The Lifeboat
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Volume XLIX Number 490 The Lifeboat Journal of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution Winter 1984/5 30p ? Municipal Life Assurance announces a unique new fund-raising campaign in partnership with the R.N.L.I. How your investment in a top-performing unit trust or savings plan will help to pay for a new R.N. L.I. lifeboat. '""T'oday there is a greater need than ever for public 1 support of the R.N.L.I. With the growing popu- larity of recreation by and on the sea and the continuing need to provide a service to commercial and fishing vessels, the R.N. L. I. are engaged in a ceaseless struggle to improve the standards of their work. For, of course, when we are talking about saving lives, nothing less than perfection can be adequate. And that is why there is always a need for new and more advanced Lifeboats. Now an imaginative agreement has been concluded ' between Municipal Life Assurance and the R.N.L.I. This appeal programme-a mm,,,™, i. which will help to raise much needed funds for a new ^*.^/.-^r^ Lifeboat. Municipal Life Assurance will contribute to this Unit Trust via a new scheme: Munipayer, which R.N.L.I. funds every time any member or supporter is designed to offer both capital growth and "tax- of R.N.L.I. decides to invest through M.L. A. Unit free" regular withdrawals. Trust or a unit-linked insurance policy. ...OR SAVINGS PLAN' You will see details of one Municipal Life Assurance plan in an insert included in this issue of the magazine. Municipal Life Assurance also have a high per- However, you may wonder why the R.N.L.I. are formance savings plan which is designed to give a doing this, and why with Municipal Life Assurance in good return on your investment. It also gives you life particular? assurance protection. This plan can provide you with Franklv, any scheme which will increase the a "tax-free" lump sum in 10 years, or "tax-free" reg- R.N.L.Ils funds and, at the same time, be attractive ular withdrawals. to you as a supporter, makes sense. By dealing directly with you, Municipal HOW TO HELP YOURSELF AND THE R.N.LJ Life Assurance are able to reduce their n marketing costs, and are happy to To: Municipal Life Assurance Ltd., Freepost, reflect this in the contribution which Maidstone, ME14 IBR-Tel: 0622-671977. they make to the R.N.L.I. (Freepost means that you do not need a stamp) Yes: I would like to know more about Munipayer, NEW INVESTMENT SCHEME... your new Investment Scheme D The M.L.A. Unit Trust, Yes: I would like to know more about your launched in 1976, came but this Savings Scheme D Our target for this Lifeboat Please send me, without obligation, full details to Appeal is £100,000. We willi August as the top performer be using this flagpole to keep amongst all the U.K. General review at my leisure. I understand no salesman will you informed on progress. ca]L Thefirst£18,000has Trusts on the market over 3, 5 already been donated by and 7 years. Name Municipal Life Assurance. But remember that unit values Date of Birth can fall as well as rise. Whilst past performance cannot necessarily be Address taken as a guide to the future, the performance of our management group is clearly well above average. Had you invested £10,000 at the launch of this Trust in 1976,eight years later that £10,000-with the income Postcode —— —... reinvested-would have grown to £102,893. SUPPORTING THE LIFEBOAIS Now investors have the opportunity to invest in RNLI2 THE LIFEBOAT Winter 1984/5 Notes of the Quarter 110 Volum_. , t e 17-XLIT -r^rX Lifeboat Services 113 Number 490 Naming of the RNLBNewsbuoy 118 Rocks and Shoals 119 Chairman: THE DUKE OF ATHOLL Aberystwyth Lifeboats by Joan Davies 125 Director and Secretary: REAR ADMIRAL W. J. GRAHAM, CB MNI TLifeboa ... , t_ _Peopl .e .-J3„0 Letters 131 Editor: Books 132 EDWARD WAKE-WALKER Shoreline and Storm Force 134 Headquarters: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 Some Ways of Raising Money 135 1HZ (Telephone Poole (0202) 671133). Telex: 41328. Lifeboat Services, June and July, 1984 141 London Offices: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, 202 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7JW Index to Advertisers 144 (Telephone 01-928 4236). Advertisement Manager: COLIN PEGLEY Jackson-Rudd & Associates, Oldebourne House, 46-47 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1JB (Telephone 01-405 3611/2 Subscription: A year's subscription of Editorial: All material submitted for and 01-405 2860). four issues costs £3.00, including post- consideration with a view to publication age, but those who are entitled to in the journal should be addressed to Printers: receive THE LIFEBOAT free of charge will the editor, THE LIFEBOAT, Royal Nation- The Friary Press, Bridport Road, continue to do so. Overseas sub- al Lifeboat Institution, West Quay Dorchester, Dorset. scriptions depend on the cost of postage Road, Poole, Dorset BH15 1HZ (Tele- to the country concerned. Write to phone Poole (0202) 671133). Photo- RNLI, West Quay Road, Poole, Dorset graphs intended for return should be BH15 1HZ. accompanied by a stamped and addres- sed envelope. COVER PICTURE Next issue: the Spring issue of THE Survey ship Geotek Alpha ablaze off the west coast of Scotland last July. Barra Island's 48ft 6in LIFEBOAT will appear in April and news Solent class lifeboat, Hugh William Viscount Gough, can be seen with 15 of the casualty's crew aboard. Eventually the lifeboat had to take off the remainder of Geotek Alpha's crew as the fire items should be sent by the end of spread. Also standing by is the fishing vessel Daisy Christiana. A full account of this service January. News items for the Summer appears on page 117. The photograph was taken by Peter Richards of RAOC photographic issue should be sent in by the end of section, Benbecula. April. 109 Withernsea's new 15ft 6in D class inflatable lifeboat is launched into the surf on exercise after her official service of dedication last June. photograph by courtesy of David E. Kirk from all parts of the country on Septem- from their regional offices in the usual NOTES OF ber 29 to deliver copies of their local way. Other supporters of the RNLI who and regional newspapers. Seven swap- wish to attend the presentation should THE QUARTER ped their bikes for boats, as they write to the Director at RNLI Head- delivered their papers in a brand new quarters, Poole. lifeboat and an ocean racing trimaran. The occasion was the naming ceremony Storm Force THE RNLI ACCOUNTS for 1984 have yet to of the lifeboat Newsbuoy, bought as a A new RNLI junior membership be completed, but they are likely to result of the Local Newspaper Week scheme, Storm Force, was launched in show that during the year at least £21 lifeboat appeal. Hundreds of local pap- January. The aim of the scheme is to million has been raised. This figure ers, newsagents and newsboys and girls interest children in the work of the reflects not only the tremendous efforts joined in the fund raising and, by the RNLI. The annual subscription is £3 of the branches and guilds but also the end of the week, had raised a large part and Storm Force is open to everybody high esteem in which the Institution is of the cost of the new 52ft Arun class under 16. Members receive a Storm held, as several major gifts were re- lifeboat. A report on the naming of Force pack with stickers, a badge, ceived during the year. Among these Newsbuoy appears on page 118. poster and a special certificate printed were a legacy for over £1 million, a by computer. They will also receive donation of £500,000 and the results of AGM 1985. Governors please note three newsletters a year. special appeals by Safeway Food Stores The RNLI's annual meetings for 1985 Details of Storm Force are given on and the Newspaper Society. will take place on Tuesday May 21 at page 134. These gifts have helped to maintain the South Bank, London. The gov- the expensive lifeboat building pro- ernor's annual general meeting will be Silk Cut nautical awards gramme and will give a boost for the held in the Queen Elizabeth Hall at The recognition and encouragement future. At present there are 11 Tyne 11.30 am and the annual presentation of excellence is perhaps the best way of and five Arun class lifeboats on order, of awards to lifeboatmen and honorary summing up the aims of the Silk Cut at a total cost of nearly £7 million. workers will take place at the new time nautical awards 1983/84, announced at a The requirement for 1985 is to match of 2.30 pm in the Royal Festival Hall. luncheon at the Savoy Hotel on Novem- the record income achieved in 1984, All governors of the RNLI should ber 20 and presented by the Minister of with expenditure for this year planned find an application form enclosed in this Sport, Mr. Neil Macfarlane, MP. The to exceed £21 million. This will cover issue for both the morning and after- awards were made for seamanship, the RNLI's considerable costs which noon meetings. If, by any chance, there rescue, design, club service and yacht include building new lifeboats, main- is no application form enclosed and you racing and the winners were selected taining the existing fleet, developing are a governor wishing to attend either from a very broad field by a disting- new designs, buying equipment and meeting, please write to the Director, uished panel of judges, chaired by Chay training lifeboat crews.