Burglary Ring Cracked Kennedy Vs. Carter...The Battle Is Joined

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Burglary Ring Cracked Kennedy Vs. Carter...The Battle Is Joined Eviction notice tacked on door of frat house Arson suspected By ROBIN GOLDSTEIN not be reached for comment last night, still isn't satisfied people have been busy with hammers and saws making in 2 fires today. LONG BRANCH — The eviction notice nailed to the that the building is safe. repairs." door of the Delta Sigma Phi fraternity house by the city Eugene Iadanza, the West Long Branch attorney and By P AM ABOUZEID Some trees in front of the house were cut down to RED BANK- Police are investigating a fire marshal orders the premises vacated and shuttered former fraternity brother who is representing the provide easier access for firetrucks, and the fraternity rash of fires that may have been set by arsonists by Thursday beleaguered house tenants, said Delta Sigma Phi would brought in professional carpenters to repalce a meeting But the 16 brothers living there say they will fight to wait for the city to sign a complaint against the house and room ceiling which Williams considered hazardous in the past four days, including two early mom- ing blazes today at Prown's on Broad Street and stay in the house at 221 Cedar Ave. which for 20 years has then attempt to prove in a hearing that the house is a fit Other of Williams' recommendations, such as con- been toe scene of fraternity beer bashes, socials, and place to live. struction of a fire wall on the third floor, would cost a Welsh Farms on Front Street. meetings. "Km confident that, in a hearing, we'll be able to prohibitive amount to carry out, Fay added Patrolman Robert Scott discovered the first fire in a storage shed at the rear of Prown's at "This bouse is our life," declared fraternity presi- show that the house is safe and habitable," Iadanza said. "We're always working on the place because we love dent James Fay, a Monmouth College senior. "No one is He .characterized many of the alleged violations as it," he said. "We have no problems with our neighbors, 1:53 a.m. while on a routine patrol moving out. We've put too much money and work into it. "minor" infringements of the city fire code, involving and we don't understand why we're being singled out for Six fire trucks from the Navesink Hook and It would be a sin to turn our backs on it now." furniture in hallways, fire doors, and an alarfh system this attention Ladder and the Union Hose Company responded An inspection of the three-story house last September which rings only on the upper flaprs "I know there are other houses in town with the same to the general alarm there and had the fire by Capt. Edward Williams of the Long Branch Fire Fay said that the 16 residents and'the 50-odd persons construction as this," he added. "So I don't understand under control within ten minutes. Department yielded a three-page list of fire and safety affiliated with the fraternity as well as many past why we're being hassled and they're not." Scott discovered the second fire at 3:04 a.m. code violations, Fay said. And since that time, the members have been contributing both money and labor in One of the two other fraternity houses in the city is in a garbage dumpster at the rear of Welsh fraternity brothers have spent more than $800 and many an effort to correct the violations. located jusj a few doors down from Delta Sigma Phi on Farms and a Union Hose Company fire truck hours of labor to correct the violations. "We sent out letters and many graduates have sent Cedar Avenue. from the Prown's blaze was sent over to East But the eviction notice tacked on the frat house door us money," he said. "A lot of people are kicking in more Front Street to battle the flames. little over a week ago indicated that Williams, who could than thejr rent money just to keep-the house. Ami aJot of See Eviction, page 7 -C . »»*•- The Daily Register VOL. 102 NO. 107 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30,1979 15 CENTS Affected four towns Burglary ring cracked By MARIE COCCO possessing stolen goods and with continuing a "We can't even estimate what the total MIDDLETOWN - Police here and in conspiracy was Robert Sonnelitter, 38, of 2 amount stolen is," Xanthos said. "In one Shrewsbury have cracked what appears to be a Kings Court, here. burglary alone, $5,000 worth of sterling silver major burglary ring that in the past two Det. Stephen Xanthos of the Middletown tableware was reported stolen, which has nev- months has been responsible for the theft and police force said last night the bulk of the er been recovered." re-sale of goods valued in the tens of thousands stolen goods — which included antique jew- Xanthos, who worked closely in the in- of dollars. elry, gold-plated silverware, an assortment of vestigation with Det. Robert Halsey of the Acting after a two-month-long investiga- television sets, cameras, tape recorders and Shrewsbury police force, said police believe tion of a series of daytime burglaries, police other valuable appliances — was found in that Sonnelitter acted as the "fence man" for arrested four men involved in the ring and Sonnelitter's home. the other three men. He said the burglars recovered approximately (12,000 worth of sto- A portion of the cache was found in the committed the crimes during the daytime, and len goods In an early morning raid. Citgo service station at the corner of Pearl and then turned their goods over to Sonnelitter for Arrested and charged with several counts Monmouth Streets in Red Bank, which Son- him to liquidate them into cash. of breaking and entering, larceny and con- nelitter owns and operates. Xanthos said Wheeler and Valentine have spiracy to commit larceny were Wilbert Xanthos said the (12,000 worth of recovered admitted to police that they committed more Wheeler, 28, James W. Valentine, 26, all of goods is "only a fraction" of what was proba- than 50 burglaries. Sonnelitter has refused to Shrewsbury Ave., and Kent Stokes, 26, Red bly netted in the series of burglaries, most of tell police what his role in the alleged con- Bank. which took place in the Navesink area of the spiracy was. Arrested and charged with receiving and township and in Little Silver and Shrewsbury. See Burglary, page 7 Middletown detective* Leonard Moon and Stephen /.nnthos uith loot Kennedy vs. Carter...the battle is joined WASHINGTON (Al'i - The battle is joined, the Kennedy would maintain that Kennedy was still making up his mind Smith, who added that Kennedy had assumed responsibility times find that despite his 17 years in the Senate and his mystique versus the power of an Incumbent president. The whether to run. for his role in the~accident. "I think that's a factor that will campaign (nr national health insurance, he has been unable to prize: the 1980Democratic presidential nomination. "This is not an exploratory committee," Smith said. always be with him," he added. gethishoallh bill outpfcommittee On Nov. 7, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy will announce in "It's a campaign committee." Kennedy has made it clear he will make opposition to The decision by Kennedy to announce his candidacy in Boston that he will challenge President Carter for the nomi- While both sides are talking about leadership, there are administration energy and economic policies a major part of Boston rather than in the Senate Caucus Room where his nation. On Dec. 4, Carter will announce he wants a second other issues that will play major roles. his campaign. Pressed for specifics. Smith said he would brolhers, John anil Robert, launched their presidential cam term. Certain to be raised is the incident at Chappaquiddick in leave that to the senator to spell out as his campaign unfolds paigns, appeared to bv an effort to avoid*comparisons with the The Kennedy candidacy advanced yesterday when his which a car driven by Kennedy went off a bridge and Mary Jo Powell's reference to "philosophies of government and earlier campaigns and blunl suggestions that the Kennedy brother-in-law, Stephen Smith, standing in front of a large Kopechne, a passenger, drowned. records of acomplishment' echoed the White House theme campaign would be based in large part on nostalgia rather "KENNEDY '80" banner, announced formation of the Ken- "I think it's a great personal tragedy for him," said that Kennedy is a big-spending liberal out of step with the than substance nedy for President Committee. He said he hoped "all citizens in this nation who share our belief that Sen. Kennedy should be the next president of the United States will join in the campaign we are beginning today." Smith said one reason Kennedy decided to run was that This time commuters got it in writing "he feels the real drift in this country and the sense of a lack of direction." By MARK MAGYAR The commissioner emphasized that the North Jersey Asked about the Kennedy committee, White House press Slatehouse Correspondent Coast Line electrification project would be completed regard- secretary Jody Powell commented: "The American people NEWARK — This time, Monmouth County's rail com- less of the fate of the federal windfall profits tax on oil will ultimately decide which candidate they wish to trust to muter groups got it in writing. industry profits. lead them in the difficult times ahead." The Irate Shore Commuters, the Commuters' Wives and Vice President Walter F.
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