Tihe FOUNDER (W PHILLIPS AC DED M Ordinary 'Citizen." This Set Con- the Team to the Very Limit
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~~~~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PHILLIPS ACADEMY- ANDOVER, MASS. FOUN[DEFRS MEMORIAL ISSUE Volume XLII. Number 5 - SATURDAY, OCTBE_ 2 1918 No Snj oisSl GAME WITH WAKE- . LIBRARY RECEIVES FIELD UNCERTAIN - -I TERESTNG BOOKS Team. Meets Its First Hard Test on ±School Purchases "The Chronicles Brothers Field This OF of America". Many Magazines Afternoon at Peabod H se MANY NEW FACES WILL BE SEEN IN STICUE IT OINSB RM BLUE LINEUP. PHIL IPSINENT AUTHORS. This afternoon the varsity foot- A C D E M YT The school has recently pur- ball squad may play the firstA chased for the library a set of books game of its schedule with Wake- on American History, published by field Naval Camp. The team has 177 the Yale University Press, entitled worked hard under Coaches Means The Cornicles of A merica. The and Selden for the past month, and,- JOHN PHILLIPS SMEPHLPSaim of. this work is "to present -although still far from perfect, they . mrcnHistory in such a way as have shown great improvement in . to interest the- average reader and their recent practise. The whole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~exercisea more direct influence upon the life and thought of the Field.school thisshould afternoon come out and to backBrothers upAC TiHE FOUNDER_(W PHILLIPS AC DED M ordinary 'citizen." This set con- the team to the very limit. We ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sistsof fifty volumes of which the want to wvin our first game, and weTh Lieo Liuenn-oenrPilpw ow steG iigSii floigtnhaebnrcivd- can with your support. Following Th ieo iueatG vro hlis h a h udn prt Elizabethan Sea-dogs, by Win. is the probable lineup- in the Founding of Phillips Academy in 1778, and Whose Wood. o e rne yW Strong, r.e. - cd m .Crusaders o e rne yW Uncl Founded PhillipsExtrA ae y Richmond, r.t. Penfield,~~~~.cs r ron~ag.eerB.f Munro. Honcd .g Pioneers of the Old South, by Hock.S- .g. 'Mary Johnston. Sclden, l.t. - . .-- Washington afnd His Colleagues, Williams. I.e. by H. J. Ford_. Adams, q.b. .- Dann, r.h.b. Conquest of New France, by G. Neidlinger, .h.b.M.Wog Wilson, f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~b. ~~~~~~Era of the Revolution, by Carl NO CHAPEL SERVICE TO BE Becer HEL_ T-MORO The Forty-niners, by S. E. White.. I Passing of the Frontier, by Emer- will be no services in Stone There son Hough. Chapel this Sunday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AbrahamLincoln and the Union, It will be of interest to the old by N. WV.Stephenson. members of the school to know thatThAmrcfSpitnLtea President John M. Thomas of teb Blic PritinLyea Middlebury College, Vermont, whotuebyBisPr. was originally scheduled to preach to-morrow, is now a chaplain at ~ .- -Periodicals which are sbscribed Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky, for by the school or are recieved by and expects to go overseas within -. ~~=them as gifts may be found either a month. - - - ---- - in the school library- or at the ?f-ILtIPS ACA~DLMY IN- 1778. Peabody House. The following -- Temporary Varsity Soccer Squad________________________ ________________ mazieannwsprsreo Pickedmaaieannesaesaeo Philipsth ide, f coceivdan wit thefarmr an merhant a mn offile at the library:T The temporary soccer squad- is 'The brothers, Samuel Phliso ocie h da n ihtefre n ecat a f Amnerican City now composed f the following North Andover and John Phillips help of Eliplialet Pearson,' formed influence and education. Phillips American Institute Mining En- men: ~~~~~~~~~ofExeter, with Samuel's son, the plans and started the enter- was in Harvard College during the .g-InrsBulletin (gift)- Forwads-Pakhurs '20,BruceSamuel Phillips, Jr., are_-mually Prise. exciting period preceding the Re- AtaicMihy '20, Ferguson '20, Marshall '20, named as the founders of this Samuel Phillips, Jr., was born in volutionary War, and, with other ChitaSceeJorl J.'19, Low ok '19, M. W school. The older men made the North Andover, February 5, 1752. student s, he -took a keen interest Christian Science Mounto F.Lhe '19, JMord '1 , C . first gifts, but the junior Phillips, The two towns were one in those Christian Science Sentnel Stearns '2 1. then a young man of, twenty-six, days. His father was a prosperous' (Continued on page 3) Current Events H alIf b ac ks-Mayers '20, M. Current History Cheney '20, Coleman '20, Hackett Current Opinion '19, Johnston '19, F. Clement '19. English journal Fullbiacks-J. Dayton '-20, J. Boston Herald Carr '20, R. -Finney '19, W. May Illustrated London News '19. International Conciliation (gift"? Goals-P. Stearns '19, R. Otis Literary Digest '20. Living Age '~\ation 1919 Wins First Class Team Games -National Geographic New Europe Yesterday afternoon in a hard- -*-New Republic fought game, 1919 defeated 1920, New York Times (Sunday) 7 to 0. During the, first quarter North American Review 1920 broke through 19 19's line re- North American War Weekly -peatedly but in spite of this, the Outlook 191 9 men were able to hold 1920 Pan American Union-Bullet uintil Flanders ran around left end Political Science Quarterly for a touchdown in the second Review of Rev'iew-s quarter. Foote kicked the goal, School Review making the score 7 to 0 in favor of Scientific American 1919. After this it was an even Sre match between the two teams until Surdeacygit the last quarter when the Seniors World's Work began to break up the Upper Mid- When the Peabody House is diers' line. For several minutes it again open to the school thes1_e appeared as though 1919 would periodicals will be found in the score another touchdown, but, until reading-roorii the game ended, f920 held strongly. -- Aviation The individual playing of both .American - *teams was excellent. In 1919's - Bystander backfield Young and Flanders did j Century exceptionally well on end runs and -.Colliers - Atte-rbuiry madel a goond showking in Cuirre-nt'l4iqtnry PA64TWO. THET~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HILLIPIAN *~ Member of School Newspaper Federation west of TOul.- '.Faculty There.-they stayed Comnmittees 1918.19 -- ' w~' '1 I L.Pt.. 'three moi~tfis, taking part InthStearnsruaV&m'Mhaer, Discipline: Dr. A. E. Sers r -, ~I~c Md by -' U~~h~epipu~~flU~t engagements of Aprepmont nd StnM0 remn r hilp,*I -~~~~~ ~~Sicheprey. In the end of Jne Mr.tonde, M . oyre6U theyst~t~z~b~teu were Thierry, Absences Zr. Bancroft, Dr. BOARD OF EDITORS and were in the greatdlrive there on A. Managfng ~~~~~i4's the m~~E Stearrn, r. Guthe. GEORGEC F!,_AWYER. '19 pushed forward, sleeping hot at all Athletis:iDr.PageAM.adoyn anetig er ltteOnth fftter, Mr. Hinman, Mr. Tower, Mr. T e P ilp cd m -Business 1fnaatnneraitearstffhgetner aio n Elm Square RAYISOND .OTIi, 20 of August they went to etcamp, Pbiain n rnig:M.A H E I O D A sociate £Editors - but once more they: were hurried LeoarLEM.TFencGrOODBren R. B. OLGAT '20 u beyod Tou for te SepemberMr. Stott, Mr. Spencer, Mr. H. C. C. B. STRAu'19 12th drive. S'-ea 0,, ACF.S§MITE'19 ' '.It can be sen from this that Mr. R. H. SEARs,'20 - St -kcleisregimenit-'iaseen oe Diplomas__PioLF.Aorbes,__Prof_ ___' i k H. YLLAR,'20o . the busiest. The duties of a Lynde. F. NwoM.ESTABLISHED IN 890 M.yn~a, 20chaplain are' many. His first and Societies: Mr. Graham, Prof. Published every Saudyduring motimotntjbisteee nForbes, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Newton; year. Stra h inMhmo.Btbsdstaclose contact with the men, cheer- 1 e r. Phillips, Mr.. Allen, Prof. ''.' Regiulfition Army Shoes NoticeA4,C~t18ing to the on.Bu bsids harheIf. Notestodvrtlwsmanages epostoffice, keeps sta- Bentertanet.ad$70 To ensure change of advertisement-copy 'netimnsadPie.'rf 70 must be received not later tn Fiday tsiso aulis n iist~ Benner, Mr. Phillips, Mr. Hinman, noon. A business cominunications should -wounded. When the troops were M.FecM.G .Etn r be addressed to the Business Manager, in trenches Mr. Stackpoje slept ina PFech, M r. Gt.t.PutnM.ie tteel-Wl$3.50 a R. Otis~artlett,25. house a fei- miles to the rear, bt Chrhe:trt.e.EaoMrso.1,FnstSoch3am oo5ocsi The PBru.uPI invites communications, lately,inteoewafrhha ChrhsMrG.HEaoM.N.1FnstStcLlmWoloksn but does not assume responsibility for-thieinfhynwaarehs Boyce, Mr. Spencer, Mr. Camp, Navy, sentiments expressed therein. A Grey. Khaki. Green. Black. corn- been sleeping in' dog-tents right at Mvr. Forbush, Mr. Roth, Mr. H. C. He~athers. wThite, White with ol. OUFITTERS municationsthe the mustfront. be signed. although FOR ALL PHILLIPS municationigned, altough themust hebe front.Stiearns, Mr. Washburn; Mr. Kelley ~~~~~~~~~~~~~oredofacptersapar$.0ACADEMYlocks and large assortmnent publiationifheso deires.It TEAMS will be interesting foqoeand Mr. L. C. Newton. No. 15 Finest Scotch Wool Golf Stockings. nameautor f thwil be'ritheld fro rg.(oerlCurhl quote Fancy or Plain Turnover tops with publicationibesodesiresfrom Brig.j~eneral Chrchill con- Curriculum: Prof. Forbes, Mr. or without feet (with instep strap). rwm s2-o per Year Single Copy. 5 Cent. cerning Mr._Stackpole's work- Stone, Mr. Freeman, Prof. Benner, inRrCn.GryBronLndDethNC Entered at the Andover Post Offie as The next man I saw was a partI RCOrenBUILDINnCndHeth secod ers. a Pair: ........ 2.59 clm mtter ofAndoer, t ws Mak Sackple.Mr, F. E. Newton, Mr. -Leonard, No. 0 Wornea'iFinest Scotch Wool Stock- MAIN, ST. second class -matter.of Andover, it ""~-~ MarkMrtacypo.e- ings in White, and White with Col- TME,PESSANOVER I aw him n a mierable dirty Scholarships: Mr. G; T. Eaton, ored locks, Oxford. Green and Telephone Connection __________________littetowthatbeforehadben a eathers. a pair ....... 3.00 ________________________littletown tat befre hadbeen aMr. Poynter, Mr. Hinman, Mr. Alsoa fine line of Womnen's SATURDAY, T12198 batflpeeulvillage. mported Silk NooeBancroft, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Guthe. Lisle with olored locking a pair ... 1.50 Slls ot wohsnot seen the back of the Imported WThite Ribbed otton Stockings whohas ~~~~~~~~~Library:Prof.