MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATION OCCASIO I AL PAPER o. 36 RECORDS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATION OCCASIONAL PAPER No. 36 A SURVEY OF THE CAUVERY RIVER SYSTEM WITH A MAJOR ACCOUNT OF ITS FISH FAUNA BY K. C. Jayaram Zoological Survey C!! India, Oalcutta-700 016 AND T~ Venkateswarlu" M. B. Ragunathan S.kern Regional Station, Zoological Survey of India, Madras 600 028 Edited by the Director, Zoological Survey. of India 1982 ® Copyright 1982, Government of India Published in August, 1982 PRICE: 1 nlana : Rs. 4~.OO Foreign : £ 6.00 $ 9,50 PRINTED ~N INDIA BY THB BANI PRESS, 16 HBMENDRA SBN STRBBT, CALCUTTA-700 006 AND PUBLISHED BY THB DIRBCTOR, ZOOLOGICAL SURVBY OP INDIA, CALCUTTA. RECORDS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA Miscellaneous Publication Occasional Paper No. 36 1982 Pages 1-115 CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 WORK PROGRAMME ... 1 AUTHORSHIP ASSIGNMENTS 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 3 THE CAUVERY RIVER 3 CLIMATE AND VEGETATION 5 TRIBUTARIES 5 COLLECTING STATIONS WITH ECOLOGICAL NOTES 7 MARGINAL AND AQUATIC BIOTA 18 SYSTEMATIC LIST OF CAUVERY FISHES 20 SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT ••• 28 DISCUSSION 107 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 110 REFERENCES • • . , •• 112 INTRODUCTION Cauvery, Krishna and Godavary rivers constitute the major three ,1.er systems in South India. Geologically they are much older than die Oanga, Indus and Brahmaputra rivers of Northen India. The eco nomic prosperity of the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu Kerala and Karnataka is closely intertwined with the water-supply and potentialities of these three rivers. Since historical times their. waters have been extensively utilised for agriculture, fisheries, irrigation and tllYigation purposes.
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