A Story of Buddhism Thumbnail Sketch Buddhist Prayer for Peace
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80 | Buddhism Buddha and Jesus Some people religious leadership make comparisons of their day treated between Buddhism the poor and the and Christian- way the leaders of ity. Buddha was their day misused Buddhist Prayer for Peace born into a Hindu their religious pow- family. Jesus was er. Both Buddha and born into a Jewish Jesus have amazing family. Both rebelled and miraculous birth May all beings everywhere plagued against the way the stories with spec- with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. A Story of Buddhism May those frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. he beginning of Buddhism is Twoven with beautiful stories. King May the powerless find power, Suddhodana and, Hindus living in In- and may people think of befriending dia, prayed for a child for years. Finally, one another. with a revelation through a miraculous and sacred dream, the queen became May those who find themselves in trackless, pregnant. In 563 BCE, beneath the sal fearful wilderness – tree, Queen Maha-Maya gave birth the children, the aged, the unprotected – to her son, a child so radiant that the be guarded by beneficial celestials, world held its breath. Peace surround- and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood. ed the planet, birds burst into song. They named him Siddhartha Gautama From: http://www.indianchild.com/hindu_prayers.htm of the Shakyas. Thumbnail Sketch Who is the founder? Are there any founda- In what places do people Siddhartha Gautama, tional sacred texts? Su- practise? In temples, known as the Buddha. tra (Buddha’s teachings), monasteries, at shrines in Vinaya (Rules of Disci- homes, workplaces and When did it start? pline) and Abhidharma on roadsides. 600 BCE. (commentary). A world of Faith book.indb 80 8/27/2007 4:55:26 PM Carolyn Pogue | 81 tacular supernatural ences are striking, very old religions. Heart: A Buddhist events and even the too. Jesus was killed For people inter- Perspective on the cosmos celebrating after three years ested in comparative Teachings of Jesus their births. Both of teaching. The religions (the study by His Holiness The became leaders who Buddha lived to 80.) of two or more Dalai Lama are two wandered the coun- Today, the followers religions), Christian- examples of this tryside with their of both Jesus and of ity and Buddhism exploration. disciples, teach- Buddha live every- have lots to offer. ing, confronting, where in the world The books Living encouraging and and the cultures of Buddha, Living breaking the rules of different countries Christ by Thich Nhat the day. (The differ- add flavour to these Hanh and The Good A Story of Buddhism The king wanted only the very best and had a son. But in all the luxury of for his son. Besides the best clothes, the palace, he felt restless. One fateful food and care that money could night, he left the palace and went out provide, he also called for soothsay- to see the city. And there he saw four ers to learn how to best protect his things that changed his life: an old son. The story tells us that a wise man man, a diseased man, a dead man, and said that if the boy could be kept from a monk. Siddhartha had come across seeing the sorrows of the world, then suffering for the first time in his life. he would grow up to become a great He wanted to learn more. He wanted king. Otherwise, he would lead a to find out how to eliminate suffering religious life. The father did his best to from the world. This desire led him keep the sorrows of the world from his to leave his family, his luxury, and to son’s sight. The boy grew up, married, give up everything. He cut off his hair, What are spiritual lead- What are the main Japan) and Vajrayana Are there special holy of the Buddha; Vassa is ers are called?Lamas, branches of the tradi- (begun in Tibet) are days? Spring and fall rainy season retreat; and monks, nuns, Rinpoches, tion? Mahayana, which forms of Mahayana Bud- equinox; Wesak Day Kathina is when monks thay, sensai. is mainly practised in dhism. (which happens at the and nuns are offered Tibet and China; and full moon of the fourth robes, food or monastic Where is the tradition Theravada, which is month between May necessities. The Buddhist practised? Mainly in Asia practised in Viet Nam, and June) celebrates the calendar is lunar. and the Far East; around Myanmar, Ceylon and birth, enlightenment, the world. Thailand. Zen (begun in and entry into Nirvana A world of Faith book.indb 81 8/27/2007 4:55:30 PM 82 | Buddhism The Three Baskets of Wisdom The following items are 1) Sutra Pitaka 2) Vinaya Pitaka 3) Abhidharma Pitaka the foundational sacred (the Teaching Basket) (the Discipline Basket) (the Higher Doctrine Bas- texts for Buddhism. – Records of the actual – A rule book for monks ket) – An explanation on the experiences of Buddha. and nuns. teachings of Buddha. Most of these are called sutras. put on a monk’s robe, and joined the to the mystery he longed to solve. For Hindu holy people in the forest. 48 more days, he sat beneath the tree, He lived with them for years of blissfully preparing his mind and heart study, meditation, and deprivation. He for the work ahead. was so enthusiastic about this life that From a life of luxury to a life of he almost starved himself to death. In poverty and hunger, Siddhartha now the end, he decided that neither a life turned to his life’s work. For 45 years, of luxury nor a life of deprivation were he walked throughout the land, teach- good. He chose the middle way. After ing, establishing monasteries, giving six more years of thinking, Siddhartha counsel and advice, and showing by sat under a Bo tree to meditate. There, example that returning to the sacred he repeatedly felt tempted to give source every day, through up his quest, but he did not. meditation, is essential. Just as dawn was breaking, Like other charismatic Siddhartha’s mind opened spiritual leaders, Sid- Words to Know Buddha: one who has Karma: the law of cause Mandalas: com- Three Refuges: Buddha, developed all positive and effect. are symbols plete, dharma and sangha; these qualities and eliminated of the universe. they are make up the basic orienta- all negative qualities. An Mala: prayer beads. (They can also rep- swept into tion for Buddhist life enlightened being; one Many Buddhists wear resent the palaces of dif- a urn then offered to who is “awake.” these wrapped around ferent Buddhas.) rivers or lakes as purifica- Mantra: a short chant their wrists. Mandalas are tion and blessing with (usually the name of a Dharma: the practice of sometimes ritual prayers. This action Buddha) recited over and the truth; the Buddha’s made with reminds people that over to clear, protect and teachings. coloured nothing is permanent. purify the mind and gain sand; when spiritual realizations. A world of Faith book.indb 82 8/27/2007 4:55:31 PM Carolyn Pogue | 83 The Three Poisons Greed Hate Ignorance dhartha was asked who or what he tame and train your own mind. This was. His famous answer was, “I am means abstaining from ten non-virtu- awake.” The translation of this answer ous actions of body (killing, stealing, is how the word Buddhism came to be. sexual misconduct), speech (lying, Budh is a Sanskrit root word mean- causing dissention, harmful words, ing “to know” or “to wake up.” In his idle chatter), and mind (ill will, greedi- 80th year, the Buddha died peacefully, ness). Being compassionate is more leaving his teaching and a tradition that important than what people say they went on to spread around the world. believe. Dharma is more a way of life One characteristic of Buddhism than religion. It can be followed by is that most Buddhists do not mind anyone without converting to joining in other people’s religious the faith. Buddha did not want ceremonies. The Buddha taught not anyone to worship him, but to commit any unwholesome actions, to experience his teach- but to accumulate virtuous deeds, to ing, realize the truth, and Nirvana: a state of peace. Samsara: rounds of Thay: a Vietnamese term Wheel of Life: represents Zen Buddhism: a branch rebirths that never free that means “teacher”; Buddha’s teaching. It of Mahayana Buddhism Precept: guideline. There one from suffering. a name for a spiritual shows six realms of sam- that focuses on medita- are five basic precepts for leader. sara, caused by desire, tion. following dharma. Sangha: virtuous com- hatred and ignorance, munity. and the twelve links Rinpoche: a Tibetan Bud- representing freedom. A dhist title of honour for a Sensai: a Japanese term painting of the Wheel of spiritual leader. that means “teacher”; Life was given by Buddha a name for a spiritual to royalty. When the king leader. studied the picture, he attained wisdom. A world of Faith book.indb 83 8/27/2007 4:55:31 PM 84 | Buddhism The Three Universal Truths 1. Everything in a constant state 2. Nothing is lost destroy ourselves. 3. The law of Changes. There is of change. Our in the universe. If we cheat another, cause and effect only one thing for ideas about life also Everyone and every- we cheat ourselves. rules. Our thoughts sure in life: ev- change. People once thing is intercon- Understanding this and actions deter- erything changes. believed that the nected.