Volunteer Information Exchange Sharing what we know with those we know Volume 5 Number 3 March 29, 2015 Contribute To The VIE CHM Blog Pi Day, 3.14.15 at 9:26AM, looked like a huge Recent CHM Blog Entries success. I never knew there were so many math Kirsten Tashev keeps us up-to-date on new CHM nerds out there, just waiting for free admission to the blog entries. CHM. Two blogs on Cisco archive Project The exhibit in the lobby, “The World's Smallest • By Paula Jabloner, Director of the Cisco Archive Computer” is worth a visit all by itself. What a Collaboration. testament to technology; and how fitting when we honor Moore's Law @ 50 with a multi-part event on • By Paul Jabloner on “The 2 napkin Protocol.” April 17. • By Dag Spicer on the amazing the Michigan Alex Lux updates us on two recent acquisitions. “Micro Mote!” Thanks again, Alex. ENIAC fans will be glad to know that seven of its panels have been sent to, and are now on display at, the U.S. Army Field Artillery Museum at Ft. Sill, 2015 Fellow Awards Oklahoma. Since 1987, the Computer Once again, we solicit your stories, book reports and other contributions—especially those wonderful History Museum Fellow Awards personal stories. Please contribute! have honored distinguished technology leaders who have Jim Strickland
[email protected] forever changed the world with their accomplishments. This prestigious award recognizes A rancher counted 196 cows in his herd. each Fellow’s role in the When he rounded them up he had 200.