Vol.1 no.1


CONFERENCE NEWSLETTER 2017 02 wmea.in Executive Director, WMEA Natalie Sarrazin, PhD us on this journey! Thank you all, and we're grateful to have you with undertaking. and we hope you'll join us for this amazing amazing this for us join you'll hope we and your profession and your future. The sky's the limit, the sky's The future. your and profession your propel WMEA forward. Help us to help you. This is This you. help to us Help forward. WMEA propel or nu, ok spot ies ad raiiy will creativity and ideas, support, work, input, Your only succeed with the help of every single member. single every of help the with succeed only NAfME, NAfME, or WMEA. This is your organization, and can in . However, this organization is not owned by owned not is However,organization India. this in looking at unprecedented support for music education Now, with the help of our friends at NAfME, we are we NAfME, at friends our of help the Now,with Western Division President, and Denese, here we are! Stefaniak, Director of Membership,Russ Sperling, Sperling, Membership,Russ of Director Stefaniak, f ihe Baele Eeuie ietr Thomas Director, Executive Blakeslee, Michael of overwhelmingly positive, and through the leadership the through and positive, overwhelmingly , NAfME's response was a w e s n o p s e r s ' E M f A N y, l l u f k n a h T . ) s i h t and I knew somehow I would be working with her on the crowd as they announced her as the new President, doesn't know it, but I was standing right behind her in Odegaard, collaboration.(Denese a of possibility the in November and approached the leadership about leadership the approached and November in NAfME's National Conference in Nashville, Tennessee months after I returned from India, I was attending was I India, from returned I after months el s hi iceil ary f eore. few A resources. of array incredible their as well aware of their excellence and vision for the eld, as eld, the for vision and excellence their of aware Education. As a lifelong member of NAfME, I was well thought of the National Association for Music Music for Association National the of thought support it would need to pull this off, I immediately I off, this pull to need would it support hnig ha a t wee MA ih gt the get might WMEA where to as ahead Thinking Poonam have had long before I showed up. trig msc soito ta Rts, nl, and Anjli, Ritesh, that association music a starting o o oehn t fll te 0ya ln ga of goal long 20-year the fulll to something do to trying to imitate their favorite artists. We knew we had guitar chords for songs - listening repeatedly to songs they scoured the internet trying to learn how to play to how learn to trying internet the scoured they saw the powerful presence music had in their lives as I music. make to wanting students from enthusiasm better, and learn more for their students - and so much and desire on the part of music teachers wanting to do music education background, I saw so much passion about music teachers in India. Coming from a strong Khokhar, Poonam Burman and I began a discussion a began Khokhar,I and PoonamBurman h s e t i R , a t a M i l j n A e h t that yesterday like seems It pipe dream not too long ago. a just was this that imagine izig ae t s ad to hard is it pace dizzying we've moved ahead at such a nln o a ie i 2015, in idea an of inkling Although WMEA was just an just was WMEA Although I could not be more excited! more be not could I advance music education in India. provide information on advocacy which will specically for Indian music educators, and professional development opportunities opportunities development professional MA s n uiu psto t design to position unique a in is WMEA 1,30,000 members. Along with NAfME, NAfME, with Along members. 1,30,000 organizations in the world, with over over with world, the in organizations the US. NAfME is one of the leading arts leading the of one is NAfME US. the Organization for Music Education based in l a n o i t a N e h t , E M f A N f o e t a i l  f A WMEA is the rst overseas Federated Federated overseas rst the is WMEA teachers. quality professional development for music by providing institutional guidance and and guidance institutional providing by is to positively affect music learning in India across India. The mission of the association to support music and music education education music and music support to            Contents (WMEA) is a non-prot organization formed h Wsen ui Euain Association Education Music Western The the classroom Article review:Guitarteachingin Classroom RunningEfciently Simple Ways toKeep yourMusic Recruiting andRetainingStudents Focusing ontheClassroom: Assembly Reections onNAfME'sNational Message fromthePresident Board ofDirectors Presenters -2017 Weekend Program Welcome fromNAfMEleadership Conference 2017 Letter fromtheExecutiveDirector ABOUT US ABOUT 20 22 17 15 12 10 08 06 05 04 02 fb/wmeaindia 03 04 wmea.in wonderful weekend of music! keep you informed on going on in music all over India. We thank you for joining us for this We’d also like to introduce you to our Newsletter, which will be published 3 times a year to conducting. teacher and Music Director of the Capital City Minstrels, who will address aspects of choral efre Ssi d Ro as wo il ics SnetAl ad ida By, music Boyd, Lindsay and Sangeet4All, discuss will who Haas, Rao de Saskia performer Malik, member of the rock band Parikrama talking about artist promotion, Indian music Indian promotion, artist about talking Parikrama band rock the of member Malik, include Sunit Tandon, President, Music Society, who will speak about Opera, Subir Opera, about speak will who Society, Music Delhi Tandon,President, Sunit include curriculum and standards, and the future of Music Education in India. Our other presenters esos n ui euain including education, music on sessions prig wo il rsn kyoe and keynotes present will who Sperling, the NAfME Western Division President Russ NAfME President Denese Odegaard, and Odegaard, Denese President NAfME ete Ldi od ad il etr the feature will and Road, Lodhi Centre, il ae lc a te ni International India the at place take will education in India. This year’s conference year’s This India. in education to hear topics regarding the future of music US will gather in Delhi on Sunday, July 23rd music educators from across India and the New Era for Music Education in India,” and The theme for this year’s conference is “Ais conference year’s this for theme The welcome!! Odegaard, and Russ Sperling, Western Division President, to whom we extend a very warm hs er I adto w hv te rt perne f AM’ Peiet W Denese We President, NAfME’s of appearance rst the have we addition In year. this This is WMEA’s 3rd annual conference, and we have an incredible array of talent joining us JOIN MEMBERSHIP Western MusicEducationAssociation CONFERENCE 2017 WMEA wmea.in Aude Priya Engel. President Russ Sperling, and soprano Odegaard, Western Division Division Western Odegaard, of judges, including NAfME President panel international an by evaluated Conference. The choirs will be be will choirs The Conference. Sunday’s at perform to opportunity will compete for rst place, and for an from 9am to 1pm. The top 10 choirs Kailash of East International, School take place on July 22nd at Bluebells at 22nd July on place take addition of a Choir Festival, which will Something new this year is the the is year this new Something fb/wmeaindia 05 D e a r W M E A C o n fAttendees, e r e n c e On behalf of the Western Western Division of t h e N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n f o r Music Education (NAfME), I extend m y ww e l a c o m r e m t o e t s h e t conference! Dr. Sam Tsugawa, Western Division President-elect and professor at Brigham Young University, and Dr. David Fullmer, Fullmer, Western Division Past President and professor at Snow College, join me in welcoming WMEA into our division! We are thrilled to include a new association that holds that association new a include to thrilled so much promise for the growth of our profession in India. in profession The other Western Division music education afliates of NAfME include Arizona (AMEA), California, (CMEA), Hawaii (HMEA), Nevada (NMEA) and Utah (UMEA). The presidents of those associations of all and and Division, Western their the to you welcome members also us look forward to new relationships and opportunities to learn from one another. one from learn to opportunities My “day job” is as Director of Visual and Performing Performing Arts for the San Diego Unied School District, a district of about 110,000 students Kindergarten through 12th grade. My grade. 12th through Kindergarten students role is to coordinate all arts programs and instruction for dance, music, theatre and visual and theatre music, dance, for instruction arts. I also teach the concert band class as an as class band arts. concert the teach also I adjunct professor at Grossmont Community College so I can remain a teacher at least once least at teacher a remain can I so College per week in the evening. I look forward to sharing my experience with you as a music educator, educator, school district administrator, and long-serving MEA leader. MEA long-serving I am very excited to be in New Delhi for this conference, and I look forward to meeting and and meeting to forward look I and conference, collaborating from you. Best wishes for a great a for wishes Best you. from collaborating day of professional learning! professional of day Sincerely, Sperling Russ

D e a rMembers, W M E A Welcome to the 3rd Annual 2017 We s t e r n M u s i c E d u c a t i o n A s s o c i a t i o n Conference and to and Conference another school year! I bring you greetings and best Welcome from NAfME from Welcome wishes from our NAfME Executive Board and How exciting to have the premiere of a new staff. music association in India – one in which we can partner to share ideas and collaborate to bring the rich diversity of music education to Any time you participate in professional members in both countries. both in members development, such as this conference, you energize your teaching and build relationships build and teaching your energize with other inspiring music educators. This week, This educators. music inspiring other with Russ Sperling, NAfME Western Division President, President, and I will be able to learn about music education here in India and listen to what to listen and India in here education music your needs are as music educators and as an association. We are devoted to providing the resources you need and, with this technology, Thank you to Anjali Mata, Ritesh Khokhar, and Khokhar, Ritesh Mata, Anjali to you Thank can happen easily. happen can Natalie Sarrazin for having the vision to initiate to vision the having for Sarrazin Natalie the formation of this association with the National Association for Music Education in the in Education Music for Association National United States. We are thrilled to share ideas Thank you for the joy of music you bring to your to bring you music of joy the for you Thank and music education strategies with WMEA. with strategies education music and Denese Odegaard Denese President NAfME Sincerely, students and we hope your time inspiring! together and benecial is 06 wmea.in Western MusicEducationAssociation(WMEA)“Western-The 10:00 1:45 for MusicEducation(NAfME)andRussSperling,WesternDivisionPresident 4:15 12:15 -SaskiaRaodeHaas,“Sangeet4All:strategies forimplementingmusic 2:30 -Keynote1:DeneseOdegaard,PresidentoftheNationalAssociation -LindsayBoyd,“Leading fromthePodium-ConductingtoInspire” 9:30 11:30 -WMEAAssociationMeeting:RiteshKhokhar,NatalieSarrazin 3:30 -RussSperling,“ClassroomMusicinUnited States Schools” “NAfME andIndia:ANewErainMusicEducation”“NAfME -WelcomeNatalieSarrazin,ExecutiveDirector,WMEA WMEA BoardofDirectorsMeeting -SubirMalik,“ArtistManagement And Promotions” -DeneseOdegaard,“Assessment andStandards” WEEKEND PROGRAM 10:45 9:00 10:30 India InternationalCentre,NewDelhi 9:45 education intheIndianClassroom” -Registration(Chai/Coffee),Vendors -SunitTandon, “AppreciatingOpera” Bluebells InternationalSchool Saturday, July22nd -Keynote2:AnjliMata,President East ofKailash, NewDelhi -ChoirFestivalWinnerPerforms Sunday, July23rd 3:15 Festival ofChoirs 1:00 -Chai/CoffeeBreak 5:00 Indian context” -Lunch(provided) -Wrap-up fb/wmeaindia 07 manoke 08 wmea.in Citation for Leadership twice. ASTA the received and Strings and Orchestra was chair of the Committee on School School on Committee the of chair was Board (NAfME). While on the ASTA Board, she the National Association for Music Education Music for Association National the String Teachers Association Board (ASTA) and (ASTA) Board TeachersAssociation String includes board member for both the American orchestra for 33 years. National service service National years. 33 for orchestra Arts Curriculum Specialist, and has taught taught has and Specialist, Curriculum Arts Child, 2015, SUNY Open Press. teaching method book entitled Music and the and Music entitled book method teaching Music for the Classroom, 2008, and a music a and 2008, Classroom, the for Music frel MN) ulcto ette Indian entitled publication MENC) (formerly 06 Se s lo h ato o a NAfME an of author the also is She 2016. Voice, Memory, Voice, Identity, Routledge, Routledge, Identity, Voice, Memory, Voice, Film: Indian Contemporary in Music (2013), Rural Musical Worlds” for an Oxford Handbook dcto, nldn “hlrns ra and Urban “Children's including Education, ui, hlrns ui i Ida ad Music and India, in music Children's music, t on Hpis nvriy Ntle s the is author Natalie of numerous publications University.on Indian lm Hopkins Johns at in Music Education from Peabody Conservatory Maryland, College Park, and a Master's degree Ethnomusicology from the University of of University the from Ethnomusicology Children program. Dr. Sarrazin holds a Ph.D. in music curriculum in an Interdisciplinary Arts for the teaches and Studies, Music of coordinator PRESENTERS - 2017 Schools Performing Performing Schools Public Dakota) (North Fargo the currently is (2016-2018). Denese Denese (2016-2018). (NAfME) in the US US the in (NAfME) for Music Education Education Music for National Association Association National is President of the the of President is eee Odegaard Denese NY, where she is is she where NY, Brockport, at College rofessor at The h T t a r o s s e f o Pr e t a i c o s s A n a founder of WMEA and ietr n c - co and Director s h Executive the is PhD Sarrazin, Natalie Parliament of India. Television Channel, Lok Sabha Secretariat, Secretariat, Sabha Lok Channel, Television Chief Executive Ofcer of the Lok Sabha Sabha Lok the of Ofcer Executive Chief she was the Principal for 15 years. establishing the Theme Music Institute, of which music for over 40 years and was instrumental in specializing in Piano. She has been teaching been has She Piano. in specializing and promoting school bands. Concert Band,andisanexpertondeveloping Russ is the Director of the Grossmont College Grossmont the of Director the is Russ h Clfri Msc dcto Association. Education Music California the publications. contributed to several GIA, NAfME and Corwin authored the ASTA Curriculum (Alfred), and has Choir, Orchestra and General Music (GIA), co- Curriculum and Assessment Writing for Band, for Writing Assessment and Curriculum Assistance with Standards-based Music Music Standards-based with Assistance 101: Writing Curriculum authored Odegaard the country, as well as well country,as the of Institute Journalism Communication and and Communication s s a M r e i m e r p Communication, the the Communication, Indian Institute of Mass Director General of the held the posts of of posts the held ui Tandon Sunit served as President of President as served s a h d n a , t c i r t s i D l o o h c S d e  i n U Arts for the San Diego Visual and Performing of Director the is Russ India. WMEA, and US h ws cat f the of coast west the covers which NAfME, Western Division of of Division Western e h t f o t n e d i s e r P us Sperling Russ music educationist educationist music Westerna is Classical odn n ni. She India. in London rinity College g e l l o C y t i n i Tr Academic Head for for Head Academic (North India) and and India) (North and Area Coordinator founder of WMEA, WMEA, of founder rsdn ad co- and President nl Mata Anjli is the the is has has is is fb/wmeaindia 09 is a virtuoso

Lindsay Ross Boyd Ross Lindsay has been teaching a n d w o r k i n g internationally with a special focus in India since 2012. She was Director of Bands at a high school in North Saskia Rao de Haas cellist, musicologist, music educator, and composer from the Netherlands based in New Delhi, India. She creator the as known is of the Indian cello and cello Indian the of as a master performer of Indian Classical music. Her Guru, Hariprasad Chaurasia said about her “she has been taught by God and everyone should listen to her music”. Her collaborative work with her life partner Pandit Shubhendra Rao is hailed as 'movingly meditative' innovative and transforming the face the transforming and innovative meditative' of Indian music. She has designed the music curriculum Sangeet4All that is implemented in leading schools and NGO's across the NCR. She She NCR. the across NGO's and schools leading conducts research in 'Indian music education: ‘from Indian cello to classroom' and runs, together with her husband, the NGO The Shubhendra and Saskia Rao foundation to encourage and empower children through Indian classical music. classical Indian Dakota, USA before being appointed as Director of Bands at School. Woodstock She is currently the Head of the Music Department at Pathways World School World Pathways in Gurgaon and Music Director of The Capital City Minstrels, the premier performing chorus in New Delhi. In addition to conducting wind band and chorus, she was appointed Music Director and Conductor of the Buffalo Community Orchestra Community Buffalo the of Conductor in Buffalo, Minnesota, USA. Lindsay has recently has Lindsay USA. Minnesota, Buffalo, in published a wind band piece, "Malkauns" under "Malkauns" piece, band wind a published includes that Company Publishing Leonard Hal aspects of Hindustani music for a traditional western ensemble. Ms. Boyd received her Master of Music degree in Instrumental Conducting at the , and Minnesota, of University the at Conducting a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education Fargo. in University State Dakota North at is is a Subir Malik keyboardist for and founding member of t h e r o c k b a n d , Parikrama, one of the of one Parikrama, most successful rock b a n d s i n I n d i a n history. Parikrama began in 1991 in Ritesh Khokhar Vice-President and co- founder of WMEA, and is one of the most promising pianist and music educators to hail from the capital city of New Delhi in recent He is a well-known news and current affairs anchor on Indian national television (Doordarshan and Lok Sabha Television) and a and Television) Sabha Lok and (Doordarshan radio broadcaster. He is also active as a theatre a as active also is He broadcaster. radio director director and actor, with approximately 150 productions productions to his credit. He is currently President the of the Delhi Music Society, Delhi's oldest society devoted to the promotion of western classical music education and appreciation, as well as the Director of Yatrik, group. theatre oldest capital's the Delhi, with inspiration from Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, and The Doors. The band performs hundreds of shows per year internationally, nationally and and has opened for Iron Maiden on several occasions. Parikrama infuses Indian classical instruments into their works alongside the regular rock instrumentation. Subir is also owner of the Artist the of owner also is Subir instrumentation. management company - Parikrama Inc, which Inc, Parikrama - company management bands specializes in alternative entertainment, from many genres (jazz, blues, rock, Bollywood, country, and retro) and exclusive artists such as Flamenco Guitarists, Egyptian etc. harpists, years. He is the Chief Executive of Bridge Music Music Bridge of Executive Chief the is He years. Academy, Brand Ambassador for Roland, Academic Consultant with Trinity College London, London, Former Core Trainer for Piano with Yamaha Music Foundation, Senior Music Consultant with Music Basti (an NGO working music). through risk at children with 10 wmea.in composes as well as teaches. specializes in piano performance, and and performance, piano in specializes Academy Kohima in Nagaland. Khyo Khyo Nagaland. in Kohima Academy Khyo Ngully is the Director of the Music Music the of Director the is Ngully Khyo [email protected] KHYO NGULLY teaching of Parsi children. traditional and cultural the in specializes also has taught piano in Delhi for over 30 years. She Mrs. Mehta is a private piano instructor,who piano private a is Mehta Mrs. [email protected] Mrs. KERMAN MEHTA Delhi. He also enjoys learning the piano. managing partner of R. Khattar & Associates in r Katr s catrd conat and accountant, chartered a is Khattar Mr. Chartered Associates, Accountants & Khattar R. Partner, Managing [email protected] RANJIT KHATTAR Furtado and Sons. musical instruments and sheet music for for music sheet and instruments musical he specializes as an importer and distributor of Director of Furtados Music in Mumbai, where Mumbai, in Music Furtados of Director Mr. Gomes is a music businessman and and businessman music a is Gomes Mr. [email protected] ANTHONY L GOMES currently studying piano. eh. e s asoae bu msc n is and music about passionate is He Delhi. who practices mostly at the Supreme Court of Court Supreme the at mostly practices who Rajiv Dutta is a Senior Advocate by profession, 9810020468 [email protected] RAJIV DUTTA Music stores and schools in India. Westernoldest the of one Chennai, in Musical Mr. Sachin Das is the President of Musee Musee of President the is Das Sachin Mr. [email protected] SACHIN H. DAS Board ofDirectors handmade products. Manager. Her hobbies include creating creating include hobbies Her Manager. Advisory as both Regional and General General and Regional both as Advisory with companies like Cipla Ltd, Innovest Innovest Ltd, Cipla like companies with Prachi has worked with Corporate for 15 years [email protected] Joint Secretary, Ex-ofcio Noida. choral director at Father Agnel School in in School Agnel Father at director choral Music in Delhi where she instructs piano, and a r. umn s msc ece fr Theme for teacher music a is Burman Mrs. [email protected] Secretary POONAM BURMAN with Trinity College London in India. Music for Consultant Academic and ROLAND Music Academy, Brand Ambassador for for Ambassador Brand Academy, Music Mr. Khokhar is the Chief Executive for Bridge for Executive Chief the is Mr.Khokhar [email protected] Vice President / Treasurer RITESH KHOKHAR the Trinity College London for North India. for coordinator area the and Head Academic Mrs. Anjli Mata senior piano teacher, National [email protected] President ANJLI MATA courses. teaches ethnomusicology and music education for the State University of New York, and and York, New of University State the for Dr.ProfessorMusic Associate of an is Sarrazin Brockport soit Poesr f ui, h Clee at College The Music, of Professor Associate [email protected] Executive Director NATALIE SARRAZIN WMEA Executive Board PRACHI CHANDEL PRACHI fb/wmeaindia 11 12 wmea.in whole music community. ourselves and broaden our vision to include the as teachers, have to start thinking beyond just beyond thinking start to have teachers, as protection of rights. To make this a success we, professional development, counseling, and and counseling, development, professional educators in India and offering them them offering and India in educators ih vso o gtig oehr l music all together getting of vision a with became a reality. It is a non-prot organisation garnering support from NAfME, WMEA WMEA NAfME, from support garnering years down the line, with Natalie’s initiative of initiative Natalie’s with line, the down years ae h sm poesoa ise ad two and issues professional same the have pk t mn tahr, h al emd to seemed all who teachers, many to spoke ahead by starting with a music conference. We hka ad onm umn t tk this take to Burman, Poonam and Khokhar couple of times we decided, along with Ritesh with along decided, we times of couple ln te ae ie ad fe meig a meeting after and lines same the along conditions in India. We found we were thinking conducting research on Music Teaching Teaching Music on research conducting In 2015, I met Natalie Sarrazin who was was who Sarrazin Natalie met I 2015, In As the saying goes ‘better late than never.’ time for the pot to boil over – almost 40 years! simmering within me, however it took a long a took it however me, within simmering something positive for my colleagues kept kept colleagues my for positive something The idea to make a difference and do do and difference a make to idea The that was due to this talented group of people. of group talented this to due was that ee o sen te eonto ad respect and recognition the seeing not were We missing. something was there felt always make a career out of it. However, somewhere I and young teachers join this profession trying to my mission in life. I have seen the interest grow From then till now Music Education has been has Education Music now till then From started my journey in at the age of 19. Letter from the President dcto i Ida I India. in Education to Western Music Music Western to I have been dedicated Over the last 40 years you. to message this pleasure tobewriting t ie m immense me gives It Educators! Music and Musicians To All my Fellow Fellow my All To President, WMEA Anjli Mata your support. forward to working with you. Thank you for all OEHR e a mk i hpe. look I happen. it make can we TOGETHER know our dreams can become a reality. This is just the beginning, with your support I support your with beginning, the just is This JOIN MEMBERSHIP Western MusicEducationAssociation wmea.in WMEA fb/wmeaindia 13 Indian Instruments | Printed Music | Music Software | Accessories | Pro Audio Indian Instruments | Printed Music | Music Software | Accessories Pianos | Guitars | Keyboards | Violins | Drums & Cymbals | Percussion | Wind & Brass Pianos | Guitars | Keyboards | Violins | Drums & Cymbals | Percussion 14 wmea.in India. o euaos o mrv msc dcto in education music improve to educators for help provide western music education training education music western provide help NAfME, and the WMEA mission and goals to goals and mission WMEA with the and doing NAfME, are we work the representatives The three of us explained to staffers and and staffers to explained us of three The co-chair. current D-HI, Gabbard, Tulsi Representative Holding, R-NC, current co-chair, and and co-chair, current R-NC, Holding, ai Hrn, -I Rpeettv George Representative D-HI, Hirono, Mazie acs Sntr ri Hth RU, Senator R-UT, Hatch, Orrin Senator Caucus, onn RT, omr ocar f h India the of co-chair former R-TX, Cornyn, community. The caucus includes Senator John Senator includes community.caucus The champion issues of the Indian-American Indian-American the of issues champion Capitol Hill - a small group of legislators that legislators of group small a - Hill Capitol h wr mmes f h Ida acs on Caucus India the of members were who Natalie met with Senators and Representatives WMEA specically.WMEA However,and Anjli, Ritesh, there weren’t congresspeoplethatrepresented Since India is not a state of the United States, United the of state a not is India Since request full funding. in small groups to to groups small in people and their staff met with congress congress with met and representatives, t n e r e f f i d d e n g i s s a e r e w NAfME coalition coalition NAfME e h t f o s r e b m e M act in jeopardy. jeopardy. in act the of spirit the puts Congress, which which Congress, o fly udd by funded fully not one criuu. notntl, h at is act the Unfortunately, curriculum. rounded dcto i mnae a pr o a well- a of part as mandated is education 2015. The Act represents the rst time music time rst the represents Act The 2015. tdn Sced At asd y oges in Congress by passed Act Succeeds Student ersnaie t fly ud SA te Every the ESSA, fund fully to Representatives in Washington, DC, asking Senators and and Senators asking DC, Washington, in advocated for Music Education on Capitol Hill, Education (NAfME). Over 200 people people 200 Over (NAfME). Education HILL DAY in of the National Association for Music participated Director), (Executive Sarrazin President), Anjli Mata (President), and Natalie and (President), Mata Anjli President), (Vice Khokhar Thursday,Ritesh On 29th, June National Assembly (“Hill Day”) REFLECTIONS on NAfME’s NAfME’s on REFLECTIONS Capitol Hill, Washington, DC ee ree ad h iprac ta was that given to importance WMEA by the ALL NAfME and ofcials and greeted were ely oce b te amh ih hc we which with warmth the by touched really remembers how well received she was. “I was “I was. she received well how remembers eet ebr f h NfE aiy Anjli family. NAfME the of member newest MA s ecmd ih pn rs s the as arms open with welcomed is WMEA and performances! sessions information workshops, meetings, of the National Assembly - there were three days three were there - Assembly National the Hill Day wasn’t the only thing that happened for warmly.” ee o Aeia te wloe u very us welcomed they American not were oehn w se n ni! vn huh we though Even India! in see we something group to speak their mind. This is denitely the not encouraging attentive, courteous, were knowledgeable, They advocated. being was ogese/oe oe dat ih what with dealt ofces congressmen/women d n a s ’ r o t a n e s e h t t a s r e f f a t young s the how the was most me impressed then of course the meetings itself. What What itself. meetings the course of then National Anthem. “We were glad they supplied sang three patriotic songs, including the the including songs, patriotic three and sang assembled we where park, Capitol the Washington, DC. From there, we all walked to station for the hour ride into downtown downtown into ride hour the for station 7m eatr wl t te ers metro nearest the to walk departure 7am a Hill Day began early, at 6am for breakfast and through layers of “red tapism” and security!” something like this in India would mean going curious to see how it works because trying to do doae o te S ui euaos and educators, music US the for advocate going into US senate ofces at Capitol Hill to Hill Capitol at ofces senate US into going Hill.“I was excited that I, as an Indian, would be was her rst time visiting the ofces on Capitol had visited the US on several occasions prior, it with music education advocacy. Although Anjli For all three of us, it was our rst experience rst our was it us, of three all For il te ign and singing the Hill, gardens at Capitol Capitol at gardens metro, reaching the the reaching metro, the to walk organized the night before, to the from the orientation orientation the from – amazing absolutely was experience whole Ritesh noted. “The “The noted. Ritesh could sing as well,” well,” as sing could these songs so that we s ih h wrs to words the with us fb/wmeaindia 15 for supporting Our heartfelt thanks to Inder Mohan Thapar Foundation Western Music Education Association 16 wmea.in curriculum in schools here. We would push for music teaching to become part of the the of part become to teaching music we can advocate for advocate can we where Delhi in Day something like Hill Hill like something t n e m e l p m i n o o s We hope we can can we hope We India.” n i d e t n e m e l p m i y l e t a i d e m m i back a lot that can be country, but I took took I but country, yet relevant in our our in relevant yet were probably not not probably were topics the of Some experience. learning huge a was It time!!) ey fcety u, eeyhn ws ag on bang was (everything run, efciently very dream to be. The National Assembly itself was in place and it is something all organisations all something is it and place in structured and organized. There are processes Nafme as an organization is very well well very is organization an as Nafme were to have us as part of the NAfME family. effort to seek us out, telling us how happy they members at all events. State members made an Ph: 011-40697000 Email: [email protected]: www.ccil.in New Delhi-110017 4-A, Adhchini, Aurobindo Marg, Consolidated CarpetIndustries Ltd. With bestcomplements from: Flooring SolutionsfromEntrance toExit Carpets FlotexVinylooringWooden Carpet TilesCorkooring THANKS TO NAfME!!” e drcin oad wih e a music as we, which towards direction a me Overall, Anjli notes that the Assembly “showed need to take one step at a time. promoting. The list can go on and on but we will development Ministry that Mr Modi is is Modi Mr that Ministry development would like music included under skill skill under included music like would employers which would protect their rights. We with contracts proper have to teachers music , n u g e b s a h journey the least at road ahead but but ahead road long a is it know I like minded people. cohesive group of of group cohesive a as together come important it is to to is it important w o h e s i l a e r NAfME made me me made NAfME under the fold of of fold the under music educators educators music sheer number of of number sheer be moving. The The moving. be educators, should should educators, fb/wmeaindia 17 The kit To reduce your beginner drop-out rate drop-out beginner your reduce To To provide short-term incentive goals incentive short-term provide To To encourage communications with parents with communications encourage To support administrative strengthen further To program your of A sample letter to parents to letter sample A administrators to letter sample A performance the announce to poster A A program blank program A inclu- which concert, minute 20 complete A You will never have a more enthusiastic group You of performers and audience members beginning than music students and their parents, and an initial concert early in their development development their in early concert initial an and deal great a with program strong a ensure can of support. of The objectives of First Performances are fourfold:     The rst concert should be presented between the school year the second and third month of and students should be ready to demonstrate the rst ve notes. On the rst night of the rental the of night rst the On notes. ve rst the program, announce the date. The concert should be approximately 20 minutes long and long minutes 20 approximately be should setting. informal an in place take The best “First Performances” have parents participate actively. This is a time to help parents understand the value of establishing good habits such as practicing with a good chair and music stand; encouraging regular practice with practice sheets; caring instrument; for the and breathing and bowing techniques. Concert, Performance First the organize help To an action kit is available from the Music Achievement Council at www.musicachievementcouncil.org. contains all of the concert support materials you materials support concert the of all contains including: need, will     

ADVOCACY! Music Education Music

The following is an excerpt from “Tips for INFO You Can Use Can You INFO Quality in a music program is dependent on a on dependent is program music a in Quality Success” high rate of returning students and a reliable feeder network. With many courses competing courses many With network. feeder for the same students, recruiting enough students to keep instrumental and vocal programs healthy is essential. It is the educator’s responsibility to sell students and their parents on the value of signing up for an their parents on the value of signing music. in course elective Taking Action through Positive Experiences Positive through Action Taking Among the reasons offered by parents and youngsters for NOT participating in music are a are music in participating NOT for youngsters benets and nature the about told be to failure of ensemble participation; lack of information about costs and available instrument rental plans; and concern over the amount of time that must be devoted in order to participate Music educators are challenged to provide a successfully. successfully. program that can successfully compete with the with compete successfully can that program out and in both time student on demands many of school. Additionally, many administrators and school boards base their budget decisions budget their base boards school and on student numbers. A static or declining enrollment may doom music departments to static or declining budgets, staff reductions and reductions staff budgets, declining or static reduced course offerings. Recruiting and retaining as many students as possible is vital. Without recruiting, public school music could disappear. disappear. You play the crucial role in this First Performance, ASAP Performance, First We can remember the excitement of our rst ongoing process. process. ongoing performance: The dress requirement, being the being requirement, dress The performance: center of attention but with the security of the group, the applause of the audience—these are all memories that last a lifetime. a last that memories all are 18 wmea.in of the ensemble development process. understanding better a gain can audience the reading component as part of your concert so concert your of part as component reading Consider including a rehearsal and/or sight- and/or rehearsal a including Consider “before” and “after” music education process. and “after” “before” future concert, thus giving insight into the the into insight giving thus concert, future through the informance can be showcased at a reliable research. The selection introduced introduced selection The research. reliable of ndings latest the detailing inserts program short statements or quotes, or full-page full-page or quotes, or statements short with the audience. This can take the form of form the take can This audience. the with achievement and self-esteem should be shared explain the value of music in improving student education in music. Written materials that that materials Written music. in education nomn te aet aot h vle f an of value the about parents the informing exciting youngsters about music, you are are you music, about youngsters exciting “informance” component. While you are are you While component. “informance” n a e v a h d l u o h s e c n a m r o f r e p y r e v E Informances are going. rsthand how far come they’ve and where they school. In 90 minutes, students and parents see instruction from elementary through high high through elementary from instruction “musical snap-shot” of the sequence of of sequence the of snap-shot” “musical tool because it provides the community with a with community the provides it because tool An all-district concert is a great public relations      program. The objectives of this event are to: community an enjoyable overview of the music give their students, parents, administration and district-wide concert as a promotional activity to ot ucsfl nebe rgas s a use programs ensemble successful Most District-wide Concerts    All you need to supply is: quarter notes and rests) notes—concert B-at to F in whole, half and -des parts for all instruments (uses only ve only (uses instruments all for parts -des Improve recruiting and retention rates Strengthen administrative support administration and the community Increase communication with parents, parents, with communication Increase education Create interest in music and music music and music in interest Create Showcase student achievements Light refreshments are optional copies rgas o e add u a souvenir as out handed be to Programs Someone to serve as an announcer www.supportmusic.com devoted to all things music advocacy: advocacy: music things all to devoted ui srn i yu shos Vst h site the Visit schools? your in strong music 0.6.26 Wn mr tp fr keeping for tips more Want 800.767.6266. • • l i c n u o C t n e m e v e i h c A is o Sces s rdcd y h Music the by produced is Success for Tips and maintain successful music programs. build to environments challenging of variety a and Retention, which has assisted educators in your copy of The Practical Guide to Recruiting to Guide Practical The of copy your www.musicachievementcouncil.org t i s i v n a c u o y , e r o m n r a e l o T experience. inspirational leadership in an exciting musical exciting an in leadership inspirational committed to the program is to provide provide to is program the to committed a t gaate ht tdns il remain will students that guarantee to way can’t push a rope. You can only pull it.” The best as o os erlmn. eebr “You Remember, enrollment. boost to ways school/high schooltransitionsaresomeofthe elementary/middle school and middle middle and school elementary/middle activities to increase retention during the the during retention increase to activities assemblies, joint concerts, parent meetings and program is the fear of failure. Recruiting Recruiting failure. of fear the is program that the No. 1 reason students leave a music a leave students reason 1 No. the that rga. h Gmihrt eot identies Report Gemeinhardt The program. more important to keep students in the music the in students keep to important more It is important to recruit effectively, but it is even Keeping Them in the Program appropriate. hs promne maigu ad age- and meaningful performances these good, they will want to be a part of it, so make will remember what they saw and heard. If it’s tdns n h lwr rds Yug students Young grades. lower the in students school; and provide demonstrations for for demonstrations provide and school; elementary the at concerts to perform concerts; students potential invite recorders; using teachers. Teachers should work with students by general music teachers and classroom classroom and teachers music general teachers need to work in partnership with with partnership in work to need teachers enhance the recruiting process, ensemble ensemble process, recruiting the enhance begins with third and fourth grade students. To Creating a desire to participate in the programs in public school instrumental programs. programs. instrumental school public in provided with the rst opportunity to participate Fifth grade is typically the year that students are Getting Them into the Program www.musicachievementcouncil.org o order to • fb/wmeaindia 19 20 wmea.in tdns il ntae h am as we they when raise arm the initiate will students eod. e ae otn o h pit that point the to gotten have We seconds. f 0 it gae rs paes n bu 10 about in players brass grade sixth 80 of consistently and diligently it quiets a noisy room This sounds too simple but it works. When used silent. Nothing proceeds until the room is silent. students need to raise their hands and become all indicates teacher a by raised arm simple A Use Nonverbal Signals students. n i wl bcm hbt o yu n the and you for habit become will it and Insist that routines are done correctly every time music). tuner,warm-ups, (pencil, period class set up the music stand as a workstation for the build instruments, where to store cases, how to hm o o VRTIG Icue vn the even easiest behaviors: entering the room, where to Include EVERYTHING. do to them xli ad hw tdns o yu expect you how students show and Explain Teach, Model, and Reteach Routines management strategies we use in our program. class. Below are six music classroom classroom music six are Below class. very fewdisciplineissuesordistractionsduring We see 375 band students every day and have MakeMusic. owned by NAfME Corporate Member Member Corporate NAfME by owned Article Originally Posted on SmartMusic® Blog, By NAfMEMembersRachel Maxwell Your MusicClassroom Simple WaystoKeep Running Eficiently and JessicaCorry they enter the room. board so students know what to set up for when tuners and pencils. Put the daily plan on the on plan daily the Put pencils. and tuners a pencil pouch in each binder to hold reeds, oil, for student materials to eliminate lost music. Put pencils, tuners, lost and found, etc. Use binders stands. Have a spot for everything: extra music, room set with the correct number of chairs and Keep the room clean and organized. Have the see the rehearsal from their perspective. wonders for student behavior and allows you to move throughout the ensemble. Proximity does om h ro. e of f h pdu and podium the of off Get room. the roam Set up the room with aisles for you to be able to Organize Your Space           up with our posted Rehearsal Expectations: not create problems for others.” We follow that Our classroom rule is “Act in a way which does Keep Rules Simple own plan and use it every rehearsal every day. hear talking among the students. Develop your Behavior Is Productive & Effective Apply What You Already Know Positive Body Language & Energy Raise Hand for Comments & Questions Correct Playing Position & Posture Instrument to Mouth on Count-Off Eye Contact with Director (Track) less we stop!) Mark Corrections (The more you mark, the mark, you more (The Corrections Mark Music out of Plastic Pencil on EVERY Stand fb/wmeaindia 21 is a N A f M E M e m b e r Rachel Maxwell currently serves as the director of bands at Traughber Jr. High School and as the Jr. High performing arts and band coordinator for the Oswego, IL N A f M E M e m b e r Jessica Corry g r a d u a t e o f t h e University University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Music Education. A current member of the National Association of Music Education, she is classically trained on clarinet and enjoys playing jazz tenor saxophone. tenor jazz playing School Dist. #308. She has taught music ed. courses at VanderCook College of Music and North Central College and has been a guest conductor, conductor, clinician and adjudicator at many music camps and festivals. and camps music

#9990671674 fb/bridgemusicacademy

New Rajinder Nagar | Gurgaon | Dwarka | Chandigarh New Rajinder Nagar | Gurgaon | Dwarka bridgemusic.in Students Students are in band to play their instrument. Play More, Talk Less Talk More, Play The more they play the more they will like it. Many student errors can be xed through slow through xed be can errors student Many repetition of small sections. Do not be afraid to afraid be not Do sections. small of repetition repeat something a dozen times if needed. Your Your needed. if times dozen a something repeat kids are tough, they can do it. When stopping to stopping When it. do can they tough, are kids make corrections use three short phrases to include: who, where, what. For example: trumpets, measure 43, staccato notes-put space between. It is also very effective to model to effective very also is It between. space the correction on your instrument or by singing. singing. by or instrument your on correction the Every stop should be 30 seconds maximum. seconds 30 be should stop Every No matter how tired or frustrated you might Consistent Expectations Consistent become, calmly insist that there is only one way one only is there that insist calmly become, to do things in your classroom: the right way. What you accept is what you will get. Firm expectations and a loving attitude toward the students will create a comfortable and secure environment for you and your students. The whole point of music classroom management is management classroom music of point whole to develop a system that removes distractions and logistics and allows students to focus on the on focus to students allows and logistics and task at hand-music. at task 22 wmea.in educators experience is how to judge the the judge to how is experience educators ensembles. One of the struggles music music struggles the of One ensembles. class - guitar particularly related used to styles the creation teaching of rock of types different has written an excellent article exploring exploring article excellent an written has In the most recent MEJ, Matthew Rescsanszky Matthew MEJ, recent most the In continue educators to nd effective music modes of that instruction. approaches traditional learning for all students while retaining more retaining while students all for learning provide for authentic and meaningful musical meaningful and authentic for provide they opportunities the highlighting classroom, oua msc n ifra pdgg i the in pedagogy informal and music of popular place the defends author the experience, n ra mdl sho. eetn o this on Reecting school. middle urban an revising a student-centered guitar curriculum in experience designing, implementing, and and implementing, designing, experience their classrooms. This article details the author’s unsure of how to use popular music correctly in Many music educators feel unprepared or are or unprepared feel educators music Many Educators Journal. by Matthew J. Rescsanszky, June 2017 Music 2017 June Rescsanszky, J. Matthew by Informal Pedagogies ina      Green’s FivePrinciples ofInformalLearning with patternsthatareoftenpresentintheteacher-driven ensemblemodel.) Informal versusTraditional MusicLearning: (Lucy Green’s principlesoflearningcontrasted Middle SchoolGuitar process composing areintegrated throughoutthe Listening, performing, improvising, and or nalproduct,inmind Popular musicians beginwiththe“Whole”, directed orpeer-directed avenues Popular musicianslearnthroughself- recordings byear Popular musicianslearnmainlybycopying would liketoplay Popular musiciansselecttherepertoire they Mixing Formal and Classroom Review      Teacher-Driven EnsembleModel membership visit 2017 Music Educators Journal. To jain jain To Journal. Educators Music 2017 MANfE member WMEA/NAfME o read the full article, , e l c i t r a l l u f e h t d a e r To than teacher-directed models. rather learning self-directed and interactions paradigm. They are built on a model of peer of model a on built are They paradigm. environments that do not t into the traditional Informal music making occurs in less structured eetdtruhu h eera. repeated throughout the rehearsal. demonstration followed by instructor input, input, instructor by followed student of demonstration pattern cyclical a through occurs o a ocr. edak n hs oe often model this in Feedback concert. a for make musical decisions in rehearsal to prepare to them leading and students directing expert, which the instructor takes the role of the musical dened as the approach to music education in education music to approach the as dened “Traditional” pedagogies can broadly be be broadly can pedagogies “Traditional” raditional vs. Informal Learning n i n r a e L l a m r o f n I . s v l a n o i t i d a Tr results of informal learning. different types teaching strategies to gauge the several implemented has Matthew England), olg o Lno’ Isiue f dcto in Education of Institute London’s of College professor of music education at the University the at education music of professor sn Lc Gens eerh n ehd (a methods on research Green’s Lucy Using classroom. guitar education music American traditional teaching methods used in the typical member ofarockband,versusmoreformalor methods - such as you would experience as a as experience would you as such - methods teaching informal more using of effectiveness between the formsofmusic-making composing. Emphasisofdivisions listening, performing, improvising, and The teachercreateslessons thatseparate techniques, orexercises individual partssuchasscales. The teacherstartsthelessonswith incorporates peer-learning The teacheristhesoleexpertwhorarely The studentlearnsmusicthroughnotation The teacherselectstherepertoire www.wmea.in n ve te June, the view and a e m o c e b fb/wmeaindia 23 wmea.in | facebook.com/wmeaindia 120, 1st oor, Shankar Road Market, New Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi - 110060