Dttember 18, 1991 Volume XXVU, Number 3 UT.- 5152 ADMINISTRATION.ANNOUNCES sew Student Pleas REVEL CLOSING Fall on Deaf Ears Student Reaction Aggressive by Rachel Schenker Joel Jablonski campus have re­ UlllllJRflll(lUIS S.111 ' The letUll' lllidif!II that "lhe llCllf-- sorted to donning black armbands. city of space, ooupled.· \\11111 ll1eap-­ This article is the first in a two part Flyers comwsed by the "Com­ series. parent disregard that~ iimlea mittee To Save The Bernard Revel are te!)eiving ~ the Graduate School And The Future adminlsmmoo ai:e .... Rumors circulating the of Orthodox Jewish Scholarship" frustration." university for the last week have been posted on bulletin l,,ammof regarding the future of the Bernard boards around sew and YC. They sew stullent'&, Cohen and Revel Graduate School have been pinpoint the various reasons why Goldfedei hope that he, 11$ ·YU confirmed in a statement released they feel BRGS should not be po(icymaker, willeffec:taposltive by Yeshiva University on closed. cliange in the attitude or the Thursday December 12. The Students that are presently administration. Goldfeder said, "I unsigned statement was imprinted enrolled in the graduate school feel that Dr. Lamm has a big on stationery from the office of the system are perhaps most affected responsibility towards us [SCW) in executive vice president. by these proposed changes and are tenns of the Jewish community. Concurrently, an analysis of the expressing sentiments of confusion When prioritizing things, he puts savings in closing BRGS, based on and outrage. Stem at the bottom of the Ii.st when figures released last July in a Shoshana Levine, a first year it comes to the development of fa­ Bernard Revel comparative graduate student at BRGS, cilities. Allowing people to Will this be cancelled as weU? schedule of current fund revenues questions the wisdom and by Cbavie Levine donate money and then sending and expenditures, has been propriety of this decision. "Since those funds Uptown says compiled. when do financial people make move has large implications for Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, something about die value placed The conclusions arrived at in academic decisions? ... It seems Stern itself. "Where will women President of Yeshiva University, on sew students." the analysis are far different than like there wasn't proper have the opportunity to go to learn has failed to respond to a petition Cohen and Goldfeder felt that the ones released in the statement. evaluations ... perhaps they dido 't on a post- graduate level?" drawn up by sew seniors Deena Stern is being denied facilities Reaction to the university's want there to be."She also Similar feelings were voiced by Cohen and Adrienne Goldfeder, which are necessary for its survival latest cutback due to "financial questions where YU's priorities Jeff Saks, also a BROS student. and signed by nearly 400 sew and for the morale of the students. reason~''._ll;is_l,.e_i,n ... vo~if_<,!oll~---Jie_,__u:ri,_.,_re'_s 11Iac~ng. of ideals, "Revel represents the best students, which he received Students are beiJig deprived ofboth Petitions are currently circulating and pure focus on the financial manifestation of all that YU stands approximately two weeks ago. academic and nonacademic both the uptown and midtown aspect. What does that tell us? for. It is a great irony that the only Motivated by endless resources which are readily·· carnpuses,anditishopedthatmore What are they telling us about Jewish university in the history of frustrations, and supported by the available for their Yeshiva College than five hundred signatures will priorities? That the lowest of their the golah ( diaspora) should not student body, Cohen and counterparts Uptown. Their be collected. priorities is.Jewish Education?" offer a degree in Jewish studies ... Goldfeder, through their petition, assertion is that students suffer More than 300 students on the Furthermore, she notes that this Continued on pg. 16 have taken a move to combat what academically due to inadequate they feel is a double standard being study space provided. Cohen said exhibited by Yeshiva University. that she, at times, has had no Follow-Up to Facilities Meeting Scheduled They have appealed to Dr. Lamm alternative but to resort to slUdying in a letter in which they refer to on the library floor-<IIDidst fellow by D'vora Lauer were not further discussed. as space for study halls and student several of the issues which they students. Brookdale Hall provides Questions posed to council offices. request be addressed by the only three study rooms for the As a direct response to the administrators dealt with the ne­ A detailed list of student needs University Board of Directors. Continwd 011 pt. JO apparent dissatisfaction expressed cessity for additional space, both was submitted by Schlussel and by student leaders after their in Brookdale Hall and the college Schenker, which they hoped would meeting with Rabbi Dr. Norman building. Schlussel questioned be addressed in the near future in Lamm last month, Dr. Efrem whether the area behind the Orange order to enhance student life. Nulman, dean of students; Lounge could be utilized to In a follow up, Nulman has followed up on issues raised in a provide student council offices or scheduled a meeting for December meeting held Wednesday, at minimum, an outdoor lounge 24 to discuss these possibilities at December 4, 1991. Present at the area for students. The possibility length. Representing the YU meeting were Nulman, Mrs. Zelda of restructuring the seventh floor administration at this gathering Braun, director of Student of the college building, currently will be YU Senior Vice President Services, Susan Schlussel, occupied by the virtually unused Dr. Israel Miller; Dr. Sheldon SCWSC president, and Rachel Presidential Suite, into a student Socol, Vice President for Business Schenker, editor-in-chief of the lounge or student offices was also Affairs; sew Dean Dr. Karen OBSERVER. considered. Bacon; Director of Supporting The primary purpose of the Another important issue Service Administration Jeffrey meeting was to inform students of discussed concerned handicap Rosengarten; Braun and Nulman. the steps being taken to remedy the access to the North Wing Library, A number of SCW student leaders Midtown Center's need for Koch Auditorium and bathrooms. have been invited, as well as additional facilities. Both short Additionally, suggestions were architect Jerry Clark and Philip term and long term goals, aimed made to restructure space in the Rosen, Esquire, who specializes in at enhancing· student life, were original building, which now real estate law. Also to be included issues addressed comprehensively contains the science laboratories are SCW seniors Adrienne at the meeting. and Koch Auditorium, by creating Goldfeder and Deena Cohen, Schenker recommended the three floors out of an existing two. whose petition to Rabbi Dr. formation of an Administration­ Schlussel and Schenker Norman Lamm, requesting further Student Student Life Committee, inquired into the efforts being investigation of the apparent which would address questions made to purchase a new building second class status of sew, went concerning the legal, architectural for the Midtown Center and the largely unanswered. and additional space aspects problems being encountered in this Braun and Nulman agreed that pertaining to the Midtown Center. endeavour. They also asserted their this was a most productive meeting The idea was received with belief that increasing enrollment and expressed sincere hope that the enthusiasm, but details concerning necessitates not only a new build­ issues at hand would be dealt with the logistics of such a committee ing, but a student lounge as well promptly and effectively. Decem'IHlt 18; 19\Jt · THE OBSEIWER YU Revelations Governing Board 11 is too early to fairly judge Jewish Studies Department are the ramifications of the closing Revel graduates. We will cher­ RACHEL SCHENKER of the Bemartl Revel Graduate ish their wools and ideas, know­ Editor-in-Chief School, or the motives behind ing that they are the last genera­ the decision. The proposed tion of scholars who were edu­ BANJI LA TKIN restrucuring is clearly inad­ cated, beyond the undergradu­ ADEEV A LAY A GRAUBARD D'VORA LAUER Contributing Editor equate, leaving a huge void in are level, in the finest traditions Executive Editor Managing Editor the world of Torah Study. of Torah U'Madda. Who will Is Torah U'Madda only a teach our children? Graduates of SUSAN BAHN TIKV AH BEN ZVI MIRIAM BACON theory. never to be put into Columbia, NYU, Harvard ALYSSA HERMAN Cultural Arts Editor MALKA FOGEL practice? Are we to take all that Theological Seminary? News Edilors F eatuns Eduors makes Yeshiva University what Rumors have it that every ef­ it is and what it should be and fort is being made to keep Revel YEHUDIT MOSKOWITZ OFIRAKATZ JUDY DICK subvert it for the sake of finan­ in operation as it has existed pre­ Sports Editor CHANNIE WEISS Ari Editor cial gain? Where are we to rum? viously. We can only hope that Layout Editors And more importantly. to where this is the case, and that these are !he students of tomorrow to effons will succeed. We believe JASMINE CONEN SYLVIA HABER look for knowledge? the future of Kial Yisrael de­ ELYSE FEINTUCH YAEL NUSBAUM Thirteen out of twenty six pends on it. Photography Editors Business Managers members of Stern College's Kudos To TAC Yasher Koach to the Torah But now it's time to move on­ Activities Council for picking wards and upwards. Many other up the slack in the recycling recyclable items are being flung efforts in the sew building. thoughtlessly into garbage bins. The recycling of cans and Newspapers, writing paper and boctles is a worthwhile and rela­ styrofoam cont~iners are among Readers are encouraged lo submit letters lo the Editor.
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