I ~J „. L


JS»ER ANNUM, in Advancs $2 PEti ANNUM, iii A(Waiio3

DevoUd to Ptiltliai, Lcul mi General Ut •fcovofci to PolltiMl, Local tad Stnertl K«w«.

ADVERTISING RATES. • . JOB PRINTING. Column, on* jear, 1100.00 Job I'riDHnRot all kind* eiecatoi) wllb D«&tuens and dispntch. A fthare Of pablld S. L. GARRISON, Editor and Publisher. - 'EXC.ELSIOB! $2 PER ANNUM", in Advance. patronage respectfully solicited. Oaiocb, 3 mot. * too Al! orders by ttfall will receive prompt ' t)o« inohi pn» tinw, 75 cettta; thereafter, attention. ' Farmers abd others aro invited t ona montb,


_. — - - •* - '";/ " " • • • •••••• • Now that coal is becoming d- The Democratic Housa turn- It is simply astonishing how long No man or Woman U safe wbllfl (be teaat When Mr. Saukey sang tho well- remnant of cougb or cold, or afty symp. New Advertisements. known ' hymns tho Emperor joined icarcer and raoro''costly, peat and d out the venerable Journal Clerk he body of a dead cat can stand bc- £ojos ol pulmonary 'dfse&se liogeri in tbe urf are receiving more- attention as who bad served 'both parties faith- pgruDoverby wagons and retain svitcm. Elpni the csuaa of danger witb 1OOO .OUTFITS FREE! 8. L. OABBISOW, 'tutor in, and the lips of the Lord High U original shape. ' Hale'a Hour oi Uorebonnd and Tar. OOTPBIXTS of tbe AOES. Our OoTerDmeot mi Stop a Little! Chancellor moved in Chorus. lonrces of fuel, while petroleum- ully for thirty years, and now it is Pike's TooUiache Props eire ia 1 minute. Hlitorj. o&odipeed's Pub. IIOUBO. N«w Turk :ompelled to eject his successor, who, There are ten widowers in the Chicago. . *pr. 21Mw. At midnight Dom Podro was Ber- hough scarcely yet regarded as a United States Senate. When they IIOi day at home. Agents wauted, Ouiflt and Thursday, April 20th, 1876. ing New York by gaslight nnder tho iafo fuol—is also coming into notice n viow of a possible reduction of pass the Treasury buildings they hear TO PARENTS. \X.& Itrtui free. TEUK k CO., AugaiU, Maine. ialaries, entered into business as a It !• a veil-known fact tint tbuutuidi of children DO YOU tYANT a& EASlEB WAY of OETf guidance of ex-Police Commissioner or heating purposes. In various murmurs of ."So noble looking," die »uuw»l]y from tbe effects of wormi, *r dl •**••• TING WATER O0TOF YOUB WSU> :laim agent in violation of the Re-"Such a boyish walk." produced by them, while ttts Parent! remain ignor- OHCIBTEBS? We Should Bun No Bisk. Gardner. . The party, numbering parts of Europe, peat is now and has ant of Unreal c»n««, Tbe active aad valuable prin- ised Statues. Since tho dismissal of ciple uf Worrmwed, (ef which moat of tbe nsuieous TheNewTork wenty-fivo, was visiting the down- i long'time past boen almost tho Verisifoffe ban beeii mad*;), la San ton lu,. which we If ID, get ft Hamblcton, six of its officers have ABOUT WOMEN. tave gncceodwl la [lultibg in tech i form that cbU- • It beginsto look as if Mr. Blaine town Police stations and other inter- inly fueln&ed, and, within a compar- irtiB will Uko It aa readily aa otber candy. Paxotita »5 to $20free. Utinsou It Co., Portland, Mt. bad made a mistake in not demand- esting places. ,tively recent periods gieai~i£aiU got-mtotroubU, -A-party- that-aima .Titiens-would make an excellent re cauttum (M thej- abouM tx)} about what they ISIf KEADINO, I^YCUOMASCV, VABCINA- ing- an inTestigatinff committee.— ;|tna their children; we, therefore, ia»fce nu secret M TlOM.SOUr.CHAItMIHa, UE8UKUINM. and On Monday evening ho started for lavo been mods to utilize it advan- to refora all tho "abuses of the civil jaby-nurse, for she can sing Bixty- if tba prcfisrsltun. £xperi«iic* baa proved that AUBIAGKOUJUE, «l)<)wiiig bow either «ei maj His eneinios are making the most of sight operas. ~ .iJaJl* taSer from tbe tame cauae, and many cues •scinate »ucl ^ain the love aod affection of any ptr lervice ought W be able to find clerks >f Iadlgcfitiuu, '£>yipeuala. Flatulency, and Ner-•ou they cbooae imUntly. 400 pi«ea. fir null to IMPROVED it, and the supporters of other can- San Francisco, whero ho will remain :ajjeously for this purpose in the 'omneis, art prodaosa by Worrai, and can be c«r- The editor of tho Boston Post 1 cti. liuut 4 Co., ,:iy 8. 7th St., flitla. didates are diligently discoToring but a few days. Ho leaves the Unit- United States and Canada. In itsand doorkeepers who are competent sd by tiling the ttantonlo Worm. Confections. Try unfavorable reasons for his- ncfj- nd hontsL « beard a vary clover woman say: "I Iheml ' Frlo* TveatT-Fir* C«nta. ed States in July, for Europe, where natural state, or merely air-dried/ it 'do nut wish anybody to do anything HiMproMsor WOEMS ni CHILUEI*—iteitUeaL...- WATER ELEVATOR ^ect-to-demand the fullest inqui anittiiAl grindingrlng of tbe to«tti while ulefpp;; Y«ri«xl»ppepp - bo will isako an extended tour. His has been much employed, although langhty, but if-they do "t want to tite; ioddcu f the countPtisoce, eipcciat> NEWSPAPER ry. A common kind of comment 35" Dom Pedro got mad . because, l\% becumfubf g pallid about tbtbe uppeu r lip and uotoD ; AKD movements both in thia country and of v^ry inferior beating power to know all abont it." fuver at tiuiea during the day, irrltablencaa, end is the following from The Cincinnati the cars on the Erie Railroad did othnr lymptoma with which most mothers are fa- . ADVERTISING Gazette'. "In fact, a full investiga- Europe will be very rapid. coal; but when pulped and cqmpress- John Ward Howe, having taken a inlllir. U* careful and auk for UOODALE'S tUKTomir ONE BUKDUEC.ANP FOUUTI1 EDITION, not start immediately after ho and oncly-midnight stroll by way of in- WORM C'o^ftCTioBn, and take no other. Bold byal 'ontttutnjr a complete Hit (if all tbo towns iu the tion will be required to place Sir. ed, as the process is called which is Drutr«i»l». Prlco 35 cenU per box. Prepared by ' lltftd BtaUs. thrt TerrUurlcs aii'i th* lJuuilniuu oi PURI Blaino in a proper position before his escort were seated on Monday vestigation, concludes that there are JAMES A. OOODALK, Doter, N. /. .iiada, Uaviutf a jwpulatJon greater than 5,f>XJ»c- tSJ* The poor bouso will have now sarried out so successfully in Holland Jlirch ICth, 187C. cording U* the Ia»t ceiiHUs. tutfe llitr with the uaiuca the country. If innocent, that must evening, and sent his Secretary to more bad men who' walk tha streets of tbe D«wspni>ers LaTJutf t)ie Inr^ent lotal circula- It is tli« easiest and i^ management. Messrs. Dcinott and mil Italy, it has been found capablo nights than bad women. tion la each of the places named. Alao, a catAlo^ bo established by something moro find out why the palnco car was run The Most Wonderful Dlscorerr of the llttb ruewanapers Alilrli are rrcomniendfd tu advi-rtl qaally as goo J io Walls c than niero general denials. If Mr. Weise will bo required to vacato the jf competing with cool and wood on It is believed that Winslow'e siB- Century, •rs se giving grratcit Talu^ iu i»ropoMion to jirlc on a side track. When informed of rhsreted, K\*'>. all ]jfwxp»i>*rs In the Uuiled Htnl • Blaino shonld be nominated for thapremises. Alas! it is too true! ;quol terms, both for Bteam produc- ler-in-law had concealed on her per- ind Canada prtutinn over f>,WW t«pi<« each iitue. SEVENTY-FIVE PEl| the reason, he copied down and is DR. S. D. HOWE'S Also, all th» Itffii^ous. Agricultural, 8*i»-ntmc and OF LESS DEP Presidency, tha Democratic House tion and household use. Charred son the money ha took with him from Unlcal. Mfdical, Masonic. Jur.nlle-, ttluc "would bo sure to investigate. With now happy with the fact that he wasBoston. Under the provisions of al. Oirameccial^ Inturanre, Real Ijitate, I-»w, H I®- The following paragraph clip- >eat has also become an important ARABIAN MILK-CURE DS, Matlcal Fashion, and other specfal cUis J the charges rtending, the Cincinnati not the victim of a collision. tho treaty sho could not be searched. ill; rery complete lists. Tr-gfther with a cnmpiefe A8 A PUHIHEIt: The til Convention would not be likely to ped from last week's Banner is so irticlo of consumption, as a snbsti- FOR CONSUMPTION, it «f ovi't Z0H German psptrs print.-*! iii tlie Vui- th to tbe bottom of tbe well ^ She was a belle, and was married and Diseases of the Throat, Cheat tad Luuyt. KtiUn. AUo, an oixay U[H/U ^Jv< rlUttici many where it in allowed to go of itsl risk the nomination of Blaine. . The ;ood wo cannot refrain from publish tuto for wood, charcoal and-coke.— 1ST* Occasionally a Jcrsoy newB- four years ago in Albany. The day l f rat*-*. sbowfiiKK the cxtst of ailvt-rtUlng i The only Medicine of the kind la the World. s newepnp^rs, aud every thluhl a whichihh a bgl bnbbllng to tho tnp, br wbi^_ investigation should, therefore, be ing it. It was not tho way theTho more general employment o paper gives Ex-Gov. Parker a send- after tho wedding her husband re- A SUBSTITUTE FOIL COI> LIVEK OIL sr Inadvrrtisiiijf would llk« tn fcttovr, Adilrrss mcDt tlie watvr !• perfectly seraQ 'demanded by Mr. Blaine at once, Permanently cnren Asthma, Bronchi tic Inclpieii 6'LO. I'. 1WJV. ELL k CO., *1 I'ark Row, Ken York. Democracy squandered the people's peat, by some improvod method ol off for tho Presidency. If he is suc-marked to her that her hat was not onsnmptlon, Niglit Svrcata, Lose of Voice, Hhort and pushed to a' conclusion. The becoming. Sho nover smiled .again. ness (iflJnatb,Catarrh, Croup. Coughs, Colds, etc. MAKING POOR people aro extremely sensitive at themoney that mado the change, but reparation rendering it moro read- cessful, they expect to get a "send- ia a few daya, like magic. Price $ 1 per Bottle. ADVERTISING IN present time with reference to theonly tha "unusual exertion" of the ily and profitably available, is yet off" to some foreign climo as Consu' Mrs. Secretary of tha Navy Robe- ALSO, son ia one of the moat cultivated ReKgious and Agricultural FRESH AND GO? character of public men, and it is Republicans. Mendham and Rox-looked forward to; and when it or something else. Arabian Tonic Blood Pnrifier. certain that a clean record will be singers in Washington. Her voice which (HfTrn from atl olb»r preparations iu tho . "WEEKLIES. bury are tho "thorns in the flesh"is considered what vast peat, tracts was one of her many attractions as a mmedlata action upoo ths required of the Presidential candi- t&- Dom Pedro of Brazil takes LIVER, KIDNKY8 AMD BLOOD. datea._ For tho Republican party to now. Heretofore they have been far exist, as an almost total waste, in young girl, and during her married It Ii purelj vegotable, cleanses tha s^item of all notes in a note book while ha is sight- Impurltlca, bailda It right square op, and maai KT.VD FOB O0B CATALOOtTK THE ELEVATOR nominate a- candidate who may havo ahead, but now ore away behind different parts of tho world, a new life sho has been a constant musical Far*, Rich Blood. It eurea Bcrofulooa Diaeasi seeing. Wonder if ho is not acting student. of all kinds, remoret Constipation »ud regulali a serious cloud hovering around his "BoontoD.Pequannockand Hanover." source of industry and wealth would tbe bowels. For Nrrrooa Debility, Loat Vitality ON THE LIST PLAN. COMBIXEH ALL THAT IS'DESIEABLE reputation, would be a suicidal poli- Read the paragraph: appear to bo simply awaiting tho as correspondent for some Brazilian ' A lady in Keene, N. H., recestistlly Urinary DUea«es. and Broken Down Contltntlona, For information, address IN AX Ol'EN WELL AND THE COH- cy-" newspaper? gave birth to a healthy nm'l weU I challenge tlie 19th eonttirj to produce IU rqnaL UEO. P. IlOWEM,&ro., 41 I'ark Row, VKSIENCE OF A PUMP, — • Last year the Democracy had adue application of ingenuity and en- ormed child that weighed bnt twoEvery Bottle ia Worth it« Weight hi Gold, •tr ». NEW YORK. ' While we havo nevetv for ono mo-majority of ten in the Board, the ef- Price ft per Bottle. Also, works ea«r, ia ilnrnMs and relinblo in Win terprise. * pounds, whereupon her -disappointed ler or Samiuer, as it ment, believed Mr. Blaine guilty o fects of a county tidal wave. They Tb&Will of A. T. Stewart. husband remarked_th_at he wonldn't •HUG A It did not expect to retain it this year, A. T. Stewart'B will was filed Arabian COATED" Liver Pills. taking money which belonged to the have belioved that she would be Tbcy clfftuea the Mver ami Stomach, thoroigfalj CELEBRATED. but bad the Democratic Townships J5J- "Tho Spring has come the the Surrogate's office Friday after- guilty of such contemptible moan- rrniove Couitlpatiou; contain no calumel. price Cannot Freeze or Crack. people, wo were sorry when it went done their duty could have easily re- winter is over, and I am not Direc- noon." It is dated March 27, 1873, i ceiiU per boj. forth that he did not think an inves- CONSUMPTIVES The "Elevntor" supplies « wont long foil tained a majority, Tho election of a tor!"—Dellicker. • and two codicils—one of the same ahould una all three of the abora medicines. Organs & Pjanos A -beautiful femnlo lobbyist naya SOLD DT nnd for tbo pm-poHe, Ia snperior to anjr gation at all called forR At thia par- Board is alvrayi considered as a close date ns the will, and the other sign- contort by bpth parties. Tho Re- ed on tho following day. Tho will that one tear, if it can bo so shed as Tbene maftnlflrent lnctnimcata hsre now ticular juncture of affairs, no Bospi to reflect tho light of a bright getting SAMUEL-DAVIS, Dnips'st. ranuy years before the puliHcaad icttalfly^rowJrj; publicans made an unusual exertion Tho cheerful countenance o itself bequeaths all tho property an SOLE AGENT FOU"BOONTON jxipularity la tha rranlt- The nisny and vnliiatili? ) cion must be allowed to remain upon sun, will have moro power • over tho Improvement* recently lotroduccd lu the tunilml j this year to gain control of the Board, Mono. Bates, of Hariovcr.will bo miss- estate of every kind to Mrs. Stewart DH. S. J). HOWE, Proprietor, portion of the Oryaiia h»T« aJdeil Ur^'ely t-j tliflr tho record of a prominent candidate as we warned the Damocracy they and her heirs and assigns forovcr.but average Congressman than all the •uccens. aud they are coufiJeutly prt-scntcd as Bb- ed in tho Board of Freeholders. Be- arguments that could bs composed 6411-earl St., Now York. ulotely'wlthr.at any tquaU In the market.- New for the highest place in the gift o would, but had tho Democratic town- gives to Judge Henry Hilton, who Mrs. Lane's Certain Curo lot Ingrow \j\f uf ra^fs, w fi rlcli ttidcIib'iratecarrinRsiin'l EVER USED, ships of Mendham and Roxbury dis Bidc, bis eloquent speeches will no is appointed to rloso up Mr. Stew- into n two hours' conversation. »lt'i ninny «i -vnali'Dres of our own inventlon.hsTe tho people. 'Some will say the very ing Nails. tuade the ,W«ters OrgM an luiHiponBible accompa- o heard and applauded by his asso- . A. St. Joseph manf ono year mar- . fact of his being so popnlar occa- played the energy exhibited by the art's partnership business and af- Boonton, S. J., Srpt. 23. 1S75. ent to trrry cultural home circle, and a inert nmi ftince its introrinctioo, ib« demand for faithful in Boonton, Pequannock and ciates. We remember when h« mad fairs, $1,000,000 for his services, and ried, says that there ia a great deal ltatjlc onuto'-'iitfjr parlor'-r drawins«r"oni, in it lm» Hlenilily increased. sions such falso accusatipns and to n the expression of .a- black comb to The Mild Power quality of tone, scop* of »iprfn«ion, and durability Hanover, it would havo been impos- an address something like tha fol- as a mark of regard. Mrs. Stew cf construction, tlipy hare rraclwd a point tltat Is go into an investigation will assist sible for them to break our majority. art; Judge Hilton, and William Lib- denote the state of tha domestic at- perfection Itnelf. TLey comt-ine a rharmliitf tri- I offpr it to the public of "Old Teqnnn. lowing: -uruph to the eye a-:d tar. • *a thing »f beauty and a • oc," witb a linn reiinuct) on its merits. his enemies, as vindication may be bey are appointed executors. The mosphere. When his wife's comb Joy former."—A Splendid Stool i* boxed-with "Yes, this resolution of Mr. Chq- neatles quietly iu its proper placo,' all eaclj Organ !ree of charge. hard if his skirts are entirely clear first codicil directs tho payment to Yaw! Yaw! Yawger, vey'a shonld be adopted! I am in George B. Butler of $20,000, to Mes is well with him; but when it is lifted HUMPHREYS' Thirty Days Trial. Will be and leans,forward ho' says: "Look Having procured thi Agency for- Jlorrin Cnnuty. of corruption. 'Wo know it is a late - Is elected from Chester, favorofit.emphaticolly. Ifonrfinnn srs. Hopkins,Cooper,Denning, Green, IIomeojMlhic Specifics / J for thu **:<• of this rtltlirated Ur^au, I mil prrjiarcJ hour to begin to refute such a lie, cial statements ore published at all, and Htgcins, $10,000 each, and theout for squalls." A\"E prored, from the moat ample txpcrtejice tn furnUb it at short notice and ua Ilbtr^I ti-ruiB.— Given! But his illustrious colleague H an entire sacceis. Biinple, Tromptp,, Efllrien I sin aatUDcd that no tMtUr Instmnieut wu rver they should have wido publicity.— ,;Two hnndrod and eovonty women alibn entirl eTh sacceisy . tbBiinple l , tll f but the very fact ol. Mr. Blaino not Won't be- the Director! Messrs. Rice, DeBrot, Roe, Dodge, y y sitlrln^ p suld hi the rttuuty, ami that a trial will LOiiTlucr The people should know" how their voted for school directors in Min-anly dadapte reliabled to. populaThey arr ase—se tbe onlo simply t e thah t mislakei au'y QQ*; of itH great value ss a musii-al hutninieut. The nhove "ElcTator," for iimplr raiting ' ^ demanding an investigation at once Connor, and Armstrong,!5,000 each. cannol dtt bed mad t e ID lmin e them; iso hannkai an V> b< Come aad f uuilne the Organ and pan* your jotl|"- money is spent." [Applause from These gentlemen, Mr. Stewart says, neapolis (Miun.) the other dny, au frea twin danger; and BO efficient aa to be always re mout upon It. So charge for ihowioy It. Hater in connection with "B«BDH Hloko has a tendency to make folks nek the Republican side.] all but eleven votes for tho two f< liable. Tln-y haYt; the hf^licst commendation from Cylinder Forcw Parup," tot forcing water, tuf Mr. Spurgeon made a novel "have long and faithfully served m< all. and will always rendrr mitl»f«ctioD. I am nl»o .\^>".nt for the sale of • to lueet'tbe wants of all per- questions. We must run no risks if in my business affairs." To eigh male candidates and elected them.— Si*. Cures. Centi MO wil hin H announcement at the Tabernacle re- Dellicker vacates his chair and op The Hail of that city publishes the 1- FovoT». Congeition; luflammatioac, WATERS* CiSLEBRATED PIANOS \ 1 * B fi»t-c!«.. article. we desire to elect our candidate— servants $15,500 is given, in Burn 2. Worm's, Worm Fercr, Worm Colio, cently. H« said that on the tickets poses tho resolution in a grandilo- names of all women voters, with the ttn- btst fn u*o: PUMra AND SINKS pnt np et abort ranging from $5,000 tn $300./ An 3. Cryinff-Collo.n'r teething of nts. ' must havo no freights of this cliarac for tho new quarter a notice hod been quent, masterly manner: His ad- following introduction: For dilfcrtit Bt}'cs and prlcia aen-1 or call notice. ,^ annunity of $12,000 and the -use fu i DlorrhcBatOft^i'dres orAilnlU, get catalnfiue. ' ter'hanging to him, and hence ou: printed that they wero not availoblt dress was so overwhelming in its life of the honse in E.-ist-ninth-st ii R«:id, rend with euro. is. Dj-tentery.Oifpin^. Dilians tollc, ROOFIXG AND SPOUTING Promptly at- fears of the resnlt AVc know inves on a certain evening. He had do character, as to completely change which they live, aro given io Sam Thu list uf tlia liuly rotnirea, c. Cholera-Morhns, Vomiting, -r JAMES RAMSEY, .. teuded t». - tigation is to make political capital and Rebecca Morrow, friends of Mr. WIio bcut fur school iMrt-cdtiro, 7- Con,-hi, Oilils, Bronchltta, TINWAr.fi OF ALL KINDS, on hand or Unnined in tho future to havo oni the aspect of affairs. Bates couldn't Dr. Cbato. ami Ike McNnir; V. Neuralgia j Tfx.thachr, faccache, CORNER' OF BIRCH AMI DIVISION j -V uinde to order. - f jr the campaign, but Mr. B. should, Stewart's early day?. To the wife* o. Headaches, Hick Headache, VerUgo, ST.S., filOO.NTOX, *. J. • I service of his own every quarter, foi stand it and at its close said: Judge Hilton is given $5,000. Thi Ilert, brothers, hero thty are. THE NEW GASBUIIN'BR AND OTHEtt Short distance from the XJ. »S. Hotel, j notwithstanding that, express, his those persons who were not in thi pecond rodicil directs "the paymen KAX.UE3 AND STOVES. '•Tboso are my sentiments.' The During the trial of a divorco iu PniiiftilTeriodi, Boor.tnn. April 13lli. .luTC. ' "' willingness to have the charges against habit of attending at the Tabcirfscl Director has spoken words of truth of $10,000 each to Cliarles P. Clinch Englaud recently the libellant'u rotin 12. Whites, t;»'rn)rufo TrTittli. on banj or qniekly farniftbed.! him carefully examined. and soberness, aud as for me, sink 13. Cronp, Cougli, Diffictilt Uivathlni;, ORRIH COUNTY SURRO-" and he desired all seatholders to sta; UU U-O 1UI lUL, Bill ft. .—. • -f n(. • . T l- sel in cross-examining tho correspon- GATE'S OFFICE.-April 3d, isTfi or swim survive or perish I shall'CU- HhanmatltiXQ. Kheiimalic Pniua, In th» ui.ttferof N-wtnn H. Kilclifil, A'l-' ' J(;KXI.K0PP, vote, just as Dellicker commanrf* me 1E™"? Clinch, and to Sarah Smith lcave-tiikin^' with the respondent at i- Fever aa J Ajno, <'h:U Fercr. ACHOJ, mini«tnitnr_nf Henry (*n"knran, ilefraBci. tSF Dom Pedro H., Emperor of go elsewhere, and if they derived an; to. He has my heart and my vote he*rfeof J, Lawrence Smith nn,] a rail-way station, asked: "Did you BOOKTON,: T.'pilo*. Wiud «r blectllptf, Or..ipplicii(ipnofthcjtbfivpniinK*tl Ailmin- . Brazil, arrived at Now York on Sat-benefit from it let them continue ti not place yonr Imud in his, saying, 13. Ootlialiny. *nJ S^ro »»r WraS Eyfu.t April 20tb, 1870./' and-my manhood." [Loud ap- Stewarther daughjer-al. In a lettel rkindre to hids wifofe Mrda s tntnit*)|,it JH(JJI:DI:I:ED by tlip Surrogate tint L urday... He was-met in thn*barbdr go." bomo people would" grumble ; plauseirom the Democratic side,] 'If cut mo in heaven, • George ?' " 19. Catarrh. a-"it- ortTirimle. Inflqenz*. Kaitta.lniiiiirtiyalorti.vc PcuLicN'nTicr.tot.io ted March 29, 1873, which accom v>. Whoonlns-Connh- violent coughi, EXECUTOK'S BALE OE "Would vou have hail me ask him the rrfiiitnniW tlic pstntu (if sjii-1 i]-i*eu-l cluiniH to meet me in hell?" flashed back thu M. Ear DlMoharges. Uiip»Ire,l licaring, dent Grant's Cabinet, but refused to printed on tho ticket and the.seat countenance and powerful speeches ^hat ho depended on her to carrv out lady. When the roars in tho court- »;:iiiii-t tbe pniue, ninli-rop.tif. within ninr his charitable plans if his life shonld 2-L Scrofula-cnUo;nJ cbnJj, p.litr. riijuk-al Wcakueas, nf this Onl*T, witbin. twenty «lnya ,bc-r(af- land as . a private passenger. He not be spared to complete them. He peated: "Did you, or diil you not, ter,.in fire nt the most public pliices in the I contract, and when they .paid thti left to her in this letter the recogni- Pnranant to nn ortler of tbs C io^vfiver, accepted tho courtesies ex- money might know what was whal ask him to moot you in heaven ?" 2C. Soa«SIckne*». «l.:Wat*«aVri>m rl»IInit. connty pf Morris for two month*, find nisei • Court ol the County of Morrio.New jE tSf The political spy-ghus is an tion and reward of tho services of witbi" u the mud iweDty " }y it'lTciti^iiiR J tho nDdcrsi^iKxl.snrfiTiDgExecatorl "Yen, I did," WIIH tho next rotort, 1 "" tended, returning ilianks for the uncertain instrument just now. It tho employes who had served him a "bnt I hope you dou't call that an Norroa* Deblllt/. Semittal Weakness tho Bnme in'tlm liojtSTos WLEHLT J IXLB- innl Will IILMI Testnmttit of Abrohr.njJ ns, ono of the newspApcrs t'f tliin State, mnif, dpccnurd.will KHI ntPaUio Vend same. He was accompanied by the C&- Tho county debt" is Ijeavy— can't bo trusted. In that'' respect it long time, but for whom no, special improper assignation?" or iuvfilunUrj re threat, public notice beioi< ij.ren n« ftforesnitl.Kncu Statue, in Washington took place on creditor r.h:t]I b(?i-rorfver• debarred of bis or ALrtfliam biirmore, deceased, CODbi&ting of ^»> » — to visit Cheyenno' ono election day ^5- dtronio Congestion* ">J Eniptioua, tbe following tracts or jmrcpls of land: nade followed, and then Dom Pedro *6T The • economical gentleman Friday lost The first contribution Vlttla, 50 centi. (ejwpt 2(1, M aad 35),- $1 00 her notion therefor against tLo i-uhl Adiuiu- Bits of Humor Canght np Here and expressly to see tho workings of the istnttnr. First Tract-Contiininf* abont six tern rodo to tho lower'portion of the city. who stopped feeding bis horse until to the Btatu'e fund was made on the There From tbe Hails. -~- FAMILY CASES, ncre* of inaJ. t^itnitta in tho Township of 'new system.' I did not see a fcinglo Case (Morocco) with sbare 35 Urge rial* m>l A Trae Coj»y from tlip Minntef. '- Ho tarried awhile in Printing House ho discovered the culprit who stole ftj>r. 20,-5iV ]•'. V,. Vi'iLiiiH, Surrogate. Uunivillc, nforesaid,' OD tbe main rosd- morning after tho assassination of respectable woman at the polls.' Ou iliuual of direction*. Jin (1 square, and then fetnrned to the ho-bag of onta showed sufficient wisdom A Mr. Tallow dips into Nebraska the contrary, they rare all of the leadiot: from Monlvillo to Stony Brcnt Io nntl I ncres of land. &iinaU in MootvUIe Tow»- Borges and Viscount ctor. is a mau-perfeetly reliablp in bis denliDgs, Conditions made known on day of Sale, Democratic House wastes its time in miles distant, to induce the laun- 1B76. Vll and that csid. report in only calculntod to spected and asked ninny qustions.— statue, which is of bronze, is of colos- ing the show were struck under cou- dresses attached to tho garrison to bv-- I. H. KINGSIiAND, Executor. - trying to discover if every dollar viction and affirmed thtir determin- To baUnee of RUte, County and Town- injure tbe said Alonzo DoreuiUN in bm bus- "Bntfil JL.rch 20tb, 187a-apr.20 Thence he went in the coach to Cen- sal size, being 12 feet high, resting go to town and vote. I heard after- •blpTaz. Iffti, ineKS. JAMES II. DOKE3IU3. tral Park, and passed over the prin- spent during the past fifteen years ation to turn over a new leal wards thatnearly all refused, Baying; Toamonnt of Tax Doplicste, 1875, - apr.20.-2t' upo$> a pedestal 10 foet high. It , There is no moral censor so keen . MASXEK'S SAI£. cipal roadways, by the Arsenal, and has gono as for as it ongbt to hare represents Mr. Lincoln standing 'If their husbands conldn't voto be- 1875. CB. WE UEO LEAVE TO CALL YOUR AT- In Cbnncorjr of New Jersey. Bctveen gone. In other words the country is and so pure as a politician ont ofcause, they were soldiers, they didn't By p*lt» Conn I j Tax, CMS 67 Garret M. Vnnncm. Complainaot and Si- stopped to inspect the statuary and erect, with the Proclamation of office. •• Township Tax, 1219 33 TEXT10X TO OUlt CHOICE LOT OF suffering for needed legislation while think thoy bad a right to.'" » forpriatina Ui bills. S 00 mon Vanneas, Dcf ai.ortmcot of tXOWEB BEF.D. TUESDAV, the iC tion." -• • ' climb a ladder with a pair of 'em on. Pimples, Eruptions, Bough Skin. OTencer of Boftdt, •> 17 00 THEIXI8E3. RU6TI0 UAS01KQ BASSETS. FLOW. St Patrick's catherdral in Mulberry Girl found Hanging;" but when you The day has arrived when a fair Thefcjstem bei&g put tinder the infln- Jndff* or Election bill, 4 00 En RTIUKJ3. etc. • between the hours of 12 JJ, and p7 read the thing through t& find out •ne«or Dr. Pierce n Golden Medical Dis- Printers liUUorffnldeposU 2 SO that is to nay at 2 P. M., nil tboSetracta or street, - where Vicar-Qaneral~Quin S6f A South Jersey editor is race horse bos only to die to secure n /ni tic* bill. ' XI 00 TOMATO OH CABBAGE PLANTa. by the Doxen parcels of land and premises hereinafter fuller particulars—ih"6' was found coTery ffo r m feffe ww Vde^sVd^ , IbtfiikiIbtf-iikibki n -becomebbecomes Clerk's bill, births, deaths or TbouuDft, to. tbeir Br.«on. a better monument than tho friends '• and marrLavgw, S 20 AIM, tilt lotof,CEDAR I1E.VN POLES, al tho aontione(],ifiittinte, lying and being is tb«- - received them. The emperor and hanging in the arms of her lover.—proud (?) of his large family. ' We are- smoothth, clearl , noft, and velrety, and beini g Towbship, Couoty and State, aforesaid. of tbo most prominent publio . mon illaminnted witb the glow of perfect health Clerk'a bill. 25 SO . * Empress were, escorted in and BeaUd. proud of onr small one, and shall Commtttoe's bin, 70 00 FIKST THACT—On Pompton Plains,, We'll bet a five cent cigar the Bcxxx- are willing to give him. from within, trno beanty stands forth ia John J. Gordon's bill, 12 00 Hardware, Seed and Agricultural Store Few in the congregation wnro aware ira's subscribers called' down, dire bo until times become better. ' ' all ita 0orj. The offecta of all medicines for n»d district Mo. 20, 1*100 or .bonnded on tbe east by formerly the New- Poker Bob says he is neither a Bemttaloos, 24^7 ark and Pompton turnpike road; north by maledictions en the head of its poor which operate apon the system tbmafjh BadDebU. of the presence of royalty. Dom knnvo or a thief or a dnpe. It there, the rasdiam of tbe blood are nFe*sj>&ri)y 158 34^- Ci53 91 TJixon & Dawson, - tho pnblio road lending to Jackaonrille; and bard-worked editor; for so ruth- Nearly oppn, l'osl Office, BOOSTON, N. J. west by lands of TnnU Uyerun, asd south Pedro wore plain black broadcloth, *S?" Tbo wretched murderer Dolsn is any man on earth who believes somewhat slow, no UAtUr how good the April IBtb, bsUoc* due, $10^02 lessly working upon their snsccptible remedy employed. Whilo ono to three March lCtb.-fiw. by lands of Jacob Slingorlaad and the h.irs this statement, it ia Poker Bob. DB. of SiiiancI G..Ji^jlet, deceased; containiojr under a dark overcoat, and carried sympathies;—Dover Index. pleads again and again for mercy of bottles dear tho skin of pimples, blotches, To baluise of Ro«d Tax, 18T4, 131 40 an umbrella. The Empress was Governor Tilden, as if he himself had When a woman finds she has mar-ernptions, yellow' spots, comedones, or 14 47 / NOTICE! ~~ 47 30-100 acres, more or leis. .. The sbove is a very truthful item. ried a prodigal son, she should ariso "Krabu," a dozen may possibly be requir- To amoaot of Bosd T*x. 1973, 2020 TjB Y inTEnT.. Rarah JaDo Blo«er», baa Itfl my » SECOND iitAOT—Near Bcar.rtown, plainly attired in black. They were not been obdurately deaf to tho bo- ed to cur* ft"me cases where th« iTittm M and boarbdd withouihtt juaHKatusfjHK f prortl lonth side ol BtmerJnm brook, bounded Tbo tolo was "barrowinjj." "Dire and go to her father. 1 tbcrrferb a forb\A any perao tni -by aaid brook and lands of others; contain- - ' quietly devotional. The Imperial seeching prayer of tho man he killed. is rotten witb scrofalotut or Tirnlentbtood Bj wort Toacliers, , 1T12 (A lag her OD xaj account, s I win lobilU of Htr "maledictions" wero"called down,"bn t Bell, tbo man. now at work as a poison a. The care of alt these diseases, retarued Ux,' 250 77 eoStractJD*-ctJD*.. ^ILUU BBLOWEAS. ing 141 acics.-mare or less. party next went to Mora's photograph "Spare my life," said Noo, "and go howerer, from tbs common pimple to the reiDlnainaa, •• 7 13 K li TUntD TUACT-6itn«t« at Tom« Point, we still live. The young lady referred witness, appears to .have suffered bsd d«bU, M 9g-2«3S4 ITilie, April Stb, 1871.—Apr. 13.-41 gallery in Broadway. Tho elder Mr. free. I will not follow yob, nor appear greatly by placing confidence in him- worst scrofula is, with the use of the most bonnd«tby lands formerly Christian Man- to is wondering how country editors, potent, only a mattar of time. Sold by BaUaco'due, • -- ~ $146 09 ADJOURNED SALE FOR TAXES. deTillB- . E sale of wood, herbtge, and other TeiMit6Ie ceased; containing 10 aores, Don or less.— who have no roporters, can find ont ho was a rascal. Ho hesitated and prop«rtr of William EfeCatnp, oa Ml no mil. la Toxetber with all and singular, the btred- Emperor, thoy haying become ac- such things. It is a wonder. sake of my family. I will never barm To UI. Special School TUX. 187*. « » raloDtrlUa Tcwsahip, sUnda adjonrnsd toSaturda/,' itamenta and appurtenances to th« Baao got lost Tosia't dnpllcsta Bpeclsl School Ux for 1875. IU6 X333d of April, at tha hotia* of Wilbur Kaybaxt, at qoaintod in Bio Janeiro. Mayor yon." "I can't trust you," said the Nervous Debility. . Tarlorto-ro,bet-«en tbs hours of IS W. and S, F. U, belonging or in anj wire appertaioinjj. It is recommended that every one CR. 91404 •> Wickham was in the gallery, and infamous trillion, and tho murder was Vital weakness or depression: A weak Er psld tower Uontr/llto dUtrlsf, 30$ oo . JOHN II. MILLEDOE, CoUsctor. I©- '•Mendharo^yon are my neigh- plant a tree this Centennial year. If exhausted feeling, no entirgy or coorngo: M Wsnelu* diatrlct, 6(X to DaUd. April 30th, lfnfl. it. Master in Cbancerr. there saw Dom Pedro for the firstbor. I have watcbedovcryou. . Howfinished. This is tho cruel, heartless' you haven't a tree, plant a cat . tbe resnlt of mental orer-work, in d esc ra- •' AMcisor sad Collector. 1» *0 Dated April Htb. 1876-—apr. aa-9w time, and ho said, "I'm glad to see fiend who now pleads, or his lawyors tions or exeesACS. or itome drain upon tho R. CLEDHILL, oft would I have gathered you under Just about thia season of tho year •ntem. ia always oared by Baapbreys* NOTICE ! you."- Dom 'Pedro said, "Thank my wing, and protected yon, but you for him, for "Christian charity," Tex- a good many women imagine that Homeopathic 8pcc!Qo No. 23. It tones np Balance oca, they know how to whitewash a' ceil- and invigorates tho system, dispels tho on. you." ~ Twenty negatives of the. Em- are joined to your idols. lean only ingthoair with reiterations of his gloom and despondency, imparts ttrongtb To balance nf dojtax ISTSaDd ISTi. »48 PAPER HANGINGS,. ing, as well oa any man who orer 134 23 «H fl-otdvsj. (oppodt* Lord k Iaylor't),!*. T. peror and firo of tho Emprear. wcro look upon yon and weep. You havo innocence and witb cries of pardon. and energy.—stops tbft drain i-nd rejaven- To am'k of dnpllcsta of dog tax. 1S7S, Tbo Dnm'o of each delinquent tni- wore boots. • ' . atestbo entire man. Been used twenty PLAIN AHD DE00BATIVE PAU3TIH0 made. They went back to tho hotel prevented my being Director 1 Bool Tha sooner Ibi wretch is swept off years with perfect • access by thousand*. Dy paid mibai* air Workmen Mat to til part* of tha country. \ payor, wlioso tax is not paid by tbo "Ten years ago," aays an oichango, •• A Cran y apr. 20,-Bw - • i an4 lunched.. Afterward they rode hoo! boo! boo!"—Ddlicker. ' : tbe face of tbo earth tbo bettor for Sold by dealer*. Price, $1.00 per ilnglo 11» expatiating on tha profits of breed- rial, or $5,00 per package Q' flT« rials apjl A. Crane. first of July, 187G, wUlbe published, him and' for human society, which Assesiar and Collector: too "~ KEHEUBER TIII8, to Central Park, stopped at the, Ma- ing fine cattle, "Iowa had no abort $2.00 vail of powder. Wont by mail OD re- forpnttlD? np dog II**, 900 with tho amount of such tax rarely has nursed a crcatnro so foul horna." True, Four fingers clear ceipt of price. Address, Kampbreys* Ho- By rerntMion*for meetin. g committee, I M Kow is the tim« of tbe year for Pnen- senm, and returned to tho hotel at 6 '«©- Tho toil end of Committees uaopathio Modlcino Company, 5C3 Broad- By debts. i 4 «— III H monla, Long Fever, Co OR hi, Coldi, and v every time, before tbe water was fatal rtnalla of predupottitioo to Conftpmp- By,order; of Town Committee, o'clock. Dined at 0... •will not snit tho leaders of last year's and BO unnatural. To-morrow is the way. Ncv-Torkt-'- .' " < Balance) due, til 80 day of his execution. dished in, was tbo areraga Iowa j tion .iDd other Tbroat and Lnos Dlieas*. Dl JACOBUS, Collector. . In the oieniog Dom Pedro went toBoard. Why don't Ih^y socodp and nip. But it woe found too wearing, To Ulinca 1871, 1010 IS Ikwcn'B GEBUAM 8TD*JF hai bgen mod the Hippodromd with Viaconnt da start a Board' of their own ? ' They To [ot«re«t nf BnrplnB n.reous. 8tau ap. ia thin' nolgbborbowl for tho tuist two or Boonton, April 20th 2t and short hornB and a good many of MARRIED. prop's aad two mlU Ul. 1673, three year* without« singlefallurotooare. Bom Iletiro, The nsherat tho Tvon- will bo following the example of the BSf Aspirants for the Presidency them has since becomaths custom. -WOmoKH—Atl/ttrer Hont»IIK If yoalinvenot umd tbU medioino yonr- slroet door Imitated illustrious party leadora of a few years aro numerous. Our friend Dellicker It has boon said tbnj a truly inno- • Lit. C4U«. Vr.Ohom*M i. " BTrallDUtrletYo. ««lf, go to ybnr Drttgaist Samacl Darts and ask hiu of its wonderful success among PIGSMPIGS! i' Abont admitting them, and eaid to ago. Chester will probably bo tbewould no doubt mako'on acceptable cent person will boad object of sus- lila customers. Two doses will relieve tho piclon, but .wo one of tho party, "By God, yoo can't first to declare in favor of secession.' candidate for tho Democracy. Ches- ." »n angel to cany IED. worst easo. If yon haTe no faith ID flny piGB nriu be found aU Umea a imr, (or aala, o black bottle around April Iain, 1BT8. cl Dtpb> tnetlfoino, jnct bay a Sample Bottlo of Bos< come in? you can't ploy any root* on Dellicker Bhonld lead.. Judging by ter has returned htm to the Board. ' of_ Henry sad Anna cbea'i German Syrup for 10 cents and try AT DECICEE'S, ' noighborbood » which ia located » it Itegal&r sizo Bottle 75 >lenU. Donrt ate." Tho Emperor was at lengthbis record be would make a splendid It is very sad that he woa/t be Direc- April 17th, tfllfl. L. Out bo 800TT FABaf, oaar Poa- pnblia opiqion AtoelU Baos*^« •«•«) * ncglecift covgh towte 75 ^M i, iprll Ulb. ma.—In. astlrf ai tho aids of Mr. Moody.— leader. , tor anj moro. diridedi y-: "-*-•;-- , •/•

...... _f.—r-—l-^-J^^^ ^««-*^^-»*nr r"n*"ir BOONTON BULLETIN,; April 20, 1876.

—Tb* »ew Board of Fretboldsrs will be and weak places, gUe way easily when thi New Brunswick, In Which plus he settled joonfon fpv% j§ttlleiinconstitated u followst oar pet is swept »r otherwise roughly han- down as a teacher in music. He was or- Boonton-Gtorg* W. Peckhsm*. John dled, canning those woolly tafta and loose ganist for several churches in sneeeuion; POPULAR W. Able. ends of yarn to protrude oa the surface, she was a leading choir alegar. Garland Chatham—Charles L. Chooey*, Georg like spouting plants. The cause rests was very successful with his conservatory Thorsday, April 20th, 1876. T. ParroUV CheaUr-James C. Yawger, DaTid- W. with dealers,-who, by refasiqg'to pay afty of music and muilo store until a few rears Dellioker. mor* for goods mad* in a perfect msmnei ago, when disoerd arose in his famfty.— FLOUR raxi PAPER is OK rajs WITH Hanover-William H. Leonard', William than for those mWe to sproat, fore* mana Mrs. Garland bad him bound over to keep Popular Store, Boonton, H. Howell*. • faotarera to either mak* poor goods oi the peace a few montha before tbe tragedy Jeffenon—Th«odor* Brown', Clark D. DEALERS lit Simpson?. g.Tfl op the buaincBs. The customer oecurred. A teparatien was arranged for. Is lot salo in thiB section of tho country ONLY, at tha Morris-a H. Becker. John W. Hays. should refuse to pay for defect if* goods Mrs. Garland was packing np her things UontvilU—Ourttt B. Jacobus*. John s>|d not order cheap ones- preparatory to leaving, when he appeared Norwood*. before ber pistol In hand. ML Olife—Robert C. Bftrtley, Geo. A, Th* price of iDgmfn abd body BrqueU Smiths ...:.- • _. - ~. carpets has talten conaid«rably, andjtapes* • ui uuui IUUS Meadbam—John N. Carroll^ Joba S. tries are expected to follow, though th The Presbytery of Morris and BtjRer". . t . latter ar* in great demaud.—7*&e Mouse' Orange. Pauaio—Thomis E. Allen, Jeremiah ketpvr* . ." LOCAL JOTTINGS. HAyden. 4 The Presbyterymet at Mad If BO,Tuesday Hardware, Paints, Oils, Garden and Field Seeds, P«qaann6c—Peter Hopper*, Altxande: of lut weak and elected Eor. A. Erdman, —Man a factories tilent. Gillsud*. The Young Elurder Case. of Mvrristown as Ued«rator/ and Revs. BOOISTTOlSr, —Onions are grbwfog. - Randolph—James R. Beemar*. Robert Mosea Woroester, of Bouth Orange, aa< —The birds slog merrily? Richards*. . *. . "• I HAH BCBPEOTED OF TUB MUBDBft COUMITS Rockaway—Jacob Van Winkle, Jr., Wil- Starr, of Orang*, as Cierkju Tb* names ol Boots, Slioes, Rubbers, —Wotsr baa left Boonton c«lbrt. BCtCIDIL - ' liam MotL Mnin. Arthur Bra*&, and Mr. GardB*7, —Very little building at present, Roxbary—JnramUh Baker*. EUrem Abeut two weeks ago. Mr. Pa tar Young, wer* proposed for examiaation for Hceoses, HATS, CAPS, &C, , / " —We will BOQD h&va graaa butter, a well-to-do farmer residing near Phillips* Th* Prosbytcry voted no to aa overttr* ( —AT— —Tbe early bird catches a bn- B., of Morristown; Rer. Tille branch, from the new depot toon. to himself, "I wonder when I'll get pay for ins married.. Canned Lobster, Salmon, Pine Apple, Pess, Corn, Lima Beans, Pears, To' Nathaniel Conklin, of N«w V«raon. Altar- —Olre the charche* A hearty nnd gener- these; last month's bill ain't settled yet.— A paper waa fonad In Mr. Gitrron's pock- matoes.OjBters, Prcserrcd Strawberries, Peaches, French Chow Chow. nates, IUT. J. L. Danner, of East Orange, Pickled Onion and Cucumber Pickles by the dozen or hundred, ous support. Yoa wltt-hax", Joar «w«d- Go«. Atlontie or Jewett's White Lead, per hon.,"$M.00; Pan Unseed OH, ptr Kal.,C9 c't». | yesterday ? want it knownjbat they aaspected him.— Boiled Linseed Oil, per g»l., 75 cts.; Bent Tor.' itine, per gnl., CO cts.; Arerill Cheml' irapret«siv*. Mr. Jones. 'Very, well, indeed. What Morristown Letter. cnl Faint, per gal., (1.90. Paint*, Dry aod In 11, all colon. Ccaeh and Fumltaro iTho neighbors say that.this information Varnish, kc. - . —Charter election on Saturday,MAJ Cth. hare yoa fjot to-day that's good ? (prompted Mr. Uarron to commit . 'Jean-Charles-Leopold- Salvador - Bibm- We are to elect a Mayor, Clerk and f*nr Butcher. I've e°t some turkeys, sir, but,The following is a copy of the letter found no-Francois-Xavier-de-Paale- Leocado - Mi Coancilmen. ihey'rs only middliog,. and if yoa'll wnlt in his pocket: obasl-Gabriel-RAphael-Ganzflgne P«dro;tb* PER HUNDRED. —W« nndtntand that the mil It of the till Sat onlay I can get you something real Ma. SiMUxx A. DEPTTE: I do this to letSecond of Alcantara, Emperor ol Brazil" (I Boonton Iron Company will BUrt op onnice, nnd at a low figure. yoa know and bare some motive of my believe that is all of it) should be invited Having bonght at the BEDTJCED FIIICES enables ns to nnderEsll those asTing a gtoolf Monday next. Mr. Jones. . What are yoa ukiog for doing this rash act to myself; but-I saw >ut here to see oUr two and a half million I stood guilty in th* eyes of the people, .as. \ on band. Try ne, and 70a will see. ' * —The interior «f the M. E. panda-age bos ite&ks and roanta to-dny ? the murderer of Jacob Young. But I nev- Asylum at Morris Plains.' The subject haa It is a brand of Flour more celebrated for always being OXK been repainted, repspered, Jtc, aad pre- Butchtr. Steaks, 25 cents; roasts, 22 er tonohed a hair on his head. Bnt I felt already been bruited and some of onrTniNO—UNIFORM in its GOOD QUALITY—than any other Bag Flour Horse Shoes and Horse Nails at lVhoIesale Prices. ceatA. so bad about it, that it made m* fret and ipeech maker* are getting ready to speech- uenti a neat oppe&ranae. \ talk about it, that it set tbe people bsU*ve ever before introduced' into this market. Alse, Carriage an 1 Tire Bolts, Bntti, Screws. Strap Hincec, Kim Locks, FodlocW, —The new Board of Freeholders will Mr. Jones. All right send m* the same as it was tat, but .these are my last worda,and Tbnmb Latches, Hcoopu, Shovels, Sptiles, Osrden and ;Manare Ferks, Steel and Iror) Tbe "Black List">pftho Merohants Pro- Crewbars and Railroad Flcks,Onifts and Broih Scvtbes and Snaths, Steel Oarden Bakelf bare tb* Democratic debt to carry. The lost Sfttordny—ten ponnda. (Takes oat bin am not guilty of it Please don't give up pocket book and pays tho money,-.having search for the gni'.ty ones, and bring them tective Association.haa been for sale oil the In PRICE ana QUALITY it is IMPOSSIBLE to MATCH it with any nd Hoes, Kocknwnj Ales, Mntcboti, Buck Suwi, 4c. te. Well Backets, Clothe) people most remember this. »Vringers and Baskets. thus aajed not Ies4 than eh* fourth o( to justice. II I would stayed, and been itroet this week. It comprises names of a NEW YOBK FLOURS, and this fact is freely admitted by New York sales- pDDisbvd for that crime that woald ntop —Anclion ante of store eoods by L. S. smith's ootlsy.) V. twjer, a minister, oae church and all oth- men who-havo EXAMINED it lie onion, at Faitdppany. on Tharsday all guilt of other ones. I b«UeTe y*n have had some of tbe murderers on the grounds. ir occupations under the sun. A number Tbe Exclusive Agency throughout this section of the country for the sale of Agent for Domestic Sewing Machine Co. nnt, 27 th. in st Particulars on posters. The cause of th* scarcity and dearnesa Sly fretting about it much and was afraid ipposite each name shows the number of i-Jobn Barrett, • who ran for Cmsnita- of frenb nab is ascribed to their whol of being,lynched instant on the grounds •laces where each is inJohtod; the highest S-** dcHtruction by the aeine before they are mads mo not like to stay and punished for niooer of Appeal, leceired 191 rotei instead what I was not guilty of. My wife knows m tb* list is sixteen. The copies of tha ' ^ AGENT FOB LISTER BEOTHEES" of Id, as annonncod last week. iciently grown to b* fit for the table. I was not guilty of that erimt*. I bate to it were cold for twenty-five cents apiece, The Easton Bag Hour The boat mnck*rel now briuga $23 per leave my family as bad as n man can. bnt ,nd nearly every delinquent purchased Super Phosphate of Lime, Eclipse Guano, Ground BonC, —Sale of personal property, at the resi- if I had stayed and been punished for an IS AT barrel, or jail double last year's price*. >ne. It haa b*en a "big bonanza" for th* denoo of Mrs. John Mahoneyi in Grimes* IVhot ara people going to do wbo keep nnjuiit cricu* that was not guilty of, it Bnildisg, on Saturday afternoon next. would have beeu a ntftin for life on my >Arty who got it out. . It bos done tb* mer- BONE MEAL, BONE FLOUR. teot? family. - If I would of told yoa now, youchants good in neveral cases, to my knowl- —The meeting at the Roems of the Y. vould not believe it, bnt tbEi is a trying The People's Cheap Cash Store. M C. A., on SandAy Iwt was large and in- One reason why so many peopje remain letter to write to finish lit* with. I sweat edge, having induced Rome "old stagers" 6ALL. ANDi LEARN OUR LOW PRICES. tTiDg**Mr. H. S. Lyon was the lender. •oar li, that they bny in >mall quantities, while doine it. while roy dear wife bid on » "walk np to tbe captain's office." , Like Thin Flonr is WARRANTED as RECOMMENDED and it always,SUS- tbe loange resting. It is as true as I CAD iflDj other things having a good object, TAINS the WARRANT. —Patrick PnrcelU in j-iit a short time for ml benco pay the highest pric&s. A Newspeak, AUII my lost words to you all, Good beating hi* wife, has been released, bat ork'mochnnic might buy a banel of po> br friend* and neighbors. his Association can be prostituted to *vil Utoes for little more than whst a single purpose*; for instance, if a member of it TRY IT! William Parcel. Uk«s hid plare for the snme j Yours truly, TnEobonE G*nnow. ilo'n Store, offence. bnithel costs him; while bU coal.co-tt, by aiu a' bill ngainst a pcreon which is not Grocery Department, N. B.—Wringers and Washers of all Kinds, repaired at short notlco. My lout wish is to hobt tho guilty ones iu.it, by threatening to ruin that person's —Some of onr citizen* grnmbled b** the pail, ten or nllcon dollars'a ton, when t tbe murder and punish them. April 20th, 187G. Boonton, N. J., March 9th, 187G. T be ought to pay. $7. So it* is with otbor credit by pnttinR.bis name on that list, b* S.S.XTON. £1,430 wcro asked for to support onr pub- mighisucceed in bUckniailing him. (Tliore lic school*. Dov«r wiujts, 53,435 and wearticles. He lives from hand to mouth, Newspaper Patronage. In Ibe matter of sppoiotment of Cotn- on the pint form of n crtr. Extending hin and is consequently compelled to pay four are several names now on th* list which I miuionera fur assessiDg (lamaees occjuiioD- bstut beyond the car he WBS ntrnck bj a suppose will get it. Ther* necoi to be a great many different fast coming train ia nn ppposito direction \. prices for everything. 'It is a decent for- enn hardly believe desarve to bo there).— ed by tbe pusBnge of tbe Longwrnid ValUj —Boonton Lodge, No, 170, L O. O. F.. ways of defining and understanding tb* ltnilrond orer lands of Henry Baker, Wm. at Venn Vnllej. His bend WAS litomllv tune to haf o a retail stors in a poor neigh- Bnt this is only th* abase, the use is s very H. Baker, nnd Jadgft Depno bas appoint- knocked offbia body, and both hi» arm a bas changed its night and place of miet- phiase "newspaper patronac*," ami, as agood and Tery necessary coo. ' After April 1st, eil W. O. Lalbrop ao.l W. IL Howell.iti tbe and legs vero broken. borhood, for* tbe profits mado from poor party interested in, a correct definition ot injj. It now meet* on Taw Jay ereniug of Tho Mansion House has been leased by" plnce of vuuiel G. Cr^ig (wbo doclined to people are immense, and, at there is nothe same, we give tbe following disqnU- Tbe Legislative Committee on sffair* of each week, in Pytbia Q Mr. Gafrio to Mr. Ge«rg* J.Kibbot, for- oot), and Horace Cbambarlain (an origi- tbeiRtate Normal nnd Model schools, at credit given, tho trade is sure. tion on the subject by one; who knows nal corporator of tbe Voail) wbo were ap- —Wo judge, by the lurge. number of merly of Key port, N. J. Trenton, N. ,J., hnting prepared a report The Splendid New Store hereof he speaks. It may serve, per- pointed by tbe Court, on tbo 18th of Uarcb fulvene to the present management, thu pipes purchased by one of our profession- How much'better it is to always pay The churches were, more or loss, deco- haps, an a mirror, in which certain parties principal, Lewis 21. Jobnnon. ba.4 tender- —OF— al men, that he thinks, of passing away tbe your bills promptly. Tradesmen do'not rated with flowers on Easter Sunday. At w ed his resignation, to take offset in Jnn« mny be able to "see themrslre* as others dnll times in smoking. * like to call "for that little account" any St Peter's ChnVch a collection, which Tho Bcixrnx.notes that $115,000 were Dtrxt He in acaascJ of mismanagement s them:" rained at tho recent aleetion ia Montville and an offenBlfely arbitrnrj manner of more than" their customers like to be amounted to $1,000 was taknn up, to pay a —Emma Campbell, of Morristown, has Many long and dreary years in the pub- for c >^° boards and potts. A paper tbat de«li>g with teachers and papila. dunned, and it is far better to pay them off outstanding debts. How is that for —Me An life ws& WnTsb, tbe contractors for received .a beautiful Bjbls from IIr. San- lishing business bas forced the conviction is so fond of noticing such a trifling error without the necessity of a hint from them. 'hard time* ?" as thttmadeby as in spelling of » Oi the new tunnel of the Delaware, Lncka- key. She was the Ruthor of the hymn, upon us that newspaper patronage is a wanna and Western Railroad Company, Mrs. ElijpibjtOv.Jonea, of Newark, wbo oaght to watch iUnlf.—Dover-Era,'". "Jeaosbr Nazareth passeth by." Never bny the first eheese made, the rord of many definitions,jind that a-great VT« aro glad that onr frieDd of ths Era bate bad is their employ for more than was visiting frisads in this place, left tbe gtwitbstanding tie threatened rain of March and April product. At besV majority of manVind are either ignora it of has his eye on as. It doesn't make mach two years an confidential clerk Lonis I3re- Baptist Church last Thnrsdaj evening and zer, a snrreyor. . A few daya ago he went jsning, tha M. E. Chnrch was make of these months is v«ty~pooV, while th* correct definition, or are dishonei. in a differtneo abont oar watobing aarselTes, wandered off in the fog. ID front of the off on a pleasure trip, and his fail a re U 110 •T. J. B. Taylor, tbe pastor. a large proportion ol it ia absolutely worth- itriol/Biblieat sense of the word. News- as tho Era will correct us if we moke a return grvre rise fo snspicions that be wan First Presbyterian Church sh* nUpped off licellent discourse, less, by reason of poor milk, the almost paper patronage has aa many colorsjos the mistake. not honest, wbiob/ were verined by thodii- Opposite City Hall, 1st National Bank and Post Office, the sidewalk into the gutter and broke her coTery that he had forged his employer's we. Dentist, can be seen at his anivers.il abstraction of tho cream, andrainbow, and Is as unchangeable as a Tbe Copperas mine, at the foot of right leg in two places. Bha waa carried Green Fond mountain, (nbont six miles name to acheok/on the Citizcc's Bank of the general curing bouse being totally "un- ehnmeleoa. 1 Hew York for $2,830. In addition to the offici bsOrden's> building every day, to Mr. Wm. Myer'a house, where ah* bndfrom nibe rnia),;s being worked to Its fnll- PATEE^ON, 2ST. J., fit for tho care of the cheese. This cheese OD* man comes in, sabBcribca for A pa- ext capacity. Within the post two weeks theft of the money be has taken scxori.r •xeep! y Ifyo»hav»tbe toothochei besn Tuition comes -direct 'upon the marked when tbe per, pays for it In advance, and goes home Mrs. Jon J is over sixty » large foroe of extm men have been pat or wont &DBT set of teeth, give him a eall. years old. to work, and it is expected that this week rnluable apera. His /elatirea roeide in WILL BE CHANGED INTO A . —Watchful woman, with arms akimbo, old stock is Leing used up, and the fact and read* it with a proud satisfaction that Philadelpl Sheriff Freeman ke«pVthe prisoners at tho mine will run by a day and sight of its newness may, but should not tempt it is his. H* bands in bis adv*rtUement shift A-new boaso is being erected for anil a worried look about the eyes: "them work as much aa possible. He bas bad carpets does look dreffal bad; must come buyers to preler it to the oldest cheese. and tbe advantages thereof. Thi* is pat> for ft largt engine which will Tarnish com- Lower Montville. ronage. v them at work thia week improving th* lawa press air.for the pnrpose of driving dia- We ware Tery sorry that the inclemency up next week anyway,8prin£ or no Spring. Tha coantry shopkeeper said: "Here, in front of the Court House. The tree* mond drills—probably in both the cats— of tbe skies, presented yoorself nnd oth- —For choice seed Potatoes, of the best my friend, those balls of batter I boaght Another man oaks yon to send him the and to drive tbe hoisting apparatus. We er Boonton friends from attending oar Large Auction Bazaar! tv* b**n trimmed and dag around and nre slad to learn that times srs so lively variety, aueh as Snowfjake,Earlr Vermont*, of yon but week all proved to b« just paper, and goes off without Baying a word Townthip Sabbath School Council, lost in one vide of the yard a flower bed in the ia thst section*—Index. Wednesday ereniog. Howerer, thero was FOR THE SALE EXCLUSIVELY OF ' \ • ' '•Browneli'a Beauties. Early Bote and Late throe onnoes short of a pound." And theabcut tbe pay. Time flies on; yoa are in ihape of an M and the. other aide, one the A ssrioas accident hspponed Tharsd&y on encouraging attendance at both Ses- Bow, gala tbe Hardware, Beedand Agri- farmer innocently answered: "Well, I need of mooey, and aska^him te pay the sions, and exercises of singing and Bjicnk- snm he owes yoa. He flies into a passioB, ibspe of a C, haa been workod. to Mr. Wm. S. DeCamp. formerly of this cultnral Store of Dixomfc^Diwson, nearly don't see how that could be for I ssed one Tho proprietor of the Whippany drug place bnt at present living in Fswerville. ing wor* spirited and inapiring. Eey. E. DEY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, HOUSEKEEPING opposita lbs Post Office, Boonton, N. J. of your pound ban of soap for a weight" perhaps pays; perhaps not, and orders bis Mr XleCamp having bnsiness to transact Meacbam.- IL C. Jenkins,Esq., and others, paper stopped. This is called patronage. store, aad a Morristown drag cl«rk wore was on his way to Slorristown, driving a di8oa!>scd ihorooghly several topics of tbe GOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE programme. Another Coancil is to be held tcuoohi will net b« closed, wd are "A weary clerk" writes to complain of One man brings ia. a fifty cant advertise- riving through Uotlh SL at a rapid pace spirited team of yonDg horses, and vben last Sunday evening, when their wagon col- in tha vicinity of Capt, 1. H. Riley, Little- next month of May, at Whitehall. As the glad to learn. Tbe new law frightened tha kind of shopping ladies do who make ment and wants a' two dollar puff thrown Easter Exercises, proposed by the Reform- lided with that of Mr. James D. Bhawgar, ton, tb* bolt of the vagon broke, frighten- tbe people, but as tbe teachers hav« evinc- the lives of ston attendants miserable: in, and whan yoa decline, n* fioe* off mad. ing tbe herseswbioh, becoming, unmanage- ed Church Sabbath School were not held, BOUGHT JIT \AUCTIOJS; ed e wlllingoMS to wait until the Board The lady who bos a friend (in the conn- Even tlila is called pat rob age. in which were five personStUpsettingboth. able ran into a ditch by the roadiids, by reason of the threatening weather, the ralso the money without rioUting the law, No ona was iDJarod. throwing Ur. DeCamp to. the ground, School will bold its Vernal Council, FroT* try) who wishes her to get samples of tbe One man don't take your paper. It h brsaking his right leg below ths knee. Ideace permitting, nextfiabbath arening, tha aohools will remain open nntil the reg- aew spring styles; will be sare to erder by too high priced; but he borrow* and reads The reading raom is still open daily.— AND WILL BE SOLD at AUC- ular vacation. The attendance a short lime ago averaged Hs was at once taken into a neighboring th* 23d inst COM return mail. It regularly. And that ooald be called farm boaso and ths injana limb was It u a proper time to find out onti- The lady who has on np town Invalid ewapaper patronage ninety per day, bnt since th* weather grew sbortlyafterwardsdiotud by Dr. E. P. Coo- TION PRICES. warmer it bas diminished considerably. quated things, and BOW it appears that friend who canoot get oat, bat who wlehes One man likes your paper; he takes a per. Tbe team was stopped in Littleton, Dr, Bart in e moved sway last week. Th* and retaraed to the owner uninjured.— pnll backs aro not • modem improvement samples of all the newest promenade salt- °PT. P*7* for it, and geU his friends to MILLINER Y parsonage bas b*en refitted and I* now oe- KrpuUican, . Remember the Above Means Business. tiler all* tot som* twenty seven'hundred ings. . . / do tho same; bo ia not always grumbling tnpi*d by Dr. Van Banschoten. years ego an eld poet (he might ha»e been Tha lady who is oadecided—si the sea- to yofl or to othsn, bat has a friendly Squire Iaaso Bird was saved from tho ooog then) wrote: son, is so advanced and so,open; thinks word. If an aociden) occujp in his section STATE NEWS. general wreck wbicu befel th* Republican W0Bap ah* had better wait tar the spring styles'in he inform* th* editor. This is newspaper —AT THE— Townablp-tickeL He and "StevV Lore* The Legislatnra has posssd s law ollow- nsf>> (Uterta lo a plain black drets goods. This conclusion «tronage. ing tbe Assassora ef tho several townships N. B.—NOTICE.—-- are th* heroes. -It U oot onlyj>qlloy, but U <• equity, is arrived SI after tnrnlngover the whole bne hands yon a marriage or other no- three cento per name for taking tbo ()o- at should lead a man to always obsarvs Tho embankment on which the railroad csnnial 6tA|e esnsns and tho c«nsns oi stocky.ahd admiring eaoh particular piece tic*, and asks for extra copies containing •very tsnth year. NSIYOISTOM i rat* of home pstron»ge. namely, por. with acstatle'rf mark*. .rock ia laid Iron Ford Avtnne to "the • at borne, even if tbe -articles are a it; and whea yoa ask him for pay for tbe iwltou" is being widned in preparation Tbirty-ona pinnated grooss werti recent- FROM KAHCH, 1st TO APRIL 1st, Perhaps sons of oar readers may know ly rootied frois Iow»by the agent ol the > higher. By so doing, you encourage paper*, be look* surprised: "Yoa surely Tor eiUndiog tho doabl* track to the de- Oar SECOND Spring Opening will of others of the same sarL don't takeanj pay forsachamall matters?" West Jersey Gam* Protective Society, and pg p Our Largo Stock of * . |ir merchant to keep a belter stock, and pot If the railroad company woald then have bsen distribtttsd through the counties piece on Thia ia called newspaper patronage. b larger one; thus, as tha bmlncss "Willjca trait me for a olook?" asked nilda decent depot btre,and fill in aroand over which the society has jurisdiction. One (it la good to see such) comes Ja and L Ui» belter is he able lo lover the a man of a peddler. "I am not at alt so it woald not be in tb* centre of A mad Destructive fires, belisveil lo bo of in- afty*: "The year for wbich I paid ta aboat SATURDAY, the 15th inst,, acquainted , with yon, yon matt recol- io1«, thiy woald benefit tbcmselvM Mid eendisry origin, havs been raging for a to expire; I want t# pay for another." Ha week pant in ths woods near Weymonth, when we shall be ready to show a fine so- (—Smrtpspa borrowan are aboat «» lnt," said fh» p«Idler. "Thai is tho very h* town and earn th« graUtud* of tbe .tlsntio County. Abosl two thousand New Goods! New Goods! does so and retire*. This U newspaper / lection of reason," was tba rejoinder, "why I made vlfol*people. As-it u.thdflrstImpression sens of Y'loabls timber-land han hsea isubacribers. They ought to know patronage. Bonght since October last, will bo thatplB|Mi ,bj«ct to loaning their papers, the proposition. If yoa kaew ma yon \l Monialowa on tb* mind of 5 stranger burned over and destroy<-L ' ;. ' It will b* seen from the above thatwhfl* whether tmf «sy^» -or not Wo know wouldn't trust roe. I'm sure of that" i lust b* very QQfaTorabl*. Tb* depot ia Urs. Susan Colas, of Newark, who was HATS, FLOWERS, RIBBON certain kinds of patronage are tho very injnnd by a coilUdoo betwesn a borsa-csr •boat this, for'we bear them grumble.— r sod dlrtyttbagroand around it if tbre* life of tha newspaper, then are ethir and %• locoraotlve, lsst November, bas in- &c, Sea. ,, 6oma folks resort to til kind of devices to Ksrosens oil Is adrsnelag. On» Tear feet lower than tha street, and Is In damp SOLD AT COST CASH kind1! njora) fatal to Jti haalth and cironbv stitnted • unit against the Delaware, Laok- read tho paper without paying Tor it.—ago crudooU sold at 40 cents per barrel. eather very spuddj. Both Morris and awanna and Wsstera Bailroad Co., layisg Knowing that the times demand VERY tion than tha eoPa of a boa constrictor ax* In order to make roooom for AdctloU CLods. Don't do e» any more, but sabsarlbs and Sow it brings from $2.08J to $2.13}, and Eln Streets (&a two leadleg from the da-her daaages at •15,000. LOW PBICES, wo win sell at the VEBY ' pay for the po^er like men. with no prospect of a decline. to th* luckless prey be patronizes. Jacob F. IUniiolpb. President, and Wil- pot) are miorrably paved witn^briok. Mor- lord Biohards, Buperlntsndent, - of tbe LOWEST FIGURES, —W» ocknowledgo tha receipt of a seat An honest storekeeper It quick to appre- is street sldawalk especially, is in a bod Montelair «nd Greenwood Lslu> Bailroad The Present Stock is Repletd ^th desirable Dress Goods, pamphlet entitled, ••MorrlatowD, H. J.,ciate a sUsdy customer, for Instance. Five Years at Hard labor. eondiiton, sad for travellers thereon rnb- Company, have resigned, in consequence, JUST PBOFTT ENOUGH TO SUSTAIN THE BUSINESS THBOUGH THE Hialorleslkod Desoriptire," pshllihed by sack a dealer VIII often tell a good buyer b*r boots are Uio osiytefa jpedsl coverings it Is reported, Of tie Interference of the Silks, Shawls, Woolens, Domestics, &c, &c. taartwo raorasson em n nv man's reasonr..with_thWr.daties._ . . * ' r — SEASON. Thos. J. OTosnell, a Morrislown reporter. when there U going lo b« a tit* In certain STATX nusov, wstwsftther. Ftoszttc-e Hsraa-a, N. J;, April 17.— The bo*k aboonda in historical lull eon- articles, and oilvtoe parebaafag an axlra Prof, Garland, who shot and severely While a party of twelve of lie Inmates of BLEACHING &, CLEASING To bnjors ol Dry Goods thia in well worthy of attention, and offen an op» •Mlad With the early isUUraonl of oarstock on that awoont Tmasisat custom- wounded his wife on the 30th of Septem- NEWS. Dr. Tralr* Hygienic InsUtotion at this portnnit; to pnrchaso first-class Dry Goods at Prices loner than damaged eouaty seat: a very Intonating amount of ers never profit by suc coxmry place were out sailing ot Sunday after- goods ore now aolling. ^ • . ber lost In Hew Braniwio'k, and then shot There art twenty prisoners in thaoounty ATTIKDID TO AT SBOBT Nonce tha "Morristown Ghost," which created noon the boat.capsized,/lrowning Urs. imselflhroURhthshetd, rat kit throat, jailll* two «f whom arv«o womtowomto. Miller and her daughter' of Maqaokota, i InhrsM exdUmeot In 1788, and Mor- A penou was told that tore* yards ol WehapeTwIth MISS CBANE'8 assist- cloth, by being wet, would shrink on* hocked bis wrists; and frocturtd bis skull It is ranaond that • large fores we. The boat was Avpfoaded. ance, to be able lo please all who may wish i u it U. II is. embellUhed with with » hammer, was sentenced to five years la to be *mploy»i in la* b Fifteen tramaS*were dlseo»*red in anto call on ua. . ; . I Us* sagnvloga, snch as the "llor- quarter of a yard, "Well, then," ho In- in« bafor* IOOK. quired; "if yoa should wet a quarter of a i State prison by Justice Seadder Monday. spty oninJHjf » westward-bound train For the very liboral patronago we receiv- %/3o*atf floldiers'.Monument," "New Prof. Garland is sa Englishman. Boms Barcca City muits to bny orthsKricSHirood at, LaekawaxtB, Poi, EWS0FS, yard, would there be nay t*R 7" hand fire «aglna, and tha member* on^bi ed from onr, friends, we return many , pud Ijcenra Boiiaing," "It E. twenty-five •/sen ago be obtained work as o»,B>turda«Hfttrcieon UsL Tb»y were thanks. compaoy want to sail Jt and procor* * eieeted. wBM|g|;B, them R»TO the informs- »," "Mlnurf Home," "New Insane Croat complaint Is nude by many pur- farm laborer in Freehold. It oamo to tot iteam«r. J"WneM«gtol'«He»aqo»rt«rs," >oa that Hffljr»er8 on their way to the Mrs. N. A. Myers. 110 Weslungtott Stteet, P&tdrson, Wt J. chasers «f carpet*, on ueomtef what the notice ef his employer aeeidcoUUr thai ho The D«teoontls townthla anlquj Grand 0nSHu,3 Of toe Tramp, Society, t Art Out pBhlilhel, who, has dealers call "spouting." Bod sutsrlal Is ia play the plane) like a master. This M.rrU last »a*fc hot«l«a!«4 for C ; orer yjaj^elegales aid STOKK 05 BIBCB 8TBEET, XEAB For actual bargaiot in regtllnr goods, and after April 1st, it will be , i- --—road thf» and night k TBry intfitfsUss,* lam d«- nsed la the mimnkcturt of tesMtrie*.— led to bit Uaohlng eloues la meaio first In•a* PatrickMoor*. '* rwef t &tAii PEESBITEUUS CUDUCHi " no «• will rogret Bute Frtoftj bat too party ma»* Hens*, threvla il« of Twataa. *M on BOONTON, W. J. HE'WSON'S AtJOTION BA2AAB. lumpy b-o varied by exlrjaely tula Be.owrried * sites of evHaycT Cosove* of «tiwa. i etaoling i, April 6th, 1(7«, Utfoh Btb, Il78r ;' v % "'" ^:-^/:: V'^\ \;^.;yr?


SHERIFFS SALE. SHERIFF'S SALE. In Chancery of New Jersey.—FL fa. for New Jersey finpnme Court. Joh&B. Amuicrmwi Insurance! MEAT MARKET! FURNITURE ! Bald uf mortgaged pr«mUet wherein Si- TS. Alice N. Btevenston and Jcunetto Coatca^FL r (». do boo. et tor. In CUD. Iltlurnabia. to July mon Sterne, 4rast«e for the oraditura of Terra, 1875. COMPANIES FIour&Feed Louia L'ltiLerg and Company is complain- .-AVOPfiTUS H'. CtTLEIt, Alfj. ant, aud Uhoilu E.Wuite and the Wataon T virtue of tbe above lUtsd writ of Fltri Facias . Mauufuciuriug Cump'any are defendants. B inmy.handB.lshalleiiHise for sale at iMblic THE BEST AKTICLi,! . Walani and* Enameled Vfiiduo-Jt too Uanalon-Uotuie Hotel in Uorrtstown, A SPECIALTY J Itoturouble tt> May Turn, A. D. 1876. ' N. J., on - . • .PITNEY & YOUNCIBLOOD, Sul'rs. MONDAY, tho 8th day of MAY ueit, • • ! ' • FRESH EVE^!r DAY! CHAMBER SUITES, 5 Y virtue of the aboto stated writ of fieri !,' P. 18T0, betwcoa tbe hours of 12 o'clock u. aud 5 ' facias in my hands I shall sxpoae for B I'clock r. M., that is to say. at 2 o'clock In the after- • i • •• ' sale at public xendaa^ nt tho United States in of aald day, all the right, tllloand interest «f General Fire and Life Insurance. Agent, Boonton, $: J. HAT BACKS, Hotyl, in MorriiU6wo, N. J., on tbo defendant. Jennctte Coatps, is and to all that The undersigned still innisU that he keepi th« " .'.• THE BEST tract or ]>arc<-l of land and premtaca hereinafter de- Mondflf, tho Slth day of April next, scribed, lit unto, lying ind being lu the vilh^o f.t AMERICAN MUTUAL, of Newark, N. J., Aaseta over $1,000,000 Ikiuntoo.'coniily of Morris aud Htate of New Jersey, A. D. IS™, between tbe hours of 12 M. and iHiglnnins on tbe soatberly aide of Ore«n street at MERCHANTS, " •;; ;; ;;' ^00,000 BEDSTEADS, . G o'clook r.JU.. that la to BayaV-i o'clock, in a point duUnt one hundred fact northeasterly fruiu Leading Market Place, .tho afternoon of said day; alt the following tbe east corner of Omen and Csdar streets; theocA described tracts or parcels of land and 1) ttprtheaaterly alonjt ilnta street fifty fret;— GERUANIA, " Capital, ^v, ,^.200,000 and it ready to f>erre the comoianHr at the Shop or st the house of the citizgps. I h"&Te"Walnut Centre Tables, tbtuce at right angles to Green (itreet southeasterly .-ETNA, of Hartford, Conn., Assets. . -.' - v- :C;000,OQOpleotj of help and will attend !• ill orders prouiptly. (JIVE ME A CALL. premises, tutaate, lying nnd befog in the me himdrtidfeet; thence parallel to Orocu street Township of Pequnnnoo, in tho county of lotithwratcrly fifty feet; thence at ri^bt angles to CONTINENTAL, of New York, Capital, - - - 1,000,000 BEST QUALITY ^:.- Morris and Kioto of New. Jernoy: , Jrcen sUctl northwesterly one bundrt,dfeet to the REMEMBER THAT MY TLACE IS AT THE - iM-tflrming curotir No. 3, In map ol F. k L. deed to MUTUAL BENEMT UFE, of Newark, N. J., and llio NORTH AMER- The first tract, Bt A placg.called tbe"Bog William C'oatet, dated Jannarj atth, 1851, and re- ICAN, of New York. EXTENSiON TABLES, bod Fly," being part of lota onmber tan, corded In Book of Dfrdi C E. fiagr* S3* and 635. • eloren, twelre and foorteoD, as numbered JERSK HOFFMAN, late Sheriff, Corner of MAIN and CANAL Streets. on a tunp of tbe division of said bog and Dated March 3d, 1876.-ai>r 0,-Gw. SOFAS, LOUNGES, fly, as recorded in the clerk's office of eaid ALSO, WHERE CAN BE FOUND • county of Morris, in Book V of deeds,page SHERIFF'S SALE. 78, Ac, Beginning in the middle of theIn Chancery of Kew Jenity. F1. fa. for sale of mnrt- Chairs, Tables, «fec. FOR ^ main ditch and at tbe northeast cornnrof a urd prsmlses, wherein John F. Posl Is coin- AGENT FOR THE tract of fifty-one and a half acres convoyed lnant. and fiilas L. King and Aiuba L. Klug ara BEEF, PORK, by Garret M. Vanneus and wife to Juceb fendauta. Returnable to Msy Term, A. X>. lti'G. ALSO, SICE STYLES OF CEO. WALKEE JENKI^B, tJol'r. CELEBRATED SPLENDID BRANDS Slead by deed dated October 7tb, 18o9,and Y vlrtno of tbn above stated writ of Fieri Tafias Lamb, Mutton & Veal, from thenco running along the middle of B iu my hauda, I sbsll expose for salo at I'ublii; OF . . .. said ditch as tho compass then pointed, Vrnduc. at the UultcJ SUtcs Hotel, in Morris town, CAEPETS first, north throe degroes and iorty-firo K. J-, OQ. Estey Cottage Organ, —AND— nunntex cast eight chains and thirty links MONDAY, the 15th day of May noit, GAME AND POULTRY, to the south line of lot Damber eleven;— A. D. 1870, betwren the hours of twelve. M. and five Family Flour* thence, second, along said lino north sev- 'clock V. U., that is to say, at two oVl'x-k in Ibo THE BEST IN USE. OIL CLOTHS, enty-five degrees and twenty minnt«s vest fti'rnooii^nf vaid day, all those tracts or ji»rrohi of Boonton, July 17th.-ly. IN THEIR SEASON; ... . auds and premises, situate, lying and being in the CALL OH 1 • twelve chains; thence, third, north seven- township of Poqtiaunpj, la tbe c«tiuty.o* Morris, JUST RECEIVED. teen degree a east eiyht olmins and ttavtnty and State of >*uw Jersey, and described as follows : links to tho pnath line of lot number ten; First Tract, ll^und north by thu road leading to FAMILIES SUPPLIED JAMES TEATE8. tbenco, fourth, along said line north sev- OotlUFB, west by Utiils of Lev! FJncs, south by^aid Morris Co. Carriage Manu'faetor) Lines' land and east by tho public" road leading to 'E. A. BACKER & CO. enty-live degrees nnd twenty minutes west Boon too, April liiid, 1875. tS5" For .Graham Flour, Meal, six chains und seventy links; thence, fifth, Pompton Plains, containing twelve .acres more or BOONTON, N. J. as. • • ;i At Short Notice and on Reasonable Terms, by Grain, CWu, Outs, Uran,' or Chicken noi'tb three degrees cost sight obains and K«-ontl Tract, btlng wood Und, and lying on the sixty links to tho south line of lot nnruber first mountain weat ol Pumptou, containing tnenty Feed, call at my store, aoros copra or It si. NEW STOREl nine; thence, sixth, along said line north Doing tbe same land and premtnrs couveyed by J. W.RICWRDS, seventy-five degrees and twenty minutes Mary lUlsy to Louisa Illley, now Louisa llrovn, MAIN ST., JIEAB TOECOBNEBO P we»t thirty-fonr chains and ninety linksby wiraofLcvl llrown, t>y deed dited October 'IHtb; the west line of Raid, whole tract; thenco, 1H07, recorded in the clrrk'a offlce of the county of Wholesale and Retail Butcher, Boonton, N. J. Largest Assortment BItOOK. Morris in Book D 7 of D«eds, I^RC 119. ftc. seventh, along said lino noath twenty-eight PIEKHON A. FKEEMAS. Sheriff. Boonton, llarch 2il, 187G. . j ' — OF—I degrees west nix chain* nnd ninety link»; Dated March 11, 1876.. |Pr. fees f tAO] JAM-ES TRATES. th«nce,,fli^htb( sooth twenty-three df^reca Voonton, OcL 21»t, 1875. ". west six chains and eighty-seven links;— OItltlB COTISTY WIturKJATE'B OFFICE.— Hsrch 13th, latC; lu the matter of Samuel L. Oysters Stewed, and in every WALL PAPER thence, ninth, south thirty-nine degrees WilllsrasM , Administrator (if Jobn U*.Coni>er,decefts- west four chains and thirty-tight HOKH;— :d. aamtf-'stc'a Order to Limit Creditors. Otlier Style, S7SB BET02E IH E00KWH1 SOW IS THE TIME to BUY I thence, tenth, south trfenty-nine degrees On application of the above named Administrator E. DOJtMAK 1» selling west two chains; tbence, eleventh, south It Is ORj.F.aED by the Hurrotcato that tbo said Ad- .Inlstntor give PuntJC NOTICE to thccirdltora of WINDOW SHADES STOVE COAL «3.00 Per Ton, Dellfcred. thirty-EtoTen degrees and a half west one le estate- of said dvecdeut to bring Iu their debts, chain and sixteen links; thence, twelfth, dumands and cUbhs agiinst the same, nudtr oatb, NUT COAI,#5.I5 Per Tun, Dellrerci. south forty-nine degrees wost^threa chains within uin< months rrotn thfs date, by scttlnR up a At Saloon. nud sixty-woven links; "lh"enco,~th"ifteentbT copy^?f tbJ»_Orfler..witbln twtntjdijabeitaftcr. tn E. DOEMAN. five of tbs mr-st public places In the county of Mor- south sixteen degrees east twenty-five links ris for two mouths, ami also witbin tbi- aaid twruty YnrdmnCnnal Slroct, BoonlbnVK.'T" to a corner of Vreelund'sland; tutnco.foiy- dsys by advertising the same In the //OOXTON WEEK- GEORGE HESSEY, tccnth, along his line and line of Alando- LY ttct-LETiN, ono uf Ihe uewapapers of this Slate, Beatty's Celebrated Tille's land, soath Beventy-five dogrcosand for tbe tame space of time (the Rurrogste judging any farther notice to'bo mineceMary); sod if any P A I N ,T,E R, GuMfn-Tongno Parlor Organs. twenty minutes east thirty-three chains to creditor shall of gleet la exhibit his or her debt.de- the middle of tho west ditch; thence, fif-mand and claim within the said period of nine Thos. MacMsli, uttfjnrl? to nil work enlrnnip<1 fo MH care DANIEL F "RFATTT teenth, along tho middle of tbe said ditch utha, public notice bring givm aa afurt sald,«urh with lironiiitnt'fw, and io llie best jmHsi BO nth B\X degrees and a half west fourteen creditor shall be foicvf r debarred of bin or her ac- niftuncr. ' . chains and sixty-eight linkB to a corner of tion therefor against thesaU Administrator. ^-•' t v; 3, J. AlcEvoy's land;-thence,- sixteenth, along A trna copy from the llinntrs. his lino nonth seventy-five nnd a hall de- mar. 23,-9w. E. E. WILLIS, Rurrogats.' PAINTING ic PAPEB HANGING grees east sixteen chains and thirty links OIIIU3 COUNTY 8UBUOO\TE'8 OFFICE. BREAD & FANCY CAKE BAKER to his fcorner in line ol said Mend's land; BV FIKST-CLASS WOItKMEX. M April Itth. 1876. la lh« matter of lUch thence, seventeenth, along said Mead'i TanDuyne, Eibcutrix of Aaron VanDuync, deceased, J. 3D>. MOCKRIDGE,^* - Proprietor. land north two degrees and forty-five min- rjurrogatt's OrOsr to Lttall Creditors. 1 utes «ast thirteen chains and seventy links On application of'the above namtd Executrix, it , Any Style pi Carriage made to Order at Short Notice. Mechanic Street, Booiiton. 0. J. BejnoltTs House, and Villa Paints, t« his corner; tbence, eighteenth,along his ts ORDERED by tho 8nrrc>gat« that tbe said Execi trix give PUBLJC Sonci to tho creditors of the t ONLY I2.2S PE11 GALLON. line again sonth seventy-five degrees and tale of said d«*.lcnt to briaa In their debts, de- 1ATEST STYLES A SPECIALTY. twenty minutes east fourteen chains and mands and claims aftinst tbt same, niider cath, w Won forty linkB to th* place of beginning, con- withiii ulne moutba from this date. i>y •ettinfi op a GIVE ME A CALL BEFOBE PUHCHAS- iu fc «* ' • 1 ^^L J f^ "ft ^"All wh"o° wont'l , paintpaint,, iiaiiiiminlt brnsbpsbrnsben,, wilwalll .copy uf this Order, within twenty days berrwftsr. h taining ono hundred and forty acres and tn five of tho most public plac^t ID the eonuty t>f ING ELSEW1IEUE. nineiy-huodrrrfths of nn aero of land, bo Morris for two months, and also within (be said Bakery an i e•yr by pntroniziiiLpatronizing' Tim Bn.Lrri5, one ol lbs nevipaptrn of thlm SUtc, for the same spaoe of time (tbe Hurrt*m Urook, Wing the aoulLwcat comer uf a lot mand and claim within tbe tali, period of dry FRESH BREAD, PLAIN and FANCY CAKE, Iloontnn, Mnrch lOtli. 1871. of cIcTen acrea and fuu. taeu huudredtLa of an acrr, months, public notice btiug giTtn as aforesaid, •ucb Cor "ftnJtlunf,ton Arcune and Broa3 formerly bclou^iog toUllt-a A-alaadevitlcileceaaed; creditor niiall bt tr.r^r-r debarred of his or her ac- 05 MECUA5IC STREET, thence running as the corapaw pofutrd A. I). 1M9.tion tberafor a^alaiit tbs said Executrix. PIES, &c. V00KHEES BROTHEES, "ftASHINGTON 2.EWJEBSEY. along thu line of said lot, first, north fire degrcca and a half eaat twenty-seven, chains and twenty A trus copy from the Minutes. NEAB MAIN, Dee. lClb, 1875. "., ltaka; tocace, a^cond, nortu aerenty-Dre dtgrrca •l>r. 13,-4w. E. E. WILLIS, fiorroeate. CONFECTIONERT, v Tine Assortment. MORRISTOWlSr, N. J. aud a half west four cluim and thirty lUikii tn »cor- BOONTOiT N. J ncrof John J. Vr^land'a Und; thence, third, by CHEAPEST AND BEST tbe aacae aouth aavco drgre** and a half weal twen- ADMlNlBTItATORS' SALE X33~ A share of pnlilio patronnEe rpspectfnlly Koitoiied. Jnne 3rd, "IS, ty chains ami tteveiity lick* to the aforwaiii brook; thencf, fourth, along said brook dawn ntrcani the THIS WAY! GROCERIES- s«Teral couraea thereof to the place of brginDii H. H. DAVIS, cootaiiiins tltrta acrcaaud filuen hundredthi HARDWARE, an acre more or le«. THIS WAY!! The. third tract, at a place called tbe Bcnavlj- and Iron and Steel, J. H. j^l , on the north side of MurrU canal. l>f;f anUi£ftt tb« UBSOA.ST to an order of tbo Orphans' Conrt of. idlataoca of tireutf'Qve link* on a coarse of aouth P tbe Cocntx *f Morris, th« subscribers. Admin- JLUX ST., NE-ylrTOOT^OF CHUKCll, tan degrt#« and furtj.Qte minutes west from a rock tstr»U)n of Peter Bffibter, dee'd., will acll by Public Nails, Enilders' EardTrare, ilcdianics' Teal' lying at Iho tx)t of aaiJ eahal bank, being In tbe Veudue, on the prtmtses, CALL and SAVE MONEY! B&OXTON, X. J. treat line of lot number «levst, by doed dated Jane litb, 1SU, anil re'^drd GENTLEJIES, LADIES MORRISTOWM, N.J saveil by using tha - - lineat^ln n-rth serenty-elgbt'drfn^c* and fifteen In [fouk U C of I>ecds fur Morris county on papn 237. O•*'!! Dr, ChsHtMt Rtwipro; or Inf'in'iallnri f->\ minuU-s west four chalua and thirty-one link* to The Second Tr»ct: Being a MEADOW LOT, on tbe T Ev.rj-^nly, in cury i-ntii:t/ in tht fnltH Lii corner; tben=c. ninth, ajnnij hia line and lii StatcJ and Csuartiu. I^ilan,'<0 IJT the publiMfat-r ti 1 southerly side of above mentioned road, containing Also, Collars, Whips, Robes, Netts, .Brashes, Combs, Stable f.l* [o^*-". It tviuUiiiis uVtT^iHi) iii>i!4fli>.>lil rvi1!]** "LIGHT BUSSING" yrancfaca's land sontb tea degrees ai all clcxm-fl *oil couiiitL-as i>f *x:i- to a corner of ajld Kraaciaca's land, and tbtnra, the hclfs of Joseph V. Baldwin, snd of Tnnis B. ftjr. A wf»tnliTful ljo»>k amlnbyil^li-ilil un-ritdlt}. tenth, aloaB tha Hue of lands la powessloo of tbe AND Brooms, Sponges, Chamois. . It Mtib at «li;lit- OrMti'Ht im!n«-iiicr.t» erer t'tfrr- Cobb, deceased, and being th« same prejaines con- PRICES BEAS0NABLE1 eb->ob n^r.-ut". Samiilc roiilcA (M-ut by tint 1. Morrfs C*naJ Coioi*ny sontb tlifhty- Ue«re said Peter Blgbter. deceased, by Stephen fifttea minute* cut nve'chalns and Ctty-fonr link* T. lUghter, by deed dated May tmh, 1451, and t*- I'ontj.nld. f»z «2 W. Extlnsive U-rrUaiy filri-ii. to a corner of the same; thence, eleventh, by thecorded !u Book E 5 of deeds for Morris Cornty on OILS OF ALL POPULAR GRADES. AgrutH mrc mny be fonnd nt nil times a ./nil A good s:«ck of kiln dried JTooiaiiici comUoUy Quarries in Scotland. give me a c*.lL nupply of foreign anil domestic fruit,green onbJoJ. Person* wliting to purchue KIJ tbiog • It, therefore, WEATLS LESS than any enrned, and dried, nlso fresb Te^clabit's of In IDJ- tin*-, anilo u well hero' for the CAHU u Hoping to receive a call from these wish- FOEKETCASH, EDWARD OORIUIAN, other, itml cniiibines, with- it's remarkable the different kinrin, in their Benson. A fine tUewherc. Call sail b« conrlnced. g, tn^j)nrclitt»e, I am satisfied I can sojt Aji22-tf Canal Streut, Eoonton, N. J. biiupiicity nml ewe"of rnDDiDR, great q^ai-. asaortment of Confectionery and Nuts, al- CAIJ-H SOLICITED. TERMS C18H. them in' -..'•:' ctnesa of operation with o wonderful rango ways on hand. SHOP ON D. U & W. R. IU, uf work. Don't fail to txsmiDo it. " • Belo» W. 8. Toonkin*' Lnml>cr Y»txl. Cic«lStreet, SUI G-E1TERIS. »u*.2Q, BOOXTOX. S./I. Styts, Quality & Trice. "Dy Industry ic« Thrill." . OYSTERS, Dccl 13.-'72 H. DAVIS. CRANE BROTHERS, BY THE QUART AND GAIXON. -AKD — IMPROVED AOE^•TS FOE *~ FRESH FISH, BOOKTON & VICINITY. regularly, ercry Thured/iy and Friday. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOB CASH. September lptl). 1875. fismm —CAN BE.HAD OF— Of CANARY BIRD3 AND CAGES -Q A fTTWIl? WASTED rou TUE Also, Agent for tbe HofnVaker AUiilJN 1 L> WONDERFUL CAKEER OF For Savings, ORGANS AND MELODEOKS- MOODY & SANKEY. CO W. S. TOMKINS,. In Great Britain anil America. Rj «D Emlnrat Ancnst 20. 1872. JOnN ABNDT. Dlrtnr. II»»oTer 76Opas™«uiJ 13 lllnitratlatu^- MOKBISTOWN, N. I. I>rir« $% Hem hooi Vt sell. No other ctimplete— AS CHEAP AS ANT ONE ELJ3E '£<* Affvuin mule Unit rrotttb. Beudforproolv £A CONTINENTAL CABINET ORGANS. tlrt*a H. 8. GlXJDSPEED t CO., 14 IUrcJ«)^St E1IINC0KPOEATED April 31h, 1S67. UNEQirUEDSSEDNAFFIlPAGHED New York. . mrf.'9thf-l»i ITRESIDE EDITIOII OP Insurance.- Company, g Pan Furnish Same Quality*. la czparitj una woftSetea by 007 other*. Av»n}cd OFFICER8: SHAKESPEARECOMPLETE WORKS. ^ or The Cbe*po*t book ever offered to tho pnbli Vtret: Tn*. fiao J*apcr. *0 Splendid Ulostrmtlol nuuiDEVT. ONE AND ALL ABE EmTED TO wmm* •Xi Parts it 30tf- ach. 1 LOUIS B. COBB. ' NEW YORK. This Waster washes with eqaal facility QUILTS AND BLANKETS nn well u oth- GALL AND SEE FOR THEMSELVES, mENRM873;rl«MwtfI» Tjocu C COBB. MATHKW UITCBILL, Surplus, (Over) 1,250,000 i^*- Out of bun trvil* ll.rf l.nfti utt V^tp tix in v. s. HOT: WILXUM Q. Lkrmtor. JEBEMUH IUKJJI, Drc'crrd ty Vmlnrnt Ho'k-ian^ hi tntb A U (t b EBK/ ts Cso and trill list for Tears. Joazni W. BAIXKYTUK* HOUSE USD SIGN PAINTER, brtflltjihir**, to IK - Oil! l«nj£«l~- See P. H. BROWN. WK C, Cunt, JAMXM W. BUAJrr, YARD ON CANAL. STREET, >.VIAL CtUCTULAn. with ^^nlutA tA man It will do a Larse Wastilug in thui Ono Thousand (KI» irc\)~ fUPIOT <•» h«vln3 • y.tLfn It HsD-rn. Do sot BOONTON,if.J; Totil Assets. '. $2,250,-1 ONE UOVB. «a BOONTON, W. J. tliUlU I t*kc»iiy tAhvT. D*altn pttL*mr»COH- Etcry Attention paid to gucstt. Tables ' X H. VAN DOREN. GRAINING, MARBLING, CALSOMINING nwtoiu J^r telling *ftrit>r furnished with the bust edible* tho mar- ' AND PAPER-HANGING. PRICE, only $7.50, 'l itnnrt'Unff tine. kct affords. ' " ' . . Dan«cptndsJlyfrcm»A.M.,toiK ».. BBA NEW STYiES SSKWKSJ'Ti Tuesday *oA Batnrd«7 eTtnlngs from C>i to This Company baa stood tbo teat of ILo FOB UUC BX pcrb BEST WINES o'clock. Work entrusted to my ciro will bo caro- Solo «nn Cotnltlnnllfin Stop". Sar terettoa commeuto the first oltwo great flrca at Chicago and Boston, and fnlly oieonUil, anil warnmtcil. U j Udotb. DIXOIT to DAWSON, iDterestoQtbtii oref At tbe nlaoffers ample Mcnrity against loss or dam- A Bhare of Public Pattomgo is Solicited. Cor. Brook and of six pet* cent, per wp.O. Bole AgenU for Boonton fclni»le^drpo«UoryforinoaJeapa|dintgconrt.fclni»le^drpo I. HAWOENSON, lateral will be mUowtd io OtwrdUn*, Eiccuton, tge bj ••••'.. ^ -. , Mar. 11."73. Monroe Btreet, Ikmiton. Bembmb*! o Ilajted States Hotel, ior- J4mini*irator», Trastacs and CoiaulBsloiurf, at TIIEIJEST Birch Streets, ;or of MninMti Division fitxott. . • ' ' , IL# r»ta ofltnur per cent.iwd win b« pajsJilfr on de- LIVEliT STABLE 1 tniod. . o>ptad < FIRE ! HEAVY is ijm orrosmt ran ' ( ] Horses and Carriages There is in connection with theHoUl* ffVIIffitfVlf XHSOMM Cared. N«w p»lh* llllllnlll Parked out by tint pUJucsi ni CHEAPEST! UNION FIRST-CUSS LIVERY STABLE.! NH II IB II* »>* books—"Flaln Bom* Talk CASTOR OIL, TONURE. UMlllw v^ / STOBE, QUAKEB BITTERS 1, lu«rlE / J,ow M(t», WO iilMtzatlona, by Dr, E. B. STOOK of HOBSEfl &0ABBIAQI roars.itfl»l-e»tln*lowA**,.TL.1. Parvbu«n^r OEO.Ii, H17IL, Agent for . I FOB. Tho asiisnugaad larlng^ltn iho tUbli tils book are Btilbtrty Io commit IU authr-r, in •tlubed to ti8 United BlalS Hotel, Boon- IS STILL f QUAKEB B1TTEBS T um now prepared Io famish tlio 1 CAIJBIAOES AND MACHINERY. lou» vifl keep vopatantt/ mi fannd good outfit in iaxra. ' vntpold, till, c^tcut* tablM free. 'Acenta Morris Couiity, hone* and earring*, aad rBipeclfallr »o- HUTDCS boarded by too da^r, v* iranteo. aTOB/SHY HIXJi PtlBUSITTNtf OO. Tho Oreat V«g«laWa Bamedy for month, and careful uttontion ( ' Mini r 0 lielta th« eontlaotd jp«tTOnJ|o o{ Uw old OPEN! (7o»« P. t*™*' S" '' J»H*Jt2StbHt.,Kr V. cqttotntn, nnd would be eMie teoumvo- P. H.I WASHINGTON STHEET, doUUiwh^ nicdMlr* to Bra anrf«lif» Boonton. Jqlj 30, 1671.—It SAU01i!I< DATlft ClUtess of Boonton nd Viclolty uro/ ro«pcol/ally lntlted b> call and pnr- 1 •5P.3O,7B. LOSS OF APPETIXE, —Hans Kip Do«b!w fWle and '• t Ibex c«n get tho but »ml,ol;0!ip«!t n»S. $2-60, i* EJi Woman*. (Km tlia Court House.) •iMI" o*ijnblir(>»»T(,o«K«, IOTJS ATTACKS, isc. &c. —FroUct yonr feat 1 —Ilools oofl'l 8kMM> a*A*a*A tatai repaired Al, HOTTO5, LAMB, fOHK AUD POTOTBZ If THEIK 8EAS0B Wonnan'f. and ott m, 1