United States Patent 19 11) Patent Number: 5,395,418 Vetanovetz Et Al
O US005395418A United States Patent 19 11) Patent Number: 5,395,418 Vetanovetz et al. 45 Date of Patent: 'Mar. 7, 1995 54). SOLUBILITY COMPOUND FERTILIZER 52 U.S. C. ........................................... 71/29; 71/30; COMPOSITIONS 71/64.1 58) Field of Search ...................................... 71/28-30, 75) Inventors: Richard P. Vetanovetz, Emmaus; 71/64.08, 64.1 Robert Peters, Allentown, both of Pa. 56) References Cited 73) Assignee: Grace-Sierra Horticultural Products, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Allentown, Pa. 5,171,349 12/1992 Vetanovetz et al. ................... 71/29 * Notice: The portion of the term of this patent FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS subsequent to Dec. 15, 2009 has been 2072644 10/1981 United Kingdom.................... 71/30 disclaimed. Primary Examiner-Ferris Lander . - 21 Appl. No.: 990,333 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue 22 Filed: Dec. 11, 1992 57 ABSTRACT Solid compound fertilizers for dissolving into stock Related U.S. Application Data solutions advantageously employing urea phosphate as 63 Continuation of Ser. No. 690,099, Apr. 23, 1991, Pat. a phosphorous source. The use of urea phosphate makes No. 5,171,349, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. it possible to have calcium present as well as nonche No. 648,644, Jan. 31, 1991, abandoned. lated trace metals without precipitation. 51 Int. Cl'................................................ C05C 9/00 16 Claims, No Drawings 5,395,418 1. 2 that it may be used as a fertilizer. Similarly, U.S. Pat. SOLUBLTY COMPOUND FERTLIZER No. 4,456,463 discloses the use of urea-phosphoric acid COMPOSTIONS reaction products as ammonia-stabilized liquid compo nents of fertilizers.
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