About the Program Contact Us The Minor in Communication Studies pro- Feel free to contact the Undergraduate vides undergraduate students with a critical Program Director for more detail about understanding of the role that communica- the overall academic program of cours- tion media and communication technolo- es and course selections, the field of gies play in society. Specifically, it presents communication studies, graduate study students with intellectually challenging and and academic career planning, or inqui- innovative instruction in key traditions of ries regarding course equivalencies and Communication and Media Studies and inter-university transfer credits. new theoretical and methodical approaches to the social life of communication technol- Undergraduate Program Director ogies and the historical development and for Communication Studies transformation of media and communica- tion forms.
[email protected] Our courses are organized around three primary themes: Department of Art History & • History and Theory of Media Communication Studies Room W-225, Arts Building, • Media, Communication and Culture 853 Sherbrooke Street West • Power, Difference and Justice Montreal, Quebec H3A 0G5 Tel.: 514-398-2850 | Fax: 514-398-8557 The Communications Minor is anacademic General email:
[email protected] program; that is, it does not offer profes- sionally oriented courses designed spe- cifically to prepare students to work in the minor in radio, television, film, or telecommunica- tions industries. Nor does it offer courses in journalism, public relations, or advertising, COMMUNICATION www.mcgill.ca/ahcs/undergraduate/ugradcs for example. However, some opportuni- ties to gain useful experiences in these and studies other industries or careers are available by taking on internships (www.mcgill.ca/intern- ships).