lie has half [' b~1who has made thedone, deed .g. a111e1iUn -Horace

Vo.90, No. 22 , ANDoVER, April 6, 1966 Newmyer, Roby, Brown New Sign-U For Prom FACULTY MEMBERS USE Departmental Heads Of WPAA Toni'ght; Trip To CUMULATIVE GRADE S IN the Board of Directors of to increase the professionalism Be "'W WpAA-FM have announced three of the-rock n' roll shows and en- Beach C.ancelleduII T R J M_ AI1A ofthe four members of the 1966-- large the audience-of what he re- b hi uk 67 bordeecte ats meeting fers, to as "several ecellent b~ut Prom-ConmInttee Chairman Tom ~enBndc re oi stFriday evening. They -also unknown educational programs." Ireland announced this week that R-xmndBfr dicosed a reorganization of the Steve G--Bi-own, a newscaster, the faculty had vetoed -the h- ReexmiedBe-r mittee's proposal for a beach trip End Of Spring on Saturdayof the afternoon ~The much-discussed cumulative

- ~~~~~~~~~~~SpringWeekend, and had turnied grading.-sgstem was used for the down as well a request for an first time to compute winter term exeso'of the student sign-in grades last term -by a number of - ~-. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~tmeatrth rmthat evening. Phillips Academy teachers in what Because of the problem of chap- Dean of- -Students G. Grenville eroning, the faculty ruled that Benedict dscribes as "variety, if buses will not be sent to the beach not confusion." The move was in- onatudayafternoon, To provide itiated by the student body's re-- arterSatrday aimntIeln cent interest in the grading system is trying to arrange a Saturday as reflected in the Student Con- -lunch of barbecued chicken simi- ges, and by a faculty decision lar to that of the Memorial Day that end-of-the-term grades should picnic. This lunch would be served "'represent the' student's stand-

to the s4niors at their tr~iitional Dean of Students G. G. Bendc -iga httm. pincin the sanctuary and to the "Ietycnuin"The decision whether to grade other Prom-goers in Flagstaff Vrey ofsowt rwtottecmltv CutAsyet no definite arrange- *system was left up to each indiv- ments have been completed idual teacher. Math Department As inmust the have past-boys Lieadst Chosen~head Mr. Peters urged all math As thein -"-*-'--' musehvehers to steer away from the their dates back at their dorms Fior Ca s k simple averaging of the fall and WPAA Departmental Heads (I. to r.): Art Newmyer, Programming; by 12:40 a.m. after the Saturdaywitremswokopodca Steve Brown, News and Sports; Tony Roby, Engineering. PhtbyJ night Prom. The girl§W will be veistgradem wrown Englishde-a housed in the four new dorms, Steve Stars partment head, while leaving the station's constitutional --hierarchy, was named Director of News and the Infirmary, and Williams Hall. reducing the major board positions Sports, two departments consoli- Separate dorms will also be made by Tom Rees - decision up to the teacher, -is in to four and allowing for several dated into one as WPAA-FM en- available to Day Students and to The cast of Carousel, this favor of the system.' - sub-board members. ters its second year of operation. their- dates. Chairman Ireland is spring's musical, was announced "The cumulative grading system- Tony. Roby wllt continue as Brown replaces Alex Belida and hopeful that most of the students' last -week by Mr. Hallowell, dir- can work," Mr. rown statsed. t Chief ngineer but will also take Don Verger. requests for particular rooms for ector of the production, and Mvusi- istefr in somne courlss -Dtha over as Technical Director to over- No Business Manager for the their dates can be met. cal Director Schneider, who takes otlihers,ofntne Classlis Dr. - - see the production engineers. (Continued on Page Three) l (Continued on Page Four) charge of the show's chorus andGii ArtPaul Newmyer~~~~~will replace o~~~rchestra. I - partment, also favored the system, ArtPaul New'myer ~ will replace~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ as i te eain mleroessttng his beliethtiusal M1iller as Programming Director, G.W. STAGE -REPAIRED; CAUSE Catinteledngmlkrls s in f oftht tuually in- charge of disc-jockeys and are Jim Kitendaugh as Billy, DogI "si favr ofllithmstuent. Chontinut Headr Clewmycer oeaFnR ULdN T D TE M N D Cassel as Enoch Snow, Josh Ste "But"si r ilnhm ec shows.iAfornHerd Clocwateer ane F T OU L O E ER I EJL vens as Jigger, and Bert Neal as man in my department used his by Rip Cohen surprised to find rot in the layers the Starkeeper. All male leads, as ondsrto. 11~~~~ - Th~1e repair of a 20 x 10 foot 'of plywood between the original well as all other male members Many teachers oppose the sys- Englsh---rew area of rotted wood discovered stage, built 'in the -1930's, and the of the cast, come from P-A. tem because, in Dean Benedict's during vacation in the GW stage new stage, which is four years The female leads are Eileen words, "It is a depressant to wa s completed late last week by old. "Nobody really knows exactly Sapienza as Julie, Candy Eidam some students in light-of improve- A rrives For an' academy work crew. According how the rot set in, but it looks as as Carrie, Debbie Cole as Nettie,met"DanBndcmniod AT~~~~ yyoe to N. Penrose Hallowell, PA Eng- if, through some unaccountable and Marilyn Marotta as Mrs. as an example American History 14I-Ia~yf l 'l lish teacher in charge of the stage, channel, air and moisture are get- Mullin. -Both Miss Cole and Miss in which the winter term is much ______-the source of the damage hasno -ting-in-between- the-old- -floor-and- -Marotta-come-from-Andoyer Hig more important than the fall term, by Carter Bacon yet been determined. - the new floor," explained Mr. Hal- School, as do the members of the since mch-fth-latter-spend This afternoon fourteen British Earlier in the year, when the lowell. , girls' chorus. Miss Eidam is aninaptiotohecus.Cm schoolboys will arrive on the P.A. concert piano was-moved onto the Workmen continued to cut the Abbot day student, whereas Miss ulative grading as an .average of campus to begin atwo week stay stage, a leg of the piano depressed stage until thgy reached fresh Sapienza comes from Lawrence of all a student's work to the time as guests of Andover's crew and the- end of a board in the floor wood and proceeded to install a Nazareth-Academy. of grading would tend to make a coach William Brown. Carl Wales, three quarters of an inch. Mem- new patch made of sand, fiber- First rehearsals of the show, student pay severely for a slow the Andover manager; will then bers of the stage crew of Henry glass, and plywood. Said Mr. Hall- which is to be given May 20 and fall term. escort the boys and their coaches, IV ls noted "ba spt"o theowll, "It is p'atched so that it will 21, began last Sunday afternoon Another new aspect of this John Dent and Roger Blomfields, stage and reported 'them to the last through the year very success- and will continue through the next clamss rang i ith ret thero to their headquarters at Cooley Maintenance Department. fully." -six I weeks. cltans eact numeicafitst erg and Samaritan Houses. Overhtheevacationtheiarea was A'gs The boys attend the Shrewsbury OvrIh vThen h ae wsas had been the case in the pre- School in Shropshire, England, examined and a two-foot-square K ing O f1 The, oundi vious four terms. This reversion and comprise one eight-man and block was cut to determine the 'was made in an attempt to allevi- One four-mian crew,-During their cause of the -trouble. The crew, -'""~Ž r. ate pressure. Visit they plan to practice on the acco rding -to-'Mr. Hallo~vell, was ' * The Dean ss the cumulative

Iferrimac River' with the p-A system as n experiment and - crews and pripaein varsity T Tb'stated that it will be re-examined mets against the M.I.T. fresh- Hia'pen y utLagain in the light of this year's nmen, the Kent varsity, and the B.U. Predict High Sales experience. At present the plan frmn, all' of which will be L 'Afor the termination of this year hlonthe Merrimac. The four- biy James Farnanm calls for the student to get one mianl crew will probably race in -The Ha'pennys, formerly the grade at the end of the spring mieets with the Brooks crew, since Spectres, have cut their first al- term, that grade indicating his Olyeights are rowed at Andover. bum, which they plan to put, on year's standing in the course, At the end of their visit to Andov- sale in Commons April 10th for rather than a separate spring er, the -crews-/v_-ili spend a few three dollars. The PA group fea- term grade as well, as.-had. been- days at the Groton 'School in Con- tures John Lower and Don Ross the case in the past. nfecticut. trading lead guitar, John Cotton ______The main ,purpose of Shrews- on bass guitar, Mike Krinsky -on bury's visit s to give the English the electric organ, and- Amos Gal- ~Ys'ahanceto se-e-and-tae part pii-on-the-drumo. Wens a e6d- I the dail "lteat an Amexican. Their album, "Love is not the boarding s ol. JonDn esSm, is titled after the lead WensdyArilonDnsebl pae:M.Kme 00 1mch of t credit for arranging song, a Lower-Cotton original. Fr ida A ril teti;he developed the idea for Hits by the Rolling Stones, theGo r= SvieChpl15 4twhlewokin ait the -Andover YardbirdsFV'Themp, he Byrds, and Saturday, April 9 g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Trackvs. o~rtheastern Freshmen 1:30 Sudiovisual center last year and the Beatles are also featured, Cooley House Tea 33 V`ll use h'is experiences in this One thousand copies of Wtqa o Mvie at the al- on.MutiniWest uad ound.Mounaini theeyesofh yso chldre;hlde'ipnn impdimet to The BedfordGW: ncident 6:45 and 9:00 Climtry to aid him in acquainting bum are on order from the Con- students. See page two. Sunday, April 10I his rews with Amria (Continued on Page Four) Photo by Jackson Chapel Speaker: Rev. Baldwin - 11:00 Page 2 The. Phillipian ApriL6, 9 the Committee concedes~ hat the trend towards ~~ ... ~~~~coeducation has--wept an- overwhelming majority----- ThAj' J1'LAN ~~~~~~~~~~~ofthe nation schools and that many boys' board- OFLey WiNG ing schools are displaying an increasing sengitiv- .baT VAw i WILLIROBINSONity- kM ~W to this problem. In addition the report PresIAMetROISNacknowledges the rise in boy-girl functions'at -~~ ANTHONY ALOFSIN. STEPHEN McCARTHY PA in the past few years, and points out-that this Managing Editor -~Editor increase has occurred without conscious planniiig - JOSEPH KAHN LUIS MENOCAL Editorial Chairman Business Manager -or serious eaiain-Alhuht C6niinittee's- Peter Gegenheimner discussion gives little hope to those wishing to see- Ehrlich Photography Editor Andover go coed, it does promise a careful inves- Frank ErihDavid Bloom --- Asst. Sports Editor I -Circdau anertigation of all possibilities in this area, an inves- Wade Saunders -Robert Smith tigation that is long overdue. Sam Zmmern Advertising Manager EditorialtsAtu.Nwyr-Te at tpc pi h Robert Cohan Arhu G.Nwm-hels two toisbroughtupithreo, General Mtanager Billing anager the four-year program and the faculty, are two- EDITORIAIL' BOQARD which may not affect the students, directly but -- T. Smith, R. Cohen, Q. Shiner, M. Allen, . Williams,~ hc ilhv ao nlec nte cola E. Thomas, J. Segarra, B. Hearey, B. Lanius. hihwlhaeamjrnfuceoteshols a whole. There s strong reason to infer from the v, '~i,

i-ro~~ressIVZ OIL report that the junior class may be all but elimin- -' - - -- epFPrgrss- r ated in the near future, and that Andover will -~i When Headmaster Kemper made his ecision offer programs extending into the beginning col- to organize the Steering Committee last spring, lege years. This proposal, especially the first part, ~ ~ Ri ,~- he created a body that would provide insurance is quite significant and we feel would find a good against Andover losing sight of its role as a leader deal of support among students who have gone and experimenter in secondary school education. through the present four-year systei. As for The To the average PA student, this is relatively n- Faculty, the Steering Committee again demon- important: he arrives here convinced that he will strated its progressive outlook by considering receive the best educational training available, major shakeups in the picking and running of and leaves, after a maximum exposure to Andover teachers and departments. life of four years, without fully realizing the If current plans hold true, the Steering Corn- , changes that both himself and the school have mittee shall devote six weeks of this summer in G1NSol'Le undergone. Indeed, often alterations made with- answering many of the questions that they have, L." - in the structure of the school -seem consequential proposed to themselves in their Progress Report. an-practically inevitable. The context of the It is from- the answers to these' and other questionsmonisaunesarbltwhcsrvsitl Steering Committee's fourteen-page Progress Re- -that any' definite prop osals will belmade, but the monisau nesarbltwhcsrvsite port, published in mid-February, points out--at posing itselIf of these questions is significant. The purpmoe excep aihs.asaiggon fKn~f least two,.things along this line: that this ikid of Committee is not hesitant to delve into any aspect temuti ihs thinking grossly underestimates the complexity of Andover life, to extract the embarrassing The area around Adams and Taylor is litter. of reaching concrete decisions that fit into a long-prbesadottdcnetsht jrerd ed with glass, old bricks, sand, and scraps of range scheme designed to modernize the Acade- ing, Andover's growth as a school and community. 'wod The sin lacs,lad p the ' scrteo my's-outlook; and that the faculty, trustees, and We must applaud the 'foresight-in- creating this Tyo r tl n lcadtecnrt oe alumni 'of PA, through the formation f this com- committee and the diligence with which each dations of both new wings look -like errant- grey mittee, are sincerely dedicated in their efforts to member, and especially its Chairman, Mr. Simeon petticoats. The entire area is criss-crossed winh maintain And over's influential position and pro- Hyde, Jr., has set about to fulfill his -task. We hope tire tracks, in several places the ground has gressive outlook, not just for the present but far that some maningful consequences will come out settled a foot or so, and two manholes stand as into the' future. of their ong sessions this summer, and that they emplacements of the Maginot line. The Cmmittee Report, a product of weekly will be the product of the- same sort f con-- Beside the aesthetic argument for regarding meelings and several two- and three-day sessions, scientious thought that produced the report. the area, there is also an entirely practical reason, concerns itself with seven broad topics: composi- Finally, as the student body, through. its Studeht With no proper ground cover, the area will erode tion of the school, the-academic program, oj Congress, seeks to express its opinions on many. during rTainstorm run-of. Also, spring and fall campus educational experiences, counselling, o- matters concerning the school, we would hope that not summer, are the proper times to reseed awns, education, t~e four-year program, and the faculty. their proposals are as well thought-out, and we ns evidenced by the numerous chicken wire fences The first, composition of the-school, proved to be would remind them that many of the topics-that- strung across the campus. This is -especially true the' topic for an extensive -Alumni Magazine ar- they 'pick up and discuss - (such as Seniors'in the in light of the fairly severe drought New England tidle and will be a key issue izthe-formation of 'new dorms) are but small parts of the over-all is suffering from, during whi-cl estabished grass - th-esc---l'0!om-m ity r7Af~E `is`-cixfr~eiitly SCee ta tt Sering Commititee is examining, hias enough trouble growing during the summer, hreading a sub-,committee that will discuss this and new seedlings none unless a sprinkler system problem in depth and report its findings, as will isisald-pigvctonw notntl allo theother centra subcommittees, committee M ve The M oundgone, would have been the best time to do this re- atteend of the school year. Its report will at- grading, '6ut we see no reason why it should be at the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TheWest Quadrangle is being gradually re- delayed any longer. tempt to answer such questions as, "Would anoaebyteshl,-ihA msndT lr greater diversity of boys fease the value of the novlsatedy he shol, withnason taylr Andover experience for al ledyfnseadJono ob e modeled this summer.' Previousl y the field lo- LETTER Under the general heading of The Academic cated in the center of the qua'drangle, was the To the Editor of THE PHILLIPIAN: - Program lies the old controversy over whether home of the Football V's and the Junior La- In regard to the expulsion of Jeff Lemkin one termi Andoverasther wellschols, s many foces crose Teamand unde the stess shortstantguedshoriofgradationgfrabeing "baduifluence"waastth Andover,othr s schoolswell asmany forces rosse Tea, and uner the stessinjurystdoneusthenjindiviedual meritedalbyritethe goodgodonenette its students to simply regurgitate facts in order the center of the field had become reminiscent of society? I don't think so. No good was done the society to attain any degree of academic excellence or teGetDs ol ihtecsaino s because Jeff was not a bad influence. He was a o6d stimulates gnuine creative thinking. As the re- as a practice field, grass has begun to grow -ii the friend, to may Sincerely, port"We-ae sta~es, concered lest -e deaden center. But now the area around Adams and Tay-- James Kunen -creative imagination, critical response, and de- rwhcuse ospraflriingothft _'. light in questioning and learning," and we are grass, is suitable for little else then the produc- -,- suethat this concern does not lie solely with tinomupes z-f. the Steering Committee.Vheth bulesxcve&aon tee by Tony Romano When te builersecavate aroun thes This Saturday's thriller, The' Bedford IncdenY" Believing that "schooling is only a part -two dormitories to implant the foundations for the highly credible, but fails in its overt attempt to Pulla total education," the Committee has interested it- new wings[--Uk~r scraped off -the topsoil and lesson out of the overly-emphasized dramatic aspects f self with providing students with the opportunity piled it at the south end of the field, and then its plot.,,-An ex-Nazi U-Boat captain (Eric Portllanl ilek Of of. turned NATO-:3dvisor, tries to dissuade the skipper4 fI undergoing experiences outside of the normal trucked away the loam. This- Rieo osi e uea'~e-etoe-ft Navy= hr Wd - sch --- outnea the effeG"on some mained when the contractors finiished their, work mark)' from tracking and ti nu11 ist sii of or boys of stimulating or renewing interest in I-ate November and 'the school assumed res- marine, which could'in tur-i-teidgnn Wbrfd arII in academicpursuits" for regrading the area. The school to The Bedford Incident follows a patternthtsel in academic pursuits" ~~ponsibilityforeadn th ae.Tescol o be emerging in 'many new movies: not oydthod Seven paragraphs_ of the Committee Report could do nothing while the ground ws frozen war enemries (Germany and the United- Sttejniebt are devofed to a discussion of coeducation and of and snow-bedecked, and, fortunately, the pile- was they also completely reverse positions; the emf o comes the knowledgeable good guy; the Aeial the school's ever-changing social outlook. In them, less of an eyesore. With the advent of spring, the uncontrollable adventurer. A~jril 6J, 1966 - The Phillipian -Page 3

UUOffers $7,500 ReiwTechnique, Control Stessed eTo Fabianli, ~nA b OMNYH__ In Weekend Photo Session rowt~~cFor Stud'~~ The Miro possesses ntonly hi subject, alhuhhe maintainsofiv seinMrWit eE For'rnot isaltouhy plained the basics of the zone ft by AllenMark the maturity and control of its at every moment an intensity and .* '''system, a method of controlling byAllenpredecessor Mark but an objective sen- intimacy that is missing in the IIAseniors James P. Fabiani sitivity new to the magazine, others; furthermore, he manages tn rese, o h twend ie ~d Robrt M.Browne have re- This issue manages,, with one or to be-wholly sincere, and, at wrst student present W whoh adbokpre ~ive'MorheadAwards of $7,500 two exceptions, to dispose of most avoids railroading his story down oSysed Ma. hiestooknTh each for-four Years of study at the self-conscious verbiage, and thus the tracks on which the all-lovely then broke up' into six groups, iersity of North' Carolina at improves upon the fall offering heroine is about to be dismem- -each b~eaded-by a graduate assis- CelHill. The boys are two of in terms of overall content. As -bered. tant from M.I.T. From 9:30 until 102 students receiving Morehead with the last issue, most of the 1:0ec ru ett aiu Awards this year as announced by selections are long prose works In tis issue's poetry not only are 120eac -he camoupsen to vraius XNonan A.--Cocke, chairman-of the- -with only a few pieces of poetry depthless gems of futility-searchers arevaslontiod campu oaraiceil #,oard of Trustees_ of-the&John left* to replete the remairinig few- anaxaninreutondfth rviu aatinwths lrodfl Motldj~drehad pages. This time, however, the univers grtfigymsi hyAdtvew lucamteras iee n Foundtin o n prose works are easily'surpassed have been replaced with some hon-Afelucstdnsvwdad MArc r. b h jeradte egto est and impressive attempts at discussed an exhibition of prints - Althoughoth the isse is thus crrisd. by aself-expression. Except- or- Lee -' by Stephen Gersh, 'a leading pro- boys were deeply handful of pages. Edward's "Icharus," the poems s-esinaht ogahradfre I bym pre ssomehow ed the aonizin smogall possess the shape,, intensity, studn of Minor White. After C dringased of aoescen teaofntasies So and dimension so lacking in the -. another lecture by Mr. White, the cent visit, neither crept into the prose again, smart- prose. John Leone'd - "The Con- Photogrpeio White. npctre.Feestudents agiupttshoot presently plans ing one's sensibilities with ram- sumptive Equestrienne," although PhthyJ icts.n fellwins etuentan to take advantage bling supercool testamentsan capable of evoking an intensely by T.H.J. and P.A.G.thsadfloigecus-hn of the conusedaward, potboiling c ncotod sensitive experience, is marred Minor White, a photography the first. flrowne 'hopes to Doug Crichton's "My Flame t by its insistence self-lament. Two teacher at M.I.T. and editor of '. Saturday evening, student pho- Fabsani be acetd a ulf" ad Bl aiadspoems by Rick Noble, "Impression Aperture, a photography monthly, tographers viewed slide shows by -,*,-aan Pricetere a t' al apn g Bay"de- 24 Jan 1966" and "Pas de Deux" conducted a two-day photo seminar Warren Krupshaw, Minor White, Jenmay major in biology or archi- liver lengthy invectives that suf- relc rlin nertoso atweedat PA attended by -andSa odegfloe yds tkture._Fabiani has made Harvard fer in their attempts -at depth. form and emotion, as does John nearly thirty student photogra- cussion with Mr. White. b9- first choice, although he too, Both *ite in Manhattan. -settin' Tucker's "Autumn Landfall a-phers. Another shooting session was l~set otben cceped.He will bohtriaewihteanyng Meneuiska." - Mr. W~hite, a nationally famous held- early Sunday morning that miajor in political science and eco-- ex-stasis of the Uptown Bistro Two months have improved the htgaerisaedngp-lseduilbcfstTefnl nolics. If not aepted at their of All-Cool, both succeed in curd- Mirror; one could only wish that pontent of previsualization, a mneth- session combined shooting and a ling anything digestible. Likewise, the qult fsm eetosof of seeing the finished print discussion period. A session it choice colldges, both boys6,,attend plan UNC. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~while-viewing the subject. pandfr80 o1:0ta to attend UNO. ~~NeilRendleman, in his tale "The were that of the whole magazine. - Stra onni h is 1 pandfr80 o1:0ta ,AThe Morehead Foundation cited- Departure of Ernie Sdl," pre- Saturdaymorning,_inthefirst! night was cancelled. -tabiani's student activities. During sents some unbelievable incidents - his career at PA Faibianii has that become totally absurd when served as secretary and vice presi- coupled with the careless and pre- MORRISSEY TAXI Visit and enjoy ... dent of the Student Congress, vice tentious non-methods of his style. - president of his junior class, Charles LindhIy's fantasy, "Sweet - OU GITS P president of his senior class, a Chariot," an attempt to explore Two-Way Radios - Instant Service, U ITSO member of- the Phillips-Society, the gap betWeen imagination and co-captain of the actual sight, gets caught up in a Telephone 475 -3000 59 BEAUTIFUL GUJEST ROOMS varsity football gossamer of chilling dream sym- FRIDAY NIGHT SEAFOOD-BUFFET team and captain bols. The very'long "From a Blan- 3 akSre noe of the varsity ket" of Paul deAngelis is the best 32 TOa2kINtOReDININGoROO t r-a c k t eamr. prose work in the issue. DeAngelis Browne has been is remarkably detached from a representative ~ --- COCKTAIL LOUNGE - in the- Student - Congress - chair- O it j'l man of the Blue - K ey Advisors, ove T.Igphen treasurer of the _ IiIn uv II4 t475-5400 Browne Phillips Society,I i and amembr of the varsity football and swimming ooksore-SHERATON-ROLLIN G GREEN teamls. -89 Main Street -MOTOR INN The Morehead Awards were first presented in 1951 and are awarded 1'-I--l-Andover-Maps. I Ml.'133 & 93, ANDOVER annually without consideration of -. ' fll(l.______need to out-of-state students on the basis of outstanding merit, as re- a7 flected in academic ability, charac- -.Jhomv-4 on, .7nc. ter,-and leadership.- -0- _ ____--

WPAAHEADS------SCHOOL SUPPLIES __ (Continued from Page Offe). GREETING CARDS new board has been named as yet. SAINR IT WPAA personnel seeking high Posts were required for the first MAINASTsid time to write critiques over Spring 48 MANSTND VRe a n for improveinent of the station. M R N ' Nounderclassmen were selected for next year's board, whereas CARD & YARN SHOP two lowers and one junior 'were OLDE ANDOVER VILLAGE chosen when this year's board 6 was originally formsed. Main Street-/ Off C OP- Tlie day-to-day de ta ilIs of Ms.TJoft WPAsoperation will be direc- Andover -Ms. ted by sub-board members to be

oldboards and new next week, ., gifts' & accessories !orplaning long-ange andgen-'~~. Old. Andover Village

thru the archway -10 C R




- Air Conditioned- 96 Main Street Andover 688-3154

-- . HEEL For The

7- ~~~~PHILLIPIAN '-

/ ~~~~~~~-K.K.F./ Page 4 The Phillipian- A~rii 6,

(Continued from Page One7g JuioshosPOMCMM Relr Ddg, raeR~e, ~ae The Prom Conmmittee will hold _ _ Kelleher rresiuentComthesfo te ay 4h~ Sekanborn, And Pieteis To Leave On Sabbaica ______end. Ireland has, stated that the II registrations will 'ontinue through by Harold Defeice study the French language and extensively in Europe. April and hopes that all boys will Eih ebr fte-fclyculture. Then in mid-April they A h ndo hP have paid by May lat. The cost of -Egtm besoth faujywill start on a journey in a camper A thenofhePASir the weekend is $16.00 for non- will either take sabbaticalsor*hogi7pan nohen frcSson Mr. ccie wil poa schol~rshpboy and-$13.00 for leaves of absence over the comiing Egypt, and other countries- of theatn te U iI of those on scholarship. Ireland also school year. A PA teachier i eli- Mediterranean. -gan, where he plans to study added that he will canvass the gible to take one sabbatical at alysis, Linear Algebra, and C student body if the sign-up does thirty-five, during which he must Mr. Gny D Hughes will pro- puter techniques. After he not progress. He then' reaffirmed work towards a degree or towards bably travel to Berkeley, Califor- turns he, too, hopes toinle that the Barbarians, contrary to greater proficiency in a certain nia, whei~e he plans to study Chau- pleasure trip to Europe. various rumors, would be playing subject. A second is offered to a cer and 18th-ceiltury literature. at the Prom, faculty member once he reaches In any case, he will do some wit- .Next -fall Mr. Lane of the forty-five. Given at the conven- iifigand, later, more travelling. slan Department-will travel i~t HA'PENNYSDISC. ience of the departments, the lat-- Soviet Union for. threew (Continued fronrPage One) ter sabbatical n;?ay be employed as Mr. and Mrs. Dodge will sail in where he will try to find test m junior Class President Kelleher tinental Recording Co. of Fram- the teacher wishes. August for Galloway, in southwest terials for use here in his clai Photo by Gegenheimer ingharn Massachusetts, the major- th-Scotland, where they'plan to live He hopes to travel in areas ~f by Dave Sdgwick it fwii h apny ln Next fall Mr. Sanborn of tefor a good part of the year. Mr. country he could not visit in 9 Hugh Kllehedefeaed for to ell on campus. They will then Bilg eatetwl oaeDodge will do research on per- and to work on both a basic voua other nominees by- a margin of turn to the wide market at various to Europe with his wife for six sonal projects along with some ulary list and- an 'etymnologl -only one vote to beconme President girls' schools to sell those that re weeks, during which time they serious salmon and tut fishing.slauofwrsseinten ofjuiorclas te inan eeto manTolprdtincssfrwill visit England, France, Hol- He plans to study the local history syllas of rsusedin'tlag ohe usdyiornsing, March the daisc oame toodover $1600; fo land, Germany, Italy, and; Switz- and is also very interested in de- toyaso usa aga heTomMcaiy, wonwas edged by the is overhead isemet the goupe erland. Other tentative plans in- termining how British schools dif- study. These he will complete-; caehe icePeitnhvotmeng the and tou expeses ndro elude travels to Alaska and Ha- fer from those in the United his- return with the resources of Kaeehe incetheevotingt5The thee will use their profits for equip- waii, a stay at ski resorts in the States and what problems they the'Dartmouth College library other candidates were C r o b y pay back a $300 loan from Head- mid-west, and trips down the Ohio are presently facing. Kemper, Waring Strebeigh, and mse epr river and the Panama Canal.Ith mideoustM. Mr. Drake will be on leave Dave Sedgwick. - In addition to playing at most Mr'Rerg-n'hsfmlPetrmihvoaeo.os abncnxtyrtoecha There7 was a mild dispute con- major dances on campus, the Ha'- Mr ohi n i aiyPeesmgtvyg oMsow absc inety thcoloye ac f cerning the election's legality be- pennys played over vacation atPrgleave in August for Rotterdam for a conference in mathematics ematisnthScolysAoa cause the voting procedures com- "The arn" in New London for and from there will proceed to and at the same time tour several Prgam, run by Andover and E mnenced before the scheduled morn- .four hundred people and appeared France, where they plan to settle schools. Then in the second week eter in arcelona, Spain. He ad ing assembly period, and thus a at the Branford College dance at in a small village in Provence. of September, he will travel to Ox- his family leave September 85 sizable majority of the junior day Yale. At present the five are lin-Whlprprn prjcsihs-fdEgafoacnerce ntesuetsipA eida students arrived -too late to vote. ing up a job for this summer at Wiepeaigpoet nhs od nlnfracneec ntesuetsi uet n Theeletio~rsuls rste, hw-thNitOwCaenGrnic tory, photography, and archeolo- - on geometry in secondai'y schools, will live in an apartment en ever.- Each of the- candidates re- Village. ---- gy, Mr. and Mrs. Roehrig will Afterwards, he plans to travel the Barcelona school. gretted this infringement of the day students' rights. -The nominations for five candi- dates took place a week prior to j the election, and consisted of a I write-in vote for two fellow stu- - "c""ca"Sut C o* dents by each junior. In the final election, those in attendance again

voted two different candidates __ among the five thus nominated. The contest was decided according to the total number of votes cast 2 M sin 7 _5 for each nominee. M S .~ The old traditional rivalry be- tween Rockwell House and Will- iams Hall played an important role in the election. Many in Will Hall apparently rallied around42 -M IC ysi915 Tom McAvity, their dorm's only * ~candidate, giving him one of their two votes, while Rockwell divided itself among its four native sons. 31 A N* Ur 2-3277 HARTIGAN S

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GADGETS- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~348NO. MAIN STREET, ANDOVER GAGT Open Daily & Sunday: 8-a.m. - 9p.m. - Jnto t.13&2 Arl6, 1966 -- The Phillipian Page 5 On -the Sidelines 7 XEMATMENSw m i g - Looking BackIST, PA 5TH INW illiston m 1wmst

______~by TODD COHEN CHMPONHISOver PA In -terschols With_the close of a successful winning season for the Conlin, Miller, Staprt, Smit blue teams, it seems fitting to go back and reidentify. what looked to be the outstanding thletes f the winter tem Place- st, 2Id, Ird, 4th . The hockey team had one- of the greatest squads in - audy ac 2 xtr Andover history, and personifying such a team was probably N.H.-Exeter's powerful wrestling the. most outstanding athlete of the season, Chris Gurry. team copped first place in the New Gurr'serfrmaces raning imeandagai shwed1i~England Prep School Wrestling Gurr'serfinimcestimeandagan randng shwedhimChampionships-as Andover placed to be what many called the finest prep hockey player in New fifth. PA's onl-Y winner was England. Netting four goals in the final game against Exeter, Rob Conlin, although Captain he climaxed a brilliant PA career, and it will be-quite a while Sm MleRc tat n Roger Smith placed in the top four before people stop talking about the exploits of Mr. Hockey. -in their respective weight classes. ion Noll was another superb athlete atop-the blue ranks. Some bad breaks in the match IlHecaptained a swimming team which copped second in the druas ciaointiedgral thowtheg. interschols and which toppled Williston from its mastery ofBr'sdapinnghon. dualmeetrivary.n thee yars f Anovercomptitin Ik the 110 lb.,- division, junior the dulme iar.I he er fAdvrCMeiin ikStuart, upset the Tbor en- ~ - _ Noll was undefeated at the 100 yard backstroke, had three. try and beat,- the - Mt. Hermon McTernen, second man on PA 400 free relay team, starts 'in nterichols. interscholastic crowns in that event, and now holds the wrestler to cop third despite his Andover won the event and set a new record. loss to the eventual champion, ofschool, ool, and interscholastic backstroke records with a Exeter's Milner. - . by John Williams 56.2~ clocking,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Saturday, March 12; Andover- 56.2clocking. ~~~~~~~~~~~~Inthe 115 lb. catagory, Mike For the third straight year An- There were - other stars. Senior prep Rob Conlin Bradley was eliminated in the dover placed second in the swim- wrestled to an undefeated season and an interschol win. Cai first round. Rg Smith suffered ming interscholastics as arch-rival Underwodfro switced the hih jump~to thepole - some bad breaks as he came in Williston captured the prep school Undewoodswichedfro thehig jum tothe olevault fourth in the' 121 class. He de- -crown. Meet records were estab- and set a school record. Racquetman Farlow Blakeslee won feated the Milton wrestler in the lished in the 200 yd. medley re- nthe Fag~an Cup, while teammate Don Ross finished the sea- firsv - round and then wrestled lay tL dive, the backstroke, and son wit anof accmulatio sevnteen wns compred to Governor Dummer's Olicher, last the'400 yd. freestyle relay. Despite son ithan ccuulatonf sveneen inscomare toonly year's - Interschol champion, who outstanding performances by Rain- one defeat. Basketball captain John Hilley topped everyone defeated him. er MacGuire, Bill Bostiain, art in buckets and led his team to a stunning win over Exeter. In the 127 lb. class John Aber- Brush, Jon Noll, and Topper Lynn, Andover dlimaxed a good athletic- term with a fo~r to, nathy was eliminated in the first the Blue grabbed only two firsts._ two performance in varsity contests against the negbr round by Worcester's wrestler who --Williston opened -the meet with neigborslater lost, a record-breaking 1:44.1 in the to the north. The Big Blue have momentum, and Andover's I h 3 b lAd e- 200 yd. medley. relay. Andover's.- PA's Topper Lynn swimming butter- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Inte13l.casnyHn- team of Nl, Sessions, Lynn, and fly in interschols. PoobSht fine coaching staff is'presently involved in building top-flight enway, who was seeded third was Ryder dashed home second atPhtbyhot squads -so that-the ball will keep on rolling. - beaten-inr-the first round by the 1:45.0. According to Coach Wet- hind Deerfield's Wilkinson whose Exiehead eate intheA-Emore this was the most decisive winning time was 56 seconds flat. Five TeamsWinter ppotnt eveWillis~~~~ t o th edeet.-rfrs Williston's ace freestyler Acker- FiveWinter Teams A point c~~~~~~~amtMiller copped a second for . ilsa ae naohrfrtman, the only double winner of the the Blue--fi the 137 as he defeated inte 200 free with Ackerman meet, picked up his second first '67 Captains-; Three To Vote Burt from Governor Dummer in swimming it in- 1: 53.5 to beat Ex- of the day with a 50.8 in the 100 tefirdt round and then got a -ter-captain Decker, Deerfield's free. He as pursued by Clark rfresdcision over H~orak frpm Cak AnoesMcure-a nd Jones of Deerfield, Crichton - - ~~~~~~~~Milton,who was last year's chamnp Bostian, and Redmayne of Hebron. ~or the Blue, Worthern of Kim- - -~~~~~ ~~ -; - --~~~~-and seeded first this year. The A judge's- decision 'awarded ball Union, tand teammate Hs- match score was 0-0, but the ref- fis lc oJnso eril ford. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~ereeawarded Miller the decision in the 50 freestyle as both he and because of superior play. In the Lee Eddy were clocked a23.1 Jon Noll won handily in the finalmatc,Miler ost o Taor's Williston picked up 10 more backstroke, setting a meet record - ~~~~~~~~Youngwho had earlier beaten him points in the 200 yd. individualI and tying his personal, pool, and 16-1 by a score of 51. medley. The winners' Boulware sch F record of 56.2. Williston's Rob woonln, ws sededwon the event In 2:09.5. Neither Prossner and Neuburger took Rob Colin,wo was eededJeff Melimed nor Alberta R~iurell second and sixth respectively while first, did just what was expected qualified for the Blue. Ne -Prep's Wadman, Exeter's - - ~~~~~~~~ofhim in the 17lb. catagory by -iewsapa San ur- Motaneerfedw.hpe -decisively beating the wrestler Tedv a laat Mas n eril' hpe - from Tabor in-th first round, andprise for 'Andover. Though Burns filled in the places between them. * - ~ -- ~- ten gong anto bet theMountfor-Deerfield won it with-a record- I Eie captain Decker copped, thern nd ovrnora h D une breaking 118.05, Bart -Brush dis- first in the 400 free with a 4:14.6 men. plydhi etfomoItesa clocking. Boulware of Williston ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~son,- otscoring Burns in the' fin-, was second, followed -by-PA's Bill Dee Van Wyck, 157, Buck Wal- als to place- second -in the three Bosthin h undi -42. Huda, ulimiedalllostinirs In th buterfy, oppr Lyn's - -k_- o tund--a42. ker, 167, Kit Wise, 177, and Ray round event with a 108.45 total, time. Team captains for next year's winter term ( to r) George Mendenhall, round play. 156.6 effort placed him right be- Hyde of Exeter and Edsell of- ttack;swimmig; Dick Wayne rafton, Trcy, hockey.Mt.sking; Jeff Meamed, Herman shared first in the track;swiming, DickTrafton, Wayne racy,sking, hocke.Jeff Mlamedcu * ~'~1T z.1breastbreaststrok onjadjudgesddecision Daveresting an Wck,cptai, no picuredPhoto, by Gegenheimer skiers C.apture Ani Inl Interscihob, although Edsell was' clocked at by Evan Thomas allowed a mere goal in PA's tight 1 108.6 n et fascn at Wa g~~~~~~~~M.6, ohnhse te opaseondnt fSt- ayne Tracy, Jeff lMelamed, victory while turning away 28 Mc MCuen ComSeps S c onn . I n u p e hnhsEee poet t GedoDge Venenal werafleton,ick shots. md-aoaloe pe by Baxter Lanius cause of a slow and rutty course, with a time of 1:10.3.- and ereDae elctedVanWyck eff Mlamedalso lowe prep Sunday, March 18; Proctor many contestants fell. Dick'Traf- (Continued on Page Six) 7arsity captains in their respective last year, proved to be a steady Academy-After two days of stiff ton's time of 92.4 for the two run sPrtfr hewinter of 66 - 67. swimmer for the Blue mermnen Goal tender Tracy will captain the this wihter. His numerous seconds competition the Andover ski team slalom was sufficient for 12th, PAMelamed, hockey team;the ~could place only 5th in the Eastern and'upper Jimmy Pts was 20th, C p W n e PA hoey tMea Me llamed and thirds i-the 200 yard individ- -Prep School'Championships. How- 2.5 seconds-behind Trafton. Char- theracknen lue Tratontheual medley and the 400 yard ever, this was a vast improvement lie Sawyer also counted for An- C p W n e steam;and Vracon;Wyckwill hed freestyle helped An d ov er to 9 ski teacpmevrl;moran ees I:over previous years. dover with 32nd. - - wrslers. Squash, basketball, the Williston upset, Melamed col- MutHro pe aoe yth n th fer Holderness and Vermont Academy dover was 4th ftefrtdyA-"-with 174.70 pts. liquima ahoodrir cateas. hae- e to lected a third, and against' Wor-. with a victory in the jumping Northwood Academy led with gi, choosecaptains.ste their he picked up a second and consecutive high standings in 180.29 pts. - -Tracy came to Andover in his and a third. His consistency held the alpine events and cross-coun- On Sunday, Holderness swept lower year and was on the-varsity, up during the Dartmouth Fros try event. 123 points in the downhill while Thisyearhe ook verthe net- debacle as he picked up a third. Andre McMullen held top hon- Andover did poorly. Dick Trafton Mlinding duties from Senior Jim Melamed strokes the varsity crew ors for the Blue in the jumping, was again Andover's top man with 11unroe during the Melrose con- in the spricpigneid Radg.Jim-Fat n an fi test when Munroe was barraged ring--- secon id AndyRad2s.JmyPtzndH kPel for three tallies in the initial per- ,Dick Trafton, who will lead the from Norwood Academy: Captain fle followed with 31 and 41 re- iod. le improved steadily through- '67 ski team, copped wins in both Robin Hogan jumped well and spectively. - -: Out the tremendous 15-2 season and the alpine and nordic events finished fourteenth out of -fifty- In. the final event, cross-country, - T Proved to be - a major factor in throughout the entire season. n eight competitors. --Jimmy Platz Andover finished 5th. Dick Traf- the Blu~'s sces uigtete-ibl no anvl rf captured seventeenth place. The ton's 8th led the -team. again. Sen- tragic Hrvard thriller, Tracy ton strode to a second place to pace twenty-five meter jump was slow ior Chris-Rafferty's 17th place* kiked ut 29 shtsopn 3thdoBlue. He raced to a first in and slushy because of rain during ,and-Ciarlie Rockwell's 23rd scared in the final frame. He thwarted the slalom and won again in the the event. In addition, the Andover points, for the Blue. --- the D Fresmenon 22scorng cross-country against St. Paul's jumpers, accustomed to large hills, -Key.- falls and individual baa attemtsluging espertelyto and Proctor. At the intersehols his were hindered by the small jump. days hrt - the Blue who could Fagan Cup Winner Bael baldthe vistorix thefinl m- strong performance, an eighth in Later on Saturday came the manage.- only 5th out of the 17 squash champion. Balse, flt~ rlintonAganst ighhe (Continued -on Page Six) first Alpine, event, the slalom. Be- teams. -Photo by Roth Page 6 -- The Phillipian -~April 6, 9

PA Senior's Tutor-Lawvrence PA Students'Attack Mount W hngton (Cotiue faom Fie Stu dents In Summer Session Despite Perilous AvAlanche Condiin -blne to the Blue. The A7deO by Christopher S. Shiner sey, Howie Borgatrom, Woody- Mac MeTernen, Doug Cril The Lawrece Summer Pro- Weiss, and Dave Ludden. Each and Rainer MacGuire broke grain, first sponsored last year by tutor will be responsible for five school nd ool records and Lawrence businessmen and Phill-r or six boys. Eccles stated that tablished the-: meet record ips Academy, will provide an op- 'the tutor will sit in on classes 8:25.1. W~xeter finished 7 seco Portunity for twefity-five or thirty to become aware of what the later, followed by Deerfield, Lawrence boys to--ottend this year's teachers are trying to accomplish liston,, Worcester, and Suffield Summer Session ag_ PA. The par- -and what problems students are Williston, having lost its 1 ticipants, all of whom will receive having." They will then conductbeondironacutf full scholarships, will be integrated evening study sessions- during-inuyportthme, ia into the six-week Summer Session which any difficulties. that develop anticipating a- victory. They program, but will take special can be discussed, assured, nevertheless, of courses. - -first places from the start si According to Director.' Frank Mr. Charles -St. Paul of Law- because of their supply of M. Eccles, the Program desires rence will serve as full-time guid- beatable talent. Coach Wet students "with better than aver- ane counselor, the position he felt Andover's problem wa age whoailit on'tseem o beheld last year. Also, two Lawrencej - &' failure to- qualify second rs living up o their ptential." H teceswl oet A ah -- i x termned the project "an attempt t-n week ontewekyfclymetto meet the boys for supper '~~ .th onlynyte20 le pl0cere toeh fiaes, ie for individul of directi ndj"nthe wiell facust insit-\r the butterfly, but no one was forbringindividual aboys."igs.boys." about tesiutinatLwrneil gve s avirrence~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~itnsghgThy to qualify for PA in the indd .intensive training will be pro- ithe sndtcatidn ato ho~' ~ ~ medley. Mr. Wetmore hd e vided in English and mathematics. Hgh adcn avise as to# ally- great praise for Bill Bs' Mr. Smith and Mr. Eccles w ell teby r epnig Search and Rescue. participants climb Mt. Washington during spring Rainer MacGuire, and conduct the math classes; Messrs. Ecscoieed atonBrush. "Brush was magniftet Brown and MQuilkin will teach- An innovation in this year's he said. "He did his best d Englsh.couse smilan ar to rogrm isthatall oyswill par- by Pul M. Nelson set up in its lean-too. of the, year." The' coach col that taken by PA Upper-Middlers ticipate in -crew, rather than being he rop sar menteeteAdsudntsandfornSndynmrnig will be presented by Mr. Sherze.-given choice of athletics, as was faculty members launched an ex- ted up the mountain. The snow merned in an l cofthire Ecclecomente tha sinerteteis sya."e atte pedition up Mount Washington, of the previous night and the re- trigi opeo hi program does not wish to' present to have vigorous, tough experi- the highest peak in New Hamp- suIting avalanche conditions had "the competition was jmu materalshat te stdent wil ence," stated Eccles. shire, during the first four days of made climbing to the top unadvis- mc"i hi vns mateialstha the stdnsw* the spring vacation as the final able, however. The group did, nev- mc"i hi vns encounter again, "tecurriculum Mr. Eccles added that although phase of the winter teraf Search ertheless, climb. to within a dis- isn't -more advanced, it's simply other programs emphasize the fun and Rescue program. couraging 1500 feet of the sum- different" of educational activity, the Law- Th'e group left Thursday after- mit. The-only incident -of the as- / /A Additional assistance will be rence project stresses the idea that co.4 ..Atweig proviedchoen b sixtutos fom "hey ill hve t go ack o noon March 10th for Squarn Lake, cent was a small, easily-avoided A.- ncho this year's senior- class: Ned school, and school isn't meant toNe Haphrw retheyalnc.AfrracngLo' Kendric,Mike AndyAbbott T~i-1 b fun."stayed through Friday. The lake Head, their destination, and find- eauan Kendrick,Mike AndyTad- Abbot,be fun."and surrounding hills offered op- ing the visibility disappointingly TEAM -- successful relay team. Despite portunities for a number of exer- poor; the team rested, then made STEAKS, CHOPS and SEAFOOD (Contiuedfrm PageFive) tracks~mediocre season, the Blue cises: ice fishing, a cross-lake its descent. the - ~~~~~~~relaymen dropped only two races crampon race, and a difficult cliff Upon-jueachirig-their base camp, PIZZA and SPAGH ETTI th cross-countr47tvitfth in the to a respectable eight wins. Men- rescue, the hikers acked up -and started slalom, and twenty-first in the denhall ran on last year's winter The- Search and Rescue unit down the trail, making a side trip - downhill aided PA's fifth place and spring track teams.. began the second leg of its expedi- to look at Huntington's Ravine, 19 Essex Street finish. Traftons has been on the Dee Van Wyck did not wrestle tion-Saturday, arrived at a odge where the Harvard climbing team team since his junior year, and varsity all season but hustled all just below Mt. Washington, then practices. After good supper at Andover, Mass. last yar won the ski bowl. term and pulled off a crucial win started up a two-and-a-half mile the lodge, the group drove back to - George Mendenhall ran in the in the Governor Dummer meet. trail to the base camp in Tucker- PA, aiving at about 1:00 Mon- Tel. GR 5-9710 number two position for Andover's Last year he wrestled JV. man's Ravine, where camp~was day morning.,-

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