County Genus Species Species Author Common Name Tribe

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County Genus Species Species Author Common Name Tribe County Genus Species Species Author Common Name Tribe Subfamily Family Superfamily Webster County Agonopterix alstroemeriana (Clerck, 1759) Poison Hemlock Moth Depressariini Depressariinae Elachistidae Gelechioidea Webster County Agriphila ruricolellus (Zeller, 1863) Lesser Vagabond Sod Webworm Moth Crambini Crambinae Crambidae Pyraloidea Webster County Alypia octomaculata (Fabricius, 1775) Eight-spotted Forester Moth (None) Agaristinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Amorpha juglandis (J E Smith, 1797) Walnut Sphinx Moth Smerinthini Sphinginae Sphingidae Bombycoidea Webster County Amphipyra pyramidoides Guenee, 1852 Copper Underwing Amphipyrini Amphipyrinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Anageshna primordialis (Dyar, 1907) Spilomelini Pyraustinae Crambidae Pyraloidea Webster County Anagrapha falcifera (Kirby, 1837) Celery Looper Moth Plusiini Plusiinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Apoda biguttata Packard, 1864 Shagreened Slug Moth (None) Limacodinae Limacodidae Zygaenoidea Webster County Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker, 1863) Red Banded Leafroller Moth Archipini Tortricinae Tortricidae Tortricoidea Webster County Autographa precationis (Guenee, 1852) The Common Looper Moth Plusiini Plusiinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Calyptra canadensis (Bethune, 1865) Canadian Owlet Moth Calpini Calpinae Erebidae Noctuoidea Webster County Catocala habilis Grote, 1872 Habilis Underwing Catocalini Erebinae Erebidae Noctuoidea Webster County Ceratomia undulosa (Walker, 1856) Waved Sphinx Moth Sphingini Sphinginae Sphingidae Bombycoidea Webster County Chionodes mediofuscella (Clemens, 1863) Black Smudged Chionodes Moth Gelechiini Gelechiinae Gelechiidae Gelechioidea Webster County Chrysoteuchia topiarius (Zeller, 1866) Cranberry Girdler Moth Crambini Crambinae Crambidae Pyraloidea Webster County Cucullia convexipennis Grote and Robinson, 1868 Brown-hooded Owlet Cuculliinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Dyspteris abortivaria (Herrich-Schaffer, 1855) The Bad-wing Lobophorini Larentiinae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Epicallima argenticinctella Clemens, 1860 Orange Headed Epicallima Moth Oecophorini Oecophorinae Oecophoridae Gelechioidea Webster County Eugonobapta nivosaria (Guenee, 1857) Snowy Geometer Ourapterygini Ennominae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Gerdana caritella Busck, 1908 Symmocinae Autostichidae Gelechioidea Webster County Hadena ectypa (Morrison, 1875) Hadenini Noctuinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Haematopis grataria (Fabricius, 1798) Chickweed Geometer Timandrini Sterrhinae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Haploa lecontei (Guerin & Meneville, 1832) Leconte's Haploa Moth Arctiini Arctiinae Erebidae Noctuoidea Webster County Hyles lineata (Fabricius, 1775) White-Lined Sphinx Moth Macroglossini Macroglossinae Sphingidae Bombycoidea Webster County Hypoprepia fucosa Hubner, 1827-31 Painted Lichen Moth Lithosiini Arctiinae Erebidae Noctuoidea Webster County Idia lubricalis (Geyer, 1832) Glossy Black Idia Moth Herminiinae Erebidae Noctuoidea Webster County Leucania multilinea Walker, 1856 Many-Lined Wainscot Leucaniini Noctuinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Lomographa vestaliata (Guenee, 1857) White Spring Moth Baptini Ennominae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Loxostege cereralis (Zeller, 1872) Alfalfa Webworm Moth Pyraustini Pyraustinae Crambidae Pyraloidea Webster County Metalectra discalis (Grote, 1876) Common Fungus Moth Boletobiinae Erebidae Noctuoidea Webster County Nematocampa resistaria (Haworth, 1809) Horned Spanworm Moth Ourapterygini Ennominae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Orthonama obstipata (Fabricius, 1794) The Gem Xanthorhoini Larentiinae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Phaneta parmatana (Clemens, 1860) Eucosmini Olethreutinae Tortricidae Tortricoidea Webster County Phaneta radiatana (Walsingham, 1879) Eucosmini Olethreutinae Tortricidae Tortricoidea Webster County Pyrausta signatalis (Walker, 1866) Raspberry Pyrausta Moth Pyraustini Pyraustinae Crambidae Pyraloidea Webster County Saucrobotys futilalis (Lederer, 1863) Pyraustini Pyraustinae Crambidae Pyraloidea Webster County Schinia gracilenta Hubner, 1818 Slender Flower Moth Heliothinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Scoliopteryx libatrix (Linnaeus, 1758) The Herald Moth Scoliopterygini Scoliopteryginae Erebidae Noctuoidea Webster County Scoparia biplagialis Walker, 1866 Scopariinae Crambidae Pyraloidea Webster County Scopula inductata (Guenee, 1857) Soft-lined Wave Scopulini Sterrhinae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Simyra insularis (Herrich-Schaffer, 1868) Henry's Marsh Moth Acronictinae Noctuidae Noctuoidea Webster County Speranza pustularia (Guenee, 1858) Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth Macariini Ennominae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Speranza ribearia (Fitch, 1848) Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth Macariini Ennominae Geometridae Geometroidea Webster County Strobisia iridipennella Clemens, 1860 Iridescent Strobisia Moth Anacampsini Gelechiinae Gelechiidae Gelechioidea Page 1 of 1.
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