Publications for Ian Maxwell 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Publications for Ian Maxwell 2020 Maxwell, I., Peschel, L., Toltz, J., Hunt, K. (2017). Prince Maxwell, I., Seton, M., Szabo, M. (2020). 'Part of the job': Bettliegend: A Cabaret from Terezin. Seymour Centre, Sydney, Actors' experiences of bullying and harassment. Fusion, 17, 79- Australia: Performing the Jewish Archive. <a 95. <a href=" href="">[More Information]</a> experiences-of-bullying-and-harassment/">[More Maxwell, I. (2017). Teaching Performance Studies with Information]</a> Brecht's Lehrstuck Model: The Measures Taken. Brecht de Quincey, T., Maxwell, I. (2020). A Future Body. In Teresa Yearbook, 41, 77-96. Brayshaw, Anna Fenemore, Noel Witts (Eds.), The Twenty- Maxwell, I. (2017). The Limits of Ritual. Ritual and Cultural First Century Performance Reader, (pp. 166-173). London: Performance Hui and Symposium, Otago: Performance of the Routledge. <a href=" Real Research Theme, University of 22">[More Information]</a> Otago. Szabo, M., Maxwell, I., Cunningham, M., Seton, M. (2020). Maxwell, I. (2017). Theatrical Bowerbirds: Received Alcohol Use by Australian Actors and Performing Artists: A Stanislavsky and the Tyranny of Distance in Australian Actor Preliminary Examination from the Australian Actors' Training. In Jonathan Pitches, Stefan Aquilina (Eds.), Wellbeing Study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, Stanislavsky in the World: The System and its Trasnformations 35(2), 73-80. <a Across Continents, (pp. 325-346). London: Bloomsbury. <a href="">[More href="">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> 2019 2016 Maxwell, I.
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