Prepared for the Office of the Wendy Duncan, Planning & Research May 2005 The Information contained in this report is the property of the York Regional Police. Reproduction or distribution of this report in whole or in part is permitted subject to appropriate source citation and the express prior written consent of the Chief of Police of the York Regional Police.

York Regional Police does not assume any liability for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon any information or data provided.


About This Report In This Report ...... 1 How are Crimes Counted?...... 1 Making Comparisons...... 1 Terminology...... 1 Types of Violations: Incident-based Reporting ...... 2 Types of Violations: Aggregate-based Reporting...... 4 Changes in Reporting Methodology ...... 5 National/Provincial Comparisons...... 6

Executive Summary...... 7

Region of York Statistics Crime Statistics – Five Year Data (2000–2004)...... 10 Crimes Against Persons (2003–2004) ...... 11 Crimes Against Property (2003–2004) ...... 12 Five Year Trend – Selected Violations (2000–2004) Violations Causing Death...... 13 Attempt Capital Crime ...... 14 Sexual Assault...... 15 Assault...... 16 Robbery...... 17 Crimes Against Property ...... 18 Other Criminal Code ...... 19 Total Criminal Violations (excluding Traffic) ...... 20 Traffic Violations...... 21 Crime Statistics (2003–2004)...... 22 Robbery Statistics (2003–2004)...... 23 Stolen Vehicle Statistics (2003–2004) ...... 24 Traffic Violations (2003–2004)...... 25 Motor Vehicle Collision Statistics (2003–2004)...... 26 Clearance Rate (2003–2004)...... 27 Youth Crime (2000–2004) ...... 28 Demands for Service (2000–2004)...... 29 Miscellaneous Statistics (2003–2004) ...... 31

District 1 Statistics Map ...... 32 Crime Statistics (2003–2004)...... 33 Clearance Rate (2003–2004)...... 34

District 2 Statistics Map ...... 35 Crime Statistics (2003–2004)...... 36 Clearance Rate (2003–2004)...... 37

District 3 Statistics Map ...... 38 Crime Statistics (2003–2004)...... 19 Clearance Rate (2003–2004)...... 40

District 4 Statistics Map ...... 41 Crime Statistics (2003–2004)...... 42 Clearance Rate (2003–2004)...... 43

District 5 Statistics Map ...... 44 Crime Statistics (2003–2004)...... 45 Clearance Rate (2003–2004)...... 46

Provincial Comparison Crime Rate Comparison (2003)...... 47 Ranked Comparison (1999–2003) ...... 48 Clearance Rate Comparison (2003)...... 49

National Comparison Crime Rate Comparison (2003)...... 50 Ranked Comparison (1999–2003) ...... 51 Clearance Rate Comparison (2003)...... 52



This report contains a summary of crime statistics for York Regional Police pertaining to incidents reported between January 1st and December 31st, 2004. A one year and five year comparison is made. Miscellaneous statistics are also included.


York Regional Police publish crime statistics based on the number of reported violations (Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)). Incident-based UCR classifies incidents according to the four most serious violations in the incident (generally the violations which carry the longest maximum sentences under the Criminal Code). Violent incidents (except robbery) are classified differently from other types of crime. For violent crime, a separate incident is recorded for each victim. Robbery, however is counted as if it were a non- violent crime in order to avoid inflating the number of incidents. In categorizing incidents, violent violations always take precedence over non-violent violations.


Unless otherwise noted, all statistics in this report are compiled using Incident- based reporting methodology. These statistics should not be compared with those provided by Statistics Canada who converts the data received to an Aggregate-based UCR format which measures only the most serious offence related to an incident. In addition, Statistics Canada includes the number of offences reported by the North Detachment of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police with York Regional Police’s crime statistics.

Statistics Canada data should be used for comparisons between policing jurisdictions because all data is compiled using the Aggregate-based reporting methodology.


Actual totals include only those incidents for which an occurrence report was made and have been substantiated through police investigation.

Clearance rates are calculated by the number of violations cleared by charge or otherwise (persons processed by other means) divided by the number of violations. These violations may not necessarily have occurred during the reporting period but some time prior.

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Crime rates are expressed as a rate per 100,000 population using year-end population estimates supplied by York Region Planning and Development Services Department and have been rounded to two decimals.

Criminal incident refers to a set of connected events which usually constitute an occurrence report. One incident can include more than one violation.

Offence is defined as a statistical fact for Aggregate-based reporting. This terminology is not used in Incident-based reporting.

Violation refers to a contravention of the Criminal Code, Federal, or Provincial Statutes.

Young Person refers to a person aged 12 - 17 years inclusive (Youth Criminal Justice Act).

Youth refers to a person under the age of 18 years.

Youth crime refers to the number of youths charged or processed by other means for committing a criminal offence.


Crimes Against Persons are crimes involving aggressive action (with the intent to do harm) or threat of such action by one person against another. These include violations causing death, attempt capital crime, sexual assault, assault, robbery and other violent violations, and violations/deprivation of freedom.

Violations Causing Death include murder 1st degree, murder 2nd degree, manslaughter, infanticide, criminal negligence cause death, and other related offences causing death.

Attempt Capital Crime violations include attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

Sexual Assault violations include aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon or cause bodily harm, sexual assault, and other sexual crimes.

Assault violations include aggravated assault, assault with a weapon or cause bodily harm, assault, unlawfully cause bodily harm, discharge firearm with intent, assault peace/public officer, criminal negligence cause bodily harm, and other assaults.

Robbery and Other Violent Violations include robbery, extortion, criminal harassment, uttering threats, explosives causing death/bodily harm, arson

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 2 disregard for human life, and other violent violations.

Violations/Deprivation of Freedom include kidnapping (forcible confinement), hostage taking, and abduction.

Crimes Against Property involve unlawful acts with respect to property but do not involve the use or threat of violence against an individual. These include arson, break and enter, theft, have stolen goods, fraud, and mischief.

Drug violations include violations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and the Food and Drug Act. These violations are comprised of possession, trafficking, and importation or production of various illicit controlled and restricted drugs.

Weapons violations include violations under the Criminal Code which involve any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use in causing death or injury to any person or used for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person. These include possession, use, trafficking, pointing, unauthorized import/export, firearms documentation and administration, and unsafe storage.

Public Morals violations include prostitution, indecent acts, production/distribution of child pornography, gaming and betting, and public morals.

Other Criminal Code violations include the remaining non-traffic Criminal Code violations that are classified as neither violent nor property violations. These violations are divided into two parts:

Part A: include bail violations, counterfeiting currency, disturb the peace, escape custody, luring a child via computer, obstruct, unlawfully at large, trespass at night, fail to appear, breach of probation, and threatening/harassing telephone calls.

Part B: include offences against public order, offences relating to terrorist activity, offences against administration of law and justice, invasion of privacy, offences against the person and reputation, offences against the rights or property, fraudulent transactions/contracts and trade, intimidation of justice system participant, wilful/forbidden acts/respect of certain property, offences related to currency, proceeds of crime, attempts/conspiracies/accessories, offences relating to criminal organization, and all other criminal code.

Federal Statutes violations include violations under all other federal statutes. They include the Bankruptcy Act, Income Tax Act, Canada Shipping Act, Public Health Act, Customs Act, Competition Act, Excise Act, Immigration Act, Firearms Act, National Defence Act, Young Offenders Act, Youth Criminal Justice Act, and

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Other Federal Statutes.

Traffic violations include all traffic violations under the Criminal Code. These include dangerous operation, evade police, impaired related violations, and other criminal traffic violations.

Other Criminal Traffic violations include fail to stop or remain and drive while prohibited.


Crimes of Violence are crimes involving the use of aggressive action (with the intent to do harm) or threat of such action by one person against another. These include homicide, attempted murder, assault, other sexual offences, abduction, and robbery.

Homicide offences include murder 1st degree, murder 2nd degree, manslaughter, and infanticide.

Assault offences include sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon or cause bodily harm, aggravated sexual assault, assault, assault with a weapon or cause bodily harm, aggravated assault, unlawfully cause bodily harm, discharge firearm with intent, assault police, assault other peace/public officer, and other assaults.

Abduction offences include abduction of person under 14, abduction of person under 16, abduction contrary to custody order, and abduction no custody order.

Property Crimes involve unlawful acts with respect to property but do not involve the use or threat of violence against an individual. These include break and enter, theft of motor vehicle, theft over $5000, theft $5000 and under, have stolen goods, and fraud.

Other Criminal Code offences include the remaining non-traffic Criminal Code violations that are classified as neither violent nor property violations. These include arson, bail violations, counterfeit currency, disturb the peace, escape custody, indecent acts, kidnapping, public morals, obstruct police/peace officer, unlawfully at large, trespass at night, mischief, and other criminal code offences.

Other Crimes include prostitution, gaming and betting, offensive weapons, and other criminal code offences.

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Drug offences include offences under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. These are comprised of possession, trafficking, and importation or production of various illicit controlled and restricted drugs.

Other Federal Statutes include offences under all other federal statutes. They include the Bankruptcy Act, Canada Shipping Act, Customs Act, Excise Act, Immigration Act, Young Offenders Act, Youth Criminal Justice Act, and the Firearm Act.


In March 2000, Bill C-202 received royal assent amending the Criminal Code by making it an offence to operate a motor vehicle while being pursued by a peace officer in order to evade the peace officer and fail to stop the vehicle as soon as it is reasonable in the circumstances. To correspond with this, Statistics Canada implemented violation codes relating to these Criminal Code sections. These violation codes fall under the dangerous operation category.

In December 2001, Bill C-24 received royal assent amending the Criminal Code by introducing three new offences to fight organized crime. To correspond with this, Statistics Canada implemented violation codes relating to organized crime. These violations are included in the “Other Criminal Code (Part B)” category.

In December 2001, Bill C-36 received royal assent amending the Criminal Code, the Proceeds of Crime (money laundering) Act, and a number of other Acts, in order to combat terrorism. To correspond with this, Statistics Canada implemented new violation codes relating to terrorist activity. These violations are included in the “Other Criminal Code (Part B)” category.

On January 1, 2002, a change was implemented to include motor vehicle collisions when a party left the scene of the accident, but was not apprehended, as a Criminal Code violation. This only includes collisions which constitute an offence contrary to the Criminal Code. This change of reporting methodology is in accordance with other police services’ practices.

Beginning in 2002, all police services in Canada began sending incidents of impaired driving where a road-side suspension was issued by police (rather than laying a charge) to drivers found to have a blood-alcohol reading at or slightly above the legal limit. These violations where not counted as Criminal Code offences prior to 2002.

The delivery of 9-1-1 service to the residents of York Region began in 1994 with a Bell Canada operator in Ottawa answering all calls to 9-1-1 from within York Region. The calls would then be transferred to an appropriate emergency response agency within York Region. In April 2001, an application was made by Bell Canada to the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission

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(CRTC) to withdraw this service. In June 2001, Regional Council authorized Regional staff to directly provide 9-1-1 emergency in conjunction with York Regional Police. On April 2, 2002, 9-1-1 call answering was transferred to the Region of York from Bell Canada with York Regional Police as the first point of reception for 9-1-1 calls.

In June 2002, Bill C-15A, an act to amend the Criminal Code with respect to the sexual exploitation of children on the internet, received royal assent. The new amendments make it an offence to communicate with children via a computer system for the purpose of facilitating or committing certain sexual offences, such as child luring or abduction. To correspond with this, Statistics Canada implemented a violation code which is included in the “Other Criminal Code (Part A)” category.

On April 1, 2003, the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) came into force, repealing and replacing the Young Offenders Act.

On May 16, 2003, Mr. Justice Rogin of the Superior Court of released his judgment in the matter of R. v. J.P. and held that section 4(1) of the Controlled Drug and Substances Act (simple possession), as it applied to marihuana only, was invalid. Due to this ruling, police were thereafter unable to lay charges relating to simple possession of marihuana. On October 7, 2003, the Court of Appeal ruled that “the prohibition against possession of marihuana in s. 4 is in force” from that date forward.

On October 4, 2004, the Community Resource Centre (CRC) opened its doors at Hillcrest Mall in Richmond Hill. Motor vehicle collisions or minor offences, such as theft or damage under $1000 and harassing telephone calls, can be reported by either attending the CRC or reporting on-line via the internet.


Statistics Canada information is used with the permission of Statistics Canada. Users are forbidden to copy the data and re-disseminate them, in an original or modified form, for commercial purposes, without the expressed permission of Statistics Canada. Information on the availability of the wide range of data from Statistics Canada can be obtained from Statistics Canada’s Regional Offices, its World Wide Web site at http://www.statcan.ca., and its toll-free access number 1-800-263-1136.

The data presented is for the year of 2003 as crime data for 2004 is not available at the time of this report.

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$ 257,292 DEMANDS FOR SERVICE were received in 2004 compared to 266,793 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 9,501 demands or 3.6%. Based on the rate of Demands for Service per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 7.3%.

$ 6,571 CRIMES AGAINST PERSONS (violent crime) violations were reported between January 1st and December 31st, 2004 compared to 6,491 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 80 violations or 1.2%. The violent crime rate in 2004 was 738.65 compared to 759.13 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 2.7%.

$ 20 VIOLATIONS CAUSING DEATH were reported in 2004 compared to 13 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 7 violations or 53.8%. Based on the rate of Violations Causing Death per 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 47.9%.

$ 4 ATTEMPT CAPITAL CRIME violations were reported in 2004 compared to 11 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 7 violations or 63.6%. Based on the rate of Attempt Capital Crime violations per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 65.0%.

$ 393 SEXUAL ASSAULT violations were reported in 2004 compared to 341 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 52 violations or 15.2%. Based on the rate of Sexual Assault violations per 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 10.8%.

$ 3,531 ASSAULT violations were reported in 2004 compared to 3,632 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 101 violations or 2.8%. Based on the rate of Assault violations per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 6.6%.

$ 374 ROBBERY violations were reported in 2004 compared to 387 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 13 violations or 3.4%. Based on the rate of Robbery violations per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 7.1%. Car Jacking incidents represent 5.1% of the total Robbery violations while Home Invasions represent 6.1%. Street related robberies during this period represent 54.5%.

$ 27,296 CRIMES AGAINST PROPERTY (property crime) violations were reported between January 1st and December 31st, 2004 compared to 29,497 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 2,201 violations or 7.5%. The property crime rate in 2004 was 3,068.38 compared to 3,449.72

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during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 11.1%.

$ 2,052 STOLEN VEHICLES were reported in 2004 compared to 2,824 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 772 vehicles or 27.3%. Based on the rate of stolen vehicle per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 30.2%. Automobiles represent 50.2% of the vehicles stolen with Honda being the most common make (30.5%). (18.8%) and Ford (18.1%) were the most frequent makes of trucks stolen.

$ 6,767 OTHER CRIMINAL CODE violations were reported in 2004 compared to 7,795 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 1,028 violations or 13.2%. Based on the rate of Other Criminal Code violations per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 16.6%.

$ 43,845 CRIMINAL CODE violations were reported between January 1st and December 31st, 2004 compared to 46,176 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 2,331 violations or 5.0%. Based on the rate of Criminal Code violations per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 8.7%.

$ 3,300 CRIMINAL CODE TRAFFIC violations were reported in 2004 compared to 3,353 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 53 violations or 1.6%. Based on the rate of Criminal Code Traffic violations per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 5.4%.

$ 975 IMPAIRED OPERATION/RELATED violations were reported in 2004 compared to 894 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 81 violations or 9.1%. Based on the rate of Impaired Operation/Related violations per 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 4.8%.

$ 368 DANGEROUS OPERATION violations were reported in 2004 compared to 336 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 32 violations or 9.5%. Based on the rate of Dangerous Operation violations per 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 5.3%.

$ 17,220 MOTOR VEHICLE COLLISION REPORTS were processed in 2004 compared to 18,038 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 818 reports or 4.5%. Based on the rate of motor vehicle collision reports per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 8.2%.

$ 39 FATAL COLLISIONS occurred on our roadways in 2004 as compared to 28 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 11 collisions or 39.3%.

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$ 43 PERSONS DIED on our roadways in 2004 as compared to 29 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 14 persons or 48.3%.

$ YOUTH CRIME in York Region increased 14.6% in 2004 compared to the corresponding period in 2003. Charges laid against young persons decreased 8.7% while the number of youths processed by other means has increased 30.2%.

$ The CLEARANCE RATE for Crimes Against Persons in 2004 increased to 71.4% from 69.3% during the corresponding period in 2003. The clearance rate for Property Crime increased to 33.0% in 2004 from 26.1% in 2003. The clearance rate for Criminal Code violations increased to 44.1% in 2004 from 36.8% in 2003.

$ INFORMATION MANAGEMENT processed 9,749 requests for motor vehicle collision/incident summary reports in 2004 compared to 9,441 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 308 requests or 3.3%. The number of police clearance letters processed in 2004 increased 9.3% from the corresponding period in 2003 (12,887 to 14,087) and the number of volunteer screening letters increased 20.5% (14,744 to 17,769).

$ During 2004, 1,500 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION requests were received compared to 1,237 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents an increase of 263 requests for information or 21.3%. Formal requests have increased 14.1% (85 to 97) and the number of informal requests has increased 21.8% (1,152 to 1,403).

$ The ALARM PROGRAM saw a 1.5% decrease in alarm calls received (27,523 to 27,119) in 2004. The number of false alarms continues to be problematic with 98.8% of the calls being false. This has increased slightly (0.4%) from 2003.

$ Tips received by CRIME STOPPERS increased to 929 in 2004 compared to 823 in 2003. This represents an increase of 12.9%. Arrests made as a result of a crime stoppers tip increased 63.5% (74 to 121). Property recovered decreased 52.7% ($382,320 to $180,652).

$ The VICTIM SERVICES OF YORK REGION program saw a decrease in both on- scene occurrences (13.7%) and the number of telephone crisis calls/office visits (24.9%). Female clients represented 76.1% of the total clients served while male clients represented 23.9%.

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2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Population1 740,413 779,063 820,476 855,056 889,591 Demands for Service 163,590 174,611 242,278 2 266,793 257,292 Motor Vehicle Collisions Non Reportable 2,205 2,225 2,232 2,280 1,829 Fail to Remain 2,324 2,775 2,551 2,228 3 2,051 4 Property Damage 10,549 10,459 11,082 11,265 3 11,056 4 Personal Injury 2,332 2,414 2,371 2,237 3 2,245 4 Fatality 29 27 41 28 39 Total Collisions 17,439 17,900 18,277 18,038 3 17,220 4 Crimes Against Persons Total 6,482 6,825 6,853 6,491 6,571 Cleared 4,488 4,760 4,878 4,496 4,690 Clearance Rate (%) 69.2 69.7 71.2 69.3 71.4 Rate per 100,000 population 875.46 876.05 835.25 759.13 738.65 Crimes Against Property Total 23,486 25,572 28,091 29,497 27,296 Cleared 5,961 6,746 7,576 7,699 9,008 Clearance Rate (%) 25.4 26.4 27.0 26.1 33.0 Rate per 100,000 population 3,172.01 3,282.40 3,423.74 3,449.72 3,068.38 Other Criminal Code Total 3,272 3,441 4,880 7,795 6,767 Cleared 2,051 2,204 2,658 2,758 2,788 Clearance Rate (%) 62.7 64.1 54.5 35.4 41.2 Rate per 100,000 population 441.92 441.68 594.78 911.64 760.69 Drug Violations Total 1,376 1,442 1,861 1,435 2,207 Cleared 1,373 1,426 1,798 1,298 2,092 Clearance Rate (%) 99.8 98.9 96.6 90.5 94.8 Rate per 100,000 population 185.84 185.09 226.82 167.83 248.09 Weapons Violations Total 498 460 524 559 620 Cleared 361 330 392 383 445 Clearance Rate (%) 72.5 71.7 74.8 68.5 71.8 Rate per 100,000 population 67.26 59.05 63.87 65.38 69.69 Public Morals Violations Total 116 92 99 113 138 Cleared 65 48 44 59 65 Clearance Rate (%) 56.0 52.2 44.4 52.2 47.1 Rate per 100,000 population 15.67 11.81 12.07 13.22 15.51 Other Federal Violations Total 346 348 345 286 246 Cleared 346 347 345 285 244 Clearance Rate (%) 100.0 99.7 100.0 99.7 99.2 Rate per 100,000 population 47.39 44.67 42.05 33.45 27.65 Total Criminal Code Violations Total 35,576 38,180 42,653 46,176 43,845 Cleared 14,645 15,861 17,691 16,978 19,332 Clearance Rate (%) 41.2 41.5 41.5 36.8 44.1 Rate per 100,000 population 4,804.89 4,900.76 5,198.57 5,400.35 4,928.67 Criminal Code Traffic Violations Total 1,160 1,406 3,697 5 3,353 3,300 Cleared 1,160 1,396 1,400 1,405 1,537 Clearance Rate (%) 100.0 99.3 37.9 41.9 46.6 Rate per 100,000 population 156.67 180.47 450.59 392.14 370.96

1 Year-end population figures supplied by York Region Planning and Development Services Department based on Census Data and CMHC housing completion data. 2 Effective February 2002, demands for service include abandoned 911 calls from cellular phones. In April 2002, responsibility for 911 was transferred to the Region of York. 3 Revised figures. 4 Includes reports taken by the Community Resource Centre. 5 As of January 2002, Criminal Code fail to remain motor vehicle collisions not involving charges included in total. Note: Other Criminal Code does not include 1,124 counterfeit reports still outstanding for 2004 that have not been processed.

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2003 2004 5 Year Average Variation (%) Actual Rate Actual Rate Actual Rate Actual Rate

Violations Causing Death 13 1.52 20 2.25 13.2 1.60 53.8 47.9 Attempt Capital Crime 11 1.29 4 0.45 11.2 1.42 -63.6 -65.0 Sexual Assault 341 39.88 393 44.18 401.6 49.54 15.2 10.8 Assault 3,632 424.77 3,531 396.92 3,680.4 452.90 -2.8 -6.6 Violations Deprivation Freedom 153 17.89 140 15.74 125.2 15.18 -8.5 -12.0 Robbery & Other Violent Violations 2,341 273.78 2,483 279.12 2,412.8 296.27 6.1 1.9

Total 6,491 759.13 6,571 738.65 6,644.4 816.91 1.2 -2.7

Note: 2003 Violations Causing Death total includes a homicide which occurred in 2002.

Crimes Against Persons (Actual) Crimes Against Persons (Rate) January - December January - December

• As indicated above, 6,571 6,600 900.00

Crimes Against Persons 4,950 violations were reported in 600.00 3,300

2004 compared to 6,491 6,571 6,644.4 6,491 300.00 816.91 759.13 during the corresponding 1,650 738.65 period in 2003. This represents 0.00 0 2003 2004 5 Year an increase of 80 violations or 2003 2004 5 Year 1.2%. Average Average

• Violations Causing Death, Sexual Assault, and Robbery & Violations Causing Death (Actual) Violations Causing Death (Rate) January - December Other Violent Violations have January - December seen an increase over the past

year while Attempt Capital 20 2.50 Crime, Assault, and Violations 2.00 15 Deprivation Freedom have seen 1.50 a decrease. 10

20 1.00 2.25

1.60 1.52 13.2 5 13 0.50 • The Violent Crime rate in 2004 0 0.00 was 738.65 compared to 2003 2004 5 Year 2003 2004 5 Year 759.13 during the Average Average corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 2.7%. Assault (Rate) Assault (Actual) January - December January - December • Violations Causing Death, Violations Deprivation Freedom, and Robbery & Other 3700 460.00

Violent Violations saw an 2775 345.00 increase above the five year 1850 230.00

average. Attempt Capital 452.90 396.92 424.77 3632 3680.4 Crime, Sexual Assault, and 925 3531 115.00

Assault were below the five 0 0.00 year average. 2003 2004 5 Year 2003 2004 5 Year Average Average

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2003 2004 5 Year Average Variation (%) Actual Rate Actual Rate Actual Rate Actual Rate

Arson 179 20.93 145 16.30 180.0 22.24 -19.0 -22.1 Break and Enter 5,269 616.22 3,927 441.44 4,627.2 569.36 -25.5 -28.4 Theft Over $5000 2,982 348.75 2,152 241.91 2,624.4 322.71 -27.8 -30.6 Theft Under $5000 11,153 1,304.36 10,537 1,184.48 10,295.2 1,260.77 -5.5 -9.2 Have Stolen Goods 2,471 288.99 2,963 333.07 2,168.4 262.01 19.9 15.3 Fraud 3,313 387.46 3,674 413.00 3,028.0 368.14 10.9 6.6 Mischief 4,130 483.01 3,898 438.18 3,865.2 474.03 -5.6 -9.3

Total 29,497 3,449.72 27,296 3,068.38 26,788.4 3,279.25 -7.5 -11.1

Crimes Against Property (Actual) Crimes Against Property (Rate) January - December January - December

30,000 4,500.00 • 27,296 property crime

violations were reported in 20,000 3,000.00 2004 compared to 29,497 29,497

during the corresponding 27,296 10,000 1,500.00 26,788.4

period in 2003. This represents 3,449.72 3,279.25 a decrease of 2,201 violations 3,068.38 or 7.5%. 0 0.00 2003 2004 5 Year 2003 2004 5 Year Average Average • Have Stolen Goods and Fraud

violations have seen an increase over the past year Fraud (Actual) Fraud (Rate) while Arson, Break & Enter, January - December Theft Over $5000, Theft Under January - December $500, and Mischief violations have decreased. 4,000 420.00

3,000 • The Property Crime rate in 315.00 2004 was 3,068.38 compared 2,000 to 3,449.72 during the 3,674 210.00 413.00 3,313 387.46 368.14 corresponding period in 2003. 1,000 3,028.0 105.00 This represents a decrease of 11.1%. 0 0.00 2003 2004 5 Year 2003 2004 5 Year Average Average • Theft Under $5000, Have Stolen Goods, Fraud, and Mischief violations saw an Break & Enter (Actual) Break & Enter (Rate) increase above the five year January - December average. Arson, Break & Enter, January - December and Theft Over $5000 violations were below the five 6,000 year average. 700.00 4,000 525.00 350.00

2,000 5,269 616.22 3,927 4,627.2 175.00 569.36 441.44

0 0.00 2003 2004 5 Year 2003 2004 5 Year Average Average

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1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 11 5 83.3 -2 -15.4 1.49 74.1 -29.0 2001 9 -2 -18.2 -1 -10.0 1.16 -22.2 -25.6 2002 13 4 44.4 13 44.4 1.58 37.2 18.2 1 2003 13 0 0.0 7 116.7 1.52 -4.0 78.2 2 2004 20 7 53.8 9 81.8 2.25 47.9 51.3

Note: Violations Causing Death include homicide and criminal negligence causing death. 1 includes a homicide which occurred in 2002. 2 includes a homicide which occurred in 2003. Does not include a non-culpable homicide from 2004.

Violations Causing Death (Actual) 1 Year Comparison: January - December 25 As indicated above, 20 Violations 20 Causing Death were reported in 20 2004 compared to 13 during the 13 13 15 11 corresponding period in 2002. 9 This represents an increase of 7 10 violations or 53.8%. Based on the 5 rate of Violations Causing Death per 100,000 population, there 0 has been an increase of 47.9%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

5 Year Comparison: Violations Causing Death (Rate) As indicated above, 20 Violations January - December Causing Death were reported in 3.0 2004 compared to 11 during the 2.25 2.5 corresponding period in 2000. This represents an increase of 9 2.0 1.49 1.58 1.52 violations or 81.8%. Based on the 1.5 1.16 rate of Violations Causing Death 1.0 per 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 51.3%. 0.5 0.0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

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1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 20 10 100.0 5 33.3 2.70 89.9 11.9 2001 15 -5 -25.0 4 36.4 1.93 -28.7 12.8 2002 6 -9 -60.0 -3 -33.3 0.73 -62.0 -45.5 2003 11 5 83.3 1 10.0 1.29 75.9 -9.5 2004 4 -7 -63.6 -16 -80.0 0.45 -65.0 -83.4

Note: includes attempt murder and conspire to commit murder.

1 Year Comparison: Attempt Capital Crime (Actual) January - December As indicated above, 4 Attempt 25 Capital Crime violations were 20 20 reported in 2004 compared to 11 15 during the corresponding period 15 11 in 2003. This represents a decrease of 7 violations or 63.6%. 10 6 Based on the rate of Attempt 4 5 Capital Crime violations per 100,000 population, there has 0 been a decrease of 65.0%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

5 Year Comparison: Attempt Capital Crime (Rate) January - December As indicated above, 4 Attempt 3.5 Capital Crime violations were 2.70 reported in 2004 compared to 20 2.8 1.93 during the corresponding period 2.1 in 2000. This represents a 1.29 1.4 decrease of 16 violations or 0.73 80.0%. Based on the rate of 0.45 0.7 Attempt Capital Crime violations per 100,000 population, there 0.0 has been a decrease of 83.4%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 14


1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 427 137 47.2 137 47.2 57.67 39.8 23.6 2001 419 -8 -1.9 128 44.0 53.78 -6.7 19.1 2002 428 9 2.1 149 53.4 52.16 -3.0 25.5 2003 341 -87 -20.3 51 17.6 39.88 -23.5 -3.3 2004 393 52 15.2 -34 -8.0 44.18 10.8 -23.4

Sexual Assault (Actual) 1 Year Comparison: January - December 600 500 427 419 428 As indicated above, 393 Sexual 393 Assault violations were reported 400 341 in 2004 compared to 341 during the corresponding period in 300 2003. This represents an 200 increase of 52 violations or 100 15.2%. Based on the rate of Sexual Assault violations per 0 100,000 population, there has 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 been an increase of 10.8%.

5 Year Comparison: Sexual Assault (Rate) January - December As indicated above, 393 Sexual 80.0 Assault violations were reported 57.67 60.0 53.78 52.16 in 2004 compared to 427 during 44.18 the corresponding period in 39.88 2000. This represents a decrease 40.0 of 34 violations or 8.0%. Based on the rate of Sexual Assault 20.0 violations per 100,000 population, there has been a 0.0 decrease of 23.4%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 15


1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 3,701 398 12.0 1,172 46.3 499.86 6.4 22.9 2001 3,736 35 0.9 990 36.1 479.55 -4.1 12.5 2002 3,802 66 1.8 879 30.1 463.39 -3.4 6.4 2003 3,632 -170 -4.5 329 10.0 424.77 -8.3 -9.6 2004 3,531 -101 -2.8 -170 -4.6 396.92 -6.6 -20.6

1 Year Comparison: Assault (Actual) January - December As indicated above, 3,531 5,000 Assault violations were reported 3,701 3,736 3,802 3,632 in 2004 compared to 3,632 4,000 3,531 during the corresponding period 3,000 in 2003. This represents a decrease of 101 violations or 2,000 2.8%. Based on the rate of Assault violations per 100,000 1,000 population, there has been a 0 decrease of 6.6%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

5 Year Comparison: Assault (Rate) January - December As indicated above, 3,531 700.0 Assault violations were reported 499.86 in 2004 compared to 3,701 479.55 463.39 525.0 424.77 during the corresponding period 396.92 in 2000. This represents a 350.0 decrease of 170 violations or 4.6%. Based on the rate of 175.0 Assault violations per 100,000 population, there has been a 0.0 decrease of 20.6%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 16


1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 307 18 6.2 -91 -22.9 41.46 0.9 -35.2 2001 386 79 25.7 36 10.3 49.55 19.5 -8.8 2002 351 -35 -9.1 96 37.6 42.78 -13.7 12.6 2003 387 1 36 10.3 98 33.9 45.26 5.8 10.1 2004 374 -13 -3.4 67 21.8 42.04 -7.1 1.4

1 Revised figure.

Robbery (Actual) 1 Year Comparison: January - December 600 As indicated above, 374 Robbery 386 387 violations were reported in 2004 450 351 374 compared to 387 during the 307 corresponding period in 2003. 300 This represents a decrease of 13 violations or 3.4%. Based on the 150 rate of Robbery violations per 100,000 population, there has 0 been a decrease of 7.1%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

5 Year Comparison: Robbery (Rate) January - December As indicated above, 374 Robbery 80.00 violations were reported in 2004 compared to 307 during the 60.00 49.55 45.26 corresponding period in 2000. 41.46 42.78 42.04 This represents an increase of 67 40.00 violations or 21.8%. Based on the rate of Robbery violations per 20.00 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 1.4%. 0.00

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 17


1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 23,486 -204 -0.9 -2197 -8.6 3,172.01 -5.9 -23.2 2001 25,572 2,086 8.9 1,832 7.7 3,282.40 3.5 -10.9 2002 28,091 2,519 9.9 6,113 27.8 3,423.74 4.3 4.6 2003 29,497 1,406 5.0 5,807 24.5 3,449.72 0.8 2.4 2004 27,296 -2,201 -7.5 3,810 16.2 3,068.38 -11.1 -3.3

1 Year Comparison: Crimes Against Property (Actual)

January - December As indicated above, 27,296 40,000 Crimes Against Property 29,497 violations were reported in 2004 28,091 27,296 30,000 25,572 compared to 29,497 during the 23,486 corresponding period in 2003. 20,000 This represents a decrease of 2,201 violations or 7.5%. Based 10,000 on the rate of Crimes Against Property violations per 100,000 0 population, there has been a 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 decrease of 11.1%.

Crimes Against Property (Rate) 5 Year Comparison: January - December As indicated above, 27,296 5,000.00 Crimes Against Property 3,282.40 3,423.74 3,449.72 3,750.00 3,172.01 3,068.38 violations were reported in 2004 compared to 23,486 during the 2,500.00 corresponding period in 2000. This represents an increase of 1,250.00 3,810 violations or 16.2%. Based on the rate of Crimes Against 0.00 Property violations per 100,000 population, there has been a 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 decrease of 3.3%.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 18


1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 3,272 -37 -1.1 -335 -9.3 441.92 -6.1 -23.8 2001 3,441 169 5.2 -353 -9.3 441.68 -0.1 -25.0 2002 4,880 1,439 41.8 1,896 63.5 594.78 34.7 33.8 2003 7,795 2,915 59.7 4,486 135.6 911.64 53.3 93.7 2004 6,767 -1,028 -13.2 3,495 106.8 760.69 -16.6 72.1

Note: total does not include 1,124 counterfeit reports still outstanding for 2004 that have not been processed.

1 Year Comparison: Other Criminal Code (Actual) January - December 10,000 As indicated above, 6,767 Other 7,795 Criminal Code violations were 8,000 6,767 reported in 2004 compared to 7,795 during the corresponding 6,000 4,880 period in 2003. This represents a 3,272 3,441 4,000 decrease of 1,028 violations or 13.2%. Based on the rate of 2,000 Other Criminal Code violations per 100,000 population, there 0 has been a decrease of 16.6%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

5 Year Comparison: Other Criminal Code (Rate) January - December As indicated above, 6,767 Other 1500.00 Criminal Code violations were 911.64 reported in 2004 compared to 1000.00 3,272 during the corresponding 760.69 594.78 period in 2000. This represents 441.92 441.68 an increase of 3,495 violations or 500.00 106.8%. Based on the rate of Other Criminal Code violations per 100,000 population, there 0.00 has been an increase of 72.1%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

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1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 35,576 852 2.5 1669 4.9 4,804.89 -2.7 -11.9 2001 38,180 2,604 7.3 5,948 18.5 4,900.76 2.0 -2.0 2002 42,653 4,473 11.7 11,186 35.5 5,198.57 6.1 10.9 2003 46,176 3,523 8.3 11,452 33.0 5,400.35 3.9 9.4 2004 43,845 -2,331 -5.0 8,269 23.2 4,928.67 -8.7 2.6

Note: total does not include 1,124 counterfeit reports still outstanding for 2004 that have not been processed.

1 Year Comparison: Total Criminal Violations (Actual) January - December As indicated above, 43,845 60,000 Criminal Code violations were 46,176 42,653 43,845 38,180 reported in 2004 compared to 45,000 35,576 46,176 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a 30,000 decrease of 2,331 violations or 5.0%. Based on the rate of 15,000 Criminal Code violations per 100,000 population, there has 0 been a decrease of 8.7%. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

5 Year Comparison: Total Criminal Violations (Rate) January - December As indicated above, 43,845 7,000.00 5,400.35 Criminal Code violations were 5,198.57 4,900.76 4,928.67 reported in 2004 compared to 5,250.00 4,804.89 35,576 during the corresponding period in 2000. This represents 3,500.00 an increase of 8,269 violations or 23.2%. Based on the rate of 1,750.00 Criminal Code violations per 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 2.6%. 0.00 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 20


1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 1,160 56 5.1 108 10.3 156.67 -0.2 -7.4 2001 1,406 246 21.2 417 42.2 180.47 15.2 17.6 2002 3,697 1 2,291 162.9 2,658 255.8 450.59 149.7 191.1 2003 3,353 -344 -9.3 2,249 203.7 392.14 -13.0 149.8 2004 3,300 -53 -1.6 2,140 184.5 370.96 -5.4 136.8

1 As of January 2002, Criminal Code fail to remain motor vehicle collisions not involving charges included in total.

1 Year Comparison: Traffic Violations (Actual) January - December As indicated above, 3,300 5,000 Criminal Code Traffic violations 3,697 4,000 3,353 3,300 were reported in 2004 compared to 3,353 during the 3,000 corresponding period in 2003. 1,406 This represents a decrease of 53 2,000 1,160 violations or 1.6%. Based on the 1,000 rate of Criminal Code Traffic violations per 100,000 0 population, there has been a 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 decrease of 5.4%.

Traffic Violations (Rate) 5 Year Comparison: January - December 600.00 A meaningful five year 450.59 comparison cannot be made due 392.14 370.96 to change of reporting in January 400.00 2002. See “Changes in Reporting 180.47 156.67 Methodology” page 4. 200.00

0.00 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 21


2003 2004 2003/04

Rate Per Rate Per Variance Variance Percent 100,000 Percent 100,000 in Actual in Rates Actual Cleared Population Actual Cleared Population (%) (%)

Crimes Against Persons 6,491 69.3 759.13 6,571 71.4 738.65 1.2 -2.7 Violations Causing Death 13 84.6 1.52 20 65.0 2.25 53.8 47.9 Attempt Capital Crime 11 90.9 1.29 4 75.0 0.45 -63.6 -65.0 Sexual Assault 341 65.1 39.88 393 73.3 44.18 15.2 10.8 Assault 3,632 76.2 424.77 3,531 79.0 396.92 -2.8 -6.6 Violations Deprivation Freedom 153 58.2 17.89 140 66.4 15.74 -8.5 -12.0 Robbery & Other Violent Violations 2,341 59.6 273.78 2,483 60.6 279.12 6.1 1.9

Crimes Against Property 29,497 26.1 3,449.72 27,296 33.0 3,068.38 -7.5 -11.1 Arson 179 12.3 20.93 145 9.0 16.30 -19.0 -22.1 Break and Enter 5,269 10.3 616.22 3,927 14.1 441.44 -25.5 -28.4 Theft Over $5000 2,982 10.6 348.75 2,152 12.3 241.91 -27.8 -30.6 Theft Under $5000 11,153 23.4 1,304.36 10,537 30.3 1,184.48 -5.5 -9.2 Have Stolen Goods 2,471 97.7 288.99 2,963 98.9 333.07 19.9 15.3 Fraud 3,313 31.8 387.46 3,674 32.9 413.00 10.9 6.6 Mischief 4,130 18.7 483.01 3,898 21.8 438.18 -5.6 -9.3

Other Criminal Code 7,795 35.4 911.64 6,767 41.2 760.69 -13.2 -16.6 Other Criminal Code (Part A) 7,344 33.1 858.89 6,277 38.8 705.61 -14.5 -17.8 Other Criminal Code (Part B) 451 72.7 52.75 490 71.8 55.08 8.6 4.4

Drug Violations 1,435 90.5 167.83 2,207 94.8 248.09 53.8 47.8

Weapons Violations 559 68.5 65.38 620 71.8 69.69 10.9 6.6

Public Morals Violations 113 52.2 13.22 138 47.1 15.51 22.1 17.4 Prostitution/Public Morals 105 48.6 12.28 137 46.7 15.40 30.5 25.4 Gaming and Betting 8 100.0 0.94 1 100.0 0.11 -87.5 -88.0

Other Federal Violations 286 99.7 33.45 246 99.2 27.65 -14.0 -17.3

Total Criminal Code Violations 46,176 36.8 5,400.35 43,845 44.1 4,928.67 -5.0 -8.7 (excluding traffic)

Traffic Violations 3,353 41.9 392.14 3,300 46.6 370.96 -1.6 -5.4 Dangerous Operation 336 98.5 39.30 368 99.5 41.37 9.5 5.3 Impaired Operation/Related Violations 894 100.0 104.55 975 99.9 109.60 9.1 4.8 Other Criminal Code Traffic Violations 2,123 8.5 248.29 1,957 10.1 219.99 -7.8 -11.4

Note: Other Criminal Code Part A does not include 1,124 counterfeit reports still outstanding for 2004 that have not been processed.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 22


Robbery Violations - by Type January - December

Variance 2003 2004 Actual %

Retail 74 92 18 24.3 ATM 11 13 2 18.2 Deposit 7 7 0 0.0 Financial 9 16 7 77.8 Home Invasion 28 23 -5 -17.9 Car Jacking 16 19 3 18.8 Street 242 204 -38 -15.7

Total 387 374 -13 -3.4


Financial – includes banks, credit unions, armoured • As indicated above, 374 robbery violations were cars. reported in York Region compared to 387 during the corresponding period in 2003. This Retail – any retail or commercial premise including represents a decrease of 13 violations or 3.4%. convenience stores, restaurants/fast food establishments, massage parlours, gas stations, and donut/coffee shops. • All robbery categories saw an increase from the previous reporting period except Home Car Jacking – the intent to steal a motor vehicle Invasions (-17.9%) and Street (-15.7%). with the use of violence against the person(s) in care or control of that vehicle. Home Invasion – intrusion into a residence with the intent of robbing the occupants therein.

Robbery - by Type Robbery January - December 2004 January - December

250 Retail 200 ATM 150 Deposit 100 Financial 2003 50 Home Invasion 2004 0 Car Jacking ATM Retail Street Street Deposit Financial

0 50 100 150 200 250 Jacking Car Home Invasion Home

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 23


2003 2004 Variance (%) Actual Rate Actual Rate Actual Rate

Automobiles 1,572 183.85 1,031 115.90 -34.4 -37.0 Trucks 943 110.29 761 85.54 -19.3 -22.4 Motorcycles 97 11.34 92 10.34 -5.2 -8.8 Other 122 14.27 95 10.68 -22.1 -25.2 Const/Farm 62 7.25 44 4.95 -29.0 -31.8 Tractor Trailers 28 3.27 29 3.26 3.6 -0.4

Total 2,824 330.27 2,052 230.67 -27.3 -30.2

Note: total includes vehicles taken without owner’s consent. Does not include attempt theft, vehicles obtained by fraud, riding lawnmowers, garden tractors, or golf carts. Trucks include pickup trucks, bus, van, and recreational vehicles. Tractor trailers include tractors with or without a trailer.

• 2,052 vehicles were reported stolen in York Region in 2004 compared to Stolen Vehicles (Actual) 2,824 during the corresponding January - December period in 2003. This represents a 3000 decrease of 772 vehicles or 27.3%. 2500 Based on the rate of stolen vehicles Top 5 Stolen Automobile 2000 per 100,000 population, there has Makes (2004) 1500 been a decrease of 30.2%. Make Total 1000 500

• 1,031 automobiles were reported 0 Honda 314 Automobiles Trucks Total stolen in 2004 compared to 1,572 during the corresponding period in Toyota 106 2003 2004 Acura 104 2003. This represents a decrease of 541 automobiles or 34.4%. Based 54 on the rate of stolen automobiles Dodge 51 per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 37.0%.

• 761 trucks were reported stolen in 2004 compared to 943 during the corresponding period in 2003. This Top 5 Stolen Truck Makes represents a decrease of 182 trucks (2004) Stolen Vehicles (Rate) or 19.3%. Based on the rate of Make Total January - December stolen trucks per 100,000 population, there has been a 350 Dodge 143 300 decrease of 22.4%. 250 Ford 138 200 • 29 tractor trailers were reported Chevrolet 82 150 stolen in 2004 compared to 28 Plymouth 76 100 during the corresponding period in GMC 70 50 0 2003. This represents an increase Automobiles Trucks Total of 1 tractor trailer or 3.6%. Based 2003 2004 on the rate of stolen tractor trailers per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 0.4%.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 24


2003 2004 2003/04 Variance Rate Per Rate Per Variance in 100,000 100,000 Actual in Rates Actual Population Actual Population (%) (%)

Impaired Operation/Related Violations 894 104.55 975 109.60 9.1 4.8 Impaired Operation 762 89.12 845 94.99 10.9 6.6 Cause Bodily Harm 8 0.94 12 1.35 50.0 44.2 Cause Death 2 0.23 1 0.11 -50.0 -51.9 Fail/Refuse Breath/Blood Sample 122 14.27 117 13.15 -4.1 -7.8

Dangerous Operation 336 39.30 368 41.37 9.5 5.3 Dangerous Operation 260 30.41 292 32.82 12.3 7.9 Cause Bodily Harm 15 1.75 20 2.25 33.3 28.2 Cause Death 5 0.58 6 0.67 20.0 15.3 Evade Police 55 6.43 49 5.51 -10.9 -14.4 Evade Police Cause Bodily Harm 1 0.12 1 0.11 0.0 -3.9 Evade Police Cause Death 0 0.00 0 0.00 N.C.1 N.C.1

Fail to Stop or Remain 2,040 238.58 1,867 209.87 -8.5 -12.0

Drive While Prohibited 82 9.59 90 10.12 9.8 5.5

Other Criminal Code 1 0.12 0 0.00 -100.0 -100.0

Criminal Traffic Violations - Total 3,353 392.14 3,300 370.96 -1.6 -5.4

Traffic - Provincial Offences 2 Speeding 51,345 6,004.87 51,485 5,787.49 0.3 -3.6 2 Red light 1,593 186.30 1,489 167.38 -6.5 -10.2 2 Disobey Stop Sign 4,489 524.99 4,335 487.30 -3.4 -7.2 2 Seat belt related 2,483 290.39 3,134 352.30 26.2 21.3 Drive under Suspension 596 69.70 702 78.91 17.8 13.2 2 Careless Driving 1,871 218.82 1,715 192.79 -8.3 -11.9 Fail to Remain 83 9.71 116 13.04 39.8 34.3

2 Motor Vehicle Collisions - Total 18,038 2,109.57 17,220 1,935.72 -4.5 -8.2 Fatal 28 3.27 39 4.38 39.3 33.9 On-Road 26 3.04 37 4.16 42.3 36.8 Off-Road 2 0.23 2 0.22 0.0 -3.9 2 Personal Injury 2,237 261.62 2,245 252.36 0.4 -3.5 2 Property Damage 11,265 1,317.46 11,056 1,242.82 -1.9 -5.7 2 Fail to Remain 2,228 260.57 2,051 230.56 -7.9 -11.5 Non Reportable 2,280 266.65 1,829 205.60 -19.8 -22.9 2 Persons Injured 3,167 370.39 3,179 357.36 0.4 -3.5 Persons Killed 29 3.39 43 4.83 48.3 42.5

1 Not calculable. 2 Revised figure. Note: 2004 collision totals include reports taken at the Community Resource Centre (CRC).

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 25


2003 2004 2003/04

Rate Per Rate Per Variance Variance 100,000 100,000 in Actual in Rates Actual Population Actual Population (%) (%)

1 Motor Vehicle Collisions - Total 18,038 2,109.57 17,220 1,935.72 -4.5 -8.2 Fatal 28 3.27 39 4.38 39.3 33.9 On-Road 26 3.04 37 4.16 42.3 36.8 Off-Road 2 0.23 2 0.22 0.0 -3.9 1 Personal Injury 2,237 261.62 2,245 252.36 0.4 -3.5 1 Property damage 11,265 1,317.46 11,056 1,242.82 -1.9 -5.7 1 Fail to Remain 2,228 260.57 2,051 230.56 -7.9 -11.5

Non reportable 2,280 266.65 1,829 205.60 -19.8 -22.9 1 Persons Injured 3,167 370.39 3,179 357.36 0.4 -3.5 Persons Killed 29 3.39 43 4.83 48.3 42.5

1 Revised figure. Note: 2004 collision totals include reports taken by the Community Resource Centre (CRC).

Fatal Collisions Persons Killed January - December January - December

50 50

40 40

30 30 49 43

20 41 20 39 29 29 29 28 29 10 27 10

0 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Motor Vehicle Collisions January - December 2004

Non-Fatal Fatal Injury 0.2% 13.0%

Property Damage 86.7%

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 26


2003 2004 2003/04

Total Cleared Total Cleared Variance Actual Cleared (%) Actual Cleared (%) Cleared (%)

Crimes Against Persons 6,491 4,496 69.3 6,571 4,690 71.4 2.1

Crimes Against Property 29,497 7,699 26.1 27,296 9,008 33.0 6.9

Other Criminal Code 7,795 2,758 35.4 6,767 2,788 41.2 5.8

Drug Violations 1,435 1,298 90.5 2,207 2,092 94.8 4.3

Weapons Violations 559 383 68.5 620 445 71.8 3.3

Public Morals Violations 113 59 52.2 138 65 47.1 -5.1

Other Federal Violations 286 285 99.7 246 244 99.2 -0.5

Total Criminal Violations 46,176 16,978 36.8 43,845 19,332 44.1 7.3 (excluding Traffic)

Traffic Violations 3,353 1,405 41.9 3,300 1,537 46.6 4.7

Note: Due to rounding, figures may not subtract exactly to variance cleared.

Cleared Violations Clearance Rate (%) January - December 2004 January - December

45,000 60.0 44.1 41.2 41.5 41.5 30,000 45.0 36.8 Actual Cleared 30.0 15,000 15.0 0 Crimes Crimes Total 0.0 Against Against Criminal Persons Property Violations 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 27


2003 2004 2003 - 04

Male Female Total Variance Variance Variance Male Female Total Male Female Total (%) (%) (%)

Persons Charged1 1,114 294 1,408 1,000 285 1,285 -10.2 -3.1 -8.7 Processed by other means2 1,533 557 2,090 1,907 815 2,722 24.4 46.3 30.2

Total 2,647 851 3,498 2,907 1,100 4,007 9.8 29.3 14.6

1 Persons aged 12 – 17 years inclusive. Includes criminal charges only. 2 Persons under the age of 18 years.

Young Persons Charged Youths Processed by Other Means January - December January - December

1,500 3,000

1,000 2,000 2003 2003 2004 2004 500 1,000

0 0 Male Female Total Male Female Total

Youth Crime - Total January - December

5,000 4,000

3,000 2003 2,000 2004


0 Male Female Total

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 28


1 Year 5 Year Rate Variance Comparison Comparison Rate per (%) 100,000 Year Actual Variance (%) Variance (%) Population 1 Year 5 Year

2000 163,590 6,623 4.2 9,179 5.9 22,094.43 -1.0 -11.1 2001 174,611 11,021 6.7 32,384 22.8 22,412.95 1.4 1.5 1 2002 242,278 67,667 38.8 93,398 62.7 29,528.96 31.7 33.1 2003 266,793 24,515 10.1 109,826 70.0 31,201.82 5.7 39.8 2004 257,292 -9,501 -3.6 93,702 57.3 28,922.50 -7.3 30.9

1As of February 2002, total includes abandoned 911 calls from cellular phones. In April 2002, responsibility for 911 was transferred to the Region of York.

1 Year Comparison:

As indicated above, 257,292 Demands for Service were received in 2004 compared to 266,793 during the corresponding period in 2003. This represents a decrease of 9,501 demands or 3.6%. Based on the rate of demands per 100,000 population, there has been a decrease of 7.3%. Demands for Service (Actual) January - December 5 Year Comparison:

As indicated above, 257,292 Demands for Service were received in 2004 300,000 compared to 163,590 during the corresponding period in 2000. This represents an increase of 93,702 demands or 57.3%. Based on the rate of 225,000 demands per 100,000 population, there has been an increase of 30.9%. 150,000

266,793 257,292

75,000 242,278 2 174,611

Enter to Arrival Time 163,590 2003/04 (Average minutes) 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Response Time Priority 2003 2004 Variance (%)

Emergency in Progress 7.78 7.79 0.1 (Priority E) Demands for Service (Rate) January - December High Priority 21.74 21.86 0.6 Priority 1 35,000.00

26,250.00 Medium Priority 34.59 32.38 -6.4 Priority 2 17,500.00

8,750.00 31,201.82 29,528.96

Lowest Priority 40.69 39.14 -3.8 28,922.50 22,412.95 22,094.43 Priority 3 0.00 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Average Response Time 29.65 28.09 -5.3

2 The time between the Communicator entering the information and the officers advising that they arrived on scene.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 29

2002 2003 2004 2003/04 Variance 2002/04 Variance TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL GROUP #CALLS #CALLS #CALLS Calls % Calls %

ABANDONED VEH 1,235 1,172 894 -278 -23.7 -341 -27.6 ACCIDENT INDUST 322 351 348 -3 -0.9 26 8.1 ANIMAL COMPLNT 1,088 1,074 1,000 -74 -6.9 -88 -8.1 ARMED PERSON 5 9 4 -5 -55.6 -1 -20.0 ASSAULT 2,558 2,563 2,283 -280 -10.9 -275 -10.8 ASSIST CITIZEN 18,514 17,033 18,539 1,506 8.8 25 0.1 ASSIST P. O. 3,423 4,519 7,086 2,567 56.8 3,663 107.0 BOMB THREAT/ER-006 RESPONSE 113 63 87 24 38.1 -26 -23.0 BREAK AND ENTER 5,103 5,624 4,360 -1,264 -22.5 -743 -14.6 C R C - COMM (SEP04) n.a. n.a. 1,030 1,030 n.c 1,030 n.c C R C - OFF'R (SEP04) n.a. n.a. 150 150 n.c 150 n.c C R C - WALK-IN (SEP04) n.a. n.a. 871 871 n.c 871 n.c DISPUTE 2,359 2,616 2,865 249 9.5 506 21.4 DISTURBANCE 1,625 1,851 1,692 -159 -8.6 67 4.1 DOMEST INCIDENT 3,844 4,712 5,173 461 9.8 1,329 34.6 DRIVING COMPLNT 6,939 7,115 6,994 -121 -1.7 55 0.8 DRUGS 2,183 1,773 2,292 519 29.3 109 5.0 FIRE 1,480 1,504 1,177 -327 -21.7 -303 -20.5 FOUND/LOST PROP 6,459 5,858 5,897 39 0.7 -562 -8.7 FRAUD 5,190 8,216 7,280 -936 -11.4 2,090 40.3 HOLD UP ALARM 345 370 399 29 7.8 54 15.7 IMPAIRED DRIVNG 2,859 3,056 3,111 55 1.8 252 8.8 INDECENT ACT 159 254 157 -97 -38.2 -2 -1.3 INJURED PERSON 3,019 2,444 2,617 173 7.1 -402 -13.3 INSECURE PREMSE 501 466 490 24 5.2 -11 -2.2 INTRUSION ALARM 23,141 25,705 25,340 -365 -1.4 2,199 9.5 LIQUOR OFFENCE 1,098 1,295 1,196 -99 -7.6 98 8.9 MAJOR DISASTER 8 11 21 10 90.9 13 162.5 MENTALLY ILL 955 1,044 1,246 202 19.3 291 30.5 MISSING PERSON 2,370 2,664 2,557 -107 -4.0 187 7.9 MVC HIT AND RUN 4,351 4,019 3,118 -901 -22.4 -1,233 -28.3 MVC PERS INJURY 3,888 3,685 3,493 -192 -5.2 -395 -10.2 MVC PROP DAMAGE 19,647 20,290 16,360 -3,930 -19.4 -3,287 -16.7 NOISE COMPLNT 3,956 4,102 3,913 -189 -4.6 -43 -1.1 OFFICER ASSIST 17 10 20 10 100.0 3 17.6 OUT OF SERVICE 428 277 230 -47 -17.0 -198 -46.3 PARKING COMPLNT 570 600 487 -113 -18.8 -83 -14.6 PERSONAL ALARM 1,348 1,419 1,380 -39 -2.7 32 2.4 PHONE CALLS 1,542 1,566 1,531 -35 -2.2 -11 -0.7 PROPERTY DAMAGE 5,009 5,338 4,926 -412 -7.7 -83 -1.7 PROWLER 157 213 168 -45 -21.1 11 7.0 ROBBERY 353 407 414 7 1.7 61 17.3 SEX OFFENCE 611 651 582 -69 -10.6 -29 -4.7 SHOPLIFTING 1,723 1,733 2,308 575 33.2 585 34.0 SILENT 911 CALL 58,261 73,097 67,079 -6,018 -8.2 8,818 15.1 STRIKE 49 22 80 58 263.6 31 63.3 SUDDEN DEATH 287 328 316 -12 -3.7 29 10.1 SUICIDE ATTEMPT 717 857 831 -26 -3.0 114 15.9 SUSP PERSON 2,949 3,254 3,214 -40 -1.2 265 9.0 SUSP VEHICLE 4,185 4,179 4,636 457 10.9 451 10.8 THEFT 12,618 11,982 10,889 -1,093 -9.1 -1,729 -13.7 THEFT OF VEH 4,940 5,413 3,907 -1,506 -27.8 -1,033 -20.9 THREATS 2,632 2,451 2,372 -79 -3.2 -260 -9.9 TRAFFIC PURSUIT 61 74 73 -1 -1.4 12 19.7 TRAFFIC STOP 0 1 0 -1 -100.0 0 n.c. TRANSPORT 5,224 5,104 4,995 -109 -2.1 -229 -4.4 UNKNOWN TROUBLE 1,859 3,838 3,805 -33 -0.9 1,946 104.7 UNWANTED PERSON 2,232 2,082 2,044 -38 -1.8 -188 -8.4 WANTED PERSON 1,885 2,082 2,737 655 31.5 852 45.2 WEAPONS 764 871 829 -42 -4.8 65 8.5 YOUTH COMPLNT 3,120 3,486 3,399 -87 -2.5 279 8.9

TOTAL CALLS 242,278 266,793 257,292 -9,501 -3.6 15,014 6.2 TOTAL CALLS LESS SILENT 911 184,017 263,539 254,078 -9,461 -3.6 70,061 38.1

Note: in February 2002, demands for service include abandoned 911 calls from cellular phones. In April 2002, responsibility for 911 was transferred to York Region. Due to this, a meaningful five year comparison cannot be made.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 30


2003 2004 2003/04 Total Total Variance (%)

Alarm Program

Alarm Calls Received 27,523 27,119 -1.5

False Alarms 27,101 26,803 -1.1

False Alarm (%) 98.5 98.8 0.4 1 Suspensions 4,480 2,733 -39.0 1 Cautions 4,427 4,437 0.2

Reinstatements 1,208 702 -41.9

Crime Stoppers Tips Received 823 929 12.9 Arrests Made 74 121 63.5 Cases Cleared 101 68 -32.7 Property Recovered $382,320 $180,652 -52.7 Drugs Seized $2,052,896 $14,609,600 611.7 Rewards Authorized $15,850 $14,200 -10.4

Information Management

Police Clearance Letters 12,887 14,087 9.3 1 Volunteer Screening 14,744 17,769 20.5 1 MVC/Incident Summary Reports 9,441 9,749 3.3

Warrants Processed 1,065 1,069 0.4 1 Number of Incidents Entered on RMS 72,936 70,292 -3.6

Legal Services

Freedom of Information

Formal requests 85 97 14.1 1 Informal requests 1,152 1,403 21.8

Total 1,237 1,500 21.3

Community Resource Centre2 3 Total Number of Collision Reports NA 1,676 NC4 3 Property Damage NA 1,450 NC4 Fail to Remain NA 3 225 NC4 Personal Injury NA 3 1 NC4

Victim Services of York Region

On-Scene Occurrences

Number of Calls/Occurrences 205 177 -13.7

Clients Served 781 580 -25.7

Female 486 355 -27.0

Male 295 225 -23.7

Telephone Crisis Calls/Office Visits

Number of Calls/Occurrences 1,258 945 -24.9

Clients Served 1,264 951 -24.8

Female 1,082 810 -25.1

Male 182 141 -22.5

1 Revised figure. 2 The Community Resource Centre opened October 4, 2004. Data provided by Information Management. 3 Not available. 4 Not calculable.

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York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 32


2003 2004 2003/04

Rate Per Rate Per Variance Variance Percent 100,000 Percent 100,000 in Actual in Rates Actual Cleared Population1 Actual Cleared Population1 (%) (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,169 77.8 N.C.2 1,316 80.9 N.C.2 12.6 N.C.2 Violations Causing Death 3 100.0 N.C.2 7 85.7 N.C.2 133.3 N.C.2 Attempt Capital Crime 2 100.0 N.C.2 0 0.0 N.C.2 -100.0 N.C.2 Sexual Assault 91 81.3 N.C.2 98 70.4 N.C.2 7.7 N.C.2 Assault 676 79.4 N.C.2 732 85.0 N.C.2 8.3 N.C.2 Violations Deprivation Freedom 13 84.6 N.C.2 15 73.3 N.C.2 15.4 N.C.2 Robbery & Other Violent Violations 384 73.4 N.C.2 464 76.7 N.C.2 20.8 N.C.2

Crimes Against Property 6,160 28.2 N.C.2 5,313 38.0 N.C.2 -13.8 N.C.2 Arson 45 8.9 N.C.2 24 8.3 N.C.2 -46.7 N.C.2 Break and Enter 1,075 11.4 N.C.2 693 16.7 N.C.2 -35.5 N.C.2 Theft Over $5000 410 13.4 N.C.2 269 19.7 N.C.2 -34.4 N.C.2 Theft Under $5000 2,436 24.8 N.C.2 2,175 31.6 N.C.2 -10.7 N.C.2 Have Stolen Goods 577 98.1 N.C.2 591 100.0 N.C.2 2.4 N.C.2 Fraud 609 33.5 N.C.2 708 51.0 N.C.2 16.3 N.C.2 Mischief 1,008 17.8 N.C.2 853 23.8 N.C.2 -15.4 N.C.2

Other Criminal Code 1,948 50.1 N.C.2 1,866 53.9 N.C.2 -4.2 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part A) 1,849 48.6 N.C.2 1,766 52.1 N.C.2 -4.5 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part B) 99 78.8 N.C.2 100 85.0 N.C.2 1.0 N.C.2

Drug Violations 255 96.5 N.C.2 395 99.2 N.C.2 54.9 N.C.2

Weapons Violations 109 80.7 N.C.2 107 87.9 N.C.2 -1.8 N.C.2

Public Morals Violations 27 63.0 N.C.2 29 27.6 N.C.2 7.4 N.C.2 Prostitution/Public Morals 27 63.0 N.C.2 29 27.6 N.C.2 7.4 N.C.2 Gaming and Betting 0 N.C.2 N.C.2 0 0.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2

Other Federal Violations 91 100.0 N.C.2 75 98.7 N.C.2 -17.6 N.C.2

Total Criminal Code Violations 2 2 2 9,759 41.6 N.C. 9,101 51.1 N.C. -6.7 N.C. (excluding traffic)

Traffic Violations 638 53.3 N.C.2 657 54.9 N.C.2 3.0 N.C.2 Dangerous Operation 63 96.8 N.C.2 78 100.0 N.C.2 23.8 N.C.2 Impaired Operation/Related Violations 235 100.0 N.C.2 231 100.0 N.C.2 -1.7 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code Traffic Violations 340 12.9 N.C.2 348 14.9 N.C.2 2.4 N.C.2

1District population figure not available. 2 Not calculable. Note: District crime statistics may not equal regional figures due to investigations which occur outside York Region.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 33


2003 2004 2003/04

Total Cleared Total Cleared Variance Actual Cleared (%) Actual Cleared (%) Cleared (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,169 909 77.8 1,316 1,064 80.9 3.1

Crimes Against Property 6,160 1,735 28.2 5,313 2,017 38.0 9.8

Other Criminal Code 1,948 976 50.1 1,866 1,005 53.9 3.8

Drug Violations 255 246 96.5 395 392 99.2 2.8

Weapons Violations 109 88 80.7 107 94 87.9 7.1

Public Morals Violations 27 17 63.0 29 8 27.6 -35.4

Other Federal Violations 91 91 100.0 75 74 98.7 -1.3

Total Criminal Violations (excluding 9,759 4,062 41.6 9,101 4,654 51.1 9.5 Traffic)

Traffic Violations 638 340 53.3 657 361 54.9 1.7

Note: Due to rounding, figures may not subtract exactly to variance cleared.

Cleared Violations (District 1) Clearance Rate (%) - District 1 January - December 2004 January - December

10,000 60.0 51.1 45.1 45.9 46.2 8,000 41.6 45.0 6,000 Actual 4,000 Cleared 30.0 2,000 15.0 0 Crimes Crimes Total 0.0 Against Against Criminal 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Persons Property Violations

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York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 35


2003 2004 2003/04

Rate Per Rate Per Variance Variance Percent 100,000 Percent 100,000 in Actual in Rates Actual Cleared Population1 Actual Cleared Population1 (%) (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,532 64.0 N.C.2 1,551 64.0 N.C.2 1.2 N.C.2 Violations Causing Death 5 60.0 N.C.2 5 60.0 N.C.2 0.0 N.C.2 Attempt Capital Crime 4 75.0 N.C.2 2 50.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2 Sexual Assault 61 60.7 N.C.2 94 71.3 N.C.2 54.1 N.C.2 Assault 840 73.0 N.C.2 782 73.8 N.C.2 -6.9 N.C.2 Violations Deprivation Freedom 46 45.7 N.C.2 39 82.1 N.C.2 -15.2 N.C.2 Robbery & Other Violent Violations 576 52.8 N.C.2 629 49.8 N.C.2 9.2 N.C.2

Crimes Against Property 6,966 28.0 N.C.2 6,331 30.0 N.C.2 -9.1 N.C.2 Arson 45 8.9 N.C.2 28 3.6 N.C.2 -37.8 N.C.2 Break and Enter 1,130 10.7 N.C.2 931 9.8 N.C.2 -17.6 N.C.2 Theft Over $5000 636 9.0 N.C.2 463 10.8 N.C.2 -27.2 N.C.2 Theft Under $5000 2,666 23.7 N.C.2 2,522 26.6 N.C.2 -5.4 N.C.2 Have Stolen Goods 600 98.3 N.C.2 662 99.7 N.C.2 10.3 N.C.2 Fraud 961 39.3 N.C.2 880 28.5 N.C.2 -8.4 N.C.2 Mischief 928 18.4 N.C.2 845 20.7 N.C.2 -8.9 N.C.2

Other Criminal Code 1,700 35.4 N.C.2 1,515 34.7 N.C.2 -10.9 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part A) 1,606 33.3 N.C.2 1,414 33.3 N.C.2 -12.0 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part B) 94 72.3 N.C.2 101 54.5 N.C.2 7.4 N.C.2

Drug Violations 500 95.0 N.C.2 654 98.0 N.C.2 30.8 N.C.2

Weapons Violations 151 71.5 N.C.2 158 65.8 N.C.2 4.6 N.C.2

Public Morals Violations 16 43.8 N.C.2 37 43.2 N.C.2 131.3 N.C.2 Prostitution/Public Morals 16 43.8 N.C.2 37 43.2 N.C.2 131.3 N.C.2 Gaming and Betting 0 N.C.2 N.C.2 0 0.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2

Other Federal Violations 49 100.0 N.C.2 43 100.0 N.C.2 -12.2 N.C.2

Total Criminal Code Violations 2 2 2 10,914 38.2 N.C. 10,289 41.0 N.C. -5.7 N.C. (excluding traffic)

Traffic Violations 856 36.3 N.C.2 758 36.4 N.C.2 -11.4 N.C.2 Dangerous Operation 83 100.0 N.C.2 75 97.3 N.C.2 -9.6 N.C.2 Impaired Operation/Related Violations 188 100.0 N.C.2 170 100.0 N.C.2 -9.6 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code Traffic Violations 585 6.8 N.C.2 513 6.4 N.C.2 -12.3 N.C.2

1District population figure not available. 2 Not calculable. Note: District crime statistics may not equal regional figures due to investigations which occur outside York Region.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 36


2003 2004 2003/04

Total Cleared Total Cleared Variance Actual Cleared (%) Actual Cleared (%) Cleared (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,532 981 64.0 1,551 993 64.0 0.0

Crimes Against Property 6,966 1,952 28.0 6,331 1,900 30.0 2.0

Other Criminal Code 1,700 602 35.4 1,515 526 34.7 -0.7

Drug Violations 500 475 95.0 654 641 98.0 3.0

Weapons Violations 151 108 71.5 158 104 65.8 -5.7

Public Morals Violations 16 7 43.8 37 16 43.2 -0.5

Other Federal Violations 49 49 100.0 43 43 100.0 0.0

Total Criminal Violations (excluding 10,914 4,174 38.2 10,289 4,223 41.0 2.8 Traffic)

Traffic Violations 856 311 36.3 758 276 36.4 0.1

Note: Due to rounding, figures may not subtract exactly to variance cleared.

Cleared Violations (District 2) Clearance Rate (%) - District 2 January - December 2004 January - December

12,000 60.0

9,000 40.7 41.6 41.0 45.0 36.6 38.2 Actual 6,000 Cleared 30.0 3,000 15.0 0 Crimes Crimes Total 0.0 Against Against Criminal 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Persons Property Violations

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York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 38


2003 2004 2003/04

Rate Per Rate Per Variance Variance Percent 100,000 Percent 100,000 in Actual in Rates Actual Cleared Population Actual Cleared Population (%) (%)

Crimes Against Persons 689 73.7 N.C.2 686 76.7 N.C.2 -0.4 N.C.2 Violations Causing Death 0 N.C.2 N.C.2 2 50 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2 Attempt Capital Crime 0 N.C.2 N.C.2 0 0.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2 Sexual Assault 60 41.7 N.C.2 55 83.6 N.C.2 -8.3 N.C.2 Assault 423 78.0 N.C.2 384 77.9 N.C.2 -9.2 N.C.2 Violations Deprivation Freedom 14 100.0 N.C.2 10 70.0 N.C.2 -28.6 N.C.2 Robbery & Other Violent Violations 192 72.4 N.C.2 235 73.6 N.C.2 22.4 N.C.2

Crimes Against Property 2,114 28.9 N.C.2 2,017 35.3 N.C.2 -4.6 N.C.2 Arson 20 15.0 N.C.2 24 12.5 N.C.2 20.0 N.C.2 Break and Enter 433 29.8 N.C.2 397 36.5 N.C.2 -8.3 N.C.2 Theft Over $5000 141 21.3 N.C.2 101 37.6 N.C.2 -28.4 N.C.2 Theft Under $5000 806 19.9 N.C.2 731 22.8 N.C.2 -9.3 N.C.2 Have Stolen Goods 149 100.0 N.C.2 145 98.6 N.C.2 -2.7 N.C.2 Fraud 128 25.8 N.C.2 127 40.9 N.C.2 -0.8 N.C.2 Mischief 437 24.7 N.C.2 492 33.3 N.C.2 12.6 N.C.2

Other Criminal Code 478 65.3 N.C.2 366 73.8 N.C.2 -23.4 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part A) 435 63.2 N.C.2 311 71.4 N.C.2 -28.5 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part B) 43 86.0 N.C.2 55 87.3 N.C.2 27.9 N.C.2

Drug Violations 52 94.2 N.C.2 109 93.6 N.C.2 109.6 N.C.2

Weapons Violations 41 87.8 N.C.2 48 87.5 N.C.2 17.1 N.C.2

Public Morals Violations 10 50.0 N.C.2 15 33.3 N.C.2 50.0 N.C.2 Prostitution/Public Morals 10 50.0 N.C.2 15 33.3 N.C.2 50.0 N.C.2 Gaming and Betting 0 N.C.2 N.C.2 0 0.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2

Other Federal Violations 66 98.5 N.C.2 54 100.0 N.C.2 -18.2 N.C.2

Total Criminal Code Violations 2 2 2 3,450 46.0 N.C. 3,295 51.9 N.C. -4.5 N.C. (excluding traffic)

Traffic Violations 201 65.7 N.C.2 193 69.9 N.C.2 -4.0 N.C.2 Dangerous Operation 43 95.3 N.C.2 23 100.0 N.C.2 -46.5 N.C.2 Impaired Operation/Related Violations 70 100.0 N.C.2 86 100.0 N.C.2 22.9 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code Traffic Violations 88 23.9 N.C.2 84 31.0 N.C.2 -4.5 N.C.2

1District population figure not available. 2 Not calculable. Note: District crime statistics may not equal regional figures due to investigations which occur outside York Region.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 39


2003 2004 2003/04

Total Cleared Total Cleared Variance Actual Cleared (%) Actual Cleared (%) Cleared (%)

Crimes Against Persons 689 508 73.7 686 526 76.7 2.9

Crimes Against Property 2,114 612 28.9 2,017 712 35.3 6.4

Other Criminal Code 478 312 65.3 366 270 73.8 8.5

Drug Violations 52 49 94.2 109 102 93.6 -0.7

Weapons Violations 41 36 87.8 48 42 87.5 -0.3

Public Morals Violations 10 5 50.0 15 5 33.3 -16.7

Other Federal Violations 66 65 98.5 54 54 100.0 1.5

Total Criminal Violations (excluding 3,450 1,587 46.0 3,295 1,711 51.9 5.9 Traffic)

Traffic Violations 201 132 65.7 193 135 69.9 4.3

Note: Due to rounding, figures may not subtract exactly to variance cleared.

Violations Cleared (District 3) Clearance Rate (%) - District 3 January - December 2004 January - December

60.0 51.9 3,200 49.1 50.4 44.4 46.0 2,400 45.0

1,600 Actual 30.0 Cleared 800 15.0

0 Crimes Crimes Total 0.0 Against Against Criminal 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Persons Property Violations

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York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 41


2003 2004 2003/04

Rate Per Rate Per Variance Variance Percent 100,000 Percent 100,000 in Actual in Rates Actual Cleared Population1 Actual Cleared Population1 (%) (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,672 66.3 N.C.2 1,720 67.9 N.C.2 2.9 N.C.2 Violations Causing Death 5 100.0 N.C.2 3 100.0 N.C.2 -40.0 N.C.2 Attempt Capital Crime 5 10.0 N.C.2 0 0.0 N.C.2 -100.0 N.C.2 Sexual Assault 70 61.4 N.C.2 75 70.7 N.C.2 7.1 N.C.2 Assault 890 75.5 N.C.2 917 76.9 N.C.2 3.0 N.C.2 Violations Deprivation Freedom 43 41.9 N.C.2 38 44.7 N.C.2 -11.6 N.C.2 Robbery & Other Violent Violations 659 55.4 N.C.2 687 56.8 N.C.2 4.2 N.C.2

Crimes Against Property 7,904 21.6 N.C.2 7,931 32.0 N.C.2 0.3 N.C.2 Arson 36 13.9 N.C.2 41 4.9 N.C.2 13.9 N.C.2 Break and Enter 1,459 5.4 N.C.2 1,017 10.4 N.C.2 -30.3 N.C.2 Theft Over $5000 1,134 6.8 N.C.2 880 7.5 N.C.2 -22.4 N.C.2 Theft Under $5000 2,863 22.0 N.C.2 3,059 32.0 N.C.2 6.8 N.C.2 Have Stolen Goods 585 95.9 N.C.2 979 96.1 N.C.2 67.4 N.C.2 Fraud 939 21.8 N.C.2 1,118 26.1 N.C.2 19.1 N.C.2 Mischief 888 16.8 N.C.2 837 17.8 N.C.2 -5.7 N.C.2

Other Criminal Code 1,534 30.2 N.C.2 1,405 37.2 N.C.2 -8.4 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part A) 1,421 27.4 N.C.2 1,273 33.6 N.C.2 -10.4 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part B) 113 64.6 N.C.2 132 72.0 N.C.2 16.8 N.C.2

Drug Violations 377 84.4 N.C.2 657 90.4 N.C.2 74.3 N.C.2

Weapons Violations 138 58.7 N.C.2 171 67.8 N.C.2 23.9 N.C.2

Public Morals Violations 30 66.7 N.C.2 36 63.9 N.C.2 20.0 N.C.2 Prostitution/Public Morals 24 58.3 N.C.2 35 63.0 N.C.2 45.8 N.C.2 Gaming and Betting 6 100.0 N.C.2 1 100.0 N.C.2 -83.3 N.C.2

Other Federal Violations 31 100.0 N.C.2 29 100.0 N.C.2 -6.5 N.C.2

Total Criminal Code Violations 2 2 2 11,686 31.9 N.C. 11,949 41.7 N.C. 2.3 N.C. (excluding traffic)

Traffic Violations 946 35.9 N.C.2 925 44.0 N.C.2 -2.2 N.C.2 Dangerous Operation 96 97.9 N.C.2 111 100.9 N.C.2 15.6 N.C.2 Impaired Operation/Related Violations 208 100.0 N.C.2 251 100.0 N.C.2 20.7 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code Traffic Violations 642 5.9 N.C.2 563 7.8 N.C.2 -12.3 N.C.2

1District population figure not available. 2 Not calculable. Notes: District crime statistics may not equal regional figures due to investigations which occur outside York Region. On November 4, 2004, the Vaughan Mills Mall opened at 8960 Jane Street, Vaughan.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 42


2003 2004 2003/04

Total Cleared Total Cleared Variance Actual Cleared (%) Actual Cleared (%) Cleared (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,672 1,108 66.3 1,720 1,168 67.9 1.6

Crimes Against Property 7,904 1,705 21.6 7,931 2,535 32.0 10.4

Other Criminal Code 1,534 463 30.2 1,405 523 37.2 7.0

Drug Violations 377 318 84.4 657 594 90.4 6.1

Weapons Violations 138 81 58.7 171 116 67.8 9.1

Public Morals Violations 30 20 66.7 36 23 63.9 -2.8

Other Federal Violations 31 31 100.0 29 29 100.0 0.0

Total Criminal Violations (excluding 11,686 3,726 31.9 11,949 4,988 41.7 9.9 Traffic)

Traffic Violations 946 340 35.9 925 407 44.0 8.1

Note: Due to rounding, figures may not subtract exactly to variance cleared.

Violations Cleared (District 4) Clearance Rate (%) - District 4 January - December 2004 January - December

12,000 60.0

41.7 9,000 45.0 35.4 34.9 35.6 Actual 31.9 6,000 Cleared 30.0

3,000 15.0 0 Crimes Crimes Total 0.0 Against Against Criminal Persons Property Violations 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

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York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 44


2003 2004 2003/04

Rate Per Rate Per Variance Variance Percent 100,000 Percent 100,000 in Actual in Rates Actual Cleared Population Actual Cleared Population (%) (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,427 69.3 N.C.2 1,296 72.3 N.C.2 -9.2 N.C.2 Violations Causing Death 0 N.C.2 N.C.2 3 0.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2 Attempt Capital Crime 0 N.C.2 N.C.2 2 100.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2 Sexual Assault 59 72.9 N.C.2 71 74.6 N.C.2 20.3 N.C.2 Assault 802 76.8 N.C.2 715 81.7 N.C.2 -10.8 N.C.2 Violations Deprivation Freedom 37 67.6 N.C.2 38 68.4 N.C.2 2.7 N.C.2 Robbery & Other Violent Violations 529 57.7 N.C.2 467 58.2 N.C.2 -11.7 N.C.2

Crimes Against Property 6,322 26.4 N.C.2 5,670 32.2 N.C.2 -10.3 N.C.2 Arson 33 18.2 N.C.2 28 17.9 N.C.2 -15.2 N.C.2 Break and Enter 1,171 7.7 N.C.2 889 10.8 N.C.2 -24.1 N.C.2 Theft Over $5000 660 14.5 N.C.2 439 13.2 N.C.2 -33.5 N.C.2 Theft Under $5000 2,378 24.4 N.C.2 2,044 33.4 N.C.2 -14.0 N.C.2 Have Stolen Goods 553 97.6 N.C.2 582 100.0 N.C.2 5.2 N.C.2 Fraud 658 32.7 N.C.2 818 29.2 N.C.2 24.3 N.C.2 Mischief 869 16.3 N.C.2 870 17.9 N.C.2 0.1 N.C.2

Other Criminal Code 2,126 18.6 N.C.2 1,597 27.9 N.C.2 -24.9 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part A) 2,025 16.0 N.C.2 1,499 25.4 N.C.2 -26.0 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code (Part B) 101 70.3 N.C.2 98 66.3 N.C.2 -3.0 N.C.2

Drug Violations 250 83.6 N.C.2 372 92.2 N.C.2 48.8 N.C.2

Weapons Violations 117 57.3 N.C.2 133 64.7 N.C.2 13.7 N.C.2

Public Morals Violations 30 33.3 N.C.2 21 61.9 N.C.2 -30.0 N.C.2 Prostitution/Public Morals 28 28.6 N.C.2 21 61.9 N.C.2 -25.0 N.C.2 Gaming and Betting 2 100.0 N.C.2 0 0.0 N.C.2 N.C.2 N.C.2

Other Federal Violations 49 100.0 N.C.2 44 97.7 N.C.2 -10.2 N.C.2

Total Criminal Code Violations 2 2 2 10,321 32.8 N.C. 9,133 40.4 N.C. -11.5 N.C. (excluding traffic)

Traffic Violations 711 39.5 N.C.2 766 46.6 N.C.2 7.7 N.C.2 Dangerous Operation 51 102.0 N.C.2 80 98.8 N.C.2 56.9 N.C.2 Impaired Operation/Related Violations 192 100.0 N.C.2 237 99.6 N.C.2 23.4 N.C.2 Other Criminal Code Traffic Violations 468 7.9 N.C.2 449 9.4 N.C.2 -4.1 N.C.2

1District population figure not available. 2 Not calculable. Note: District crime statistics may not equal regional figures due to investigations which occur outside York Region.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 45


2003 2004 2003/04

Total Cleared Total Cleared Variance Actual Cleared (%) Actual Cleared (%) Cleared (%)

Crimes Against Persons 1,427 989 69.3 1,296 937 72.3 3.0

Crimes Against Property 6,322 1,670 26.4 5,670 1,824 32.2 5.8

Other Criminal Code 2,126 396 18.6 1,597 446 27.9 9.3

Drug Violations 250 209 83.6 372 343 92.2 8.6

Weapons Violations 117 67 57.3 133 86 64.7 7.4

Public Morals Violations 30 10 33.3 21 13 61.9 28.6

Other Federal Violations 49 49 100.0 44 43 97.7 -2.3

Total Criminal Violations (excluding 10,321 3,390 32.8 9,133 3,692 40.4 7.6 Traffic)

Traffic Violations 711 281 39.5 766 357 46.6 7.1

Note: due to rounding, figures may not subtract exactly to variance cleared.

Violations Cleared (District 5) Clearance Rate (District 5) January - December 2004 January - December

12,000 60.0 46.7 42.2 9,000 45.0 40.0 40.4 Actual 32.8 6,000 Cleared 30.0 3,000 15.0 0 Crimes Crimes Total 0.0 Against Against Criminal 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Persons Property Violations

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 46


Durham Regional Hamilton Police Halton Regional Niagara Regional Peel Regional Toronto Police Waterloo Regional York Regional Police Service Police Police Police Service Police Police

Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population

Homicide 3 0.55 8 1.55 3 0.73 6 1.40 16 1.50 66 2.53 1 0.21 10 1.17 Attempt Murder 4 0.73 5 0.97 4 0.97 5 1.16 7 0.66 74 2.83 3 0.64 11 1.29 Assault (incl. sexual assaults) 3,283 599.35 4,742 917.61 1,785 431.73 2,194 510.29 4,632 435.59 22,413 858.19 2,326 494.87 3,599 422.56 Other Sexual Offences 21 3.83 57 11.03 5 1.21 17 3.95 11 1.03 79 3.02 5 1.06 2 0.23 Abduction 7 1.28 12 2.32 2 0.48 2 0.47 4 0.38 55 2.11 8 1.70 4 0.47 Robbery 422 77.04 611 118.23 116 28.06 313 72.80 603 56.71 4,548 174.14 293 62.34 350 41.09 Crimes of Violence - Total 3,740 682.78 5,435 1,051.71 1,915 463.17 2,537 590.07 5,273 495.87 27,235 1,042.82 2,636 560.82 3,976 466.83

Break and Enter 3,074 561.20 4,819 932.51 1,839 444.79 3,890 904.76 4,779 449.41 14,948 572.36 3,403 724.01 5,190 609.37 Theft Motor Vehicle 1,976 360.74 4,675 904.65 936 226.39 1,759 409.12 2,544 239.23 11,914 456.18 1,967 418.49 3,095 363.39 Theft Over $5000 108 19.72 190 36.77 159 38.46 178 41.40 890 83.69 1,564 59.89 144 30.64 519 60.94 Theft $5000 and Under 7,547 1,377.80 10,685 2,067.63 5,469 1,322.76 8,865 2,061.87 13,831 1,300.65 49,552 1,897.34 9,215 1,960.55 9,805 1,151.22 Have Stolen Goods 356 64.99 140 27.09 208 50.31 181 42.10 565 53.13 4,041 154.73 1,206 256.58 619 72.68 Frauds 1,784 325.69 1,177 227.76 933 225.66 1,227 285.38 1,821 171.24 7,719 295.56 1,151 244.88 3,197 375.36 Property Crimes - Total 14,845 2,710.13 21,686 4,196.40 9,544 2,308.36 16,100 3,744.63 24,430 2,297.36 89,738 3,436.05 17,086 3,635.15 22,425 2,632.95

Prostitution 28 5.11 119 23.03 0 0.00 55 12.79 16 1.50 718 27.49 33 7.02 8 0.94 Gaming and Betting 34 6.21 0 0.00 2 0.48 1 0.23 5 0.47 12 0.46 0 0.00 8 0.94 Offensive Weapons 264 48.20 148 28.64 160 38.70 133 30.93 383 36.02 1,125 43.08 318 67.66 129 15.15 Arson 133 24.28 170 32.90 94 22.74 276 64.19 183 17.21 356 13.63 160 34.04 171 20.08 Bail Violations 1,380 251.94 2,246 434.62 692 167.37 941 218.86 2,488 233.97 9,565 366.24 148 31.49 914 107.31 Counterfeiting Currency 3,353 612.13 871 168.54 1,536 371.50 2,618 608.91 146 13.73 309 11.83 1,716 365.09 4,422 519.19 Disturb the Peace 127 23.19 29 5.61 99 23.94 218 50.70 131 12.32 233 8.92 54 11.49 52 6.11 Escape Custody 15 2.74 34 6.58 9 2.18 4 0.93 4 0.38 542 20.75 12 2.55 7 0.82 Indecent Acts 70 12.78 101 19.54 93 22.49 121 28.14 122 11.47 419 16.04 115 24.47 47 5.52 Kidnapping 36 6.57 13 2.52 15 3.63 26 6.05 102 9.59 303 11.60 37 7.87 147 17.26 Public Morals 18 3.29 0 0.00 33 7.98 9 2.09 16 1.50 66 2.53 4 0.85 42 4.93 Obstruct Public Peace Officer 133 24.28 133 25.74 57 13.79 56 13.02 133 12.51 879 33.66 79 16.81 73 8.57 Prisoner Unlawfully at Large 13 2.37 14 2.71 17 4.11 11 2.56 11 1.03 0 0.00 6 1.28 0 0.00 Trespass at Night 34 6.21 41 7.93 33 7.98 61 14.19 33 3.10 84 3.22 16 3.40 20 2.35 Mischief Over (property damage) 37 6.75 74 14.32 16 3.87 25 5.81 52 4.89 77 2.95 19 4.04 37 4.34 Mischief Under (property damage) 3,931 717.65 4,411 853.56 2,421 585.55 3,878 901.97 4,729 444.71 15,274 584.84 4,016 854.43 3,391 398.14 Other Criminal Code Offences 3,064 559.37 2,561 495.57 1,128 272.82 2,106 489.83 2,333 219.39 17,180 657.82 1,095 232.97 2,368 278.03 Other Criminal Code - Total 12,670 2,313.06 10,965 2,121.81 6,405 1,549.14 10,539 2,451.22 10,887 1,023.80 47,142 1,805.06 7,828 1,665.45 11,836 1,389.68

Criminal Code (excl. Traffic) - Total 31,255 5,705.98 38,086 7,369.92 17,864 4,320.67 29,176 6,785.92 40,590 3,817.03 164,115 6,283.93 27,550 5,861.43 38,237 4,489.47

Criminal Code Traffic - Total 1,282 234.04 1,560 301.87 509 123.11 1,521 353.76 4,633 435.68 2,747 105.18 770 163.82 3,036 356.46

Drugs - Total 869 158.65 861 166.61 1,065 257.59 1,039 241.66 3,046 286.44 2,842 108.82 396 84.25 1,075 126.22

Other Federal Statutes - Total 6 1.10 36 6.97 211 51.03 150 34.89 455 42.79 986 37.75 440 93.61 164 19.26

All Incidents - Total 33,412 6,099.76 40,543 7,845.37 19,649 4,752.40 31,886 7,416.23 48,724 4,581.94 170,690 6,535.69 29,156 6,203.11 42,512 4,991.40

Adapted from the Statistics Canada web site http://ccjsccsj.statcan.ca. Rates are calculated on the basis of 100,000 population using July 1 population estimates, and rounded to two decimals. Population estimates used were provided by the Demography Division of Statistics Canada based on usual place of residence. Counts for all responses include RCMP cases occurring within the respondent’s jurisdiction. Statistics are compiled based on aggregate reporting.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 47


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Crimes of Violence 2003 Halton York Peel Waterloo Niagara Durham Toronto Hamilton 2002 Halton York Peel Waterloo Durham Niagara Toronto Hamilton 2001 Halton York Peel Waterloo Niagara Durham Toronto Hamilton 2000 Halton Peel York Niagara Durham Waterloo Toronto Hamilton 1999 Halton York Peel Niagara Durham Waterloo Toronto Hamilton

Property Crimes 2003 Peel Halton York Durham Toronto Waterloo Niagara Hamilton 2002 Halton Peel York Durham Toronto Waterloo Niagara Hamilton 2001 Halton Peel York Durham Toronto Waterloo Niagara Hamilton 2000 Halton Peel Durham York Toronto Niagara Waterloo Hamilton 1999 Halton Peel York Durham Toronto Waterloo Niagara Hamilton

Other Criminal Code 2003 Peel York Halton Waterloo Toronto Hamilton Durham Niagara 2002 York Peel Halton Waterloo Toronto Durham Hamilton Niagara 2001 York Peel Halton Waterloo Toronto Durham Niagara Hamilton 2000 York Peel Halton Waterloo Durham Toronto Niagara Hamilton 1999 Peel York Halton Waterloo Durham Toronto Niagara Hamilton

Total Criminal Code 2003 Peel Halton York Durham Waterloo Toronto Niagara Hamilton 2002 Peel Halton York Durham Waterloo Toronto Niagara Hamilton 2001 Peel York Halton Waterloo Durham Toronto Niagara Hamilton 2000 Halton Peel York Durham Waterloo Toronto Niagara Hamilton 1999 Halton Peel York Durham Waterloo Toronto Niagara Hamilton

All Incidents 2003 Peel Halton York Durham Waterloo Toronto Niagara Hamilton 2002 Halton York Peel Durham Waterloo Toronto Niagara Hamilton 2001 York Halton Peel Waterloo Durham Toronto Niagara Hamilton 2000 Halton York Peel Durham Waterloo Toronto Niagara Hamilton 1999 Halton Peel York Durham Toronto Waterloo Niagara Hamilton

Adapted from the Statistics Canada web site http://ccjsccsj.statcan.ca. Based on the rate per 100,000 population.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 48


Durham Regional Hamilton Police Halton Regional Niagara Regional Peel Regional Toronto Police Waterloo Regional York Regional Police Service Police Police Police Service Police Police

Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%)

Crimes of Violence 3,740 80.5 5,435 68.6 1,915 74.4 2,537 75.3 5,273 78.3 27,235 66.2 2,636 73.3 3,976 70.3

Property Crimes 14,845 24.7 21,686 19.3 9,544 35.5 16,100 19.4 24,430 31.5 89,738 23.3 17,086 18.3 22,425 19.7

Other Criminal Code 12,670 38.7 10,965 43.8 6,405 31.8 10,539 33.9 10,887 52.5 47,142 59.2 7,828 25.5 11,836 25.1

Total Criminal Code (excl. Traffic) 31,255 37.1 38,086 33.4 17,864 38.4 29,176 29.5 40,590 43.2 164,115 40.7 27,550 25.6 38,237 26.6

Criminal Code Traffic 1,282 99.8 1,560 52.8 509 97.2 1,521 58.6 4,633 35.7 2,747 99.6 770 100.0 3,036 36.1

Drugs 869 101.8 861 83.6 1,065 94.5 1,039 93.1 3,046 70.0 2,842 98.8 396 99.2 1,075 91.1

Other Federal Statutes 6 83.3 36 38.9 211 89.1 150 78.0 455 82.4 986 93.8 440 96.1 164 87.2

All Incidents 33,412 41.2 40,543 35.2 19,649 43.5 31,886 33.2 48,724 44.5 170,690 42.9 29,156 29.7 42,512 29.2

Adapted from the Statistics Canada web site http://ccjsccsj.statcan.ca. Counts for all responses include RCMP cases occurring within the respondent’s jurisdiction. Statistics are compiled based on aggregate reporting.

Total Criminal Code (2003) Violent Crime (2003) Property Crime (2003) Clearance Rate (%) Clearance Rate (%) Clearance Rate (%)

50.0 100.0 40.0 40.0 80.0 30.0 30.0 60.0 20.0 20.0

43.2 40.0 40.7 35.5 80.5 38.4 78.3 37.1 75.6 75.3 36.5 74.4 73.3 33.4 70.3 31.5 68.6 66.2 24.7 29.5 10.0 26.6 10.0

20.0 23.3 22.8 25.6 19.7 19.4 19.3 18.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 York Peel Peel York Peel York Halton Halton Ontario Halton Ontario Toronto Toronto Niagara Niagara Durham Durham Ontario Toronto Niagara Waterloo Durham Hamilton Hamilton Waterloo Hamilton Waterloo

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 49


Vancouver Police Calgary Police Edmonton Police Regina Police York Regional Urban Halifax Regional St. John Police Department Service Service Service Police Community Police Police Force

Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Rate per Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Actual 100,000 Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population Incidents population

Homicide 19 3.33 8 0.85 17 2.42 10 5.52 10 1.17 41 2.19 3 1.42 0 0.00 Attempt Murder 30 5.26 8 0.85 3 0.43 9 4.97 11 1.29 126 6.73 7 3.31 1 1.41 Assault (incl. sexual assaults) 5,291 928.55 6,888 735.69 5,397 768.39 2,510 1,385.46 3,599 422.56 15,243 814.36 3,429 1,620.46 1,150 1,626.27 Other Sexual Offences 19 3.33 47 5.02 14 1.99 17 9.38 2 0.23 309 16.51 2 0.95 0 0.00 Abduction 9 1.58 23 2.46 3 0.43 5 2.76 4 0.47 43 2.30 0 0.00 1 1.41 Robbery 1,597 280.27 1,171 125.07 1,549 220.54 451 248.94 350 41.09 4,346 232.19 476 224.95 51 72.12 Crimes of Violence - Total 6,965 1,222.33 8,145 869.94 6,983 994.19 3,002 1,657.03 3,976 466.83 20,108 1,074.27 3,917 1,851.07 1,203 1,701.22

Break and Enter 10,114 1,774.97 8,169 872.50 8,496 1,209.60 3,920 2,163.75 5,190 609.37 19,797 1,057.66 2,419 1,143.16 819 1,158.19 Theft Motor Vehicle 6,106 1,071.58 5,314 567.57 8,424 1,199.35 2,589 1,429.07 3,095 363.39 13,858 740.37 1,291 610.09 221 312.53 Theft Over $5000 623 109.33 571 60.99 425 60.51 90 49.68 519 60.94 2,018 107.81 67 31.66 33 46.67 Theft $5000 and Under 29,214 5,126.94 23,875 2,550.01 26,211 3,731.75 8,678 4,790.06 9,805 1,151.22 43,337 2,315.29 7,575 3,579.75 1,931 2,730.72 Have Stolen Goods 1,337 234.64 1,203 128.49 1,833 260.97 586 323.46 619 72.68 707 37.77 1,540 727.76 93 131.52 Frauds 1,802 316.24 4,086 436.41 5,034 716.71 784 432.75 3,197 375.36 6,516 348.12 1,063 502.35 475 671.72 Property Crimes - Total 49,196 8,633.69 43,218 4,615.98 50,423 7,178.89 16,647 9,188.76 22,425 2,632.95 86,233 4,607.02 13,955 6,594.77 3,572 5,051.33

Prostitution 493 86.52 255 27.24 413 58.80 67 36.98 8 0.94 1,067 57.00 71 33.55 5 7.07 Gaming and Betting 2 0.35 3 0.32 2 0.28 5 2.76 8 0.94 2 0.11 0 0.00 0 0.00 Offensive Weapons 602 105.65 346 36.96 301 42.85 82 45.26 129 15.15 300 16.03 196 92.62 48 67.88 Arson 307 53.88 274 29.27 344 48.98 62 34.22 171 20.08 772 41.24 100 47.26 42 59.39 Bail Violations 1,262 221.48 2,537 270.97 10,307 1,467.44 2,784 1,536.70 914 107.31 3,827 204.46 807 381.37 380 537.38 Counterfeiting Currency 3,787 664.60 2,355 251.53 6,622 942.80 382 210.86 4,422 519.19 57,305 3,061.53 421 198.95 262 370.51 Disturb the Peace 1,155 202.70 96 10.25 72 10.25 51 28.15 52 6.11 67 3.58 13 6.14 99 140.00 Escape Custody 14 2.46 31 3.31 15 2.14 36 19.87 7 0.82 123 6.57 5 2.36 1 1.41 Indecent Acts 154 27.03 146 15.59 129 18.37 32 17.66 47 5.52 221 11.81 102 48.20 27 38.18 Kidnapping 48 8.42 122 13.03 133 18.94 34 18.77 147 17.26 531 28.37 34 16.07 0 0.00 Public Morals 54 9.48 7 0.75 9 1.28 2 1.10 42 4.93 76 4.06 16 7.56 0 0.00 Obstruct Public Peace Officer 86 15.09 613 65.47 174 24.77 108 59.61 73 8.57 759 40.55 33 15.59 14 19.80 Prisoner Unlawfully at Large 50 8.77 210 22.43 409 58.23 31 17.11 0 0.00 97 5.18 65 30.72 8 11.31 Trespass at Night 22 3.86 14 1.50 21 2.99 5 2.76 20 2.35 36 1.92 7 3.31 13 18.38 Mischief Over (property damage) 94 16.50 79 8.44 13 1.85 18 9.94 37 4.34 737 39.37 0 0.00 19 26.87 Mischief Under (property damage) 5,249 921.18 8,382 895.25 9,530 1,356.82 3,901 2,153.26 3,391 398.14 12,498 667.71 3,043 1,438.04 1,146 1,620.61 Other Criminal Code Offences 3,742 656.71 1,628 173.88 1,386 197.33 1,548 854.46 2,368 278.03 9,063 484.19 2,270 1,072.74 970 1,371.72 Other Criminal Code - Total 17,121 3,004.66 17,098 1,826.18 29,880 4,254.11 9,148 5,049.48 11,836 1,389.68 87,481 4,673.69 7,183 3,394.50 3,034 4,290.52

Criminal Code (excl. Traffic) - Total 73,282 12,860.69 68,461 7,312.10 87,286 12,427.19 28,797 15,895.28 38,237 4,489.47 193,822 10,354.99 25,055 11,840.35 7,809 11,043.07

Criminal Code Traffic - Total 665 116.70 2,263 241.70 2,617 372.59 2,843 1,569.27 3,036 356.46 4,258 227.48 410 193.76 244 345.05

Drugs - Total 3,183 558.60 1,525 162.88 1,064 151.49 285 157.31 1,075 126.22 3,709 198.15 470 222.11 176 248.89

Other Federal Statutes - Total 335 58.79 182 19.44 86 12.24 437 241.21 164 19.26 496 26.50 67 31.66 139 196.57

All Incidents - Total 77,465 13,594.79 72,431 7,736.12 91,053 12,963.51 32,362 17,863.08 42,512 4,991.40 202,285 10,807.13 26,002 12,287.87 8,368 11,833.58

Adapted from the Statistics Canada web site http://ccjsccsj.statcan.ca. Rates are calculated on the basis of 100,000 population using July 1 population estimates, and rounded to two decimals. Population estimates used were provided by the Demography Division of Statistics Canada based on usual place of residence. Counts for all responses include RCMP cases occurring within the respondent’s jurisdiction. Statistics are compiled based on aggregate reporting.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 50


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Crimes of Violence 2003 York Calgary Edmonton Montreal Vancouver Regina St. John Halifax 2002 York Calgary Edmonton Montreal Vancouver Regina St. John Halifax 2001 York Calgary Vancouver Edmonton Montreal Regina St. John Halifax 2000 York Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Montreal St. John Halifax Regina 1999 York Calgary Edmonton Montreal Halifax Vancouver St. John Regina

Property Crimes 2003 York Montreal Calgary St. John Halifax Edmonton Vancouver Regina 2002 York Calgary Montreal St. John Halifax Edmonton Vancouver Regina 2001 York Calgary St. John Montreal Edmonton Halifax Vancouver Regina 2000 York St. John Calgary Montreal Edmonton Halifax Regina Vancouver 1999 York St. John Calgary Montreal Edmonton Halifax Regina Vancouver

Other Criminal Code 2003 York Calgary Vancouver Halifax Edmonton St. John Montreal Regina 2002 York Calgary Montreal Vancouver Edmonton Halifax St. John Regina 2001 York Calgary Montreal Vancouver St. John Halifax Edmonton Regina 2000 York Calgary Vancouver Montreal Halifax St. John Edmonton Regina 1999 York Calgary Vancouver Montreal Edmonton Halifax St. John Regina

Total Criminal Code 2003 York Calgary Montreal St. John Halifax Edmonton Vancouver Regina 2002 York Calgary Montreal St. John Edmonton Halifax Vancouver Regina 2001 York Calgary Montreal St. John Edmonton Halifax Vancouver Regina 2000 York Calgary St. John Montreal Edmonton Halifax Vancouver Regina 1999 York Calgary Montreal Edmonton St. John Halifax Vancouver Regina

All Incidents 2003 York Calgary Montreal St. John Halifax Edmonton Vancouver Regina 2002 York Calgary Montreal Edmonton St. John Halifax Vancouver Regina 2001 York Calgary Montreal St. John Edmonton Halifax Vancouver Regina 2000 York Calgary St. John Montreal Edmonton Halifax Vancouver Regina 1999 York Calgary Montreal Edmonton St. John Halifax Vancouver Regina

Adapted from the Statistics Canada web site http://ccjsccsj.statcan.ca. Based on the rate per 100,000 population.

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 51


Vancouver Police Calgary Police Edmonton Police Regina Police York Regional Montreal Urban Halifax Regional St. John Police Department Service Police Service Police Community Police Police Force

Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Actual Clearance Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%) Incidents Rate (%)

Crimes of Violence 6,965 50.8 8,145 73.4 6,983 58.0 3,002 66.7 3,976 70.3 20,108 65.4 3,917 54.0 1,203 42.4

Property Crimes 49,196 40.4 43,218 27.8 50,423 19.9 16,647 18.4 22,425 19.7 86,233 14.0 13,955 18.6 3,572 25.4

Other Criminal Code 17,121 29.8 17,098 39.9 29,880 46.8 9,148 51.7 11,836 25.1 87,481 17.2 7,183 30.2 3,034 26.9

Total Criminal Code (excl. Traffic) 73,282 18.8 68,461 36.2 87,286 32.2 28,797 34.0 38,237 26.6 193,822 20.8 25,055 27.4 7,809 28.6

Criminal Code Traffic 665 66.3 2,263 100.7 2,617 100.4 2,843 30.2 3,036 36.1 4,258 70.1 410 96.6 244 70.5

Drugs 3,183 77.0 1,525 94.3 1,064 98.9 285 89.1 1,075 91.1 3,709 72.8 470 50.9 176 71.6

Other Federal Statutes 335 53.1 182 84.6 86 91.9 437 97.3 164 87.2 496 49.0 67 58.2 139 93.5

All Incidents 77,465 21.7 72,431 39.6 91,053 35.0 32,362 35.0 42,512 29.2 202,285 22.8 26,002 29.0 8,368 31.8

Adapted from the Statistics Canada web site http://ccjsccsj.statcan.ca. Counts for all responses include RCMP cases occurring within the respondent’s jurisdiction. Statistics are compiled based on aggregate reporting.

Total Criminal Code (2003) Violent Crime (2003) Property Crime (2003) Clearance Rate (%) Clearance Rate (%) Clearance Rate (%)

40.0 80.0 30.0

30.0 60.0 20.0 20.0 40.0 36.2 27.2 34.0 32.7 27.8 73.4 70.3 25.4 32.2 69.8 66.7 28.6 27.4 65.4 26.6 10.0 10.0 20.0 58.0 20.8 19.9 54.0

20.0 19.7 18.8 50.8 18.6 18.4 42.4 14.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 York York York Halifax Regina Calgary Canada St. John Halifax Halifax Regina Regina Montreal Calgary Canada Calgary Canada St. John St. John Edmonton Montreal Montreal Vancouver Edmonton Edmonton Vancouver Vancouver

York Regional Police Π2004 Annual Statistical Report Page 52