/ __ _ SATURDAY. APRIL 19, 194f PAGE TWELVE ATti^iKc DsIIy CirealatiM lBmtrI|fstrr lEuruitto !l|pra(d T m Om Moatk of March, 1847 The W«Bth«r Foreeaal of D. g WratlMr Buruu* prshtnslVs btrdaeye vtsw of Man- chuter. , i ■ Town Scraper and Crew Who Leveled V. F. W. Athletic'Tield Gets Approval 9,335 Ocur mad continued eold witli About Town Heard Along Mhin Street "If this letter does not explain below freotlnf temperatureo to­ the vignette more cleSriy, we shall X '••A. night: Tiieoday fair and aRghtt}- be hsppy to send a copy of the • » y For Propeller warmer. Menbera of ^Mhlngton Loj'kI ' ind on Some of Mrtnche$ter*$ Side StreeU, Too vignette Itsqtf for closer perusal. CMm^ UMlge. No. 117. will mreX Very sincerely yours, ■ MancheUer—‘A City of Village Charm at Oranga hall at 7:90 tonight to Ma/ie-Lsiise RMiott, o to tag Holmea Funeral Home, Once a iiew reporter was sent • they should look for the telephone ‘^Piibllcity-Rc search. CAA Certifies Hamil>| yOL. LXVL, NO. 171 A4v«rilaiBg oa Pago 19) {9 Woodmdge atreet, to pay re- to cover a wedding. He went out , listed nijder Alent Barber «hop. ton^s Product for Use MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. APRIL 21. 1947 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS apecta to thb^late Harry Irwin. full of pep, but shortly returned, *T T T i j . How many times have you re­ I walked Ui hla desk and sat down. We are muc h Intrigued by cer- ceived a letter from s book club, On Commercial Craft "Where’s the sto ry '" the editor tain orKanlzatlnn names. Often a merchandising firm, or a! society Trinity Past ^« cer­ tificate of the Civil Aeronautics MrB. Ruth B^Jewith snX >1" Poiriers find 1*"**. ™ girls i and so on. We also have <)«f name liais. Tliene eomq from a ktrtybellc Dowd. rc'd. dr thrown out of a meeting, or (,nj,p|iy of a name for' a varlclyj of sources. Administration, releasing them for Hold Semi-Secret Aid Necessary ; IncKJeOts .can make a tx-lter sisit ,jf,<.tors and muses at the hospital Nl"'or instance, the telephone book use on commercial aircraft. The Mrs. Alexander Royers of I stoiXthsivlhe comparatively tame often to give hy- is '{igrhsps the most common. Tht propellers Mill be installed on Mar­ tin 202 and 303. Consolidated 240. Alarm Against Rise Loniat street reached h$r Wit 1 account of a prosaie event. podermie Injectloris. Why not "The news^Xpe* help. Kvery time Lockheed 640 Constellation and Tells Conp*efis He Im in birthday yeateioay and rec/tlvrd K But Mere is a halfway mark at Memorial Mosfdtal Needle Vt'ork- there Is a birth, ah engagement, a Meet on Austria felicitations from ninny of her I \^ilch ttie reporter l« neither bar- Ouilo? " weildlng, lie, a death, the public Douglas DC-6 airplanes. All three propellers have been ‘ C’ o ill p 1 e I e Accorcr . ; reX nor aXniittiwl—he "barges in. ' | notice sets kame busy scissors' The\csult«\arc varied. Where there's s will, there's a subject to grueling endurance tests Making Desperate Final j i\ j_ _ T? i snipping. OtheK(dlpplng agencies In the company's big new test cells, With AiniH; Coininiin- Iu t . and Mrs Rtanlry Juros of Pt)r\nstam;e, a reporter this way, according Id the smart guy serve IhdivIdusI clHpts. Effort to Break Df^ad-'rOUlld In Costs of Living with CAA officials certifying the iralion to Vandrnkerg •3 Pearl street are spending the week xXol do\vn to look at the and this flts,.a recent developiijent A politician, or B^^mBnuf.^^lur- testa and their results. One of the week-end In New York C'ty. new .M alXstreX store Job. .Shortly on the sports front In Manches­ Ing plant, anxlmis to firhlriut pub- locks; Actioi; I'aken i i vfiil.'t'k,.. . models, that intended for the i a foremun^ w over. ter. Twilight Dca^ue baseball, lie reaction on a certaOV. , 1X7-6, uses Improved, thlnned-down On Suggestion of Mar­ Near Ambush Washington, April 21 (ffl— (diila for United Effort •'Horry," Id, ".VoU gotta teams are shaping up their at­ merely gets in touch With a;,^^na- Picture by Paragon Photos duralumin blades, while the other Secretary of State Marshall today Steel Plants King of Denmark move. It ain't\i*«;W 're. You might tack for the fuming season and tlonal clipping bureau and that'll Pictured above, is the town of Manchester's scraper which was uaed to level oil the newly finished ,V. F. two are equipped with variations shall; Soviets Still railed the proposed Grcck-Turkish By Govoriimrut^,Indus* fall through tl^ then they'd managers are on the prowl to Taken hy Death clip out and send every bit of reN. W. Athletic Field. The town donated the use of such equipment free of gharge and manpower was sup- of the division's new hollow-steel Scene Today aid program "indispensable" and Yuu’rr A* Near To l)'« blantr me." sign key players for their respec­ erence to their client in the entire Those In picture above are left to light: Dean Cronklte, Jimlor blade. Diameters., range from 13 Refuse to Yield Any try, Agriruiliirr and filled by Junior members of the V. F. W told Congress he is in "completi/ May Escape As Your Phone! I'm from The\lcraW." the re- tive teams. national press. *’’'^*‘* Nasslf.' spoKs director; Amos Ulley, grade operator for the feet for the 202'a propeller to 16 l^dior to Prevent DIs* ! j>orter rcpllen found the Name lists of all sorts are feet for the OonateUatlon. Bulletin! ..^aceord" with it* alms. Coraagen For townAnd Fred L>ewie, Town of Manchester Equipment foreman. Discovery Recalls Irgun I "Oh," aiild the forttman, "that's task rather simple. The story Is available. You can get lists by in­ MosedW. April 21.—

— / Senator Vandenberg (R-Mlch), . astroiis Depression; The Weekend different" And he f»ad«\a making the rounds that several Strike Now come bracket, by nationalitleb, by After nearly two hours in Zvaf I.,euini Threats presiding ofilcer ugh the fiiaying with a certain team or lists of renters, lists of home own­ gemi-secret session, the Coun­ To Retaliate for Hang­ to his eollengiies as the Senate de- I wherdver he llke "Kxcuse me!” he said, "excius’ other day and they say It's always Prior to the finishing of the field final effort to break deadlocks authorities last week following In fomuilau;, of he pVogra^ and eratlon" from labor. He also ash­ alatut the earlyXhlstory of Man­ a good story until it's printed. offer was made. The members this week, much manual work was their conviction for anti-British that he had Informed the State A, Stephens, me!" chester. Our . comments liave asked the Hclectinrn for the use pn the Austrian treaty. It "big .steel" vice Fi'csident—wonki ed all-out farm production and re- Quality Garden So arc the nheep dlviiled from W’e understand that a local msn done by members of the V.F.W* violence. , department th.at he "fully eoneiirr- nlstance to tax cuts until the brought forth the TullowIng In de­ applied for work, at one of the of town equipment such as the who, armed with their own picks, was the second semi-secret Three men were detained after cd" in It, ) quick approval by/4hhe iinlon’a Ex- the goats. fense of the broadcast, The crltl- bulldor.er, .scraper, and grader to erutlvo lioard. 'Tlie raises afTect Christian X, whoso reign bf 85 country Is "over the hump" of- In­ aircraft plants neseby. The ap­ shovels and other assorted equipr ORANGE HALL BINGO meeting of the conference. the ambushing, in which the Jeeps He said that in his ojilrilnlon the flation. Fertilizer and Lime clsins wc ram rd were panscil on be ojieratCd by Uie regular opcra- employes of five major pyodiicing years opverrd the 4>erio