OCTOBER 1985 / VOLUME 65 NUMBER 10 SUBVEY OF CUBBENT CONTENTS Business Situation 1 U.S. Department of Commerce National Income and Product Accounts Tables 8 Malcolm Baldrige / Secretary Sidney L. Jones / Under Secretary An Advance Overview of the Comprehensive Revision of the for Economic Affairs National Income and Product Accounts 19 Bureau of Economic Analysis Motor Vehicles, Model Year 1985 29 Allan H. Young / Director State Quarterly Personal Income, 1978:1-1985:11 30 Carol S. Carson / Deputy Director Metropolitan Area Projections of Income, Employment, and Population to the Year 2000 32 SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS Editor-in-Chief: Carol S. Carson Manuscript Editor: Dannelet A. Grosvenor Managing Editor: Leland L. Scott Staff Contributors to This Issue: Leo M. Bernstein, Robert L. Brown, Carol S. Carson, Gerald F. Donahoe, Douglas R. Fox, Gurmukh S. Gill, John A. Gorman, Linnea Hazeri, Shelby W. Herman, Daniel J. Larkins, Larry R, Moran, Robert P. Parker, Tracy R. Tapscott, Isabelle B. Whiston, Regional Economic Analysis Division SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS. Published monthly by the Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Editori- al correspondence should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, Survey of Current Business, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. Annual subscription: second-class mail—$30.00 domestic; $37.50 foreign. Single copy: $4.75 domestic; $5.95 foreign. First-class mail rates and foreign air mail rates available upon CURRENT BUSINESS STATISTICS request. General SI Mail subscription orders and address changes to the Superintend- Industry S19 ent of Documents, U.S.
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