Rural Areas and Development, 14(2017) Jiří Sálus, Tomáš Pilař, Anna Bábíková, Věra Majerova 197 Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Praha, Czech Republic
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[email protected] LEADER Local Action Groups and their innovative approaches to rural development in South Bohemia in the post-crisis period Abstract: The article is focused on the role of regional identity and local orga- nisation in rural development during and after the global economic crisis. The relationship among these phenomena was investigated on LEADER Local Action Group development documents 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 in the South Bohemia Region of the Czech Republic. The methodology is based on discursive analysis of text and socio-economic analysis. Keywords: innovation, local organisations, regional identity, rural development, South Bohemia © EUROPEAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK 198 Introduction Jiří Sálus, Tomáš Pilař, Anna Bábíková, Věra Majerova Věra Bábíková, Anna Pilař, Jiří Sálus, Tomáš The success of rural development in localities depends on many factors. The- se factors are of internal and external origin, which should be reflected in de- velopment documents. For this article, we have chosen the global economic crisis as an external factor affecting rural development. The crisis influenced the 2007-2013 European Union (EU) programming period. Within the planning of development strategies for 2014-2020, the consequences of that crisis are already known. Therefore, a shift from dysfunctional to functional innovation processes in strategic documents can be assumed. As development documents, the strategic plans of LEADER Local Action Groups (LAGs) in the Southern Bohemia Region (SBR) were selected.