mnctal NUMBER 9 VOLUME 49. PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1882. A Gom> Maiuzinb.—The March MVJr Written expressly for the Dkmockit. Don't Dm In the House.—Ask drug- WASHINGTON LETTER. OLD DOCUMENT. fur oa Kats. It clears out 1· brilliant with line one VANITE. gists "Kough Awate pictures, 15c. 1882. rat*, mice, roaches, fliee, bed-bugs, Washington, 1). C., Feb. ID, Feb. 24, 1882. of Charles Yolkmar's famous dack-palut- Ciiklsea, Mash., HV MARUIEKI1K. To the the IH>moerat: Of(LMort>Dnnocrat Kditorof Oxford l)*ar Sir : as Mn. New flounces are gathered. the ι« iogs heading lilt frontispiece. The is well filled with visitor#. city Enclosed in this I teed the has a beautiful full lost that on the morrow Fryeburg Jessie Curtis Shepherd Metbought, night, Important το Travki.ebs.—Special in- The hotels are crowded, and uo rooms to KVKHV Τ Γ KSD A V, Petition fur Incorporation. It is a splen- who wear line morn ducements are offered the for ami page engraving. "They yon by Burling- PUBLISHED remedy sleepless irritable be had. ha·» drawn many towns 80 much of good I'll<lo,—commence «new; ton Route. It will read their BT Office-seeking did document. N'ot many Interior and Jesse McDermott another, pay you to of gloves," «lawn Children. The Revise Old l>r. here, but far the are That on th« waking of another advertisement to be found elsewhere In by large&t portion that cau show as good a Documentary a· with two to illustrate WATKIX8, from fUll-length figures, I'll be ao kind, ·ο loving, and bo trae. this issue. >· It. Pitcher, Free and here for and For " G Κ Morphine, pleasure, sight-seeing. can. The next document will enti- not Narcotic. Fryeburg the irresistible poem by Μ. Κ. B." Editor and Proprietor. Formula published there has been a No hiuty word· of scorn «hall pa·· my lip*. l'auiers more bouffant. years past very apparent be from the pen of old 1'areon Fes- tled "A Girl of the Period." Bodflsh also grow with eat h l or wholly I'll heart <0 froin «In «eeiire; bottle. desire on the of to have keep my pure, Flatulency, part many society aenden. The fact wan, he went to the in the num- |ipr a<Minil r the Sour Stomal has three full-page drawings I'll «tand crect where many another «lip*. Fancy Cards. Τ«γτμ«—?-ί·"ΐ» ημ food, h, here more select, and there has evidently of flft> et» General Court aud α Petition that "Hannah's "A And care· with I'll endors. Send a three cent aud your ad- m »Ιτ in ·»<. a ·1*4ϋ01·η forgot ber illustrating Snares," petty patience stamp, ,i.| «:'IftlT a Feverishness, Worms, and disor- ; ·!* m -Bth«. been a determination to this about. " dress to Wiikat BirrKRs 1!» I'ark k.le. If p\ I with·· briug he had in his for one of the and of Co., will \t dered liowi Castoria band-box, ( Sawiug Match," The Storr Maple And now another day liu« come and gone ; of t.«reBt? ή*«· c«wte ls has the have at- Place, New York mentioning this jr u.rtion ol Uk* larg- For years past public receptions so he had to at- City, n«t fti'il t"1 th« *η·Ι towns around there.) explain The letter is I my tired head upon the bed ; »i le. If est sale of article Sugar." press equally lay and receive a set of «111 b* charg«.l. any dispensed by tracted few of those who paper, fancy cards, year :«o dollar· comparatively to t'te General Court, &c., \c. tractive. The are "Two I cannot think of one kind action done, live fl»· MBtl. poems Littlej elegant designs. 9ln(l· Co|>I·· Druggists. consider themselve* the "elite," and rep- " One tender, loving word that I have «aid. Yours Sincerely. Juliet C. Marsh; Behind na- Pilgrims," by White moir· fans are in fashion. representatives of the wi-alth of the John F. Pbatt. How It la to AdT^rtialnx, the Arras, A. 1). 1486," a charming art po- ea*y, lying here, plnn Hat»»· of all It would be but j tion if they attended at " Of noble deed· to do, of pathway* new; is LKOAL 5<»Tt0k». cm by Mrs. Margaret J. Preston ; March,' Am. Wkm. Thai Ends Well.—nrriu a few moments toward the and then And think our life of work ha* Ju*t begun 4:» of ·<· or>p w>ek. |l.cf close, Coi.ony ok tiik MASSACiirsKTTs Bay. t'atlin, Pearl Street, Buffalo, Ν. V. says on# n«*h ·ρβ "Shadow and Echo," " For w»rk, 1Λ celt*. by Kdgar Fawcett; When it may be, for aught wc know, 'limit I tried various y «-h very seldom appeared in the East Room, T<> ihr Honourable Uenrral Court, convened remedies for the pile* but r< r cent. a IdiUoaa!. Mrs. F. Butts ; "Catkins," Mrs. Clara VHi'-p·—β at the 2'J Sov. ..-Inno by by through! found no relief until I used Thomas's ipeci* but would gather in groups In the room II'atrrtmctt, day of Γ*<»Β*ΤΒ Wei De Ihmini 177—: Dotv Bates, and "A Girl of the Period," FBTEBUItr,, Feb. 18, ISrt. Electric On., which entirely cured in·· took Em»»·, «Λ. where the reception proper place. after a few Ν >J ·<· ■·· R*»l Meyer ; The Petition of the subscribers, Inhabi- Μ. Ε. B. The stories include "The applications." .^e·*· by »-V WET DE MEYER S CATARRH one a w I·. This there has been hut public tant* a (»,<<·· ..... 1 M yt-ar of New Township formerly grant- a "The RESOLUTIONS. S >i "ft. Car·, a Constitutional Antidote for Sixpence of Princess," Sawing cheviots are li *n« I JO and to Spring self-covered. *b4 KXMUtor·' NotiC*·, held at the White House, th« General Court of said colony, " -n r»: >r«' thi· terrific reception by I Two Little ι .... 2.1A malady, by Match," How Entertained Notice·. Absorption. sheweth that we " l»m* ««:>·«·«' none at any other place, and we now have Joaeph Frye, Es<|., humbly Ham. ok Kk/.ar Valmcy Lodgk, ) I)r. Pierce's Favorite \1rnlitfri.ii4 SPURTS of ha\e the conditions of Girls," full of charming rcmlnisceuces oi (» rrescription." ».T>"»"Bvl(wililw»l diicniting fully performed I or 0. F., for all those weaknesses to wo- con! β :ed itr courier tb* Mucon«i an and no need ap- peculiar ,!v.· .emenia Suufile», aristoerscy. plebian said Grant in at M. Alcolt an old schoolmate, 18*2. H,· oc eiten Crackling Pain» in the every respect—having Louisa by Lovell, Feb'y l'5, ) is an Distress- aie. ai*». lor th.·»· opyia* who de- men, unequalled remedy. .j." seems to have l»e«n those least families settled on said " Head. Fetid Breath. Donfn·». and ply by sixty-three Club aud A Feb. seusa «pace. "Their Ours," (serial), by At a regular meeting of this Lodge, ing backache and bearing-down ,.«« Catarrhal to coutainiuated Graut who have called and settled »<!v<rl]«inff to tV Γ>ι*<χ-"»ιτ. any Complaint, can be sire keep from being l>y lately " a; lo' Frera the Hudson to the Neva" (se- resolutions were : lions yield to its strength-giving proper- to lont.ng welt eiuMitl.e! exterminated Wei a Learned X Orthodox Minister of the Boy, 2.">, the following adopted -» tie at lb· by Do lu coutact with the horde. Meyer*· coming vulgar of ties. By Druggists. Catarrh Cure. The most Gospel according to the usages of the rial^, by David Ker, "The Story Maple Wiirrkas, It has pleased God In His In- 'Well A Co 10 Sonic· St.. Sew Tork : important Private dinners have taken the of all t.eo. P. Κ since place Churches in this That we labour a of woods' duite Wisdom to again enter our Lodge 1 Pulton St.. *ew ^o'k; J. II Discovery Vaccination. Other Colony. Sugar," delightful piece lore, Solid browns are on new Pm .· Λ ■I are of jet capotes. * M »*etten<l ! rtmodic* relieve public entertainments, and they under various diflicu!ties and disadvant* and remove one of our brothers to the MlMI SdVl ft. may Catarrh. thi* by Rowland E. Robinson, "The Mlsfor- * Ne* Y<»rk: Τ Γ Ktm*. a it is that we .» Pa Κ*, furei at any before occurrence, and on several occa ages, for want of Legal Incorporation Grand Lodge Above, befitting Faded Colors Restored.— Failed or M P.''wt'l*Co. luStttftt, Consump- nightly tunca of Yankee Robinson's by ji... r Μι·· tion »et· in. unable as a to pro- Family," should pause In our deliberation· and sym- gray hair gradually recovers its youthful H '-»c· I» > Μ.'-·»4 Wa*BI»*?.ia Mons the Sabbath ha» been desecrated being corporate society I .· c Μ said Minister Mrs. "What Grandmamma those who s Ν W A»r-A vOn vide Tor the support of our Catherwood, pathize with mourn; therefore, color snd luetre by the use of Parker {> β Μ ι·· One « ith them. V Λ*ο. m Û. S,Jt, package generally t.njftce*. manner the " That In the death of Brother Hair Balsam, an •, A Oui * ο., In the usually practiced by Did," Hannah's Snares," by M. M. B. li'êolrtd. elegant dressing, admired n: *· BoatoB, Ht". Delivered by Drocnist·. or by D. P. The Couveution of the Woman's Chris- several Towns ami Parishes In the Frank W. Μι-Keen. this has. for the for its and rich I Colony aud "A Moan Little Mouse," Mrs.
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