FINDING YOUR WAY IN SWITZERLAND AS A REFUGEE Just follow the red line! BFF ODR UFR UFF Imprint Published by: Federal Office for Refugees (FOR) Quellenweg 6, CH-3003 Bern-Wabern, 031 325 11 11
[email protected] Concept and editor: Ferdinanda Cunico, FOR Design: Hannes Wirth, Zürich, Translation: Jenny Haller, Balm Available: SFBL, Distribution of Publications, CH-3003 Bern Art. No. 415.015.eng Internet: Languages: German, French, Italian, English 2nd edition 2004 Foreword This information brochure is primarily aimed at refugees, that is to say at persons whose lives and freedom are threatened in their native country and who have found protection in Switzerland. But the organi- zations involved in refugee aid will also find some useful information in this brochure. Everyday life and politics, health and education, asylum and integra- tion: these are the spheres of life through which our practical guide will lead you. Besides a wealth of information on the country and popula- tion, the brochure contains the addresses of specialized institutions which will help you in various situations. It is highly probable that you and your descendants will stay in our country and become Swiss citizens. A successful process of integration requires open minds and commitment on both sides, from you as new- comers on the one hand and from the "original” inhabitants on the other. Let’s all seize the chance of getting to know, respect and value one an- other. Urs Hadorn