1. INTRODUCTION ALDRICH HAZEN AMES is 52 years old, born on May 26, 1941. In June 1962, ALDRICH HAZEN AMES accepted employment with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States, and he has been a full-time CIA employee for more than 31 years. At the time of his arrest, AMES was a GS-14 Operations Officer in the Counternarcotics Center at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. During his employment with CIA, AMES held a variety of positions including the following: from 1983 to 1985, AMES was the Chief, Soviet Operational Review Branch in the Operational Review and Production Group of the Soviet/East European (SE) Division of the Directorate of Operations (DO) of the CIA; from 1986 through 1989, AMES was assigned to the United States Embassy in Rome, Italy; from September 1989 through December 1989, AMES was Chief, Europe Branch, External Operations Group, SE Division; from December 1989 through August 1990. AMES was the Chief, Czechoslovak Operations Branch, East European Operations Group, SE Division; from September 1990 through August 1991, AMES was assigned to the USSR Branch, Analytical Group. Counterintelligence Center; from September 1991 through November 1991, AMES was Chief, KGB. ' Working Group, Central Eurasia (CE) Division; from December 19091 through August 1993, AMES was a referant for CE Branch, regional Programs Branch, International Counternarcotics Group, Counternarcotics Center 0CG/CNC) and from August 1993 to February 1994, AMES was Chief, Europe and CE Branch, ICG/ CNC. Throughout AMES' employment with the CIA, he held a TOP SECRET security clearance and had regular access to information and documents classified SECRET and TOP SECRET pursuant to Executive Order 12356.
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