State Government of Tripura for Implementation of 9.Lq

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State Government of Tripura for Implementation of 9.Lq File No sw-3s/1/2016-5WADHAfi t of India Ministry o Women & Child Development ril,l rft * Jeevan Vihar Building, New D'elhi Dated: 29th September, 20 1 6 To Chief Controller of Accounts Principal Accounts Office, Ministry of Women & Child New Delhi Subjectl Release of Grants-in-aid tot State Government of Tripura for implementation Swadhar Greh Scheme. of Madam/Sir, I am directed to convey the of President to the payment of Rs; 26rliirZ00/- twenty six @upees lakh seventeen thousand and o hundred only) to State Government of Tripura as first instalment of grants-in-aid (50% of share) for the year 2016-17 for implementation of the Swadhar Greh Scheme, The Swadhar Scheme is a su icheme of the Centrally Sponsored Umbrella Scheme "Protection & Empowerment of Women" ith prescribed cost sharing between Centre and States/UTs. In the above release, the Central contribution has been calculated on 90:10 ratio and sanction of funds is subject to the followi conditions; The amount of the grant will have be utilized for all components under the scheme schematio norms. as per the ll The StatesruTs shall also be red to contribute their share for implementation the Swadhar Greh scheme. of lll States/UTs may, in pafticular, that the rent is paid in accordance with the existing Rent Agreement till its validity or Rent certificate, whichever is lower subject-to the ceilinq mentioned at S,No. g, para (iv) ofthe guidelines, 3. The grant is further subject to ition that the State Government records will maintain separate ofexpendjture incurred for im ;ation of Swadhar Greh and furnish separate Statement Expenditure and Otilization Certificate of with Fhysical Progress Report every halfyear. 4. The informadon on expenditure on Gt-"lt from lstApril to 30il' furnished l5!l' 9.lq September must be by October, for the period I"' uotober to Ministry 3lstMarch by 15il'April to enable the to work out the entitiement Central assistance Administration. of each State Government/UT 5. The payment is provisional and is ject to final adjustment in the of light of the audited figures actual expenditure for the year as a whol The grant-in-aid is subjeot to the condition that when the Soheme is closed or abandoned, the from tho disposal of assets built out portion of the grant of tt . ,t oi, o, u sanctioned will reverl to : Cerntral Government. The expenditure is debitable to tand No,97, Department of Women and Child Head "3601,' GIA to Govemments, 03- Grant for Central plan Women Welfiue,02-l Schernesi Greh, 02, 3 1 -Grant-in-aid General 20 1 6- 1 Z (p;n), ary r+{3.rl1 S.i gr({ l!.l(Ftrr at--5{tqi? Ministry of Womon & Qhild Oev. qrr< YRqr'fs/Govt. of. I ndle ;r$ ffi/New Delhl -2- 7:^^ The amount of grant_in_aid i Office, Ministry of yJ:*:rlui,,1l the pri noi par pay Woiren & Child filll ln:o:*g gf and Ac co unts The payment u n d F I o or, of the Staie woutd^r,-oro sh;;;;ffi;"*rr, ifi,J iiJ, n,. eccountant * Generals wiil send ffi lJ"-'Jiil#,:*"*i,*":":81;1.';-ffi ;fi!lll';liil""s','ii:jii"l,'"f Ministry of w & chitdi:B:1,1,1 j::,j1,:,lq?t j;_;id,;'lil'p;i"T* fi:ffts1li|*ce, Developmeni, srrur"t.i ehu#;,; ffi;:,;ffitfil# The pattern ofgrants l, has t approved by rssued in confol.mity the Ministry of Finance, This with the rules princ\rles sanction is being of the scheme approved by the co;;;;;nt Authorirv, This sanction issues with ?,- ooncurrence of IFD vide 25.09,2076. their Dy.No. 23961/JS&F,A Dated t0 Entries have been made in Grant-in-aid Rogister at S,No, I 03. yours Sincerely, Tel,23363292 Copy forwarded to: ?, L The Secretary, Women & Child ._- _,r*rl',vur, .liipurdltfrmrtll$ew j,,,iio," requested to .. _.. uuysrnmenl Ot Dethl ensure compliance of the ?:l^']:n::*Department,Governmentorrripffi ffi,tfillJ'J lll 16(2y20rs-VAC elayoe oontained in dared 10.9,201 s 9ll:111'::i flrl tr,eii ou No M- Portal before they release the grant to respective:lJ:::iil:::,1*.9:'"".':g'.nenlr,.ii;l"y"s irirplementing NGo-s. di;; ;ift offi;il:JJi 2. The Accou{tant General, Government Tripura. 3, TheDirectiir of Audit, Central Reven AGCR 4. Building, Lp. Estato, New Yllir:" :r Fil1l.9, Deptt, or Expend Delhi Cash Section,'Minis*y Division ), Norrh sro;i, of Wo*.n a ild;,{l!fllce Development N"w Delhi 6, PS to Ministe., tUWCbppS to FDruS (Budget) Guard Files/Sandtion Folder 8, Pay & Acoounts bfficer, Ministry of omen & Child Development, New Delhi STATE: TRIPUBA st. Name & add, / datei of estt, & Location of the Date and Dqtails of No. details of contact perrson of Home amount of pendlng '/.o last release u,c. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, NOR,TH TRTPURA 1. Blind & Handicappecl Kalyani SSH, PO { 3,91,407 Ni Association, & Vll-L, Dewan - 12.6.15 Jail Road, Dharamnagar, Pasha, Dharam Distt, North Tripura 7 99250 Nagar, Distt, North Date of Esttr 1993 Tripura Details of contaet person: Tapan Kumar Bhattacharjee, Secretary, Ph. No. 03822-294731 WEST TRIPURA 2 Tripura State Gouncil For Cl ld North Joginder { 3,81,407 N Welfare, Nagar, 1 2,6,15 Lyongate (West), LaxinaraYan lari P,O, Joginder Road, P,O, Agartala -799001 Nagar Date of Estt: 2001 Distt. West Tripura Details of contact Person: Sh. Biplab Kar General SecretarY, Ph. No, 0381-2327026 (o) 3 Association for Social Healtl in Mangalalok < 1,69,515/- Nil India, Nariniketan, 27.2,15 Mangalalok Nariniketan, Jagat tur Jagatpur, Kalibari Kalibari Road, lndra Nagar, Road, lndra Nagar, Agartala, Agartala, Date of Estt: 15.05.1$87 Diett, West Tripura Details of con.tact person: Krishna Deb Burman, Secreta v Ph. No.0381-2328131 4 Tripura Adivasi Mahlla Samil t, Syamli Bazat, < 2,38,087/- Ni AIWC, Tripura Branch, Tripura Amanikhuri, 12.3.15 Date of Estt: 1953 Agartala, Details of contact person: West Tripura Smt. Rita Roy, Secretary, Ph,0381-2324218.
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