ZOMBIES COVERS PAGE (last updated 12/3/16) This is a list of covers of songs by The Zombies and some affiliated entities. For the most part, the covers are commercial recordings, issued on 45s, LPs, CDs, or other accepted media. We also allow live covers and even YouTube submissions by reasonably professional or competent artists. Some songs incorporating samples, altered versions of the original Zombies issues, and plagiarisms are also included. Some of the inclusion decisions may be deemed as arbitrary, and can certainly be discussed among us friends. This is currently the first such version of the list that has been posted, and so it’s only a minimalistic version that is wildly incomplete. In fact, we have not included numerous fields from the database such as label, city, and YouTube access information, nor have we included numerous interesting notes regarding several of the entries. In addition, there are still many, many covers that we haven’t gotten around to entering yet (e.g., the entirety of Ben Mason’s wonderful Odessey and Oracle tribute, among lots of others). Moreover, we’re still playing around with the format. So please be patient… lots of good stuff is coming up. In any case, if you have any comments, inclusions, etc., please send an email to
[email protected]. All are cheerfully accepted. Sincere thanks go to the terrific folks who have contributed to the list over the years. Here is a partial list that will be updated shortly: Andrew Deas, Alec Palao (Zombieheaven), Charles Patton, Christine R, Dave Goldsman, Frans deGraaff, Greg Russo, Hitomi Ishikawa, Jorgen Johansson, Jerry Ramsey, Liz Hays, Lisa Siegel, Mike Goldsman, Mike Griffiths, Shane Stein, Ted Zeppelin, Ugly Things.