Clip Terminal Swarzędz, 26th of September 2019

Maurits van Schuylenburg Manager Projects Logistics Dpt On 23 June last year, the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.

Today, therefore, I am writing to give effect to the democratic decision of the people of the United Kingdom. I hereby notify the European Council in accordance with Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union of the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the European Union.

23 September 2019 Oct. 31 2019 UK becomes 3rd Country Brexit

As soon as the UK is no longer a participant in the European internal market and the customs union, it means the end of the free flow of goods.

In case of a No Deal at 1st of November 2019: Reintroduction of customs procedures, and Customs control of goods from and to the UK and the EU, including import duties

23 september 2019 What is the impact for the Netherlands?


5 Cont / RoRo 25% / - ShortseaBrexit: Impact Cont / RoRo connectionsNetherlands: 55% / 90% RoRo and shortsea

Port of : 40 mln ton / 8%

Cont / RoRo 20% / 10%

6 How about Poland?

Trade UK  Poland Poland

Period 2005-2017 an increase of 17% in tonnes but … 183% in value up to 18 billion Euro’s!!

Source: Seabury

7 Example Ferry

230 cars

5,5 km available for freight

1200 passengers

8 Freight

9 Formalities

Marmalade Tekst + afbeelding (M)

Brexit challenges

• Continuous political uncertainity (transition period, deal after Brexit, preparedness companies) • Capacity and quality inspections (Customs and Consumer safety authority) • Impact customs formalities for the logistics supply chain (administrative, time and space) • Now a growing sense of urgency with companies in the Netherlands, but how about the hinterland (G, PL etc.)?

11 | 23 september 2019 Preparation in the Netherlands, State level

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs is leading

• Contingency planning one scenario: cliff edge/No deal Brexit • (prepare for the worst and hope for the best!)

Budget is available for extra staff and equipment (incl offices) − Free trade arrangement (CETA) 750 FTE Customs − No deal, WTO rules 930 FTE Customs − Dutch Food and Consumer Health Authority 80-90 Veterinarians

• Dutch Customs has recruited and trained already 600 FTE and Dutch Food and Consumer Health Authority recruited necessary veterinarians.

12 Tekst Rechts + afbeelding (L)

Our key preparations for no-deal Brexit

• With Portbase as smooth as possible through Dutch • Dry run simulation ferry terminals • Temporary parking spots on North and South bank • Inspection point for livestock • BIP extension or temporary corridor • More space around terminals • Traffic circulation plans

13 | 14 februari 2019 Tekst Rechts + afbeelding (L)

Preparations Brexit - Portbase

• One chain-wide solution for all Dutch ports • 100% digital • Smart supervision Customs • Ferry and shortsea terminals R'dam are connected • Challenge: how to include whole supply chain

14 | 14 februari 2019 Brexit What can Portbase offer?

Takes care of submitting the notification of arrival (on behalf of terminals) and the manifest (on behalf of shipping companies) to Customs

Supports the entire incoming and outgoing Customs process by connecting all parties in the chain (= handshake) by means of Notification Import Documentation and Notification Export Documentation

Uses the data obtained to further streamline the logistical process (various services)

Connected to Portbase and involved in the Customs process

Shipbrokers and 171 Exporters 749 shipping and 106 companies importers terminals 56 Forwarders15 1488 Tekst Rechts + afbeelding (L)

Preparations Brexit – extra parking spots

• Dec-Feb execution simulation study with 5 ferry terminals • Simulation study offers insights in the required capacity of parking places on and around ferry terminals • Around 400 trucks/day will be refused on terminals due to not having all formalities complete • PoR secures temporary parking spots on south bank. • Municipalities Rotterdam, , RWS, Province are active on North bank

16 | 14 februari 2019 Custom (Grijs)

North bank: parking spots Stena en DFDS




a Options parking locations

Reserved additional space Tekst Rechts + afbeelding (L)

Preparation Brexit – Border inspection points Veterinair and livestock

• British import via Hook of requires extra inspection point veterinair on the north bank • Livestock has only 2 inspection points for livestock in The Netherlands: Schiphol and Maastricht Airport • Private companies are planning to invest in BIP for live stock. Inspection points are private investments. One application sent to Brussels

18 | 14 februari 2019 Afbeelding (XXL) + Tekstkader (Linksboven)

Only 5 weeks left until Brexit day! So
