Rajputana and Ajmer-Merwara, Part III, Vol-XXIV, Rajasthan
<CENSUS OF INDIA,- 1921. VOLUME XXIV RA-1PUTANA AND AJMER-MERWARA PART III I ADMINISTRATIVE VOLUME Agents for the Sale of Books PubI:shed by the Superintendent of Govemment Printing, India, Calcutta. IN EUROPE. Constable & Co., 10, Orange Street, Leioester Square, T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., To ,Adelphi Torrace, London, W.O. London, W.C. Kegan Paul, Trencb, Triibner & Co., 68·'74, Carter Lane, E.C., and 39, New Oxford Street, wndon, Wbeldon & Wesley, Ltd., 2,3 & 4, Anrthur Street, W.C. New Oxfurd Stree1i, London, W.C. 2. Bernard Qnaritch, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond B. H. Blackwell, 50 & 51, Broad Street, Oxford. Street, London, W. Deighton, Bell & Co., Ltd., Cambridge. P. S. King & Sons, 2 & 4, Great Smith Street, West. , lninster, Londoo, S.W. Oliver and Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. E. Pon80nby, Ltd., 116, Grafton Stn.ct, Dublin. H. S. King & Co., 65, CornhilI, E.C., and 9, Pall Mall, London, W. Ernest Leroux, 28, Rue Bonap~rte, Paris. Grindlay & Co., 54, Parliament Street, London, S. W. MartIDus Nijholf, The Hague, Holland. Luzao & Co., 46, Great Russoll Stree·t, London, W.C· Friedlander and Sohn, Berlin. W. Tbaoker &: Co., 2, Creed Lane, London, E.C. Otto L.arrassowitz, Leipzig. II INDIA ABD CEYLOIl. thacker. Spink & CI1., Calcutta. and Simla.. Proprietor, New Kitabkhana, Poona. NewIll&n & Co., Calcutta. The Standard Bookstall, Karachi. &. Cambr~y & Co., Calcutta. Mangaldas Harkisaudas, Surat. 8. K. Lahiri &; Co., Calcutta. Karsandas Narandas & Sons, Surat. B. Banerjee &; Co., Calcutta. A. H. Wheeler &; Co., Allahabad. Calcutta and Bombay. The India.n School Supply DepOt, 309, nI:JW 13M.a.r N.
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