Dttember 18, 1991 Volume XXVU, Number 3 UT.- 5152 ADMINISTRATION.ANNOUNCES sew Student Pleas REVEL CLOSING Fall on Deaf Ears Student Reaction Aggressive by Rachel Schenker Joel Jablonski campus have re­ UlllllJRflll(lUIS S.111 ' The letUll' lllidif!II that "lhe llCllf-- sorted to donning black armbands. city of space, ooupled.· \\11111 ll1eap-­ This article is the first in a two part Flyers comwsed by the "Com­ series. parent disregard that~ iimlea mittee To Save The Bernard Revel are te!)eiving ~ the Graduate School And The Future adminlsmmoo ai:e .... Rumors circulating the of Orthodox Jewish Scholarship" frustration." university for the last week have been posted on bulletin l,,ammof regarding the future of the Bernard boards around sew and YC. They sew stullent'&, Cohen and Revel Graduate School have been pinpoint the various reasons why Goldfedei hope that he, 11$ ·YU confirmed in a statement released they feel BRGS should not be po(icymaker, willeffec:taposltive by Yeshiva University on closed. cliange in the attitude or the Thursday December 12. The Students that are presently administration. Goldfeder said, "I unsigned statement was imprinted enrolled in the graduate school feel that Dr. Lamm has a big on stationery from the office of the system are perhaps most affected responsibility towards us [SCW) in executive vice president. by these proposed changes and are tenns of the Jewish community. Concurrently, an analysis of the expressing sentiments of confusion When prioritizing things, he puts savings in closing BRGS, based on and outrage. Stem at the bottom of the Ii.st when figures released last July in a Shoshana Levine, a first year it comes to the development of fa­ Bernard Revel comparative graduate student at BRGS, cilities. Allowing people to Will this be cancelled as weU? schedule of current fund revenues questions the wisdom and by Cbavie Levine donate money and then sending and expenditures, has been propriety of this decision. "Since those funds Uptown says compiled. when do financial people make move has large implications for Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, something about die value placed The conclusions arrived at in academic decisions? ... It seems Stern itself. "Where will women President of Yeshiva University, on sew students." the analysis are far different than like there wasn't proper have the opportunity to go to learn has failed to respond to a petition Cohen and Goldfeder felt that the ones released in the statement. evaluations ... perhaps they dido 't on a post- graduate level?" drawn up by sew seniors Deena Stern is being denied facilities Reaction to the university's want there to be."She also Similar feelings were voiced by Cohen and Adrienne Goldfeder, which are necessary for its survival latest cutback due to "financial questions where YU's priorities Jeff Saks, also a BROS student. and signed by nearly 400 sew and for the morale of the students. reason~''._ll;is_l,.e_i,n ... vo~if_<,!oll~---Jie_,__u:ri,_.,_re'_s 11Iac~ng. of ideals, "Revel represents the best students, which he received Students are beiJig deprived ofboth Petitions are currently circulating and pure focus on the financial manifestation of all that YU stands approximately two weeks ago. academic and nonacademic both the uptown and midtown aspect. What does that tell us? for. It is a great irony that the only Motivated by endless resources which are readily·· carnpuses,anditishopedthatmore What are they telling us about Jewish university in the history of frustrations, and supported by the available for their Yeshiva College than five hundred signatures will priorities? That the lowest of their the golah ( diaspora) should not student body, Cohen and counterparts Uptown. Their be collected. priorities is.Jewish Education?" offer a degree in Jewish studies ... Goldfeder, through their petition, assertion is that students suffer More than 300 students on the Furthermore, she notes that this Continued on pg. 16 have taken a move to combat what academically due to inadequate they feel is a double standard being study space provided. Cohen said exhibited by Yeshiva University. that she, at times, has had no Follow-Up to Facilities Meeting Scheduled They have appealed to Dr. Lamm alternative but to resort to slUdying in a letter in which they refer to on the library floor-

YU Revelations Governing Board 11 is too early to fairly judge Jewish Studies Department are the ramifications of the closing Revel graduates. We will cher­ RACHEL SCHENKER of the Bemartl Revel Graduate ish their wools and ideas, know­ Editor-in-Chief School, or the motives behind ing that they are the last genera­ the decision. The proposed tion of scholars who were edu­ BANJI LA TKIN restrucuring is clearly inad­ cated, beyond the undergradu­ ADEEV A LAY A GRAUBARD D'VORA LAUER Contributing Editor equate, leaving a huge void in are level, in the finest traditions Executive Editor Managing Editor the world of Torah Study. of Torah U'Madda. Who will Is Torah U'Madda only a teach our children? Graduates of SUSAN BAHN TIKV AH BEN ZVI MIRIAM BACON theory. never to be put into Columbia, NYU, Harvard ALYSSA HERMAN Cultural Arts Editor MALKA FOGEL practice? Are we to take all that Theological Seminary? News Edilors F eatuns Eduors makes Yeshiva University what Rumors have it that every ef­ it is and what it should be and fort is being made to keep Revel YEHUDIT MOSKOWITZ OFIRAKATZ JUDY DICK subvert it for the sake of finan­ in operation as it has existed pre­ Sports Editor CHANNIE WEISS Ari Editor cial gain? Where are we to rum? viously. We can only hope that Layout Editors And more importantly. to where this is the case, and that these are !he students of tomorrow to effons will succeed. We believe JASMINE CONEN SYLVIA HABER look for knowledge? the future of Kial Yisrael de­ ELYSE FEINTUCH YAEL NUSBAUM Thirteen out of twenty six pends on it. Photography Editors Business Managers members of Stern College's Kudos To TAC Yasher Koach to the Torah But now it's time to move on­ Activities Council for picking wards and upwards. Many other up the slack in the recycling recyclable items are being flung efforts in the sew building. thoughtlessly into garbage bins. The recycling of cans and Newspapers, writing paper and boctles is a worthwhile and rela­ styrofoam cont~iners are among Readers are encouraged lo submit letters lo the Editor. It should be remembered that the opinions expressed in these letters reflect tively painless way of contrib­ the many items that should and only the vi,wi of the signers and are IWI necessarily endorsed by THE OBSERVER, the studtnt body, the faculty or administration of uting what we can to environ­ can be recycled. We owe it to the YU. Readers are invilld lo respond to these letters as well mental protection. as well as environment, to ourselves and to to do whatever they can to conven provocation. contributing the monies earned the future to get our act together. Koch Auditorium into a real the­ Unlike their parents' genera­ to a worthy cause. Cast is Missing ater. tion, my folks never stressed the _ .. Obviously,. SCDS .does.. not re­ singular. urgency of.wearing clean noverttowairrg_,_, __ ceive enough support from !he ad­ underwear, in case there should be SCWSupport ' ministration. We are never given an accident, I shouldn't, G-d for­ permanent facilities and never bid, be seen on the six o'clock To the Editor: given Koch to use exclusively. news in soiled BVD's. Somehow In The Library I feel that in my last two years However, SCDS can't fight for I've learned the value of donning as a student in sew as an actress Many students are precluded to stow your belongings, locker more equitable treatment from the freshly laundered undergarments in the Stern College Dramatics from using the library because are available for use on many floo administration unless we have the as part of my daily routine even Society there has been a definite we all tend to refrain from plop­ of the building. But if you are try student suppon to back us up. At without special prodding. lack of student support and appre­ ping ourselves down al a desk ing to save yourself a seat for th this point, we just don't have it. These all valuable lessons, ciation of the annual SCDS play. are on which lies a pile of books late hours rush, keep in mind tha This year, SCDS is proud to among the many that parents im­ 3nd jacket, either from com­ Last year in particular, SCDS pre­ a there are many other students wh present The Importance of Being part to their sons and daughters. It will be inconvenienced by this self sented Tartuffe. Not only did we rt1on courtesy or fear of retribu- Earnest by Oscar Wilde. We are is not "understandable" by virtue 1ion. serving action for the intermediat receive a fabulous review in the only performing four nights this of their manhood, some men act Please. if you need a place hours of the day. OBSERVER, but most people year, December 19. 21, 22 and 23 like boors, nor is it understandable who saw the play loved it and at 8:00 pm each night. Midterms that men, as a class, generally act couldn't stop raving about it. Out will be over by then, so there is no rudely. Politeness is not a uniquely of five performances, including feasible excuse for more Stern stu­ feminine obligation; nor is cour­ four sold out nights, the total num­ dents not to show up this year. Two ber of people in the audience was tesy the exclusive domain of hours of lighthearted, witty Britjsh approximately 540. However, out "ladyhood." People, irrespective comedy is not too much to ask from of those 540 people, no more than of gender, ought to be nicer to, and students. This year, SCDS s striv­ 160 of those were Stem students. more considerate of, one another. ing for four sold out nights. Hope­ Only 30% of our total audience There are many genuine issues fully, out of 690 enrolled students, came from the students of our of gender inequality that ought we will see more that 160 of them; school! Out of approximately 675 rightly to be considered and ~d­ hopefully, we will receive more students enrolled at the time, only dressed by the men and women of visible student suppon. 23% saw the play! These figures YU. Surely we do not need to con­ are astounding. Why don't more coci others. Kayla Kaplan of our own students see the play? SCDS vice-president, '91-'93 Many of the excuses given include David Matkowsky SSSB,'93 poor scheduling of he play or that YC '91 the students themselves "just don't have the time." I don't buy these What Makes a Lady? To the Editor: excuses. The real reason is that To the Editor: Reminder... To All Alumni ... students don't care enough and that is disgusting. The same Though I found Banji D. I was extremely perturbed by If you've not yet paid your '91·'92 Latkin's article "Act Like a Lady" women who wouldn't miss a the anicle entitled "Act Like a entenaining, 1 was disturbed by the membership dues, this will be the last Chagiga. shiur or guest speaker Lady" in the last issue of the OB­ find it acceptable to miss a play. characterization of "feminine val­ SERVER. It is offensive that the SCDS is as worthy of the students' ues" and their implicit inapplicabil­ author, who is apparently embar­ copy of The OBSERVER that you receive. ity to men. patronage as those other honor­ rassed of being part of the female Dues: $25 per year or $225 Life able extracurricular events. We When I was a lad, my mommy gender, pleads with" us to be "la­ and daddy trained me to be polite, perform play well established in dylike." As for !he details, I agree Membership, payable in 3 installments. the literary world and we employ mind my manners, attend to my that we should change our under­ personal hygiene and not to hit or professional to make our produc­ wear daily, but that is a basic con- Make all checks payable to SCAA. tions lavish and memorable, and spit on people without proper Continued on pg. 3, col. 3 UTuvel' '575'.2 THE OBSEltVER' p. 3' From The Editor's Desk: Continued from pg. Z dishonest would be anti-Semitic. not "grow up" to be like the!ti. is Keeping Our Options Open To observe the way individuals AishetChayil Mi Yimtza a rhetori­ cept in hygiene and has nothing to behaved in a shoe store and see lhat cal question? by Rachel Schenker field of chinuch, and thus better Whether we find her do with being ladylike. For that as a reflection on serve Jewish communities around the larger group or not. she is something worth matter .. are men who observ.e this from which they come is e,µiibit• "When god closes a door he opens the world. striving lo' be. practice being ladylike'! Saying ing a prejudice, in this case sexism. a window." - The Sound of Music Toward that end, the proposed please and thank you is a matterof Si nee the author mentioned the Rodgers and Hammerstein's master's program emphasizes tex­ Kesari Ruza social courtesy. Does it make a notion of embarrassment, I would SCW'93 comment anticipated an unfortu­ tual study in a beit midrash envi­ difference who you are? As for like to mention !hat these views are nate assumption that many people ronment. Women interested in this crossing legs, not only can it be expressed in a newspaper repre­ are presumptuously making. This program will not focus on the ex­ Who's to blame very uncomfortable at times senting a women's college. association is simply a matter of tra- textual approach, which is (especially if you are short), but 1 can tell that the author is "not poor timing, but nevertheless Revel' s distinct forte. for Violence? modem science has proven that it a feminist by any means." She needs to be combatted. It is unfortunate that both

Chanukah At YU Historical Overview Of Torah U'Madda Celebration at the Chanukah Chagiga past talks on Torah U'Madda and by the choir and two dance by Tifanie Levy first, understanding G-d's creation by Chani Pearlman sew were favorably received by both presentations. In addition, TAC's in Madda terms and even applymg SCW students and faculty. They chinese auction succeeded in rais­ As part of the ongoing Torah non-Jewish knowledge is not for­ The annual Chanukah Chagiga will be followed up later in the year ing over $1000 for charity. U'Madda project founded by eign to Jewish thought. "I came out took place under the balloon- filled with several more talks dealing Students enjoyed the Chagiga, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, Stem with an understanding that there JS ceiling of Koch Auditorium on with specific Torah U'Madda is­ Tuesday December the third which was coordinated by College was privileged to host no objective value to the pursuit of 3, sues. night of Chanukah. Over Lieberstein and Lori Abramowitz. Rabbi Tzvi Flaum in speeches on knowledge for its own sake." said 200 According to Nancy students participated in the ·Many felt that it was a welcome November 18 and 25, addressing Sally Rosen, an sew sophomore, Wasserman, a student who celebration, and the festivities diversion to the pressures of the true understanding of Torah "It must always have a goal, of recently transferred to sew, one, continued past midnight with an midterms. Lieberstein called the U'Madda. understanding Torah better, or of "learned that many [exegetes and impromptu kumsitz. Chagiga a huge success and Flaum demonstrated that the a parnassah (livelihood.)" commentators] believed that The evening's entertainment attributed it to the fact that, "at least concept can be traced back to Har Attended by I 00 students, the learning secular studies is included comedy sketches by Beth once a year all the different parts Sinai. "The school," said Flaum, first lecture focused on the basis of important and that part of your Lieberstein and Michal Schwartz, of Stem College can come together "has a certain underlying hashkafa Torah U'Madda, while the second Torah learning is secular studies." a special Chanukah performance and h,ive fun." (outlook) which the student body lecture, attended by 70 women is not always exposed to." 'Through addressed many problematic areas Flaum added, "perhaps [ these tracing numerous Judaic sources, in the study of art and philosophy. lectures] will whet students' Flaum showed that although the Due to the historical overview, curiosity to do more research on acquisition of Torah should come these lectures were unique from this topic." Israel Theme of SCW Joint Clubs Shabbaton by Susan Kriegsman upon his return from a Washing­ on a source at the Israeli embassy. ton meeting with President Bush. Conen reported that Shamir stated A record number of students Upon the approach of Shamir's that one of the highlights of his attended the Shabbaton, sponsored motorcade, the flag- waving and visit to Manhattan was his wel­ Beth Liebersuin rapping a1 the Chanukah Chagiga. by NYSIPAC, Israel Club, and sign- bearing students began to come by YU students. O Chug Aliyah, which took place on sing Israeli songs. The Prime For Shabbat, Michael Freund. Minister responded positively and a graduate of Princeton Sh 2 YU and Russian Jews are m ~~~:;t~h; :2:~k~:~da~:r~~~::: with friendliness to the contingent University's Woodrow Wilson • over 140 YU students. The of students. While at first he waved School for International Affairs, Ch anu ka h C e I e b ra tIOn culminating event was to have to the group from the entrance of came as the guest speaker. Freund . . been a trip to hear Prime Minister by Rena Maslansky Congregatton Kesher Israel of Shamir speak on Saturday night. Harnsburg, Pennsylvania _... The Shabbaton, orig_inally . .. A11.. intergenefaff6narYU:c·-proceeoeoTo.. enreffiiinth,,aou11s By p;ogrammed by the scwsc for Russian Chanukah Chag,ga performmg cantonal selecnons the weekend of November 15-16, encompassing several events was and singing traditional Hebrew and was rescheduled during October held on Sunday December 8. The Y1dd1sh songs. when it was made known that a gathering, which was sponsored by For the Russian children, a block of the JCRC issued tickets theJewishCommunityCouncilof somewhat different form of were available through USA Washington Heights, the YC entertainment was offered. The Likud. David Borowich Vice­ Philanthropy Society, and SCW's children participated in a carnival President of YCSC I 9'90-91, Torah Activities Council, was held run by SCW students. The cannval approached SCWSC President in Weissberg Commons on theJoel featured booths which Susan Schlussel with this Jablonski campus. encompassed the theme and spirit information. Though only I 03 Rabbi Zevulun Charlop. Jean of of Chanuk_ah. . tickets were available through this YU's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Followmg the carnival and the channel, a small number of Theological Seminary. first speakers, the Russian adults and additional tickets were later his hotel, after consulting with his works in the office of the Israeli addressed the Russian adults on the children, together with SCW and obtained by Borowich through the security guards he directly ap­ Ambassadorto the United Nations, topic of"Contemporary Miracles." YC stu_dents. shared 10 a IDF to satisfy the wide student proached the students. Shamir where he helps write and edit the Rabbi Heshie Reichman, Rosh celebration of food, son_g and demand. Because of this, most of shook hands with them and Israeli government's literature and Yeshiva at RIETS, then delivered dance. The event ended with the the students who were on the expressed thanks for their effort. speeches. His presentation gave a an invocation. and a menorah was showing of segments from the waiting list were able to receive According to NYSJPAC factual analysis of. ihe Mideast lit. movie "Fiddler on the Roof." tickets for the address. treasurer Jasmine Conen, ·who peace conference as the Israeli Cantor Seymour Rockoff of On Friday afternoon, a group of helped organize the Shabbaton, the government views it. To Friday afternoon rally was a once 25 YU students welcomed Shamir Continued on pg, 10 Wine and Cheese in the Political Arena in a lifetime experience. Relying by Rachel Acriche and Bauzon briefly introduced the Helene Masliah courses he will be teaching. He stressed that he eagerly anticipates On Thursday, November 14, teaching in what the outside world Senate Update the Political Science Society of perceives as the special and unique SCW and YC held a wine and Yeshiva University environment. On Wednesday, December 4th, ing the midterm return policy A second issue on the agenda chee\e party for political science Originally from the Philippines, the Stern College Senate recon­ raised at the last meeting, Rabbi focused on the need to revise the major" and minors. and other Bauzon is a specialist in the study vened for their second meeting of Kanarfogel and Dean Bacon in­ current school constitution. It has "politiphiles." Over forty students of both third world countries and the semester. Representatives from formed those present that faculty been brought to the Senate's atten­ were in allenJancc. Islamic Fundamentalism. the faculty included Dr. Evelyn members have been contacted and tion by Dean Jaskoll, Associate The purpo\C of the meeting was Bauzon will begin teaching Cohen, Dr. Miriam Grosof, Dr. plans are being implemented to Dean of the Sy Syms School of to introduce a new mcmher of the next semester at Yeshiva College. Meir Havatzelet, Rabbi Ephraim rectify the situation. The responses Business, that many articles are facult), Dr. Kenneth Bauzon. and sew students, who will not have Kanarfogel and Dr. Charles Raffel. elicited from the professors have outdated. Student senators have to familian1.e the ~tudenh with the Bauzon as a teacher in the Dean Karen Bacon attended on been quite reassuring to the stu­ agreed to delineate these sections department. Department chair Dr. immediate future. expressed inter­ behalf of the Dean's office. dents' concerns. They understand and bring the constitution more up Ruth Bevan pre\idcd over the est in his topic of discussion and Student senators included newly the need to have midterms returned to date. mcetmg. 01llcr faculty members in hope that Bauzon will be joining elected Judith Schlussel, within a reasonable date and have Plans are also being discussed attendance indudcd Dl.'an Hecht. the sew faculty in short order. Freshman; Sophomore Melissa agreed to reconstruct the format of to have student representation from \.\ho i"' abo the YU pre-law advi­ SCW junior Fortune Harari as­ Gable; Senate Chairperson, Junior their tests, reducing the number of SSSB for the next semester's ,,_or, and political :,,,cicnce instruc­ serted that Bauzon would "add a Ann Diamant; and Senior Estee hours required in grading. In one senatorial sessions. to" Dr. Blanche Blank and Dr. new dimension that would comple­ Hecht. class a teacher's aid has beeri Bernard Fires1one. ment the existing sew faculty." In a follow up session regard- provided to help grade papers. 'UTevet 5752

column he has been writing for the pay attention to her day-to-day Times' sop-«I page since 1987, has safety, for amongst developing YU Takes countries she is an unparalleled provided Rosenthal, a journalist for over forty years, with a vehicle to political, military, and economic assert his impressions and convic-­ target. tions. For the latter balance of his Part In· In his discourse, entitled "Israel presentation, Rosenthal discussed - Suicide or Survival," Rosenthal the Middle East as it emerged from discussed his column with specific the Gulf War and the peace regard to Israel. Rosenthal, who process. He believes that Saddam Model UN has dedicated many columns to Hussein, who was allowed to remain at the helm in Iraq, does no1 by Pearl Kaplan Israel and Jewish affairs and has become a known champion of recognize defeat and will devOle first the remainder of his life to A group of five sew and three these causes, noted that when given the column he did not know reestablishing his influence. YC students played the role of llo•enlhal poses w/Jh stwknt koder11. ' these topics. Looking towards the future,. Nicaragua at this year's first Model that he would address professional Rosenthal sees the potential and United Nations Conference held As he explained, his His interest and experience bad prima­ even likelihood of the fonnation of November 21-24 at the University Rosenthal Speaks rily been in Asia and Eastern Eu­ a bond of convenience between of Pennsylvania. At the rope. Iran and Iraq. Conference, sponsored by the U of Mind to YU Audience He lraCed the evolution of bi& Syria, whose troops "stood gal­ P International Affairs by Alyssa Derman students to influential people and growing preoccupation with lsnel lllntly by" during the battle, bu Association, university students At times i)eing journalistically thereby foster debate perceived as to a thought which struck him as ~n repaid by the U.S. with po­ from across the United States and correct "was not terribly good for healthy for a college campus. In the he delivered a speech to a diplo­ hllcal acceptance. Case in point, Canada represented different my blood pressure or my future the group even intends to matic core. This group, composed Rosenthal presented, Syria re­ countries and simulated a typical disposition." With this personal sponsor speakers who fundamen­ of seventy- five international am­ ceived thanks for orchestrating Ille UN session. remark, A.M:. Rosenthal, former tally disagree with the ideals es­ bassadors were predominantly release of hostage Terry Anderson The objective of the symposium executive eJltor and current con­ poused by the YU community. from small countries created after while her government could have is to provide those who attend with tributing columnist to The New Introduced by YCSC President World War II by "the imagination used its influence earlier and has an opportunity to grapple firsthand York Times, set the tone for the David J. Kay, Rosenthal promptly of colonial administrators." These ev"!l been connected to the hostage with the controversial issues and address he delivered to an audience responded, "A.M. Rosenthal - countries, by and large, had neither takmg groups. Evidenced by the problems facing the world today. which filled Belfer Hall on what a silly name that is!" a national history before indepen­ cases of Hussein and Nasser, It serves as a forum which allows Wednesday evening, December 4. Revealing that his first name is dence, historic boundaries, nor a Rosenthal views US appeasement students to participate in Rosenthal 'Vas invited by the Abraham, he explained that years common language. Nevertheless, as a mistake. comprehensive and constructive President's Circle as part of a new ago this Biblical name was not their right to exist is recognized by Rosenthal then described open dialogue while gaining an endeavor to llring speakers to YU perceived to "sit well" on a by-line the greater world community. Washington's current attitude to­ appreciation for the weight of that will prompt further of a national newspaper and was They are treated with dignity even wards Israel, particularly during global relations. examinatio!l of commonly held therefore initialized. He noted that though they are powerless and de­ the loan guarantee debate and the From the fourteen committees axiomatic b~liefs on the part of this decision was .ironically made spite the fact that many are ruled peace process, as icy, impatient, included in the Model UN, YU students ..... by lower ranking Jewish editors by oppressive dictatorships. rude and even hostile. He asserted · stodentssaron-seven--the5enerat · The President's Circle chose embarrassed by the name. Only Israel, Rosenthal asserted, that as far as 11e·coold discover, the Assembly Plenary, and the legal, Rosenthal to ;,ddress YU based on Rosenthal proceeded to relay which stands in contradistinction three way loan linkage was Bush­ economic and financial, special a popular response to a the frustration he felt as a news to the aforementioned countries, is Baker inspired, and not demanded political, social/cultural and questionnaire sent to student reporter and editor, bound to subject to ceaseless vilification and by the Arabs. humanitarian, environment, and· leaders ovet the summer. The remain objective and therefore ever present threats of annihilation. Rosenthal believes that before human rights committees. myths group's goal in inviting speakers refrain from expressing personal Rosenthal concluded that peace is achieved, several These delegations followed such as Ro,enthal is to expose opinion. "On My Mind,", the proponents of Israel must actively Cofflinudonn. 6 strict guidelines determining the format and content of the dialogues. The issues to be deliberated, the option of Global Markets Addressed commentary on the discussion. the countries allowed and time limit for presentation, were only several at Mitsui Forum of the stages that required a by Tova Jaffe In most countries, he explained, the complete vote before reaching the How does a large corporation product is sold based on the con­ stage of discussion itself. After the gain a global perspective and deal cept that having dandruff in embar­ conclusion of the· individual with the glol?al market? Over one rassing. In many Arab countries committee · meetings, the hundred YU students and guests this approach would simply not resolutions proposed in each were heard Mr. Durk Jager, an appeal to its audience because the brought forth before the General Executive Vice President of men and women fully cover their Assembly and a deciding vote was Procter & ciamble, address this heads. P & G overcame this diffi­ cast. issu.; at The Mitsui International culty by having their advertise­ At the conference's opening Business FCirum. The "Forum, mentsaddresstheproblemofitchy ceremonies, Frank J. Gaffney Jr., sponsored by the Sy Syms School scalps. the Director of the Center for of Business And The Mitsui USA Summarizing his lecture, Mr. Security Policy, addressed the Foundation was held in Koch Jager emphasized both the students. Gaffney, also a former Auditorium On December 11. similarities of consumers world US Assistant Secretary of Defense, Educated iii Holland, Jager held wide and the importance ..of not spoke of issues concerning Israel various int~tnational positions ignoring each individualized local and the Middle East. He expressed within the l'>rocter & Gamble market.Questionsdealingwiththe his opposition to a "Land For organization before acquiring his marketing, recruitment and Peace" policy and presented a present respo!\sibility of managing production issues with which P & favorablevie~oflsrael. Gaffney's the entire United States market of G is involved were then posed to remarks sparked strong and the firm. the speaker by Jacob Bums, Marcy predominantly vehement negative Jager acc~ted P & G's world Syms and several YU students. response from the body of wide succes~ to the company's Syms statement that she students. ' commitment to developing "thoroughly enjoyed the speech" MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET The issues addressed at the products and tnarketing tools with was shared by seemingly everyone When students discovered lhat Olanukah's traditional celebralion the specific illtent to use them glo- in attendance. Many also conference were ones of at would be altered due to the recently redecorated ftont lounge, bally. But, sll'l,ssed the Jager, they expressed the pleasantness of the sew international controversy and THE OBSERVER volunteered its office to store as much furniture as debate. The topics ranged from must target aAd tailor the technol- dinner that was held in connection was necessary to make the lounge usable for the mitzva of pirsumei Apartheid and the Arab-Israel ogy and adveJ'tisements to distinc- with the event. The sushi served in to men, without whom OOlle conflict to legal aspects of AIDS live regions. 'this point was illus- honor of the'global theme was an nisa. A special thank you OUR miracle and the external debt crisis in third trated with th~ method used by the . especially interesting experience to of the students' pleas would have been answered, and one of the es­ missing. ,Continued on pg. 15 firm to sell "fl:ead and Shoulders." many YU students. sential components of Olanukah would have been I TAC's Top Programs Lights In Action by lmlcha Rosen for Jewish causes. A coat and blan­ gratirude to America.by singing the of Jewish student. Torah learning, Tzedal.ah and ket drive was conducted earlier in National Anthem. They then sat A group of Stem College stu­ G,·milut Ckasadim are the three the semester, through which many down for the kumsitz. dents conceived of the idea, and major categories of the Torah coals were distributed to Jewish sew junior Hindy Gidali com­ many people contributed to its ac­ Activities Council's programs for poor in New Ymt City. mented that many non-affiliated tualization. Much of the initial the year 57-52. Headed by The lively auction at the Jews seemed affected by this planning and organizing was done President Faith Chudnoff. the December 4th Chanukah Chagiga unique experience, as many of the by Glazer, L-E Kagan, Miriam various officers and committees raised over $1,000, and a raffle at non-Jews actively participated m Hammer, Malkie Russ, Jasmine are busy throughout the week the Chanulcah Concert is hoped to the festivities and ceremonies. Su­ Conen, Judy Blum.and sew planning and implementing raise substantial funds as well. san Bahn, a senior at SCW. re­ alumna Elana Goldscheider. Many clothing drives, shiurim. hospital These monies are distributed to marked that it was "eye-opening" other students, including YC various organizations in need of visitations and various other event~ to see the respect and admiration students, contributed time and support, including Tomchei and programs. displayed by the non-Jews for this effort. The organizers contacted Shabbos, which provides Shabbos Each week, signs can be seen positive demonstration of Jewish fellow students and representatives throughout Stern College food for needy families, as well as Sam Michelson, David Borowich culture. on approximately fifteen college annOl;-ncing various shiurim. many other institutions in the and Jonathan Paley light menorah Themes mentioned by speakers campuses, made fliers, visited United States and Israel. In al Washington Square Park. Every Monday night, Rabbi Tzvi throughout the evening included campuses, acquired a pennit, sent Flaum speaks to students in a addition, a canned food collection by Mali Adler the right of any minority to express out press releases, arranged radio is being planned for the upcoming packed Orange Lounge about a itself proudly, unwavering air time and put the program months, with the cans to be shipped Torah issue of interest to SCW On December 8th, the lights of commitment to Israel, and the together in a week and hat f. to needy Jews in Kiev. women; topics have included a Chanukah and the sounds of Jew- importance of Jewish identity. Money for expenses came out two-part series on Torah U 'Madda TAC sees non-financial help ish rejoicing transformed one sec- "Lights in Action" was of the organizer's own pockets. and support as a paramount need and a shiur on the holiday of lion of Washington Square Park. designed as a project to attract all although they stress that they were as well. Three nights a week, a Chanukah. Speakers from outside Approximately 200 students gath- types of Jews to gather and express greatly assisted by donations in group of students visits Jewish Stem, including Rabbi Michael ered to celebrate the last night of Jewish pride. It was partly inspired many areas. such as photocopying. Rosensweig. an instructor at patients at Beth Israel Hospital. A Chanukah with pride and unity. by a pamphlet written by Zev food, menorahs, and a band. sew RIETS. and storyteller Rabbi new program has begun in which Most were from Yeshiva Maghen entitled How to Fight provided transportation. _ Hanoch Teller, also give lectures sew women deliver kosher food University. but others came from Anti-Semitism, which suggested The organizers emphasized that on the average of twice a month. to patients al the New York Columbia, NYU and various other that instead of apologetic a vital component of the program There are also many learning University Hospital a few times a universities. Surrounded by responses to specific anti-Semitic was the outreach to unaffiliated programs organized by the week. The Home Hospitality com­ onlookers. many of them non- attacks, Jews should find positive Jews. They also appreciated the students. A shiur in Parshat mittee always has an open home Jewish, the students sang, danced, ways to express their pride. As HaShama is given by a student at which out-of-town and foreign YU turnout, because they were the lit the menorah, and gathered on SCW junior Chaya Batya Glazer, core group that created the every Wednesday night in the students can stay for Shabbos. thegroundforacandle-litkumsitz. one of the program's organizers, dormitory Beil Midrash. On In conjunction with Yeshiva environment. They stressed the The night began with song and explained, "Jewish unity should Tuesday evenings. Chug Aliyah and University Students for importance of active involvement, dance, followed by candlelighting. not be a forced expression; it conducts a Hebrew-language Spiritual Revival, about thirty and urged that students become After the central menorah was lit, should be something we initiate on discussion of Nechama SCW students ran a Chanukah involved in forthcoming events. small groups of students lit ourown." Because the idea was to Leibowitz 's insights on the weekly Carnival in Belfer Hall for Soviet "Lights in Action" is now menorahs that surrounded the area, appeal to all types of Jews, the portion. In addition, Binah immigrant children. Kippah gathering input from other then continued the celebration. project remained apolitical and Yeteirah, a student-run weekly decorating, a "Chanukah Gell" campuses regarding new ideas, and Later, the students expressed unaffiliated. Offers of sponsorship publication on'forah thoughts, ~game ancl__:rh~ow:~he_:_SJ)O-ng_<,'.at:~ plans to run another function by devotion to-brad by -singing - -by ·various organizations were draws articles on the parsha or the King-Antiochus were among the Tu-B'Shvat at the latest. current holiday from the student exciting booths at the carnival, Hatikvah, and allegiance and rejectedsoasnottocutoffanytype community. There is a possibility which the youngsters thoroughly that an annual Torah journal, enjoyed. containing more lengthy and in­ Asked how she evaluates Rabbis Speak On Halachic depth articles, will be initiated later TAC's progress this semester. in the school year. Council President Faith Chudnoff Signs calling for the collection feels TAC has been very Aspects of the Workplace of aluminum cans can be seen all successful, but stresses that "we are over the Stem buildings; this col­ always looking for more by Yaffa Cheslow wearing a kippah is not an abso­ problem of Maarit Ayin (appear­ lection is just one of the many cam­ peopie ... there is always room for lute halachic requirement, rather it ing to be violating ha/acha). paigns TAC runs to raise money new ideas.·· Rabbi Yosef Blau and Rabbi is a custom that has been widely Next, Willig discussed what Mordechai Willig, led a discussion accepted and thus achieved the one may. eat in a non-kosher about Jewish Law as it applies to status of a positive commandment restaurant. The most preferable A. M. Rosenthal Speaks business on Wednesday, Nov. 20. One is not required to incur a choice is a wrapped kosher meal. Continued from pg. 5 The event was sponsored by Sy monetary loss greater than one­ If this is not possible, issues like Sym •s School ofBusiness and took must first be dispelled. These in­ peaee or war. fifth in order to fulfill a positive non-kosher utensils and bishul clude recognition that Israel is not Upon the conclusion of his place in Rubin Shu!, with over 80 commandment. Willig presented akum (food preparation by a non­ the source of all Mideast conflicts speech, Rosenthal took questions YC, sew and SSSB students numerous applications of this Jew) make ordering from the menu attended. and that the Jordan is a Palestinian and answers fonn the audience on concept to the kippah. · For problematic. It is best to order state. The Palestinians, however, various issues including Sununus 's Laizer Komwasser. president of example, one may be presented kosher food that is served whole, should seek autonomy within resignation, Syria's immunity SSSB Student Association, with two job offers, one which such as a canned soda or fresh fruit Judea, Samaria and Gaza and es­ from prosecution of the Pan Am introduced the two speakers. Blau allows the wearing of the kippah According to Rabbi Moshe tablish an economic confederation bombing, the sinking of the U.S. was called upon first to present the and one that does not. If the latter lsserles, kosher food served on a with Jordan. Libeny ship. During this session he two topics of conversation: offers a salary that is 20% higher cold non-kosher dish is permissible Rosenthal cautioned the also described his relationship with wearing a kippah and eating in than the former, one is permitted on an occasional basis, once in 30 audience that during· this crucial co-worker Anthony Lewis and the non-kosher restaurants. to accept the second job and days. The reason for this is that era, .. as Americans and American objectivity of the Times" news One of Blau's key points was remove his kippah at work. taste cannot be transferred without Jew's. neither be ashamed of your coverage of Israel. that an individual who goes out Willig prefaced the second heat. The stringency of only voice nor try to mute it." He Prior lo the discourse, student into the business world is a topic by stating, "To go out allowing this practice occasionally warned them not to refrain from leaders joined President's Circle representative for religious socially to a non-kosher restaurant was imposed so that people would confronting the President and members to dinner with Rosenthal. Judaism. He has the potential to is prohibited." He added that it is not oecome accustomed to using popular American opinion. Circle member Shalom Lamm as­ perform a Kiddush Hashem preferable not to enter such a this leniency. Willig added that one Explaining that he is not a serted that at this meeting (sanctification ofG-d's name), but restaurant for business purposes. should refuse hot coffee or tea learned or religious man Rosenthal expressed an over­ also runs the risk of causing a However. as in the case of the since they are almost always and does not quote the Bible often. whelming feeling of being at Chilul Hashem (desecration of G­ kippah, a foreseeable significant served in non-kosher earthenware. Rosenthal ended his presentation home. At a reception following his d's name.) monetary loss permits business Willig again stressed the idea ciling Psalms verse 122: "Pray for discourse he expressed pride in the Willig then responded to meetings to be held in non-kosher that one going out into the business the peace of Jerusalem; may they intelligent young audience. sew specific questions about the two restaurants, under certain condi­ world represents Orthodox pro,per who love you. Peace be Junior Aliza Rachlin commented topics. He began with a statement tions. Willig po~ted out that today Judaism. He concluded with the with.in your walls and security "while the infonnation Rosenthal about the kippah, which he tenned in Manhattan since it is well known remark, "I hope that all ofus going w1th11.1 your towers." He asserted provided was not novel, I found the "a very touchy issue for people that such meetings often take place out into the workplace will be that thi~ ~0..1! can only he realized personal account of his gradual because it is often the first crisis." in non-kosher restaurants, a Jew, mikadesh shem Hashem bi-rabim with thl: help of friends who do not evolution into an advocate for Is­ He presented Rabbi Moshe provided that he is dressed in (sanctifying G-d's name in tum away. whether it be a time of rael particularly interesting." Feinstein's approach to the prob­ "business garb," can enter such a public.)" lem. Rabbi Feinstein held that restaurant without confronting the ,,,,~,

Freud's Real Fixa_tion by Sara Klein One of Gamwell 's students, psychoanalitic/historical theories Jewish observance and cultural a sentence or two in ~ case& however, noticed these objects, and about Moses, the Jews, and Jewish identity. He generally did "I have sacrificed a great deal about how the object ~!ales to upon closer examination, they were Judaism. not believe that ritual performance for my collection of Greek and Freud's theory of peycholiDalyais. identified as Kiddush gobleLs. The exhibit reveals that Freud, had a place in a modem society, Egyptian antiquities, and actually Some interesting examples of Gamwell was already aware that surrounded by his various statues but did take a strong interest in have read more archaeology than this include a statue of the Sphinx Freud had a Rembrandt entitled of pagan deities ( discussed below), cultural Judaism and in defining psychology." with Oedipus, re~ting the 'The Jews in the Synagogue" and a would look up and see an angry his roots, as did many other Believe it or pot, this is a Oedipus story of Clastical rare medieval menorah, but the Moses staring down at him. The German and Austrian Jews of his direct quote from Sigmund mythology which, of COW'lle, gave discovery of these ritual objects implications of this are not day. rise to Freud's theory of the Freud, the Father of Modern prompted her to return to Freud's insignificant, as Freud seemed to ~ «Oedipal Conflictt Also IIIIIOIII! ' Psychology. It becomes crucial, study in London and search for have highly ambivalent feelings ,I the illlDlS is a statue of Erna, tile then, to explore Freud's world of further Judaica with Braunstein. about his Judaism. On one hand, i Classical god oflove, which Freud antiquities in order to better The two women were not his collection included a ,t had equaled in one of his~ understand him and his theories. disappointed. Twenty new objects Bavli, a bible inscribed by his r widllhelifeinsdn/=tandlllelilmJo. The Jewish Museum has were added to the exhibit as a result father in Hebrew, a letter of praise : -1y referred to by. blin as done just this. A fascinating of their trip. Although only two of to Theodore Herzl, and a postcard Ille "id." Freud's passionfordream exhibit, "The Sigmund Freud these antiques are actually from of the Arch of Titus sent to a friend analysis and his C010p1W1g ii to the Antiquities: Fragments from a Israel, they all carry a Semitic or from Rome, on which Freud deroding of hieroglyphics is also Buried Past," has managed to Jewish ceremonial theme and raise proudly wrote "The Jew survives accounted for in his collection. An shed some light on this interesting questions about Freud it!". Also, a variety of his quotes Egyptian statue of Imhotcp, the previously little known aspect of and his Judaism. displayed very effectively on the ancient architect, scribe and Freud's life. Among the objects is a wallmounts throughout the exhibit physician associated with the The idea for the exhibit thirteenth-century, Ashkenaz indicate a staunch pride in his interpretation of dreams, is present originated when Susan menorah, one of the earliest Judaism and a conviction about his among Freud's collected items. Braunstein, the Associate Chanukah lamps that have been roots. In a letter to his fiance, Freud Freud's favorite piece in his Curator for Archaeology at The collected. There are only two others wrote: " ... something ... of the The Judaica collection is only collection was a small bronze Jewish Museum, began working of its kind anywhere, and much has essence of this meaningful and life one part of the exhibit. The rest of statue of the goddess Athena, and with Lynn Gamwell, who been published about them because affirming Judaism will not be Freud's collection is equally it is thJs piece that he smuggled out originally organized this exhibit of their important contribution to absent from our home." fascinating in exploring the of Austria first when fleeing the some years ago by adding historical Jewish ceremonial art. The On the other hand, Freud often connection between Freud's Nazis during WWll. Many things artifacts of Jewish interest to the menorah is Braunstein' s personal came out against ritual observance psychoanalytic theory and his may be said about his particular already impressive collection favorite piece on display, because of any kind, and, in fact, did not interest in archaeology. The exhibit affection for this statuette, but it taken from the Freud Museum in she found it fascinating and observe any Jewish rituals in his itself is set up extremely weU in suffices to mention that to Freud, London - formerly Freud's home professionally exciting to research household. This is stressed by the that detailed explanations Athena represented a woman who and study. Freud had moved his (and research and research) this beginning of the quote above: accompany every object, including Colltlnlll/lll 011 11 entire collection i'ntacrfrom important piece anew. "Even if the fonn wherein the old n, Vienna when he fled Nazi Other objects in the exhibit Jews were happy no longer affords Austria. include three Rembrandt paintings us any shelter... " Additionally, as Making Music The Judaica collection among of particular interest. One is a mentioned before, the publication the artifacts was discovered quite portrait of Mensseh ben Israel, a of Moses and Monotheism was a by Rivka Evans classes. unexpectedly. Neither Gamwell, seventeenth-century Dutch rabbi strong indication of Fr~ud's Berkowitz has an introductory Director of the University Art who was instrumental in the unconventional view of Judaism, It maybe tempting to divide the exposure to various types of music Museum, State University of readmission of the Jews to England. including a theory that the career interests of sew students in Sense of Music, learns how to New York at Binghamton, nor Another painting is entitled "Moses monotheism which Moses into three general categories: maximize the use of her vocal the staff of the Freud Museum in with the Tablets of the Law" and presented to the Jews was based on occupational or physical therapy; chords in Choral Ensemble, and London, had-noticed the presence reflects Freud's intense interest in the cult of the sun-god Aten. social sciences such as participates in Chamber Music, of some unfamiliar objects in a Moses, particularly in light of his Braunstein reconciled this psychology; and business. Upon where she plays pieces photograph taken by Edmund lab-work, Moses and Monotheism, apparent contradiction by closer scrutiny of SCW's student accompanied by anodler musician, Engelman of Freud's study in a controversial text in which Freud explaining that Freud saw a large body, however, one is able to such as sew Professor of Music, I 938, the year he fled Austria. presented ·some unique difference between traditional discover unique individuals with Edward Levy. Additionally, unusual career plans. One such Berkowitz takes Jazz Bnsemble person is Margy-_Berkowitz, a with Levy at Ille uptown campus. PRESENTS,-,_ sophomore majoring in music, one and has piano lessons with Levy's vl'\e of the few with this major at sew. wife. : Berkowitz, raised in Chicago, When she was twelve-yoars­ u said her love for music can be old, Berkowitz began !Ndling 0 traced back to her early years. At a stuclents_to play Ille pian9. Before young age, she was exposed to leaving for Israel, where she diverse cultural experiences that studied for a year in Machon ranged from classical music Rivkin, Berkowltz1B ~ of concerts to basketball games. At students bad expanded •liftcieal, six, she began taking piano lessons, and sbe reveals she "lovedllelping and continue11 to take them even to build up their capabilitifl." now. Berkowitz has persevered Continuing in Ibis vein, Batownz with the piano, because she states now gives piano lessons to diree she never dreaded or sew students. procrastinated the practicing Berkowitz has participaled in required, thereby establishing a recitals and competitions, and at disciplined routine. thineen won a gold medal from The fact that Berkowitz is Chicago's North Shore Music already accustomed to having a full Teacher'sAssociationCOlllelt.She schedule makes SCW's double has since acquired a. silver and curriculum somewhat less bronze medal from this daunting. The music major's competition, as well. course load. however, is strenuous The most common question by any standards. In addition to Berkowitz is asked is, "What are B,y Osc.u: WttDE • OtRECTED BY RINA CoJlume De1igner ADMISSION: $6.50 going to do as a music major'!" To S•I Do•ignor Lighting De1igner three Judaic studies courses and J,.,$ON STUU,! Ao11fNNf S..iutMA,N $1.S0 AT THE DOOR T11,1ortn GOODMANSON WEEl«l"YSU0-7715 requirements such as English answer those inquiring mind&, her f ! " T U ~ , N G Dofno Kali,'1 ----oo----- Composition and Creative goal is to teach music, possibly on Rinoh Cohen tooh Frankel t_.Wo .. 5t loyali:i:o Klein &onji lotkin Eoth.Wcl 1,1,- e..Mmwlaa--..---~· ...,_, Kaylo Kaplan Writing, the eighteen-year-old is a college level. Chovi Sunman Amo11da Weiner s.-i.,..,,:i.diolo ... a Eliono Morc111 also enrolled in several music . THE OBSERVER ~ \ ', '~' I '' 'l'HE6BSERVER

A Historical Perspective by Ilana Breslan afternoon classes vary - among In years confront Moshe, who was past, upon graduating them are , Midrash, by Malka Fogel Stem College, women who wished currently studying Tractate Halacba and Philosophy. to pursue an advanced degree in "With a Ph.D. in microbiology, Y evamot, dealing with the laws of Founded by Rabbi David Silber Jewish Studies have had few how can one's Jewish education levirate marriages. They display in 1979, Drisba alaooffers women options from which to choose. remain in diapers?!" expresses one their understanding of the halachic day, evening, and Sunday classes Teacher's Institute, once a popular in Bible, Talmud, headline. "The Jewish intellectual implications of their father's death Rabbinic law, learning program of Yeshiva needs of a woman in modern by forcing Moshe to adopt a stance Halacha, and Philosophy, Drillha University, was closed in the early boasts 400 &tudents, many society must be fulfilled," says whether they ought to be treated as of 1980's. whom are full time students in another. During the past decade, men, thus inheriting their father's Another alternative offered by various colleges in the New York with increasing emphasis on land because they 'have no YU that also appears to no longer area; in addition to regularclasses, women's education, sundry brothers, or that they be viewed as be viable is the Bernard Revel Drisha also offers a lecture aeries programs have sprung up in women who do not usually inherit, Esther Krauss: A Leader Graduate School. BROS, which is open to both men and but that their mother be allowed to In response to the growing demand responding to student demand, and women. on the part of Jewish women for a remarry as a yevamah, as if she had Possibility Kindled Within YU wishing to appeal to sew This year, three new programs formal structure of learning. no children, and continue her Women's Jewish Education graduates, had just implemented a for women were established: Most associate the woman husband's name. Their persistence by Adeeva Laya Graubard new Parshanut track. This plan, Shalhevet Torah Institute for Torah scholar par excellence with and understanding of the halachic With the number of women interested in Jewish education increasing however, was stopped in its tracks, Women, Chayei Nefesh, and The the modem period, when in fact possibilities aid them in attaining each year, there has been a growing demand for a program that could as YU administration announced Jewish Studies Seminary of the since BibJical times, carrying the ruling they seek. rigorously educate and prepare women for a career in pedagogy. On Revel' s closing just this week. The Five Towns. through the Tannaitic and Amoraic In the Tannaitic period, December 11, an open meeting was held at SCW to discuss a proposed BROS faculty, as well as Mrs. Esther Krauss, director periods, and then finally in the ironically, the Rabbi who makes Master's program in advanced Jewish studies and teacher education for concerned students, are working . and founder of Shalhevel, Medieval and Renaissance eras the statement that "'anyone who women. hard to keep the school afloat. If describes the program as offering leading up to modernity, numerous teaches his daughterTorah, is as if Members of the panel included SCW Dean Dr. Karen Bacon; YU they are unsuccessful, however, women the ability to actively women have distinguished he taught her tiflut" or foolish Executive Vice-President Dr. Egon Brenner; Dr. Jeffrey S. Gurock, sew graduates run the danger of participate in the learning proce83, themselves as leaders in erudition, matters, (Sotah 20a), Rabbi Academic Assistantto YU President Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm; having no post-graduate option in as opposed to merely attending often occupying leadership Eleazar ben Hyrcanus, is actually Dr. Yitzchak S. Handel, Director of the David J. Azrieli the YU system for continuing on lectures on Jewish topics. positions in male~dominated married to a woman who is known Graduate Institute for Jewish Education and to receive a degree in Jewish Shalhevet is geared to women wilh societies. While Torah study was for her learning and Torah study, Administration; Rabbi Robert S. Hirt, Vice Studies. (For further detail, please a background in Judaic Studies not encouraged, many men taught Ima Shalom. During her husband's President for Administration and Professional see article on first page.) who wish to continue intense their _highly motiv_a_ted da,ughtern controversy with Rabban Gamliel, .-.Education at the Rabbi l&aac Elchanan Another post-graduate learning. The program presently Torah, who then became ·she prevenis her Theological husband from S~minary, a YU affiliate; and program, combining Jewish Study offers two classes, one on knowledgeable enough to actually reciting the Tachanun prayer Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel, Chairman of on an advanced level with Bamidbar and one on Shemol. deliver lectures to men, provided because she realizes that he desires the Rebecca Jvry Department of Jewish pedagogic training, is currently Class time includes supervised they be obscured by a screen, in the demise of Rabban GamlieL Studies at sew. In attendance were being considered by YU Chevruta during which women order to insure proper modesty. When she steps from the room, he approximately 45 SCW students and administration. Particulars of this prepare for the upcoming shiur. During the Biblical period, the says the prayer and his wishes are faculty members. new proposal, as described to sew Krauss anticipates expanding most striking female figure is answered. Thus, only Ima Awareoftheinitialambiguityofsuch students, are delineated in another the program; presently there are Devorah. Called shofetet or judge, Shalom'spresencecanpreventthe a program, students walked into the article on the opposite page. forty students attending classes, she arbitrates while standing under calamity resulting from the feud.. meeting with a printed proposal that had In the past few years, many new and she hopes students will the palm tree, presumably, Later, Brunab, wife of Rabbi been the result of much discussion options outside of YU have arisen outgrow Shalhevet' s present according to Rabbinic sources, to Meir who lived in the Second about program possibilities by and in the New York Metropolitan area facilities in the Young Israel of prevent a situation of immodesty Century, commanded much among the students themselves, so nse to the ever- owin Hillcrest. Plans for next semester that common desires could be delineated and presented as effectively as possible. Hirt, acting as spokesman for the panel, disclosed that Yeshiva University has recently received a three year grant from the Morton Mandel Family Foundation in the sum of $750,000. The funding sought from the foundation, among other things. was for the appointment ofnew faculty in graduate level Jewish Education within the University, for the development of recruitment programs for Jewish Education, for the development of programs to increase professional services OBS: Are you planning to expand the program? to Jewish educators already in the field, EK: Absolutely. I hope to expand for next semester and beyond for the exploration of graduate programs for women, for the integration that I hope some day to have a program where you can come l~am at of the educational enterprise within different units of the university, for Shalhevet at any time of the day or mght, you know, a be11 nudrash. demand for opportUnities in the include the addition oflwci nm in which she would he lcli alone respect from the administration of fellowships to students to encourage the obtainment That is one of the problems we have run into and it concerns me. her Rabbinic world of learning and scholarship. classes beyond those being with a man. The question arises contemporaries. She was of graduate degrees, and specifically, fellowships for women. Somehow these terms, which I think are valid terms for Jewish education, fluent in One popular program is offered; one would be in (Tosafos Bava Kama·! 5a) as to the the laws of family lineage. The feeling of the Mandel Foundation but have always been associated with men, like chevruta and beit midrash, even and of the Yeshiva University Drisha's Fellowship Program, philosophy or Halacba, and a legitimacy of a woman judge, surpassing other scholars adminislration in seeking this particular have become buzz words for looking at this suspiciously. ls this learnmg? of her grant, Hirt explained, is that established in 1984, which enables second in Tanach on a beginners - because the law states that anyone day such as there is an increasing need for women to enter Is this Jishmab? Is this feminism? ... This troubles me very much because Rabbi Tarfon. She also Jewish education in all women to devote a year to intermediate level. An interview exempt from bringing tc~limony enlightens her areas _of study and, specifically, although there are always abuses, by and large women are really husband, teaching on the elementary and secondary levels. intensive study of Biblical, with Krauss can also be found in cannot judge. Since a woman falls him the important lesson to Despite the interested in learning in a very intensive and serious way. These are the not failing economy and mounting disinterest in pursuing Talmudic, and Post-Talmudic this feature spread. u_nder the category of on~ models that have been set up for successful learning and there who 1~ hope for the destruction of an evil professional careers, there is a growing and "'intrinsic interest in the is no texts. Fellows receive a $7500 Chayei Nefesh, initiated by unable to act a~ witness, she would reason why they can't be assimilated_ into Jewi~h education for women person. hut for the obliteration of perpetuation of Jewish education" among current college students. A stipend to support their study. The Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, is normally he unable to judge. wicked without it being viewed at as something susp1c10us and an aberraaon ... acts. On occasion, career_ in 1hc field. Hin maintained. has the advantage of"staying power." Fellowship Program is open to located at the Ezra Academy in However. Tosafo~ re,ponds that would provide insight into a Add1t1onally. communities are now recognizing and appreciating those women ofcollege age and beyond. Forest Hills and in the Young Israel since OBS: What should the emphasis be on learning for women? ls the divine '.'ip1ru n:,t~d upon particular debate bet\1.-~cn who enler lhe teaching profession both financially and approbationally; there The morning classes, which are of Cedarhurst in Far Rockaway. her. she was th1\ wa, pcnniucd to judgt:. . often even re~olvin!.!: Jt. not nccessanly the ca<.;e in years past. any? also open to women who are not The program offers two classes a Also during the Biblical period. Perhaps she i~ best known fo; an The ideal program. contended Hirt, would combine Jewish studies EK: No I think women should be studying anything and everything · Continued on pg. 12 in the Fellowship Program, consist night on a beginners and an the daughter, of Tzlofchad Continued on pg. JJ Continued on pg. 13 of Gemara and Chevruta; Coliiillud 1111 pg. 10 1n

, !!1!f!10 Petition Ignored is doing, or 1ee1 a ,ense of accom- creased, but one of the first things changes he reels are necessary at OPTIONS plishment,ifthereisnodesignatcd cut from the YU budget was the SCWbasedonneedandfinancial Conlinuedfromp.9 Co,uin,redfromp.1 sening in which a club can con- Brookdalebathroomcleaningser- constraint, how he will raise the advanced level of philosophy, students, which, because of over· vene." She no1ed that Yeshiva vice. Aware that the!'<'~ ~::i to money fo~it.:e nee:18i:::w t! Halacha, and Tanach. Presently, crowdingandnoise,rendersthem College students have a fax ma- expand the dormitory, o . er money w1 spen' we approximatelytwentyfivestudents insufficient and inadequale srudy chine at their disposal, while SC felt that alfou~tat wi~I allevi· theftu~ges wi~ :o t~:::~ are enrolled in the program. Student Council is not even pro- ate severs pro ems, t ere are n suppo or According to Rabbi Binyamin locSaomtione~~'-amu•tbedonewithin vided with a telephone, nor with many other issues which must be Goldfeder's endeavor is Cherney,oneoftheteachersinthe u~,., • the bare minimum-a computer addressed. Cohen commented that overwhelming and indicative of the Midtown Center itself, Cohen with which to work. · several years ago when the the frusturations felt by a vast . · program, Chayei Nefesh was de· contended. Wi th only two large There is a necessity for a large economy was good, YU could majority of the SCW women. signed to create an outlet for conference classrooms for the auditorium for student assemblies have purchased facilities for Stem. Fewer than ten out of four hundred women who are intereS!ed in dis­ entire school, several large size and meetings. Koch Auditorium Also, some of the money YU students approached refused to coveringmoreaboutJudaism,with classes are held in classrooms does not fill this need, due to the raised from the first and, second · sign the letter. One student refused an emphasis on Chasidic thought. which physically do not meet their space occupied by "Little Italy" century campaigns could have because she sensed that the YC Rabbi Cherney explains that the needs, and thus lead to and various other functions been invested in Stem necessities. pool, which she feels is not an beginners aspect of the program uncomfortably crowded throughout the day. Cohen and Goldfeder said that issue, was the catalyst for the helpsStudentsdevelopanapproach conditions which are not The lack of facilities is the the decision to write to Dr. Lamm writing of the letter. However, to learning while the advanced di· conducive to learning. Cohen also source of student apathy, said was based on their frustration. Goldfeder emphatically states that mension of Chayei Nefesh is for commented that given the Torah Goldfeder. The SCW "campus", They were annoyed that no state· the pool issue is not the most women who have already been U'Madda philosophy of the consisting merely of Brookdale ments as to plans for SCW im- important item in the agenda; in exposedtotextsbutnottothe"soul school, SCW students should be Hall and Stem College, is not very provement and growth had been fact, the pool is not even mentioned of the Torah." providedwithamorespaciousBeit inviting, and thus many students issued by the college's in the letter. TheJewishStudiesSeminaryof Midrashcontaining a wider variety eagerly anticipate leaving for the administration and that little Aside from sending this letter the Five Towns, located at The of seforim. weekend immediately after class. attention had been paid to the to Dr. Lamm, Cohen and Torah Academy for Girls in Far Goldfeder pointed out the need She stated that "having a campus students' needs and problems. Goldfeder have also delivered the Rockaway, offers four classes, for a regulation size gym which would enhance student pride and Goldfeder said that she felt as if the letter to Dr. Israel Miller, senior each meeting for 45 minutes once would allow for the basketball spirit." administration does not care. She vicepresidentoftheuniversity;Dr. a week. Theclassescovercontem­ team to·practice wi th in its own Goldfeder commented on the stated that "the problems have KarenBacon,deanofSCW;Dean poraryHalacha,Torah,Hashkafa, facility and not be forced to reson apathy on the part of the YU existed for a while and have not Ethel Orlian, assistant dean of practical Halacha, and topics in to travel to Queens for practice. administration by pointing to the been addressed for a long time." SCW; Dr. Efrem Nulman, dean of Chumash. The two Deans, Rabbi In addtion, Cohen mentioned unsanitary living conditions in Her intention was to inform the students; Mrs. Zelda Braun, Dovid Weinberger and Rabbi that although Stem is now renting Brookdale Hall. She noted that Board that the students are not director of Student Services; Susan Aryeh Ginsburg, adminiSter the out a pool from the "Y" on 14th these problematic living satisfied. She stressed that Schlussel, SCWSC president; and seminary, which accommodates Srreet, there are alleged plans to conditions, which wereaggravaced somethingcoulddefmitelybedone Rachel Schenker, editor- in- chief about 85 students. The program is Slart renting one on 11 9th Street. in 1985 with the advent of bunk to add to student life at SCW and of the OBS ER VER. open to poSt ·high school women She noted how unfortunate it is that beds, have not been addressed until to raise the morale of the students, Cohen and Goldfeder convened who are committed to a deeper Siern students do not have the almostsevenyearslater-andonly which is becoming increasingly with Bacon before beginning to underSlandingofJudaism. ability to use the YC pool, and when it reached the point at which lower due to the favoritism exhib· write the letter and starting to These programs vary, yet share mu s1 reson to using 3 Columbia YU began losing money by paying ited by YU toward YC. Cohen discuss the problems with fellow a common goal: raising the level University facility· Cohen agreed rent for outside apartments. Cohen said, "I am not satisfied with sta· students. Goldfeder stated, "Dean of advanced Jewish studies for that in general, Stern women mentioned how impossible it is to tus quo. I came to Stem because it Bacon encouraged us to gather women to a new height, befitting should have access totbe facilities sleep, study, or live in the dorm. had a lot to offer. What do I have students together in order to a Jewish woman of the l990's. The Uptown. There is a serious noise level now?" receive a response from the proliferation of new programs Cohen also stressed the need for problem due to women studying in Cohen and Goldfeder are not administration Uptown. We have serves to highlight the as yet .. .J1student.actoot:,ccenter..a.theater. · ·n,mwaysan.r- s.udy1fatllr;·-

239-0783 through the examination of textual teaching. This · model was In this new model, asserted Hirt, stipulated the students in their intensive learning, each student receive a living stipend and sources with the courses in Jewish essentially offered to gauge the content aspect of the program proposal, would be the solution to would member only have to pay one-third and general education vital to students' willingness to commit and the methodological side would the problem of "women entering would AMERICAN ELECTROLOGY ASSOCIATION of the Azrieli tuition, with the create the effect'ive pedagogue. themselves to a two-year program. not be separate from eaGh other. the field of Jewish education [who] rema1mng cost being a NEW YORK ELECTROLYSIS ASSOCIATION The degree earned would be The message received was that "Preparation needs in- depth are equipped with pedagogic "forgiveable loan." Even with the recognized as a Master's in Jewish students were not primarily compatibility with Torah training, but lack facility with also Jewish texts." Quoting an informal Mandel grant, the costs would be education, with an extensive interested in Azrieli; those who learning." Students would have the INTERNATIONAL GUILD OF poll that circulated W adler formidable. The fifteen month background in Jewish studies. find their needs fulfilled by the opportunity under the new sew, said that the chief concern model, however, Wadler PROFESSIONAL ELECTROLOGISTS Commenting on the two existing program are already curriculum to take an additional ll€S expressed by students considering interjected, would be far more components of the program, Hirt enrolled. The difference that course in content in place of one procedures observed safe-comfortable-permanent results the possibility of chinuch was that practical, as well as economically strict sterilization asked, "Can we put the two students were angling for was the of the other courses. they did not know enough, because sound. computerized multiple galvanic objectives together? That's the focus of the program. They wanted Students questioned this plan's ORCHE5lRA Ano 51nGER5 in education programs, textual The meeting was considered by · method referred by physicians specializing in challenge." to be learning for the bulk of the novelty. The common perception skills are by definition not all to have been beneficial. "The both problem and cosmetic cases Although the panelists did not time, with their learning serving as was that it did not differ from the focus of the program, and Azrieli at all, since that option is emphasized, if they are offered at women made it cli=ar to us exactly enter the meeting with a proposed wJiar they'rs,,,,looking for," taking care of educational courses open even now. An option in the all. SPECIAL OFFER program, which would essentially COIIIIINDted ffirt.;.He encou,pd on a part- time basis, while the program, explained Handel, is to Aliza Levin, 8!l sew junior, have turned the open meeting into studeilts to aep Jn contacr with 1/2 PRICE OFF FIRST administration's proposal seemed apply six credits ofcontent courses pointed out that when such a a presentation, they did have him so that the# ls a continuoiJs to want to fulfill the students' from outside Azrieli toward the program would be planned, it must YOUR "SOUL" SOURCE 1/2 HOUR TREATMENT certain sample models in mind. be one that bas the contextual exchanse of views over the next thirty credit courseload. Hirt explained that they were expressed desire to learn in a pal1- Hirt then opened the floor to learning integrated with the two months, that could result in REG.$40.00 proposed to gauge student time program. comments and suggestions from technical courses. If not, she programming able to be reaction. Upon prodding by the students, implemented by September 1992. Hirt and Handel explained that the the audience. SCW senior Naomi contended, nothing is stopping a FOR MUSIC Hirt introduced two possible person from attending a different "A program per se will not be technical aspect of the program W adler, acting as spokeswoman time schedules for such a program. program for post-graduate ready for January, but.I think it's would be identical to that of the for the student committee devoted David's Harp-­ The first model set forth was a to the implementation of the intensive learning and only then, possible that this will happen by three and a half month intensive Azrieli master's program. In order essentially revolutionary program, possibly returning to Azrieli for an September," posited Hirt. learning program for women held to obtain a master's degree from Hirt summed up his philosophy refened to the proposal distributed. MA in Jewish education. Kosher Tower Azrieli, one must complete 30 of the program. saying, "I am all over the summer, to be followed The plan outlined was one year of Brenner then discussed the by a full-time academic year at credits of coursework ( JO classes), for learoing Torah lishmah. But including educational psychology, full-time, intense Torah study; financial aspect of the endeavor. (718) 237-2988 (516) 569-4949 Azrieli, that would include Azrieli courses, to. The two year model would [within this program), that is not Restaurants, education through the use of complementary teaching. produce considerable economical what I am. interested in. I am various media, and the be taken during summers; peer The second option would be a hardships, he fears, if the new interested in training top quality methodology of Jewish Education. teaching to sharpen skms DAVID'S Under Midtown two year's master program, with pertaining to the "organization and program were to follow the women to go into Jewish the first year devoted to learning Also required are 150 hours of education." student teaching and either a analysis of texts;" and training in standard fiscal policy of YU Torah exclusively, for no credits, Jewish studies graduate schools. Board of Kashruth master;s thesis or comprehensive Jewish Law. Such a program, and the second year taking the full focused on intensive textual study, Namely, during the year of HARP Azrieli courseload, and student exam.

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COMPANY FOLDERS ° CALENDARS I) LABELS BALLOONS ~ T-SHIRTS • SHOPPING BAGS 5% OFF WITH YESHIVA UNIVERSITY I.D. Servicing Rockland, Westchester & The Tri-State Area 11 s-544-aaas Ari Becker 914·352·9426 Dan Weinstein 10'Tewt5782 1':HE OBSERVER' LETTERS We Do Have Continued from pg. 1 Advantages To the Editor. "Silence is The first issue of the OB­ S~R~ featured a great deal of d1scuss1on about a development "'.hich has been a great soun:e of Toilie&litor. Not G~JS£!:e:otiared.TheUS dis_tre_ss to our student body . the At a time when Afro- announced ilie time and place of buddmg of a &wimming pool at Americanscryout"HeilHitler"in the. second stage without first Yeshiva College. The general die streets of Crown Heights, at a nolifymg Israel. The Palestinians consensus was that this addition time when Klansman David Duke accepted even before Israel was was not only unfair, but it is (also an unrecognized neo-Nazi) consulted. Finally, it was agreed ~epres_entati ve of the many has enough support to run for !hat Israel would be negotiating IOJust1ces that Stern College Louisiana State governor, and as duectly with the Palestinians. women are forced to tolerate. ofOecember2,iliePresidentofilie Currentl~, it looks as though the While it is true ilia! our school United States of America, and at a PaleS!imans are negotiating is somewhat lacking in the time when Israel's very existence, through ilie US and not to Israel. "facility" department, and our campus is only comprised of two its territory, is threatened by die How can ilie US support Israel Middle East "peace talks" led by or condemn anti-Semitism if die buildings, it seems difficult to overlook the many advantages the Bush Administration, anti- Jewi~h people fail to reveal Semitism and anti-Zionism is alive sufficient concern, and moreover, which are ours at Stern College. and well in America. outrage and mcense? Even in die First of all, how can one even compare our location, in die heart As tragic as die disheartening 1970's, ~e_wish apathy towards of Midtown Manhattan, with that situation is, the silence is also anl!-Semitism and Israel related of our male counterparts on deplorable, as many ofus bury our issues was the pervasive attitude. Amsterdam A venue in heads in ilie sand. Ignorance and In December,_ 11974, Richard Washington Heights? While we do silence is not a feasible situation. Reeves_, a ge?tde, published and not ha~e a traditional campus, we m enl!tled, "If Jews Were Th~ situation is being exacerbated article are w1thm walking distance of as long as ignorance and silence Not For Themselves, Who Will Be museums and libraries, as well as prevail, as in the painful lesson For Them?" . stores and restaurants, all of which only are we silent, but we learned in the Holocaust. Not contribute to the Stem College Ameriean Jewish silence during areqmckt~espouseanycausethat experience. Even the walk to local the Holocaust didn't save any of is not pertment to Jewish related health clubs is not an that bad theJewsfromtheNaziovens.How ISsues. Whether it is Professor when we keep in mind that it i~ could only a handful of us appear Leonard Jeffries at City University, considerably less dangerous than to protest the rampant anti- whomJews.~quicktodefendby a similar stroll in "historic" Semitism existing in the Crown responding, What about Professor Washington Heights. Heights community, with NYC Michael Levin?" ?r Jesse Jackson, Furthermore, let us not being the American city with the who was ~~~t mto f,'wer by the overlook the fact that our largest Jewish population? NYC Jewish liberals, _many Jews dormitory rooms, which allegedly -until two rniintfis ago,-fiow --'1re .. hesllant. lend their support. "lack privacy and space," are each could it be that not one of the Why then when 11 comes to our equipped with a kitchen and a "major" Jewish organizations in °"'.n people do many of us keep bathroom, while each floor in die the U.S. denounced the qme~?_Je~espr':achesHolocaust dormitories uptown comprises YU At Model UN- mistreal!nent oflsrael by ilie Bush Re~morus~ to his classes as well thirty rooms and one public Continued from pg. 5 administration in ilie Middle East as mstructmg diem ilia! ilie Jews bathroom. Aside from the Conference? How could David control the. wealth and mass additional convenience of an easily world countries. commented, "I saw how much Duke have enough support to run, commumcat10ns_ of th': United accessible bathroom/shower, a The General Assembly time is wasted on bureaucratic notjustforgovemorofLouisiana, States. Hsounds like ant1-Sem11Ic ratio of sixty people to a bathroom Plenary, for example, focused in process before you can get down but also United States President, rhetonc to me. In heu of can not compare wiili sew· s ratio five out of its six sessions on the to discussing the problems at with virtually no opposition? 1mmed1ately d1spa~agrng the of five to one. Arab Israel conflict. Israel, repre­ hand." Israel has been humiliated in a Jewish professor, Levm, who did All in all, a comparison of the sented by the University of Chi­ The conference also provided threefold manner by the Bush not share his findings with _his two branches of Yeshiva cago, held a stance of refraining an opportunity for YU representa­ Administration. Initially' the class_, s~y not take a stand agamst University shows distinct from further talks until the rever­ tives to interact with students of Palestinians were supposed to be Jeffnes. . . advantages for each. It would seem sal of Resolution 337-9 , which different and varied backgrounds. part of a Jordanian/Palestinian It is our duty and obhgauon as appropriate, therefore, that we equates Zionism with racism. In sew sophomore Chava Boylan delegation in the talks. At the Jews to support Israel and actively adopt a more upbeat attitutde fact, this assembly reversed die said, "It was very interesting meet· Peace. talks in Madrid, without confront ant1-Sem1t1sm. We_ must towards any positive development Zionism is Racism resolution on ing students of different universi­ from the country; it warning and contrary 10 the prior be cogmzant and_speak out m the on either campus, while continuing the premise of its false character. ties all over agreement, ilie Palestinians were face of anu-Sem_1us_m, and when to lobby for further improvements The Palestinian delegation, on the was impressive experiencing the whole process in morion." given forty five minutes 10 speak, o?r ho':"eland 1s Jeopardized. at our Midtown campus. oilier hand, proposed a resolution separate from the time allotted to Silence is not golden. to divide Israel into two indepen­ The Model UN Conference pro­ dent states, Israel and Palestine, vided th­ so many participants, due greatly town for a $50 athletic facilities The simulation of a UN session reseoted this ideal in their partici­ to the friendliness and enthusiasm fee. It is certainly true that we must also brought forth the problems Sincerely, pation in the Model UN Confer- of so many sew volunteers. maintain an upbeat anitutk, but that that the UN encounters. YCPS Board of Members ence." Malkie Korn, Ilana Brandwein and not for the reasons Ms. Bak ciled. Stephen Davidson, a YC junior, Page16

j • Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfog~ 1ie trick is to enjoy what you are doing" that this is what collegeis all about, time, the •I lty'Estee Recht and Miriam varied student body. He is faced situation, Rabbi Kanarfogel ac­ felt change in himself i saying "it's about sharing ideas." both as a /amdtm (sdiolar) and as I lledtt daily with the challenge to provide· knowledges. The give and take each and every student with a level relationship between both student On a more personal note, Rabbi a person." Not only did the Rav To enumerate his abilities would of learning that stimulates her and teacher must be developed in Kanarfogel acknowledges the im- chaJl)pion learning and philoso­ be the task ofa lifetime. One of the intellecL Due to the diversity of order for the student as well as portance of establishing a strong phy, bllt he WIIS able to maintain most popular professors on background, he feels the need for professor to gain fully from what personal relationship with his stu- his n,le as acommunal leader and campus, Rabbi Dr. Ephraim an increased number of courses a course has· to offer. "For every dents. However, he realizes, in or- as a tiunily IIJall, Kanarfogel epitomizes the above and options. Integration of action there is a reaction" - such is der to attain a relationship, the ini- Rabbi Kanarfogel manifests statement to its fullest extent. balachic, practical, theoretical and the nature of his class. Rabbi tiative must be taken by the stu- those ideals set forth by the Rav. Despite his rigorous schedule, he modern topics, on many different Kanarfogel dismisses the provin- dent. There are numerous teachers As a pulpit rabbi in Teaneck, New always manages to make time for levels, allows Stem to "house in the faculty who are willing to Jersey, he strnggles to balance his students, even if it means various students with different extend themselves and adds with family life with !tis career. Rabbi carrying on six conversations outlooks under one roof." a chuckle, "we are not stuffy, we Kanarfogel maintains that his simultaneously. Early on in his teaching career are a very friendly and helpful family is very supportive. ''They Rabbi Kanarfogel obtained his at sew, Rabbi Kanarfogel urged group." Still, because of the large, understand that my mind is undergraduate degree from his students, "Demand excellence and ever increasing number of stu- engaged a lot," yet they appreciate Yeshiva University in 1976. and you will receive it." This has dents in the college, the student what Torah is all about, thus Choosing to remain in the YU become his motto not only for his must seek out this cormection. "lightening the load." system, he studied at the Rabbi students, but for Stern College as In Rabbi Kanarfogel's ap- afld relax once in a while. Isaac Elchanan Theological a whole. Rabbi Kanarfogel views proach to teaching, the Torah During his free time, Rabbi Seminary, while concurrently SCW as an institution which U'Madda ideal occupies an Kanltrfogel enjoys playing the pi­ attending the Bernard Revel provides "high level, quality integral role. While utilizing ano, is a "bit of a train buff," and Graduate School. He received program~ in Jewish education classic rabbinical sources, he shows "a reasonable interest in semicha in 1979 and earned his geared to today's Jewish woman." stresses the need to integrate sports." He assens, one can learn doctorate in Medieval Jewish The intensive level of study in academic essays and scientific from everything, even diversions, History eight years later. this college has created a serious methods in order to enhance on_e' s as loflg as one maintains his proper Rabbi Kanarfogel's expenise student committed to her learning. learning. focus. focuses on Jewish intellectual and It is apparent that there is a lack of When asked who has had the He believes in the individual's social history in Western Europe post college education options for most profound effect upon his pote1uialandthepowerofpositive during the 12th and 13th centuries. women in the framework of a personal and professional life, he thinking. "People have multiple He has authored various anicles in classroom setting. He posits that cial notion that a teacher "must confidently answers, "The Rav capabilities Bild can do lots of this area, and is c~rrently awailing "we have created this problem and stand behind the desk, dictating." (Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik).'' things; the trick is to allot one's the pubiicationofhis book.Jewish we need to address it." Rather, he feels that "the flow of In his rapid marmer of speech, one time properly, and enjoy what you Education and Society in the High Other goals for the interpretation is a two way street." his students are quite familiar with, are d11ing," Middle Ages. He assumed the improvement of Stern College The student's knowledge impacts Rabbi Kanarfogel states, "one can Students cannot fully appreciate position of Chairman of the include offering smaller classes upon the teacher, causing him to not hope ~-be H.ke ~av Rabbi_K11n~g!l.l,_u~es~ they Rebecca lv1y Department of allowirlg students to mterface more rethink his posllions, and develop Soloveuclill< per se, out JOSI bemg have the privilege of attending his Jewish Studies at Stern College in with their professor/rabbi. He also new insights in his areas of exper­ exposed to him can elevate one's lectures. What now has become a I 984. His responsibilities include hopes to institute senior seminars tise. performance." He adds that the cliche, "once a Kanarfogel student faculty development and planning enabling students to research Rabbi Kanarfogel' s students Rav was such a major personality always a Kanarfogel student," as well as student placement and specific topics more intensely. This have also had the opportunity to in Yeshiva that he is sorry his stu- reflects his dedication and academic advisement. would encourage students to assist with his fonhcoming book. dents do not have the opportunity devoijon to the women of Stem As l)ead of the Jewish Studies sharpen their analytical skills. In his view, they possessed the that he was fortunate to experience: College. Depanment, Rabbi Kanarfogel The students are not the only ability to check sources and com­ "Anyone who learned with the hopes he is able to deal with its ones to benefit from a classroom . ment on the material. He believes Rav, even for a short period of Reaction To Closing Revel Continued from p.1 Revel ·personifies the definition of huge blow to the future of ad­ Further information on Revel Torah U'Madda. It should be held vanced Jewish education for will appear in part two of this se­ up as an example." women. "The only option for ad­ ries, in THE COMMENTATOR's He also expressed his incredu­ vanced study in Jewish scholarship special edition lity that "the academic study of has been taken away from us. If Judai~m has to be left up to people YU can not sustain such a program, at The Jewish Theological Semi­ how are its, ideals of Torah nary and Hebrew Union College." U'Madda fulfilled? I honestly SCW senior Malka Fogel con­ don't know how this void will be sidered the closing of BRGS a filled.'"

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