United States Patent Office Patented Oct
3,346,667 United States Patent Office Patented Oct. 10, 1967 2 standing in humid environments, for example, polyure 3,346,667 thane made using a hydrolysis-prone phosphorous con PRODUCT PRODUCED BY REACTING PHOSPHO taining polyol of the prior art, e.g. one made with phos RUS OXDE OR SULFIDE, ANOXIRANE COM POUND, AND A HYDROXY OR THEOL COM phoric acid rather than POs will adsorb moisture and dis POUND TOGETHER, AND PROCESS integrate with consequent loss of strength, buoyancy and Francis G. Firth, 11580 Belagio Road, usefulness. Los Angeles, Calif. 90049 Accordingly, a principal object of this invention is to No Drawing. Filed Sept. 6, 1963, Ser. No. 307,020 provide new and improved phosphorus-containing com 10 Claims. (C. 260-920) positions, and a method for economically preparing such O useful materials. This invention relates to a new and improved phos A further object of the invention is to provide new and phorus-containing composition and method of preparing it. improved phosphorus-containing reaction products having The use of various phosphorus-containing compositions a high hydroxyl equivalence, an acid number less than is widespread and their utility is as diverse as the nature of 1.0 and a high concentration of chemically combined phos the phosphorus-containing products available. However, 5 phorus. despite wide areas of utility, there has been a continuing A still further object of the invention is the preparation need and interest, particularly in the field of syntheitc of novel chemical products highly resistant to hydrolytic plastics, although also in many other applications as here attack, containing a high percentage of phosphorus, a high inafter discussed, for phosphorus-containing materials em hydroxy equivalence and a low acid number.
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