Threnodic Elegy in Sparta Cecilia Nobili
Threnodic Elegy in Sparta Cecilia Nobili OST STUDIES concerning the new elegy of Simonides for the fallen at Plataea acknowledge the Spartan M commission of the ode and the role played by the Spartan leader Pausanias in the extant fragments. It has been argued that the poem was composed to celebrate the Spartan soldiers who died at Plataea and was performed at a public festival which involved cultic ceremonies at the common graves.1 The Spartans, in fact, were buried on the battlefield according to the Spartan custom, and Thucydides testifies that they received offerings by the inhabitants of Plataea and were venerated as heroes.2 Later sources attest that an annual fes- tival called Eleutheria was instituted, possibly by the Athenian Aristides, in order to honour the Plataiomachoi, but the fifth- 1 A. Aloni, “L’elegia di Simonide dedicata alla battaglia di Platea,” ZPE 102 (1994) 9–22, and “The Proem of Simonides’ Plataea Elegy and the Circumstances of its Performance,” in D. Boedeker and D. Sider (eds.), The New Simonides: Contexts of Praise and Desire (New York 2001) 86–105; C. O. Pavese, “Elegia di Simonide agli spartiati per Platea,” ZPE 107 (1995) 1–26; G. Burzacchini, “Note al nuovo Simonide,” Eikasmos 6 (1995) 21–38; L. Sbardella, “Achille e gli eroi di Platea,” ZPE 129 (2000) 1–11; D. Asheri, “Simonide, Achille e Pausania figlio di Cleombroto,” QUCC 77 (2004) 67– 73. A. Schachter, “Simonides’ Elegy on Plataia: the Occasion of its Per- formance,” ZPE 123 (1998) 25–30, and P.-J. Shaw, “Lords of Hellas, Old Men of the Sea: The Occasion of Simonides’ Elegy on Plataea,” in The New Simonides 164–183, acknowledge the Spartan commission but locate the per- formance in other contexts, the Isthmian games or the shrine of Achilles near Sigeum.
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