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Thoru Pederson

Program in and Developmental Dynamics, Department of and Molecular Pharmacology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605 Correspondence: [email protected]

When cells are observed by phase contrast microscopy, nucleoli are among the most conspicuous structures. The nucleolus was formally described between 1835 and 1839, but it was another century before it was discovered to be associated with a specific chromo- somal locus, thus defining it as a cytogenetic entity. Nucleoli were first isolated in the 1950s, from starfish . Then, in the early 1960s, a boomlet of studies led to one of the epochal discoveries in the modern era of genetics and cell : that the nucleolus is the site of ribosomal RNA synthesis and nascent assembly. This epistemologically reposi- tioned the nucleolus as not merely an aspect of nuclear but rather as a cytological manifestation of action—a major heuristic advance. Indeed, the finding that the nucle- olus is the seat of ribosome production constitutes one of the most vivid confluences of form and function in the history of . This account presents the nucleolus in both histori- cal and contemporary perspectives. The modern era has brought the unanticipated discovery that the nucleolus is plurifunctional, constituting a paradigm shift.

FIRST SIGHTING a monumental monograph on the nucleolus was published by Montgomery (1898), with an as- t is likely that some of the few lucky enough to tonishing 346 hand-drawn color figures of nuclei Ihave a microscope in the 18th century saw the and nucleoli from avast array of biological mate- nucleolus if they examined thin specimens of rial. But as comprehensive and elegant a piece of in the mode of illumination that later scholarship as it was, this treatise is primarily became known as bright field, a century before known to ustoday not because of what it revealed phase contrast was discovered, for which a Nobel the nucleolus to be at the time, but because of Prize, rare in microscopy, was conferred on Frits what the nucleolus later became. Zernike in 1953 (Fig. 1). The first properly documented accounts of THE NUCLEOLUS BECOMES PART the nucleolus were made independently by OF THE Wagner (1835) and Valentin (1836, 1839). Be- yond occasional studies in which nucleoli were For three decades after Montgomery’s treatise, mentioned in passing in the context of broader there was little momentum until the discovery cytological work, no significant literature on the that the nucleolus arises at a specific chromoso- nucleolus ensued foranother half century. Then, mal locus (Heitz 1931; McClintock 1934). While

Editors: Tom Misteli and David L. Spector Additional Perspectives on The Nucleus available at www.cshperspectives.org Copyright # 2011 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000638 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011;3:a000638

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T. Pederson

Figure 1. Looking at the nucleolus. Nucleoli observed in HeLa cells (left) and isolated HeLa cell nuclei (right)by differential interference microscopy. (Images courtesy of David L. Spector [left] and Thoru Pederson [right].)

the intimacy of associations between nucleoli experiment, done with John Gurdon (Brown and had previously been noted, and Gurdon 1964), showing that anucleoate the independent findings of Heitz and Mc- Xenopus embryos arrest in development, plausi- Clintock established that the nucleolus actually bly due to the inability of these embryos to make forms at a discrete locus, termed the nucleolus new when the maternal stockpile organizer by McClintock. The importance of becomes limiting (Fig. 2). Brown also reported this advance cannot be overstated because it the existence of amplified nucleoli in the germi- meant that rather than being mere nuclear anat- nal vesicle (nucleus) of Xenopus oocytes (a find- omy, nucleoli are cytogenetic entities. From this ing that had been made contemporaneously perspective, the astonishing diversity of nucleo- [Brown and Dawid 1968; Gall 1968]). Papers lar shapes and sizes recorded by Montgomery on the isolation of nucleoli were given by Walter began to be sensed as reflecting differences in Vincent (from starfish oocytes), and by Rachele the chromosomal sites at which they arise. The Maggio and Harris Busch (from guinea pig and discovery of the nucleolus organizer meant that, rat liver, respectively). The of rRNA whatever its function(s), the nucleolus is sta- via large precursor was reported in tioned at a genetic locus, although it would still talks by Joseph Gall, Sheldon Penman, Georgii be another decade before the discovery that the Georgiev, and Robert Perry. But the most im- genetic material is DNA. portant discovery announced at the meeting was that reported in the talks by and Ferrucio Ritossa; namely, that MONTEVIDEO: A HIGH ALTITUDE VIEW hybridization revealed that DNA complemen- OF THE NUCLEOLUS tary to rRNA resides in the nucleolus, which, We have all attended meetings, and the luckiest together with the results of Brown and Gurdon of us know that sometimes, when the muses (1964), ushered in a new age in the history of the smile, we are witnesses to a renaissance. It just nucleolus. The proceedings of this conference, happened that leading up to a meeting on the including the lively discussion exchanges after nucleolus in Montevideo, Uruguay, in Decem- each talk (Vincent and Miller 1966), together ber 1965, several new findings had been made with an exceptionally insightful synopsis of the or were just about to be submitted for pub- meeting (Perry 1966), constitute a definitive ar- lication. Donald Brown presented a brilliant chive of this exciting moment in the field.

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The Nucleolus

Figure 2. A portal to the modern era: the dependence of ribosomal RNA synthesis on the nucleolus. Anucleolate (left) or wild-type (right) Xenopus laevis embryos at the neurula stage were incubated with C14-labeled carbon dioxide and RNA was extracted 20 hours later, when both groups of embryos were still morphologically and physiologically indistinguishable. Shown are sucrose gradient sedimentation profiles of 28S and 18S rRNA and transfer RNA. This finding was a keystone in establishing the role of the nucleolus in the biosynthesis of ribosomes. (Reproduced from Brown DC and Gurdon JB 1964. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 51: 139–146, by kind permission of Donald D. Brown, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, D.C.)

COMING DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN Waddington said: “The nucleolus probably should not be considered a relatively simple Oscar Miller had presented EM pictures of with a single function, comparable to spread nucleolar “cores” and stretched nucleolar a machine tool turning out a particular part of DNA at the meeting, but they were his first at- an automobile. It is not just ‘the organelle where tempts and not particularly revealing. But later, the cell manufactures ribosomes.’ It is rather a he and his talented research assistant Barbara structure through which materials of several dif- Beatty showed the world what these really ferent kinds are flowing, comparable more to a look like in full transcriptional action (Miller whole production line than to a single machine and Beatty 1969). These pictures earned their tool.” One cannot imagine a more prescient rightful place as among the most iconic of any view. As we shall see, every atom of his statement in the history of cytology and cell biology. Inci- has been borne out in subsequent research on sive studies on the synthesis and processing of the nucleolus. ribosomal RNA introduced by Sheldon Penman at the Montevideo meeting were subsequently refined by him and independently by the labora- INTO THE MODERN ERA tory of James Darnell (reviewed by Lewin 1980). In contrast, the isolation of nucleoli presented at In the 1970s and 1980s, the nucleolus field the meeting was to await several decades for fur- addressed the details of ribosome biosynthesis. ther advances. One axis was a troubled one: the goal of rec- In his summary of the Montevideo con- onciling the stages of ribosome synthesis with ference, the Edinburgh embryologist C.H. the classically defined subcompartments of the

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T. Pederson

nucleolus. Just as one commentator famously their transcripts in nucleoli in situ (Koberna described (to every Latin student centuries et al. 2002; for further discussion of the earlier later) the Roman conquest territory that would controversy and its resolution, see Rasˇka et al. later become France, “Gallia est omnis divisa in 2006). Recent work has indicated that one of partes tres” (Caesar, 40–50s BC), the nucleolus the three nucleolar regions, the granular com- is also tripartite. Its three classical regions are ponent, is itself composed of at least two dis- defined by the different appearance of intra- tinct molecular domains. nucleolar regions when viewed by electron mi- Meanwhile, the covalent steps in rRNA pro- croscopy (Fig. 3). These are the fibrillar centers, cessing continued to be explored, revealing dif- the surrounding dense fibrillar component, and ferent nuances in versus higher the granular component. Few in the field antici- superimposed on a conserved foundation (re- pated the controversies that would ensue when viewed by Fatica and Tollervey 2002). But an- several labs tried, logically enough, to link the other important axis was also emerging in the sites of rRNA and processing 1970s. The laboratory of Harris Busch, notably and assembly into nascent ribosomes with these Ramachandra Reddy, came upon and sequenced three EM-defined nucleolar zones. These de- several small nucleolar . One of these, U3 bates were waged with intense controversy and, small nucleolar RNA, was subsequently shown in a few cases, frank boorishness on the part of to be base-paired with nucleolar rRNA in vivo some in this raging controversy on the floor at (Calvet and Pederson 1981) and later was dem- international meetings. In hindsight, this had onstrated to function in the initial of to do with how short a pulse label one could the 45S rRNA precursor (Kass et al. 1990). All introduce to tag nascent rRNA. Thankfully, re- of these studies were done, of course, with depro- cent advances have settled the issue. A key step teinized nucleolar RNA. Soon thereafter, isolated in this resolution was a reconciliation of the nucleoli were subjected to various extraction “Christmas tree” EM images of spread nascent conditions designed to preserve nascent rRNA– ribosomal RNA (Miller and Beatty 1969) with complexes, resulting in the character- the high resolution detection of these genes and ization of the ribonucleoprotein forms of the rRNA precursor and processing intermediates that had previously been defined with deprotei- nized RNA (Warner and Soeiro 1967; Pederson and Kumar 1971; Kumar and Warner 1972). Jumping ahead, we now enjoy a far more detailed picture of the covalent steps of rRNA maturation (Fatica and Tollervey 2002) as well as numerous accessory factors that support this pathway but are not part of the final ri- bosomes (reviewed by Granneman and Base- rga 2004). Among the latter are more than 100 small nucleolar RNAs that guide the extensive site-specific nucleotide modifications (ribose 20-O-methylation and pseudouridine formation) Figure 3. The tripartite organization of the nucleolus. of rRNA during its processing (reviewed by Electron micrograph of a mouse fibroblast nucleolus. Bachellerie et al. 2002). Like the initial rRNA (f ) fibrillar center, (d) dense fibrillar component, (g) precursor, processing intermediates, and prod- granular component, (arrows) perinucleolar hetero- ucts themselves, all these small nucleloar RNAs , () denotes the presence of dense fibrillar component material within the fibrillar center, which are complexed with , thus instilling in is occasionally observed. (Reprinted from Trends in the nucleolar landscape a high concentration Cell Biol 13: 517–525, Rasˇka, I. # 2003, with permis- of both RNA and protein, a point to which we sion from Elsevier.) shall return.

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The Nucleolus

A PARADIGM SHIFT These findings on SRP RNA, together with a number of other contemporaneous results that By the 1960s and into the 1970s, the notion that were stirring, led to the formulation of the “plu- the nucleolus is the seat of ribosome synthesis rifunctional nucleolus” hypothesis (Pederson was as cogently established as anything in the 1998a). Subsequently, the link between the nu- modern canon of the molecular and cell biolo- cleolus and signal recognition particle biosyn- gy of eukaryotes. Then, something unexpected thesis was made in yeast (Ciufo and Brown happened. 2000; Grosshans et al. 2001), and confirmed In my laboratory, we had been studying the and extended in mammalian cells (Politz et al. traffic of fluorescently labeled small nucleolar 2000) (Fig. 4) and in Xenopus oocytes (Som- RNAs after microinjection into the nuclei of cul- merville et al. 2005). A speculative essay sug- tured mammalian cells and finding them to gested how a common nucleolar assembly site move into nucleoli, as expected, but extending might have co-evolved for the four translational this to define nucleolar targeting elements in ribonucleoproteins (the two ribosomal subunits, these RNAs (Jacobson et al. 1995; 1997; Jacob- the 5S rRNA–, and the SRP) son and Pederson 1998a). In the case of U3 (Pederson and Politz 2000). Notwithstanding and U8 (Jacobson and Pederson 1998a), we how it came about in the of eukar- planned to expand the findings but first decided yotes, the fact that the nucleolus is a site of to submit an initial report to convey our novel more than ribosome synthesis had clearly ar- experimental approach (reviewed in Pederson rived once its role in the biosynthesis of the 2001a), something quite new at the time for SRP had been discovered. Also embedded in the nucleolus, though we had previously applied the plurifunctional nucleolus hypothesis were it to study pre-mRNA traffic to nucleoplas- provocative results linking the nucleolus to cell- mic domains (Wang et al. 1991). While writing cycle progression (Pederson 1998a,b). Both the this paper (Jacobson and Pederson 1998a), it SRP and cell-cycle aspects of the hypothesis occurred to us that we had only used a single were welcomed into reviews on the nucleolus RNA as a negative control. Although it did not (Scheer and Hock 1999; Olson et al. 2000; display nucleolar localization after microinjec- Olson et al. 2002; Visintin and Amon 2000), tion, we decided to try a second small RNA and the concept has continued to be well re- that presumably would also not localize in nu- ceived (Alberts et al. 2002; Rasˇka et al. 2006; cleoli, thus amplifying our case that the ob- Boisvert et al. 2007). served nucleolar localizations of U3 and U8 were specific. My post-doc Marty Jacobson sug- gested that we try the signal recognition particle THE PARTS LIST, AND SEGUEING INTO THE RNA, a 300-nt pol III transcript, not only to fulfill the need for another negative control but When nucleoli were first isolated (Vincent also because, to his credit, he realized nothing 1952), only assays for total protein and RNA, was known about the nuclear phase of SRP bio- as well as tests for various enzymatic activities, synthesis. Toour surprise, SRP RNAdisplayed as were available (the latter scoring only one—acid rapid and as quantitative a nucleolar localiza- phosphatase). Jumping ahead four and a half tion as U3 and U8 snoRNAs. But looking into decades, we now speak of specific nucleolar mol- this further, we saw that SRP RNA trafficked ecules. As mentioned earlier, progress on chron- into nucleoli only transiently. U3 and U8 on icling all of the small RNAs present in nucleoli the other hand remained stably localized in had proceeded through the 1980s and 1990s nucleoli, as did other small nucleolar RNAs we and on into the 2000 decade. As for nucleolar had begun to study. SRP RNA then moved out proteins (beyond the ribosomal structural pro- into the , where it became associated teins), early accounts (e.g., Soeiro and Basile with the , its expected fi- 1973) were followed by numerous reports of nal localization (Jacobson and Pederson 1998b). individual, non-ribosomal proteins observed

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T. Pederson

Figure 4. The nucleolus and signal recognition particle biosynthesis. Nucleolar localization of GFP-tagged SRP19 (left) and SRP68 (right) proteins in rat NRK cells. Cytoplasmic localization is also observed, as expected from the known steady-state localization of the signal recognition particle. Similar results were obtained with GFP-tagged SRP72 protein, whereas the SRP54 protein assembles with the nascent signal recognition particle in the cytoplasm (Politz et al. 2000; Sommerville et al. 2005). Reproduced from Politz et al. 2000, with permis- sion from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

either in isolated nucleoli or, more typically, by plurifunctional nucleolus hypothesis (Pederson immunofluorescence or GFP-tagged protein lo- 1998a) and findings being made at the time that calization. These were useful findings on each had suggested such a link (reviewed by Peder- protein’s individual merit but obviously did not son 1998b; Garcia and Pillus 1999; Vinistin reveal the molecular breadth of the nucleolar and Amon 2000). Similar findings were later protein landscape. In 2002, two groups refined made in a proteomics analysis of purified nucle- the classical nucleolar isolation methods (nota- oli from Arabidopsis (Pendle et al. 2005). bly that developed by Maggio et al. 1963) and Beyond proteomic analysis, and its empha- prepared high purity nucleoli from HeLa cells sis on nonribosomal proteins, there has been followed by proteomics (Andersen et al. 2002; recent work on ribosomal proteins themselves Scherl et al. 2002; reviewed by Pederson 2002 that has brought surprises. The first of these and Leung et al. 2003). implicated ubiquitinylation, including poly- These two contemporaneous proteomics ubiquitinylation, of ribosomal proteins in the studies revealed, in combination, a total of ap- pathway of ribosome synthesis (Stavreva et al. proximately 350 proteins. Excluding ribosom- 2006), a most unanticipated, counterintuitive al structural proteins, there were many that result and one not immediately reconcilable had been or would be later linked to ribosome with the “standard model” of ribosome bio- biosynthesis as chaperone-like mediators not synthesis. The second study revealed a surpris- ending up in mature ribosomes. This finding ingly large pool of unassembled ribosomal expanded and put more molecular definition proteins, exceeding the level needed to support on earlier research, showing that nucleolar pre- ribosome assembly on the number of rRNA ribosomal particles have a higher protein:RNA transcripts being produced (Lam et al. 2007). mass ratio than mature ribosomes (Liau and Obviously, one senses the likely possibility of Perry 1969; Pederson and Kumar 1971; Kumar a link between these two sets of observations. and Warner 1972). Many others of the observed These findings also lead us to bear in mind the nucleolar proteins were ones involved in DNA possibility that there may be further surprises replication or repair, cell-cycle progression, or ahead regarding the established lore of the nu- its control, validating this aspect of the initial cleolar ribosome biosynthetic pathway, just as

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The Nucleolus

has been the case with respect to the nonribo- question since the initial localization may either somal aspects of nucleolar organization and be filling unoccupied sites or replacing those function in the 12 years since the plurifunc- formerly occupied by egressing snoRNAs. Stated tional nucleolus hypothesis was advanced (Ped- differently, snoRNAs are always at high concen- erson 1998a). tration in the nucleolus so the concentration of the putative molecules that have moved into the in any experiment that examines THE NUCLEOLUS IS NEITHER AS STATIC the steady-state would be very low. Only meth- NOR AS COMPACT AS FIRST THOUGHT ods like FRAP or FLIP can capture this and these Between 2000 and 2001, a number of studies are not applicable to RNA. However, endogenous based on fluorescence recovery after photo- RNAs can be tagged with fluorescent probes bleaching (FRAP), in one case employing as (Politz et al. 1998), including photoactivatable well the complementary method of fluores- ones (Politz 1999; Politz et al. 2005). In a study cence loss in photobleaching (FLIP), brought using this approach to track 28S rRNA out of about a complete revision in thinking about the the nucleolus (Politz et al. 2003), we noted that stasis of several nuclear proteins (for reviews, some signal occasionally returned to nucleoli. see Pederson 2000; 2001b; Leung and Lamond We pondered that there is probably no barrier 2003). In the case of the nucleolar proteins to a completed ribosomal subunit occasionally studied, namely fibrillarin (Phair and Misteli gaining access back into the nucleolus (which is 2000) and selected ribosomal structural pro- surprisingly porous, vide infra) before it engages teins (Chen and Huang 2001), the dynamics the nuclear export machinery. Notwithstanding were faster than would have been anticipated this observation, how dynamic or static nucle- by many (perhaps most) nucleolus investiga- olar RNAs are remains an open and important tors. functions as an rRNA modifica- question. tion enzyme in the dense fibrillar component How compact a bundle of mass is the nucle- and therefore might have been assumed to olus? Its appearance in differential interference either be stably associated with the nuclelous microscopy (Fig. 1) indicates that it has higher or at least display a long residence time. A nucle- mass per unit volume than the surrounding olar stasis of ribosomal structural proteins was nucleolplasm, but how much higher? Fortu- an even more entrenched notion, as they would nately, differential interference microscopy can have been assumed to enter nucleoli in stoichio- be used in a quantitative mode. Its application metric amounts to assemble with nascent rRNA to the nucleus of Xenopus oocytes revealed and yet they were found to be rapidly shuttling that the nucleoli are only about twice as dense in and out of nucleoli. As mentioned above, as the surrounding nucleoplasm (Handwerger later work revealed that ribosomal structural et al. 2005; discussed in Pederson 2010a.) In proteins undergo ubiquitinylation and degra- retrospect, it may be that a preferentially high dation on the assembly pathway (Stavreva et al. affinity of some nucleolar proteins for the heavy 2006) and also enter the nucleus in supra- metal atoms (uranium, osmium, tungsten) used stoichiometric levels (Lam et al. 2007). Clearly, in electron microscopy has led to a false percep- the FRAP results (Chen and Huang 2001) re- tion of a higher (protein) density in the nucle- flected, or at least were significantly influenced olus, or in some of its regions, than is actually by, these later-recognized aspects of ribosomal the case. The use of basic in classical cyto- protein instability, whereas the fast exchange of logical work on the nucleolus that are taken fibrillarin (Phair and Misteli 2000) was, and preferentially by polyanions such as RNA, or sil- remains, even more surprising. ver stains that bind avidly to certain nucleolar It has been more difficult to study the dynam- proteins, may have contributed to this notion ics of nucleolar RNAs. The fact that fluorescent from cytochemistry. In any case, similar studies snoRNAs accumulate in nucleoli after microin- to those done in the nucleus of Xenopus jection into the nucleus does not address this nuclei are now needed in mammalian cells, where

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T. Pederson

there are more data on nucleolar protein dy- Pederson 2007). This is not an idea that was namics that can be used as parameters in com- pondered in the classical era, when ribosome putational models. A first step has been taken in production, protein synthesis rates, and cell this direction, in which the percolation of oval- growth were seen as the operation of a continu- bumin (molecular weight 43,000) in the nu- ous, forward- and back-regulated production cleolus and nucleoplasm was measured in a logic circuit. mammalian cell (Spell and Kubitscheck 2009), The point of departure was the finding that revealing that this protein had the same mo- the action of two cell-cycle regulators, and bility in both compartments. One is also re- , are modulated by nucleolar sequestra- minded here that the use of photo-activatable tion (Weber et al. 1999; Kulikov et al. 2010). GFP-tagged nucleolar proteins in such studies Another key finding was that p53 is stabilized could be very revealing, as has been their use upon DNA damage-triggered nucleolar disrup- in studying another protein’s dynamics in the tion or elicited by other cellular stressors (Rubbi Xenopus oocyte nucleus (Deryusheva and Gall and Milner 2003). Subsequent work has defined 2004). an extensive interactome of nucleolus-nucleo- plasmic shuttling cell-cycle progression pro- teins and it now appears that the action of A GROWING FAMILY OF CELL-CYCLE several is based on their dynamic interplay be- REGULATORS IN THE NUCLEOLUS tween the nucleolus and the nucleoplasm. An The nucleolus proteomics studies revealed instructive example is nucleostemin (reviewed numerous cell-cycle-related proteins among by Ma and Pederson 2008a; Pederson and the residents (or visitors). A great many studies Tsai 2009). This protein was discovered in a over the past decade have brought further study of neural stem cells in the subventricular insights into the nucleolar transit of cell-cycle zone of the adult rat brain (Tsai and McKay regulatory proteins. These good endeavors 2002). Nucleostemin is a p53-interactive pro- have now engendered a large literature, much tein (Tsai and McKay 2002; Ma and Pederson of which is more pertinent to cell-cycle progres- 2007) and the initial idea (Tsai and McKay sion control in general, whereas only a subset of 2005; reviewed by Misteli 2005) was that when this emerging work relates to the nucleolus; it shuttles from the nucleolus into the nucleo- hence the brief, selective coverage that follows. plasm, it binds to and disables p53, and thus Before embarking on the relationship be- drives the cell cycle. But the continuing chal- tween nucleolar activity and cell-cycle progres- lenge in this field is to reconcile a protein’s intra- sion, a caveat needs to be registered. There is nuclear location with function. For example, no doubt that when ribosome production is im- although p53 is mostly nucleoplasmic, the small paired or limiting, slows or ceases. nucleolar fraction of p53 has different binding The obligatory relationship between ribosome partners, measured by bimolecular fluores- biosynthesis and cell growth rate was established cence complemenatation (see Ma and Pederson for in studies by O´´le Maaloe and Karl 2008b), than those with which it consorts in the Lark in the 1960s, and later was confirmed for nucleoplasm (Pederson, unpubl.). It is usually eukaryotes. We can plausibly surmise that new assumed that the highest intranuclear concen- ribosomes do count for a cell’s (or ’s) tration of a protein is where it executes its func- future because selection would disfavor cells, tion. This assumption may be suspect in some embryos, or adult that are slow to cases, and in the case of nucleostemin, the build new proteins for either (a jury is out as to whether it enacts its cell-cycle- necessary inheritance for G1 progeny) or for driving function in the nucleolus (at high sustained vigor of tissues and organs. That said, concentration) or in the nucleoplasm (at low we here take up the question of whether the concentration). A protein’s concentration in a nucleolus might play roles in cell-cycle progres- region of the cell may not be a quantitative sig- sion beyond ribosome biosynthesis (see also nal for its action, which should be kept in mind

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The Nucleolus

as systems biology approaches now arrive in cell significance of this is generally not well under- (and nuclear) biology. stood. A surprising recent finding was that the nucleolus and Cajal bodies are required for the establishment of a systemic infection by a THE PERINUCLEOLAR COMPARTMENT: (Kim et al. 2007). In an intriguing retro- ANOTHER LINK BETWEEN THE NUCLEOLUS viral therapeutic development, the fact that AND GROWTH CONTROL? unspliced HIV RNA exits the nucleus via the In some cells, there is a discoid structure situ- nucleolus was exploited to design a nucleolus- ated on the nucleolus, covering a portion of targeting inhibitor of (Michi- its surface as a “cap.” Termed the perinucleolar enzi et al. 2002). The nucleolus has also been compartment (PNC), it was discovered on the implicated in the replication of herpes basis of its high concentration of a particular (Boyne and Whitehouse 2006.) Yet another hnRNP protein (Ghetti et al. 1992; Matera et al. recent case is the finding that the replication 1995; for reviews, see Huang 2000 and Pollock of the Dependovirus AAV2(adenovirus-associ- and Huang 2010). The PNC accretes, but is ated virus 2) takes place in the nucleolus (Sonn- not the transcription site of, a number of small tag et al. 2010). AAV2 is among the smallest RNAs (Matera et al. 1995; Wang et al. 2003). animal cell viruses known (25 nm in diame- The fact that PNCs are not seen in all cells but ter) and its assembly might thus be feasible are noted particularly in mammalian trans- within the relatively porous nucleolus, yet the bi- formed cell lines, tumor-derived cell lines, and ological significance of this nucleolar tropism is tumor biopsy specimens suggests a key link be- presently unclear (reviewed by Pederson 2010a). tween their appearance and tumor initiation The connection of the nucleolus to stem and/or progression (see Pollock and Huang cell biology has received some attention, with 2010). Although this is an encouraging new a possible link hinted at both by classical and tool for the pathologist, the PNC’s harboring contemporary studies (e.g., Gonda et al. 2003; of certain proteins and RNAs presently offers reviewed by Misteli 2003; Fle´chon 2006). Thus, no clues whatsoever as to why it appears more when a somatic nucleus from an adult verte- frequently in tumor cells. Clearly, further work brate animal is placed into an enucleated , on the PNC is warranted. In fact, it is the only development can proceed up to a tadpole in presently known link between the nucleolus the case of or even birth in the case (in the form of a nucleolus-vicinal cytological of . Much attention has been placed entity) and a very high morbidity/mortality on the effects of the egg cytoplasm on the im- human disease, breast carcinoma. planted nucleus in terms of epigenetic marks and the redirected program of . But, something else also happens. In the nucleolus THE NUCLEOLUS AND VIRAL REPLICATION, of the adult, somatic nucleus transiently dis- STEM CELL BIOLOGY, AND CELLULAR appears and then comes back into view a few SENESCENCE: ONLY ZEPHYRS SO FAR hours later. This intriguing behavior of the nu- cleolus in somatic nucleus transfer experiments Beyondcell-cycleprogressionandgrowthcontrol, has not been explored to the extent it should be. the past decade has seen a surge of attention to the If properly investigated, this is likely to reveal nucleolus in three other fields: viral replication, profound clues as to what happens when newly stem cell biology, and . These combined nuclei and cytoplasm become mole- studies include a number of provocative findings, cularly familiar with themselves. briefly discussed below, but the objective sum- Another potential link between the nucleo- mary statement is that a mechanistic link to the lus and stem cell biology has arisen from studies nucleolus has not been made. of the Hand1, whose local- Regarding viral replication, some viruses ization within and outside the nucleolus acts as display a nucleolar tropism, but the functional a trigger for cell fate determination (Martindill

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et al. 2007). Another engaging recent study has finding in this study came from the application implicated a U3 small nucleolar RNA-bound of electron spectroscopic imaging, which re- protein, Wcd, in a neural stem cell niche of vealed the granular component to be an inter- Drosophila embryos (Fichelson et al. 2009). Wcd spersed array of RNA-rich and RNA-deficient displays asymmetric distribution to daughter particles, rather than a uniform lawn of nascent cells and thus has “stem cellness” written all ribosomes, as would have been anticipated (Fig. over it. One hopes that these groups and/or 5). It remains to be seen how many subdivisions other nucleolus investigators are pursuing these exist within the granular component, or within two findings, for they are among the most intri- the dense fibrillar component for that matter. guing links between the nucleolus and stem cell The probes and optical resolution are now at biology to have been reported. hand to address this further. Studies linking the nucleolus to cellular sen- escence round out this body of “conceptually nucleolus-related” research in that, once again, TO RESIST OR REVISIT HERESY? DOES THE NUCLEOLUS PARTICIPATE IN some provocative clues have been uncovered, MESSENGER RNA BIOSYNTHESIS? but there is no sense at present of a unifying concept or mechanism. Forexample, an influen- Beyond the possible roles of the nucleolus in tial study in yeast reported an acceleration of cell-cycle control, viral replication, stem cell bi- aging (whatever this means in fungi) in mutants ology, and cellular senescence, there is another displaying nucleolar fragmentation (Sinclair potential nucleolus function that warrants con- et al. 1997; reviewed in Guarente 1997). And, a sideration, both for its historical precedence number of studies have made a connection and its now reasonable plausibility based on a between the nucleolus and Werner syndrome, number of studies. This is the possibility that an inherited human-aging-like condition (Mar- the nucleolus is involved, somehow, in the pro- ciniak et al. 1998; Szekely et al. 2000; von Kobbe duction of messenger RNA. and Bohr 2002; Kyng et al. 2003), and this seems In the 1960s and 1970s, Henry Harris at the the best case so far for a role of the nucleolus in University of Oxford posited that the nucleolus cellular senescence, though still far from being was a way station for mRNA export from the linked to aging of a higher eukaryotic organism. nucleus (see Harris 1974). He had been a pi- oneer of genetics, unsullied as such, but was also a constitutional contrarian. He had A QUADRIPARTITE NUCLEOLUS, OR MORE? become something of an enfant terrible outside After discovering that the SRP assembly occurs his immediate field by challenging the then- in the nucleolus (Jacobson and Pederson 1998b; emerging (and prevailing) views on the mean- Politz et al. 2000; Sommerville et al. 2005), the ing of high molecular weight nuclear RNA as question arose as to the intranucleolar site. regards the pathway of eukaryotic messenger Probing for both SRP RNA and 28S rRNA in RNA biosynthesis (at a time when the connec- dual color in situ hybridization experiments re- tion was admittedly still wobbly). But, in contrast vealed incomplete overlap, although both sig- to his mRNA biosynthesis contrarianism, Har- nals resided in the granular component (Politz ris’ idea that the nucleolus might be involved et al. 2002). Given this evidence for molecular in mRNA export was based on results, not mere segregation even within a given nucleolar sub- speculation. He had fused chicken erythrocytes, compartment, we reasoned that probing for a containing a condensed, inactive nucleus, with not involved in either ribosome or HeLa cells and found that chicken-specific pro- SRP biosynthesis would be the logical next step teins appeared in these heterokaryons only after and chose nucleostemin. The results conformed the erythrocyte nucleus had undergone chro- and amplified the notion that the nucleolar matin decondensation and the appearance of granular component is molecularly territorial- nucleoli. From this, he elaborated, and for years ized (Politz et al. 2005). But, the most important promulgated, the ideathat messenger RNA must

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a subset of mRNAs might visit the nucleolus prior to export. Subsequently, there were reports of specific mRNAs in the nucleolus (reviewed in Pederson 1998a) and a recent study (Kim et al. 2009) has rekindled these earlier observations and carried them into the modern era of methodology. In addition, several microRNAs have now been lo- calized in the nucleolus (Politz et al. 2006; Politz et al. 2009) and there is increasing evidence that some microRNAs may be derived from sno- RNAs (discussed in Politz et al. 2009; see also Figure 5. The nucleolar granular component contains Taft et al. 2009). There is also recent evidence both RNA-rich and RNA-deficient particles. Electron for transfer RNA-derived microRNAs (reviewed spectroscopic imaging (ESI) is a mode of energy loss by Pederson 2010b), and given that the nucleo- measurement in electron microscopy that can be tuned to record beam collisions with orbital electrons lus has been implicated in tRNA biosynthesis, of nitrogen or phosphorus in the specimen. Using this is yet another fascinating possibility for a the empirical chemical formulas of protein and nu- link between the nucleolus and mRNA regu- cleic acid with respect to these two elements, ESI lation via microRNAs. Although it is coun- allows one to construct a map of protein-rich versus terintuitive that negative regulators of mRNA nucleic-acid-rich objects. Shown is an ESI image function would be associating with nascent from a portion of a human neuroblastoma cell mRNAs before the latter even leave the nucleus, nucleus spanning a region of the nucleoplasm and part of a nucleolus. The protein-rich and nucleic- intuition has often been an unreliable docent in acid-rich regions have been colored blue and yellow, the field of gene expression. The possible role of respectively. (DCh) decondensed chromatin, (CCh) the nucleolus in mRNA export and/or micro- condensed chromatin, (PML) promyelocytic leuke- RNA function and dynamics certainly warrants mia body, (GC) granular component of the nucleo- further investigation. lus. The PML body (entirely blue, i.e., protein) serves as a valuable internal control, as it is known not to contain appreciable nucleic acid. The granular NEW FRONTIERS: WHAT LIES BENEATH component of the nucleolus, once thought to be a uniform zone of nascent ribosomes, contains an Among the remaining issues, the classical phe- interspersed landscape of nucleic-acid-rich versus nomenon of nucleolar dominance stands ready nucleic-acid-deficient particles. ESI cannot distin- for renewed analysis, as has been happening guish between DNA and RNA, but since several inde- productively (Earley et al. 2010; reviewed by pendent methods have detected no DNA in the Costa-Nunes et al. 2010). The role of intergenic nucleolar granular component, the nucleic-acid-rich transcripts in the control of ribosomal RNA particles are plausibly nascent ribosomes, perhaps with a contribution from assembling signal recogni- transcription (Mayer et al. 2006; Santoro et al. tion particles, whereas the nucleic-acid-deficient, 2010) is another fertile area of current investiga- protein-rich particles may be heterotypic complexes tion (and likely intersects with nucleolar domi- of cell-cycle regulatory proteins, as discussed. nance). Moreover, there is growing evidence (Reprinted from Politz JC et al. 2005, Mol Biol Cell that a gene’s positioning or repositioning near 16: 3401–3410.) or at the nucleolus can regulate its expression (e.g., Royo et al. 2009) and that the rDNA can itself impact the globally (e.g., Parades obligatorily pass through the nucleolus. The and Maggert 2009). Understanding the process contemporaneous work of Penman, Darnell, of nucleolar assembly is also a high priority and and other groups dispelled this notion for although there has been substantial progress on mRNA as a population, en masse, but in a few this from a cell biological perspective (reviewed corners of the field the possibility lingered that by Hernandez-Verdun et al. 2002), a new system

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T. Pederson

(Prieto and McStay 2007, 2008) promises mo- (with co-investigators Jan Ellenberg, Angus La- lecular detail. A role for the nucleolus has re- mond, and Matthias Mann). Marty Jacobson cently emerged in studies of how a postsynaptic in the author’s lab played a key role in the signal density protein of dendritic spines shuttles recognition particle work that was a catalyst in back to the cell body after neurotransmitter acti- formulating the plurifunctional nucleolus hy- vation (reviewed by Richer and Fallon 2007), pothesis. Joan Politz creatively advanced and raising the possibility of an entire new field link- confirmed this hypothesis in her SRP work, ing the nucleolus to neurobiology. Also fore- amidst other pioneer research she led on most on the agenda is continued investigation mRNA and rRNA intranuclear dynamics in the of the extent to which the nucleolus directs author’s lab. I am greatly indebted to them the cell cycle (Pederson 2007), as well as the clin- both. I am also grateful to Joseph Gall, Susan ical utility of the PNC. A link between the nucle- Gerbi, and Masayasu Nomura for their long- olus, p53, and innate immunity in C. elegans standing support of my research on the nucleo- (Fuhrman et al. 2009) is also among the most lus, encouraging my efforts into unsettled and provocative recent findings and warrants imme- unexplored terrain. diate exploration both in nematodes and in a wider phyletic range. Also standing before us is the entire question of mRNA and microRNA REFERENCES traffic through the nucleolus and its functional Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Walter P. meaning. Yet, other new vistas on the nucleolus 2002. of the Cell, 4th edition. Garland horizon will almost certainly appear in due Science, New York. p. 332. course, but meanwhile, the agenda is both full Andersen JS, Lyon CE, Fox AH, Leung AK, Lam YW, Steen H, Mann M, Lamond AI. 2002. Directed proteomic anal- and promising. ysis of the human nucleolus. Curr Biol 12: 1–11. Bachellerie JP,Cavaille´ J, Hu¨ttenhofer A. 2002. The expand- ing RNA world. Biochimie 84: 775–790. CONCLUSION Boisvert FM, van Koningsbruggen S, Navascue´s J. Lamond AI. 2007. The multifunctional nucleolus. Nat Rev Mol The nucleolus is unique in that the discovery of Cell Biol 8: 574–585. one of its functionstook far longer, namely more Boyne JR, Whitehouse A. 2006. Nucleolar trafficking is than a century, than was the case for most essential for nuclear export of intronless herpesvirus other cell components. Another half-century mRNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103: 15190–15195. Brown DD, Gurdon JB. 1964. Absence of rRNA synthesis in has brought the realization that the nucleolus the anucleolate mutant of X. laevis. Proc Natl Acad Sci is also the site of signal recognition particle bio- USA 51: 139–146. synthesis, serves as a regulatory zone of cell-cycle Brown DD, Dawid IG. 1968. Specific gene amplication in progression mediators, and is a locus of mRNA oocytes. Oocyte nuclei contain extrachromosomal rep- licas of the genes for ribosomal RNA. Science 160: 272– and microRNA traffic, the functional meaning 280. of which remains to be discovered. The nucleo- Caesar J. (40-50s BC). De Bello Gallico I: 1. lus is now known to be a more dynamic Calvet JP, Pederson T. 1981. Base-pairing interactions be- of than once thought, and tween snRNAs and nuclear RNA precursors as revealed with functions even beyond those first grandly by psoralen cross-linking in vivo. Cell 26: 363–370. Chen D. Huang S. 2001. Nucleolar components involved in recognized atop a Uruguay mountain in 1965. cycle between the nucleolus and nucleoplasm in cells. J Cell Biol 153: 169–176. Ciufo LF,Brown JD. 2000. Nuclear export of yeast signal rec- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ognition particle lacking Srp54p by the Xpo1p/Crm1p NES-dependent pathway. Curr Biol 10: 1256–1264. Cited work from the author’s laboratory was sup- Costa-Nunes P,Pontes O, Preuss SB. Pikaard CS. 2010. Extra ported by grants R01 GM-21595 and R01 GM- views on RNA-dependent DNA methylation and MBD6- 60551 from the National Institutes of Health, dependent heterochromatin formation in nucleolar do- grant MCB-0445841 from the National Science minance. Nucleus 1: 1–6. Deryusheva S, Gall JG. 2004. Dynamics of in Cajal Foundation, and grant RGP0031 from the Hu- bodies of the Xenopus germinal vesicle. Proc Natl Acad man Frontier Scientific Program Organization Sci USA 101: 4810–4814.

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Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2011; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a000638 originally published online November 24, 2010

Subject Collection The Nucleus

The Stochastic Genome and Its Role in Gene Mechanisms of Folding and Nuclear Expression Organization: Their Interplay and Open Questions Christopher H. Bohrer and Daniel R. Larson Leonid Mirny and Job Dekker The Diverse Cellular Functions of Inner Nuclear Nuclear Compartments: An Incomplete Primer to Proteins Nuclear Compartments, Bodies, and Genome Sumit Pawar and Ulrike Kutay Organization Relative to Nuclear Architecture Andrew S. Belmont The Essential Roles for RNA in Shaping Nuclear Xianrong Wong, Ashley J. Melendez-Perez and Organization Karen L. Reddy Sofia A. Quinodoz and Mitchell Guttman Uncovering the Principles of Genome Folding by Epigenetic Reprogramming in Early Animal 3D Chromatin Modeling Development Asli Yildirim, Lorenzo Boninsegna, Yuxiang Zhan, Zhenhai Du, Ke Zhang and Wei Xie et al. Viruses in the Nucleus Structure, Maintenance, and Regulation of Bojana Lucic, Ines J. de Castro and Marina Lusic Complexes: The Gatekeepers of the Eukaryotic Genome Marcela Raices and Maximiliano A. D'Angelo The Molecular and Nuclear Dynamics of 3D or Not 3D: Shaping the Genome during X-Chromosome Inactivation Development François Dossin and Edith Heard Juliane Glaser and Stefan Mundlos The Impact of Space and Time on the Functional Mammalian DNA Replication Timing Output of the Genome Athanasios E. Vouzas and David M. Gilbert Marcelo Nollmann, Isma Bennabi, Markus Götz, et al. Chromatin Mechanisms Driving Cancer Mechanical Forces in Nuclear Organization Berkley Gryder, Peter C. Scacheri, Thomas Ried, et Yekaterina A. Miroshnikova and Sara A. Wickström al. For additional articles in this collection, see http://cshperspectives.cshlp.org/cgi/collection/

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