Annual Report
ANNUAL REPORT IS INVESTMENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS ACTIVITY REPORT PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CAPITAL MARKETS BOARD COMMUNIQUÉ SERIAL NO II-14.1 ON PRINCIPLES OF FINANCIAL REPORTING IN CAPITAL MARKETS 1st of JANUARY, 2017 – 31st DECEMBER, 2017 4 IS INVESTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2017 5 IS INVESTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2017 CONTENTS 1. IS INVESTMENT IN BRIEF 06 2. IS INVESTMENT’S AWARDS AND FIRSTS 08 3. KEY FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 09 4. CORPORATE VALUES, MISSION, VISION 10 5. CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 12 6. INTERVIEW WITH THE GENERAL MANAGER 14 7. GENERAL REVIEW 16 8. INVESTOR RELATIONS 17 9. DOMESTIC CAPITAL MARKETS 22 10. INTERNATIONAL CAPITAL MARKETS 29 11. ASSET MANAGEMENT 30 12. DOMESTIC SALES & MARKETING 31 13. INVESTMENT ADVISORY AND WEALTH MANAGEMENT 32 14. INSTITUTIONAL SALES & MARKETING 33 15. CORPORATE FINANCE 34 16. RESEARCH 42 17. RISK MANAGEMENT 43 18. AGENDA OF THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS 45 19. DIVIDEND DISTRIBUTION DECISION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 46 20. 2017 PROFIT DISTRIBUTION TABLE 47 21. REPORT ON THE COMPLIANCE WITH CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRINCIPLES 48 22. AFFILIATED COMPANY REPORT AND RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS 74 23. CONVENIENCE TRANSLATION OF A REPORT ORIGINALLY ISSUED IN TURKISH INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT ON THE ANNUAL REPORT OFTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 75 6 IS INVESTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2017 1. IS INVESTMENT IN BRIEF Founded in 1996 by İşbank, IS Investment provides domestic and international, individ- ual and institutional investors with high added-value services in the areas of corporate finance, investment advisory, wealth management and asset management, as well as bro- kerage services. As of end of 2017, IS Investment was a leader in the capital markets with an asset volume of TL 7.7 billion and shareholders’ equity of TL 681.9 million, operating with 12 branches, 346 employees, more than 1,350 İşbank branches serving as business partners in almost every corner of Turkey, a strategic affiliate structure in areas such as Venture Capital, Asset Management, and Wealth Management, more than 400,000 customers and a public identi- ty.
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