Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1995 No. 193 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was By a previous order, at 5 o'clock today, with the President's Bosnian policy, called to order by the President pro we will resume consideration of H.R. which we have said from day one, the tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. 1833 regarding partial-birth abortions past 30 months, it has been bipartisanÐ and the pending amendments thereto. I we voted time and again to lift the PRAYER assume we will have rollcall votes arms embargo, to give the Bosnians a The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John throughout today's session in regard to chance to defend themselves. Had we Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: either of these matters. done that, we would not be talking Almighty God, take charge of the Just for the information of my col- about sending 20,000 American troops control center of our brains. Think leagues, on the tentative schedule, we to Bosnia. The President has repeat- Your thoughts through us and send to would like to finish the constitutional edly rejected the bipartisan view of the our nervous systems the pure signals of amendment on flags and complete ac- House and the Senate, and he has indi- Your peace, power, and patience. Give tion on the partial-birth abortions bill cated that troops will go notwithstand- us minds responsive to Your guidance. and consider any available appropria- ing any opposition from Congress. Take charge of our tongues so that tions conference reports between now I hope we can work out some resolu- we may speak truth with clarity, with- and sometime on Friday. tion that would support the forces and Next week, the State Department re- out rancor and anger. May our debates let him proceed with his commitment, organization bill will come to the floor, be an effort to reach agreement rather even though we may not share his view S. 1441, unless we reach some agree- than simply to win an argument. Help on either the agreement in Dayton or ment prior to that time. We have been us to think of each other as fellow the Bosnia policy. trying to reach an agreement here for One thing we hope to achieve is an Americans seeking Your best for our several weeks, and we have had no suc- Nation, rather than enemy parties exit strategy. It is our view that unless cess. I think the chairman of the Sen- we have some exit strategy, we are not seeking to defeat each other. Make us ate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen- channels of Your grace to others. May certain how long American Forces and ator HELMS, has been very patient, and other forces might be there. We believe we respond to Your nudges to commu- I am determined to bring the bill up it is very important that the Bosnians nicate affirmation and encouragement. again. If we cannot get the votes, we be armed and trained so that in 6 May we all march to the cadences of cannot get the votes. So we will start months, 8 months, or a year, we will be the same Drummer. Help us to catch that up on Monday. the drumbeat of Your guidance. Here In addition, next week we will have able to leave that part of the world and are our lives. Invade them with Your available appropriations conference re- come back and bring our forces back to calming spirit, strengthen them with ports. We hope to have a welfare re- America, and the Bosnians will be in a Your powerful presence, and imbue form conference report. We also will position to defend themselves. It sort them with Your gift of faith to trust take up H.R. 660, the fair housing ex- of all gets back to what we have been You to bring unity in our diversity. In emption bill. There will be a short time talking about in the last couple of our Lord's name. Amen. agreement. years. We should have lifted the arms f Next week, we will bring up the reso- embargo in the first place. They would lution on Bosnia, and I hope we might be in a position today to defend them- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY complete that under some time agree- selves, and we may not be asking LEADER ment. But that should come next week. Americans to make these sacrifices. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The We are still working on the language, That will come up sometime next able majority leader, Senator DOLE, is as we have indicated in the last couple week. recognized. of days. That language has now been, I f f think, submitted to a number of our colleagues. We hope we can reach some UNANIMOUS-CONSENT REQUESTÐ SCHEDULE agreement. We do not expect everybody SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 31 Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, in a few to support the resolution. Some people Mr. DOLE. I ask unanimous consent moments, I will make a motion to pro- have different views and different mo- that the Senate turn to the consider- ceed to the consideration of calendar tives, but we hope that we can pass a ation of calendar 195, Senate Joint Res- No. 195, Senate Joint Resolution 31, re- resolution that indicates our strong olution 31, proposing a constitutional garding a constitutional amendment support for United States forces, not- amendment regarding the desecration prohibiting the desecration of the flag. withstanding our strong disagreement of the flag of the United States. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S 18037 S 18038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 6, 1995 The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Article II, section 2 of the Constitu- conservative Duma emerge, where one ABRAHAM). Is there objection? tion deals with the powers of the Presi- Start II ratification will be more dif- Mr. BINGAMAN. Mr. President, I do dent. The second paragraph says: ficult as a challenge for President object. He shall have Power, by and with the Ad- Yeltsin. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- vice and Consent of the Senate, to make Mr. President, I believe our delay in tion is heard. Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators carrying out our constitutional duties f present concur; and he shall nominate, and on START II has consequences and by and with the Advice and Consent of the they are potentially very bad con- FLAG DESECRATION CONSTITU- Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other sequences for our security and for our TIONAL AMENDMENTÐMOTION public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the relations with Russia. TO PROCEED Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the Similarly, I believe the delay in car- United States . Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I move to rying out our constitutional duties on proceed to the consideration of Senate Mr. President, I have a couple of ambassadorial nominations has con- Joint Resolution 31. charts which I would like to refer to sequences. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there here just to make the points that need I have a second chart here I want to debate on the motion? to be made. This first chart deals with go through. This is a list of the ambas- Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I know the chronology of events related to the sadorial nominations that have been there will be debate on the motion. I do START II treaty. This treaty was delayed. This is from the time that not know how long the Senator from signed by President Bush on January 3, they were submitted to the Foreign Af- New Mexico wishes to debate. But I 1993. It was submitted to the Senate by fairs Committee. We have the names of hope that we can go to the bill itself in President Bush on January 15, 1993. the ambassadors whose papers are en- the next couple of hours. This means That was almost 3 years ago. tirely in order and who could be con- we will have to be here longer this Until last December when the issues firmed rapidly if the Foreign Affairs evening. We would like to complete ac- were resolved that allowed the START Committee were to hold a business tion. We are going back to partial-birth I treaty to enter into course, perhaps it meeting. There are 18 names on the abortion bill at 5 o'clock and will try was appropriate not to proceed with list. We can go into them in some de- to finish that tonight. the ratification of START II. Once that tail later on in the morning or later in Hopefully, if there is some time or treaty was overcome, then everyone the day. any requests for time on the amend- expected that the START II treaty Together, we have also listed, of ments, we can continue that debate to- would be dealt with by this body early course, the countries that they would night and finish this bill by noon to- this yearÐearly in 1995. be ambassadors to and the date that morrow. The last hearing of the Foreign Af- the nomination was sent here to the I yield the floor. fairs Committee on the treaty took Senate. Mr. BINGAMAN addressed the Chair. place on March 29 of this year. Most of these people, 14 of them to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Senator LUGAR, at a conference the precise, are Foreign Service officers.
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