Clare Hall Cambridge Annual Review 2011 Clare Hall Annual Review 2011 Contents President’s Letter p2 Bursar’s Notes p4 Senior Tutor’s Notes p6 News from the Development Office p8 Profile: Tom Karen p11 List of Donors p12 New Research Fellows p14 Student News p16 The Salje Building p18 Stefan Collini’s New Book p21 Ashby Lecture 2011 p22 Sports News p24 A Year of Music p26 From Literature to Visual Art p28 Profile: Professor Maria Grazia Spillantini p29 Research at the Botanic Garden p30 Profile: Alan Short Sustainable Architect p32 Return to Kosovo p34 News of Members p36 Front cover: Graduation, July 2011 Edited by: Trudi Tate | Lynne Richards Clare Hall | Herschel Road | Cambridge | CB3 9AL | Tel: 01223 332360
[email protected] Photo credits: Andrea Baczynski | Julia Hedgecoe | Andrew Houston | Philip Moore | Philip Mynott | Trudi Tate | Andy Wang | Mi Zhou Design and production: M J Webb Associates Ltd Martin Harris, President Page 2 Clare Hall Cambridge Clare Hall Annual Review 2011 Perhaps for the first time since Barbara and I came to Clare Hall, the main focus of attention has seemed this year to be on the external environment, in particular President’s Letter the changes planned for English higher education and their possible eventual consequences for graduate education and thus for Clare Hall. The very use of the word ‘English’ here reminds us that higher education is now devolved to the four nations, and that the All of this has made the Governing Body reflect more on our by what our worldwide community wants to support.