Priest in Charge: The Reverend Victoria Morgan The Vicarage Church Road Hambledon PO7 4RT

Benefice Office: The Church Centre Lane Waterlooville Hants PO8 0AA

Independent Examiner: Bank: Mr. Michael F. Sidwell, B.Sc(Hons) Lloyds 67a, Castle Road 4, West Street Rowlands Castle Havant Hants Hants PO9 6AR PO9 1PE




Administrative Information St. Hubert’s Church is a constituent part of the Benefice of Blendworth with Chalton with Idsworth, which is part of the Diocese of Portsmouth within the Church of . Any correspondence should be addressed to the Benefice Office.

Structure and Management The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a corporate body established by the Church of England and operates under the Parochial Church Council Powers Measure. It has the responsibility of co-operating with the Priest-in-Charge in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the entire mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. The Standing Committee has power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the Council. The PCC also has responsibility for the maintenance of the church and grounds.

Members of the PCC are either ex-officio, elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) or co-opted in accordance with the Church Representation Rules. The Deanery Synod representatives provide an important link between the parish and the wider structures of the church. All church attendees are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to the PCC.

The PCC is a charity excepted from registration with the Charity Commission.


During the year the following served as members of the PCC:

Priest-in Charge: *The Revd. Victoria Morgan Chairman

The Revd. Victoria Morgan was licensed to the benefice of Blendworth, Chalton and Idsworth and the parish of Rowlands Castle on 8th September.

Wardens: *Mr. John Butt (from APCM 2005) Vice Chairman *Cdr. Roger Walker (from APCM 2019)

Elected Members: *Mr. John Bates (from APCM 2017) Treasurer *Mr. Gareth Denby (from APCM 2017) *Mrs.Tracy Eggleston (from APCM 2019) Capt. Graham Johnston (from APCM 2019). *Mr. Ken Newley (from APCM 2017) Secretary Mr. Ben Prebble (from APCM 2019) Mrs Lisa Scheuler (from APCM 2019) Secretarial Assistant

Mr Denby resigned in June due to moving from the district. Mr. Prebble resigned in October due to business commitments.

At the September meeting of the PCC Mr. David Eggleston was appointed as Electoral Roll Officer.

*Standing Committee members


Church Attendance and Special Services

The six-yearly revision of the Electoral Roll was completed this year and now stands at fifty-one names.

During the vacancy months of the year we have welcomed various visiting ministers including Canon Wendy Kennedy, Canon Terry Louden, Revd. Ruth Loveman, Canon John Shepherd, Canon Anthony Rustell, Mrs. Jackie Brookfield, Ven Dr. Trevor Reader, Revd Stuart Cleaver, Revd David Lindsay, Revd Sam Cullen, Mr Bob Raley and Bishop Ian Brackley to maintain our schedule of services. Although the appointment of the Revd. Victoria Morgan was made we still have a vacancy for an Associate Priest (House for Duty) and therefore will still require PTO clergy to cover services.

The pattern of one joint benefice service held in each church was maintained again this year, the service at St. Hubert’s being held on the Patronal Sunday in October at which the renewed east window was blessed.. An attendance of forty- seven was recorded. Average attendance at regular Sunday services was twenty adults and one child with increased numbers at festivals and special services. The latter included the joint benefice service and the Good Friday Hour of Devotion attended by thirty-one worshippers. Short services of Morning Prayer were routinely held on nearly all Friday mornings throughout the year.

An innovative celebration was held at St Hubert’s in the evening of Ascension Day, involving a ‘bring your own’ picnic and sung Eucharist for the six parishes of Rowlands Castle, Blendworth, Chalton, Idsworth, and Clanfield. The event with participation of clergy, readers, musicians and choristers from the dix parishes was generally acclaimed and attracted an attendance of seventy-five.

Our programme of mindful events, involving quiet meditation and prayer and intended to attract new people to the church was continued and developed during the year with periodic short services of ‘Quiet Evening Prayer’ by candlelight. Two daytime sessions of ‘Mindful Drawing’ were also introduced, one preceding the Good Friday service, and the other following normal Sunday worship. They proved popular with attendees, and ideas will be developed in 2020.

Our long established Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was held on the Sunday before Christmas. At Christmas, a midnight Eucharist service was held on Christmas Eve followed by a service of Christmas Praise with carols on Christmas morning. Attendance at these services was sixty-three (a record!) and twenty-eight respectively.

In June, the church was used by the German Lutheran Church for their annual service

In the review period there were four marriages one baptism, and six interments of ashes.

Review of the year

The annual meetings were held as is now customary immediately after a Sunday morning service in April. An attendance of twenty was recorded. At the Annual Meeting there were four nominations allowing for replacement of retiring members. Elections took place for the offices of vice-chairman, treasurer and secretary and the standing committee at the following PCC meeting.. We currently have no representative on the Deanery Synod but receive reports from the representatives at Holy Trinity.

The most significant event of the year was the appointment of the Revd.Victoria Morgan. She was also licensed as priest- in-charge of St John’s Rowlands Castle. The Diocese had also intended to simultaneously appoint a Associate Priest (House for Duty) and a priest-in-charge for the benefice of Catherington and Clanfield, as it is planned that the six parishes will work together in the future.

The full PCC met five times in the homes of various members during the review year, four times under the chairmanship of the of the Churchwarden and once being led by our new priest, No specific meetings of the Standing Committee were required but members were consulted on several topics throughout the year.

In accordance with diocesan policy the text of the revised policy documents on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults was read out in full. These were agreed and signed.

The Friends Trust has not used the church for their fundraising activities this year due to the extensive repair work. One concert was held in Rowlands Castle Parish Hall, which was well attended.

In March, the church again hosted an educational visit from St John’s Primary School Rowlands Castle as part of the Religious Education curriculum, and in May a visit by pupils from Westbourne Primary School in support of both History and Religious Education.

Several members of the congregation again took part in the and The Island Historic Churches Trust sponsored Ride and Stride in September.


Report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church

A second phase of the refurbishment work initiated in 2013 when the west and south walls were repaired and rendered was planned for 2018 but became delayed until 2019. This work which was funded by a grant from District Council involved the repair and render of the east wall and replacement of the east window (both glass and frame) and was started in early July under the supervision of architect Miss Louise Bainbridge of Seymour and Bainbridge of Winchester and completed as planned at the end of September. As a precaution the care and protection of the wall- paintings on the east window reveal was undertaken by Mr. Peter Martindale. His work involved the re-attachment of the internal render wall-painting base on to the flintwork thus avoiding the damage which had been created during the last window replacement in 1913. Stripping off the external lime render revealed a well-laid rough stone external wall with only limited damage due to movement at the top of the south corner where removal of cement render and repair had to be undertaken with the greatest possible care. Concurrently the south and west walls were given a routine coating of limewash. The church continues dry inside and free from all protective exterior window screens.

Financial Review

This has been an interesting year for the Church finances with our income rising by £22,000. to £135,000. However, this must be seen in context as a large proportion of this has come from the increased value of our investments (£19,312) together with a large increase in grants and donations towards our building work which have amounted to £63,992. The majority of these have come from EHDC, The Headley Trust, HIHCT, Girdlers Company Charitable Trust and The Friends of St. Hubert’s Church Trust. These together with some generous donations from individuals, both members of the congregation and visitors, have made it possible to complete the building work to the south and east wall and we offer sincere thanks to all donors in making this possible.

As stated, our Investments continue to produce a steady return and the strong economy has helped to keep up their values. The General Investment fund now stands at £43,886 and will help to provide a buffer for future increases in running costs. The main cause for concern is our weekly voluntary donations at services. Whilst many donations are made by Direct Debit, we would ask more regular attendees to consider this method of supporting our church. This provides a guaranteed income for the regular running of the church which needs £120 per day to survive.

Our expenditure in the year has mainly centred on the building work. In total £58,594 has been spent on the replacement of the east window and the rendering and painting of the south and east walls and conserving the paintings of St. Peter and St. Paul The major part of this sum has come from grants applied for by the Friends to whom we are indebted for their efforts. We have been able to reclaim £11,702 in VAT via the DCMS grant scheme. A full breakdown of these figures can be found at the end of the financial statement. Debtors to the church amount to £953.40 from HMRC and SSE and there are no outstanding bills or accounts.

With no major building work planned for 2020 the budget forecast stands at £51,525 income and expenditure £38,889. These figures have been achieved by allowing for a small increase in regular voluntary giving and anticipating that our shared administration costs with HTB will greatly reduce now we are out of the interregnum period. As always, our Parish Share continues to rise and is our biggest regular expense. In the coming year it will reach £20,239 or £389.22 a week.

We have not been able to sanction extra charitable giving for the past two years due to the fabric repairs but hope to be able to return to our past figure of tithing for the coming year.

Policy Statements

The PCC’s target in respect of charity giving is to give to charity from general income (i.e. in addition to earmarked collections) a sum approximately equal to 10% of voluntary giving, and in respect of reserves to maintain in the General Fund a balance approximately equal to three month’s expenditure as long as circumstances permit. All reserves are held in funds of the Central Board of Finance of the Church of England. Present levels of reserves are shown by fund on page 6.

The PCC is aware of its responsibilities with regard to the management of risk. Of the material risks inherent in an old and isolated church the prime ones are considered to be centered round those serving the activities of the church, the general public, fire and theft (including break-in). Material measures and systems continue to be reviewed regularly and insurance cover is considered adequate. The PCC observes the diocesan policy for the protection of children and vulnerable adults and a Protection Representative is appointed.

Approved and signed on behalf of the PCC

10th October 2020



1. Accounting Policies The financial statement has been prepared under the historical cost convention (except for the valuation of investment assets, which are shown at market value) and in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006, together with applicable accounting standards and the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice 2005. Funds The General Fund represents resources of the PCC that are not subject to any restrictions regarding their use and are available for application to the general purposes of the PCC.

Restricted funds are those funds that must be spent on restricted purposes.

The financial statement includes all transactions, assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. It does not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body nor those that are informal gatherings of church members. Incoming Resources Voluntary income and capital sources. Planned giving, donations and collections are recognized when received by or on behalf of the PCC. Tax recoverable on Gift-Aid donations is recognized when the donation is recognized. Grants and legacies to the PCC are accounted for as soon as the PCC is notified of its legal entitlement, the amount due is quantifiable and its ultimate receipt by the PCC is reasonably certain. Sales of postcards, booklets and magazines are accounted for gross. Income from investments Dividends are accounted for when due and payable and interest entitlements are accounted for as they accrue. Gains and losses on investments Unrealized gains or losses are accounted for on revaluation of investments at 31 December.

Resources Used Grants Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over, or when awarded if that award creates a binding obligation on the PCC.

Activities directly related to the work of the Church The Diocesan Parish Share is paid in the time scale requested by the Diocese and is accounted for when paid.

Fixed Assets Consecrated property and movable church furnishings Consecrated and beneficed property of any kind is excluded from the accounts by s.96(2)(a) of the Charities Act 1993. Movable church furnishings held by the Priest-in-Charge and Churchwardens on special trust for the PCC, and which require a faculty for disposal, are accounted for as inalienable property unless consecrated. They are listed in the church's Inventory, which can be inspected at any reasonable time. For inalienable property acquired prior to 2000 there is insufficient cost information available and therefore such assets are not valued in the accounts. The only item acquired since 1 January 2000 has been depreciated on a straight-line basis over 4 years and is now written off. All expenditure incurred in the year on consecrated or beneficed buildings, on individual items costing under £1000 or on the repair of movable church furnishings acquired before 1 January 2000 is written off. Other fixtures, fittings and equipment Individual items bought for less than £1000 are written off when acquired. Investments/ Investments are valued at market value on 31 December.

Current Assets Any amounts owing to the PCC at 31 December are shown as debtors. All short-term deposits are held either at the bank or in the Deposit Fund of the CBF of the Church of England.



• Statement of Financial Activities

Unrestricted Restricted Endowment funds funds funds 2019 2018 Incoming resources Incoming resources from donors 20,147 — — 20,147 19,801 Other voluntary incoming resources 2,244 61,747 — 63,992 29,197 Activities for generating funds 684 — — 684 781 Income from investments 7,565 11,747 — 19,312 4,676 Other incoming resources 5,053 455 — 5,508 4,115 Total incoming resources 35,695 73,949 — 109,645 58,572

Resources used Grants 1,634 — — 1,634 1,698 Activities relating to the work of the Church 1,893 — — 1,893 1,560 Support costs 24,643 596 41 25,281 23,502 Church management and administration 2,571 55,911 — 58,482 14,242 Total resources used 30,742 56,508 41 87,292 41,003

Net income / (expenditure) 4,953 17,441 (41) 22,353 17,569

Transfers Gross transfers between funds - in 8,406 2,700 — 11,106 30,106 Gross transfers between funds - out (500) (10,606) — (11,106) (30,106) Net income / (expenditure) 12,859 9,534 (41) 22,353 17,569

Total funds brought forward 54,304 58,310 — 112,615 95,045

Total funds carried forward 67,164 67,845 (41) 134,968 112,615


HMRC Gift Aid 4th Qtr. 2019 953.40 SSE Electricity Overpay 179.66 1,133.06


The Organists and Cleaners have declared themselves to be freelance / self employed workers for the purpose of PAYE.



Balance sheet

Class and code Description 2019 2018

Current assets CBF Property Account 27,692 28,438 CBF Investment Account 49,239 41,480 CBF General Investment Account 43,886 35,413 CBF Fabric Account 6,905 4,637 Lloyds TSB 7,243 2,644 Petty Cash 1 — Total Current assets 134,968 112,615


Net Asset surplus(deficit) 134,968 112,615

Reserves Excess / (deficit) to date 22,353 37,735 Starting balances 112,615 74,879 Total Reserves 134,968 112,615

Represented by funds Unrestricted 50,130 36,864 Designated 17,033 17,440 Restricted 67,804 58,310 Total 134,968 112,615

Statement of assets and liabilities

General Designated Restricted Endowment 2019 2018 Current assets - Cash at bank and in hand Lloyd TSB 24,067 98 (16,881) (41) 7,243 2,644

Petty Cash 540 — (539) — 1 — Totals 24,608 (6,666) (10,655) (41) 7,244 2,644

Current assets - Investments CBF Property Account (2,195) 23,757 6,130 — 27,692 28,438 CBF Fixed Int. Account 171 (56) (114) — — — CBF Investment Account 2,538 — 46,701 — 49,239 41,480 CBF General Investment Account 28,049 — 15,836 — 43,886 35,413 CBF Fabric Account (3,041) — 9,946 — 6,905 4,637 Totals 25,522 23,700 78,500 — 127,723 109,970

Grand total 50,130 17,033 67,845 (41) 134,968 112,615



Analysis of income and expenditure

Total Unrestricted Designated Restricted Endowment 2019 2018


Incoming resources from donors Bank Giro Credits 7,472 — — — 7,472 8,482 Collections 5,840 — — — 5,840 5,361 Fees to PCC 3,357 — — — 3,357 2,410 Payroll Giving (SWCG) 1,328 — — — 1,328 1,212 Wall Safe 2,148 — — — 2,148 2,335 Total 20,147 — — — 20,147 19,801

Other voluntary incoming resources Gifts and Grants * 2,244 — 61,747 — 63,992 29,197 Major Repairs Project Fund — — — — — — Total 2,244 — 61,747 — 63,992 29,197

Activities for generating funds Fund Raising Activities 684 — — — 684 781 Ride & Stride Total 684 — — — 684 781

Income from investments Fabric — — 1,310 — 1,310 — Income from Investments — — 2,966 — 2,966 2,585 Interest — — 51 — 51 361 Revaluation of Assets 7,972 (406) 7,419 — 14,985 1,729 Total 7,972 (406) 11,747 — 19,312 4,676

Other incoming resources

HMRC Refunds 4,022 — — — 4,022 4,115

Temporary Diocesan Fees 786 — 455 — 1,241 — Verger & Sextons Fees Agency 245 — — — 245 — Collection Total 5,053 — 455 — 5,508 4,115 INCOME TOTAL 36,102 (406) 73,949 — 109,645 58,572

• Includes grants of £45,483.55 via “The Friends of St. Hubert’s Church Trust”




Charitable Giving

2019 2018 Gifts & Grants (Overseas & 901 — — — 901 609 Missionary)) Gifts & Grants (Relief & — — — — — 543 Development) Grants (Home Mission) 733 — — — 733 496 Grants (Secular Charities) — — — — — 50 Total 1,634 — — — 1,634 1,698

Activities relating to the work of the Church Organist Fees 1,793 — — — 1,793 1,560 Wall Safe 100 — — — 100 — Total 1,893 — — — 1,893 1,560

Support costs

Church Cleaning 883 — — — 883 747 Electricity 576 — — — 576 528 H T B 2,158 — — — 2,158 1,440 Parish Share 20,149 — — — 20,149 19,860 Rectory / Church 833 — — — 833 808

SPT05 - Support 43 — 596 41 681 117

Total 24,643 — 596 41 25,281 23,502

Church management and administration Administration Costs 1,418 — — — 1,418 666 Fees Due to Diocese of Portsmouth — — 594 — 594 603 Fabric Expenses 246 — 55,316 — 55,563 11,777 Expenses Paid by PCC 712 — — — 712 784 Upkeep of Services 28 — — — 28 320 Verger & Sexton Fees Agency 165 — — — 165 90 Collection Total 2,571 — 55,911 — 58,482 14,242 EXPENDITURE TOTAL 30,742 — 56,508 41 87,292 41,003

GRAND TOTAL 5,359 (406) 17,441 (41) 22,353 17,569

Charitable Giving Details: Christian Aid Cyclone Appeal £469.37 Mission to Seafarers £431.87 The Rosemary Foundation £319.13 RBL Poppy Appeal £414.37 £1,634.74

This report dated: 31st December 2019

Approved by the PCC of St. Hubert’s Church, Idsworth on ………………………………..

Signed on its behalf by ……………………………Priest in Charge.


General Budget for 2020

Incoming Resources 2019 2019 2020 Budget Actual Budget

Planned Giving Planned Giving £10,000.00 £8,800.00 £10,000.00 Collections £6,000.00 £5,840.00 £6,000.00 Gift Aid Recovered £5,375.00 £4,022.00 £5,000.00 Wall Safe Income £2,500.00 £2,148.00 £2,600.00 Sundry Donations & Gifts £5,000.00 £4,778.00 £5,000.00 Sub Total £28,875.00 £25,588.00 £28,600.00

Income from Investments CBF Funds Interest & Revaluation £6,000.00 £19,312.00 £12,000.00 Transfer from Fabric Fund £11,938.00

Income from Church Activities Fees Payable to PCC £3,000.00 £3,357.00 £4,000.00 Fund Raising Activities £800.00 £684.00 £700.00 Grants via Friends Trust £70,799.00 £50,114.00 £6,000.00 DCMS reclaimed VAT £9,696.00 £225.00 Total Incoming Resources £121,412.00 £108,751.00 £51,525.00

Resources Expended

Grants & Charitable Giving £2,000.00 £1,634.00 £2,500.00 Parish Share £20,143.00 £20,149.00 £20,239.00 Administration & Office £2,350.00 £3,576.00 £2,500.00 Maintenance of Church & Organ £85,000.00 £55,563.00 £8,000.00 Running Expenses £2,972.00 £3,768.00 £3,000.00 Upkeep of Services £100.00 £28.00 £100.00 Support Costs & PCC Gifts £350.00 £681.00 £500.00 Organists Fees £1,700.00 £1,793.00 £1,800.00 Wall Safe Outgoings £600.00 £100.00 £250.00

Total Resources Expended £115,215.00 £87,292.00 £38,889.00

Total Income over Expenditure £6,197.00 £21,459.00 £12,636.00

Notes on General Budget Temporary Diocesan fees are not shown as they are collected on behalf of the Diocese of Portsmouth. Verger and sexton fees are not included as they are agency collections.


2019 East Window & South Wall final costs

Gross Name Amount Vat Reclaimed Net Amount

Seymour & Bainbridge Architects £8,776.92 £1,755.38 £7,021.54 Brutton & Co Solicitors £293.80 £40.80 £253.00 Peter Martindale Conservator £4,870.00 £975.00 £3,895.00 B&M Clark Builder £44,653.06 £8,930.61 £35,722.45

TOTALS £58,593.78 £11,701.79 £46,891.99

Grants via Friends Trust £45,483.55 EHDC & Headley Trust £8,110.23 Contribution by St. Hubert's & HIHCT £5,000.00

Total £58,593.78