I ~J „. L FCBU5HED ETEBT THUBSIXAY. Pl'BLISHEU EtfittY THUEfiiuli JS»ER ANNUM, in Advancs $2 PEti ANNUM, iii A(Waiio3 DevoUd to Ptiltliai, Lcul mi General Ut •fcovofci to PolltiMl, Local tad Stnertl K«w«. ADVERTISING RATES. • . JOB PRINTING. Column, on* jear, 1100.00 Job I'riDHnRot all kind* eiecatoi) wllb D«&tuens and dispntch. A fthare Of pablld S. L. GARRISON, Editor and Publisher. - 'EXC.ELSIOB! $2 PER ANNUM", in Advance. patronage respectfully solicited. Oaiocb, 3 mot. * too Al! orders by ttfall will receive prompt ' t)o« inohi pn» tinw, 75 cettta; thereafter, attention. ' Farmers abd others aro invited t ona montb, <P «patJ. VOL. BOONTON. MORRIS COUNTY, N. J., APRIL 20, 1876. No. 272 to give tla n (rial wben they want PROFESSIONAL CARDS. POETRY. but tho sidewalk between the church beside Bonfanti's large establishment A Moving Day Incident. A $200,000 Hotel. Centennial door and tho roadway vraB wide, and Ho always' ascribed liio success to Newspapers of every city in tho Tjn« XJSWTQS 8. KITCUELL, April Showers. she stopped irresolutely at the dooi this inflexible- honesty in trado. Yet A new family was to nlovo into the "WHAT DK. PIERCE la DqiNO—AN IMPOR- ion are lo lie kept on file*r Cownstttor at Law, Master in Chancery, No Surrender upon perceiving tho drops of rain when O6kod if he believed in luck, it neighborhood, and the neighbors _ jUry Public: Omen; In Vwt Offlre build. ,i%T*ST EKTERPIIISK. .{Jailed States .troops are to guard j. OTflr Kins «nJ Jobntoa'* iture, Uurrlstuwu, N, Jewel-like the rain-drops glisten; dreading injury, to her costly dre»s. is said that ho answered: "Indeed I wero on nettles of curiousity in re- tfie Government building. B'J , |a V.nrdoD'. building. BoonUm, M. J. At Joyously I Bit and ltnten— The frequent mists and rain of Ire-do. They are persons who arc un-gard to tbenc Tbe furniture came We learn that Dr. R. V. Piorcc.pro- HBoontoo, nl«bU«wlB*tura»j». *1nu Land rur uie Listen to the tweet rofrnitv. Promenade concerts will ba giver! •*•-- , f^ ypwn Property* »pr.VI* Beat upon the window-pane; land had caused Mr. Btewart to form lucky. I sonietiinea open a case of on Tuesday, and when Sirs. Winters, prictor of the "World's Dispensary," WE "April ftlioweri the habit of carrying an umbrella on goods and Bell tho first piece from it who lives next door, received a call in this city, has perfected tho pur-every morning and afternoon; r JOUSHOS, Bring Jlay-flowers." ' r all days of'tho year, and ho nod oneto some persona to whom I would from Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Rey-chase of a large lot of land,on which Colonel Sanford, the Ifriglish' Com2 Weer and.- Surveyor. on this day. KaieinR it, be told the not sell if I could avoid it." HiBnolds just as the first load of goods miAsioner, predicts a grand su'cecutf STILL LIVE? Ah, to me this marry drumming— he proposes to erect a large riotel for o or Ho Vats, Morrlitown, S.J. Speaks of brighter dajs soon coming— lady ho would sholter her beneath it mistake in life, ho thought, was that made its appearance on tbe street tho accommodation of Inn numerous for the national exhibition. Coming to confirm tbe truth until sho could walk to her carriage, be had not established his retail store "D^you know. tbe new neighbors patients, comiug hither from all Relics of the Revolutionary period JM. UEHB1TT, QfttieYegend taught in youth: if sho would accept tho offer. Tho above Twenty-third-st He thought aro coming to-day ?" inquired Mrs. points of the compass. The land Wand UecJmnical Dentist. FALL AND tf INTER CAM are pouring in from all parts of tho "April showers proffer was accepted, lie took her tohe should have had better returns on Jackson. purchased by tbe enterprising Doc- country iu the greatest confusion. »8L. comer How First. Jcrmtf Cltj, PAIGN NOW OPEN Bring Mfl his stock. Ho had a constant watch- K Saturday. KTsry Saturday, ollico tho carriage, and was heartily thank- "I've heard so. I wonder what tor is 231 feet trout ou Prospect A specimen of tbo only native palal illdlim, Boontuo, H. J. lautf.2a.-72 ed. Tho following Sunday, after the fulness over all tho details of his busi- kind of people they are V" said Mrs. FOR Happy thoughts are in ne wtlllng avenue, running through to Furgo tree of Chili will be one of tbo princi- At the tale tbe rain ii UIUng->- service, sho addressed him and again ness, and'more than one of his em-Winters. ' avenue, 332 feet; also an adjoining BUSINESS CARDS. Telliag o'er and o'er again ployes found himself watched when pal attractions of tbe horticultural thanked him for hia kindness. A "I don't know," replied Mrs. Jack lot extending from tbo abovo to Con- building. f As it taps the window-pane: short conversation followed, and od-he least supposed it "He never son, "but I think their furnituro_js necticut street It is in thcr midst of r GOODS, GROCERIES. 4c "April showers Tho Swedish booth/ tha fiinifl Bring Maj-nowers.'* - casionolly on Sundays that succeod- spoke to mo but twice," one of hiscoming now. our extensivo system of public parks, od.as they were coming out of church, old clerks relates. "Once I tore a luilding bears on its v,, c• the word a A XOHBIS, "Is that so ?" And Mrs. Winters fronts the old and beautiful Prospect To and fro the birds are -wincing; a few words passed between them.— piece of wrapping paper roughly hastened into the next room, whose Park, is lint a short distance from the Snickerifadrick/'which leans "wood 1 Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Uarken to their blithesome Kinging ! Whilo talking with a member of theacross, and tie came around to tell working establishment, y Bran, Hour And Feed, lists. Boot* aud Shoes, AT Singing, as they BOAr Awny, window commanded a most desira- "Circle" in ono direction, nnd the \ to. UNIX gtore. curher of liircb sud church one day the lady learned Mr. me I should have folded ifand made Orango and leiilon trVoa in full 6en advertisement, oe.l'n This inRpiring ronudclay: ble view of the situation. "Lake Front" in the other. Thn site "April Bhowers . Stewart's occupation, and tho next even edges. 'People/he said, 'didn't Tho excollent ladies followed im- selected is a fino ono, being both iloom will bo seen in horticultural A. D. & B. GREES, Bring Mnjr-floVere," time she met him said: like to get shiftless-looking bundles.' mediately after her, - and the three beautiful and healthful; is ono of the tall, likewise cocoanut trees and those Dealers in Dry flood*, Groceries, ate., Worman'ii. Again, I wound a bundle round with highest portions of our city, easily ipon which bananas grow. CSoUui. Window Shade*, tamp*, and Motions Snnbeami throsgh th* rifta are strean "Mr. Stewart, have you any arti- forms filled up tho window, and tbe all Undi. The public ii intlted to •iamln« Iheap Shoes for Children, £5 cts., CO cto.,Adding to thB min-drops' gleaming; cles at your storo that you think I an extra turn of string, and before I three pairs of eyes peered through accessible, yot sufficiently retired to The Argentine republic Bends thirty oarstock. Weslwajskeep Ui«» best goods on haad. and upwards. Gleaming snn BDd glittering rain could cut it tie had the bundle outthe blinds in the liveliest expectation. securo quiet, and commands a pleas- s afain Street, hslfcwsy betweta Charcb and Itrouk would like to buy ?" housand articles', aud tho display of |lt».. Boonloa. N. J. acU.'T]. Cheap Button Boots'for MiBscs, 75 cts., Each raptat ibe glad refrain: "No," he replied; "I dou't think I of my hand and nnwound the unnec- The load drove np to tho gate, after ant view of the lake and river.os well ;hat country in the main axhibiticnl $1.00, $1.25 nnd upwards. "April altowers essary turn. 'Nover waste even a as of the' surrounding city and coun- Bring Uny-flowers." have anything." what appeared to be a needlessly juilding will bo exceedingly^band-- JO//.V J//£L <* CO.. Cheap Batton Boots for Ladies, $1.50, I would like to aid jou in your pieco of string,' he said; "waste is al. long tftne, the ropes wero" removed try. We understand that it is the in- tome. ' Dtalers in Dry Ooodi, GroceritM,. 31.75, $2.00 nnd upward*. ways wrong."' and the unloading commenced. tention of Dr. Pierce, to erect a hotel nlwwt, rornitar*. PalnU. Us, C*rpet«, II business in some way." Paris in miniature will bo sbbwn.- Men's Cheap Boots, Kip, $2.00, SI25, S2.D0 at tbo cost of at least two hundred oUku, Flohr and Feed, ice Id ••tab.Ubed tUnd, $2.75. , s MISCELLANEOUS. You can in this way: I have It was almost impossiblo to get at "That must be a man," said Mrs. The work covers a platform for|j lait* ItrMt, oonton. SeeatvcrtUeoicut. ocl"I3. thonsaud dollars, where.those who Men's Robber Boots at $2.75. Can't-be noticed that your coachman exercises Mr. Stewart in businew hours. Ho Reynolds indicating^ gentleman who leet sqriare, and every iniportant Traits and Habits of Mr. Stew - your horses, every day, and yon notwas to be seen only aj the down- just staggered up with a clock under como to enjuy the benefit ofhistreat- ~" J.
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