The Network Layer: Control Plane Overview Subnet 1.2 Subnet 1.2 R3 R2 R6 Interior Subnet 1.2 R5 Subnet 1.2 Subnet 1.2 R7 1. Routing Algorithms: Link-State, Distance Vector R8 R4 R1 Subnet 1.2 Dijkstra’s algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm Exterior Subnet 1.2 Subnet 1.2 2. Routing Protocols: OSPF, BGP Raj Jain 3. SDN Control Plane Washington University in Saint Louis 4. ICMP Saint Louis, MO 63130 5. SNMP
[email protected] Audio/Video recordings of this lecture are available on-line at: Note: This class lecture is based on Chapter 5 of the textbook (Kurose and Ross) and the figures provided by the authors. Washington University in St. Louis ©2016 Raj Jain Washington University in St. Louis ©2016 Raj Jain 5-1 5-2 Network Layer Functions Overview Routing Algorithms T Forwarding: Deciding what to do with a packet using 1. Graph abstraction a routing table Data plane 2. Distance Vector vs. Link State T Routing: Making the routing table Control Plane 3. Dijkstra’s Algorithm 4. Bellman-Ford Algorithm Washington University in St. Louis ©2016 Raj Jain Washington University in St. Louis ©2016 Raj Jain 5-3 5-4 Rooting or Routing Routeing or Routing T Rooting is what fans do at football games, what pigs T Routeing: British do for truffles under oak trees in the Vaucluse, and T Routing: American what nursery workers intent on propagation do to T Since Oxford English Dictionary is much heavier than cuttings from plants.