LEVEL 1 behind the wheel

An Innovative and Effective Language Program that Ensures Maximum Results with Minimal Effort


Macmillan Audio Behind the Wheel Arabic Level 1 . Copyright © 2009 by Macmillan Audio. All rights reserved. Previously published in another form by Language Dynamics, copyright © 2007. All rights reserved. For more information, address Macmillan Audio, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010.

www.macmillanaudio.com AUDIO TRANSCRIPT

This transcript is represented in phonetic Arabic, rather than traditional Arabic characters. Since Arabic does not have a standard phonetic system for westernizing Arabic characters, Arabic speakers use various phonetic systems for writing Arabic. These systems simplify this complex language, making it more readily accessible to English speakers. The Behind the Wheel Arabic audio program has been transcribed using one of these basic phonetic systems.

CD 1 baarid • it’s nice inaho jameel • dance arqus • to work aamal • it’s raining inaho mumtir • it’s to go athhab • to swim asbah • Track 1 snowing inaho mothlej • hi to do (or to make) afaal • to yes naam • no laa • no (fam) marhaba • what is your (m) see araa • to write aktob • to la’ • what is your (m) name ma name ma ismak • what is your learn ataalam ismak • what is your (f) name (f) name ma ismok ma ismik • my name is ismee Track 3 hoowa • pleased to meet you Track 2 in Arabic fil aarabi • I have to forsa saaeda • likewise ana my name is Mark ismee Mark • work yajib aalayah an aamal • I aydon • hi how’s it going (fam) my name is Nicole ismee can get one astatee an ahsol marhaba keefak • hello how’s it Nicole • my last name is ismee aalayh • I want to go oreed an going (form) marhaba keef al akheer howa • what is your athhab • I want to eat oreed an halak • fine thank you and you last (m) name ma howa ismak akol • I like to learn ohib an (m) mabsoot shukran wa’anta al akheer • what is your last (f) ataalam • I have to go yajib an • fine thank you and you (f) name ma howa ismik al akheer athhab • I like to go out ohib mabsoota shukran wa’antee • • my address is aanwani howa an akhroj • I want to learn Ara - where is the bathroom please • what is your (m) address ma bic oreed an ataalam arabi • I ayna al hamam lo samaht • howa anwanak • what is your can walk astatee an amshee • when is it mataa hiya • what is (f) address ma howa anwanik I have to work yajib alaayah an it ma hoowa • what is this ma • the bill please (m) al fatoorah aamal • I want to travel oreed hatha • I don’t know laa aarif • I lo samaht • the bill please (f) an osaafir • I can see astatee don’t understand la afham • al fatoorah lo samahti • I want an araa • to pay tadfaa • to I’m sorry ana asif • how many oreed • I like ohib • I can asta - order tatlob • you want anta are there kam aadadooha • tee • I have to yajib aalayah • toreed • you (m) want anta repeat please eid lo samaht • to talk (or to speak) atakalam • toreed • you (f) want anti why leematha • because le’ana to get ahsol • to sleep anaam • toreedeen • you (m) like anta • what’s the weather like today to travel osaafir • to go out tohib • you (f) like anti to - keef hal al jow elyawm • it’s akhrooj • to give aatee • to eat hibeen • you (m) can anta tas - hot inaho haar • it’s cold inaho akol • to walk amshee • to tatee • you (f) can anti 2 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT tastatee’en • you (m) have to want to eat hal laa toreedi an tatakalam engleezi • can you yajib aalayka • you (f) have to ta’koli • I want to pay oreed an (f) speak English hal tastateei yajib aalayki adfaa • I want to go oreed an an tatakalamih engleezi • I athhab • do you (m) want to have to work on the computer Track 4 go hal toreed an tathhab • do yajib an aamal aalal combuter • to talk tatakalam • to sing you (f) want to go hal toreedi my wife likes to talk on the toghani • to sleep tanaam • to an tathhabi • yes I want to go telephone zawjati tohib an travel tosafir • to go out takhroj naam oreed an athhab • no I tatakalam aalal taleefon • to give taatee • to eat ta’kol • don’t want to go laa laa oreed to walk tamshee • to pay tad - an athhab • I have to work Track 7 faa • to wait tantathir • to work yajib aalayah an aamal • I have I am hungry ana jewaan • are taamal • to play talaab • to go to work now yajib aalayah an you (m) hungry hal anta tathhab • to do or to make aamal alan • do you (m) have jowaan • are you (f) hungry hal tafaal • to see taraa • to write to work hal yajib aalaykah an anti jowaanah • hunger (m) taktob • to learn tataalam • to taamal • do you (f) have to jowaan • hunger (f) jowaanah order tatlob • you (m) have to work hal yajib aalaykeh an taa - • thirst or thirsty (m) aatshaan pay yajib alayka an teddfaa • mali • thirst or thirsty (f) aat - you (f) have to pay yajib alayki shaanah • cold (m) bardaan • an tedfaaee • do you (m) want Track 6 cold (f) bardaanah • hot (m) to order hal toreed an tatlub • to speak English tatakalam harraan • hot (f) harranah • I do you (f) want to order hal engleezi • to speak Arabic ana • I’m hot (m) ana harraan • toreedi an tatlubi • do you (m) tatakalam aarabi • to talk on I’m hot (f) ana harraanah • I’m like to travel hal tohib an the phone tatakalam aalal hungry (m) ana jowaan • I’m tosafir • you (m) like to dance taleefon • to go out with hungry (f) ana jowaanah • I’m anta tohib an tarkus • I like to friends (m) takhroj maa as - thirsty (m) ana aatshaanah • eat ana ohib an akol • I am diqaik • to pay the bill tadfaa al I’m thirsty (f) ana aatshaanah • going to work sa’athhab ila al faatorah • to order food tatlob I’m cold (m) ana bardaan • I’m aamal • I want to eat oreed an taam • to watch television cold (f) ana bardaanah • I’m akol • I want to pay oreed an toshaahid altelfizyon • to work hot (m) ana harraan • I’m hot adfaa on the computer taamal aalal (f) ana harranah • are you (m) combuter • to sleep well hungry hal anta jowaan • are Track 5 tanaam jeyyidan • to leave you (f) hungry hal anti I want to begin oreed an abda’ tathhab • to travel abroad or jowaanah • yes I’m (m) hungry • are you (m) going to work travel to a foreign country naam ana jowaan • no I’m not hal sathhab ila al aamal • you tosafir ila al khaarij • to write a hungry (m) la’ ana mush (m) are not going to work anta letter taktob risaalah • to send jowaan • are you (m) thirsty len tathhab ila al aamal • aren’t an email tabaath risalah elec - hal anta aatshaan you (m) going to work hal len traaniyah • to receive an email tathhab ila al aamal. • I want to tastalim risaalah electraaniyah Track 8 eat oreed an akol • do you (m) • I don’t like to watch televi - are you (f) thirsty hal anti aat - want to eat hal toreed an ta’kol sion laa ohib an oshaahid al - shaanah • yes I’m (m) thirsty • do you (f) want to eat hal telfizyon • I want to speak naam ana aatshaan • no I’m toreedi an ta’koleeh • you (m) Arabic oreed an atakalam (m) not thirsty la’ ana mush don’t want to eat laa toreed an aarabi • I know a little Arabic aatshaan • are you (m) cold ta’kol • you (f) don’t want to aarif shiwayit aarabi • I want to hal anta bardaan • are you (f) eat laa toreedi an ta’koli • don’t learn Arabic oreed an ataalam cold hal anti bardaanah • yes you (m) want to eat hal laa aarabi • can you (m) speak I’m (m) cold naam ana bardaan toreed an ta’kol • don’t you (f) English hal tastatee an AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 3

• no I’m (m) not cold la’ ana one do you (m) want aye low samaht • please (m) low mush bardaan • are you (m) wahid toreed samaht • please (f) low hot hal anta harraan • are you samahti • thank you shukran • (f) hot hal anti harraanah • yes Track 10 you’re welcome aafwan • the I’m (m) hot naam ana harraan • which one do you (f) want aye street ashaarii • the station yes I’m (f) hot naam ana har - wahid toreedi • how much kam almahatta • the ticket altathki - raanah • no I’m (m) not hot la’ alsiier • how many kam rah • the airport almataar • the ana mush harraan • no I’m (f) alaadad • how many are there plane altayarah • how old are not hot la’ ana mush harraanah kam alaadad honak • now al you (m) kam omrak • how old • and wa • or ow • you (m) and an • later baadayn • I want to are you (f) kam omrik me anta wa ana • you (f) and go now oreed an athhab al an me anti wa ana • you (m) or • I don’t want to go later laa Track 12 me anta ow ana • you (f) or oreed an athhab baadayn • to I am 50 years old ana kham - me anti ow ana • who men • drive tasook • to drive a car seen sanah • I am 21 years please low samaht • thank you tasoob sayarah • can you (m) old ana wahid wa aashreen shukran • you’re welcome drive hal tastatee an tasook • sanah • where are you (m) aafwan • where ayna • there is can you (f) drive hal tastateei from min ayna anta • where honak • there is a man honak an tasooki • yes I can drive are you (f) from min aynah anti rajol • there is a woman honak naam astatee an asook • no I • I am from Syria ana min imra’a can’t drive laa la astatee an sooryah • I am from Iraq ana asook • I want oreed • I like min aliiraaq • I am from Egypt Track 9 ohib • I’m going to athhab • I ana min masr • the days of the there are several men honak have to yajib aalayah • I need week ayaam al isboo • Mon - baad alrijaal • there are several ahtaaj • where are you (m) day al ithnayn • Tuesday al women honak baado anisa’a • from min ayna anta • where thalatha’ • Wednesday al ‘ar - here honaa • there are several are you (f) from min ayna anti biaa’ • Thursday alkhamees • men here honak baad alrijaal • I am from the United States Friday al jumaa • Saturday al honna • also aydon • I need ana min a lwilayat almotahidah sabt • Sunday al ahad • the ahtaaj • I need coffee also ah - alamrikiyah months of the year ashhor al - taaj alqahwa aydon • to stay sanah • January yanaayir • tabqaa • yes naam • no laa • Track 11 February febraayirh • March no (fam) la’ • if low • if you (m) I am from America ana min maris • April ibreel • May can low tastatee • if you (m) amrikah • what is this ma maayo • June yunio • July yulio want low toreed • if you (f) hatha • the key al moftah • a • August aghostos • Septem - want low toreedi • to spend book kitaab • the house al ber sebtember • October octo - money tasrif floos • I can’t manzil • my car sayyarati • the ber • November november • spend much money laa asta - year alsanah • a day yawm • a December december tee an asref floos katheerah • week isboo • a man rajol • the many or a lot katheerah • what woman asayidah • the problem CD 2 (form) matha • what (fam) almushkeylah • the telephone shoo • with me maaee • with atilifoon • a desk dorj • the Track 1 you (m) maak • with you (f) door albaab • the window al - zero sifr • one wahid • two ith - maaik • it is howa • it isn’t shobaak • the cat alqitah • the nayn • three thalaathah • four howa laa • it’s a book it isn’t a dog alkalb • a pen qalam hibr • a’rbaa • five khamsah • six sit - dictionary howa kitaab laysa a pencil qalam rasaas • the tah • seven sabaa • eight qamoos • today al yawm • yes - floor al ‘ard • a bathroom thamaaniyah • nine tisaa • ten terday ams • tomorrow ghadan hamam • where is the bath - aasharah • what is the • which one aye wahid • which room please ayna alhamaam weather like kayfa hal aljow • 4 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT it’s nice aljow jameel • it’s girsonah • the bill please alfa - am studying it because I like it sunny aljow mushmis • it’s toorah low samhat • alright ana adrosoh li ani ohiboh • cloudy aljow ghaa’im • it’s rain - hasanan • how much does it when is it mata hiya • when ing aljow mumtir • it’s snowing cost kam siiroha • oh that’s mata • where ayna • how kayfa aljow muthlij • it’s hot aljow why ah hayk yaani • right away • why limatha • because li’ana haar • it’s cold aljow baarid • bisoraa • what size is it ma • I need ana ahtaj • I need help it’s cool aljow hiloo • it’s windy hiya hajmoha • it is big haj - ana ahtaj mosaada • I need aljow reyaah • the weather is moha kabeer • it isn’t big it’s gasoline ana ahtaj benzeen • I nice aljow jameel • the small hajmoha laysa kabeer in - need time ana ahtaj waqt weather is bad aljow sayi’h • ahoo sagheer • I’m sorry but I the four seasons alfosool al don’t understand ana asif lakin Track 5 arbaa • the seasons alfosool • laa afham • I’m sorry ana asif • I need the menu please ana winter shita’ • spring rabii • but lakin • I don’t understand ahtaj la’ihat al taam low summer sayf • fall khareef laa afham • repeat please eid samaht • who’s is it limen low samaht • how far is it kam hathaa • it’s mine hathaa lee • Track 2 hiya tabood • it’s very far inaha it’s yours (m) hathaa laka • it’s what’s the weather like kayfa baaeda jidan • it’s very near yours (f) hathaa laki • it’s ours hal aljow • in the spring it’s inaha qareebah jeddan • here hathaa lana • where is the cool and it rains fil rabii aljow it is ha hiyya • what kind ma book ayna al kitaab • the table hiloo wa mumtir • in the sum - howa al noo’ • what kind of al taawila • the book is on the mer it’s hot and it’s very sunny food is it ma howa noo’ al akil table al kitaab aala altaawila • fil sayf aljow mushmis wa haar • I don’t know what kind of on aala • on the table aala al - jidan • in the winter it’s cold food it is la aarif ma howa noo’ taawila • the book is on the and it snows a lot fil shitaa’ al akil • I know ana aarif • I table al kitaab aala altaawila • aljow baarid wa muthlij jidan • don’t know ana laa aarif • yes I under taht • the book is under in the fall it’s cool fil khareef understand naam ana afham • the table al kitaab taht altaaw - aljow jayyid • and it’s very no I don’t understand laa ana ila • next to bijanib • the book windy wa aljow reyaah • where laa afham is next to the table al kitaab bi - is it ayna hiyya • it is inaha • it jaanib altaawila • on the floor is near inaha qareeba • it isn’t Track 4 aala al ard • floor ard • on the far inaha layset baaida • what no I don’t understand (short floor aala al ard • the book al is this maa hatha • what is that form) la’ ana maa bafham • I’m kitaab • the book is on the maa hathak • who is it men sorry ana asif • repeat again floor al kitaab aala al ard • to honaak • what is spoken ma please eid kaman marra low the right ila al yameen • to the hiya al logha almutakalamah • samhat • please (m) low left ila al yasaar • the hotel al who is it men honak • it’s my samaht • please (f) low fondoq • where ayna • where friend (m) inaho sadeqi • what samahti • how far away is it is the hotel ayna al fondoq • color is it ma howa al lown • kam hiyya tabood • it’s one the hotel is on the right al fon - it’s red inaho ahmar • it’s white block or one street away inaha doq aala al yameen • the hotel inaho abyad • it isn’t white it’s fil shaarii althaani • what kind is on the left al fondoq aala al black inaho laysa abyad inaho ma noo’oha • who meen • yasaar aswad • see you later naraka what maatha • when mata • baaden where ayna • how kayfa • why Track 6 limatha • because li’ana • why the hotel isn’t on the right the Track 3 are you (m) studying Arabic li - hotel is on the left al fondoq it isn’t a pen it’s a pencil inaho matha anta tadros aarabi • why laysa aala al yameen al fondoq laysa qalam hibr inaho qalam are you (f) studying Arabic li - aala al yasaar • my parents rasas • waiter girson • waitress matha anti tadrosi aarabi • I’m waliday • my children abna’ee AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 5

• my family aaelati • I love my right away haya bena halan • sabein • eighty thamaaneen • family ana ohib aaelati • my here it is ha howa • I mean or eighty-one wahid wa thamaa - wife zawjati • my husband za - I’m saying aqsod • no I mean neen • ninety tisein • ninety- wjee • the United States al - here laa ana aqsod hona • four a’rbaa wa tisein • one wilayat almutahida • America how far away is it kem hiyya hundred me’a • one hundred amreeka • I’m American (m) tabood • how far away is the fifty me’a wa khamseen • how ana amreeki • I’m American (f) restaurant kem yabood el many are there kem aadadoha ana amreekiyah • excuse me mataam • there are a hundred fifty is it far aafwan hal hiyya honak me’a wa khamseen • baaida • is it near hal hiyya qa - Track 8 there are a hundred and fifty reeba • it isn’t far it’s near zero sifr • one wahid • two ith - or a hundred and fifty-one inaha laysat baaida inaha qa - nayn • three thalaathah • four honak me’a wa khamseen ow reeba • is it easy hal hiyya arba’a • five khamsah • six sit - me’a wa wahid wa khamseen • sahla • is it difficult hal hiyya tah • seven sabaa • eight two hundred me’atayn • three saaba • it isn’t difficult it’s easy thamaaniyah • nine tisaa • ten hundred thalaatho me’a • I inaha laysat saaba inaha sahla aasharah • eleven ehda aashar have to work yajib aalaya an • is it good hal hiyya jayeeda • • twelve ethna aashar • thir - aamal • I can get one astatee is it bad hal hiyya sayi’a • it teen thalathat aashar • four - an ahsol aalayh • I want to go isn’t bad it’s good inaha laysat teen aarbaat aashar • fifteen oreed an athhab • I want to eat sayi’a inaha jayeeda • how khamset aashar • sixteen sittat oreed an akol • I like to learn much kam siiroha • how many aashar • seventeen sabaat ohib an ataalam • I have to go kam aadadaha • where is the aashar • eighteen thamaaniyat yajib an athhab • I like to go bathroom please ayna al aashar • nineteen tisaat aashar out ohib an akhroj • I want to hamaam low samaht • waiter • twenty eeshreen • twenty learn Arabic oreed an ataalam the check please gerson alfaa - one ethnan wa eeshreen • aarabi • I can walk astatee an tora low samhat • waitress the thirty thalatheen • there are amshee • I have to work yajib check please gersonah alfaa - thirty honak thalatheen • there aalaya an aamal • I want to tora low samahti are two honak ethnayn • there travel oreed an osafir • I can aren’t twenty there are see astatee an a’raa • to pay Track 7 twenty-five laysa honak tadfaa • to order tatlob • you the menu please la’ihat al eeshreen honak khamsa wa want anta toreed taam low samaht • please (m) eeshreen • how many are low samaht • please (f) low there kem aadadoha • I don’t Track 10 samahti • thank you (m) know how many there are laa you want (m) anta toreed • you shukran • what is this maa aarif kem aadadoha • I think want (f) anti toreedeen • you hathaa • what is that maa there are five aataqid honak like (m) anta tohib • you like (f) hathaak • who is it men honak khamsa • I don’t have any idea anti tohibeen • you can (m) • how many are there kam maa eindee aye iilem • thirty anta tastatee • you can (f) anti aadadoha • where is it ayna thalatheen • thirty two ethnaan tastaein • you have to (m) yajib howa • I don’t know laa aarif • I wa thalatheen • fourty arba’ein aalayka • you have to (f) yajib don’t understand laa afham • • fourty four arba’a wa a’rbaein aalayki • to talk tatakalam • to let’s see sanara • I don’t un - • fifty khamseen • fifty nine sing toghani • to sleep tanam • derstand laa afham • okay or tisaa wa khamseen to travel tosafir • to go out it’s alright mashee • go (m, takhroj • to give taati • to eat sing) ithhab • go (f, sing) ith - Track 9 ta’kol • to walk tamshee • to habi • go (m, pl) ithhabo • go (f, sixty sitteen • sixty-nine tisaa pay tadfaa • to wait tantathir • pl) ithhabin • right away halan wa sitteen • seventy sabein • to work taamal • to play talaab • let’s go haya bena • let’s go seventy-eight thamaaniyah wa • to go tathhab • to do or to 6 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT make tafaal • to see tara’ • to tih wa sitteen • seven hundred matha anta tadros aarabi • why write taktob • to learn tataalam saboo me’a • seven hundred are you (f) studying Arabic li - • to order tatlob • you (m) have seventy-seven saboo me’a wa matha anti tadrosi aarabi to pay yajib aalayka an tadfaa • sabaa wa sabeen • eight hun - you (f) have to pay yajib dred thamanato me’a • eight Track 2 aalayki an tadfaaee hundred eighty-eight I’m am studying it because I thamanato me’a wa like it ana adrosoh li ani ohi - Track 11 thamaniyah wa thamaneen • boh • when is it mata hiya • do you (m) want hal toreed • nine hundred tisaato me’a • when mata • where ayna • do you (m) want to order hal nine hundred ninety-nine ti - how kayfa • why limatha • be - toreed an tatlob • do you (f) saato me’a wa tisaa wa tiseen cause li’ana • I need ana ahtaj want to order hal toreedi an • one thousand alf • three • I need help ana ahtaj tatlobi • do you (m) like to thousand thalaathat alaaf • five mosaada • I need gasoline ana travel hal tohib an tosafir • you thousand khamsat alaaf • ten ahtaj benzeen • I need time (m) like to dance anta tohib an thousand aashrat alaaf • one ana ahtaj waqt how are you (f) tarqus • I like to eat ana ohib hundred thousand me’at alf • keef halek • how are you (m) an akol • you (m) don’t have to million milyon • billion bilyon • keef halak • how are you (fam pay laa yajib aalayka an tadfaa trillion trilyon • a million dollars m) keefak • how are you (fam • don’t you (m) have to pay hal milyon dolar f) keefek • I’m fine thank you laa yajib aalayka an tadfaa • and you (m) ana mabsoot you (f) don’t have to order laa CD 3 shukran wa anta • I’m fine yajib aalaykee an tatlobi • you thank you and you (f) ana (m) like to work anta tohib an Track 1 mabsoota skukran wa anti • taamal • you (m) don’t like to too expensive ghalee • where pleased to meet you forsa work anta laa tohib an taamal • is it ayna hiyya • it is inaha • it saaeda • delighted (m) farhan don’t you m) like to work hal is near inaha qareeba • it isn’t • I’m happy (m) ana saaed • I’m laa tohib an taamal • yes I like far inaha laysat baaeda • what happy (f) ana saaeda • I’m sad to work naam ohib an aamal • is this maa hatha • what is that (m) ana zaalan • I’m sad (f) no I don’t like to work laa laa maa hathak • who is it men ana zaalana • I’m not sad I’m ohib an aamal honak • what is spoken maa happy (m) ana lesto zaalan hiya al logha al mutakalama • ana saaed • how are you (m) Track 12 who is it men honak • it’s my keef halak • how are you (f) I can go astatee an athhab • I friend (m) inaho sadeeqi • keef halek • I’m fine (m) ana can’t go laa astatee an athhab what is spoken maa hiya al mabsoot • I’m fine (f) ana • can you (m) go hal tastatee logha al mutakalama • English mabsoota • I’m sick (m) ana an tathhab • can you (f) go hal is spoken al logha al mu - mareed tastateei an tathabi • three takalama hiya engleezi • Ara - hundred eighty-eight thalatho bic is spoken al logha al Track 3 me’a wa thamaniyah wa mutakalama hiya aarabi • how I’m sick (f) ana mareeda • thamaneen • four hundred ar - do you say kayfa taqool • how where is it ayna howa • is it far ba’at me’a • four hundred do you say dog in Arabic kayfa or near hal howa baaed am ninety-nine arba’ato me’a wa taqool kalb fil aarabi • you say qareeb • it isn’t far it’s near tisaa wa tiseen • five hundred kalb taqool kalb • what kind inaha laysat baaeda inaha qa - khamso me’a • five hundred ma noo’oha • who meen • reeba • it’s here inaha hona • fifty-five khamso me’a wa what maatha • when mata • here hona • it’s inaha • it’s khamsa wa khamseen • six where ayna • how kayfa • why here inaha hona • there honak hundred sitto me’a • six hun - limatha • because li’ana • why • it’s there inaha honak • how dred sixty-six sitto me’a wa sit - are you (m) studying Arabic li - is it kayfa hiyya • it’s better AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 7 inaha jayyida • it’s worse inaha aalaya • who is it men honak • o’clock in the afternoon al sayyi’a • it isn’t worse it’s bet - it’s my friend (m) inaho sadeqi sa’aa al wahida baad al duhr • ter inaha laysat sayyi’a inaha • it’s my wife inaha zawjati • it’s eight o’clock in the evening jayyida • where is he ayna where are you now ayna anta al sa’aa al thamina masa’an • howa • where is she ayna al an • I’m in school ana fil it’s nine thirty in the monring al hiyya • she’s at home inaha fil • can you (m) tell me sa’aa al tasiaa wa nisf fil sabah menzil • he’s at work inaho fil hal tastatee an taqul lee • • it is inaha • nine tisaa • thirty aamal • where are you (m) where is it located ayna hiyya wa nisf • in the morning saba - ayna anta • I’m at the movie taqaa • of course bi tabi’ han • it’s nine thirty in the theater ana fil cinima • I’m at morning al sa’aa al tasiaa wa my parent’s house ana fi men - Track 5 nisf sabahan • it’s a quarter to zil waaledaay • what can you it’s on the right inaha aala al three in the afternoon al sa’aa (m) do matha tastatee an yameen • it’s on the left inaha athaniya wa khamsa wa a’r - tafaal • what can you (f) do aala al yasaar • it’s straight boon daqeeqa baad al duhr • matha tastateei an tafaali ahead inaha ila al amam • do it’s two fourty five al sa’aa you (f) know the answer hal athaniya wa khamsa wa a’r - Track 4 taarifi al jawab • do you (m) boon I can do a lot of things ana as - know the answer hal taarif al tatee an aamal ashya’ katheera jawab • yes I know the answer Track 7 • things ashya’ • a lot of things naam ana aarif al jawab • no I in the afternoon baad al duhr • ashya’ katheerah • I ana • I can don’t know the answer laa ana it’s ten o’clock al sa’aa al do ana astatee an afaal • I can laa aarif al jawab • do you (m) aashira • at night laylan • it’s do a lot of things ana astatee know the town hal taarif al ten o’clock at night al sa’aa al an afaal ashya katheera • I can belda • yes I know the town aashira laylan • it’s eight go if you (m) want ana astatee naam ana aarif al belda • no I o’clock in the morning al sa’aa an athhab itha toreed • I can don’t know the town laa ana athamina sabahan • it is inaha go if you (f) want ana astatee laa aarif al belda • what time is • eight o’clock athamina • in an thhab itha toreedi • we can it kem al sa’aa • it is one the morning sabahan • it’s five order now nastatee an notlob o’clock al sa’aa al wahida • fifty-five at night al sa’aa al al an • I can speak a little Ara - what time is it kem al sa’aa • khaamisa wa khamsa was bic ana aqdar an atakalam it’s one o’clock al sa’aa al khamsoon daqeeqa masa’an • shewayyit aarabi • can you wahida • it’s two o’clock al it’s seven twenty-five in the drive the car hal tastatee an sa’aa al thaniya • it’s six morning al sa’aa asaabi’aa wa tasooq al sayar • how many o’clock al sa’aa al saadisa • it’s khamsa wa eeshren daqeeqa are there kem adadoha • how noon al sa’aa athaniya aashar sabahan • it’s seven al sa’aa al much is it kem siiroha • it’s too baad al duhr • it’s midnight al saabi’aa • twenty-five khamsa much inaha ghaaliya jiddan • sa’aa athaniya aashar laylan wa eeshren • in the morning do you (m) want to go hal sabahan • in the evening toreed an tathhab • do you (f) Track 6 masa’an • in the afternoon want to go hal toreedi an tath - it’s quarter past one al sa’aa al baad al duhr • it’s two thirty in habi • yes I want to go naam wahida wa roboo’ • quarter the afternoon al sa’aa athaniya ana oreed an athhab • no I roboo’ • half past or thirty nisf • wa nisf baad al duhr • it is don’t want to go laa ana laa it’s ten o’clock al sa’aa al inaha • two thirty athaniya wa oreed an athhab • what kind aashira • in the morning fil nisf • in the afternoon baad al ma noo’oha • why are you sabah • in the afternoon baad duhr • it’s two thirty in the af - going limatha anta satathhab • al duhr • in the evening fil ternoon al sa’aa athaniya wa I’m going because I have to masa’ • what time is it kem al nisf baad al duhr • it’s nine ana sathhab li’anaho yajib sa’aa • it is inaha • it is one thirty at night al sa’aa ataasi’aa 8 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT wa nisf masa’an • it’s twelve al wa izabol yadrisoona the train station mahatat al sa’aa athaniya aashar • it’s katheeran • I study a lot also qitar • a taxi texi • a good noon al sa’aa athaniya aashar ana adros kathreen aydon • I restaurant mataam jiyyed • the baad al duhr • it’s midnight al don’t watch many movies ana American embassy al safaara sa’aa athaniya aashar masa’an laa atafaraj aala aflaam al amreekiya • he howa • her katheeran • my friend (m) laha • where is the store ayna Track 8 doesn’t watch many movies al • where is the mu - it’s twelve twenty in the after - either sadeqi laa yatafaraj aala seum ayna al mat-haf • where noon al sa’aa athaniya aashar aflaam katheeran aydon • is the post office ayna al ba - wa eeshren daqeeqa baad al movies aflaam • many reed • where is the train sta - duhr • first al awal • later al tali katheeran • many movies tion ayna mahatat al qitar • first I ask al awal ana as’al • aflaam katheera • I don’t watch and then or afterwards the many movies ana laa atafaraj Track 11 teacher answers wa tali al aala aflaam katheera • my where is the American em - modaris yojawib • first I ask friends (m) as-haabi • my bassy ayna al safaara al am - and then the teacher answers friends (f) sahibaati • my reekiya • where is the British al awal ana as’al wa tali al friends (m) don’t watch many embassy ayna al safaara al modaris yojawib • first I order movies either as-habi laa yata - britaaniya • where is he ayna and then I eat al awal atlob wa farajoon aala aflaam katheera howa • where is she ayna hiya tali akol • first I work and then I aydon • I’m taking a taxi ana • it is inaha • on the corner fil get paid al awal aamal wa tali sa’akhoth al texi • are you tak - zaweeya • on the street or in yadfaaoli • first I talk and then I ing a taxi also hal anta sa - the street fil sharii • at the traf - answer al awal atakalam wa ta’khoth al texi aydon • I want fic light aala al ishara al dow - tali ojawib • first Najeeb eats to go to Chicago ana oreed an i’ya • two blocks away literally and then he eats al awal Na - athhab ila shikaagho • do you two streets away shariien ila al jeed ya’kol wa fil tali yadfaa • (m) want to go to Chicago amam • five kilometers away first we go and then we come also hal anta toreed an tathhab baaida khams kilometrat • back al awal nahno nathhab ila shikaagho aydon seven miles away baaida wa fil tali narjaa • also aydon • sabaat amyal • next door qa - neither bedune • I am going to Track 10 reeba jiddan • in front or Saudi Arabia ana sa’athhab ila do you (f) want to go to across the street ila al amam • al memlika al aarabiya al Chicago also hal anti toreeden far away baaida jiddan • close saoodiya • I am going ana an tathhabi ila shikaagho or near qareeb • to the right ila sa’athhab • I am going to aydon • I want to eat oreed an al yameen • to the left ila al Saudi Arabia ana sa’athhab ila a’kol • do you (m) want to eat yasaar • straight ahead ila al al memlika al aarabiya al also hal toreed an ta’kol aydon amam • where is the bank saoodiya • I’m going also ana • don’t you (m) want to eat please ayna al bank low sa’athhab aydon • I’m not also hal laa toreed an ta’kol samaht • it’s straight ahead going to Kuwait ana len ath - aydon • no I don’t want to eat and to the right al bank ila al hab ila al kowait laa laa oreed an a’kol • I don’t amam aala al yameen • it isn’t want to eat either laa oreed an far it’s near inaho laysa Track 9 a’kol aydon • where is it ayna baaiden bal qareeban • it’s five I am not going either ana len hiya • where is the house ayna blocks or five streets from athhab aydon • Mike isn’t at al menzil • the store al mahal • here inaho khams shawarii home Mike laysa fil menzil • the super market al subermar - baeid min hona • it’s next door Tom isn’t at home either Tom ket • the museum al mat-haf • aala al bab al jamb laysa fil menzil aydon • Martin the post office al bareed • the and Isabel study a lot Martin bus station mahatat al boss • AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 9

CD 4 masa’ • make yourself at home to yajib aalayki • you (f) don’t ‘oshoor bil raaha fil menzil • have to laa yajib aalayki • Track 1 can you tell me mumkin an aren’t you (m) going to hal len where is the bus station taqool lee • how much is it tathhab • aren’t you (f) going please ayna mahatat al boss kem al siiroha • where are you to hal len tathhabi • don’t you low samaht • where is the (f) going ayna satathhabeen • (m) have to hal laa yajib train station please ayna ma - excuse me afwan • do you aalayka • don’t you (f) have to hatat al qitar low samaht • have change hal maak khorda hal laa yajib aalyaki • to guess where is the American em - • I like to talk on the phone tahzar • to sleep tanaam • to bassy please ayna al safaara al ana ohib an atakalam aala al get tahsol • to go out takhroj • amreekiya low samhat • it is at telefon • I’m going to go ana to work taamal • to know taarif the traffic light inaha aala al sa’thhab • we’re going to work • to eat ta’kol • to do or to ishara al dow’iya • it’s across nahno sanaamal • I have to make tafaal • to write taktob • the street inaha fi moqataat al know ana yajib an aarif • do to study tadrus • to see taraa sharii • it’s on the corner inaha you (m) know the city hal taarif aala al • it’s on the left al madina • where are you (m) Track 4 inaha aala al yasaar • it’s on going ayna satathhab • I’m to travel tosaafir • to buy the right inaha aala al yameen going to the bank ana sa’th - tashtaree • to sell tabii • to • it’s right next to the bus sta - hab ila al benk • I’m going to teach todaris • to learn tion inaha bil qorb min mahatat work ana sa’hhab ila al aamal • tataalam • to being tabda’ • to al basat • can we order now if I’m going to class ana sa’thhab finish tantahee • to order tatlob we want hal nastatee al ‘an ila al hissa • I’m sorry but I • to pay tadfaa • to go tathhab low aradna • they (m) can’t don’t understand ana asif lakin • to return taood • to ask tas’al speak English only Arabic laa afham • we know a good • to answer tojawib • to find hom layastateeon yatakalamin restaurant nahno naarif out taktashif • to walk tamshee engleezi faqat aarabi • do you mataam jeyyid • excuse me • to say or tell taqool • I’m (m) want to go or not hal afwan going to go ana sa’thhab • I’m toreed an tathhab am laa • do not going to go an len ‘athhab you (f) want to go or not hal Track 3 • I want to eat an sa’akol • I toreeden an tathhabi am laa • do you know a good restau - don’t want to eat ana len ‘akol first I order then I eat al awal rant near here hal taarif • I want to pay ana sa’adfaa • atlob wa tali a’kol • what is it it mataam jeyyid bil qurb min do you (m) want to pay hal is a plane maa hatha inaha hona • how much does it cost toreed an tadfaa • don’t you tayyarah I don’t have to ana laa kem al siier • it’s a lot of work (m) want to pay hal laa toreed yajib aalaya inaho aamal katheer •don’t you an tadfaa • I have to start yajib (m) like hal laa tohib • don’t aalaya an ‘abda’ • I don’t have Track 2 you (f) like hal laa tohibeen • to start laa yajib aalaya an you’re (m) not going to anta you’re (m) going to anta sa - ‘abda’ • do you (m) want to len tathhab • you’re (f) not tathhab • you’re (f) not going order now hal toreed an tatlob going to anti len tathhabeen • to anti len tathhabeen • you’re al an • don’t you (f) want to you (m) don’t like anta laa (m) going to anta satathhab • order now hal laa toreedi an tohib • I don’t want to ana laa you’re (m) not going to anta tatlobi al an • I have to go oreed • it is seven in the morn - len tathhab • you’re (f) going today yajib an ‘athhab al yawm ing al sa’aa al sabiaa sabahan to anti satathhabeen • you’re • I don’t have to go today laa • it’s seven at night al sa’aa al (f) not going to anti len tath - yajib an ‘athhab al yawm • do sabiaa masa’an • I work in the habeen • you (m) have to yajib you (m) want to drive hal morning ana aamal fil sabaah • aalayka • you (m) don’t have to toreed an tasooq • do you (f) I work at night ana aamal fil laa yajib aalayka • you (f) have 10 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT want to drive hal toreedi an the sock al jorban • the socks Track 8 tasooqi al jarabeen • the dress al fus - we know nahno naarif • we tan • the dresses al fasateen • don’t know nahno laa naarif • Track 5 the blouse al bloosa • the they (m) know hom yaarifoon • I want to buy that oreed an blouses al balayiz • the hat al they (m) don’t know hom laa ashtaree haatha • I don’t want taqiya • the hats al tawaqi • yaarifoon • do you (m) know to buy that laa oreed an ashta - the leg al rijl • the legs al arjol • hal anta taarif • don’t you (m) ree haatha • I have to get one the body al jism • the clothes know hal anta laa taarif • do yajib an ‘ahsol aala wahid • I al malabis • to go ‘athhab • I you (f) know hal anti taarifeen don’t have to get one laa yajib go ana ‘athhab • you (m) go • don’t you (f) know hal anti laa an ‘ahsol aala wahid • I need anta tathhab • you (f) go anti taarifeen • do you (m, pl) know to find out oreed an ‘aktashif • tathhabi hal antom taarifoon • do you (f, I don’t need to find out laa pl) know hal antona taarifin • I oreed an ‘aktashif • you (m) Track 7 know Spanish, English and need to find out anta toreed he goes howa yathhab • she Arabic ana aarif asbaani en - an taktashif • I want to know goes hiyya tathhab • we go gleezi ow aarabi • I know the oreed an aarif • I don’t want to nahno nathhab • they (m) go answer and I know him ana know laa oreed an aarif • body hom yathhaboon • they (f) go aarif al jawaab wa ana aarifo • jism • clothing malabis • ear hona yathhaben • I don’t go or I don’t know ana laa aarif • he (form) othon • ear (fam) than • I’m not going ana len athhab • doesn’t know either howa laa a dress fustan • a foot qadam • I’m not going ana len athhab • yaarif aydon • I know the an - mouth fem • hair shaaer • I’m going ana sa’athhab • I’m swer ana aarif al jawaab • she pants bantalon • shirt qamees not going ana len ‘athhab • knows the answer also hiyya • shoe hitha’ • shoes ‘ahthiyya you’re (m) going anta satath - taarif al jawaab aydon • do you • the foot qadam • feet ‘aqdam hab • you’re (m) not going (m, pl) know my parents hal • the face wijih • faces awjoh • anta len tathhab • he’s going antom taarifoon ahlee • do you the head ra’s • heads roos • howa yathhab • he’s not going (m) know my brother hal taarif the shirt qamees • shirts qom - howa len yathhab • we’re akhee • my brother akhee • do san • the ear than • the ears going nahno sanathhab • you (m) know my brother hal ‘othon • hair (as in hair on your we’re not going nahno len taarif akhoy • brother akh • my head) shaaer al ra’s nathhab • they’re (m) going brother akhoy • sister okhot • hom sayathhaboon • they’re my sister okhoti Track 6 (m) not going hom len yathha - I need a haircut ‘ahtaj ila qas boon • they’re (f) going hona Track 9 shaaer • body hair shaaer al sayathhaben • they’re (f) not parents waliday • parents ab - jism • the lip al shafa’ • the lips going hona len yathhaben • awayn • my parents abawayyi • al shafayif • the mouth al fem • you (m, pl) are going antom my mom and dad ommi wa the mouths al ‘afmam • the satathhaboon • you (f, pl) are abbi • my dad abbi • my mom tooth al sin • the teeth al going antona satathhaben • to ommi • my grandma sitti • my asnan • the eye al aayn • the know taarif • I know aarif • I grandpa jaddi • my parents eyes al aayon • my eye aayni • don’t know laa aarif • you (m) (form) jadday • my grandma my eyes ooyoni • my neck raq - anta taarif • you (m) don’t and grandpa sitti wa jaddi • bati • the neck al raqba • the know anta laa taarif • you (f) uncle aam • my uncle aammi • throat al honjara • the heart al know anti taarifeen • you (f) aunt khala • my aunt khalati • qalb • the tongue al leesan • don’t know anti laa taarifeen my uncle (father’s side) aammi the tongues al alsun • the • my uncle (mother’s side) pants al bantalon • the shoe al khali • my aunt (father’s side) hitha’ • the shoes al ‘ahthya • aammati • my aunt (mother’s AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 11 side) khalati • do you (m) know Track 11 mumkin an takoon mukhti’ • I’m hal taarif • don’t you (m) know are you (f) American yes or no right ana saheeh • I’m wrong hal laa taarif • don’t you (m) hal anti amreekiya naam am ana mukhti’ • north shamaal • know me hal laa taarifni • don’t laa • yes I’m (m) American south janoob • east sharq • you (m) know her hal laa taar - naam ana amreeki • no I’m (m) west gharb • instead of badel ifha • don’t you (m) know us not American I’m English laa aan • I drink water instead of hal laa taarifna • don’t you (m) ana lasto amreeki ana britaani wine ana ashrab al ma’ badel know them hal laa taarifhom • • am I going hal ana sa’athhab aan al wine • I drink coffee in - don’t you (m) know where hal • am I not going or aren’t I stead of tea ana ashrab al laa taarif ayna • don’t you (m) going hal ana len athhab • are qahwa badel aan al shay • I know how hal laa taarif kayf you (m) going hal anta satath - drink ana ashrab • instead of hab • aren’t you (m) going hal badel aan • coffee al qahwa • Track 10 anta len tathhab • are you (f) tea shay • I drink coffee in - I know the town ana aarif al going hal anti satathhabeen • stead of tea ana ashrab al belda • I know the answer ana aren’t you (f) going hal anti len qahwa badel aan al shay • I’m aarif al jawaab • do you (f) tathhabeen • are we going hal going today instead of tomor - know English hal taarifeen en - nahno sanathhab • aren’t we row ana sa’athhab al yawm gleezi • do you (m) know Eng - going hal nahno len nathhab • badel aan al ghad • standing lish hal taarif engleezi • yes I are they (m) going hal hom (m) waqif • standing (f) waqifa know English but I don’t know sayathhaboon • aren’t they (m) • sitting down (m) • sitting Arabic naam ana aarif engleezi going hal hom len yathhaboon down (f) jalisa • I (m) am sit - lakin laa aarif aarabi • are you • are they (f) going hal hona ting down ana jalis • I (f) am (m) going to speak Arabic or len yathhaben • aren’t they (f) sitting down ana jalisa • I (m) English hal anta satatakalam going hal hona len yathhaben • am standing ana waqif • I (f) aarabi aw engleezi • he knows are you (m. pl) all or guys or am standing ana waqifa • the Arabic very well howa yaarif folks going hal antom satath - man is standing al rajol waqif • aarabi jeyyidan • I know a little haboon • aren’t you (m. pl) the woman isn’t standing she Arabic ana aarif shewayit going hal antom len tathha - is sitting down al imra’a laysat aarabi • can you (m) speak boon • are you (f, pl) going hal waqifa bel jalisa Arabic hal tatakalam aarabi • antona satathhaben • aren’t can you (f) speak English hal you (f, pl) going hal antona len Track 2 tatakalameen engleezi • can tathhaben• whose is it leeman the man is standing al rajol you (m) speak English hal hathi • it’s mine hathihi lee • it’s waqif • the woman is standing tatakalam engleezi • either or yours (m) hathihi lak • it’s al imra’a waqifa • the man is imma aw • either you’re going yours (f) hathihi laki • it’s his sitting al rajol jalis • the or not imma an tathhab aw laa hathihi laho • it’s hers hathihi woman is sitting also al imra’a • either you want to or you laha • it’s ours hathihi lana • it’s jalisa aydon • in order to min don’t imma an toreed am laa • theirs hathihi lahom ajil an • I take a taxi in order to either we go or we stay imma go downtown ana sa’akhoth al an nathhab aw nabqa • if low • CD 5 taxi min ajil an athhab ila wasit yes naam • yes I understand al madina • I take out my wal - completely naam ana afham bi Track 1 let in order to pay the bill ana wodooh • if I work a lot I make I see the store ana ara al mahl sa’otalii mahfathti min ajil an a lot of money low aamal • I see it ana arah • I see the adfaa al fatoora • I’m going to katheeran sa’aamal floos men ana ara al rejaal • I see the store in order to buy food katheera • are you (m) Ameri - them ana arahom • maybe ana sa’athhab ila al mahl min can yes or no hal anta amreeki you’re right mumkin an takoon ajil an ashtaree al taam • I’m naam am laa saheeh • maybe you’re wrong going to the post office in 12 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT order to mail a letter ana anti tohibi • he likes howa today mathaa tashoor an tafaal sa’athhab ila maktab al bareed yohib • she likes hiyya tohib • al yawm • what do you (f) feel min ajil an ‘abaat al risala • we like nahno nohib • they (m) like doing today mathaa that’s why or for that reason like hom yohibo tashoori an tafaali al yawm • lee hatha al sabeb • I am do you (m) feel like eating thirsty that is why I’m drinking Track 4 now or later hal tashoor an water ana atshaan lee hatha al they (f) like hona yohiben • we ta’kol al an ow baaden • now sabeen ana ashrab maa’ • I’m like the house nahno nohib al or later al an ow baaden • I hungry that’s why I’m eating menzil • we like to travel feel like eating now ana ana jewaan lee hatha al sabeb nahno nohib an nosafir • I like ‘ashoor an ‘akol al an • I’m very ana akol • I’m hungry ana jew - the weather ana ohib al jow • I hungry ana jewaan katheer • I aan • that’s why lee hatha al like the weather in Arizona am afraid ana khaaif • you’re sabeb • I’m eating ana akol • ana ohib al jow fi Arizona • I (m) afraid anta khaaif • you’re I’m hungry that’s why I’m eat - don’t like the weather in (f) afraid of anti khaaifa • what ing ana jewaan lee hatha al Chicago ana laa ohib al jow fi are you (m) afraid of min sabeb ana akol • I’m tired shekagho • I don’t like to wait matha khaaif • what are you (f) that’s why I’m going to bed ana laa ohib an antather • do afraid of min matha khaaifa • ana taaban lee hatha al sabeb you (m) like the food hal tohib I’m not afraid of anything ana ana thaahib ila al nawm • with al taam • do you (f) like the lasto khaaif min ay sha’y • any - or without maa ow bidoon • food hal tohibi al taam • do thing ay sha’y • I’m afraid ana with maa • or ow • without they (m) like the food hal khaaif • I’m not afraid ana lasto bidoon • with a hat maa yohibo al taam • yes they (m) khaaif • I’m not afraid of any - taqeyya • without a hat bidoon like the food naam yohibo al thing ana lasto khaaif min ay taqeyya taam • do they (f) like the food sha’y • it’s mine howa lee hal yobibna al taam • no they Track 3 (f) don’t like the food laa laa Track 6 with money maa floos • with - yohibibna al taam • but they (f) mine (m/f) lee • yours (m) laka out money bidoon floos • the do like the hotel lakin • yours (f) laki • his laho • hers house belongs to me al menzil yohbibna al fondoq • I’m (m) laha • ours lana • theirs (m) howa lee • whose car is it hungry ana jewaan • I’m (f) lahom • theirs (f) lahonna • limen hathihi al siyyara • the hungry ana jewaana • we’re whose car is it it’s Najeeb’s car al sayyara • whose limen • hungry nahno jewaanineen • limen hathihi al siyyara inaha whose car is it limen hathihi al I’m (m) thirsty ana aatshan • lee Najeed • it’s his inaha laho siyyara • it’s Najeeb’s hiyya lee I’m (f) thirsty ana aatshana • • who do the shoes belong to Najeeb • it’s Debbie’s hiyya lee I’m (m) hot ana haran • you’re they belong to Mary limen Debbie • it’s ours hiyya lana • (f) cold anti bardana • are you hatha al hitha’ inaho lee Mary • it’s theirs hiyya lahom • whose (f) cold hal anti bardana • do their hers inaho laha • who money is it it’s mine limen you (m) feel like eating hal does the house belong to it hathihi al floos hiyya lee • tashoor an ta’kol • to feel like belongs to Muhammad limen whose luggage is it limen tashoor hatha al menzil inaho lee hathihi al haqa’ib • it’s his hiyya Muhammad • it’s his inaho laho • it’s ours hiyya lana • it’s Track 5 laho • who does the money hers hiyya laha • it’s mine hiyya I feel like going ‘ashoor an belong to it belongs to Najeeb lee • it’s yours (m) hiyya laka • athhab • I feel like traveling and Muhammad limen hathihi it’s theirs hiyya lahom • it’s ana ‘ashoor an ‘osafir • we feel al floos inaha lee Najeeb wa hers hiyya laha • it’s his hiyya like seeing a movie nahno Muhammad • it’s theirs inaha laho • I like ana ohib • you (m) nashoor ana naraa film • what lahom • who does the luggage like anta tohib • you (f) like do you (m) feel like doing belong to it belongs to me AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 13 limen hathihi al ‘amtiaa inaha eindana hajiz • the problem is see the movie nahno sanara al lee • it’s mine inaha lee • my we don’t have reservations al film • we’re going to see it house (m/f) menzili • your (m) mushkila hiyya laysa eindana nahno sanarah • I’m going to house menzilak • your (f) hajiz • the problem al mushkila turn on the light ana sa’adwee house menzilik • his house • is hiyya • we don’t have al dow • I’m going to turn it on menziloh reservations laysa eindana ana sa’adwee • you (m) are hajiz • I’m (m) sorry ana asif • going to open the door anta Track 7 I’m (f) sorry ana asifa • I forgot sataftah al bab • you (m) are her house menzilha • our ana naseet • I forgot to make going to open it anta sataftaho house menzilna • their (m) reservations ana naseet an • Ava is going to close the house menzilhom • their (f) ‘ahjiz • they (m) hom eindahom window Ava sawfa toghlik al house menzilhon • in Arabic fil • they (m) don’t have hom naafitha • she is going to close aarabi • our book kitaabona • laysa eindahom • they (f) have it Ava sawfa toghlekoha our friend (m) sadeeqona • our hona eindahon • they (f) don’t friends (f) sadeeqatona • our have laysa eindahon • excuse Track 10 friends (m, pl) ‘asdeqa’ona • me what do you (m) have in I’m driving the car ana sa’a - our friends (f, pl) sadeeqatona your hand aafwan matha maak sooq al sayyara • I’m driving it • my job aamali • your (m) job fi yadik • excuse miss what do ana sa’asooqoha • they (m) aamalak • your (f) job aamalik you have aafwa ‘anisa matha are looking at the ocean hom • his job aamaloho • her job eindik • I don’t have anything yatafarajoon aala al muheet • aamaloha • our job aamalona • laysa eindee ay sha’y • any - they (m) are looking at it hom I have ana eindee • I don’t thing or nothing ay sha’y • I yatafarajoon aalayh • they (m) have laysa eindee • I have the don’t have laysa eindee • I hom • the ocean al muheet • tickets ana eindee al tathaakir don’t have anything laysa to look at yatafarajoon • they • I don’t have the tickets laysa eindee ay sha’y (m) are looking at the ocean eindee al tathaakir • you (m) hom yatafarajoon aala al have the tickets anta eindak al Track 9 muheet • they hom • it aalayh • tathaakir • you (m) don’t have I’m going to read the book ana they (m) are looking at the the tickets anta laysa eindak al sa’aqra’ • I’m going to read it ocean hom yatafarajoon aala tathaakir • to have eindee • ana sa’aqra’o • I’m going to al muheet • they (m) are look - she has the tickets hiyya ein - wash the shirt ana sa’aghsol al ing at it hom yatafarajoon daha al tathaakir • she doesn’t qamees • I’m going to wash it aalayh • I’m washing my hands have the tickets laysa eindaha ana sa’aghsoloh • it (m) oh • it ana sa’aghsol yeday • I’m al tathaakir • time waqt • I (f) he • I’m going to read the washing them ana sa’aghsolo - don’t have the time laysa books ana sa’aqra’ al kotob • hom • the hand al yed • the eindee al waqt • I have the I’m going to read the ana hands al yeddayn • I’m wash - time eindee al waqt • I have sa’aqra’hom • I’m going to ing my hands ana sa’aghsol the tickets eindee al tathaakir wash the shirt ana sa’aghasil yeday • I’m washing them ana al qumsan • I’m going to wash sa’aghsolohom • you (m) are Track 8 them ana sa’oghasilhom • calling your friend (m) anta sa - do you (m) have hal eindak • Maria is going to drink the tatasil fi sahibak • you (m) are do you (m) have the tickets soda Maria satashrab al cola • calling him anta satatasil bih • hal eindak al tathaakir • do you she is going to drink it hiyya friend (m. sing) sahibok • (f) have the tickets hal eindik satashraboha • I am going to friend (f. sing) sahibatik • al tathaakir • yes I have them hear the bells ana sawfa friends (m/f) ‘as-habak • naam einde • no I don’t have ‘asmaa daq al jaras • I’m going friends (f) ‘as-habok • friends them laa layso eindee • we to hear them ana sawfa ‘as - (m) ‘as-habak • friends (f) don’t have reservations laysa maaohom • We’re going to ‘as-habik 14 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT

Track 11 learning Arabic ana ‘adros wa soori • I’m Syrian (f) ana I’m calling my friends (m) ana ‘ataalam aarabi • we are eating sooriyya • this hatha • that sa’atasil fi ‘as-habi • I’m calling dinner in a good restaurant hathak • we are listening them (m) ana sa’atasil bihom • tonight nahno na’kol al aasha’ nahno nasmaa • I am working I’m calling my friends (f) ana fi mataam jeyyid hal layla • din - ana aamal • they (f) are eating sa’atasil fi sahibaati • I’m call - ner aasha’ • we’re eating honna ya’koln • they (m) are ing them (f) ana sa’atasil bihon nahno na’kol • we’re eating eating hom ya’koloon • I’m • you’re (m) right anta saheeh dinner nahno na’kol al aasha’ • going ana sa’athhab • tonight • you’re (f) right anti saheeha • restaurant mataam • good al layla • this month hatha al you’re (m) right anta saheeh • restaurant mataam jeyyid • shahir • this week hatha al you’re (f) right anti saheeha • tonight al layla • we are eating ‘isboo • today al yawm • to - I’m (m) right ana saheeh • I’m dinner in a good restaurant morrow morning ghaden saba - (f) right ana saheeha • I’m (m) tonight nahno na’kol al aasha’ han • next year al aam al wrong ana mukhti’ • I’m (f) fi mataam jeyyid hal layla • muqbil • this afternoon baad al wrong ana mukhti’a • if low • if that’s exactly what I want duhir • I went ana thahabt • I’m (m) wrong then I’m sorry hatha maa oreed bidabt • this afternoon baad al duhir low ana mukhti’ ana asif • if I’m maybe you (m) are right and (f) wrong then I’m sorry low maybe you are wrong yemkin Track 3 ana mukhti’a ana asifa • he’s an takoon saheeh wa yemkin I went last night ana thahabt al right and she’s wrong howa an takoon mukhti’ • maybe you layla al maadiyya • yesterday saheeh wa hiyya mukhti’a • (f) are right and maybe you ‘ams • last week al ‘isboo el he’s right howa saheeh • and are wrong yemkin an takooni maadey • when is your (m) wa • and she’s wrong wa hiyya saheeha ow yemkin an takooni birthday mata howa eid mukhti’a • I’m (m) right and mukhti’a • maybe I don’t need melaadak • please (m) low you’re (m) wrong ana saheeh it yemkin maa ahtaajoh • I see samaht • please (f) low wa anta mukhti’ • no we’re (m) the store ana araa al mahl • I samahti • go (m, sing) ithhab • right and they’re wrong laa see it ana araah • I see the go (f, sing) ithhabi • wait (m, ‘ihna saheeh wa hom men ana araa al rijaal • I see sing) ‘intathir • wait (f, sing) ‘in - mukhti’een • north shamaal • them (m) ana araahom • I see tathiri • eat (m, sing) kol • eat south janoob • east sharq • the women ana araa al nisaa’ • (f, sing) kolli • listen (m, sing) west gharb • to the right ila al I see them (f) ana araahon • I ‘ismaa • listen (f, sing) ‘ismaai • yameen • to the left ila al yas - see the boy ana araa al waled you got to work lazim taamal • sar • is it north hal hiyya • I see him ana araah • I see you got to eat lazim tawkil • it’s shamaal • it is south hal hiyya the girl ana araa al bint • I see a book howa kitaab • it’s a lit - janoob • is it east hal hiyya her ana araaha tle book howa kitaab sagheer • sharq • is it west hal hiyya how’s the weather kayf hal al gharb • is it to the right or is it Track 2 jow • it’s nice ‘inaho jameel • to the left hal hiyya ila al I see the children playing ana it’s not nice ‘inaho laysa jameel yameen am ila al shamaal araa al ‘atfaal yelaaboon • the • I’m leaving the room ana children al ‘atfal • I see the sa’atrok al ghorfa • turn (m) on CD 6 children ana araa al ‘atfaal • I the light ‘odwee al dow • turn see them (m) ana araahom • (m/f) on the light ‘odwee al Track 1 what is your (m) nationality ma dow • turn (m/f) off the light whose is it limen hatha • is it hiyya jinssiatak • what is your taffee al dow • I speak Arabic mine or is it yours (m) hal (f) nationality ma hiyya jinssi - ana atakalam aarabi • I spoke hatha lee am laka • is it mine atik • I’m American (m) ana Arabic yesterday ana takalemt or is it yours (f) hal hatha lee amreeki • I’m American (f) ana aarabi ‘ams • I ate Moroccan am laki • I’m studying and amreekiya • I’m Syrian (m) ana food yesterday ana ‘akalt ‘akil AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 15 maghribi ‘ams • I was eating Track 5 food kolloo hatha al taam • eat yesterday konto ‘aqra’ ‘ams • I last year al sinna al maadiyya (m, sing) this food it’s good kol was reading last night konto • this year al sinna al haadira • hatha al taam inaho jeyyid • ‘aqra’ al layla al maadiyya next year al sinna al qaadima • eat (f, sing) this food it’s good talk or speak (m, sing) kolli hatha al taam • I’m eating Track 4 ‘atakalam • talk or speak (f, breakfast ana akol al fotoor • we slept well nahno nimna sing) tatakalam • eat (m, sing) I’m eating lunch ana akol al jeyyidan • I did the work aa - ‘akol • eat (f, sing) ta’kol • ghadaa’ • I’m eating dinner or malt al shughl • what have you come on in (m) tafaddal • supper ana akol al aasha’ • I (m) done matha faalt • what come on in (f) tafaddali • leave breakfast or I eat breakfast have you (f) done matha faalti (m) ‘okhroj • leave (f) ‘okhroji • ana ‘aftir • I lunch or I eat • yesterday morning ‘ams al come (m) ta’aal • come (f) lunch ana ‘ataghadda • I din - sabah • this morning hatha al ta’aali • look (m) shoof • look ner or I eat dinner ana sabah • tomorrow morning (f) shoofi • wait (m) ‘intathir • ‘ataasha • I eat breakfast ana ghadan sabahan • yesterday wait (f) ‘intathiri • listen (m) ‘aftir • I eat lunch ana afternoon ‘ams baad al duhir • ‘ismaa • listen (f) ‘ismaai • do ‘ataghadda • I eat dinner or this afternoon baad al duhir • or make (m) ‘ifaal • do or make supper ana ‘ataasha tomorrow afternoon ghadan (f) ‘ifaali • go (m) ‘ithhab • go baad al duhir • last night al (f) ‘ithhabi • turn on (m) Track 7 layla al maadiyya • tonight al shaghel • turn on (f) shaghelli • what time do you serve break - layla • tomorrow night ghadan come (m) to my house on fast ay sa’aa toqademoon al al layla • what are you (m) Monday ta’aal ila menzili yawm fotoor • what time do you doing tonight matha tafaal al al ‘ithnayn • turn on the light serve lunch ay sa’aa toqade - layla • I’m not doing anything please (m) ‘idwee al dow low moon al ghada’ • what time do tomorrow night ana len aafal samaht • turn on the light you serve dinner ay sa’aa ay sha’y ghadan masa’an • please (f) ‘idwee al dow low toqademoon al aasha’ • I talk what did you (m) eat yester - samahti • eat (m) this it’s (m) ana atakalam • I used to talk day morning matha ‘akalt ‘ams good kol hatha ‘inaho jeyyid • ana konto atakalam • I talk ana al sabah • what time did you eat (m) this it’s (f) good kol atakalam • I was talking or I (m) get up this morning ay hathi ‘inaha jeyyida used to talk konto atakalam • sa’aa ‘istaykatht al yawm • you talk anta tatakalam • you where are we going this after - Track 6 used to talk or you were talk - noon ayna sanathhab baada al go (m) straight then turn right ing anta konta tatakalam • you duhir • where were you (m) ‘ithhab ila al amam wa lef aala (f) talk anti tatakalameen • you last night ayna kont al layala al al yameen • do (m, pl) the (f) were talking or you used to maadiyya • where were you (f) work iimalo al aamal • do (f, talk anti konti tatakalameen • last night ayna konti al layala al sing) the work iimali al aamal • we (f) talk nahno natakalam • maadiyya • week ‘isboo • do (m, sing) the work iimal al we (f) used to talk or we were month shahir • year sana • last aamal • do (f, sing) the work talking nahno konna week al ‘isboo al maadiy • this iimali al aamal • speak (m, natakalam • they (m) talk hom week al ‘isboo al haadir • next sing) English takalam engleezi yatakalamoon • they (f) talk week al ‘isboo al qaadim • last • speak (f, sing) English honna yatakallen • they (f) month al shahir al maadiy • takalami engleezi • speak (m, used to talk or they were talk - this month al shahir al haadir • pl) Arabic takalamo aarabi • ing honna konna yatakallen • I next month al shahir al qaadim wait (m, pl) here ‘intathiro hona talk ana atakalam • I used to • wait (m, sing) here ‘intathir talk or I was talking ana konto hona • wait (f, sing) here ‘in - atakalam • we talk nahno tathiri hona • eat (m, pl) this natakalam 16 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT

Track 8 ‘ams konto atakalam aArabic • al ‘ams • I didn’t do anything we used to talk nahno kona you (m) talk or speak anta lem ‘afaal ay shey’ • I wasn’t natakalam • I used to talk Eng - tatakalam • you (m) spoke doing anything lem kontu lish everyday ana konto anta takalamt • yesterday you ‘afaal ay shey’ • I was driving atakalam engleezi kol yawm • (m) spoke ‘ams anta takalamt • the car kontu ‘asooq al sayyara to eat ‘akol • I eat ana ‘akol • I you (m) were speaking or you • I was eating the food kontu used to eat ana konto ‘akol • I used to speak anta konto ‘akol al taam was eating breakfast at 8 tatakalam • you (f) talk or o’clock this morning ana konto speak anti tatakalameen • you Track 11 ‘akol al fotoor fil sa’aa al (f) spoke anti takalamti • you I was leaving the room kontu thaamina sabahan • to do or to (f) used to speak anti konti sa’atrok al ghorfa • I was dial - make ‘afaal • I do ana ‘afaal • I tatakalameen • I ate the food ing the number kontu sa’adoq was doing ana konto ‘afaal • ana ‘akaltu al taam • I was eat - aala al telefoon • you (m, sing) you (m) do anta tafaal • you ing the food ana kontu ‘akol al were driving the car anta konta (m) were doing anta konta taam • I read the book ana tasooq al sayyara • you (f, tafaal • what were you (m) qara’tu kitaaben sing) were driving the car anti doing matha konta tafaal • konti tasooqeen al sayyara • what matha • past tense word Track 10 you (m, sing) were eating the (m, sing) konta • to do (m) I was reading a book ana food anta konta ta’kol al taam • tafaal • this morning sabahan • kontu ‘aqra’ kitaaben • I talk you (f, sing) were eating the what were you (m, sing) doing ana ‘atakalam • I talked ana food anti konti ta’koleen al this morning matha konta takalamt • I used to talk or I taam • you (m, sing) were tafaal hatha al sabah • you (f) was talking ana kontu leaving the room anta konta do anti tafaaleen • you (f) were ‘atakalam • we eat nahno satatrok al ghorfa • you (f, doing anti konti tafaaleen • na’kol • we ate nahno ‘akalna • sing) were leaving the room what were you (f) doing matha we were eating or we used to anti konti satatrokeen al ghorfa konti tafaaleen • last night al eat nahno konna na’kol • I • the room al ghorfa • you (f, layla al maadiyya • what were drive ana ‘asooq • yesterday I sing) were leaving anti konti you (f, sing) doing last night drove ‘ams ana soqt • I used to satatrokeen • you (f, sing) matha konti tafaaleen al layla drive or I was driving ana were leaving the room anti al maadiyya • I wasn’t doing kontu ‘asooq • I eat ana ‘akol • konti satatrokeen al ghorfa • I anything ana lem ‘akon afaal last night I ate al layla al was dialing the number ana shey’an • I do ana ‘afaal • I maadiyya ana ‘akalt • I was kontu ‘adoq aala al telefoon • I don’t do or I’m not doing ana eating or I used to eat kontu was dialing the phone number len ‘afaal ‘akol • you (m) buy anta tashta - ana kontu ‘adoq aala raqam al ree • yesterday you (m) telefoon • you (m) were dialing Track 9 bought ‘ams anta ishtarayt • the phone number anta konta I wasn’t doing ana lem ‘akon you (m) were buying or you tadoq aala raqam al telefon • ‘afaal • I wasn’t doing anything used to buy anta konta tashta - what were you (m) doing yes - ana lem ‘akon ‘afaal ay she’y • ree • we talk nahno natakalam terday matha konta tafaal al yesterday I spoke Arabic ‘ams • yesterday we talked ‘ams ‘ams • I was driving the car takalamt aarabi • yesterday I nahno takalamna • last week ana kontu ‘asooq al sayyara • was speaking Arabic ‘ams we were talking al ‘isboo al what were you (f) eating yes - konto ‘atakalam aarabi • I maadiy konna natakalam • terday matha konti ta’koleen al speak Arabic ana atakalam what did you (m, sing) do yes - ‘ams • I was eating a delicious aarabi • yesterday I spoke Ara - terday matha faalt al ‘ams • meal ana kontu ‘akol taam bic ‘ams takalamt aarabi • Yes - what were you (m, sing) doing latheeth • delicious latheeth • I terday I was speaking Arabic yesterday matha konta tafaal was eating ana kontu ‘akol • AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 17 meal taam • I was eating a de - you (f) did anti faalti • what did please (f) sit down ‘ijlisi low licious meal ana kontu ‘akol you (m, sing) matha faalt • samahti • my daily schedule taam latheeth • to say or to tell what did you (f, sing) matha jedwali al yawmi • hi marhaba • ‘atakalam • I said takalamt • faalti • I did a lot of work ana my name is Edward ismee Ed - you (m) said anta takalamt • faalt ‘ashya’ katheera • he did ward • I wake up at 6 o’clock you (f) said anti takalamti • howa faal • she did hiyya faal - in the morning ana ‘astaykith fi what did you (m s) say matha lat • I take a bath ana ‘ata - al sa’aa asaadesa sabahan • I qult hamem • I get up ana get up ana ‘akoom • I shave ‘astaykith • I wake up ana ‘as- ana ‘ahliq • I take a bath ana CD 7 ha • I’m able to go ana ‘akdir akoth hamem • I comb my hair an athhab • it’s so expensive ana omashit shaari • I get Track 1 inaha ghaleyya jeddan • the dressed ana ‘albis • I sit down to say or to tell ‘atakalam • I house is pretty al menzil ana ‘ajlis • I stand up ana ‘aqif said takalamt • you (m) said jameel • coffee with cream • I go to work ana ‘athhab ila al anta takalamt • you (f) said anti and sugar please qahwa maa aamal takalamti • what did you (m s) cream wa sukkar low samaht • say matha qult • to say or to another napkin please kaman Track 4 tell yaqool • I said ana qult • mahrama low samaht • break - now you are Edward what do you (m, sing) said anta qult • fast fotoor • lunch ghadaa’ • you do al ‘an anta Edward you (f, sing) said anti qulti • dinner aasha’ • dessert ha - matha tafaal • you wake up at what did you (m, sing) matha laweyyat • salad salata • eggs 6 in the morning anta tas - qult • what did you (f, sing) beyd • bread khobz • milk taykith fi al sa’aa al sadesa matha qulti • I didn’t say any - haleeb • water ma’ • a glass of sabahan • you get up anta thing ana lem ‘aqol shey’an • water please ka’s mina al ma’ taqoom • you shave anta tahliq he said howa qaal • she said low samaht • glass ka’s lehyatak • you take a bath anta hiyya qallat • we said nahno tatahamem • you comb your qulna • they (m, pl) said hum Track 3 (m) hair anta tomashit shaarak qaallo • they (f, pl) said honna glass of water ka’s mina al ma’ • you get dressed anta talbis • qulnna • to be takoon • I was • water ma’ • glass of water you sit down anta tajlis • you konta • you (m, sing) were anta ka’s ma’ • glass of milk ka’s stand up anta taqif • you go to konta • you (f, sing) were anti haleeb • fish samek • fish work anta tathhab ila al aamal konti • he was howa kan • she (sing) samaka • orange juice • I can go to the restaurant was hiyya kannat • where were aaseer burtoqal • a table for ana astatee an athhab ila al you (m, sing) ayna kont • I was two please tawela lee ‘ithnayn mataam • today I can to the here ana kontu hona • we low samaht • not anymore retaurant al yawm ana astatee were nahno konna • we were ghayart ra’yee • to fall down an athhab ila al mataam • I here nahno konna hona • we tasqot • to get dressed talbis • cash a check right there ana weren’t here nahno lem nakon I get dressed ana ‘albis • to asrif sheq honak • I order a de - hona • they (m, pl) were hom comb your (m) hair tomashit licious meal ana atlob taam kano • where were they (m, pl) shaarak • to comb her hair latheeth • I eat right away ana ayna kano • where were they hiyya tomashit shaaraha • to ‘akol fawran • yesterday I ‘ams (f, pl) ayna kunna laugh tadhak • to lie down ana • I was able to go to the tatameddad • to get up restaurant kontu aqdir an ath - Track 2 taqoom • I’m going to lie down hab ila al mataam • I cashed a I don’t know where they were ana sawfa ‘atameddad • I’m check right there saraft sheq (m, pl) ana laa ‘aarif ayna kano going to take a bath ana honak • I ordered a delicious • to do or to make ‘afaal • I did sawfa ‘atahamem • please (m) meal talabt taam latheeth faalt • you (m) did anta faalt • sit down ‘ijlis low samaht • 18 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT

Track 5 dan • it is so big inaha kabeera sandwich sandwishat jibna • I ate right away ‘akalt fawran • katheer • it is so small inaha hamburger hamburger • hot - tomorrow I ghadan ana • to - sagheera katheer • it is so dog naqaniq • roast beef roast morrow I’ll be able to go to the pretty inaha jameela katheer • beef • steak qitiit lahim • restaurant ghadan ana sa’as - someone ahad • no one laa chicken jadj • fried chicken tatee an athhab ila al mataam • ahad • is there someone at jadj maqlee • baked chicken I cash a check right there home tonight hal honak ahad jadj mashwee • fish (sing) sa’asrif sheq honak • I will fil menzil al layla • there isn’t samaka • rice ruz order a delicious meal sa’atlob anyone len yakoon ay ahad • is taam latheeth • I will eat right someone talking on the phone Track 8 away sa akol fawran • the hal honak ahad aala al telefon vegetables khodar • potatoes weather forecast halat al jow • • no one is talking on the batata • fried potatoes batata tomorrow it will rain ghadan phone wala ahad yatakalam maqleya • soda or pop cola • satamtor • it’s sunny today aala al telefon • did someone refreshment muratibat • cook - inaha mushmesa al yawm • it come to school hal honak ies kaa’ki • dinner aasha’ • will snow in the winter satoflij ahad ja’a ila al madrasa • no - soup maraq • vegetable soup fil sheta’ • it will be windy body came to school wala maraqit khudar • carrots jazar • tonight satakoon reyah el layla ahad ja’a ila al madrasa • is lettuce khas • tomato tamatin • the weather will be nice all someone talking hal honak or bendora • beef lahma • pork week al jow sayakoon mumtaz ahad yatakalam • no nobody is khanzeer • seafood ‘akil bahri • tawal al ‘isboo • what’s the talking laa laa ahad yatakalam lamb lahim kharoof • goat weather like kayfa hal al jow • • is there someone at home sakhla • ice cream booza • it’s beautiful inaho jameel • it’s hal honak ahad fil menzil • no steak qitaat lahma • rice ruz • terrible inaho sayyi’ • it’s so-so nobody is at home laa laa chicken dajaj • dessert ha - inaha mu’tadil • that’s life yujad ahad fil menzil lawiyyat • cake cake • I would hathihi hiyya al haya • sweet like ana ohib • I would like to dreams ahlam saaeda • hope Track 7 order steak and salad please you sleep well and wake up Middle Eastern cuisine al ana ohib an ‘atlob qitaat lahma happy tosbih aala khayr • sahin al aarabi • breakfast fo - ow steak wa salata low (when someone sneezes) toor • lunch ghada’ • dinner or samaht • when is breakfast yarhamuka Allah • bon appetit supper ‘asha’ • eggs beyd • served mata toqadimoon la’i - or enjoy your meal ‘istamti’ bi coffee qahwa • cream cream • hat taam al ‘iftaar • I would like taamak • there is so much sugar sukar • juice aseer • eggs and toast please ana noise honak izaaj katheer • it is juice of aseer min • orange ohib beyd wa toast low samaht so far away inaha baaida jed - juice aseer burtuqal • fruit dan • so much jeddan juice aseer fawakih • tomato Track 9 juice aseer tamatin • tomato we need more butter please Track 6 tamatin or bendora • milk noreed zibda akthar low so much noise ‘izaaj katheer • haleeb • omelet omelet • egg samaht • waiter the check so much katheer • so far away omelet omelet minna al beyd • please ghirson al fatoora low baaida jeddan • there is so cheese jibna • bread khobz • samaht • waitress the check much noise honak ‘izaaj toast toast • butter zibda • jelly please ghirsona al fatoora low katheer • there is so much rain miraba • strawberry jelly samahti • is the service in - honak amtaar katheera • there miraba feraawla • salt mileh • cluded hal al khidma mawjoda are so many people honak nas pepper filfil • beans fasoolya • • I’m sorry but I didn’t order katheereen • it is so far away lunch ghada’ • sandwich sand - this ana asif lakin lem ‘atlob inaha baaida jeddan • it is so wisha • ham sandwich sand - hatha • what do you (m) need expensive inaha ghaliya jed - wishat ham • cheese matha tahtaj • what do you (f) AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 19 need matha tahtaji • I need sions horaf • lawyer (m) murajiyi • the teacher (f) ana ahtaj • a table for two taw - muhami • lawyer (f) muhamiya teaches her students al mu - ila lee ‘ithnayn • a cup of hot • actor (m) mumathil • actress darisa tudaris tulaboha • the coffee finjan min al qahwa al (f) mumathila veterinarian (m) cares for the sakhina • I need a fork please animals daktor al haywanat oreed shuwka low samaht • Track 11 yahtem bil haywanat another plate please sahin director (m) mudeer aam • idafi low samaht • a knife sik - manager (m) mudeer • man - CD 8 ina • a spoon milaaka • a nap - age (f) mudeera • director (m) kin mahrama • a cup finjan • a muwajih • director (f) muwa - Track 1 glass ka’s • another glass ka’s jiha • businessman rajul aamal we are going without them (m, idafee • another glass please • business woman imra’t pl) nahno sanathhab bidona - ka’s idafee low samaht • a aamal • male nurse mumarid • hom • we are going alone glass with ice ka’s maa thalj • I female nurse mumarida • en - nahno sanathhab leewahdana need the manager please gineer (m) muhandis • engi - • I only need time ana faqat oreed al mudeer low samaht • I neer (f) muhandisa • teacher oreed waqt • my brother only need a table for four please (m) mudaris • teacher (f) mu - needs money akhee faqat oreed tawila lee arbaa low darisa • boss (m) mudeer • yureed floos • we only want to samaht • I want a knife fork • boss (f) mudeera • doctor (m) order coffee nahno faqat and spoon oreed sikina daktor • doctor (f) daktora • noreed an natlob qahwa • time showka wa milaaka • I don’t pilot (m) tayaar • pilot (f) al marrah • this time hathihi al have a napkin maa eindee tayaara • policeman (m) rajul marrah • last time al marrah al mahrama shurta • policeman shurti • po - maadiyya • next time al marrah licewoman shurtiyya • secre - al qadema • I will pay you (m) Track 10 tary (m) secerter • secretary (f) next time sa’adfaa laka al mar - I would like fish with rice secertera • pharmacist (m) rah al qadema • do you (m) re - please ohib samak maa ruz saydali • pharmacist (f) say - member the last time we went low samaht • I would like dalaniya • veterinarian (m) hal tatathakar al marrah al chicken please ohib dajaj low daktor haywanat • veterinarian latee thahabna • when was the samaht • I would like eggs and (f) daktorat haywanat last time I saw you (m) mata potatoes please ohib al beyd kanat al marrah al akheera al maa al batata low samaht • the Track 12 latee ra’aytak fiha • this is the houses are pretty and expen - writer (m) katib • writer (f) kat - first time I have spoken Arabic sive al manazil raa’ia wa iba • the pharmacist (m) pre - hathihi al marrah al owla al ghaleeya • the classes are dif - pares the prescription al latee ‘atakalam aarabi • this is ficult al doorus saaba • the girl saydali yuhadir al rushitta • the our first time in Europe hathihi is worried al bint qaliqa • the computer programmer (m) al marrah al owla lana fi girls are worried al banat works on the computer orubba • what time is it kem al qaliqat • the shoe is white al mubarmiq al combuter yaamal saa’a • I don’t have a watch hitha’ abyad • the shoes are aala al combuter • the lawyer laysa eindee saa’a • I haven’t white al ‘ahtheya beydda’ • (m) goes to court al muhami seen you (m) for a long time you’re (m) friend (m) is nice yathhab ila al mahkama • the lem ‘arak lee modda taweela • sadeqaq mumtaz • you’re (m) policeman gives a ticket al I work from time to time ana friends (m) are nice asdiqa’aq shurti yaati mukhalafa • the aamal min waqt ila waqt • this mumtazeen • you’re (f) friend secretary (f) is typing a letter time I’m not going hathihi al (f) is nice sadiqatik mumtaza • al secertera tatbaa risala • the marrah ana len athhab • we you’re (f) friends (f) are nice doctor (m) takes care of his see each other from time to sadeeqatik mumtazat • profes - patients al daktor yahtem bi time nahno nara baadana min 20 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT waqt ila waqt • what matha • side fil dakhil • outside fil kharij Track 5 which ayy • what day is today • something shey’ • nothing laa very happy saaed jeddan • a maa howa al yawm • which shey’ • easy sahil • difficult lot of music musiqa katheera • one is it ayy wahid howa • saaib • expensive ghalee • in - a lot of money floos katheera • what is this maa hatha • which expensive rakhees • light a lot of fruit fawaqih katheera • house is it ayy menzil howa • daeef • heavy thaqeel • light very fast saree’ jeddan • a lot what’s new matha jadeed sabah • dark masa’ • friend (m) of wine wine katheer • a lot of sadeeq • friend (f) sadeeqa • sugar sukar katheer • very Track 2 enemy (m) aado • enemy (f) slowly bati’ jeddan • a lot of what is your (m) last name aadowa • nice (m) jameel • food ‘akil katheer • a lot of vio - maa howa ismak al akheer • nice (f) jameela • each or lence wahsheya katheeran • which month is it ayy shahir every kol • I study everyday very peaceful hadi’ jeddan • howa • what day is today maa ana ‘adros kol yawm • they pay how long ago min kem al howa al yawm • which table me every week yadfaao lee kol muda’ • I went there a week do you (m) want ayy tawila ‘isboo ago ana thahabto honak toreed • there are two ques - muntho ‘isboo • ago muntho • tions which one do I answer Track 4 a week ago muntho ‘isboo • a honak so’alayn ayy wahid every time I go it’s sunny kol year ago muntho sana • a toreed an ojawib • what is your waqt ‘athhab yakoon shams • month ago muntho shahir • (m) telephone number maa each week it’s a new adven - three days ago muntho thala - howa raqam telefonak • which ture kol ‘isboo honak thet ayaam • I went ana tha - day do you (m) work ayy yawm moghamara jadeeda • every habt • I went a week ago ana taamal • I work everyday ana trip includes a round trip ticket thahabt muntho ‘isboo • when aamal kol yawm • what’s new kol rihla tatakawan min rihla did you (m) go mata thahabt • maa jadeed • hi what’s new thahib wa rajii • ticket tathkira • how long ago did you (m) go marhaba maa jadeed • not round trip thahab wa iyab • muntho mata anta thahabt • I much same old thing laysa round trip ticket tathkirat tha - went I week ago ana thahabt katheer nafs al shey’ • which hab wa iyab • includes al ‘isboo al maadiy • when did season is it ayy fasil howa • tahtawee • every kol • every you (m) eat mata ‘akalt • I ate clean nadeef • dirty wisikh • trip kol rihla • every trip in - an hour ago ana ‘akalt muntho man rajol • woman ‘imra’a • cludes kol rihla tahtawee • a saa’a • ago muntho boy waled • girl bint • question round trip ticket tathkirat tha - so’al • answer jawab • up fawq hab wa iyab • a lot of money Track 6 • down tahit • in the middle fil floos katheera • very early an hour saa’a • an hour ago wasat • inside fil dakhil • out - badree jeddan • a lot of people muntho saa’a • I ate ‘akalt • I side fil kharij • lie kathib • truth nas katheereen • very far ate an hour ago ‘akalt muntho haqeeqa • good jeyyid • bad baaeid jeddan • very expensive saa’a • I ate five hours ago say’i • big kabeer ghalee jeddan • very cheap ‘akalt muntho khams saa’at • rakhees jeddan • very good the more I study the more I Track 3 jeyyid jeddan • very bad say’i learn al akthar an ‘adros al ak - small sagheer • thick sameeq • jeddan • very early badree jed - thar an ‘ataalam • the less I thin naheef • ugly (m) qabeeh • dan • very late muta’akhir jed - study the less I learn al ‘aqal pretty (m) jameel • ugly (f) dan • a lot of time waqt an adros al ‘aqal an ‘ataalam • qabeeha • pretty (f) jameela • katheer • very often marrat the more I work the more fat (m) nasih • thin (m) daeef • katheera • a lot of distance money I ear al akthar an fat (f) nasiha • thin (f) daeefa • masafa taweela • very sad ‘aamal al akthar floos an ‘ahsol a little shewaya • a lot katheer hazeen jeddan • the more I read the more I • far baaeid • near qareeb • in - learn al akthar an ‘aqra’ al ak - AUDIO TRANSCRIPT 21 thar an ‘ataalam • the more I count is empty hisabi fil bank the bed ana taabt fil nawm al travel the more I see al akthar fadee • how do you say keef layla osafir al akthar ‘araa • the tehki • who is going to leave a more I give the more I receive tip for the waiter men sayatrik Track 9 al akthar aatee al akthar ‘ahsol bakhsheesh lal ghirson • what better late than never al afdal aalay • the more you complain is today’s date maa howa an takoon muta’akhir aan an the more problems you have tareekh al yawm • today is Oc - laa ta’tee • don’t mention it laa al akthar an tashkee al akthar tober 10th al yawm howa idjeeb serrih • that’s a lie inaha mashakil • instead of badel aashara aashara • it is July 9th kathiba • go straight and turn aan • I’m going to speak Ara - inaho tisaa sabaa • maybe we right at the corner ithhab ila al bic instead of English ana can finish this tomorrow amam wa lif aala al yameen ila sa’atakalam aarabi badel aan yemkin an nantahee min hatha al zawiya • is it far or near hal engleezi • I’m going home in - ghadan hiyya baaeda am qareeba • stead of to work ana sa’athhab how far away is it kem hiyya ila al menzil badel aan al aamal Track 8 tab’od • can you please tell me I’m sorry but I don’t under - where the bank is located Track 7 stand ana asif lakin laa afham • mumkin an taqool lee ayna we’re eating eggs instead of repeat everything please eid mawki’ al bank low samaht • bread nahno na’kol beyd badel kol shey’ low samaht • I’m what is your (m) name ma aan al khobz • we are eating going to eat right away I’m ismak • what is your (f) name nahno na’kol • we are eating hungry ana sa’akol fawran ana ma ismik • my name is ismee eggs nahno na’kol beyd • jewaan • I’m hungry (f) ana je - howa • pleased to meet you bread khobz • instead of badel waana • easy come easy go al forsa saaeda • likewise ana aan • instead of bread badel lathee yati’ bil sahil yathhab bil aydon • hi how’s it going (fam) aan khobz • we’re eating eggs sahil • a bird in the hand is marhaba kefak • hello how’s it instead of bread nahno na’kol worth two in the bush ahsan going (form) marhaba keef beyd badel aan al khobz • an yakoon eindak shay’ qareeb halak • fine thank you and you we’re going Monday instead badel aan laa shay’ • lost time (m) mabsoot shukran wa anta of Tuesday nahno sanathhab is not found again al waqt al • fine thank you and you (f) al ithnayn badel aan al tha - daai’ laa yuawad • a barking mabsoota shukran wa anti • latha’ • I’m traveling to Iraq in - dog doesn’t bite al kalb illee what’s the weather like today stead of Kuwait ana saosafir beyyi’wee maa be’od • silence keef hal al jow al yawm • it’s ila al iiraq badel aan al kuwait • is good itha kana al kalam min hot inaho har • it’s cold inaho we’re starting now instead of fidda fal sokoot min thahab • barid • it’s nice inaho jameel • later sanabda’ al an badel aan easier said than done as-hal it’s raining inaho mumtir • it’s baadayn • full malan • empty an taqoolha aan an tafaalha • snowing inaho muthlij • eleven fadee • the glass is full al ka’s seeing is believing an taraa ihda aashar • twenty-two ith - malyan • the glass is empty al leekay tosadiq • like father like nayn wa eshreen • thirty-three ka’s fadee • the tank is full al son hatha al shibel min thakil thalatha wa thalatheen • forty- tank malyan • the tank is asad • so much the better al four a’rbaa wa a’rbaein • fifty- empty al tank fadee • the cup akthar al afdal • make yourself five khamsa wa khamseen is full al finjan malyan • the at home oshoor anaka fi men - cup is empty al finjan fadee • zilak • are you pulling my leg Track 10 my pockets are full juyoobi hal anta tatakhawath aalay • I sixty-six sitteh wa siteen • sev - malyanat • my pockets are stuck my foot in my mouth enty-seven sabaa wa sabeen • empty juyoobi fadeeyat • my qult al shay’ al ghalat fil waqt al eighty-eight thamaniyah wa bank account is full hisabi fil ghalat • careful fatih einnak • I thamaneen • ninety-nine tisaa bank malyan • my bank ac - got up on the wrong side of wa tiseen • one hundred me’a 22 AUDIO TRANSCRIPT

• please (f) low samahti • tathhab • can’t you (m) go hal please (m) low samaht • laa tastatee an tathhab waiter the check please ghir - son al fatoora low samaht • Track 12 please (m) low samaht • to guess tohzir • to sleep please (f) low samahti • thank tanam • I can’t sleep here laa you shukran • you’re welcome astatee an ‘anam honna • to afwan • where is the bathroom work taamal • I have to work please ayna al hemam low lazim aamal • do you (m) have samaht • when is it mata hiyya to work hal lazim an taamal • • what is it maa howa • what is where do you (m) work ayna this maa hatha • I don’t know taamal • let’s eat heyya na’kol • laa aarif • I don’t understand I’m hungry (m) I want to eat laa afham • I’m sorry ana asif • ana jewaan oreed an ‘akol • how many are there kem are you (m) hungry do you aadedoha • repeat please eid want to eat hal anta jawaan low samaht • why limatha • be - hal toreed an ta’kol • are you cause le’anna • how long ago (f) hungry do you want to eat did you (m) eat min ay saa’a hal anti jawaana hal toreedi an ‘akalt ta’koli • I want to go shopping oreed an athhab li ‘atasawaq • Track 11 I want to tell the truth oreed I ate an hour ago ana ‘akalt an ‘aqool al haqeeqa • I’m qabil saa’a • the more I study learning Arabic ana ‘ataalam the more I learn al akthar an aarabi • I can speak a little ‘adros al akthar an ‘ataalam • Arabic ana astatee an see you tomorrow sanaraka ‘atakalam sheywayit aarabi • ghadan • it’s noon baad al the more Arabic I study the duhir • it’s midnight muntasaf better I speak eindama ‘adros al layl • I would like a double katheer min al aarabi atakalam room please ana ohib ghorfa ahsan • soon I will speak a lot muzdawaja low samaht • sir of Arabic qareeban my key please ostaath mafatihi sa’atakalam aarabi katheer • low samaht • miss my key goodbye maa isalaama • good please anisa mafatihi low luck hath saaed samaht • I would like to start today ohib an abda’ al yawm • I want to eat ana oreed an ‘akol • I don’t want to eat ana laa oreed an ‘akol • do you (m) want to eat hal toreed an ta’kol • you (m) don’t want to eat anta laa toreed an ta’kol • don’t you (m) want to eat hal laa toreed an ta’kol • I can go ana astatee an athhab • I can’t go ana laa astatee an athhab • can you (m) go hal tastatee an