$LU0RELOLW\$LU0RELOLW\ 0DVWHU3ODQ0DVWHU3ODQ 5$3,'*/2%$/02%,/,7< DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS AIR MOBILITY COMMAND 24 October 1997 MEMORANDUM FOR 1998 Air Mobility Master Plan (AMMP 98) Recipients FROM: HQ AMC/XP 402 Scott Drive Unit 3L3 Scott AFB IL 62225-5307 SUBJECT: AMMP 98 1. Attached is the AMMP 98. We have incorporated many comments from throughout the air mobility community in our effort to continually improve this document. Revisions for AMMP 98: • Added the Commander’s Intent to reflect the commander’s perspective and vision on modernization priorities and command issues. • Section One is now AMC’s Future International Security Assessment. • Commander's Assessment "stoplight" charts reflect FY98-FY22 assessments. • Modernization to meet the requirements of Global Air Traffic Management (GATM) and the results of FY97’s “Year of the En Route System” are emphasized throughout. • New text and a roadmap have been included addressing the return of C-130s to AMC’s modernization planning process. 2. This year AMMP 98 will be available on CD-ROM and AMC’s worldwide web homepage (http://www.safb.af.mil:80/hqamc/pa/). We encourage comments to improve next year's AMMP using a feedback sheet located in the back of the AMMP and an electronic version on the AMC homepage. I look forward to reviewing your inputs. Our points of contact are Lt Col Dave Walden and Maj Ron Celentano, DSN 576-4671, Commercial (618) 256-4671, FAX (618) 256-5372 (E-mail
[email protected] or
[email protected]). WALTER S. HOGLE, JR.