.THOMA9 AMES,Ag'tPierSr K.R..New York. uch eaae New Kocheile Sandiy nijtht. assassin through Collector—John HEMOS, M, Ticket· and Stat· room· provided .VL. A-lmlnintratot of aald K«tate, can b% obtained at 74 JOHSM LAM· was a wife. is cell window. All Rochester, X. T., Dec. 30,1881. ixehange Street second Republicans. Suener, Feb.M.liW. find lièrent Changes in the Earth'β Surface, THE CARI OF CHILDREN. νου» Moral Cosmetics. of 'em? A box of "I don't believe we shall any A placs for DICTIONARY, photograph—two the Po FOR YOUR Aooording to Lombardini, -A PLACE NEWSPAPER3. ïe who would save four feature· florid, cigarette· ? I do hope Elsie hasn't got contraband goods here, Aunt Phedra," PLACE FOR YOUR aa w TWr Car·. A PERIODICALS, Lithe unwrinkltxl forehead now transporta nearly three times taw Valaafcl· ill·!· > Aa.1 uoruvut tor η,-r km*. «. I« m*. limbe, bright eye*, the habit οI smoking, like those said he. nasty much as the in· for a SOLCC-i. From age's devastation horrid, " sediment former]/, While the babj ia down creep, dreadful Cuban ladies one reads about. Bnt what ara you talking abo^t Τ this a oi crease being doe to the destruc- draw little over hie arm·, Adopt plan; A red silk smoking-oap and pair said Elsie. chiefly stocking lega Twill ill climates cold or ton id, of the forests and the make, Turkish slippers—" tion consequent and motto them by a safety pin. A hale old man. And while Annt Phedra was getting " Γ said Mr. Bun· increased denudation of the Alpa. ▲ ahoold «leep on its aide. Stop, Aunt Phedra tea Ralph told the little school aoa'am baby Avoid in youth luxurious diet, " We French engineers estimate that the on ite back the food eoaae· fold, who had grown very pale. all. When lying Restrain the passions' lawless riot; delta of Rhone has advanced at a hare no further to into said the old the times risee in its throat and chokes it Devoted to domestic «jniet. right pry "Tea's ready!" lady, rate far greater than it did previous to If a scurf or milk crust appears oo β mâ* Be wisely gay; another person's belongings." presently, putting her lavender-ribboned • — 3 m SW % the cultivation of its valley. In the the head do not water, but brush ΓΛΪΪίΐ 60 shall ye, epito of age's fiat, Aunt Phedra turned upon him like cap into the room. apply lUA Eastern United a moun- brush. i| Resist decay. an lioness. a Phedra Γ said 8tates,wherever often with a soft baby's S'.l· Ù- enraged "Stop minute, Aunt gently «il "She wrote to me to look into her " tain has been stripped, incipient No ohild should to bed Seek not in the man. Boiore we go to slope go hungry, >i5-î5î •n'tS Mammon-wondiip pleasure, young said "and Pm ravines form and enlarge with but food taken near the hours of sleep- But find yonr richest, dearest taasure, thing*," she, looking. tea I want you to givo your consent- quickly Iu friends, music, leisure; And Pm I looked as sure as such as to excite the attention should be of the simplest nature— HiHiî books, polish'd glad ; for, formally, mind—to our marriage !" rapidity ing The mind, not sense, as Ben of This is the a a bit of or a of you live, Ralph Sunfold, Elsie said the old "I con- geologists. especially cracker, broad, glass « kich measure "Yes, yes" lady, Ma le the solo scale by ye ease with the soils of 2ÎJi*î 1niP nett, my daughter, has got sandy Maryland, milk. » Your adopted scut." s ί *» I* opulence. " and .-lit? married on the sly, and these are her "With all your heart ?" mischievously Georgia Alabama, previously Parents rhould teach their children This is the this the solace, scioncc. husband's in among demanded Elsie. covered with pine forests. to their throats, for it may bs best things, packed pretty gargle Life's purest, sweetest, appliance, of one of the bers." " with all heart 1" eaid Annt The black earth ltnaeis, the of their lires. It is easier to ill Γι That disappoints not man's reliance, Yes, my earing "But that is said chief sources of the agricultural wealth What'er his state; impossible," Phedra. teach them this difficult and awkward ;!îli " into ί;»Ι* But challenges, with calm defiance, straightforward Ralph Sunfold. She And she looked as if she really meant of the empire, is quickly cut up feat in health than when prostrated bj and the flnest soil in En- Time, fortune, fate. is engaged to me !" it. huge ravine», flisosno " —-ifc>Hnfl/Wd lb-publican. cried the old Because," said Aunt Phedra to her- rope is being rapidly carriod away to Let nature wake the children; shs ! 1— —- "Oh, Ralph, Ralph!" lady, bursting into the slow, agonized self, "I have done her injustice in my increase the deltas of the Volga and the will not do it prematurely. Take oars IN HASTE heart." and to slit the sea of Azoe; an hour— JUDGING- tears of ago, as she lot her head fall on Don, up that they go to bed at early of 1800 and is her nephew's shoulder, "don't think A Smart UlrL During tho great floods let it be earlier and earlier, until it Mr. Ralph Son fold wm smoking hii 18C8 in France and tho themselres in any more of her. She's a jilt—a heart- The smartest girl Γνο met in Iowa Switzerland, found that thej wake up cigar before tbo kitchen fire. wooded soils alone from less coquet ! Oh, my boy, my boy I she writes a correspondent, I met yesterday escaped being full time to dress for breakfast. He always went into the kitchen t< " of the never was good enough for you! at Nevada, Story county, Northwestern washed away. Tho immunity Oire your children plenty of smoke his cigar of a winter evening Mr. Sunfold turned silently sway. Iowa—Miss Belle Clinton. Mies Clin- province* of Brescia and Bergamo from outdoor air; let them sniff it until it De said it was to save the snowy mue· of 1872 was He would have pledged his life for the ton is a bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked girl damage by the great floods sends the roey carrent dancing Λ STORY OF ΤIIΚ lin curtains of his Annt Phedra'e prett} to forest truth and purity of little Elsie Ben- of abont twenty, as fnll of fan and chiefly dno improvements. joyfully to their cheeks and temples. but in her secret heart Aunl the of the parlor ; nett; but what did these mute witnesses health and vigor as α good girl can be. Daring ten yean department Air is so cheap and so good and so it was to thi FAR SOUTH-WEST. Phedra believed enjoy a Lower lost acre* of culti- be mean—tho testimony of tho laughing, Two years ago Miss Clinton was school- Alps 01,000 necessary that no child should 15Ϊ light and warmth of the huge open fire vated soil from tho effects handsome photographs, with the silky teacher. Saving up by her teaching .of torrents; denied access to il And really Annt Phedra'e kitchen wai of the forests of Ar« XKI) r.l'XTLIXE, mustache and the dark, audacious about 91tJ0, she last spring borrowed a and the oiearing Just before each meal let a ohild hare ! a cozier and moro comfortable plac< resnlted in the I eyes? of horses from her father, rigged deche has covering np aome ripe fruit or aome fruit aauce. I r ly to-iiiT ;:ι Ν .·. 17 of span than moet parlors, with its red-and of acres of land with barren "What aro you doing, Aunt Phèdre f up a "prairie schooner," and taking 70,000 good Applee and berries aro wholesome. THE black rag carpet, its tall clocl sand and striped he asked, with his attention at last her littlo brother, started for Dakota. gravel. Orangée should nerer be giren to chil- walli in the corner, the yellow-washed It is that akin and thiok white attracted by her quick, sudden mo- In the wagon were a nice, soft feather thongbt by many vegetation dren unless the all festooned with shining tin,' and elevates the surface as much as water tions. bed and a mattress, of flour, coffee, part underneath the akin and between York Weeklv.» bags the big cushioned chair iu the corner. " it. This, however, can is Shutting up the trunk," said the hams, canned milk and small groceries. depresses only the quarters carefully removed. as wo said He was his cigar, " the case when natural is a .. smoking be IV Tr *.: v, PU send it vegetation To prerent child ooughingat night Jvtrr I old lady, brusquely. Miss Clinton says laughingly to-day, and Aunt Phedra was industri- to on the in I before; back to her at once. I'll have no such : suffered decay ground boil the strength out of ten cent's worth i-r· *--:■· ». t of hor trip speaking case " " Τ -t. f r * ~ l> 1. r ύ leaves eff the big " which it In the of cultiva- Seneca snake root in one of {■%*· >,·.·· ously picking yellow braz. n-facod in house I" never so in my grew. of quart «. f r > 3 doings my I lived nicely [•wakrit**. \r.»n. ;· K«" Why ted which return to ». fish-geranium in the window. crops, only partly soft strain a boil Lata, IUûm·. Γικίι AJîtaiiui "No, Aunt Phedra," said Ralph, reso- and I never had such an appetite, water; through cloth, ituiK Ft-mal* W^ùanM, JU· The ISah^Lii'tt r, " life, the this elevation of the surface Μ^Λτν. Yes," said Aunt Phedra, "she'i soil, down to a add one of pow* ■ I »? drurrMU. > Γ >>«- » p(¥p*i>t "If cither of ns leaves the and such I received every- pint, cup Ι",ν>ν ·.zit *;;·>»-jou «»f wild t-trsac I lutely. courtesy and its S. (,. or she wouldn't have sent cannot tako place, compensa- dered made into a thiok molasses. f WiLLS» kney coming back, house it must be me. Elsie has a right where ! rade men would come sugar h η: .; ·:- ιii îh·· f .r S-'Uth-v. "il rlptlw I Rough, denudation is -A^ÎC ΓΟΗ her trunk." ting effect being lost, Gire one on to bed. to the shelter of roof. She is our after I had talked teaspoonful going «•f »"c r « i ; lx- I your to camp, and, n't) »:iJ l'him-t· said Mr. "I greater from this cause alone. ul· "Ko," Sunfold, euppoet offer to build my relatively Children are affected often with r .t. :. 1 V !i! l· :i 1 i·) Ν ». 17 fi tlu< your adopted daughter—" with them awhile, ; not." Hence, it appears that one effect of "From this moment," said the old water to me. cers in the ears after scarlet ferer and fire, and actually bring bare RATS "And I'm added ·« man's Influence, by laying large heartily sorry," was other children's diseases. Roast onions lady, sharply, she is nothing more to How was tho Oh, it scenery? tracts of land for cultivation, has been \vv York Aunt Phedra. in ashes until done, wrap in a strong mei" gorgeous ! Wo rode through prairies weekly, Mr. Sunfold knocked tbo ashes oil to increase the erosion of the To three REAI'Y TO-PAY. A cloud had come over the soft star- with llowf-rs and melodious largely cloth and squeeze out juice. on the carpeted surface. In somo however, the tip of hie cigar, replaced a sad wind instances, add one laudanum and light of the autumn night ; with tho songs of birds." parts juice part a which had rolled the action of man has been to check the one sweet and bottle for nee. fire-dogs log off,anJ moaned the leaves that " did do when got to part oil, among yellow What you you This Jack, then in rather a low tone : natural transport of sediment. Wash ear out with warm water, shake Captain asked, had drifted along the roadside; and Mr. Dakota?" I asked, entranced by her has been done in the case of and a few into The Post "Why? UV IliU ICI· especially bottle well, drop drops JMlUIUiU, BllllUg nnuij IUU, story. Scout:j "Because are determined tc shifting Hand-dunes and encroachments ear. h-MJs λ τ ·;Γτς J I yon " Wt the rrjciia·. nr·τ«11·«1<· Γ as if bis whole life wore darkened over Bat lot mo tell you llrst bow tho sea. that of the I marry her," said Aunt Phedra. of Along part Bathe children in the forenoon when ho story. and Annt Phedra, opposite went the changed. went. Wo up through Spirit which extends from the "And why shouldn't I marry her, French coast or, if not too tired, an hour Tin» Tcrrorol :ι«·1ΐί· i to him, was knitting mechanically Lake country in Iowa, crossing the possible, Aunt Phedra ?" Gironde to the the sea throws up nerer at with and omi- Adour, before the erening meal; for he ·. : liv Λ-«·ιν·1 ν h ^c.unJ.. : I away compressed lip Milwaukee and St. I\wl rond at Spencer. î:.îoa Aunt Phedra wheeled around to face cubic meters of sand, the innually 1,215,000 leaj*t an hour after eating. When pos- marie of the.ι L... : rarJ tL nonely grave visage—and neither spoke. Then wo drove northwest across her which the wind up into hills and before an fire or in a nephew. Sweet and a sound- corner heaps sible, bathe open ol i«'{oria. i sprightly langh Iowa border into tho northwest l'«n«|U(MMr "Because she's a heartless little i -nrri.'s inland, overwhelming villages warm room near, and rub before an ed on the silenoe a merry we went dry " frosty onteido, of Minnesota. Then west, Tj.o v;ory in Ν 17 Γ Γ.υ flirt," said she. And I'm sorry I ever »ud converting streams into marshy nnon rtrrt. It ia ininriouâ to bathe up tho three stone Sioux ana » dozen here tc footstep tripped crossing the Big of these adopted her and brought her pools. The annual progress children on rising before break/art, steps, and like a galo of fresh, pure little rivers, and finally came to Jamei break the hearts of half the young land hills was so great that in many in cold weather. Washing air, in fluttered Elsie Bennett herself This is the Dakota wheat coun- especially \ew lark β J men in the river. the of WeeRIv, country." soft- parte oi Bretagne tops chimneys the faoe, neck and hand· and drawing —Elsie, with cheeks painted the which call the Tim river coun- b ι> λΊτ ΤΟ-Γ'ΛΥ. in«l f r every whom. Mr. Sunfold try they ibovo a sea of sand alone marked the before the laughed. carmino the brush of the miles ifl enough refreshing body est by great try. It is about one hundred wide-awuke I r "Let them take care of their own site of buried The amount of De tresses villages. eating. frost artist, brown escaping • est from the Missouri at Fort Sully. by said he. "That is no business duueland in Western alone has babies hearts," straw Faulk Europe For aore month in· nuning Β:>·ηγ·'·'.41*λ Λ '^.ci from undei the brim of her black in and Ciurr*"» qui cii MEKlILESS Here Beadle, Bond, 8pink cover more than i BEN, of mine. She lovee me, and mo only, been estimated to take a each of like blue we came on to tho finest wheat teaspoon pulverised Ulnrr ml Dltdil r Τΐ*η»Λ tr; Irak them..:;* h not hat, and eyes sparkling counties and that is enough." 1,000,000 acres, and still larger deposit· and half a of em»W. Parai I1 -.!·<.t*-4,or»vrl MBmmS West. alum borax, teaspoon pul- K-i·: " jewels. in the f î: I 1 ·_* μ^»ι .r Γ-.:··. a Foe. cr a Friend. I'm not so sure of said Aunt prairies exist in of Asia, Africa and Amer- a Spared Wronged that," " parts verized nnt galle, tablespoon of honey; -ut <· Th »·.*. 1: T-.! l'rîr· "I thought I should take you by Now, you ask me what I did. Well, « ··. caused these 1 .-· ••k-: \ TV : h ut ν:· :·Μ S :L raco in ll;c Phedra, with a of feminine ica. The destruction by on it half a of spice acres of land. Then mix and pour teacup " said Elsie, looking triumph- I homesteaded 100 \ a surprise," sands from an ί- .u. ..*rv»-x l'-t:r-A i:: th fl al VÎ £ lion. malice. She'ï Elaie shifting has, early date, a J~· r 1 1 Ihm regular coquet, " the school of 120 acres boiling water; let settle and with w? around. One of I took a timber claim ·.·. wt 1 as antly up attracted the attention of ι·λ Bennett is, and she may governments; linen wash the mouth four or i : Λ y S τι ι l: [jilt yon and we've a vaca- clean rag trustees is dead, got more.' to check their well as another." ind the result has been a or borax water " five times ; tion until So I took the first is a timber claim ?" day simple ·· Monday. What Thus has in tnai, auli rneura, saia me ravages by careful planting. is Half an even VM'.l train and here I am. dear me, 14 and we set oui equally good. teaspoon I> New York Weekly And, Why, I hired a man, been ït bv j r»-jiaid. >1Λ young man, blowly, "I am sure that man's ingenuity successfully op- borax in two soft what's the matter?" as for the first of trees. I gave powdered tablespoons pn*t*kl. ten acres This, say, to the action of the I» fer βώΙ·.< v ν ov r NV-·» Aceni throughout yon are mistaken." posed agencies water is strong enough. WELLS. Jersey City, M.J time she tho inscrutablo me acres more. So I have '280 " perceived 100 endless wastes Uk VOULU. I'm what which have caused those Dr. recommends as a only repeating people faces of Mr. 8unfold and must tell about Osgood night change in the acres now. But I you sands in Peru and the retorted the old "How- of drifting Poland, suit for children a end· « say," lady. cingle garment, 3 Month* ipoektgt/■·*■' I ? sr. 'J r.·; i< (/·"«/■ Aunt Phedra. "Is anybody sick ? Has those treee. They were young locust, 7 >.· '.ύ»ι »*» I United States; and to tbe devastation aj'r 5O ever, that's neither here nor there. I ing in drawers and stockings. Orer 4 Montl* 1 J < i»r. ■» < -TlO.iM» and black walnut sprouts. anything happened?" apple which has resulted in tho formation of a ι. 1 told me to the trank as soon in cold be worn î m. 1 ; (S MO )« ur. iij II t$30.00 She open " said the old a of this, weather, may Oh, Elsie, Elsie 1" a of locust beans, pint and ν γ-··ιι ·μ ΐκΐιιι.' f«>r a « lui) sowed peck the landes of Sologne Au j* #·.Μ ni l.ii;ht. as it came, and ge* ont the black silk Gascony, flannel sack. At severe seasons, instead u l.l Ce < Utltlrtl to α Λ«»./Λ t'ovy frrc. (iiltiil lady, "how can you stand there looking seeds and two bushels of black sands of Bel- ~ apple Brenno, and the Campine np nf dai't cU tlUrvtM *ilil Copies at drees and send it to the dress- of an extra ooverlet on the bed, pattern us in the face so ?" in Iowa a putting f: ΛΟ eat-It. calmly walnuts in our garden year Chambers' Journal. maker's. I think Annt gium.— he advises the use of a made N> ι·.·*ι. myself," ?" large bag >pe« iiueu ropfc c.m κ·<·η every "Why shouldn't I, Aunt Phedra These were little fellows, «tore ω>1 ago. sprouts which theehild office. «Ι™* MW^ap-nrr throughout Phedra added, incidentally, "that a of Umbrellas. of a light blanket, into II. the liuou. A.l letter* should U uUdiewt 1 said the from Ralph to we set them out fast—just go Language k. glancing could girl, and FIRST PREMIUM. to black silk dress for a of Elsia's as be and closely but- girl the old and then back again. them in the There is a language of umbrellas, may securely placed, Mfr- lady along and stick ground. B«« ; «tiera Ο Κ PI OW, wi*· fir· narrow means is a of ex- toned around the neck. cover- U eimply piece of flowers. For your Light >«:ood pr«m!umi m PLOWINt» MATCH > STREET & SMITH, Sun fold stepped forward and took But are as I believe instance, place Proprietors, they just good. are to Tes, I know what a and it will indicate ings generally preferable heavy 25. 27, 29 & 3! Rose st. travagance. Ralph, her hand. little black walnut sprouts umbrella in rack, my 3,000 if the and the Maine State Fair, 1881. going to say—1 If a girl teaches, ·· ten that it»s about to owners. To ones, night olothing P.O. Box 2734. Ν. V. you're "Aunt Phedra," he said, I would will bo worth 8IS apiece in years, change Γ.~. · P'.ow Jo«« bc: .ap tbr furrow it * ihor- school and earne her own sho room are warm, as do money, on truth and locust it in tho street means that sufficiently they 1- pairer./er cut drt.t mil »ery e*jy to hold. pledge my existence her and 820 apiece in fifteen. My open quickly has a right to spend it as she pleases. is to bo out, not induce perspiration nor cheok ex- OxrotD Stpt. 13,1*1 !" trees will sometime fence the whole somebody's eye going put f t.. Uericu. sincerity But that don't alter the common sense to shut that a hat or two is to halations, IVtrSf.-TU Ο. Κ Plow ,Sa. 13 which I "But I don't understand you," said county." it, going -ALI of τοα. work· »lm.r»blv. It sot And she never sent the only WORMS! sf^the matter.] " " bo knocked off. An umbrella carried- ·".♦ *o Elsie. I don't know what did do ?" iBTpr'.» the »oJ. bit palvtrtse· it 1st RAWSON'S why—" Then you Missionaries in India. " ίο ce*: τ .-*! :a« a the man Ubor of preparing tu· key." At this minute there came a resound· "We built a and broke up over woman, getting nothing i a J ,'ut or ·' shanty are missionaries in yUatiag iow.d(. Then can't it," said of the There 689 foreign Tour· TrulT. you open Ralph tattoo on the door. and this fall we came but the drippings rain, signifies «Eg five acres of land, India One hundred and seventeen of S. 9. 8ΜΙΤΠ WORM POWDERS 6 unfold. anil when the man hie the Jler.S«r of th· Maine Board of " to Iowa to the winter courtship ; Agr;coi:are FOR Who's that ?" cried Aunt Phedra, back spend these are American ; and .so far as is toi Oxford County "Unless," said Aunt Phedra, pro- the woman the we are and Mise Clinton, laugh- umbrella, and drippings, who had worked herseli into a state of here known are from the following ~-e Ο. K. PLOW λ maeufactared by a of different To they ducing prodigious ring made a and her it indicates marriage. push your nervous excitement so that the ingly, courtesy, tipped States : 18; New York, 16; Penn- F. C. JIERMLL. HORSES, aifl CATTLE. sized one of these great then Ohio, keys—"unless hap- the in the opera. umbrella into a person and open South I'ttrUi, Me. of a on hand like dancing fairy 12; Massachusetts, 7; Con· No Used ix Τπεμ. to fit it. I borrowed 'em from appearance fiery flying dragon " POISON pens what will do in the it, means, I dislike you." To swing sylvania, Ken- the 6c*>ne would scarcely have been 'ΐΆηά you necticut, 6; Indiana, 5; Illinois, 4; WHITE S ELIXIR -A- Luke Smith's wife, whose husband used umbrella over your head signi- her future ?" your 3; Maine, 2; Vermont, 2; New in I beyond expectations. " tucky, to be the locksmithing business. back with I am a nuisance of my- CURE WARRANTED, Mr. Sunfold went to the door. "An the spring I'll go fies, making 2; Virginia, 2; Tenu ease, 1; wish, come into the next There, the Hampshire, OR ΜΟΧΕΤ REFUNDED Ralph, you'd walnut and locust sprouts, self." To trail your umbrella along un- in a felt hat and a mon black Michigan, 1; Wisconsin, 1; Iowa, 1; DR. N. 0. WHITE'S room and try it. I'm so afraid of flapping dingy the man behind 160 acres more. The trees foot path means that is Btats the lock." bottle-green suit, stood the individual and take up known, 29. Ohio the banner mitiiu breaking for blood. To " what I want to anyway, is thirsting your as well as for IN Aunt said Mr. who combined the three professions of are just plant, you for missionaries presidents. EVERY CASE. Certainly, Phedia," than wheat under arm mail-car- better any carry it at right angles your One in India has been in THOl'SAXDS OF s unfold. stage-driver, expressman and ivnd they'll pay missionary be I've an is to be lost the to cix>p that could raised, only got signifies that eye by 16 have labored ELIXIR If he couldn't see Elsie's dim- rier the village of Brixbury. He the field fifty-five years; 10ESES ARE SUFFERING WITH THEM. pretty ten or twelve ; follows To an IS WARRANTED ; at one time have a last to wait for them years man who you. open of years, 83 from thirty PUT ΓΡ BY to be able to do might possessed upward forty lUli«T«th· pled, blooming self, her it will CtOfP is thirty mlau!.· but no one knew it but I can wait," and eyes glowed nmbrella quickly, is[said, frighten to 100 from twenty to for her was the next beet name, what was, forty yean; uai»'·* 11 Μ Χ <Λ COLL jcmtC.* something and as she looked a mad bull. To a cotton umbrella and ho was as with hope happiness put years ; 179 from ten to twenty S»b·*· lit· AfTUMi ai ooc·. ; and he followed the old universally^known thirty thing lady a silk one J. H. RAWSOV '· into the future. the side of nice signifies, ten What "'or· til CVCUliS t«&,ra ukerari. irith the Simeon." by years; and 300 under years. 1 into adjoining apart- ur» xorxirrox or alacrity " is no To Sokt: TiLtl jA Τ Pve make a "Exchange robbery." pur- a record of labor this is I There are where a battered trunk stood mistake," said this gen- "or· Κ.·»<ι of ■ ment, Oat for Fires. "I am not ».:.f»r»-jr5;«ak' tleman, off the fedt hat to scratch Looking chase an umbrella means, 389 native missionaries in India, 340,623 ^w»yi U.«*d · the like a in re- taking CGCGB. ftgainit wall, leviathan the celebrated an ÎÀWSON'S HORSE M CATTLE Mapleson, smart, but honest" To lend as »-«»7· r»t:W tit to l«w Γ his head. "Pve left young Squire Oolonel umj communicants, and probably many pose. j, says that am a To re- •lwi»· J theatrical manage brella indicates, "I fool." of the pr^st· kJ>T Τ SIGHT MEDICINES, " Tulip's trunk here this and English more adherents, to say nothing J She must have been dreadful hard morning, and Paris ι j all i/etltn :a Xc&om* of the London turn an umbrella means—never mind Part·, Mala·. I >n her new trunk," sighed Aunt Phe- sent the young lady's to Tulip hall. And the safety hundreds of thousands of ohildren BIUI. MUSI) « To U HUM all OKfSRS SBOCLU BE ADUU»' fire is the eternal vigi- 142». tapritf.r. here it is in the if theaters from what it means ; nobody ever does that and the schools on Li·. Paies fl.OO Pr.x Packauk. ! Ira. wagon, ye'U j'.vt under instruction; Vt. Two fl/emen of the a of wind Rnrllngton. " lance over them. To turn an umbrella in gust oold- 1 have on hud a β Γ >d her lend a hand, mister, to it out" these mission fields are not under Baggage-smashers suggest* get on each side '· are stationed To um- unusually large trunk at hall Γ cried presages profanity. oarry your state but the warm, stock of "One can't travel without My Tulip department as a cat hearted government, WHITE §ELIXI« nephew. for fire case that it is a of the stage and watch brella in a signifies are ' one's torn to Elsie. impulses of a Christian heart laving things pieces. Little force- an umbrella genial PI J.YOS watches for a mouse. shabby one. To carry open hearts of Where are your keys, Aunt Phedr a?" "Squire trunk here !" spread over the minds and Tulip's] a stream a long dis- to tear out men's eye· ASV » throw email just high enough heart-culture He knelt before the trunk, thi old shrieked Aunt Phedra. "Then that I lumps these children, so that Norway Ciar Manaiactor?, and out the slightest spark, and knock off men's hats signifies, "I the XORWAY. MAIN Ε. ady standing eolicitously by, as one accounts for the the tance, put goes hand in hand with develop- ORGANS, cigarettes and an umbrella IK without anybody's knowing am a woman." To press WQtiHU DEAL**» tey after another was tested, wit bout amoking-jacket, and the—. And oh, gen tffclly ment of mind and body. This makes An J from È^w uo- 1 donna came in do take !" Out night a prima on your friend, saying, "Oh, it; and indivisible. Fine HAVANA and DOMESTIC til Chrhimas.l shall pparent success. goodness, Ralph clutching nervously it. that civilisation Christianity Ci£5T5· offer to the of " her remarking I would much rather would than Maauiaeturer* oi the c*lcbrate«i l*rai»er—at μ-s and reliable. ctul"srue. wasn't Pi «is there is squad Deep-sea spiders Gerry's sheer good luck. Now for the helped old Simeon brin g the pretty fire. In woman and and the whole ol oolossal with thw man, child, including Book Store. South V. J. WHEELER. lack silk dress on the *tage during their size, compared x· χ. o. ». r. ilo j pattern and the ti im- little rinc-oorered trunk in, he glanced men Par a, cm, i oi ihllmc wfttar· •ectferwte,KalM. I aiufr. .Eh—w£t? A I taUae? an'· Qirxiiy M bin nuit» Instances hundred*. I litre a was nu sectary; by been keel** u, In It* of affairs, strong In denote Inatlooallst, for more thau twenty ream of bii »Ov-k ρ· i).da.no μα slou. He a l s » y f-«r that οβοβ." lfe vu aeeklr..* wnif pntc· trntlno wan Wrong grasp though· wis no ; though ibeep >-POr ||7 ^ I i.iiu*clf. t·· monture the exteut L:· «jn'cWr earnestly to be that a member, bigot heat of the battle than the of hi* adv.rsan than far liWVcafc tkal of the evtU an «: :rvm tlx? favor autl destined stronger; tbnofb chnreh A better the he who car,.· liARFIELD. no ranee. ami wlifi a Nau.ltul ol tue· be \\a* march- stnuig pulut way correcting popular at a Christian man. pious m* L(H*Y OF 1 hlui hi· Inaugura- was BLAINE'S El j hiuI ou hit own side lie »o marshaled lain distribution of and irr..\ «■ difficulties a m courront · »vetjrhty a» to inakehU he'rers age—evils always appreciated and often had pnssi-d; lay Catholic priest men It is time we look this matter squarely try, ii)n[ h h.'itilc population, ; arjruuients thai be n'lti aooii to mwl the wife narrow in the Puritan and the cunt mam I of a any lack In the «tn ot lits dUcufSod him, bat whose magnitude had b«i*n not brtoe him; h« trusted Wend-*. Only If we draw Garfield tho English larjrelv superior lor-β uiuk-r pos-dbie complete iifth by from an illness among to fart. by keeping sheep n,ort hiul Il· had a habit or bU more his mind since bis ac whom ho loved, now ifcorerlng to ami Jo justice pentleineu ir/Γ rra'c. lue « vtraonliuarv eueraj Hiver tu tils prolonged pro* posed by him, and with the Cougn.-ss youug murdered Pr ·»Ι· Ç>«»ii.lc by aiUl. jj » participatione -e Interest Had foil··*»«.*«1 at KHieron when ill·' THK WHIT· HOUfc. he b' hU Hou-·· diM he gi» his case away, or donbt with those win ura*re Imparte»! ngsoftw· perfected. from U»e dav he on the fur- night Uu!,r fall In of aud while of Executive diuie* were of lil· ard ρπ gn·** "htard the waves breaking ra» au·! a» Mmaelf. th·· uieanurei he the Judgment com|>etcni Impartial But, many the every step npw d«-nt great It. men, untriert cou I'm.· until lu' had at- hi· wasted brow the »·»» In the listener· t·· the not to htm, he was assiduous mid consci entered upon ht.· colley·' shore" and felt "upon me to lucre*.»· bU force ami t<> ere gain mauler}'. grateful of Ills ooun- ther in It i< easier for to point out the defett thr White Unit*? *« w of Mar-ball, a gn-at rteliatv r, did not, however, iimke jftvat he exhibited administrative talent of hi ;ti order, tryincu. or in this no one of Λ» Ktbx'ron. her», \joiv perfect fruit lu the ivutlug hon- that dawn twilight, time in tbe of life. of hi* leader. Λ leader, as lie the helm of oflce with the hand of h if can ever come from the our to the present prime But it i, , :he of hl> cauip, the til· pt-rslon parliamentary parliamentary grasped Surely liappiuces to bate one lot or tittle of fealty capture -m ou afford that of our tiekl» and j tilon of an ml terri- that term I* understood when ver free Ye prête u ta mister. In this respect Indeed he constant > or* or triumphs of this world, that quiet July the l'uritan- tart many pasture» iR fort-e, ami the einanrlp iui|>.irl a and union i>f la Ihr uiJiip j I* ami verv η ho were most tut I m:t tt- Λ. Uarlk'ld mar well have been that «Insular happy | with June jrras«. This means Tribute· fruui ute control of tint rx>-'«tU»Mi. C·*<· of evil haunted hint; ana of the F Prr>ii4tnl « «b-.i»t« r- to the t'ntnu strlctl» «hi ..rynti |>«rt> with the government, especially man. No forcltudlng Knglisli .stability, Old means that the of life J» Aii«ft Iwiut· of Ihr M*rtyr Hi« clvxi i>l l >ii^ ο happy hi» (lower is the age Journey chu tan Instinctive warmth of who had tean.Nl Hint he tie In the no of danver clouded whose consummate | ! arm-. UarlKM · »κ·ο»γ» ba l an unusual an·! cura ilcdiMHi patriotism might lacking slightest premonition enthusiasm, I can point yon to nlwnvs of w .11 was blm in au luttant, wiih the completed. sheep ftrrn, tn ·■, tn tae when ho oftrrt the toast, '«Our euintry, executive factilu·. ills disposition budncss fils terrible fate upon iniersphered preemi- of I neon· ι,ιι^τ'ϊΐκ «ι·Ί popular juilrment sky. confident in preeminent ability FranHin which have rewired an annual follow t!> tii«· lull text ol J hi mkyy ιοιιιικίΐι rr to the rank of η ; rijbt, I'Ui right or wrong, our country." The par- orderlr and 111a power of analyst*, and lil·> tine inoiucut ke stood erect, sin»hg, of James A fiarlh Id. trit.ut* 1 be m* tltraM the rriuiji rapid. U htm. nent nobility in the of and feed from the men ! lamcntarv wader who has a of folloucrs «kill lu enabled bin to 11 -)· » t«-li a (lie >iret out ton» way bay Height**!·, on Jauie» Λ CtâfflelJ, ·»«?- hero. U lui b·*» than two thouaalul body claMlflcatioa. years hlng |>eaeefully tx-Sccreury B..-»»»·' uUhtary dan· and «lie tor th«· I* one mi·* of detail with ami uoundetl, hlee-ing, helpless, Journal. I feriiis, yet these t'arms are whit·· with la hi» eiiili*eoaumaml, with a inoblllie·! fore* of that will «I. «tlihout oaitnon.bc hnlmt who believe· |>nrty always right, rljiht meetings doomed to weary HUUUAMHtV Spanish proverb. "Tbe hooiuf only v. hi·* or e\ a clear of otliciai SHEEP on Vl rul iv In (be Hall oit be Hoax.' of ami defeat»*·! Uu ui | ι-οηκ, I» for parts. No'more important ducted. ill premutation subjects, the grave. the is ?" a*»eiiit>i*>rv ! au arm; fl\<- ib.>u«aml III sheep (fold fr»>ui two dutr devolves him than tlie selection his nell-consldered «uggetiou of lenfa s MB «lui η tirent lu life, he was gieal Mron«, of •irtviuir Manhall'» t»»rce» wrfMlrily acting upou millls|t]f of Τ H limiter, esq of | Mr. Frank Bntlcrfleld, Fast of at \\a»hiu*tou of hi- and the tiuie for contest. He mint dl sou* s toil was Invited, hla decision « hen all no In tin· frenry of wan Paper Wilton,thought Kcprvs««)U(i*e*, -tr»>nrfhol>U of their ou ii j*ie< ii»a>. forUdeU Willi j lield quick death. For cause, very luslifutr al ; would not ■*.■. tUl» of mur the Farmers' If managed, sheep exhaun Puuitii.xr (or it»· ·.».ι Uiu>-l| Bue!!, com· km « uot men Iv how t·· airike. but u lier* to atrixe had lieen heard, combined tu ahow a tonne- and wickeilnejs, Hie red hand read before properly Mm abumlant artlllerr. Major.t.eneral j thorotig by the but rather add to it. H It ..rtuienl» uf It*· e»t limit ul the I'uUetl Mate- enoetl am! ibtr aokllerof the K»-|nil*r Ariuy. pul>- -tn'ngth of his opponent's po-ltion a-faptatlon enlarged interests, Irom Its hopes arpiialtons. composted dressing to >1 h-.'wur to tho incra hi!· ranks b» an labor. of deoth—and he did furnish· «I our cor- that can tw on bit farm. It bas Hall of U-ΙκΜ mu oi.ler of thank» ami rjnxralulauon on ; Confusion lu attacking exposed Held Of rte·, Into tue risible pretence In addition to the report by produced (rrvetly kfiCMMtdTn LiocoJu l> U at tne of the cau»e of nil the one short moment In ul a mur.leiv»i PnahlrM. re»ult of (be *» caui|»ai£n, l'oint w hen really the iljthteousnt-.-1 With iierfect ltiheri not <|iiall. Not alone for the of the recent meeting of the lioard Increased the fertility of bis farm trebled ory the tht brilliant Ulp: comprehension the a In winch pa»«t-lof | strength Heaviest which, of at Farmington, the lith inst., hay In ten year*. 2t) l.usbeU ,, ηι1γγ«·<Ι. ΓΙ* tra*i< ai ι··ι him. II.· oheu l*»th the riiritl and obstacle* in his way, lmpelbM λ goner aw ai ο of It* relimjul diinent, hut lliMUnh Agriculture crop of uieu hklhMi'ilwrl) anil H'luiiik' man ili.n ο •rlieltl. Ilut II declared conquers against always by hardly Journal last we are enabled more wheat on condemned land, with this life aM· Iwii «ηΊΐκι ι.· τ a» when I'ox, ou* uarfleld conceived thai much weeks of in the week, dre»» luiuaUoti of tus jn.nl a bad called Into :ι«·ιΙ·>η th«· hhctn ·ι the bear liattalion-, young Charles entliu-ia«ui, of deadly languor, through agony given ha I that his nim j days of the author to present favored the old ml *ucoe»*lon uf horror» which ! In the of his torvlsm, mrriiil the House of might be done by his admlniatratiou toward· re that "vai not lew* airon) because silently Iwrno, through the courtesy ing. Formerly »tyle Merino the length** «jaalltlet· of a -oldier. aui.»»l of Ur· rtr»i « It* lmmeinotlal between the different sections of calm he looked Into week Mr. Hunter's views upon Now breeding wool», with some uitrkni »o tbted the ν uor»l* of the uiore -ul> oraman*against lu-tlcc. again*! •storing harmony with clear sight and courage, this pleui pral«e by J t», the a a* slain In a «lav of |> »<ι·, s t nm»letton*. Indeed, at tin I nloii. lie was an\l n-lni,-iis »,..| What blight and ruin met Ills also the discussion ol and thoroughbreds. Wintered ia>t bum oar del. I -Initial renard of a brigadier general conunW j rights, attain Id» own tf, j (.<.ik his open grave. renovators of the soil; grades year ha·! l«rn nvvm Ik lu brt.lliei. ν It that »l ί.ι* had Convictions, ami. In the luter- I to the Aseurlva» lie had iiivtfcc e\es,w hose lins may tell—m hat brilliant, out Mr. II.'s tor which 100 one hair of them (trade*, and tbe whfi bnitUtr to bear «late frvut Uh· >lai of hi» iktisiu j«-"iι (M'oplo. April anguished jiiWject as called by paper, j sheep, oibtr when r u>>l halt ha. I Iteett est of a administration. In olasllrnce tu a tually en· over Marntuilt. corrupt broken plans, latter we arc indebted to the Phillip* Phonograph, half thoroughbreds. Realised |Γ00 from them from ttir Ln it-1 "\Vb««vfi drove wuke, from the seal ville, whitlier lie had la-en invited, and lie of warm, manhood's friend Uittlahe·! l*hv iiilliurt tuiwr ol uarttcld fully ; tyrannical sortreign, cordially suudetlug »trong, and dit ι Invested and on auhMqueM ■ which in line with It· enterprise ability kept capital good, improved it draw tue ut murder, 1( lu. bl- new t«» wid.1i the elector- of Middlesex had chosen htiu un.- a few week* later to 1!ml whit bitter t sweet household ties' -hail hereafter portrait -u«talD*»l it- brtillint M lib again disap|iolntcd ships, rending an "ex- some. more wool from tbe where »uch lie uo to *»outh Carolina to attend a host on former occasions, published Ile gcSs «bow U a* It lia- hewti exhibited t .»· of a ami installed l.uttrcll In dcdance, not of tliai could not lb nlnd Vim a nation, great played [ thorough «Ill <\HiiaiK»iuii tar «a· a--i„'iit«! to command merely proud. expectant are not so I been k» tfl fur. K't ot an of the centennial cei< hntlon '>f the of the a cherished and a full of the meeting, including bred*; hut the bodWa .trip· as grade» • vauipie wm last to have in Un* Ληην of t ,e iHilo. anJ took part m law biu puMic r-> of lier entire, also quite syn- His ttoek averaged of wool per htiu lift give it IIm- frim lsage lia.· «econ-t iu· I ibcUltv '» ιιχI>. in tin· «rv.il that dl-»|tialiriftl by cow|>eni. definitely mother, wearing lull, early Mr. Hunter's paper bead, fin- >» the l»v Inn ^ with ·*. the of his mind, the honest\ of Ids id on at three memorable assemblies the ulfc of Ids uho»e whole and discutions backs sheared 100 thoroughbred* kruo kuittcl revenge, iMtlk v( >luloli Th« leiuaimler of Hit· year I Ml tcvturv l»y being iireseut t> il and tears; youth, opsis of Mr. Ijuie's address, I'm.; averaged ratlu'i. a ihrurwit, iiti I" -One* and In the South, the celebration at Yorktown.tbe tbe little s not ^ct from us follows: I mannre lM>t hate I .et htiu draw, uji not ·· tin eet nt*ult> tiarllebl. aï it wa> hv irt, by nuxletn e. ami* by every open- life lay In Ids, boy eincrgvd both. Mr. Hunter «poke 13 Iti·. of wool, otrposts ami let· a ικΜ ω much au ρ«·« of the at and tlie the following .roooth rarv-l. jKtu>iMro· tleiaow; « tii·» of his nature. ing Cotton Lxpoiltiou Atlanta, childhood's ot frolic ; fair, young daugh I have to one 1 b< to th< aruile* Aith ubu b br .is κπίαχ. aspiration da> am aware that the few words that lay a year, if ;u*es third dres, iu ai»! lu mo -1 ot the Annv of the Cmnlierland at (. hat »·>η« into closest I possible sheep ot huiiutu uatu.e )a ileprartty «· u.i- In COM' The three <':MlUKiilidlCd parliamentary meeting 1er, the Just springing of evaiupie pru'Ueal *eu cnlle«l Into I'Vtfriiic sturdy are not to the teaching lug to two third» muck. With its aid be ba> s- an Internal a ll< u«l Ic.idei .. in this ant Mr. He ua· a over In hi* tnli.d and every to uay according uaiv«y«in» of erlifte. being." ti«· btm i.t-uertl It·! II. of :ί.·» »·. U ν«·ι·.|»·1 cuntry tanooga. irv.nl.ν turning companionship, claiming every ilay day ►ay >·< lit' l>it'tiiig a»k. a.--t^>i.-Ι;·|ιΙ«,> rveonat ntctlui brt>lj{tami r. ilal>il>kln( rewanliug lieen «aid that I on K wa» a man of « «n-timinale of together. he said to a frtand, lititi tn« rxnet to meet all tie at the It has .«ion. hut not the mubc land. character (militât MHMHhwl -n '·" ttl lilt oiviium icti ability, gn-at gave heart the eager, rejidcli g power bandry present day. at 1'lvmoult. RM) of and which he needed. At \orktowu hi aiti1.iihv, In each yet And his but truth will lieat Investigation, deeper you compost. thrown a»«y raate from <«M Kntrlvn I to In I- inuioii th. iNiwcrto command. In the hundred that bound the South and tin North universal la un- Hbwp-Jrcwinx liumaaa·! ewitfrai.la » «lt .»C >iui« hf «on a valuable tlait years were thrille>t Intel mid take of .lain illw in the art <>f In the sncivd iuemor>* of 11 common danger and llaaterful In bis mortal weakness, he Ne» fcngland. ihe> pur*ull lalloh aura· tt>i«r tin· Qvtlrf ami ^curti·^ Hie .·>|· pbr* Msrtnil. sympathy. not in accordance J muck was a great u*netlt. mi lu t» 1 an l reluctant aud refrac- I e.inimon victorv. At Atlanta he would pruaent tlie ot a nation's enshrined In |deit*ant and homely, exactly lee tua 1 freedom eeelraiaaUcal |«·ιι·1«·ικι \J of the ab|«r ami eiulnoiil Juerou*. fed them to feeble sheep with food, »e< uring gratiuu uaturallv Ιο ΙμίιοπιΙ·!·' fniae, fur amont Ihr pint κμίι who ippu»lilou, competency apiiealrd the synipatliy could any enteiprisecan 11.111 a- > and which should unite llie two out to the litwrtν lu earnest at botne Tin· w l.aMV· of uiihx.ked for lion ehold, tbe abme. Willi nnfal- lie it may result», the sheep raising g<» Ι1κ ·ΐι· Uv.-. tilt entire enur.tge lliesanlnjt | very Ing. Iletro·! wltte-pres# Fiction tuay lieaiitiful, point (food w e(T«» tlxe ldt>w fur frv*»k>iu ot or It would Im> dllii. «v'ti.itMt liv tin· instinct of self Interest ami self-de deatli. With ten to enrich hi- farm. bo struck hls'rn··»! Κ·ν·4»·>ιι. t.· the nmki· of their eountry. ·ίμ· \rho sanlt un-u»pc· ual .icfcction. lering front be faced unfailing farmer the sure and e».-y way lambs. he fur the r.>U>ulv« In 1'lSo 1 tin-e a f< urtit name In all our fen>>. At t lie would revive the mem of llle. Alio» c the demoniac mat cewrlmv mHn( •r ti> Hit· 11 lee II. »t tbe im--t cult to rank viIth hatiaiiooga >lernei>% he took k*avo the future look It ( I„ H. of n^lit rt|*t learutuK, ·> It make bright. Bunnell, l'billip», thought sheep «ere luva uuiilol a >le«rter u· leave 1 In-iiii * flat of these Mr. « la\ was orir* of tlie war onlr to show that after all lis <11 bullet he brant the voice of tna.v would hate frnhlcl IV. the mo-t \ .irti-l Mt#!nmetit-, vtli·· oagres-t-'iisl hi-» of the asvssilu'· in Ike near future, golden renovator» of land than were cattle. ou m a* make flic farmer lose* | better after I ii>) The hail then rvwr who U>efn»ic-t· Il would, I*· lnipos*l)>teto aster and all It* i'iRiing,thee<>iin(n stronger ι, I. With he l>owcd lo the np|tortunlty tnla>rv l with uixle^t} .tml «buune·! applaud, (icrhap simple résignation l.ul it will a mirage. In an agri- >lr. Craiir said his tnowlri* fields w -re tb« of (··r that great ivatca which ami Ifind In the | rliameniaiv simal· of the world a and greater, the Union rvndep-d Imlis- iiulile, and I tit Ine decree. rewards, prove «41 k.ngtan·! in tb·· ..f -;ii re»· rt^l ami alien! for one run in them in liny triutnpi) w lien at four 11 iv future, the and blood of one for tin' cultural sense w hat may lie truth farmer, lettinr his sheep the fall. i'»UbliJ.it| Uh- authorlfv ot Parliament, gate rvitg Ir-tiM'l- iK'.tk In (lit* hour of lluu parallel to Sir. ( lav. In 1*41, sivty through agwnv Λ s tbe end drew near, hit early craving l>y ta· I κ·πι1(ΙβΙ-»4 for all II. North (n«l>Ma u> ιΙκ· μ- kul 4 I.«rim· lu > ·γ .ι :ii,· he ..ok Hi. control of Hie Whig' party mad·· brighter am) better pea returned. The mansion of bad to another may lie Action. II. Smith, of Farmlngton, said if be loua f Kentucky, generation, stately power lite uf * Hi ter t rota I had received tliclr i.iirtleld'* ambition for Hiesihvomof hi·' η·ΙιηΙηΙ* i>f and of Portland w anted to make for tbe Wm'k. and ouiciuitted to IuiihI< j urh·· t·■ hi- lion^rabb' rvtlrvmeiit ·μι)«>ι« the re-|>ct-l mow the I'lfsMcnl who I» en to hint the wearisome honpiial psln, A man bring in tlie vicinity may money prime <>i>;ect. be ·■! I ι...· tl Uie irallon *»« With strong caution an 1 Conner l>u ol the «tiffr»!-·. srili. p..wcr sfWlkll· high. lie li»*gg*sl to ukeu from prison wall*, have mad·· the rai'ing of sugar profitable would raise «beep, renovating the farm a a- r> au>l I In the \atl«m In hi* he wa« In no of at > n>e emigration ari«( iteue>L, -· ΓιιΜιη t. acnin-, thi el .jnem-e of Ο*«ate nature, danger It* «lifting air, from its bomelcasne·» w rite enthusiastic ai rich and cattle and ball" and balf. ►.iigl:-t. 1 oiiprcnalve, t>u»iiies<. He may would keep sheep, thoii-au-l hten villi a .T> | l irii In |9·· | iiirAiil » t* lu the tempting cx|vrlnient- and t«eutly, silently, on of the bu»l- said the drew t!„ a-nlgaeil hiun of liait h·· believed hopelesanoas. addresses profit» Mr. Lane grass from mM tMit frvui >· ·ιΐ:\ΐι·Ι au·I lr,>iu Inucv art of «'hlcf of I ( u«hli'V ai.d llcnrv \ W !m· In tlie llou-*·. i'in|ilrlct»m statesmanship. irreai Itore the pale sufferer to tlw loured |>oitall>ie p«>«t be people this b- truth, but to α Frank- Vinoths of Its sustenance, while the ttii.. ·ιλ>. Νι·η h I 1 au ideidlmte of il.at renewed and closer attention should given live or at iteM. To him may 9.*>-1(ΛΗ1ι· itMmMIl TMl iiumtiir> ιι^ •laf |[iwmn. tbtii at the h··:·.·! of Ibe -hared the pride lor healing Of the sea, to Iodic, wer Imrled .«·.In-l Tjlerwith deep··-! tjucsliou* affecting honldwlll, fight did ul V»ntc« In Vtm> column wld'-h •oinmerrlal of lift mlllliiti* of Willi wan, a farm on low laud, find that than take from the «01 ! I In the revix'alloa ot the no oflScrr -corn the ,--o( iimi eou<|uerlii)t prospect* y people, within sound of It- manifold voices. man owning may naturally they bought ttary «vmjiabru «uhtinllnnt.· rr<|nlre« η «rjti;.^re| nn-ιι Ilia·I swept the Ι411Ί fevered fait* tenderly llfie«| cooling [ils soil is deficient In potash, by apply- It difficult to thoroughly soil. referred w win· ih> lines of and an are. Involve*I at •lr**l IhouMixi ITot.'^un:». Wen· aiuoti^ ib.in -iiff the sdnilnl.stratlon to x-ek -iielier la'hlml the live undeveloped they respoii lté I Mike·I out wl-tfully upon tin· isvaa's changing the >amc he Increases uts crop. Mr I Be fertile soil* of old 1 Krvttrli Uil· foes. •lMlltv, and couI I I*· eultlvated pndltafde ou lb* far In iheuiomtng partialis InfeltlKMif An Ifrlltrnrt man lu -ueli a |> >-!tlon ran *m ιη··η· political sail», whitening >ncc the idea flat all a farmer oecd do i· worn out w ith a rotation of would renew «>f -Kilic l uv.viiutaetun r«. i*d a m-a reel* le*« wonder or he abandoned to harmful Indifference prouder*, to tdopts crops,he iect» -naerrhauli capital, bot·»! m.*re aml<11«<·ι·ι·<1, jealoii>t a vvllii court Ό and his reward to clover for two vear»,and (bus with- aixl kuMltiTafhiiH·*, at tin- time u> all Irul whra, lu IM.%4. attalnsl the awl ileiiru of •r lasting euiuitv. lie believed eipial iireak and die I «Mica t h the noonday -un; on the red apply potash, by seeding -ujfrl>«r -nrtfe than an> nthtr <4kvr In tki· miftr nrfnulaa one-half a mile la Λ ruiulilrntik eurnU-r uf a th wise counsel of lencc that an essential forerunner to a new era of horizon. ou his is truth, but to his neighbor nut adding anything, the soil renovated. He vtbem la Κι.η-ι·.· tlou. Wbi'ii titaml t.arlleM a^.-uinr the t>· Aui rn *. a few c n-crvaihe In-tlnet* national 1* must I» a of contentment star». soil a might I*· fiction. would sow in the winter on th* snow ibe-H lluiciieiHtt Kreuch »· Itlie ot 1er chiefs, axain-t the pn>gn teelliig ,he M-rene and shining (nithway ol tlie Iwt iway on different plaster ! ί<»η·«··Ι aud 1 <· nerous I*· JUi'li-l in V* tmi Iw-MC Ιι·Ίΐ··πιΝν ànd even U"· im«r.il en-e of the countrv. In* In >erv section of tlie I'ulon, in· thiiik that his read a unstic meaning who feeds hi* la rite <|uantitiea Ii absorbs the ammonia in the snow, and retain· »«r!our«| m·I -» riou%ly airet iiUK ibt· talm· an·! dy lug eyes A farmer sheep it- tu.-:··ι .. Tbctr uamee hate iu into η ot tin· Mi-aourt 1 that the benefit* an 1 burden* of government know. looks proAlucul in ifflrW* of tht· of tbe · uii.berlatnl. The irhrtant ( mhrm rniaal lief ahiehonly tbe rapt and' paiiing soul may >f fond not raised on his own land and It for the plant food, lias tried it repeatedly i»r luxν Army Ne ν η-,In hi- coalMl a011 Id lie common to all lllmself a jrxe i>an liecumf an^liri·*.!, ilKippearetl. the la>'t «lib «!il< h * Mr Titaddi u- I conspicuous l.et u« Is'ltcve that lu the silence of the reccdlh,: material left the had cnenf>. t'»e liiiKinulln, Hml tmiproinl-4-. ambition o>l la traceable in uf the mu»t tΓπίιι to 1 ttft* actuallv advanced his pnrlla I illustration of what ability and may he IhmpI the waves on a fur uiauy hi awu^tit to Ult'M· itU^rutlou·. aoη inetilar. lea'lcr-hlp ;ber shun·, already u|mih of soil. to ev ■ l»;«rjft· and •het a> α renovator Mid seeded berdsgra*». Secured ejient iu ·■ m«-tii..rta. au l u- tul la-tUut;»u^ ami ιοί erne» I the hy it* I vtth a of |>atri"tle dcv<>tln!· uill rviuaui ooe ».f lb·· ιιι*··ι MrlLiiijf ^rtK*f- f tin' i'rv-ldci.l euuntry pasdon .he breath the eternal morning. alu'.ty to la· ! κ was to her n lvam-ement. of National Associ- >( tbe latter without anv June u iruiu Uir—· two -uunt··», the KngUsb I'untan ηι>·1 elo«e·! >«n will. h*avluu pcrfutictory duties aklng thought given Jofm I.. Haves, secretary gras. of hi» trn-al trrvatlllty. Hi* lullitiry .lutle- only an ihe Kretn h r^inie the lale Kre«»«fent—hi- \\ uh tw* hundred I lie was an American In all hU aspiration»,and he ition of wool manufacturers of Boston, In it on n«s more land than though the ll^inieii'·!. on in. im inoral'li· rtrbl of t hn kaiuaufca. a Ik·M tiM-harjii-i bvthe Kxecutite. ;>ut »ii<*p le-M'en· le· I frvtiu the t In hi- hands at the S^NtM >.>oked to the and Influence of the Γ id ted the Joui be in the Maine report on it t rather, \hraui UarlrM, Ιμ·1ιικ w bt~h hn«ever ill-ailrvu· to Hm I ulon ariu». m*e ρ tnmaii destiny lirimi LtwUtl ual.) iddress which will toutid Iressing were to lie put alone. Tboogbt r. Kllza lUlluu, frvim the uther. li\ tin· active force of "M'wan I siatc« with the roin)*>»urr ,.f Jeff,T»"ii at one, ,·»υ«1 hl« iii.>lh. t't '.iu Uh- o>ea-loii r wluiilux lui|M'rl-liablt· I Uh emit· ·1, ald>s| philosophic 111.tine's of tiurlield. or that the conclusion arrived by raluable dressing. on in ! of John Adam*. Kulogy 1.177, says It wa« >tork ma both »l le-—lu-tte Iwti. r. η and the moral power of I ha*e the deinonstrallve confidence of them ifi^l lauivl- The icri ran· ·1ι Ulwtlon wa* aeoifbil 1 ι!η· aMnvt [ but not writer* is that sheep do not pHy Mr. said l.i«t year «a» a »<τ> poor year u»ne truer. Thvr·· wa- in it a· In u Johnson could m>t command The events which dlrturla^"I the I're-i i» made every day, every day Knglish I'ratg uwoe liratrr, liim ·>ι a ifrv.it for lil< braver» ou a he IWiH-li. Andn political History |·η·ιΐΗ4ί··ιι weeks liefore fateful in elves, but that them is the only way For but he had never «ecurtd belter Iwritaii. e of of iitanllne*-, of tm)w»rMi '. of «uh· thlnl of either llou-e against lent'· for many that •tandsuut among othen the calendar,cotupic- keeping potatoes, i>*ur.tfp·. llt'M ihai «a» luat I're 'enl l.lmOln a(>|M,intit! lie >ιΐ|··>-·η serenitj ooeratlons and I uf ailltereuce t·· of ahlch Thaddeus I lav lu from an In hl< c« in Hut now and then conic» a can carry on rheir farming rields, on mucky land, with sheep dressing akin·: able iotc of I. >ertv, uihIv.u^ { him a In ..f tb.· I iille·! 1lie l'a Jlaim-ut.iiy uprising July, Important chapter ions red letter hey ma.ior central U·.· Vmn wool wa» wa» hS aixl ·-- 1- ami the I eer, In hi· own Involved <|Ue< reserve the of the land, the pays Γ he chairman thi· out :be i.artlel'l pruu-l ·>? .1 :ιιι.| i. I In •ι.·». λ the aataatiSK -pirit un<|ue· and. judgment. lav that Is not in the hlstorv of fertility thought carrying pr1ncl|ile. -t.». -νΐ,ιιΐ 111 tin- e* noteworthy only 1 -atufactlun a» If lie were a Hrtt:«h ;!<«tis of mid of right whb h an· vilallv and the mutton combination of Mr. Omen and other* wtthaxiniicb Ui tie of t tJ tied leader principle but also in tbe history of an e|tuch. Sow hem something pay·, something theory 111 htrkaiMU^a. rad tu admliil· tratlon "f tlie year nuhiemau rea tlui.· hi» atatelv ance-tra) ree..pj I'pxii t!« -·· three κ rent men tiardekl différé·! I 'enllnl ttM· oonnttMltloruil or in in none. Hut the is them to uuck and manure. 1^*' Xr*iv ··( ill»· nmt>rrlaml *;·- reorranlint of tnd then cmiius an event m war peace, great obj«ct keeping j I'eeraire. he «pote uf ltlm-«lf a· ninth In iu the of hi- tnlnd, in ten federal Government. It would la: out place hen· Harte't u lui. r iiit· iiiiuuh'I of im-nera I lltoiua-, »h·' call», diffen-d i|uailly or In in literature or in ο sustain the fertility of the soil. | Mr. Inland had used muck for two years past, win Wuul·! mtt en lure the form and of amliltlou. lie vmt no» to the language of controversy, silities statesmanship, leaceui fruiu thiiM' ι·ρ |v offeretl one of II- .livWom. lie s-niMi 'it. la the pliaoe «peak sheen are on from I .romp (iartle!.| do what however cou 1 that the national antiaN cannot in >ay one thousand put round tb.tt when taken bcmloek swamps u «f the Stuart», atnl «etenlh Ιη <Ι«·»ο·ηι ·" I d what 1 iet did. nul lie coul l !>ut the events re ferns I to, the> may irutory, jus- pre*«t"n | «W >k -;ruu» l·· »ve|.| UM MMi u, but •oui mit are ted w ith but when fr ><11 Prntotanu who relUMsl nlRWb l.readth of hi· I on*!*» I1111· to he *onnv of contention with other*, have ice omit. Τ lie twelve months have l«een me tbou»and acres, they every day vas of not much value, irfttaiiwvl from Die !>rave Krvitth n· I v na a irar t hev isiuid Hot. and In the i'.vt Ha« i-uibarr ! the fact tli.it Im· l, ■ a« of »»· et will limiter evert a «•com*, mi far a* (iartleld Is com rne.l, mu· b <>| events « bieb tb future histo- on the laud. The next year tear hard woo·! it valuaMe. He to BuSiult tu U ran'iy en fnvu the t.ran·! Mini I Un· Hum* »Lloiuil « ik he left tliai which ■ uu.-ually full tirnip» tfraiw·. Krowtbs, Iflurr. I^fti rlt. Um Li uufrn·*·. ami at on e nuione men, and w filch, lueas t matter of history a* hi* hen>l-m Chlckamauga in historic an·! In .irions sorts are «own on the land, and the iseti it for tres s, *· *n ait|M, »»bc:i It· uiu-t tak- hl-fval «,i«-IraHΙηχ near. Ur j itenii d l:irtue.. lan will consider Itoth their mulching young apt>le I •Mi^htfl tu tiwell uu the-e -t of crilkUm. •r his lllustriou* s»-rv|rx· In the House iK-tall I* or and the manure t.eucral ti irli.v |i. renia.n tlie an«ihumou· on the carver of the hlrd or fourth, wheat barley, ! it»orbent in the hog etc. When spread on l-reWiv.· In tnlitiar» »er»bv, shall not la· heir philosophical (tearing* yard, an KiixLaikt. be ν a more ctidurlnf and mon· eiiTlald·* ι·»t insslful, and antagonism carries the land trait·. ilurtac lu»·I Nithlu hi·, tmu l.rra-t, lie· lai«I ••..na i.-mi· «Ill seeun· pi'rsotutl because they have lieuring more than ill by the thousand «keep ;rass land, it improved tbe growth, tbe «cond tu event irw· e uf hi» ■ekindled won! utter»-! t<>·'lav The n»·. epnblic, buaie-i hiiu»clf iluonrriiin ■ >f -:ι.·.·> in * h m·»» f Aine. by any rotation. increase in tin· til·! del·! hi· hl« rank a rficia! and than the mere rubbish of this four years tnd third yeari marke.1 In ati-l un aaetrul Willi «.arffeH's ami Ives <>f those him an· not to l« hen· I uj« deejs'r hrough showing furefattter* pnrHh rrfbtite» to him. tbe on tbe Th«-' unfamiliar Industry, opiioalng he is to American farmers of an to ■ >φ(.Η<ι1 lktbtm'lnif atvuuieut·· wmc nor cours.· 1 he The a«>as>uuifluii of (iarbeldand his Here talking trass muck fertil anut wlt!i a frtcinl tu Uk calltrt at ot the detail· of bl-w ork. ma» in erselv their harshly scrilie. yield. Thought preferable nil». MiLiujf ι·:κ· si ie ami ibr other. ai.Mou- t·· 'letenaloc « )υ«l 1,brorant InU-rpreted It is well for us to rememlicr ..f t umni '-t* ..ne 1 tjrht arter a hii^ them I·» tl»· annals of •earm terUevl. Hut of the dead President thl* is leaih and burial were events which not were ngllili farmer. zers. the IIuiik w a·· for the .le-irvu- above all 1·> il measure Oinyre·*. only !*·»!. Ηιΐηκ» ι|ο Ic^n*. own for and that it in thi» β· M of iv«ean fi, he aalr kl» fatri"i»c -lutv. lu «a» .b·» i»i>.-l» lnflm noe.! t.» IVo.iueof *rm*rati"ii public signtOcant. They Jay. that iu war in which f..r -> much that will la· •vor silenced and he can lie ho mon· beard eveept l>e for us to that winter. Oue man ev: lent eLatlou, everj tc Ud'.n.-»sl ha- conlrH'Uted rcre α commentary on the development of popu- iould useless expect by feeding or wool falling fh>m sheep in uf L!<»h| hu 1 fen nec lit- *η· the and the love ff an it ihre»· •««tarie» paur-t* ^.ii|(U-b •Jaalt!·· foi future η «|N>ectics linuigh fidelity surviving ar in the nineteenth and it- tie one vear on acre of land, that lad found lie* the cause of if, witb hn sbecp | VantMO, Ivth of whom »μ#Ι>·Ί hitn thai he «vul-l. con government! centitry sheep 1 bktw· fur coMotltuii ul i of them nrilllanl. all of thctn well Irlcoiu I'rotti the l>eirlnuinK to the end of the »Uu< »tunly ;>>vem ·*! lb it U1 of ul:i« tu Ί*1' House »l j iiimen-u», many > ■ onId become rich to carry it through in and killed the ll'UP, e vu· survival of shocks which, twenty iviituries sufficiently IVashed sheep tobacco, >Ιί·-<ψ ruent a»I human ht» timllr ha·!'««*·ιι rep | idita*»·»!, and evliausllve of ti roversy lie κι much "leplorci, tlie President a»y Ubetty. U«u re*eutall*e«. II* realtfOrd hU commission of Îtudltsl. •anful'i» have chaos, four rotation. The same writer also V not her man. and more than one, bad were ait Marst η M>»«r. at .Webt cou-! lcmtloii. from tlw for one moment actuated bv inn motive of igo, would precipitated (Kilitical years' sprinkled MMal. They V ..Γ οι. Γ .IV .·( I'· « m « ι. 1-· .util· t under Collecte·! iever il Ml .1 hi· a 1 ■■ ..I of «II have heard of α case in Vermont where ti* k ol bit thet were at Itunkor Hill, at ί «» u»o volumes of ilore than this, these events wcr>· the a(*>thcosis ays I nsect (rtv p<^wder) along the an'rv»iou, took ht»-al '·» a lere ! pa^e- of ninety roval t powder xtvi In lb* II·"»* Kepnp*iito«l»e» ·!Ι·Ι ht· even a wa» to abandon one and -tfc-tual. ■**ntl«>ia. aa-l a: M >uili. auii in hi» own j« Kisi rd. would present an In MM 4M lie h*rl»>r revenge, rarely if Individual character, the triumph ot great sheep farmer compelled ousy sheep, it ha«i prove·! UniItir ïtft. Hr lia I served two ai il four •n/n—»ioii:tl t'licj tiecaine Mo for fur the vime 1 iu* Iu 1,1c year» of tlie of hou resentment. and malice wa* ii>>t tu hi· na the tiitiuft of a whole t·· »rm after another as they fertile Mr. I'cuo of llrin'· Corner, had μι»< result» •■•a ha Itatlle·! m|« iidiuui political history uul and people tnuv, )u«t cOMplete»! na Ma* lu the lie this so or Ι war which lite ( nlu.i «.f the -(ΛΙ·-. îii t era which th·· 1 ure. lit· congenially only eminence of over rolitable not, , rorn c«>ar»« ilmofiiv. no »*» aj»;«r> pre-ereetl ituro »«e»nd year. m lapamat nwbagh empluvol lie prt t>ta!c»man«hlp sheep-growing. feeding Uefurv he wa- twu tear» ul·!, ha- < »cr W lien the lit- >'f ofllee. λU'I Un.· 'doing of Utxlh α in IamIhx Iti· fattier Tt.·· is .· louai |«a»-e«l. «change g·*"! and over And ave never known of like Instance Franklin ( ο cut it and then feed the cuirKr "rt« to i l'hlrty djft.th r.rfrr*. pre-emliieutly ^ovemim'nt hen ine.-.-e of integrity Intrigue. earlier, the life of t.artlelit \»a» un* of privtUuu. ot ri «I sliaMlw w rtttcn.w J early tll!e'l ta hlMMn l'.thr «f li· «' "" or» ul-jn lni|iartially 1 docs well to *tnu once more in lis colls. mane un talpNllM an fr mi of he nation ounty. ΉιΙ It» haatvrn ιηΊ« ilrvu-h aa·! » un-a*ure* oi re«-oii»trucilon, pro There «ι< n»t hour, the liezinnlng povert> fre»». lt \va·.·!.·· le l while the war «s< taifrant. ar le^talatioa. and and The ease is not to us; but these rh 'U»aatb of ren pi\>init»eiii j ιη·ι inem' ιΐ|»>ιι to hot for | η it* in the lialls where liar- Tilings and these sayings led him as tin· la^x· Ί. atartiu^ chi <1. he O.I. of pulillc cnsllt, «U-ps »beu the President would gladly, bi^bc*t capacity, art··*·! \..|ve>itn Ihe «-*MiUiiuao«-r i't l'w «inwfli. 1 itltut SSdSMSSM are »<· l.' « eve in Ul. -et: tnic theories of naenuc of Ιιατο re- won to offer to his name the jbelleve that great renovators of the i We must not onlv think in words, (>ut rea.il> too often frvet» -^ualltl rhlrt- «rventh hait. ln-lee.1, legislated ι<> I.sr·!» -|N> ;e re-.ιιιιρϋ ·ιι, | he a»ke restoring harmony, leld his fame, sheep · .entrai liirflrhfa in i Contres» and lie had taken If audi η irai had oe *o umier use lit· tlutia uf our rftir» na» l«e n·» iewed, ui -iimiunded by prejudice t raced βιι,ν step lug ■est tribute ot its dclilicratc an 1 calm alter- nil. It may rmgusu uuiuagciueni, nust also try to the beat words, and larjfe Uiitv· extrl.l uu wnr ti.rii.un··.. but II was clt.neu hlm-i lf. ν au l Tvulii !ιλ·Ι ixwe <·( ttieir « «* iiaconD ctisl fn>m pactl»aiil-in, *|n-ccIic* personal To these words the uiianl- utitis rblch in will put hat is bdkntlikilNWMl ..i jim hought. pronounce speech Mr of their nppcaitug TT^W^ t*«wj wld I* •--tin ited at tl e.r true value, and rhe of r buj t.. ·ι:ηι·« >«f inoitev >1» position, itrnlr.1. Ml ta Ιν»|·τ.·ι ml one t»ν heart and tlio Illinois, or Texas fanner, l>ut what the at the liar, or the Hfitrr «κ « ; lti which Vndrrn no oth'T were MM·»Ιι!Ιμ *|||1UII*»»IIIT III" Subject to nU<-tl llitlucuic* abltiet, .|ii.ili:icd intellect, by ingllsb, cbool, church, through «lay ρ·*«Γ hoy Μι. ludred, If aJtuohly » ratacU lur Um nyytrfl ft Un U«« Mal Mtji MB mo-t an the tor us on our own farina. I ire»». To do this In tbe the*· h< κι Id a a* a M Ν e baler I ni wt f r-·■■■ row within or front without. Itut after | ιν to and voice truth right way Juiwu poor Mj ;hinhkD· .· « r» of Μ |1m Hnm | cultari·, rightly Interpret •f |i * hI rvin rdinarv pow. legislation ·|ΜΜΐΜβ a care- we learn in life, wa» a in the -.·τι«-<■ iti whl· h a lsifio. would n well ou» deliberation and the coolest survey of alt the heart felt eu ul its fallen chief, owner oi farm should consider ι»»· the short word» which early ρ·»·Γ N.y tvi-genia Tbt. u *.'i« Mn-ed |...vnl-r «Hilv twriitv four .►ecember. toJune. gl«e lâtiun'o Ionium Kvery iuen >>f \u.< rt· a tn all urr defru·· «>f the tin he solcmiilv lirlU-vcd that the true of hi* tarm whether he will nd have the »ame nen·^· to all ela»»e> of •oriiy of the eminent p m.'l and • •nitvrtr·! ai«t"ry and c„uiplrlc •lreum«Lmce*. ior ha* the ex-Secretary Uilen In inert the ully tin· future by which •«tal.·- u(R Ulllillll l. «M MM were itl iu lull- br«ii Before a great mulU of l!ir Hrvi'nhfn ivrutful >e«m | of the KxecuUve luvohetl Imite <>t or this or that our is No· μ»'Γ vivliiv two member* wert* II» roll. ΛΒοηχ *>rtaM legislation irerogaiives nftr of this historic occasion. ceping thi» or that kind stock, ( ncn. The Knglish of Bibles good. I1H Mr. ^rtubr lurr upon Ιό**!) au·I that he would 1·· anticipations tu|«*ii I··» « •real iii.-.t-iin s. sing it* fertility. keep up ye |reneration»of tlper· cabin. which r>»trr» <>nlv from vhtcli ho knew «ι li#jun*I public <·|>Ιι·)··ιι m |J· It m I ν bettered would u all the convictions of conscience ( iiun>l the that led tlie White House, sheep. Sheep poss* rbo hath warm<1 you ιΐκ !>·£ lui·. Util »x~rtubl*xv Of OU l.iirfl.ld rnlrred Wtt.· Ik hour, hut tow-path •rtility by keeping rr, at Λ m> Ikll wIm-ii within the of hi» health, and lie believed It In lit* *uf ( with hi» anilil- wand bv which can «mvert little into omc ?" There is one word which ought New tikiupoh period Mllj ni spécial preparation, and 11 might «lux».! U· »at>l «cure popular anormal period ind vigorous iai field's early struggles poverty, they long tin· »moke n·».· Or»t from It·» rwk rhluiM'v and the .·»»·! ot lit* <·« η ΐ'βκΠν ering and lu the la*t conscious thought are he ν can return to the soil » ha: ot to lie in In the old n.« «luetion Of Uklnx command i\vu lifetime, ail·) oy pnutntlun 1 Ιοα ι ii,-. lus geiiui» lor wotk then inch. Τ they it, namely "generation." > »ι< ικ· uvx^uslii I • •t' we.lpu tIn· bokrsblp, curled over the fr-aj· b l there similar a» t«arll-l the tnaji-tic >*ri«!« by taken from it, enough ersion the old word "brood" Is used. a ν» iiuii haMiatioa lirtwrtn it ι· not tu tlnd ht» of life. » evidence of :*:·■ » — 1· adera, It easy this dra» frel il» Uilii·η the river» of iau.t' to U au annual vis i. mon· iii.int mrmkkt I riot be sail. .lustlce to the ilea·!, the h I ►· he ilatlurni professional scholarship. ye ilprr'n TTiiulm «au > ate II»· ■oui· j lioii >»f bi» îullit.irv ·ιιιιιι1·»1.ίι ι»ιι·1 IJj ii Luldic j-erliaps «l inaml» Λ !u· drain our farms retain their tertil- ou to tiee from the m rath to come Crime carre mr chlMrrn to It to triv h them th·· hard in 1.4 it.·' f itth In tir til < iniucr that devolve· upon the lit lug, and In the natloial ievi-lature. rapt'I only might I ;u Il «ri* a ... -l i'.iraij'vIle «] νίι,ιΙ'. h -u|>r» •biigstlon n;arms u..· r©iitenip..ranrou.». ot Iti. nub- ν little dif like it i« set * eudured bv the KriH'iaU>'U» Willi U have gone a il. had the kinot Kurn he déclaration that in all th·· twaring- ketch of the :«th is Ihen ami for ii long time with but perceptible nmetimes «lin-s not look crime, *lii( wore it»' uniform of a M ·>.· gviirr*l ..f lî.· I l'tw tu; |«'«ι·Γν( principle. Congres* given, tbrui I Vn« to ilwtd on th·· tender reovl indu-in of to or the IVaiiknl wa* con- renee the amount One hundred clore ns iu of a » >rd. Whan before u au·· <.>« III r»vl. un·! llf iwtlenl investigation. ret, actual pottlblc, ie arc *bown the coiuciiletur of in produced. the many fold» long >t*l··- Annv Vilur >> M.-ti'Uy n*. immov constituency me· llou*. Um kli.dre»! u- », Um· ilMttvn». ai.· I Adam» iMTim his rat In hi* mini! Id hit conscience, 000 of wool each man and w.· «-all it »e ar»· early ma ()iY«k>. Ik- u» II» r«»ll oil a* λ Ut·)» !ii<*h John i/ittii > prominence Juttldrd nil leader, in the vigorous New Kuglaml soirit of heep would yield pounds year, «teal·", "défalcation," uariallve» ai»! Incident· v* hlch luin M·· had «ouïe of lla··—·- |«n ■Mr lu hi· conclusion*. Um· tout hitlg n v .u ·» ri ut util··. mil Ills IV-l'li'Wi. man is taken from the soil. The t a to it a or a aime iiUllv· Cwnsrv fro ibr Stitr r wa· he Λ-htanula District and of the whom It his wool yolk, loss know if is blunder ir with «II1 know of UiU abode." Mr. element in t>.ir(ieM'· chnradi f primitive family « lu lerou· vient· ut· of ιιιΐιι·! «hlrh illntliidiUM The religious m a ttia: 11.· .» r«|«rrUl'v f..rtu i.M< Ibe iim4«uiHii'v « h·'·»· to it hi λ District that h i<-ti is utilized in Kurope I» id to contain f he does not tell the truth, and »f are told of «υιη- llir «auic lia»·· left Un* re earnest In hit he represent Congress M illi Um; rrnuuilr ihau*r «t..··. ·.'"· :ι1ιιι«·«1 rullrvK Λ fbMrr, nu l which Itulti-ti givnt I ρ and early youth espoused n· iri.l «ctv luU tiM-iv ra.li »l ou ail .jur» hnyll-ii parliamentary >»" tua .t-iniuu and where a common m llou»eot Common· pre»* ut i»hinrnt« (· »o numerous aud to lutlueutial throush Ί he »i«ie of Mr. Blaine with we take from -'**» to 3 *X> 11»». of ίο man ever cheats hun»eli into »irug{)e sym· j tt..n« ι>Ι.ιΙι»·ι: t" bui i.«n IV rll 1ϋ··:»1«-1. ■xi n, tin- le··U·r» th·- familiarity ptrlia- heep annually wrongΜκ u u ItM· buriieii· rtjbt· iiut Ilut the broadening of from paihv awl hearty ivn(*-r»ili light· »< h in·, of vntial dldVrvnee frwtu i.arl#l*l. he I'nlted Mate·. leudrary and constitutional b evinced in luttoii. Airiin.achate ilrawti the-oil.and ill he lie at a loss to of others, It he think» tbrlflv. a. (iilrlllfvut in uu were uentary history judge of i· a Jlitrenl tifferent in rutixtily Un be»t feature* Ιιι the il* mind and hit attire »plrit ol' Inquiry early we »t has lost as >♦ » each, very |w\«Ttv, ■·· nar«<"irr. ·><>ι ^ I" lw«i·'» cw tome ot lu« method· recall he cogent illustration* with which he enriches have not returned anything nd »peaks of act» in clear, eri»p tenus. It in a· ><1 «ll.it trom thv; •tl-vruiiijf «jul· r-·· of sir l'evl and carried hlra thr dogmas of *ect kln-t. different luHuciee » *01* al ΚοΙ«·ΓΙ and beyond a» one five leave* four. i»ne a lo*» to » t .» îlilrit- ·-. ιυ·Ι »!··« U» »lllulni» It. lb. •trou»'. Ί«·|*·η·Ιι·ιιΙ .ppareiit In a col· with his narrative and his argunicut. Garfield's urely from ood rule, if is ar know If any ivD«-i·m .uwl hnmuiauu*; indigents which I·every rvviublancv» arc itiMvndhle Ih that iuo.i ntd the rritraihts of association. selecting ..u·* tlir αχ ·>1 lirl|iful ainl tuoel rUCtlilC of «up areer a» a and leader in the House ha· Hut this is not our >lrain. The or to write it dow n in shor!. »tm.» ftiired to o-tntn*! itse.f with «trlkln^ «bnilUil too in which to continue hi· education he rtjectr*! debater largest sheep ight wrong, •ley neighboring Dort· r- U-bj»cmmi. iu ia«n la vih..tii ■rouiii-iii^ of modern ruaienaUvi·*, ege Tt.rir lru-4 oter Alexander ie\er been ><· well characterized as >lr.Maine, an unco ntrolable animal. She love* her tree- u ut Ilorutto ureaitti on m huh il f of < tlir un •arly rea nor. of the froutier 1» Indeed had all of llarkc's love for the of hi· church. Ill» < ■arlleld on the Hour of the Ilou»e "never did so om—she loves to roam at pleasure. Here comes pe ode The futfrtv ■«raHHr^l f»rt that Kluh· W bltûe*jr. li. .«-•ici· Kciilinck II·· ie|l, greatcat preacher but Uu- ■>( an 1 « >»ouie of were flr»t, that Itetlrany leaned have a of the trouble. We cannot or do not au poverty. It U heifinnimi wealth, j ln.il.·" 11κ· de Sublime and II·- lutiful, un, po-»ihl\, oui characteritllc; ell but that it seemed he could easily done share Thr Hare and the I'Uli 1 au hravllv toward tlarrry ; and, uni, l>elng what she has taken. True 11 Ίιί. for linv l. «r U·· lUlrnliUDiUNiv; letter"—is the sententious way in which Mr. •place .while «beep The Hare and the ImWiowi-.. twfnce U. V» manner un lu the yean». of lu 111* itllhllr a and the ion of parent·, Fish, ha»itig ••tuning grew j u an\ lu Ills |>0ΜΙ'Γ sl.ltOIIICIlt, limtelf 1 lisclple, Ihtclple secitt of success in rv leave their Ttirrr U no tr«t of a man sbilU> tu .lr|idri unitullv with of oilier I*·. I Haine reveals the all debate. feeding they droppings quite , acco of carb other for several month·. an ι rVu.tural ··! Un· Wr»t «In n· a n.niae rai» In ht feuille»# Ιιι hl» love of lltera ο had little acquaintance peonle region» ι.κ·111 of oubli, llfr t» η -«-vt-nf lliau -.-rv trv tu tbr nu»lv»l-, logic, < Iartleld's chivalric falrneu towards an on the lind. True, their powers of dl- t" or » ••·>πι Is matter of e.>mniigtit> llttlr «lifTrrrui·»· I- |«U>I to K|Mltalloa |.n vloU-l> looting be uuder arc not tnt.otor do not take the us. than that of ΐ)Γ"Λ·I 1ιι·Ι> |^ u I th.it would r Uie feel l'Ut the ibiuiitl*·.»·, carry pasture* y hen a wolf wa* discovered in pursuit. iti-· U mark» the voiilh of uiilU···» Lny «Imh· liberal which he anti· ipatcd a· tin ; so it a hill lit the youtli of UarHei't a- of W a iiiau iiouM rvlletc n» bitterly an bv llio»c -U|i The tendency true that he could carry ln'Ctstt roken; perhaps high l»ackgrouud. j [are at once at bu lue» or fallurr» 1» κ!··»» r»· lut ua* rcalucd. Ile «a- equally started off the top of «peed, of the MixmI au<4 Srain now tralnin^ f.»r tl.f he l» furvr»* »' ht-own «■ni rights and with never acted convictions, requetitlv ^ ut the Fish called out aa>l future a»t the centre of an rtenM*trr, an.i if br h»f* au·! In the <11 I ie never undertook debate without the ing through occasionally run liarfl··!·! wa< l«ore hr>r to latnl. to tiw honor of the hnglt.di name. •ager Interest hi* lu\estivation* "I)o not leave me thus—I canuot r\lw'. wht> not inh i, Λ tfrM tn « lii'.-h tl«· «tirvlval of tbr »ti>.ii*r»t >a is one man a almost InvariaMv lie at on the «Κ with tin- \nk-i.. -,i\..n mv «u not to tlw owed with lu the paui-of explor A del ter ; great parliainen- Sheep night (| an.I he μΐΗρ·>Π of rv»|Mi-t a» 1 «tien- r.o >αη redlclr 1 οι anticipated, aturprlse MUickenlnf xU'p j great iake ajourner," replied the llarr away Um mi4iilM4 mlr. prrtmoe mi trodden of land. and the more mr ilii·» llriid·! <ικΙ II r»a Uinlol ou tbr -Imnt· in Ι Μι (olid itlon and eftectilatloii fearlvawiv by t leader is another. What Mr. ItUinc says igbest point Tbe higher '...hi ant no «Uni-ur in uil-lrail Ilir rral ountrj. lit» prominence υΐι(ΐι·ο, iry j ^ ew to save his bacon. < hi· and other lit- Here in out of of lli» aiUenturt mi tltr iu>> tu alter hl< wide rliruKthcned by Itarwin, by lluxler, by Tvinlall, by 1 u this Is of interest, as hcin^ the analysis orthless, the (letter. this the an i i-Lfiaifl mai. m aU-..»*rv.l. bi* worth I· Impartially tualltie·, reputation, and point The Flab hurried after ns fast a» possible brturcn that aint the of a l ake KrU· a» vnalor fium Ohio, ki him *cientl*ts of the radical advrtnreil ty|K·. is a worthless the rock* and > uatltr «. inn il.rrrr'l. lien recent election ;·ί ni; 1 t one who forgets that be lioth great debater ay, place, among ι p tifil, hi- rank I» rr-ibly Do oth found themselves on the baakofari»er a « >1« \u« lor the u church, bindins It* dlarlide» liy form ■ Ji*Hioer- «a» farmer 'wy earning warl.r.il *as Hie u the eye a» a man occu|>)fn£ very high- 111-o» 1 a leader. The in a condensed form, a « Ji i*»»»il.ly a »in/lr «acifllou peblU' the Ohi and New Ten nd great parliamentary compar- dges, they deposit part v bile the was a The iuwimtt. a·· the Nex· Kii|(!an·! Lrl 1« ^iii» a |K)- tho«e eutitleil to lie ralle·! etate·· la ted creed, but wolf vet far long away. Ju»t voaiiiwt eember « f tbr Mimim- wl.rn be eatett^l, ■I rank anionic accepting ai career of Γ the over which ted the l>e- on a thit a· I of »·ο<1 with unMai-d llUmlitv of the parliamentary Clay, l)oiig- pasture they day j tab at once rolled into the wau-r and dAited c-ireer by «.tiling before Um· ma-t nen It »n not mere cliauce that brought bun anient* the won aibiy jrnMt jii'l un· but M-irii ι·»γ· fr*«ui /ratlualion. If it ·ΙΙ·I not I lis and Stevet"", w ith that of Garfieldis >re I start out early in the morning to \-utt»iln( re»-1 or on a iiiereiiantm-tb bouu*l to hiafolle^· 'We far» Mr. I nier«on,"reck· ! >f intertirelation. favored, striking. Jey a hut the Hare shouted after hiui Hut lir b*>i uot U«uiu lu» «at »i*ty ila»» befor* hi» lijch honor. nimt," private raze. sun comes and soon way, or to 4 >ea« If Kric U in ro- the of It* niemU'r· He could not do what did, but he could do nie up seek tbr farther Imita Um· hliu m »ucct *$ ** a coortitutlonal trait. itlniulate. npirit ln\cMlpitlon. they they "I)onot leave me—I cannot swim'" abilit* «a· reco(tniir(J »n«! hi» Jjla-r conce>lrd. He to be of No tuau feeN ..( «iiaïue lu look Well un i i« at llie of •rofer* Willi sincerity aud profess only, hat cotil I not." ie shelter of the cool, shaded rat ines which manly .tuvthiri^ | to the Irout with D>· ctiufl.lrnce of our who iu»t health and lu»« tltyt lop they "A Hare who cannot swim has no busine»» i" •tepped one with thosf who iniincd!· iiaek lo -trucifl· with ae olrt uui 1 old at hi· •ne tnlnd and faith which Garlield carried ■wring and fall are the bed of a hrnok, or tu< early tlirrr Th* lloUM.· «a·. irowOinl with tl> cootlltion. and thirty year» departure Τ lie manner in himself they take· and be tailed and le:l Ieel- a x»"rthi|·· itely followeil a ot which rek the cover of the woods, clump* of bushes, turn of both ; ninctr. of Ihriu Iiavr tireenLaiid,lie Ιι. the opposition campaign detraction, t κ* llar«· to be eaten on the half shell. he lia» rt>l the oÎMin'lr· of bl> partir- l'< >ut>-lland. Itut tak*· Krtc mit an· liut high where can th. in hari· «-rued with Ji«tinelioii m the Ruberna· »troiijfrr, he wa- t often do, is well remembered. Garfield's lace*, they find from the l»n lt»'kr«l u < a un uul one title··:· hundred, Utiles farth ate, free will, foreknowledge absolute," aigns protection j An owl who had overheard the affair frm i|mu tednnw upli-r· lundred, Uiou»aiid. eat the sun. Here while t.v a .-r re»|ieC!ivc Ι» from the Church of the i ,11th in the surv ival of ideas never left him. of again they away a« bavmjc Nren feel!ηr lufertor •r and New Knj;!and. There u-ver ΠΙ*clple* light erch in a tree hi» let! repr»--<»?.t to us more of Jj softly reiM f χιλι fourni at tlie han·! of charity UM r.il ·>1ρλιΙ1Ι\" ill t held the atk of the lie and his utterances, watcbed and the life-giving of \>i»>ala Trevehaii of !il· [art·.ini'-ntarr hero, Λ» » eatull late, Garrtelil frtVW |w|iU people spied properties "You don't know a man until ha m tra> outil no which 'i)r Heaven. The world of religion* l»elief 1* ie r you linrltM't y prrwnt.il hanl-tilp- η atorro of detraciioii rate of £\ s were, never because farm. aller week afl· ι.artic. 1 »ucer«letl "liecau»e all llic wor.iliu concert a r la* or. He w~a* met wllh they Iwtraycd hiin, they Day day, «reek, 1 led «s. rnt ·ϋ·Ι not ull of -olcci»m* and contradiction-. Λ |>liilo with him."—Detroit Free Pre faiullT love anil fa'uily ryr overcome, hi in Hie baiW :tnd of hi» nomination, und It ('"ntlulled 1 atno out of a heart and a clear head. Vi- id year atter year, this same routine goes on. cnuM i!»t have krpt urounil, it the very hour that men the thousand pure \ huu to uo which he ΊΙ·Ι not and iiioiuentuni until the observer declares by he ven Is •ul'jerteil privation'* Ne *•111 die in defense of a creed whoee they upcratio» Jim for mi cbe· rfully j a rase cept. witb a prorapt luirrpi.Uty and commanding -Jo-i· ol tils vigorous «iui|wiltru. whose tenets haliiui- I the mud-machluc will never again be so fins. The pulse tieaU feebly. But little is w arc ret ain-1 w ith an I tran-nittU <1 lo not and they oped hich lit ann white s aspect some Timn. «•«rtrlii*» earl* for hvu γι η ^ an cdu· " m HMH '*»|κ· hou*and will rline to chiir«-h orj.'anl/.atioiië ohtical to down the standard ijearer becomes with age. If our fields are boycotter.—Hartford upburmuitn·» draw Indeed tli<· rr»erird force wblch Wh.it *> ^troιι>{ * party, puil ami were »ulH I- aj.parrnHy The whiten virtue »trike<·. Uni when their belief jstured in the much the saine Mr. Cobb Mus Webb; ke cation were eatrenwr'jr iiiuiie-l, yet of his characteris- ii.-tinetlve ami undyinjf lldellty 1 fits toe. tall, pretty thing recently married «•aitald po>»e»»e«l »a«oite great in liie »Uutierou4 toiuue. different from that «υυ:> • lu ta h.m aa mini·* de«ire to learn, lie Can tie the £ill up η inaturrr years 1* radicallv ses on as with And mc our new were other a» ■t >la«elop tic». He never did κ» wWl but «bat It teemed be 1 What President Garlield contemplated doing to pastures. find intended for each at threw Tear* of ami each winter he and a™ coiifl ivhicli them as they Co»;·! read age, cviuiJ eaailv have d' tir belter. He never I nder il all he wm calm «tronc, inspired neophytes. ri'ortn the civil service and lix the tenurcof office. nvtnotvs are keeping time. be Spider.—Toledo American. ef tin; iliitrlrt k1wu>. He reatl expended tliil no un wine But after thi* range or and this latl had the *4»iiU|r •o to be never IobI hU telf s|ieeiilation, cor·· n.ucli »U«*netb bul tl.at Iwr »eein<-l holdtn* lent, |Η<**·»»ίοη, came alwavs with ! i what still needs to be done, and the scheme of niirmalon. The a and a the book» to be found wltnin the circle of hit ac- or wonl. In ude of doubt, tiartield liack différence between dog l«oy all j ad.1it:ona. w*ei at call. Thi» i» our of the happievt i.-t, no ha»ty. ll.eonanlenil has •·*η1 be In-art. While »poke reuint kable and to the Instincts of r L'l'orm which the administration I.. ol Farm union, ists in the fact that when a find· * ; Ma:r uf Harm got by an aii'l In ni» w hole life 1» more tvnhness delight simpler present Virgil Craig, thought Mr. dog (jualntaBce and tare»l dutiaction» of effective debater, Ut·.I, nothliiK earlle-t Its is well liotli tri 1b childhood he wa* a constant «tu lent of the 111· lie.iilnr thoie faith, which, implante·!, longest r eceived from predecessor, worthy [unter's well taken ; said tbe e doe-n't it for oft. Il c.Hiiit» 1 >r a* tuii' h In an •ruiore redit.ilih Una through t-llglous points county of upend candy.—I'hilodelpk"» it» Itlentture. Tlie [ier»uadiiij{ a.«»enibly weeks before hi· assassination, Hi Me. and became famiilar with month- of lurv ive. Not many lie executive and legislative debate which it is ranklin was reason of Ή run trie- Herald. an ibe elixjurut auj elaboratr arjfumrnt. live full vitu|i«ralion—a prolonged the Potomac with a deteriorating rapidly by and »af ucaitic·· of hi* in tin· malurer e * constant «ml cruel the Uinks of friend, >tate »r« dlKBUjr »(itech Tin· crvat inra-ur. of «;*ΠΚ·Ι·ΐν fame was fllliM >ny of trial :o a »en-lth man, valklngon r eceiving. îeep raising. His experience In pasturing Church organists in the Fine Tree erfdeue· of hi» earl* At of morn I endurance. The Hid conversing on the-·· topics of personal religion, ilft g»\* training eight- bv !il* *rvl.* lu llic House of Irnfl the power» Those who that Mr. Illaiue would was that thev more are after tb·- and 1.ι·|'Γϋ·«ιιυιΐ1*ΐ'»· u|h)ii uu- which noble natures have an uucon- anticipated leep weighed when turned ery mercenary. They looking een of age he abW to teach «chool, ί ni.ih· of Ui< *e lnipuUtlwlia *mccming year* ill» luliltarv Hie. llluïtralrd honorable jierform· ;iv:it UlijUMl pa.»»ed ί the of the occasion and nt to in H e « il iocinsir hi» ambition «ai to obUln a coflege by .t lw Il !» »uiMcicnt t<> tluit M I One of l.arilel I's candidacy dally allowed the premier's efore to was clear of weeds, —. As the is about to mimed .iudie- bim! prodtnlile. iwty »·|κ.ι·ΐ a hold on hi* memory pastured sheep, lady get he ft.ut>d time to prosecute hr» N< ver U-fore, in t;.c liUton of iiartl.viu •f had very strong Mr. as utnow tvas upied ■okUtr he j Λ) a ver. for nnd current l*.»ues. To atleuipl auythinx war evening him U« though a.l:ulrabl> e.|ui»l>ed J IxHik had lieen aakes to the" old and As to Uie ·>" s aad honored Mark llopkin», who la the fullue»» of and even The >f tlie to the Kemuns, which Conkling isturage. Vermont sheep introduced xcuse for a in u|. the ^an arrrly la· »al I to liave kind M-eined iiomI, rash, desperate. Kpistle of the gentleman blundering nniin the eminent to whom lie pruh-ulMi.M unfortunate Ala- iie of careful with i.artleM during t a the foreign policy ex-Secretary, ere, tor Mr. was not on hi» hi* power*, pupil l on Tl«- few effort» he uiaileeu^ at idder cla»« of voter·, rvc.illed tlu· subject study large Craig satisfied with a of buckskin mittens u-re 11» pra. uee. He w as bv in that prices, redding waa of inestimable ΒΠΐΒ lu which Mr. wai iuppoeen lo ill his rellgiou* life. greatly Impressed "here is nothing these paragraphs is ag- ith them, \ermont raised the pair t)„· Kir were •lUlojruUhr.l ··> tbr *aine order liama letter, Clay declared |*rhap* best aws.—Detroit Free Freii. The of Oardel·! « lift· t·· thi·· ι«η··ί. prv | dea'ih warrant. he elocution of the and that (t or In the tormcr Mr. Blaine M-tary of talent whicb he exlubitnl on every heldiIkJi where have signed hie pollth-al They preacher ressive retaliatory. [crinos in the world, but that was not » He haul a new and meaning to the ina Two well-dresfted ladle* were examining ■enta no novel feature». undoubtedly a uiau be ar lit» the effu»ion by lad IuiparUil deeper * the foreign of Gartield. His ie kind off here for lie »t> put to lite le-t. ainl If may remembered hol-U'tujierxil of Saint l'util. Ile referred often pitomucs policy palmed high prices. Sonic in ahown «elf rvManer, *elf -arriflce. ?s-ott lout a lar^re share of hi· ••«tic utterances w tatue of Andromeda, labelled, per»r*eraxM-e. ro e-t ao a .vmjieient of Ια» own rapacities which General dwelt < as to build up American commerce and #d been sold here for "Executed be It said for tlie ju'tv'e unfortunate η after to that memorable service, and nxiety $10, f 15, i2o and ?" ami ambition—«^ualiUee which, λ., before his nomination, and the years up- ;rra-cotta." Save one. "Where is that miA ihe law « lo ularitv t ο do what he on this continent to lieat the w hich our are where to be found a.lapUll'.na. die remainder. iritli exaltation of fecltng u(>on the radiant proiu- might ards, per head, really were not worth "J honor of country, every wtitrh I.arti. Id »ri..uM have devoted profesjdoul'"«eelf. Hut which rapidly consumed m sure I don't the other, "ho' of America. Bat ironi lu» speeches a the assured with which the great ι word into a and the spear Into the 3.00. thev were bred for know," replied anion* the y oung uieu an-l bl· In hi» voters had eeen .Mr. Oreelev iu se and hojie ploughshare Thought sale fate nlaim-d oIIutwk, r\|.uUllou The youiijrer was that neither hook. To thin end he bartered the idea princi- itv tbe poor wherever it was."—(Juu. at V\Uliaui* onward,u> the hour^of hi·» and addresses, prepar- of the Centlles "iH-rfliadetl iruuing ally. Many good Merino bucks are girl, graduaUon U.rv will re-t lancrly ui-.u hU «enice lu the Houm? »eriee of vigorous original Hustle nor ! apparently I >"*D death, tiarfleld'» career w a» eminent and for hi» owu defeat. Cumindful of leatli, nor life, nor angels, nor prlncl|uilltieii, >f a Congress of Aiucrican republics and the from Λ ermont to Maine, for the Mr. look here, Bridget, tra^rl·*») of kei>re~-ntatlv I ! «l »rr\»'·· was e\ieplioii- ing the pathway c ronght purpose Moloony—"Now, hi* edur.i of nor nor things to jnio, j of our to this wore that litt>< •aoMOoa.iL Mowly working through was nine time· r..u-e» uUv» thee·· unheeding the advice friend·, |iowere, things present, 1 interposition government prevent f our but little is njoore no longer. I've alh loi Ile ly warnings*, nor anv other creature, shall Lindly improving sheep, very heard rec fcU a lien twenty to crowd» as he to ; lor height, nor. depth, States. and months, Uotuii period, eiving loma ,'(i..s. n to the ll«>u>r. an honer not Uarlield stioke large journeyed < onticued bloodshed in the South American rthemaftera while. nip's shirts patientlv for month» one lo rtijoved by us from the lore of (jo·I, which focr of age, he tniuej I>ord." Mr. Blaine's allusions Mr. He did not wish his remarks construct] as cast- ye'vegot get wa»hing into coio-nicu-.u» and brilliant sucer*». ιο and of is In Christ Jesus our ■pring than live thousand wlio have l*, n el« te»l from the tudelu tiiat city, delegations deputation· I are reserved and in the l*'st ol ie reflections on individual rated man, or a snort-armed husband.' ν wan ut of tne βιιιη The crow characteristic of (General Gartleid'· 7oukling temper, breeders, or pet Within ai* ear-ne -u«-cr«dvely preside to this hour. kind thai caltad at Mentor ning sheep of orjcanliatlou of the jtoveruuient every during as, indeed, of all his < ■hastened an obvious desire to vindicate ie fine of store like vo«r a MAlr ^ruab-r of Ohio, m.-tior general With innumerable critit .«.wntch rellgiou* opinions, optnlous, by sheep generally but main- "IIow dkl tbe down at the oolUNfe. on an iner and autumn. Vermont, boys bimi \e a parliaiiienuin· orator, as a debater In all he had charitv. than to We are assured these lined there wa* editor. the of the l'nfed -tate», Keprva«-nta and a that might be turnesl wa* his illierality. things •ather punish. by much practice in ttle joke about them ?" asked tbe Army where the had been ful eagertocatch phrase his nature. He In sharp they elect u> the National Contre·». A combina l.siie fuar. ly jolne.1, |K>slUon or or a sentence tli.it might Im· Tolerance wa· of respected vords that not one act of Garfield's in the matter leir the Maine Y kiw" live l i.artWd must be Into oilluin ridicule, jrading, ankees generally get- he replied "Well, I don't exactly to elevated, within a ami ibe around lal out. Oardeld the Qualities which he himself— was ;nd I » Uon of hoBor» so rarinl. cb^en to his owu or his party'» lnjurv, nthers pessesse*! it"his to office inspired by ani- ng worsted. 'ou to find out. a rank. More distorted and frankness of appointments see, I haven't been round *o brief and to a man «ο young, ι» without a--'.(filed very liljth or halt in anv one of hi.» seventy sincerity of conviction expression. that the late President was too period was in 'uf." did not trio I ; and only The buildings and manner of life must ather hear 1 1 the of the anr man with who-n be public more remarkable Willi him tlie was not no much what a nun nosity keep from somebody else, maybe or pal a le In history country. ablated ThU seems all the ln<|ulry to and to surrender when ace with the precedent uo be raie axefui ami to pub- •jieeches. be believe It? The lines of his I eady yield principle farm. Soon an old cellar m Foit. <»arfleld'< arm τ life wa« bejrun with oUht lite .yetetiwuc study is that lie didtiHil write what believes, but does is the came when it reuieiuU'red involved. "No of nlv monument I» «m-ίι aa he hml haaUlv lie i'iue»iioD», ami he to every ilUciMntanla consei-u· aud confidence encircled nteu of erery vas "not pride consistency" that mark* tbe abode of a There is a of Solomon not contained militarv know!e«fge thau he said, and yet *uokc with such I >glcal friendship once story ii he t<->k t.art, wiUi eUUrate and no aud to the end of hl's , ver Gartield from fair It ht fanner. dam»ei» from book» In the few months preeetlin^ hû whU co»'pl«U? and stn h admirabl· creed, and meu of creed, kept play. fitting appy You may call this overdrawn, lie "Book of Two of his court gaiue.1 and of thought pi-eeision w. re Kiiigs." from clril life to Uie preparation. Ilr was a steady lndefatl(iab.e tiveix-ss and on his ever li„t of friend-, the cmliers of that old fire, now be suffered tut what has caused so inarch to the tteld. stepping of as to the accideut of uiUreport life, lengthening hat many farms to he for- ad a row a« to Solomon worker. Th.·st who that talent or Keuius phrase defy names of a Catholic precedence. head of a the flr-t order he received Imagine of lo be found the pious priest ο aken if It is not a loss of ? and Ûr«t. regliimut, or achieve the re«uk* of labor the malignity misrepresentation. hearted repose. fertility And manv indly said, "Let tbe oldest go Ohio vra» to asauue <·οΐη ran .upplv the plai-e his Presidential life Gar- aud of an hoaest-mlnded and generous w an same a"" whea rewd. to crus» the In the beiriunlu^ of Mr. Blaine closes his eulogy ith apprecia- f these farms have be damsels *.ent in ae an I u< wVU Uiid lio In or »at- largely been stocked embraced and together inatid of a and to operate enoourn«eiMBt aid not him pleasure free-thinker. to element in Garfield's rith brigade, lepra- work lie wa* and akllfiil. deUI's experience yield the tive tribute the religious Two farms in m ν His Imiueillale orelluuiiarv apt, rapid .u'if'î thai no a Ou the morning of Saturdav, July second, sheep. vicinitv have ntwined arms.—Qui;. dent force la lut*U-ru keotucky. read lsfactloii. The duties engross large por The late President was a close been Hutnuhrev Mar .K sse^l in a ht«h .leKn.-e the to wa< a contented antf man—not In character. ecently consolidated, and dutv wa» to check Ue ailvame of Vl«- of the 1* reside ni'» time were distasteful him, rreoldent happy they both will "Oh "John and MatilJ* Uv Ideas and facU. au I like I)r· John- tlon almost student ot the He well knew the arry no more stock than yes," says Fogg, Nut -a^li wai dovrn the Big -en. I y with absorbing with his an degree, but joyfully, boyishlv Scriptures. the one would of who m&r'hlng wa» and were unfavorablv contrasted legiela ordinary carry Ide side on the sou, nothing w other «in. had the art of (fcUln* from a book all that these Ou Ills to the railroad statlou to whleb richness both of the and *the wty years ago. These by tuinking the '.ntentkiu of oci'upylng In coooecUvn lUi work. *'1 lui\e been dealing all years happy. way literary spiritual farms are good, it i> a value lu it a ftu quick and live conscious of the and of the strong, heir own sweet selves, and you say splen· foire» the entire territory of Kentucky, of by reatUnff apparently he exclaimed one ilay, he drore slowlv, 'In enjoyment legacies which prophets evangelists ipland soil. The larger pan ot the stock then Confederal* that il «eeme»! like a mere with ideas," Impatiently an unwonted sense of has Id match. it is, what the Stale Into «ecesaiou. This curaory I am wiui I have beautiful morning, with two have left us. It was because teen 1 he owner Well, supposing ami of wa* a fair "and here dealing only persons. his dispensations sheep. has a pasture which wait til· to*1 precipitating ν If •aUe of content»- He pre eminently a keen of are now, bat w the of the ear 1861. seldom. ever, treat of* the fundamental prin leisure and anticipation pleasure, so divined their inner and ortv "hey gentle enough a» at clo«e no beeu heretofore lug vein. be bad deeply spirit years ago would pasture 125 been thrown into a Z*l candid man lu debate, took petu advantatfe, here 1 am talk wa· all in and gratulatorv sheep. To-dav match suffers a little friction, *"*1 .v"" kaa a young college professor of fovernmeni, and considering ψβ grateful was so read between the lines that Garfield, Λ li all It will fed. I can plendld to no unworthy method»,avoided clples to or after four month· of trial his admin!·- deeply sheep multiply thcm mont •mbarraaaini aad dlacouragiug poaltloa. «toopetl all whether Λ or Β shall b· appointed this He felt that rill te« fire lnstanter." aa he es rare'.y to prejudice, pe«""^did ηοχ day lie knew jum enough of military artem*. ftituaion», applied t thered to temperance, anil is TON 8A-VË15 COVNTY LOCALS. one of our ttuxruBD.—1" Uncle Tom's Cabin," with TEN DOLLARS PER OXfORD independent farmers. The BY USING uaeans which the lollowlug cast of character·, was an luehriate would tar# squandered for played at Kumford and Bci hcl. March 4, Centre, Tuesday liqu' B·""110 t <»n and PRICK. PER TOW OB' T„ citu«w other ncc«h»iry wants.— ou la. Addre·* family Monday evening of the present week, «end for Clroalar «tow tog guarantor] Anal?· « «"» B"ha S > much for on ear* or boat la Philadelphia. baoand ««h·»" tcmperaucc. Τκκγ«»τλι.κιι. under the directlou of fra- .od.«α»*» «■>>..«. the Masonic Pa, Fkvucio, Marcho, 1?82.—On the eve- ! terulty : | BAUGH & SONS, Sole Manufacturers, Philadelphia, ·**' of the • oiu^ 27lh. II. W. Lougfeilow's 75th t'mle Tom," F. II. llARTLKTT. to tb. they C"™'frepaired .V"td.·' St Claire," .. TATLUH liter the .upper was celebrated the " \ Remnants. MR, JAMESW. •ritliday by echolats mall. Manufacturers' Kosl*r· Phlneas Fletcher,"} -k«» EDOch >f the the of OXWED COUK· ωι. Fryebu'-g Academy. The exercice· "Ueorjfi· Harris,·· ( „ wonM aoaonncoto people Irto» Λ BoM.ro.1 "Gumption Cute,"» MOVT. Wheels TT. »h»t h» h·· rake! tie atore formerly occupied is, toJ Rev if the were coud acted ih* evening by Miss ".Murks," «. L. Hkiuus. Carriage by Louis O'Bkiojt, KtJs iU!d'tu'*OD· Tb· Nettie G. the "Deacon Perry," J. 8. .Morse. COTTON SHEETINGS, at » f »rth the Kicker, asslsteut te .cher of "Mr. Will be Manufactured of alx thousMid WU»on," C. Γ. EaTob. SLues. *t an expense tac above mentioned Institution. The "Legree," \V. H. KaBM'U. IN NORWAY, a which wa· "Shelby," W. <ί. t'AKXUN. erected buikltui; •rder of exercist s of the were as SOUTH WATERFORD, MAINE, · line of ! lUrt h>ul evening "Γοηι Loker," W. K. Hurcui ssox. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED. Wh ire be bu Jut opened Aall and well adapt- "George T1JB COMING SEASON. , l ornanient to the village, olloivs Biographical sketch of Long- Shelby," (Keokuk Porter These of the community, ami we; recitation, "The Iron Ten," Miss LVLV OVERCOATINGS, Îm to tlie to their au. \lice Owing severe itorm Tuesday, on- kf creditable generosity, Morgan: "The Chtldreu'a Homes." a GEO. A. HALL & CO., and convenience of the Hola ly small audience witnessed the tlrst V. the comfort Collins. "The Chamber over the HORATIO STAPLES, &C(| was clr- performance, hut the audiences of Sstur A aubecriptio· paper iate," Mis·» Mattie "The Maine. •holar»· Kandali; duet, South Waterford, which be ί· prepare 1 to ukc is thej and 1MJ. K. au«î day Monday evenings completely filled ... January 11, *1^1 by Win. Skllling·. esq., irl.lçe," Mls« Mason, and Towle; which MAINE 1 seat, and PORTLAND, dollars were v.i» every standing room was hardly Beat Poaaible Manner. t one thouMDd pledged very touching aud beautiful, déclama· Notice. obtainable. The best and The of tb. ion. All stage scenery or t:ie purpose. proceed* "Kiug red," Κ. N. Shirley; récita· Thta is to lorbld all paraona harboring truet !.r dollar· ever seen in this was Ia« any member of my family or any other per· GUARANTEED Wt,re »bout one hundred ion, "The Old Clock on the Stairs, Miss vicinity specially SATISFACTION f •obi on ay account a< I (ball pay no debta of prepared in order that all the scenes and wait about tiUeen htiudre<< da Hutchias; déclamation, "Success," Thou s inds of of excellent quality. their contracting after thl· date. X^Vvffliaittee tableaux could be as yards good style JACOB A. L1BBY. were select reading· am· >Ir. Wm. given with* much cor- There J. I'ercey, of Conway. .V H. ; Porter, Feb. 3d. 1«. {ALSO in the hail mu- rectness as is possible in an amateur ;U the and «citation,"A Miss rep- * parlors, Legend," Yirglc Rowe; A LARGE LINE OF we resentation. The Udles and in dauciug. The Trustees · )D^, "The Open Window," Mattie ltan- gentlemen HINTS their with the iqcccm of the respective parts did great credit to gratified 1*11; reading. "Kiug Robert of Sicly." AT !.hlj themselves, aud their efforts were *Cli lhe cilizens h*kl *n e0 lise Lizzie C. Shirley; "Preanller'· in- warmly .ffc.ng· I the FfflrnisbiDg Goods, erected the achool- applaudi by appreciative audiences. „f 'o>r Others ner," Clara Msaon. The closing scene, The could hrve been with 5 &c. aide of the church, realizing ι illustrat-vl play repeated CENTS A YARD. v.je by the reading, "Hanging of the Hats, Caps, pood success times. THE mtn was detrimental to aue." Ti e exercises of the many fin :U4 be remembered by the pupils of diaje'rous ée music furulshed the Dixileld Or- AT NORWAY· Prices to Si the Time.'. w. iv an 1 by state. academy, those that were so for- MAI5TE chestra of Ave pieces. matc as to be present. The audience — t meeting of the Bethel Lit The M&sonic are to be con- 1· prepaiea 10 receive onitr· for Cbriatmaa Oite ma a call before buying. Brriiii us au 1 the fraternity held quite lar^e, by frequent ap- JL ,· ui was Monday eTealajc.it> gratulate! upon the success which attended of Mr·. A. B. Godwin. The lauae, it seemed t ) be of great salisfac- HORATIO PHOTOGRAPHS. fach performance, and we from time STAPLES, J. W. TAYLOR, 01 hope are varied aad i*··* of the evening conaistln* on to all. Miss Nettie Kicker has the The style· of frase· thIt year, fier wi re coe· .o time will furuish eutcrlaiuimnts very beentifel. Mow If ton wish to make a pre- _ ri iaiiDos iml wui^. they tanks of the village for her successful ef- «•at of thin ar.d «hat more than Maine. the meeting >f kind, acceptable Norway Village, of Lon*fellow, this nature, and we guarantee a liberal 246 MIDDLE ST. PORTLAND. call at -r-norai-ve >rts. Allow me, Mr. Κ litor. to that tour portrait beautifully framed, please ··. of bin seven· , say order. .r ^ the anniversary ^ j. it. ■Traill, lid your >atrouage. w. fill If nhdty. Tb· meeting opened Itl ir beautiful music of Miss Lizzie Shirlev The day· are *o short now ulcase come early. bv Mr· KcuroRi» Ckxtkk.—The Free rou hare a plain re tube enlarged and finished E. COREY & CO., > of The Bridge. 4 Mod no l.ttle to the exercises Mason·, _ t ig;u- enjoyment plain, er in color please come with It. Remember >we ou the piano by I ind the sons and of «e hare a more to work ν κ accompanied the evening. daughters Free Ms· New Advertisements. month only up pictures o. Each mein'>er theu aasigned lor Christmas. *ύ-, w Straw The term of the Acad- ! ions, In an I around llutnford (Voter, have the Spring Fryeburg t , ilea from poet"· Lj I imMMN uat closed a aeries of entertainments or IRON and ei on of « ►«•veral Insim:>c·» ny will comiWDce the 14th March, j ; J. U. P. BURNHAM. STEEL, 9-■-x. stitiii The "l'salm of Life" ui j 1er the care of Prof. G. 11. Kicker, and he same eutertaiumeut thrice ; 1 looms near BEiU IIOI a poem. repested THE SK, compete I«rw»jr, lalas. iu concert the entir.· cl«n od to the universal and satisfac- wl, .-! by y iss Nettle G. Kicker pleasure FRAZER wis next sung by Miss V R»;tiv Diy" Mr· Sa * of th;s ion of all who were fortunate to Heavv Hardware, at the Spr.u^ place, passed enough THE •■hacrlber hereby (fir·· pnolie notice that 1 -fC B.: k, with Mrs. Johnson r · ee and to •he has been by the Hon. Jadge ol AND af witc hcraft. "Gile* :h '»lrth ! ay at the residence of her hear. The play that was put duly appointed in The tale j ÎXLE GREASE. Probate for the County of Oxford and assumed the was rendered * >n ι tlio "boar 1s" nat of >T ;n Farms Wm. G. Spring », on Mon lay, the C. pon "Uncle Tom's Beat In the world, (ill th· (·■■!■·. trust of Administratrix of the estate A. Rus- hti our trademark in4 PETER POWER*, late of Bethel, CARRIAGE WOOD WORK reader· Pr W. ^ r·» ;« a wonderful < "abln, or Life the The >«rjr package bvthe foHowtaf Spring iaily, retaining among Lowly." • marked I'rtKr'i. βιΙ.Ι» kVkBT- In «aid deceased by giving bond as the law ··«. Κ Herriclt. County „ ti Corey." A e»<| direct· ; she therefore all who are 4' I her faculté», to a g real i!e;jre*. · cenerv was painted expressly for tie rneKii. requests person· 125 Mrs. Κ Γ. U >we, as Indebted to the estate of said deceased to make Im- & 127 COMMERCIAL ST., J.ihr. Hfharne." A as ClTIZlX. J a or from mediate and those who hare demand· >a O'Seil Hastings I ilay by gentleman, gentlemen, payment any PORTLAND. Mattwr," oerevn to exhibit the tame to J. «i. Oloudmau 'ortland. ami was flue. If it were CUT JooathM Walcott," Mr· Hkrron —There are now seventy-five very of THI8 OUT! ANGIE STEA UNS. ii*rdner.' Mr Γ. 11 I>urell a* IWi s*rii u U nts at the \-s lerny. an I school is pro- I jeueral interot wherever your good paper *£»!" SI5 is 840 February 21, •Λa *»;·»* 1." Mrs. W A. Ku«sell a* • f oes. 1 would be pleased to mention each, WohavostorosIn 15 leading Cities, Til Ε anoscribers notice that « r»» M*a Mattie Burnhamas finely. hereby give public $10 DISCOUNT ! >! a : * fmni which our nrrnU ot.uin their min li·» the honorable I a none Quickly find it for 'lier hare boon duly appointed by as I rhe Goo-1 celebrated their words of praise, for of them were t»iir Oflirra are You will your Ht· t tMà Mrs. vj K. VViiry Mary Templar· Knrtorli-« «nil I'rinrlpnl at JudUte laring .South Paria tbe βρηβ{ Wâ ·.: the readiutc <»f the trafe- «I ith a week an > •stick·." yet all tine; U> if to of Administrators of (he of Iftrr anniversary Saturday. equally Wrtua atfvuta Λ JiUx*· interest, intending and f ο to a large Maine I thai I tell tbe of TIMOTHY WALKER late of Ramford. city, ,t Mr?. W »>. Straw ^aiii; "The Death a c I caunot forbear of 17 Batti· Sdunr·. j j· ie L hI^- is in fl writhing condition. ertaluly. speaking Tit- ι nvci ι λ Stove, or Range, in at Id County, deceased by giving bond as,the M and the ftdlowin^ rradiujr· • Πι LUVCLL Boston, mass. lmy law directs therefore nil In· aMhaha," 1 le Jennie Martiu, w!i > j ►rsonated Kva St. My .they réijaeat» persons Gtrl of Ca«til II it: « m -Ml r.ea«»ant District to the estate of said deceased to make lui wf^^^eu "The Bund 1 Lodge, this spring, to call be- Icbted NEW HOME »» ο ti t ( 'lare. If little woman in this meJIiitc and those who have any de M »« Vnnie Favor: "The l' t'> I Γ hi< Wednesday, March 1st. any country piymcnt, ;> VHESCE COMES THE UN- the sim·' » fore March 1st. at the manda thcrroa te exblbi'. to 4 »eai writ » ith l I. N·}. 91. of an.l t au an li^^-rtH. A p ulty lg". Hiram, f*'i'ihit bring her along, I I will WAl.no PETTEXGILL. 1 Ν Γ Γ'ΐ·. for tins occasion, rl ted an I installed the following officers : OF Store of LUS A WALKER. ay out ar. dber <|i.att»r atd go w thout BOUNDED POPULARITY Α Γ of 1>. V 2\ ISè*.*. Sewing U iw, was read Mr» 'Γ.. Copp. Cornish; T., February g| by c < to Machine, |0 s«e MASON of jy κυρ] r. ami leer her. Lulu BROS. AT TIIE BEDl'CKD ΓΊΙΓΚ op Π L li*»riui:·» A Seau'.itul life-size por- •l.ieL Brown. Hiram: D.S.Byron Pflions Plato? THE Sub«'.-ibt}r hereby gives Public Notice that or Hiram l>.*t. Treas James I as was a decided tuccesi. ILLCOCKS Ίβ has bren the Hon. ol :n : I 'nsfei: «w. aod a Urge portra t of Mead, loyt Topay," Norway, Maise. duly appointed by Judge ν I'robate for the County of OxforJ, and aarutned &·οο· » were f Hiram. l> ^ of « nd the audi· *e testified to it the leeause the have «t:s i! Home :it Caml>rid( wll aell at the trnish ; D. M W. W. Five, of ·· The who lako· or pla.-e ; .·. ^ t:.·' >>tï>er decorations of Mrs. Hiram; as FRANK W. McKEEN late of Lovell, Axent '.appin^ of hand'. The Doctor St. t heinselves the best external • 40 an 1 45 dollar·. Now in :i S in band as the UblUbed price, * « The club ail- M Sank Kim'»a!l; 1>. A. Nellie aaid County, deceased by giving j'ieasant parlors. was an our time. IO.OO *ave.i Owing emcdy They debted to the estate of said decexae-l to make im- Ira charge oe which .\r*\ tin atteU'lane·· wu smaller « a l no lou">t, as il le i.allcn*e the world l> pjint t<> a !Vew Ilea «,ώ I»r W. A Ru'irli and wife, g looking astlieorig- ^ mediate ptyiui-it, and t'iose who li.ive any di- vill eu re colds, haa not κ Ivea perfect aatlafaction, or on works Alice and l'hebr t^ i.\ u«uil, but there was a j ial Clare. Miss was not asthma, coughs m ind· thereon t) exhibit the same to Ml .as :ithe of good degree *t. Ophelia utl ba.i ever been out of order. j ol ji«re*t —Γ'" EDWARD C. WALKER. ι··ν ν Λ the atteutiou of the as an but did any U. W HROWN, Agent, engross hiftless actress, she discov- j hcumatism, neuralgia,and February .M, 1881, ClU3.—·' 'it'- Sooth PaiN, Me. il il;ι J oui»—I. W. of South , r shiftless" When Libby, very tniuy things. oeal painB. The iubcriber hereby fc'.vc· Ρ iiWI-Notice that ll !* out and hemlock the has been irlford, getting ptae I see duly appointe I bv the Hon. Judge lumber bu»!ne.-«s Is ext they plsv may be there to to the small of the The very fv r a ur «τ house, the coming summer. Applied of IVobale for the County of Oxford, and assumed winter ihc trust ol Administrator on the estate of :a 1»>-Dtnsrlt the present Γ IV IM'oiier ι* lumber taek are infalliable in LEWIS W. BROWN, late of IJrowntleld. R. T.ALLEN, Τ -*f »-* r. >r* r less teams In c^ery ; ,)( s in the near future. they him new house Si mmi:.— Invincible Lodge of (îood η as id County, deceased by giv lag bond as the * ·>* ·γ. ».·ι! η a it' ρ »: 4Γ. » 11 Xervous ι· has finished hit:i a nice î arn. with a >ack-ache, Debility, law directs. h- therefore re-1 iesu all persona in· ARRIAGE it SLEIGH aud * at Κ ist Sumner. will c*'l«>>rat«\ lebted to the Mlale o< said Uec to make im- HANDFCTURER, ter oak reft, hemlock. spruce i ir underneath. 'emplars, to îaacd Maine. md all troubles; médiat* and those who hive d> Milton, Oxford Co», .oarer either to the at Brown- I lite uiutl manner. its thirteenth autii- Kidney payment any p:ae dep^t Jam··* 11.r·I, ou the Μίτο place, has got man·Is tnereou to exhibit the same to are :-.J r t«i t:ie mills The Is n>mtly t *-r for a wuod ih»! aod Γ» \ on March ;'.J. It t he of the stomach PERLEY S. BROWN. poplar tiie tun ell, ersary Friday evening pit they I have now on hand, to and !»ent to Cutn>er- WS. hi. cd the depot rt Coburn drew the , February 31, long Horace plan as of in good staud- ; ι sure cure for and >· The upwards nejnbers «ai M :<> be used for piper pulp. Samuel Collier lout an ox worth $'· Dyspepsia Oxkiihii. sa:—At a Court of l'robate bel·! at I'aris ' a'.I uf whom arc taftUd to ho present, rc:. » .»« : at the clothe* manufac- w, wras ig. j within anr< roiij» Thtv ad pleasant, or arc 76 ikmg opened enjoy POROUS MOULTON. named cxicutor in a For aale at *holeeale retail. There » r. w ; v used for '.hat s But ALLCOCK'S 2S mure Ironi pur;> :n. ami fouuil one of the intestine» ha I Mrs. Lun F. of West Pera, ha· certain instrument to be the last Id »t) le low aleigha for each, Fogg» THOMAS purportinr are all ofthe beat make χ „· s ;r manufactories thecorn sh<»p ' 'L are fra- AND MEDICINES Will and Testament of Sally S. ()«good. late of 10 to MS. Tbcae ileighs j»p»-d »>y. eau*lug stoppage. ist a su»t closed rery profitable painless, Itrownilald in aaid county om well «elected limber,and 'Burcr.»-: *r Morrill hrnc* the More :» done thau for *ev deceaacd, having pre· hauling Ix-.ug w l»»n:inrk The .*hop I» i*rm of twelve grant quick d years.—./•■nr. ' ■ruKoss. Ordered, That the said Executor give notice !v)W by F rack (file*. fl >Γ.η··Γ- 1 er. Mr*. ha* taught 'J9 terms. \ vare of thai blister aroMan, πια· to all persons Interested, a of this auper.ntended à Co Fogg imitations by causing copy : » > wen or Xokwai —Xnm Β Κ Seiuney MOIβ βΚΙΝβ. Fl Μ Κ ΓΟ|. >rder to be iiubllahed three weeks * accès» In and material } 'Μ;Γ. * engaged with ' 'he examination was one of the ively Dyes Coloring N irwiV, ar doit a business at closing burn. Get ALLCOCK'S 1 LKT AXt> SIIAYIMJ si >*!·», tb« Oxford Democrat, printed at Pari·, that they e jc· t tr. < ant for the «ea g lively uid of th«· inuJ'actur.ug Their ^ est that we ever witnessed. CIIILDIBN'a ROUND COMΛΠ way appear at a Probate Court to be held at t'aria van-anted and are to e Ν >rway shoe factory. ρ«κ·κιτ pure ΝΙβΓΙΜί They intending put St-OCTM. I lie Genuine Porous Plas- ani» ooMii c»«r», τυιιβτ and >a said County, on the third Tuesday of March ■« »e»· roll foot·» up about $£,&>>, only V AKNI*IIK* TL'MK ΓΑΙΝΤβ, a; nine of the clock in the forenoon, and ►est At Jf-u. !red th ; sand tans t!i i I'fkljr pay COMUN. l'AINT*. OIL*. next, quality. GERRY'S sum i« to the hauds t CULOIM IN OIL AND JAPAN, ACAUAMT UUAKO, •bew cause, il anv the said Inatru κ*ο. ich paid er«*ry j tfMFoîM)" FAILS ï" BLCKFIELD they have, why an Wed· DBAWINU ΓΑ ft κ ! icent should Dot Μ proved, approved and alloweC So. Paris. * w s > receive*! order 3rug Store, tw at ! a half feet devp, ur»>Uy. They It ΛI Lid >VI>. is the last Will and Testament of *ald deeeaaed. ■» i >r !■>·> ca-es which was not ex- WHITEWASH PAINT, » « rat·.—Jurntl. lay. R. A. FRYE, Judge. ited. T!u« and Horne \ Sou'· At rat U.C. Davis. factory, The Romford F*11· t, Bucktleld Κ. Κ j CUthaa, Hair, Artlata, tad Ikavlai copy—atlMt: RegUter. •XFoKD, ··:—At a Court of Probate held at tnake» an aJJltlon to within and for tbe of Oxford on rge tannery »jultc 'o.. heM its annual meeting at the i.ftice LA Β ASTINEÏ Braihaa, iXFORO, ··:— Al » Couit of Probate held al i'arl* county E*-T li! Knrii>. F«b. :*·. 'ï —Not Keb A. I) Ifvi <· ΐ AND the tbe third Tuesday of business of the FOR FINISHING WALLS CEILINGS. Puna, within and for of Oxford place. f the in Canton, on County >Ue • 1 company Wednesday, « moat and economical material Shoulder Brace·, And AIUIIKT Μ. Ρ KICK INS executrix on '*\kz : $ *.!.e ad slate of the roa's tbe uuralile TraiM·, oo the third Tuesday of I'eb A. D. lSti. M Ra ■ c MMCed falling Wednesday e.'aie rua Peikma !ale of Par a. lu larch l*t. down. It m a valuable discovery. and la rapidly Porket Book·, Port- LUNT. widowol John 8. Luot.late LJL of C; * an all und Supporter·. <1ccea** i>re*entcd her a· ug : ·« ti.sn one loot and a half ol f. renoon. Icoutinu-d falling day auuual of the »r»<"· lintf kalaouiine and other wall lloiah of d eceaaed. having presented her aid county. l, having The reports president. 111 Dixtleld, Je n >w, 10 Α. M is laoulacturM in a » anrly ol bcautilul tiota. anl ■touule· nnd Parse·. Wlsdow ELVIRAP. οηηι oi ad πιιηι«ι alien cf the E.taie of aaid irough the night, aud rea>urer were read to peutnion tor an allowance out of the |>crronal ea >now on the tf-'ud.sl*' and superintendent one. not f.jr «tie In ronr :ea**d for allowance ktnj failing fast. The streets are full of an he applied bt any Κ M hide* nnd Fixture·. Box Paper· ate of raid deoeaae.l : inlng jjuite he Th receipts of the road »en 1 to AVKICIl.L I'AINT CO., Ordered, That the (aid Kxe<-u(rix give notice » '■ » ·: e ;»:«ntd with de. on will company. e'ihl» rh<»od, Add re*· Card·, 0ΚΙ>ΕΚΚ1>, that aaid petitlocer give notice to all |ht. Mtr, Ud ruuning over. Sleighing a lor and nnd Envelope·, » all lotere·:»·.) by eaudng a eopy of tbia ^ or the pa«t year show rapid increase , n Kederal St., Bi.atoD.Ma·· eauiplecard leraons In(created by eauatng a copy of tbla order persona ·-·«·«! at to the Envelope·, la rder to be three week· (ucceaiirely In ; "fihe^t. this place, ^ '':«*d if it raius much longer. iver those of the former and for the ■•tunot)la'a Writing pnpernnd ο be published three weeks aucccsslvely in the publiahed J year, tie Oxford Democrat at Parii, that they J W. Baker finished Wed- Letter and Bill Head·, Oxford Democrat, a newspaper printed at Par printed klM ertainmtnt of Chase s Mills Mr. hauling 1 >a>t Are mouths of the current year are without publicity—doner- quantity. at a Probaie Court to be held at Parla eheaplv ι·, that thev may appear at a Probate Court to be lay appear tiftceu iarii.· stick» ro k maple tioo bod partiea Matemrnte, Blank-Book· of nil α County on tbe third of Man-li next, Ι'Γ*:-λ·. » under the of 1j>. ach as to indicate a very prosperous fu- DIVolCCK* »up|K>rl. iDteraperance—^for ield at Pari·, In aaid countv.on the third Tueviay aaid Tueaday auspices au I hewed in Baker's t 9 o'clock in the forenoon and ahow eaua* If any •el timber, cut ure for the road. kind·,Blank Note«.Reeelpt«,and jf March next, at nine o'clock In the torenoon ■»« * \V**e i»uoJ which cou- ιιΜιπι CouDfellor Baldwin 2J>: Broadway. Rew- ha*· wby the a*me ibould not be allowet. for l'ortland. The largest 14x10 NOTICE. : eg ^ ί Plantation Mrlodiea. Ait- I' •laced up >u the road durin? the past writing pnper, for Tenchers, aad A true copjr—Attest U.C. Davis. Register. THESubicriber give· public notice that Mr. M i· hereby ** * a iches, and the longest .">1 feet. to undi two of tli· of the Hon. of com τ in the J ear which wis much ueeded. owing TIIK r»i«fned Corporator· Scholar·. • hu been duly appointed by Judge a.»rge pan psrtook. * ss:—At a Court of Probate held at and iHumol II >w out hackmetac knees on B*- more ir Magalloway Dsra *n l lmprovementCompaay OXFORD, >robate for the County of Oxford, getting arge increase of business, and has and tor the of Oxford '■*»rita of oyster*. hulled coru and 1.000 imed in "An Ac: to Improve the Channel ofth· SCHOOL CHALK, CRAYONS, Paria. within Count7 tk« trait of Executor of lb· estate of k -rs land He to get out 11 to be delivered in the | of A. lwi hopes dready be. ordered farfellowar Hiver nul luciltiate the drivingoflog· oa the third Tuesdav February. D., ENOCH FOSTER. lale of Newry. 1 e the tim <*b k. rikiki.d, widow or a· fr* tuent lntercOUr>e between i»e« > this spring. He purchased | He aNo reports the road-bed, ml other lumber," approved March 'J. 1 1. here Kibiidge «aid County, dcoceeed, by giviag hoed the | ipriujj. of aaid Cor- G. late of der»on( of Uuckrteld aud Turner aud slaudiog, j rack and rolling stock in good condition. Hannah tie I.^:fi«s or itioo be held at tbe oflic· of Strout and tier petition for an allowance out 01 Mid deceased to al>out six miles to the will AMD presented rko are indebted to tbe estate of ad hauls depot j: '.t of Interested l. of this temperance. the raiu now the : the clock la tbe alteration, for ihe purpoae all periont by causing ropy ENOCH FOSTEB. .-fore falliug spoiled or the ensuing year PHOTOGRAPH in ntx-> »*arr officer· Ur «aid meeting, tbe jrdcr to be three weeks successively Τ « e » boo*lnft Feb ruary il. 1W2. of T. Stearns, of Kich- ids.—Jour. l>,rrrti,r<— I. Washburn, S. C. An- — A*i>— published that George» jr., cerptsncaof »aid act and charter of Incorpora- the Oxford Democrat printed at Paris, they Œ _ < N. L. and under aald at a Probate Court to be held at Paria I:i whose death was noticed in i.reen lost a valuablecow Irews, Otis Hayford, Marshall Ion, tli· onratn/ttion ofa corporation may appear THE Subscriber hereby given publie notice Paris.—W. K. for the third of March next, IL Bradford. btrter, tbe sd iption of necessary by-law· in said County,on Tuesday lia t be ba· been duly appointe·! by the Honor- I>kmo« rat -1st. was C. See- AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, η and shew cause if of the i»t weeV. aid corporation, the choice of a Preaident, at # o'clock I the forenoon any tble Jud^e of Probate for the Couuty ol Oifoi·!, 1'resident—I. Washburn, jr. not th«ii three Director·, Baaka, Ρ·*·ι, BIUm, hare the same. ot the ea· "«··»« lJ in etarv Treasurer, I··· •crap they against ind assumed the truitof Administrator laughter of llichard Ilutchiu- Λ u is a Lusiuess C. a ad •■a'kera ··«», Lâilti Κ A. FRYE, F l fia doing good l'ire J^eniiknt and Treasurer— S. ind all other necaoary offlcera of «aid corpora· Plrtaru, Tall*t Judge. ate of »■ : and tranaact- and Ma stack· Work r.axea, aad true attest:—II. C. Davis, Résister. Κ*, Γ Auburn, late of Hartford; hair We ha\e seeu unie Andrews. ion. and of iloinc all other thing· Cap·. A copy, ELLA M. DUNN,late of Stough ton Ma*·., uoian goods. to the fVrltlac Daak· Flaa Takacca· Ulgar·, aad dire-;·. I). Bisbee. »g all other buame»a necraaary compte- leeased, by giving bond ai the law ul y s.ster of Hon. Samuel 11. Blake, work. C.lerk—George of aaid and lUun, Ikian ΝΙιμπ A Coart of Probate, held at ue spec.mens of the Ion of the organization corporation Coafcctlaaarjr. OXFORD, as:—Vt >c therefore re.ie was well known »s Circle with J. C. Marble H W. BBOVVN. A. D. lv:. ex- I'uiversalist Assist. S"/*.—(Hear Spaulding. tvil LU 0· the third Tuesday of Feb., u>d tbote who have aur demaadJ thereon to * ·* 0· the e»tat« tkful worker in the Christian Church evening. All are iu· C. Bradford JOHN HALL. Ε. CURTIS Administrator libit the Mme t >rrow, Tuesday, iien*ru>« ν Afl'ec- of Loren/.o D. Berry, Admin MAINE. notice OXFJKD, ς anij Chronic Diarrhu-a, Nervous TIIK peti'.lon NOR Ordered, That the aald Administrator gtre oa h,.r mother, only Umlio, is ill. Boils. of Ann WAY, Pari·, within and forth· County of Oxford, «jait· itira'.or of tho estate Mary Dcering, λ all Interested eaaslng a eopy ol this Female aud all diseases Caa kc faaad at BOTTOM PRICK· persons by tbe third of Α. I». IW. W .·.. r Ε ! ward tious. Complaints, ONate of Sin Franc :*o. California, deceased, pray three weeks in Tuesdsy February, Blake. Ε»·ι of llsrt- Α. M Whitman has Ike rortgalac aamid (aad· tag*tker with trder to be published successively THK of Charte· T. Martin. Ad Soiru Paws.—Mr. in a bad state of the blood. lor licence to ftelland convev certain real ·· at Paria that they petition ri wrre originating iaz t keaaaad· of atkara tea aaaitra·· ta the Oxford Democrat printed mioiolralor ot the MtMi ol Klbrl Ige U. FI- tr.y pupils in Hartford. when E. Shurt- «te de «cri bod in hi* petition on tile in the Probate at a Probate Coart 10 be held at Paris a w.th A. Balsam ο» Wild Choky I aaeatiaa. All draff· aad aaadlelaaa war· taay ON late of In .!,■■■<·»- -1 jrmed co-partner»hip WisTiR's tin of deb * and incidental appear next field, Bethel, Mid county, w mta. Dflicsior pitta-nt at let 1· said ,on the third Tuesday of March ?0aag The former iu Kvl, the name Whitman reat'd ly par·. County for license to Mil an·! convey all or,so uuder the tlriu of cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Whoop- 'hirgre. » In the forenoon and show eause If any praying itt. esq. tt o'clock much of the real estate a· m»v be ueoeaiarr to latter. Both but not Influenza, Consumption OKDEREn, That the «aid feltionor give notioe urne should not be allowed. gone forgot- will on the gro- ing Cough, Croup. they have why the the estimated at three buulrod do I ShurtUff. carry to Interested an abstract of pay debt· •eo- They diseases of the Throat, aud all persons by causing and R. A. FRYE, Judge. lI»KrroKD. aud ali I.uugs with this order tlere )U to be Trusses, Supportera tar·. at the old stand of Α. Ε hi- petition publish A trae eopy—attest H. C. Da via. Register. notice cry usiuess 30 cents and 81 a bottle. In tbe Oxford Demo- or Ordered, That the laid Petitioner fire to Chest. ed three week *usce**lrely fit Birth.—At F.sst Buckrteld. Feb. 25. to a Shoulderbraces; perfect to Intereited by earning an abstract of » urtl» ft. The stock will be Increased crat at Pari*, that they may appear at subscriber gives notieethat ailperioni ·> of the blood and of printed THE hereby publie I· with tbii order thereon to be vie of a An «tricher purifier I'robate Court to be beld at Pari· In «aid County, no the lowest Hon. of publish- Jerome Β Irish, daughter. favor them with sale. At he haa been duly by the Judge petition in Demo- 1 au1 those who and lack of en- ot Matrh next at V o'clock possi- appointed ed three week· luoeeiiiveiy the Oxford rat-class. the : cures lassitude on the third Tueiday Probate for the Coanty of Oxford and assumed the system have crat at Pari·, that they may appear at a Fkm κ», tlrm aud re Bitters. >n the forenoon and »hew cauae If any they ble at on the estate of printed ι —The Academy will flml the square such i< Brown's Iron Gerry's Drug trustof Administrator t'robale Court to be held at Pari· in (aid County patronage ergy; wby the tame shou'd not be granted. prices, ALVAU BLACK late ol Paris, ο· tbe tbinl Tueeday ol March next at Bin· o'cloe* t'Ji'!: -y M. with a attendance R. A. PUYK, Judta intitutlons are well til led ν which he is enabled February .'I, Pari·, County of Oxford and State of Main·, by oathe third Tuesday of February, a. D. Is*.'. w '·-· a be- WHEREAS .a-^c ai. thus full strength, bit mortgare deed dated the flrat day of Decern of Alfred Col·, administrator natnrjer of scholars, from rxtrmcts. iusuriug THE Subscriber nereby gives public notice that the petition Inο ber Α. I). IPSO, aad recorded in Oxford Brgiatrr of of the estate of I»aac C. Morrill, late of ··*·· »oa of cent. ae has been by the Hoa. Judge of of the If the .ides in « a >a\mg twenty per (Kxde book 1!M 293. conveyed to me, the un· duly appointed ON for country. Fryebur* king pair· Probate for the Coanty of Oxford, aad assumed Burkdeid, la said county deceased, praying deraigned, a ecrtain of real eatate aituated to sell and certain real estate de- Acadeay w»n'j to come as a ,u the coat. parcel the trust of Administrator of the Estate of license convey up agiln in the North part of Greeawo*!, in uld Countτ in hi· on die in the Probate of- trie ted to erect a HANNAH PEUAR, late of Rumford, •cribed petition S. 1*. Maxim ha·· con near Lock·'· Mille on (be road t* How· at an Pruriahin< # with the tbereon and Loanded aa in said County, by giving β»ΤΜβ Hill, building» offer of three hundred dollars. "•*ke î!;t on InJia Street, Norway. law directs ; ne therefore requests all persons in- tageous forty advice of above and lower the tu- 1 welling follow·, to wit: on the north by aaid read, on th· the notice SKIN to the estate of said deceased to make im- Ordered. That «aid Petitioner give ··· South debted >n to be outdone by Weal and South by laad by A boer If. aa abstract of and get *r^rk-n Not wishing occupied and those who have any do to all persona interested bv causing good in the school, ilerrlck, and on Ihe Eaat by land by A. mediate payment; Mrs. E. W ocoepied to exhibit the same to hi· with thi· order tbereoa to be pub *o-ithen s, the friends of Kev. and and kaoan aa tb· manda thereon, petition her hall will be filled to orer- Par C. Libby, Capt. M-Kenney JOHN E. SEGAR. llahed three week· inooeieivel? in the Oxford C4UMI or thc and whereaa the condition of aaid mort- -·"» tendered them a pound • ο» place; Democrat at Pari·,that tney may appear at ag We all w simons of Norway J. rea- February 21,18W. printed a W. been Sow .sh the school anccesa PENNEY, haa broken. therefore by to be held at Paria Γη said SKIN, gage a Probate Court 3 The result was a SWAVWE5' son of the breach oCtbe condition I claim ··'· uture. for Monday evening. tvoiuTimw, MiHUFACTClER OF 'hereof; County on the third Taeadav of March next, at u the scboI*rs are the partv a foreclosure of aaid herebr public notice that a half dollars Pimpu·, Sont», Ointment. mortgage. THE subscriber gives o'clock ia the forenoon aad ahow caa&e if aay they of of nice llour, nine aud NATHAN M. the Ho·. 0 -β».ο* our land. A Citizkv. barrel BtOTCxU, SMALL. she baa been duly appointed by Jodge same should not be gtanted. » Oa*ccou«T or Al> of Oxford and assumed the haTCWbylh· and ten dol'ars iu Rash, IBR3ÏED STEAM ENGINES, By hi· atty'·:- F03TBB * HEBV1CK. Probate for the County R. A. I RYE, Jadge. fir»t worth of groceries, una· tx€ l*Tt*M of the estate of bailding in Fryeburg raised ε*ν·ΐκΐΛ·, March lat, lMi. trust of Administrator Atrusoopy—attest II.C- Davie,Register, RlhCWOMI. ALEXANDER E. BARKER late ot Newry, *ithout or 4<> money. twirr Scoot, it m intoxicating drinks. ^ years a Bakscm* Combining with Klegence of Deaicn : Rxellenee in said deceased, by giving bond aa the law has in his possession mamt OXFOBD, as:—At a Coart of Probate bald at County wis Mr. 1). S. Kuapp KaOMi «τ M and all who are OXFOltD, a·:—At a Court of Probate held at erected .J Chandler, a Itch, 0Γ Workmanship ; Kffloienoy Durability—Km Parla, withla and lor the County of Oxford, oa directs ; be therefore requests peraona by »seph Whltworth Th« OetAT Cur« of the latent in Steam the estate of said deceased to make Pari·, within and for the Couaty of Oxford, oa P ^aeer shell used iu the celebrated RoCMo* bodying principles practice the third Tacaday of February, A. D. Itatt. Indebted to in roa Itcmiho Ptitx.·· to the li»*t résulta. aad those who have de- tbe third Tuesday of Februarr. A- D. 1AU. temperance. It was said "the the shell Nom Engineering give THE of Ueorge O. Abbjtt, Ad· immediate payment, any the rebellion. He brought a built from ι to M Six·· no* petition to exhibit the same to Ν THE of Ellaba aad John UanieU bouse could ijuu in •HO Da. Saaym 8o«,1 Slzee Hors* pow inches lonr, rsady for immediate delivery 5 and 1.1 IIor*· Pow· ON EDGAR E. B1RKER. sureties tbe Harris, 'ie Ft. Fisher. It Is about Faci, butt, late of L'pton, in atld Coaaty. deocaard, Harris owner, from ·.-·. Write for full particuiara. prl es Ac. « ,1882. itee of John II. Harris. and Hattie M. however, determined to make a Bumn·, urt'ingfor llcenae to tell and convey all iha February S with and p«.r- Ala* dealer in âteam Bdlers of every detcrio minora of Bethel la said eiuntv praviag that ■he filled powder, Cut» r> al estate of aaid detected ncoeaaary to pay tbe trial, and If it cylindrical, New and second band ( At Boston Pkicbs.) mat tiiey be disebarged from further liability as failed, hire sulflclcnt foremost eud which tlon, debueatiaated at Ave hundred dollara. TUB Subscriber hereby gives peblleaotlee may • cap on the I Feed Water the Hon. •uretiea oa Bald boad. bepto ussiou CALM/ Boiler Pump·, lieatcr», Inspira Ordered, That the aaid Petitioner giro notice to she haa been daly appointed by Jadge accomplish the A select the shell tor S real Traps, Steam (Sauges, Waters'· an< the Coantvof Oxford and assamed Ordered, That tbe aaid Petit'ra. give notice C!yw object. the moment all lnte aa abstract of 9I Probate for of auses rxp'oelon < oremori. Valves, Steam and al peraona reeled, by caaalag bonis non of the to all iatere«ted by cansingan abstract hind* were who o:h r Pip·, Ida with thii order thereon to be the trast of AdrnteLtrator de perioni invited, respond with substauce. It k ·ι 8.ea u petition pab- of their with this on 1er thereon to be pub- -· comes in contact any nda fittings. liilied three weeka eocceealvelr ia the Oxford estate of petition «*all aud the MARIA L. GOFF, late of Peru, llahed three week· la tbe Oxford cheerfully performed missile. Mr. K. ALL K)N AS OF ΕΕΓΑΙ US DONE WITH DISPATCH. Democrat, a aewapaper printed at Paria, la aaid lucceMively is a destructive lookiig In said deceased by bond as the law Democrat printed at Pail·, that they may appear w'fk: wiifn a that may appear at a Probata Court, Coaaty giving supper w»« of Coaaty, they be therefore all iadebted at a Probate Court to be held at Pari· in (aid provided, can sh -w you documents signed by to bo held at Parla, oa the third Tuesday ol March directs; requests persons *hi< h !'ι<· also deceased to make Immediate oa the third Tneadav of March aext. at · wotkinen for at nlae o'clock la the fore-noon, aad ahow to the eetate of said County partook with entire wire used next, ia the forenoon and abow eau·· U aay M noted rC*l (kuerals, copper kir· th· aaae ahoald not aad those who hare any demaads there o'clock tbey W. oaaae If aay they why paymcat, not be '>Vtio· From this time, the custom and many J. PENNEY, on to exbiMt the skme to have, why the same should granted. υ· explosions, be granted. | SWA8EY. R. A. FRYE, Judge. sub-marine torpedo K1CHAKD A. FBYE, JOIIS P. irniah.ag spirituoue wss vlr- the late war. Jadffa. 1M. A true : U. C. Darts, Register, liquors souvenirs of A true : U. C- Day ta, Kegi»ter. Februsry il, oopy—attest y other interetticg MECHANIC FALLS, HAINE. oopy—attcat abandoned Mr. C. has erer sine· L 1 B-L.— le the Dr. κι.ικι'β Great Nerve Restorer Disease·. lia* teeth, but eats uot—a saw. TOWN KEPORTS. marvel of the age for all Nerve 931 Arch LETTER. Allflts stopped free. Send to Thai Ht sham> ο» Mink, le three time· I Pa. extracts from Street, Philada., the mau he was before be began using _ Wc make the following sees "Wells' Health Ueuewer." 91. Druggists. It of a Heurt uni advanced sheets of the annual of ι Has eyes, bat not—potatoes. King· grtufal givii reporte CUTICURA ! llnnor Wkert Uaiinr U but. ants llae feet, bat walk not—« rule. the towns, which will be pre- Death to rats, mice, roaches and ; they following Κ. 1 * Geo. W. Rrowr, 43 Marshall St.. ProtiJenee, Barns, grana- Créât ®ι Parson»' Kxtkrminator. fj » * -» » 4 .v sented at the March meeting·, to-day. I.«cared by Cutlcura Ko»plvent (blood purifier) a Much distress and sickness attribute·] to fkln ries and households cleared In single Mr. VTiilUm W.ChidwIek.ol Halchv lite, Con·., rmi Cutlcura ard Cutienra Soap (the great and liquid occasion- PARIS. at the burber'rf of bad smells. Best nnd chronic diarrhea is write· under date of Juno 1Kb. 1840, to I>r. Ken- ! cure·) of η Rinaworm Humor KOt night, No fear dyspasia face VALUATION. «hl· h (pread All over In* ear·, neck and killer in the world. Sold ed ham<>r in the stomach. Hood's Sarsa- to thM ihe use oi '4 Favorite t. vermin by ■Mjf, lay "Kesne.ly lortiv reflated a II k.ul* of treat moo cheapest and year» ~~ 3Hioi> vahlla is the remedy. Kemcdy. ha· cured him ttf-tf nil Pt>»ne, IKa u bioli Whole number of Polls, 744. everywhere. « Heal *κι* m FOR he bad exp« run-el everything but comfott for Amount of Kcsdt. Estate, $0.9:1,399.00 non, Has but walks not—a chair. BLGOD, BRAIN AND .. .. ·' for A Itro».. ! lags, corn·» uot—a w when ivrsl. F. II I'rtko, c».|., agent llarpor Han tow», but sho tug. long lime. Mr. C bad w left U it holly cared 209.Ï48.00 acoc.unt of ·' ·· Detroit, Mi h., Kite· an a*t<>nirhinK NERVES. f>) aix Estate eriCD t y λ sTTTdioa ;nrn>.: ·. he wrote and «ay»: "( hnvehitl pain for Non-Hesdt. Heal 52,935.00 hfi raae 'ec/ouia rodent). which lia i been treated I Was Di*ii .tvj» k? >i iion.—Iusist " «« ·« « an I Uicn in ΡΗΟβΡϊΙΑϊω AI.T) ItalUI No ΜΠΠ upon fl.'sb aid can Per·!. 2,084.00 bv onaultallon of without benefit, the dodo1·* afte·· swallowiug Κ07 month», an ) tiaveal'o regain)<1 my phyalclaaa with learned A CXI^l'. ALCOHOLIC DltiXX ! Kloreeton Cologne. It is pre- which yielded to the < u·Intra Κο·ο)-1 in vain for over a itij·, 7 obtaining atatnl a lair tU>'« work. 1 rtcommmd 'Ken- »pe«illr anil their medicines lurr-r -:fnd«l ly Chialitl 1.«aU rest b'ood purifier) internally and Cutlcura costly t eminently su »erior iu permanence and rich Total $958, 101.00 ! of catarrh in m ν head, a POSITIVt TONIC, nedy'» Favorite Keuiedy'to anyone »ufft»ring from valuation, Cii'.it-uia Soap (thegreat fkin cure» eattrnally. year for the ielief AI.WAYS of fi agrauce. six bottles ACCEPTABLE ANO delicacy a liver1' lîrateful ι-Λακηοη. AM' AlWKeSKD. when I cured using Rt'LIAOLB, deranged pitl»ntea*e Al'PftOPRIATID myself l»y an A- ol not lAiuuUt.- Urn Vr*.in S( U I) HEAD. wife is now taking it rr IrrtU·,-, Dr. i· daily in receipt of letter· from of Bitters. My tl.c AaJ l»«t· ut hears not—com. Kennedy State Tax, $4,441.68 II A. Raymond, Auditor F. W., J. A S. I{ R. Sulpha/ «yJ'.itn ç* | nervous Srinner, lb·r'inUM9. 11 far.:ι» m e\ them, expressing similar sentiment·. Tiic-e lot- 080.27 Jackson, MioV, Wu· e«ir»d of real.I Head of nine them for debility.—.1lnl< <, County Tax, cts»x:/tothel t ·». tuf. and in all of duration the Culicurt Remedies. ( kt Origixal. tore are spontaneous put varieties 1,000.00 yeat* by Lowell. Γ." τι». Ρ^ΠΛ t'je fcm.rt'a btoe£, k:.', '· " Highway, — the bat tirth one Uwrti-r calx t: h. ϋ h, K'u# r.ta l>r. Piere j'a Pellets originel invarlibly «ttiog ν phraseology, Town _ 1,500.00 Has but not—a ship. ; I wc: " * Charge·, ECSBMA· kneee, prays rr>. Little Lir«r Pills value of Favorite K m. Πι Mttt ν· » W. I sugar-coated)—cure thine—the "Kennedy'· For Support of Schools, 2,:t44.00 ll< u, Wm. Taylor, ton, permanently ifV'lt n»«I OK.SI RAL l)Li.iUl V, Dr. C. e and (ecïrma) Λ. liV-I : Ι»κ|\. BENSON, sick and bil ou· headache, sour stomach, for many tawa of d·· we. ft miy be rn«l Fractional 40.1.73 run it of a humor of ti face »c*lp | //►-.« *I S!1 Inventor and οι the edy-' Overlay. for twelve y*>u fell Sotu-U ci Oui oi Rs.hiao.-i, pewvrktor ltr that had t>een trralfd unane·« Mltillv | breast, ■prr'·' iSf9A h by Ι_τ ·.. and bilious attack·, Druggist·. the thing you have been looking for- Is your lir- 78.00 and iu the aid· or fever, Delinquent Highway, jcurs bv many of It-jtion's l>e»t phvM-.a-i· Cough, pain itijcffs», fcwtjiyi· * r/t;* Α* ? of the ril- till »iii? i**;·f .· Celebrated Celei» ami Cham- er disordered Hare yon I'crangcmoot Tax, 44.10 m< »t n«ted ipeciailnts, aa nulla» European an·! short breath, night sweats, tickling, mi*iιletnao*», ι,. Λ border of marabout trims Supplementary —1·ιhlcla plumage or assooia'ed with thori'.te·. or soreness in the throat, diarrh·· -a, »UJ. ■■·.·_ Kidney· lllidder, Constipi- ing ,«<1"^ DdJCA .. m.ALi'·, dress* *. îj*,' omile rills. bridal want asthmatic or b. onchial » «1 wr-Ai.LY < Γ··-· ti>n oftho bswols? Keo yon "Kennedy'* Total committed for $I0,79G.fi2 mu u nervous debility, Spnixn» collection, CBUST. ar.lr.ort. «i? »)..· Favorite Dr. Med- '. affections: If so. use at once Atlanuon'» Thr-e haee me·, wlih the moat remarkable It Hkaus hk List of all other prepara- K'-me-ly.'' Kennedy practicc· Mrs. Rower·, 14 Clinton >t.t ncinnali. ►peak· ar.d x*rrf ix»t« ***· » » "U Poll Tax, 92.50 wan cur ci of milk cruel 10 »u.- aitcatni by the lmwetue »ale· they icine an J in all their branches. Write of her »tster'· child, who Hotanic Halsam. Trial bottles, boni· tion* or int dlcines. In cases of *awM, Surgery on the dollar. ; Couyh ÎSEill/O le.; har»- afi tied. H'.indrv-I· have i*«t!âe·! to the Hate per cent.. 1.9 mill· which teaiatedail remédie· fi>r imi )nr«, V-w 35 and 75 cents. or of the and *tato your ca«e Iraukly. hotter* pr >mj»tly cts. ; larger bottles, beoril; tii»r hive i -riTisJ lYeaa tkeir β·*·· in '.be hr ι«Ae, dl /iness irregularities j a llnehealtny boy. wlili^ beau ilul head of hair ^ff^.ial»MV>Uof.arrr V-r^r Km· school Accorxr. ri:re pi Ι'· ··. \er*ou« lleadaehe, Net» Bin >c« κ Βι.οοι» have uo an-wvrcl." Addrote Dr. David Kennedy, Ski system. Biitkr» a but talks not—a »Mea« a»4 II % Κ If. lias tongue, wagon. i(Mi, N. tVMMMM, I'aralveia, SU*#t>le never fall iu imme- 4«ut, Ν. V "Dr. Κ-nnedy's Favorite Unu.'djV' Amount raised t>y votaoftowu, #2,844.00 FALLnii ■* a ct. bated c«|u·!. The) affording Ster.m Fire tto·ton. In I ίΐ«· It ii'llr c#uMi»he«! I» on School 217.·:;» Kraok A. RetiP, Kricine B, j ·> o( diate relief. Price for sale all draggle. Interest Fund, '· wrote a on a 'a*J fI|KfMr<°, aj I tl)« re ■· ■ tlr.d $1.00. b; wa· u ed fli Λ 1< ρ· da, or lallir it of the l air· h? ; 11 is Woshekkcl," clergyman ScTlool Fnnrt fronr State, 1,8*0 37 " ilonM Nit the wlP π IT the*e •ll«o»»e·'. Cut etna Rlttnl (Mood puiifl'-r) Ir.ternaUr, I in Indiana. Dr. Graves' Heart Kegulator l»K < M I; \«t>\ 3 I KI KR\ AS1M 1ΙΛΜ are now offered for It lira and Cuticura Soap (the (treat «kin I ScotJi gi tghams ar d Cut lies cured mv Heart Disease.'' This is but 1>MIL> f Là.S ar·· ·**| *-«*i e\l>r#·»!» lo cure t cit« irally, which •Tciipli icly rtitored hi· Adamson's Balsam ! «ale. ι Total, #3,942.22 me·) who > (Λ 11··.; ν!*». >« ««■ ne.*leche, Neiire'dl*. hair when all «aid he would I..one it. one testimony of many gratefully speak NerT. ·» Γ r- .·■ ·. vi-epJc-tM·** atid Intft Kate !. 10 as them in Pi ikhim's per Scholar,# of the Heart Regulator helping 35 cents. New Trial to 10 ic- .oB or ·, and will cl·* aay oth or old. Rend -■•t a ciiif.il!, t t ΓιίΤτ tnr 'V>«r ην,τΙπ' »ho ha\e observed Its effects β">. 1.*. 44 liai urc ol ll β t Ht te lira Κ. -Mitent. ily young nabi* rtnurty hi. or an.I Druggists, Hesourae·, urn μ,.Γ. They u β no op ιοί. mcmhim' 'name, and the ettinal u#c f Cut'.· ai;d a to F. E. Con- form»·! mot·· ν : the healtl of their customers. Send to Beware purldtr, for free pamphlet Ingalls, roci.iiN. arc bat the bowels and Liabilities·, (>,192.82 cur«·. not a jn -^attve, rcjmlste O F Ottleura boap. the gieat rkin cord. .'»Qc. snd $ΐ.υθ l>ot- cure» than «II <>(h«-r »t -ii >.· ci r.{ «r the Mrs. 1 Pinkham.333 Western Ave. Ν. II. 1'rice, jut m*li «arc reni.tmj; Lydia Amount of Tow η Debt, 1,039.38 roLi>«, «idM in the worlij «· v: *. liaTr a rbarKiM lirtl ιι|>ίο tle. For sale eoabint*. Ihey Mass. for CVTÎCDB4 by Druggists. *r.'l «tenia ν one. a] » I >n the I.ynn, pamphlets. ρ tho 1 ·. an A lore! ·;·.!>· nj fleet ρ Ketne.lira are |\>r »a!e bv all driiz(i»t·. Piimtof 4· a «en ·π ·■ ASTHMA, 1 f# rura »r ne\ ·:~ -'mr> »'rj.<*?tns tat· η tlnni· η of Paris has been reduced ·Μ·ί. small Ιι·ι«(ι,3Λ· ; stone trains «yatrfu. s iuto favor as trim- The tow debt Ctitct ΚΛ, a médicinal Bad who railway ill afftar«ln£ ahforb lace, tfve* ♦!. Cl net κ a UksuLV ιλγ t'.* ne* αγ«1 a This sum need not Ur^e should be made an of. The first BBOXCIIITI». Ι«»«· if taken ». ο ). eat·. make or rrcate ■. rve matter an·) five to nominal figure. : va *t'lc. CliK't stone In? to th«» illfrrtton· : ! t<> ·«· an·! id 1 ··. t 11· I we know oie of them throw a Τ·.« *c*. *<·«· ν»·Ι bnoykoejr the »··. for as It is embraced In the the «lu· η of ineι*ι·« thing !MKtl«conUlti*urir îh*ï w :b ■»»■.· mrrta' rndnrarce and is the provided ι:»·.. wliat CATAIlllllAL y.la.i It uselest to deny that brightest ft ΚΑ ΜϋΙιΚΊϋΑΙ. SlUVINUMIil', at the t'nlted States Navy, and theu the quantity οι i.ihtr '■τ : < ν at. 2&ojv4f tU il h a uenuiit school fund. The rale of taxation is very «ΚΙ.Κ- Λ FOITKR. Mo-tun, Ma«f. ρτίμ. and fu;re»t all easy victims to Constiuip- will become of the nation? «ra'iona, which are ι t| ->·:« W ukc tbre t«4 or tii«< (Olt.ll, b4^e»i ta lUa ■ ·" r. >■ am> Κχΐ'ΚΝβΒ ΓΒΜΓΡ, ; »r. Γτ uiiU a ! *. ·»Γ fact that du liue has its origin in many and minute Sr»KKiN<; heap- make a\cry elaborate report " »t to blf f χ-< r ·_' «>, »-«ι tta*^ ft*·. S >14 by »t> I L. F." At wood's ca««> m nei(lected Catarrh. Mnford's Kad- May be averted by using ■OH Κ in..· .aidu tr r rifiu.irsjtο.,γοί■■ BENSON'S for the year, in their recommendations " » balsamic Bitters. Beware of a ADAMSON'S land. Μαιι.< (.. itérai Icat Core is pure, sweet, s|>e- cheap, spurious that the town of Wood TIIHOi Γ, I r .t A.J Κ .n'.Nmit. J. \ Ua««ti cifle. they suggest purchase imitation," Jobbed repeatedly by,one botanic Wrr». ι*ι\ P i»». \. M. Geo. A. Wilson, cup, a copy of his com- at thirteen dollars per cross (ouiy ntue 1 « vaatine .alius arc superseding surah, IRFLrSIZA, GAPCINE of the town, for cents a bottle, or lour cents for coutents •ilk*. plete and accurate plan OOUGH I The judge of Γ. S. Court ruled that At- OOAHAF.X KNM. BALSAM the use of the town officers. We do not wood's Bitters, selling so ch'at>, must lu? a toea Dot dry up a cmgh »ni HaXI>»>MK VkKM'ti Hoviu y. ·· doubt that the matter will receive '.he can- imitation.'' The True L. F." difficclt ieate t!ie <*aaa« b«ti,o! U W ; » that fin« that we "tpuriotu tit a' k m n. It looking lady PIASTERS red )<>g louage did consideration of our votera, a·* nothing At wood Medicine bears the large pat- 'ieanara as hra'· tr > st i'j«« !. I'lara: Why. that is Mrs | •Bit TU I !Ιβ. gn(< HAVE BEEN IMITATED, ented L. P." trade mark. Orcee ftotn all Inu.uritie». », what a when so accurate can be found elscwerr. Sunw. Well, tlier·», ehsiitfe; ava ail IrrilalMO·. Γ ^a»»n And their cxoolicnt in- '· AM» ALL I «ι* her list hrr skin was so sallow nwt reputation The remark of an exchange that many tii'l taken by thousand· la •loraed br em nent •nu !dv looking. It's no wonder I didn't jurcd by worthless imitations. Tho : of our successful began life as Pfty· RI MFOKD. lawyers AFFECTION· tan* an·! by the km·* her. What ha- that love- one preia. IV· produced Public arc cautioned Is corrected '>y •ure M cal! for against buy- \ vnos. preachers," gracefully τ ? I heard she took ah' complexion Sulphur similar sound- I of the legnl gentlemen referred to, who OF ΤΗ Κ ing Plasters having ADAM SON'S Ri iters. t lie ^reat Illood l'urifler. antl bow Whole number of Poll·, 241. Radical Cure. be;;s leave to state that he b.'gan life as an names. tho word i Sanford's ΤΠΒΟΑΤ would not be without thnn. in$c Seo that Amount of Headt. Heal F.statc, $18s.«>00.00 infant. BOTANIC " " " " C Λ PCI N-E is corroctly tspellccL Persl. 20,815 00 C'eir h· ad and t«u· e. ca»v brcMhlrir, meet ΑΛΟ New floral is made wholiv of re ο Hckkaii Fou Οι u >>ιι·κ. garniture "N'on-Keadt. K.itate, #7."s«;.tM> breaiti, |x '.r< t tireil.i.'. le ai d b „r ·-»»··ρ►». C0U6H beads. ·* ■ id lade··, by uaint »*>.ι ι*ι»Ή rt αιπάι. 11 hi Many people have lost their interest iu Lr\«1 BALSAM, Persl. 1,2.·Γ».00 > he i« tea le t :l / tV. » Sj.'U· until your I ·)··· s and in amusements hecaus* Take no other. S· fut Benson's »' < ·**····! >nl |xtliti< they Haw Voi K\ κι: ku«'T\n to Capcine ai! i:o«e ri.nuin* wster, t h ρ LKibllU the nam*· of "K. W KIM any person are so sorts run that i>veri»h or ukc S i.hi'okh 1!α|μ· al i.K out of and down they be ill w;th'»ut a weak stomach Total valuation, $297,"9G.OO blo*>d If AN" I· blo* · Seriously for ('atari h and be cured. cannot If such persons Ν ο lit all Α>">Κ·»ΚΙ». enjoy anything. TO ».y ilrucgUt· i>r Inactive liver or And when ΛΓΓΚοΓΚΙΛ ΓΕΙ> AXI» en in« can I'me, C:n td« 11*. M»rl kidneys? Porous Plasters W lli/rl, A would only !>e wise enough to try that cel- ■ nil riealera at lOr., 11< C-'e« S.r-fu'a. Erya.pelai, l'impie» and .\« >· are in condition do I 00 ati- nor*. Are tho only improvement Support I Cil Cu ·· '· mi le ο »Π· l ·»!1 Itfl.rilli remedy Kidney·Wort experi- ι, ·: ilnd their pi «^i-s-cr g<»«>d tu H nors, ba!t Kheum. àcaïd H.-al, erioring State 1,58X02 lia-I -r t u ti Ici ence its tonic and effects Tetter, mndo m Plasters Tax, on· box t atari lia J Self nt.au renovating they S res. Hereof al nlth* Parker's Tonic 351.12 D.seaacs. Kcrna^e Wcai- tiltiger regulates County Tax, .η 4M ρ M kaic for || Moid everywhere. would soon lie hurrahiug with the loti lext. a ad '.r· .la:it ea. I"1 Lom of t! m insk-s the blood Or.ο is more than a dozen Wl.l· k·* A I'l.TI Kit. Uo-t n. itiactt, ;i>>rULt organs, worth rown Debt ami IuUreat, 1,100.0») Iu either or form it is a Α rc: re. J ar J ce. A e^tioc* cf t!»e L.vtr, dry liquid perfect — r. h and pure, and strengthens every part 81)0.00 I ;r.·,· 5-*^ i*ne.s, Γ* »pcj>s.a a 3 of any other kind. Currcut Kxpenses, remedy for torpid liver, kidneys or bowels. Ν. Η. DOWNS I' m * ia ■. o; the system. See other column. wH.80 Cî:.rr*li>elelio is au to the lead Total committed for collection, #t">,145 ungrateful world say with poisons. ■ ·η t J,,ffrtlrfi· Irtlinam· »hι Arnouut raisid vote ol towu, fc-'M » Λ eolc! *ore tnruat : iy r < srom to !.ι i« at once, he rnred. by People die of consumption imp- Diphtheria. ^ sllsyed cets ■>- fit. ent nr.·! tr att«,ti.|'Xl } Intcrert on School I'· I caught a severe col l, and pr and to without one Fund, remembering ly of when the ! λ·. ■ ο· g< i>down the lodge | became neglect, -4! turtti: bu; /ΐι*·τ Ν Γ·ηρη School from State, 528.03 you to|,| tot to use "Downs'* Elixir," I )ι rt·. λ ,t o: sratitud*· When asked ht I Fund, KiiKiimptlon itlptiihc wiy a an u»e of this remedy wou!J t..· «·ν· r !>olt!e I In le·»* than t!ire* dav* tiniety N. >Η· In··"h.." tkro iltenTilvd w|M k* s « : s ι:.·· it ·. : ·π tjougîit ·. '.g« j : >iim Ii .w- λ Total. »I, "J·.». 7.'» my coush and sore throat had vanished ! ha\e cured them at once <|iiitklt ν un iu answer. lt"> like * I'IKKt Utvt» l'A i \ KILLKli. .,ff·-relit just Lit, « '· » > of con t!-· f>r 'U!- iAru ». » had au though, isn't il Κ ite per Si ïiolur. >1. I'tfty-une ijrnrt pr* rraf<^ ti.'-r. «i -atnj-t «4 !}>«V. Newmarket X. Il Aire. SI INKING OK TOWN. •tant iim· prove* the fact that no Ι'ΚΚΚΛ ΙΙΛ\|ν·|»\Ι> ΚII.I.Fit U ^ la-iies u- iu Pieuse »end in·· su I»r. Baxter's uiig tulle ruches prefir ha· atood the !e«t Mot Γ il. r»i !ι t· >t* tli·· M:iii72.49 Bitter.··. never used medi- remedy ,f ftc U uu-' » Itktl { forty 1.labilities, i;,V.U.M that dill nu so much a* thin. like Itoiriu' Elixir. wb. r 11 1- Ν ~· k' Ί>Ιι cine tr«»<»«l ;■"> Frl e "■«* itnlll bottii. \ ι ··· '■»îr ν··: ;·:· vî-iîr Λ Mkuicil MbrikK 1\»ι:ηκ«.τκι» \inount of Town Debt, 1 ,y."S Ii:t Tavioii, Rolland, Mich. 'Opcr Γ«». H*J* y *f »r·. i ιο » a & Johnson's Irnic* and I.ini- i lea that dangerous puliw nary Hum ford has :i very small debt f«>r Henry Oil I Κ I γ> .«.'ν f.-r le. ■· 1 by family I r- »· η»\* lowu of its size. It has bom under good j — i> IV II »·* 1.1 '· ΐν » C JT. f.rev.r -ιί··υ<·«.1 the operation Dr. Baxter's Mandrake ί— Λ Ν \ :Λ Dr. Ν (ί- Whites Nm le management. a bad > ■ : !<».»· ι.-Ί ; »·>!*·:·«·. and iauj Elixir» Λfier wedding parly assembled in .· ,.Ι a ri ·,· η ι··γ oul.S &uu +ττ ; t. ..· ouraging cjm ■< of Curobic η !ιurr!» at III., the faltiT t:." \i |m .rnv >ι λ in. Iliooiniiigton. ESittgh^» '.nj^îi. 1 he K!i\ir when all 1IKBKOX. of !he i^ .»«-d IT..I. t. .trtfài· f racno âiU aa*►; ,·» «■ r· tî_* ; * ! > a ;r Kilm it *u η·' li a Pit* >i!ur ino·. fill. in few λ lia. k "ut. > .·· ai c. the "λ nrr«stlog ΙΙ.ΓΛΤΙΟΝ. ptrd money. Sein- Liver ret! r·;. <■>" H bi r.tTT. lnrlrtî;i«>n, HEALING! Complaint·, In>hge«t 'tat* the III'»*, tiulvllt Ct'M ΟΓ CO U lib. re- THE WONDER OF il i"' g.ri ! Now -he rati the court- and all from i! Τ1 O l-:*irurl Whole number of Polls. 113. prolong di»eatta ari»ing I Is ! i- a r· »·. artm r«iil. «ltfîî. aud PotfîiM'Vl intho^nlyiTW lieving «>f brrathing, ·""··>' Ι XX· : < ■> a few week·, tin » the same lOutm »». J et», ! .tt M t. r.' ..Ul !... ulty VAImI Vmount of Headt. Heal Κ > ta te, $1 Γ.»..Ml •hip marry Price ς per *'"» r U*· -le mi 1 emaciated s'ltf· rer ·. fellow an.! 011 a Ψ S*!«* Kl1'", "lu· h goring t!»c IUad, Our" < umrrli < wrr,·'·!»· i«l]y " " ·« ·· go wedding tour with the E»#(ywb»r» e·! in.;. .*vt> 1 «il! n· * r .^ra ii br Itunt ecrx u· .» to lu tun a ■ KxtrMt ι ÎT XCDUICLNE JL Bai· r. I ^'a^^ Ktt !.su la i: t la!! U ί >r f rtv }..u'u' going ifjaircil IIKXKY JOH5IIOKt .>n«ul **;riugi' im»lu«i)le l u»< iu <»Urr- Total k t f*:. !. >»ol» \·ι ;t UlUM al valuation. $184,401.00 It V..1 ilrivc the Iltimor from your 'ΓUK Α<·κ or Mil: 111 ν s LJT Λ LV \\ «a. professor ."«'ci'titly. % I» «il:.; le «aJf A) ·, ·· '· Lai » ir.'l tnuiic JOBS fkia ARNICA AND Oil. I -«r Wi, it on?" If I atn so- ΜΤ'ΐ:θ1'|(|Λ I K.t> V .Ν I Λ!· SESSKI». ^iyst« Is f ΛίνΙ* !:tv- Wt-ll. entirely 1 T.'. pjst, I>r. Pierce's "Golden Medical Dis- > »n t .harr t·-. :t rv· r-· ty.! have Rheumatism. -, or. π y foi t." was the ••Tlat's V 1»4 1 V- l'j 1 find Jllotrlics not raise the .la Im> 1 U m. reply. Neuralgia. UUi, ■m.l« covery" will dead, will not tkn ha· «TUT.1 *λ ca*"* of thcae diitrc·»- It ix. Ν ^ ■rwnjr." was the *'mîw tniry 852 47 U your Lcjuty ru-e ν u if Tour are almost wasted LI Μ Μ Ε >' ΤΙ » NspoMC; c. SUle Tax, lungs ! '. ;t t i..t Iti^· mj4aiuta ta tJ Eitrncl. Λ(κ,: l'or .Han and lirait. — isl talk on suMTts." '■ It ir»U. il iiiaelt* ψ. witb**ut IL large "ount ν Tax. 18911 -jk ι < ta by consumption. Κ however, uusur- V — T ^ ! rtv \tf- : Γοηη and 1,900 oO ο niovol itia .'h r: l>hM I both a* a and alterative, The mo>>t perfect liniment ever I r t »vi,: .c | U-tv·· iiM-l l >j% Kii.Lyn Hemorrhages. Debt lutercst, pectoral ji«~ Α\·»γπκι: a 1* "gc mr* I» ■*.·, τ fn^ta λι y p.w, U.ipectUIj controlled ! 00 t.lu>;v u ! I. il L'. t«* Cani»h»aTï:—lly Itoada ami and will cure obstinate arid severe diseaae· Price :5c. and Joe \ a;-'. »t bridges, I compounded. r·. <·· 11 >r the ι* ί·> *»Γ the1 ·:^«.1 SuAes have j'pt-J. S4» | Κ 3*1· Kirnwlwi·. ιΐΐι.'.ι,^ν*!. for of School·», 4*0 of tlie throat and lung·, cough*. au I bron- ΙιλΙ. c! : r Γα:* 1; η as a Support »·- ■ ν -· > th· Κ Wort Sore i· w ·ιτ> «. nr." my Inry Diphtheria & Throaty^r«cî Fractional 1·*·'·' chial atr-ctious. By virtue of its wonder- it *ϋ· 1 ··! 1 il > ! Overlay, 3a: rxuid imm-ly i-whDow rom* >r all tin- diseases of the kidmys It 1» * rare cure. 1« danger nu. I ο. ·· > ΓίΛίΓ<1ν. Wlay 1·' 4 fui ·. 1 a·!. : «. γΙ»λ ► !1 '* «ο. %, ^/'/^kriûer,. alterative it cleanses auJ en· :rj > Kli H. -. Hu<|ii»>iit ilighway, properties I |;\tr. some, how··*· Γ. !.i*·.· «5 » k ··« '. I i It I rod i· er Itch· For Pit···. It u··. •he tnnible <·Γ t from the dr~ »t w Uio |τ«·ϋΐ· ·ι lu. »u nimtl} t. PtKKKâM. OF LfNH. MISS, > prepirlng intC. w YmrΓλιχ 100.00 and eruption·, and causes even eat- ar or H H ouuJ< Coniiugciit, great l'Uris *r ». For such a i.ew candidate t I'irrn.Olil "wrf. Op< Kli Lift i* i-hthrrta <1 r* r. et N>ilinu· appeals iujj uk-er* to heal. η .».·.! t> r». uid tu» τ· : '.m known t<> η the shape «»f Kidney-Wort in Lnju d lun .iUU; .:itL·· I·tmttrtluituMe. Jki» Ia*t >uu ab.-uiil Total com m it toil for W2 *>- i* Caution POXD'S EXTRACT htt$ btsn imi· collection, $4, Form It very eoncntrat'Hl, l* ·· A conceited ea-ily tuird. Th* Ail* th* t«or m r. «a*t«l.'U ti ;■* a·» «kl aut wn;r Pan othT it tu.t .1 'τη··» on A irriiy PC\WS last Year, 6«>.4u I j— mi.- Unexpended in allusion to hi·» ta* η (,i; buij-l·». acd on KX1I.ACT. Tfcl novthrr rustic audience, "This ^ \ !ί I i ave married af- yrtjvratwn. ■*!*% h thrxtt «*· ci· λ It «a» a τ*«·η· roupie just School F uni·, from State, a Ji m )f Xtf k.,i ut bulk .r ty KKttrtfi. morning I preached to congregation of Il·-" it ctvjj κ fcj· ·*:. u> Uw t ; m of t! rty-ti .· y. trs I tuMnn asses!" "I of that," observed i thought 1!;.· : advised Iris te with which tliesr BMirui.rtr· asv ioiust artict.*». Total, SSG—.·**·"» " >*M> Κ ll.l.KU the lady. when you callcd them your be- » roui Lave ii.to wed lot-k 1* · ·:. u.-v A Ix tU' of n«»t and «re rrpr«*hen»i le their psreute Τ e! Cftàfli 1.00 Catarrh Cure. 75 • 8T Λ X Dl X G OK TOWN. IVn k': : m. In ti«* tovn?·*· te a aa^rtfUAIVl lfc.il nuch tobliine. Dcit':;ce··· 50 Piaster 25 ■ L ·ίι· u.J I»· H.Ukut. ν Ιμιόηγαντ.—When visit or leave ;te»ourcea, $ 5,674 04 I The Ι>ο m? tf. you (ji .. .m« .. ftl.lHl LipSr.: 2Î Wvfer Gaii60cJ·. 1.00 404.01 Nnw Yo k Oiiy. *ave Baggace KxpresHage 1*·Γ F. 11. Dkakk'» SiiVKr.ixii·* —F. 11- Liabilities, 13, It Ttilet ScajjOCake*)·· 50 NatalSyrr^e 25 iTcx-i/Onful, <> aud Hire, and at Grand D.ake. suffered be- '>'· Ιβ^^·.: 'J Carriage atop FERRY es»j l'étroit, Mich., — Vmouut of Town Debt. 7,730 t ho Crtt end DAVIS A. SONfPm:irtM, Otrt.T?:· t 50 Med'icatcd Paper 25 l'ni ures aud « U iured, and Las MEXICO. exterual'y, at any other flrst-clas· hotel in the •etuained well to this VALUATION. perfectly day. city. Who le number of l'olls, 90. When Per. lie to η died, remark- somebody PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Lmjunt of Kesdt. Heal Estate, $ Gl,2»<).0<» After Oscar Wilde's lecture the other ii that he hadn't left an behind him. ι-neray Ί ne !*»t.HriMit *o that?" asked the The enemy of tettll rounded I* * Ι'ικ.ιλ.· Ci.r·) boys. :nl çdttr to jrcy I by beauty in the most common- nankiud must be the of l'eudltou," forait tboar W liUfH*"· enemy Mr. ? * -nU ùxc*at [ Total valuation, $108,397 00 place objects, and of finding consolation Painful CoMplpInt· mJ emarked [ • «•-eaaaaauM looarW·! ft mala pep·I·''·"· Fogg, sententiously. HlÇgi't». therein, that he was home to have APPROPRIATED AND ASSEVSKD. going It w.U .-ere eutinly the wor*· form <_f i his 1 ONE OF THE OLDEST AHD HOST RELIAEL? kindling wood whitewashed before he all ovarian InftalEmat. η » J On Tiukty Days Tkui..—Wc will send ΠοΓκΙοη 847·».37 plaintt, trouble», ΓβΙβ^ί. itate Tax, hurucd it. ft.:. 1 ri ··■*·.' REMEDIES IS THE WORLD FOR ·ι U'.n, Falhtiif 1 ar.d 11»· )r. celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt» Λ -ai .tv ira-, 105.6:.' Lt['Ur§ from th» ot· ·3 rh./are" articled with Nervous Debility, I îsî'S •'ractioual 11». 7" "Sicayne'* Teethiwj Cure" for Infant». an c&rly «tnge of deTelopOMkt. The Ur.ii, ι. 3ore Overlay, It·0"" Throat, Bronchitis, .ost Vitality, etc., guaranteeing speedy ρ 8 9·'· This new theory end infallible remedy has t»r>nxt humor· there l> rhi«krWtlwn«i, tXtTMHxu and aud many other Diseases. Illus- *oll Tax $1. the gums for two or three minutes Croup, luptures ft fcrî *:;·::=« Se! Bas intmfcaîii with featloa. free. Address \ oltaic Fasiîy late cent. 22 mills on the dollar. the »«■ rat> \ pamphlet sent |j per "Cure." What little it swallow That fcol.n* of !»arin* down, raawr.tf pain, <-' Every affection of til ο may κ-ill lelieve and war* run J 1:1 kit Co., Marshall. Mich. SCHOOL ACCOUNT. Colic, pain aud flatulence, prê- backache, la a! permanently by S. It will at time» »(,. ù<-;. MC. tent fever, ami avoid that all and unJ»rallclrain«ta»«· Lmount raised vote of towu, S 3CG.40 painful opera- * see ine can by with the lawi that the f«m»i. you do, you do, îcr * tion of harmony forrrn TrlRGAT, LUNGS AND '•Auythins '■ η.··η c·;· 230.96 iancing the gums, which ·*-1 CHEST, ichool Fund, from State, always Tor the euro of of either ·«» aid to hie son. l te. ..mou·» at do not kidnry ComplalcU Including Pingree | Stand· pre-eminent among the proa* Trunk Lines of th" nakes the next tooth harder to com· lut u^·· î;'s Com pound Is -ininrima·! t ••Thank you. sir," replied the young .«but», Va*.:i vj W e-t for the most direct, <]u;cke-i. »n 1 1 4 tesources, $'-',509.701 jealth to infants. A In tho form of pilU, also In the form of I mm»* ir ι" >t ·νβ br. EiXiii City. LBAvairwoKTti, your able raed- Λ. ·<π'1 l the • acoli*, Pacl, very PinkhaM thinks of this, and trembles Ci* .t receipt of prie·, ft per bo( forelther. Mr» l'iugree M .iabillities, Arrnicox. CorxctL Hurra and Οβλπα, the cox· I cal writer, who a and lucra- .. Ù. ...li ..« .»t lut 4,90:».09j enjoys large" for prcp«iL.oni, time he behind the y 3. η .·,α u n .1 2,3'Jj.39 frtcly aoawer» all letter· of Inquiry. Send (aiuii very goes cup-board mouut οΓ Town Debt, UZBcial γεχτββ* frotn which radiate \ ive practice, says : the ! iCv..l IO ..L^: | "rubbing gums let. in*» the and allay* irritation, I to iuto the bottom of the tum- SU tt..l J AM rte» aa above. MmtUm tki* Far*'· c oor look its debt fith a soothing Is the ... .t. ΙΊ I Mexico baa reduced 81,380.87 « n.J lotion, th.r? lîu.-c c4 ntnplaiitt.** .J I EVERY LINE OF ROAD only true * J ler. « ne ikmt nethod for childreu So family ibould be without LYDIA E- PI>'KHA* L»0 L and is fast re luc!ng teething, poisonous NOT iu: PICEIY1U) ncklor » thf Minnesota. Dakota. Manitoba bllwu»·* by 1 »' 4.1. V .* C 9 ariug past year, that Vorthern IJ VCR PILLS, eare ro.>eti|»lion | penetrtti» to the l'a- Irugs should never be They can ex- «lid lie Continent from the Mlasourt hirer ; introduced iuto :ai nnlir &.UBC1. Be iure you get Tu*ι H\CKis<· Coi<.ii be-so quickly t.. >tM H** Vvri a debt a jd rate of a and torpidity of the Ueer. IS cwli per bo*. taxation; gooo" rifle Slope. The I heir delicate stomachs. s We it. ".S'trayne's TetlK- "fc· DR. WISTAR'I OF < nrrd hr Shiloh Cure. guarautee if Hold ky «II Orueiflaia. BALSAM WILD CHERRY, foT all towns to follow. mj Cure." is Dr. | vou with and Liv- ample prepared only by Swayne M Will suffer Dyspepsia ! ! wt:h of I. BUTTS" I Rock Island & Pacific Railway Sou, Philadelphia, and sold all thetipature cothewrapper. r Shlloh's Vitalirer Is guar- Chicago. by lead- WOXDF.HFI I. ΠΚΤλΙ'ΝΚ1ΤΝ!Ι Complaint? To Coi:n Growers.—At the convention track Into Ramus, i CO Cent* aa«e I aujr |»·λ/* nteed you. f sweet-corn helil in r>r which, t)]r its own rued, reaches oy SKTH V/. mm & Bo»· ·■ producers Portland, BT IIIMIXO pKpMcC SONS, I ·' that JKAV'S SPECIFIC MlilHCI.MC [L lllt»*d. NOTBASSfBBS cabbiagb! So I THE McTAMMANY §leti sa by or un- She wanted to test %.:.. '-i—> bv w.-._ ih anJ J No huddling n ï-«r »i(l coi· ! > be held at Ho c Build- kacii. time for healthful tnloïmetit. J her, she asked ON or use bhi- and all Dwea^es lteception m, City Cent* with,ample " " -· Hack. Side Chest λ ·'··■ ■·· <; *rv For Lame Cars between ( PeorU, Milwaukee i t. pr I η to »'»·! γ·μ c»rtiH Through hlcago, j adifferently, why not?" he Ibat ICllow a< a at St. Paul and MInkjuiI River point» and Because," r«·.. c·* 11- «Irs'r '·«■·' ιΒ h » ι·<Ίι·: nottf'ein tfo 1< ili's Porous piaster. Price ïô cent·. ig, Portland, March 1», 1882, 9 o'clock, Minri.-apolU. J uswe.ed, "I've «equetu-ecl Self connections at al] point.» of Intersection wttii other got house rent to l'roî. I »t..l its' -t ·ι <· Ira η of lî.irfc-' and Cure Lkate pay 1 Shiloh's Cough Consumption abu4e;·» Lo«e m. ; and aJso to invite the dilierent tl ext month and a "(Μ· t· bf pack- roadfc. funeral would embarras ν It cures not thU) direct!»· to every place 1! 1 y us on a guarantee. | IEF0RE TAKING, of M. m îrJ·. Γη- AFTER »'( ticket (do forget 1 If." ! unit d ce η e;»it lor he bcitiet of firms to meet said at same e Manitoba, |. creal Laa«it"dr. I'a:u io :ne ig delegates ri important In Iowa. Minnesota. Dakota, ,.,!· C Fack, Dimneat of Iliack Ilill.·. Wvi mlni I t»h. Idaho, >nsumption. 1, au Kii.-Nebraaka. ■ i«on, Prema:ure OM AkV. I many other Γ>Ιι>. me in order that an Col- ■ : Ts^' *;.e- ■! p«u-K»rer «r r^ lottre to Shil./iï's Vital;rer is what need for and place, equitable Nev.wla. California, oreiwn, W uhlu.-ton Territory, you p that 1«·»·1 to or and a ana New Mexleo. an *»*tr*<·» of bU λ iDetnlty CoiifeumpUoa »rado, Arizona A. r»·!»* L«)»ft of Dizziness, ren:*tuie be made between pro- M CARD. on>upation, Appetite, ι Grave. rangement may A* lib ra! arrangements regarding ltoggage any Send for Circular·, Orta'ojpir· cf Muif. f· pitlli(h«li our line, and rates of fare always as low as competi- I torn the ..r.« · ad all of Price 10 «#-Ful) particuUrtin pamphlet, which w* Dther IiJ.âI,..*h0 ΐ1"* error» art t.»··* int.'i'v r.| lic'^orrml. symptoms l>?si>ej»sia. ice rs and manufacturers in to but a tithe of ttie comfort. 11 idliereltona of nervous J. MrTAJIMAW. Jr. ^ c«i·β to »end tree U> « very one wTnc regard tors. who fnrnlsh youth, weaker»· earl* it«4 il l*l»î -<. t h :« * tt *Ψ mar a Pn>bnto i ft sd 73 cents bottle. bywa^l of free. d oaa of Inventer and MtnufiCvirrr Worcester, Itaaa pr ti'pturM per s Medicine i< euld bv all at Fa nr.- Pogs and tackle sportamen eeay, manhoo.!. *<·.. I wil I tend a < pcciùc druirginte ·Ι -ices and cor tract». and at ticket office» <ι 11 :>(>·.· ! «I t F»r f*ari-· m «Ue rv>ontr ou th* and Grangers Tickets, maps and folders «11 principal t| iat will cure you, FRKK OF renpl AG F. S Cronp. Whooping Cough Bronchitl· ,, fr or lit packMf· for fi, or will be j CI1AHGE Thia τα WASTED. r 1 Τ«ι·» <>t" Mart U n-xt. si »«>vieok in (h« I |.aek»jre, n«ne towns, In the l'uite rtoeipt uoney, by » jnth by »ej why America. Sea·] a telf-addreai«4 >« differeol<·« vising id are invited to bo • R.R.CABLE, Ε. ST. JOHN, ervelbi>« J SA WOOD ESYELOPEI, •am·? ·ι··ηιΜ not tn» /raot^-l· For sale J. IL liawson. Parie neighboriv>ods Tit.i&J Put TH by llill, THE GB.YY MEDICIN E CO.. rep-| (Us Prss t ssj C«n. Msasjtr, Geo. A(t., j1 S""ion lK v«* JW color·, br mall to any adJre·· II. A i iiW.Jzltc 1 Cki«a<<>. 1 i w J° 111 »d A. M. South Paris. No. 106 Main SUeec-ί, Blf»'alo,N. Y tented. M. W. Pearson, Sac. Ckhf· orkCiti: Maim KxvkLor* Paw*, M*1·*· A'.raejoty—attest U.C. l>AVii, Sauter lierry, [ Co.,