Many Americans will find it hard to believe what is documented below. Intellectually honest skeptics should check sites like Judicial Watch that have obtained government documents and email exchanges via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits and sworn testimonies of Ukrainians obtained by Rudolph Giuliani. Fact checking sources such as Google, Wikipedia, Snopes, Media Bias Fact Check, Facebook, TV, and print media actively suppress or misrepresent facts that undercut their political agendas.

First, evidence has been uncovered by various investigative journalists and FOIA requests that give evidence to of massive coordinated corruption by Democratic Party operatives (DNC) and the Federal bureaucracy. Crimes uncovered include bribery, extortion, and money laundering. This chronological summary concerns the use of the services of officials of a Communist/Socialist government (Ukraine) and high ranking officials in the US government in 2016 to try to help Hillary Clinton win the 2016 election and the cover up of criminal activity, including by .

Second, the Democratic Party, the mainstream media, and ‘Deep State” senior Federal ‘jobs for life’ bureaucrats in the Obama White House including the FBI, CIA, Justice and State Departments have attempted to and are continuing to try to remove from office a dully elected president, , because he is trying to stop such corruption and their long self-serving practices. President Trump’s team and others, in looking for the origins of the Russian collusion narrative, have uncovered individuals involved in massive criminal activity during and after the Obama administration.


This is needed only so that the reader understands why it has been one of the most corrupt governments in the world. Since about 1000 AD, Ukraine has been known as the ‘breadbasket’ of Europe. It has the most fertile agricultural lands in the world and was usually the prize acquisition of invading empires.

In the 10th & 11th centuries, Ukraine was the largest and most powerful country in Europe. The Mongol invasion destroyed country in the 13th century. For the next seven centuries it was usually under the control of foreign powers.

WW1 – Western Ukraine was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. 250,000 soldiers fought for the Central Powers. Eastern Ukraine had 3.5 million fight for Tsarists Russia as they were under Tsarists control.

1917- 1921 - Ukraine fought for its independence. 1.5 to 3.5 million Ukrainians died as Communist, under Trotsky, defeated Ukraine, and it became part of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) for the next 69 years.

1932-33 – USSR Communist dictator Stalin had somewhere between 6 to10 million Ukrainians murdered, mostly starved to death, in response to Ukrainian landowners resistance to give up their private property, principally land. This, the second largest genocide in recorded history, but is left out of virtually all history textbooks, as are most socialist government atrocities.

1939-45 - WW II - Ukrainians fought for the USSR against Germany; for Germany against the Russian dominated USSR, and for themselves against both to gain their independence. President Franklin Roosevelt essentially ceded Stalin all of Eastern Europe at Yalta in the Crimea in 1945, thus essentially condemning over 100 million people to slavery under the Russian dominated USSR.

When it was part of the 15 Soviet Republics, Ukraine produced 40% of the entire USSR GNP, excluding Russia. In order to maintain its status as a world power, Ukraine is the one satellite country that Russia could not afford to lose control over after the USSR collapse in 1990. Ukraine, in addition to its agriculture, also has significant natural gas, oil, coal, iron ore, and other important mineral wealth as well as significant diversified heavy industry in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, which Russia invaded in 2014 after Ukraine’s pro-Russian president fled to Russia after massive demonstrations against him.


1990 – With the collapse of the the USSR, Ukraine declared its independence and again became the largest independent country in Western Europe.

1990-2019 – For the past 19 years, the entrenched Communists in Ukraine continued to control the government bureaucracy, the media, the courts, and the elections apparatus, so massive electoral fraud by the Communists always resulted in a ‘former’ Communist leader being elected president until 2019. The plundering of the country continued, mostly by former high ranking ‘ex-Communist’ officials, many of whom are its corrupt billionaire oligarchs today. Most attained their wealth by buying formerly government owned companies for a small fraction of their real worth. The Ukrainian GNP dropped by 60% in the 1990’s and the population dropped from 55 to 42 million as many citizens left when they had the opportunity. As in most highly centralized socialists countries, only a few at the top have benefited.

1991-1994 - President #1, Kravchuk (former Communist Party head). Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in 1994 under pressure from then President Clinton and Russia.

1994-2005 – President #2, Kuchma, also a Communist. President #3 Yushchenko was his Prime Minister.

2005- 2010 - President #3, Yushchenko, another ‘former’ Communist, was elected after his opponent, the future President #4 Yanukovych, apparently had #3 poisoned during the election campaign and the Ukrainian Supreme Court overturned the initial election of Yanukovych due to massive election fraud.

2005 - and her political party was instrumental in President #3 getting elected. She has a mining engineering degree and an MBA, who, in the 1990’s, became a self made millionaire in the gas industry. She led the anti-corruption ‘’ (trained in non-violent resistance), and had her party endorse Yushchenko as the lesser of two evils.

For almost twenty years, Yulia has been an outspoken anti-corruption leader who took on corrupt mining and gas oligarchs previously as Deputy Prime Minister for Fuel and Energy in 2001 and was arrested the same year on groundless charges of corruption and later released. She also survived an assassination attempt. Communists, always accuse their opponents of committing crimes that they have done themselves, just like Democrats did in accusing President Trump of getting Russian help to win his election in 2016 when, as you will see evidenced below, Hillary Clinton was helped by ‘former’ Ukrainian Communists.

Yulia Tymoshenko is anti-communist and advocates for Ukraine to join NATO, the European Union, and getting the Russian Navy out of Ukraine. She is a democracy loving free market advocate of selling government owned industries to private citizens, but at market prices. She was considered, not only the third most powerful woman in the world in 2005, but also the most beautiful, and is reported to have the most Facebook ‘likes’ of any individual in its history. Most Americans have never heard of her, since her beliefs do not mirror that of our main stream media.

2005-2010 – President #3 Yushchenko promised reformist Yulia the Prime Minister job in return for her party’s support of #3 in the presidential race, then fired her after two years when she tried to re-take former corrupt President #2 Kuchma's ownership of a company he was sold for virtually nothing. That was too much for President #3, so he replaced Yulia with Yanukovych, the man that had #3 poisoned during their presidential campaign.

2010 – President #3 changed election laws shortly before leaving office to make it easier for massive elections fraud so that his prime minister, Yanukovych, could win the presidency in 2010. Although polls showed anti-corruption Yulia would win the presidential elections by a large margin, it appears the ‘deep state’ Communists rigged the elections so that another corrupt Communist, Yanukovych, was elected president by a small margin.

2010 - 2014 – President #4 Yanukovych, a pro Russian Putin stooge, was ‘elected’ with 47% of the vote to Yulia’s 45%. He immediately initiated a series of trumped up charges of corruption against Yulia. She was imprisoned again by the end of 2011 where she was beaten and tortured until massive peaceful ‘Orange Revolution’ demonstrations, originally organized by Yulia, caused Yanukovych to flee to Russia for asylum in February 2014. Most of Western Europe’s leadership had been pressuring Yanukovych to release Yulia from prison. There was no vocal support by President Obama.

2014 - Yulia was released from prison shortly after President #4 fled to Russia. All convictions against her were rescinded.


2014 – February - Within days of pro-Russian Ukrainian President #4 fleeing to Russia, creating a power vacuum, Russian President Putin operatives organized pro-Russian demonstrations in the Crimea, Ukraine. It is on the Black Sea and has had a large ethnic Russian population since Stalin relocated one million Russians to Crimea and Eastern Ukraine when he was dictator of the USSR. This was to secure Crimea’s strategic importance as a warm water port for the Russian Navy.

2014 – February 27th, masked Russian troops, without insignia on their uniforms, took over the parliament of Crimea and captured strategic sites across the province. They immediately installed a pro-Russian government there. Then they arranged a quickly formed referendum for independence of Crimea from Ukraine, unsupervised and unsanctioned by the Ukrainian government, and declared its independence from Ukraine on 16 March 2014. Russia formally incorporated Crimea as subjects of the Russian Federation two days later, all done while Ukraine was without an elected president.

2014 – A few weeks later, Russian ‘volunteer’ soldiers invaded the Donbass region in eastern Ukraine to help a small group of alleged ethnic Russian Ukrainian ‘separatists.’ As mentioned above, the Donbass region is extremely rich in natural resources and has much heavy industry.

Against incredible odds, the Russians have been held to a stalemate for the past six years by Ukrainians despite having almost no Army at the outset of the invasion and no high tech defensive weapons. The Ukrainian Army had only 6,000 combat ready soldiers at the time on the invasion. Tens of thousands of Ukrainians with no military training rushed to the battle front similar to the American Revolution’s ‘Minute Men’ and learned to be soldiers while under fire by Russian artillery.

The Ukrainians took back 23 of the 36 districts that the Russian and separatists initially gained control. It looked like the Ukrainians were going to take back the rest of their country when an estimated 40,000 Russian troops invaded with state-of-the-art-artillery, tanks, and other sophisticated weaponry such as anti-aircraft and surface-to-air-missiles. Within a year, the number of Ukrainian troops doubled and today they have the largest standing military in Europe with over 250,000 troops in uniform. President Obama (2009-2017) refused to give any lethal military weapons aid to Ukraine which they desperately needed in their war against Russia. (Source: the Daily Signal, Nolan Peterson)

2014 -2019 - President #5 Poroshenko was ‘elected’ President on May 5th, 2014 after polls showed that the recently released from jail, Yulia Tymoshenko, would win by a large margin. She got 47.47% to Porochenko’s 48.95%. He was also a former high ranking bureaucrat and politician under Communist rule who became a billionaire oligarch by buying former government owned industries under very favorable terms. Yulia claimed election fraud again. But since #5’s ‘ex-Communist’ comrades still controlled the government bureaucracy and the courts, they dismissed her charges.


From 1999 to 2014, the Clinton Foundation received more money from Ukrainians than from any other country except perhaps Russia. The Clinton Foundation received a little over $145 million from Russian sources leading up to Obama and then Secretary of State Clinton approving the sale of 20% of USA uranium production to a company controlled by the Russians. (Source: Peter Schweitzer, Clinton Cash, p ages 40-57)

2014-2016 – Although President Obama refused to give Ukraine the desperately needed military weapons aid they requested during his last three years in office, he did give them approximately $3 billion in non-military aid.

2014 – February – President Obama names Vice President Biden his point man on Ukraine.

2014 – February 21 – George Soros’ Open Society Foundation suggests it’s ‘Anti Corruption Action Centre’ be funded jointly with the US State Department to solve Ukraine’s corruption problems. (Source: www.scribd.com/document/403223726/Open-Society-2014-Memo)

2014 – March - Secretary of State John Kerry's visits Ukraine and discusses possible financing.

2014 – April 13 - Devon Archer, partner of Hunter Biden (VP Biden’s son) is named a director of Burisma Holdings, one of the most corrupt gas companies in Ukraine known for its money laundering. Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz, stepson of John Kerry were Devon Archer’s business partners. (Source: BBC.com) At this time Burisma president Zlochevsky was under investigation in Ukraine for giving gas lease licenses to Burisma while he was a government official.

2014 – April 15 - Devon Archer, former senior adviser to then Secretary of State John Kerry, visited Vice President Joe Biden at the White House, a conversation that lasted until after midnight according to White House Secret Service logs. (Source: Judicial Watch)

2014 – April 15 – Burisma makes two payments to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, owned by Archer, Biden and Heinz, totaling $112,758. (Source: FBI & Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Office)

2014 – April 21 - Five days later, Vice President Biden flew to Ukraine and promised $1 billion in US government aid to expand their energy (gas) production. At the same time there was a bill supporting a ‘Green Energy’ to cut natural gas production in the USA. Democratic Senators Murphy, Markey, and Shaheen introduced the bill. ML Strategies David Liter, Secretary of State’s John Kerry’s former Chief of Staff, and now Burisma Gas lobbyist in DC, gave these three Senators $60,000 in campaign donations.

2014 – April 24 - VP Biden met with then Ukrainian presidential candidate Poroshenko, a billionaire oligarch of the old Communist hierarchy. (Source: State Dept logs).

2014 – April 28 – Britain's Serious Fraud Office froze $23 million in assets kept in London by Burisma Holdings and its founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, on grounds it was fraudulently transferred from Ukraine. (Source: www.sfo.gov.uk/case/ukraine-moneylaundering-investigation.) Zlochevsky had been the cabinet minister overseeing gas leases for the recently ousted pro-Russian President #4.

2014 - May 13 – Three weeks later Burisma announced that Hunter Biden was also invited to join the Board of Burisma, Ukraine’s largest gas company, despite neither he nor Archer having any expertise in the gas industry. Each were paid $83,333 per month (a bit over $3 million each) for their no show ‘jobs’ according to documents released by Ukrainian government officials. (Sources: John Solomon, https://www.cnbc.com/2014/05/13/bidens-son-joins-ukraine-gas-companys-board-of- directors.html The Hill, Washington Post 7-22-14, Ukrainian government official Oleksandr Onyshenchenko https://www.cnbc.com/2014/05/13/bidens-son-joins-ukraine-gas-companys-board-of- directors.html. Copies of the payments were posted on the internet by CD Media).

2014 - May 13 - Christopher Heinz sends a letter to his step father Secretary of State Kerry’s top aides distancing himself from Archer and Biden’s appointments to the Burisma board. (Source: FOIA released to Citizens United (https://www.scribd.com/document/433436789/CU-v-State-FOIA-Doc- Ukraine).

2014- May – 15 – Burisma holding makes two equal payments of 83,333.33 to Rosemont Seneca Bohai and every month for more than a year. (Source: Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office and FBIRosemont Seneca records seized by FBI (https://www.scribd.com/document/404001731/Rosemont-Seneca- Partners-Court-File).

2014 -May – 20 - Former Chief of Staff for John Kerry, David Leiter, became Burisma’s lobbyist in Washington, DC and was paid $90,000. (Source: Open Secrets.org https://www.opensecrets.org/lobby/client_reports.php?id=F212407&year=2014)

2014- May – 25 – Poroshenko wins close race for president against heavily favored anti-corruption candidate Yulia Tymoshenko. She claims election fraud again.

2014 – July 5 - Burisma Holdings pays $250,000 retainer to Boies Schiller law firm where board member Hunter Biden also works. (Source: Burisma Holdings financial records released by Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office: https://www.scribd.com/document/436048670/Burisma-Holdings- Accounting-Ledger) 2014 – Augus 14 - Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin’s office opens criminal investigation of Burisma Holdings and Mykola Zlochevsky for alleged corrupt award of gas exploration permits and eventual looting of company, according to Ukrainian prosecutor general’s case file. 2014 – September 16 - Burisma Holdings makes $33,039.77 payment to Boies Schiller law firm, according to company records. (Source: Burisma Holdings accounting ledger obtained by Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office. (Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/436048670/Burisma- Holdings-Accounting-Ledger) 2014 – November - The first billion dollars in loan guarantees from the Obama administration went to Ukraine, including money to pay political consultants for media, politics, polling, energy, etc. According to Ukrainian Bureau of Anti-Corruption official, Arden Sytnyk, consultants paid included: Greg Craig (Obama White House attorney), Mark Penn (Hillary’s chief strategist), John Podesta's (Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff and Obama‘s ‘consultant’) brother Tony, John Anzalone (Obama’s campaign pollster), Tad Devine (Bernie Saunders's chief strategist), and Alexandra Chalupa (Ukrainian immigrant to the USA who did paid opposition research on Trump for Hillary and the DNC with the help of Ukrainian diplomats in DC, and dug up dirt on , Trump’s campaign manager for a short time in 2016, leading to his resignation (Source: Politico). According to White House logs, Chalupa visited senior Obama officials 27 times in 2016 (Source: White House visitor logs, Judicial Watch). Many other Democrat operatives allegedly were also paid for undisclosed services with US taxpayer funds given to Ukraine, allegedly including relatives of Pelosi, Biden, and Kerry, most paid by Ukrainian gas companies.

2014 – December 16 - Former deputy national security adviser Tony Blinken, a longtime Joe Biden adviser, confirmed by Senate as Deputy Secretary of State under John Kerry.

2014 – It appears that the main reason Burisma wanted the son of a powerful American (then VP Joe Biden) on their board was to stop the Ukrainian Anti-Corruption investigations of the company and to blunt the expected demand for even larger kickback payments demanded by the new Ukrainian President #5 Porochenko than the recently overthrown President #4 was paid by Burisma. One of President #5’s first initiatives was to raise retail gas prices to Ukrainian retail consumers. This resulted in Burisma’s profits increasing significantly.

2014-2016 – Much of the $3 billion dollars of President Obama’s aid to Ukraine was sent to Privat Bank, owned by billionaire oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi who was also Burisma’s largest shareholder (49%). The two companies shared the same building in Kiev, Ukraine. He was on the USA’s ‘no visa’ list because he was under investigation for multiple illegal actions and known for his physically brutal and illegal takeovers of companies. Yet he was taken off the ‘no entry to the USA’ list after Hunter Biden joined the Board of Burisma.

Kolomyski financed President #5 Poroshenko’s election campaign as well as present President #6 Zelensky’s campaign. Keep that in mind.

2015 – March 18 - Biden has phone call with President Poroshenko. (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout-vice-presidents-call-ukrainian-president-petro-poroshenko-6/

2015 – March 30 - George Soros announces plans to invest $1 billion in Ukrainian energy and technology sectors. (Source: https://money.cnn.com/2015/03/30/investing/ukraine-soros-billion- russia/index.html) April 15, 2015 VP Joe Biden speaks in Ukraine, praising the decision to appoint a new head of the NABU, the new Ukrainian law enforcement investigative arm set up by United States. March 22, 2015: Hunter Biden emails his father’s longtime trusted aide, Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken, with the following message: “Have a few minutes next week to grab a cup of coffee? I know you are impossibly busy, but would like to get your advice on a couple of things, Best, Hunter.”Blinken responds the same day with an “absolutely” and added, “Look forward to seeing you.” The records indicate the two men were scheduled to meet the afternoon of May 27, 2015. (Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/436054889/Hunter-Biden-Blinken-May-2015-Contacts) 2015 – June 11 – Burisma made a $20,000 donation to the Delaware Community Foundation in the name of Beau Biden, VP Biden’s deceased son. (Source: Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office and https://www.scribd.com/document/436048670/Burisma-Holdings-Accounting-Ledger)

2015 - June 12 – VP Biden called President Poroshenko. (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout- vice-president-calls-ukraine-president-poroshenko-8/)

2015 - July - 22 – Hunter Biden met with former long time trusted aide of Joe Biden, Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken according to State Department memos. (Source: FOIA Judicial Watch https://www.scribd.com/document/433389212/Biden-Blinken-Meeting)

2015 - July -24 – VP Biden calls President Poroshenko concerning corruption investigations in Ukraine. (Source: US embassy records).

2015 - August -28 – VP Biden calls Poroshenko again (Ibid.).

2015 – September 29 – VP meets Poroshenko in Ukraine (Ibid).

2015 – November 5 – VP Biden calls Poroshenko (Ibid).

2015 – December 7 - VP Biden meets with President Poroshenko and demands the president make “hard decisions” to eliminate “the cancer of corruption” in his country. (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/remarks-vice-president-joe-biden-ukrainian-president-petro- poroshenko-bilateral-meeting/)

2015 – December 8 – the New York Times reports that the Ukrainian Prosecutor General is investigating Burisma Holdings and its founder Zlochevsky and Board member Hunter Biden. ( Source: nytimes.com/2015/12/09VP Biden meets with President Poroshenko and demands the president make “hard decisions” to eliminate “the cancer of corruption” in his country.

2016 – January – 21-24 – Obama White House has key officials of Ukraine’s Prosecutor General office there to discuss anti-corruption cases, including Burisma and the case involving Paul Manafort, then candidate Trump’s campaign adviser. (Source: https://thehill.com/opinion/white- house/440730-how-the-obama-white-house-engaged-ukraine-to-give-russia-collusion)

2016 – February – 4 - The Chairman (Zlochevsky) of Burisma’s home was raided by Ukrainian authorities. Zlochevsky fled the country. The next day lawyers for Burisma went to John Kerry’s State Department officials to get the Obama administration to pressure the Ukrainian government to stop the investigation on Burisma. They did and the investigation was halted. (Source: Schweizer, Secret Empires, p. 67)

2016 – February 11,18,19 – VP Biden called President Poroshenko to check on status. (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout-vice-president-bidens-calls-prime-minister-arseniy- yatsenyuk-president-petro-poroshenko-ukraine-021916/)

2016 – February – George Soros’s Open Society Foundation funded the non-profit Ukrainian Anti- Corruption Action Centre jointly with the US State Department’s AID allocation of US taxpayer funds. Nongovernmental organizations (NGO’s) like Open Society were joint funded by George Soros controlled organizations and the US State Department. Several are under investigation in Ukraine for embezzlement of funds.

2016 – February 24 to March 1 – American representative of Burisma Holdings seeks meetings with State Department Undersecretary Catherine Novelli concerning Burisma corruption. (Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/433389210/Bluestar-Novelli-Contacts)

2016 – March 2 – Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s partner, meets with Secretary of State Kerry. (Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/433389208/Archer-Meeting-Kerry)

2016 – March 16 - Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland demands Ukraine “appoint and confirm a new, clean Prosecutor General, who is committed to rebuilding the integrity of the PGO, and investigate, indict and successfully prosecute corruption and asset recovery cases – including locking up dirty personnel in the PGO itself.” (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/ukrainian-reforms-two-years- maidan-revolution-russian-invasion/)

2016 – March 22 - VP Biden’s called President Poroshenko and demanded he fire anti-corruption Prosecutor General, Victor Shokin, the man leading the investigation into Burisma’s illegal activities, as a condition of the USA taxpayers giving another billion in aid to Ukraine. (Source : https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout-vice-president-bidens-call-president-petro-poroshenko- ukraine-032216) /He did. Biden bragged about this in a video filmed at a Counsel for Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting in January 2018. Shokin was never given a reason for his dismissal.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (15USC78dd-1) states “It is illegal for a US person to coerce or influence through bribery or extortion a foreign national into taking action that might financially benefit that person, his FAMILY or business.” Further Bribery (18USC201(6) states “Whoever corruptly gives or offers or promises anything of value to a public official to influence an official is guilty of bribery.” Biden, not only broke US law and should be prosecuted, but he has bragged about it.

Former Ukrainian Attorney General Shokin gave Rudi Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, a copy of his 12 page affidavit in December 2018, given under oath to an Austrian court related to a corruption investigation, with transcripts of then President #5 Poroshenko, concerning Biden's activity with Burisma. When Shokin seized the assets in Burisma’s president’s home in 2015, President #5 Porochenko told Shokin to drop the case after Obama administration pressure.

2016 -March 29 - Ukraine parliament fires Prosecutor General Shokin at urging of President Poroshenko.c(Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/30/world/europe/political-stability-in-the- balance-as-ukraine-ousts-top-prosecutor.html)

2016 – March 29 – Burisma American attorney John Buretta tried to contact the new Acting Prosecutor General of Ukraine. (Source: The Hill, John Solomon, : https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/463307- solomon-these-once-secret-memos-cast-doubt-on-joe-bidens-ukraine-story)

2016 – March- 30 - Burisma Holdings’ US legal team seeks help of Ukrainian embassy official AAndriiTTelizhenko in Washington seeking urgent meeting with new Acting Prosecutor General of Ukraine, according to legal team’s email to embassy. (Source: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/463307-solomon-these-once-secret-memos-cast-doubt-on-joe- bidens-ukraine-story)

2016 – March 31 – VP Biden visited Ukraine and announced $1 billion in loan guarantees and another $239 million in promised aid. (Source: March 30, 2016: Burisma Holdings’ US. legal team seeks help of Ukrainian embassy official Andrii Telizhenko in Washington seeking urgent meeting with new Acting Prosecutor General of Ukraine, according to legal team’s email to embassy. (Source: https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/463307-solomon-these-once- secret-memos-cast-doubt-on-joe-bidens-ukraine-story) 2016 – April 4 – US Embassy charge’affairs George Kent (who testified against Trump in the Schiff Intelligence hearings 11-7-19) , demanded the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office shut down an investigation as to how US aid dollars were spent, including money that went to George Soros’s funded Anti- Corruption Action Centre. (Source: Former Attorney General Shokin and https://www.scribd.com/document/402559592/Embassy2GPLetter4-4-16)

2016 – April – 6 – Burisma Holding US attorneys apologize for “false information” spread by the US government to force Shokin’s firing. (Source: Ukrainian Prosecutor General memo and April 6, 2016 Burisma Holdings’ US. legal team of John Buretta, Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano meets with Ukraine’s Acting Prosecutor General Sevruk to seek resolution of Burisma criminal investigation. American lawyers apologize for “false information” spread by US. government to force the firing of Shokin and offer Prosecutor General’s office an olive branch of arranging a meeting in Washington to clear the air. (Source: Official Prosecutor General’s memo of meeting: https://www.scribd.com/document/427618143/Ukraine-PGO-Memo-Untranslated English translation: https://www.scribd.com/document/427616178/Ukraine-PGO-Memo-Translation) 2016 – April – 14 – VP Biden calls President Poroshenko again stressing the urgency to getting a new Prosecutor General. (Source: US Embassy, https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout-vice-president-bidens- call-president-petro-poroshenko-ukraine-041416/)

2016 – May 4 – DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa wrote an email to party leaders on her work to get dirt on Trump and Manafort in Ukraine. (Wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/3962)

2016 – May – 12 – Yuri Lutsenko, named new Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Biden later praised the selection in a speech. (Source: https://www.cfr.org/event/foreign-affairs-issue-launch-former-vice- president-joe-biden)

2016 – May -25 - Senior George Soros adviser provides private briefing to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland about Russian bond market, according to official State Department memo of briefing. (Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/421082234/SorosNulandRussia-Bond-Market) 2016 – May 27 - VP Biden holds phone call with President Poroshenko. (Source:https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout-vice-president-bidens-call-president-petro-poroshenko- ukraine-052716/) 2016 – June 1 -George Soros seeks and receives a telephonic meeting with Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland to discuss Ukraine, according to the official State Department record of call. (Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/421081817/SorosNulandJune1-2016-Contacts-Ukraine) 2016 – August 4 - Ukraine’s ambassador to Washington, Valeriy Chaly, breaks diplomatic protocol and writes an Op Ed in The Hill intervening in the US presidential election, slamming Trump’s policies and comments on Russia. (Source: https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/international/290411-ukraines- ambassador-trumps-comments-send-wrong-message-to) 2016 – August – 12 Phone call between VP Biden and President Poroshenko. 2016 September 20 -VP Biden meets President Poroshenko on sidelines of UN meeting. Confirms $1 billion in loan guarantees has been made. (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout-vice-president- bidens-meeting-president-petro-poroshenko-ukraine/)

2016 – November 8 - Donald Trump wins election to become 45th president of United States, ending eight years of Democratic control of the White House. 2016 – December 15 - VP Biden holds phone call with Ukraine president and prime minister, praises work of NABU. (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/readout-vice-president-bidens-calls-president- ukraine-petro-poroshenko-prime-minister-ukraine-volodymyr-groysman/)


2016 - Ukrainian Ambassador to the USA, Valeriy wrote an Op-Ed in The Hill bashing then candidate Trump, violating international diplomacy protocol.

2016 – Hunter Biden’s Rosemont partner, Devon Archer, was arrested for stealing an Indian Reservation client’s money.

2016 – During the Clinton/Trump presidential campaign, CIA Director for Obama, John Brennan, went to Ukraine on a fake passport, possibly to collect opposition research on Trump. He was also briefed by the FBI with President Obama and other agency heads, on the fake Steele Dossier, according to the Inspector General’s report on FBI FISA violations released 12-9-19. They all were told it was fake in 2016.

2016 - July 25 - Wikileaks released hacked emails that show DNC leadership actively tried to help Hillary defeat Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries. Rather than allow the FBI to investigate the hacking, the DNC hired a cyber security firm, Crowd Strike, funded by Google, staffed with Democratic Party activists, to investigate who hacked their server. They concluded, without giving evidence, that it was the Russians. Some computer experts pointed out that the amount of information downloaded in the time it took could not have been downloaded that fast over the Internet by the Russians. It had to be copied as a file that was put on a memory zip drive. That means it was most likely an inside job by a DNC staffer who supported Bernie Saunders who downloaded the incriminating emails on a memory stick, and gave it to Wikileaks. The DNC staffer who was believed to be the leaker, Seth Rich, got a bullet in the back of his head while walking down the street in Washington, DC, shortly after the discovery of the hacking. Although no money or personal effects were stolen, police said it was probably a robbery gone bad.

2016 - Judicial Watch (JW) recently (11-19) obtained emails via FOIA requests that show that State Department officials met with former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele, the alleged creator of the fictional anti-Trump ‘Steele Dossier’ which was the basis of the FISA request to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign through Carter Paige, a Trump adviser at the time. To get the FISA warrant, the FBI had to knowingly omit that Paige was a trusted CIA informant and that they knew that the Steele Dossier had obvious provable false information in it and 15 other violations, including that the Dossier was paid for by Fusion GPS, a opposition research consulting firm which was funded by the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Fusion GPS paid Steele $170,000 and Nellie Ohr $44,000 (wife of Bruce Ohr, then #3 in the Justice Department and Director of the Transnational Organized Crime Division). Also after she met with Steele, then Obama Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, sent classified documents to the Russian Embassy on behalf of Steele. Nuland is reported to talk to George Soros weekly. Steele was also on FBI’s payroll when James Comey was its head. Further, the two year Special Prosecutor Mueller team knew that Dossier was bogus from the beginning, but kept feeding false leaks to the leftist media that suggested they had evidence of Trumps collusion with the Russians.

2016 – August 31st - Once Trump won the primaries, President Obama appointed Marie Yovanovitch US Ambassador to Ukraine (one of Adam Schiff’s so called witnesses). Recently, Yuriy Lutsenko, Ukraine’s top government anti-corruption prosecutor, stated that Ambassador Yovanovitch had given him VERBALLY a "do-not-prosecute" list, which included George Soros, Hunter and Joe Biden, and that she was interfering in his ability to combat corruption in Ukraine. Also Yovanovitch would not approve visas to Ukrainians who wished to go to the USA to testify to the Department of Justice (DOJ) under oath about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 US elections on behalf of Hillary and the DNC. Present Ambassador Taylor, another witness of the Schiff hearings, also with Soros connections, is still refusing to give visas to Ukrainians who wish to testify. (Source: Glen Beck & One America News)

2017 – January 17 -Just before President Trump took office, Joe Biden went to Ukraine and the criminal investigation of Burisma was dropped again. (Source: https://ua.usembassy.gov/remarks-vice- president-joe-biden-joint-press-availability-ukrainian-president-petro-poroshenko/)


2017- Upon taking office, President Trump gave the sophisticated military hardware aid to Ukraine that President Obama had refused since the Russian invasion in 2014.

2017- January 25 – former VP Biden boasts at Council of Foreign Relations event in Washington that he strong-armed Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko into firing Prosecutor General Shokin, using loan guarantees as leverage. He also calls Shokin’s replacement, Yuriy Lutsenko, “solid.” (Source: https://www.cfr.org/event/foreign-affairs-issue-launch-former-vice-president-joe-biden)

2017 – February 1 - John Buretta, the American lawyer for Burisma Holdings, gives interview in Kiev confirming there were criminal cases open in 2016 in Ukraine but all have been settled, the last with a penalty for tax violations. (Source: https://www.kyivpost.com/business-wire/john-buretta-us-important- close-casesagainst-burisma-nikolayzlochevskyiin-legally-sound-manner.html)

2017 – Yuriy Lutsenko, former Prosecutor General, was visited by US Ambassador Maria Yovanovitch and George Kent (another Schiff ‘witness’) and told to change some of his deputies and close some cases (Biden’s, Burisma and Soros related) and blocked his request to cooperate with the US Justice Department concerning President 4# Yanukovych's investments in US mutual funds and other funds concerning money laundering. Could that be because following the funds trail might lead to some Democratic politicians pockets? (Source: OAN 12-8-19)

Andrii Telizhenko, Michaelo Okhendovsky (Ukrainian Attorney and Chairman of the Central Elections Commission, and Andrii Artemenko (former member of Parliament) all complained of US Ambassador Yovanovitch’s interference concerning the Bidens. (Source: OAN 12-8-19)

2018 – May – 9 - Then House of Representatives Rules Committee Chairman, Pete Sessions, sent an official letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asking that Ambassador Yovanovitch be recalled from Ukraine because of Ukrainian officials complaints, almost a year before President Trump dismissed her. (Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/402558867/Sessions-Pompeo-correspondence-2018)

2018 - The US Justice Department opened a criminal case for “Abuse of power and embezzlement of American taxpayer’s money.” This was concerning the billions of dollars of Agency for International Development (USAID) disbursements to Ukraine that are unaccounted.

2018 - November - Months before Joe Biden announced he would he running for President, President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudi Giuliani, went to Ukraine and started obtaining written depositions from former Ukrainian government officials concerning Democrat interference in US elections in 2016, presumably because he was told that they were being denied visas to come to the USA by the new US Ambassador in Ukraine Taylor (another Schiff ‘witness’). Giuliani’s focus was concerning Ukrainian government officials illegal involvement in helping concoct opposition research against Trump when he was running for President, including the fake Steele Dossier. But he has also discovered massive fraud and apparent collusion of many ‘Deep State’ officials.

2018 – December 12 – A New York Times article reported that a Ukrainian court ruled that some Ukrainian officials were found guilty of helping the Democrat Party and Hillary in 2016 with opposition research against Trump. They also acknowledged that Ukrainian parliamentary member Sergey Leshchenko and anti-corruption director Artem Sytnyk released information in an ongoing investigation of Paul Manafort that amounted to an improper interference by Ukraine’s government in the 2016 USA presidential election, presently suspended on a technicality. Also the fake Steele Dossier, used to launch the two year special counsel investigation of alleged Russian collusion with Trump, appears to have had help from the ‘former’ Communist Ukrainian oligarch billionaire President #5 Porochenko’s government to help fellow Socialist/Globalist minded Democrat Party leaders and Hillary Clinton’s quest for the presidency. (Source:https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine- politics/publication-of-manafort-payments-violated-law-interfered-in-us-election--court- rules.html/)

2018 - 2019 - Emails of Obama administration officials were obtained by Judicial Watch (JW) through Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests for: 1) Lisa Page, the FBI attorney who worked for the FBI # 2 man, Andrew McCabe. 2) Andrew McCabe (fired for lying under oath to the Judiciary Committee) was then #2 to FBI Director Comey. 3) James Comey, former FBI Director who initiated the illegal FISA warrants, fired for insubordination. 4) Peter Strzok, who led and sandbagged the FBI investigation of Hillary’s illegal destruction of her unsecured emails and national security violations. He also headed up the Ukrainian interference in the 2016 elections investigation. He was also terminated for cause. 5) Bruce Ohr, former head of the Transnational Organized Crime Division at the Justice Department. He was relieved of his job for conflict of interest. It is believed he used his position to help launder the Steele Dossier through his wife Nellie’s employer, Fusion GPS, to give it a credible appearance. 6) Nellie Ohr, who worked for the opposition research firm that helped write and/or launder the fake Steele Dossier, paid for by Hillary and the DNC.

The emails and Inspector General’s Report on FBI FISA report released 12-9-19 request appear to show that high ranking Justice Department and FBI officials were working together to help Hillary avoid criminal prosecution and hide the origins of the Steele Dossier. It also appears, that under President Obama, James Comey, FBI head, John Brennan, CIA head, Susan Rice, National Security Adviser, Victoria Nuland, Asst Secretary of State, and James Clapper, Head of Homeland Security, all were briefed that the Dossier was unsubstantiated and that they were proactive in hiding Ukrainian involvement in trying to help Democrats and Hillary defeat Trump in 2016. (Source: JW & Inspector General’s Report, 12-10-19)

2019 – February 12 - NABU revives dormant Burisma case, drafting a notice of suspicion against founder Mykola Zlochevsky and asking the special anti-corruption prosecutor of Ukraine to bring Zlochevsky in for questioning. (Source: https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/nabu-prepares- draft-notice-of-suspicion-on-episode-involving-ex-minister-zlochevsky.html

2019 – March 28 - Ukraine General Prosecutor’s office under the authority of Deputy Prosecutor General Kulyk announces it has opened a new money laundering investigation against Burisma founder Zlochevsky. (Source: John Solomon, The Hill https://www.scribd.com/document/429942801/March282019NoticeofSuspicionZolchevskyBurisma

2019 – April - The Mueller Report found no evidence of a Trump connection to the Russians, but there was plenty of evidence of ‘ex-Communist’ Ukrainians helping Hillary and the DNC, which they did not pursue. The Mueller Report was based on the opinions of the 19 Democratic attorneys close to Obama and Clinton who did the investigation. Further, the man who replaced Victor Shokin as Ukrainian Prosecutor General in 2016 on VP Biden’s demand, Yuriy Lutsenko, has indicated that the majority of Ukrainian officials were for Hillary in 2016.

2019 – April – The Ukraine Embassy in Washington DC issued a statement admitting to having helped DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa try to find dirt to hurt Trump’s election in 2016. Fiona Hill, former National Security Council (NSC) staffer under Trump, confirmed this in her Schiff hearing testimony on 11/8/19. Fiona Hill worked for Strobe Talbot at the left wing Brookings Institute prior to joining the White House NSC staff and is another Soros devote.

2019 – April 21 – Ukraine elects its first non-Communist President #6 Zelensky, a popular comic/actor, who won the presidency after playing a former history teacher who is elected president on a sit-com to clean up the corruption in Ukraine . Until he entered the race 12-31-18, polls showed that Yulia Tymoshenko would win. She came in third against Porochenko and Zelensky in the preliminaries of ten candidates after one of her allies said he would drop out of the race, but did not, diluting her vote. (The author thinks that the Ukrainian Deep State realized that the corrupt President #5 Poroshenko had no chance of winning re-election so they rigged it so that the popular sit-com star, with no government or administrative experience, would win, since Yulia is very capable and knowledgeable of the who’s who of corrupt Ukrainian bureaucrats.) She has since been reelected to Parliament and is the author of much of the new anti-corruption legislation.

Zelensky had a media production company that included his hit TV show ‘Servant of the People’ (2014-2019) where he stared as the president. He announced his candidacy for the real presidency at the same time that the real President #5 Poroshenko was giving his annual New Year’s Eve address (12- 31-18) to the nation, thus upstaging the president.

Zelensky, 41, has a law degree but never practiced. He was always an actor. For the six months leading up to his announcement to run, he hinted at running while organizing a political party. Once he announced, his campaign was almost entirely virtual. He toured with his TV production company, Kvartal 95, and refused to engage with the mainstream media. He talked to the media on social media and YouTube clips, avoiding journalists since they were “people of the old power.” Both Zelensky and Poroshenko claimed the other was pro Russian.

There is some concern that billionaire oligarch thug Ihor Kolomoyskyi (second richest billionaire in Ukraine) who owned Ukraine’s biggest privately owned bank, Privat Bank, where at least $1.8 billion of USA aid money disappeared, backed his campaign. Ihor also owns the TV channel that aired Zelensky’s TV show and other productions. Privat Bank was taken over by the government in 2016 to protect its 20,000 depositors because it had a $5.6 billion negative net worth. 97% of its loans went to its shareholders. Ihor owned 49.154%. Another owned 49.027%.

According to Arden Sytnyk of the Ukraine Bureau of Corruption, one of the questions about corruption is where did all that USA taxpayer funded aid go after it was deposited at Privat Bank? Nashi Groshi, a Ukrainian watchdog group traced the money to 42 Ukrainian owned firms with 52 offshore entities that borrowed the money from the Cyprus branch of Privat Bank to purchase various goods. No goods were delivered and the loans were not paid back. The Ukrainian government took over the bank to protect depositors. The bank had a $3.5 billion negative net worth when it was taken over. It appears the money loaned by the US Agency for International Development went into the pockets of Ihor and his associates. (Source: Schweitzer, Secret Empires, p.66)

In 2019, both newly elected Ukrainian President #6 Zelensky (its first non-Communist) and President Trump indicated they want an investigation of where the money went. Top Democrats do not appear to want that investigated for obvious reasons. A lot of the the US taxpayer aid to Ukraine found its way into the pockets of prominent Democrats and their families.

2019 - May 2- Ukraine embassy in Washington issues statement confirming that in spring 2016 the DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought the embassy’s help seeking dirt on Donald Trump and Paul Manafort and asking for Ukraine’s president to meet with an investigative reporter working on the issue. (Source: https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/441892-ukrainian-embassy-confirms-dnc- contractor-solicited-trump-dirt-in-2016 Text of statement: https://www.scribd.com/document/432699412/Ukraine-Chaly-Statement-on-Chalupa-042519

2019 – May 16 - Artem Sytnyk, head of Ukraine’s National Anti-corruption Bureau (NABU), confirms investigations remain open against Burisma and its founder Zlochevsky. (Source: https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/sytnyk-nabu-has-not-closed-cases-related-to- zlochevsky.html)

2019 – August – Newly appointed Ukrainian Prosecutor General Rusland Ryaboshapka expanded the criminal investigation into Burisma, partially to see if previous President #5, Poroshenko’s government did anything improper, including money laundering.

2019 – October - Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch coordinated her testimony with Democrats before going before the Adam Schiff House Intelligence Committee secret hearing where House Intelligence Chairman Schiff allowed only himself to chose all ‘witnesses.’

Yovanovitch, one of the twelve ‘hearsay’ witnesses called by Schiff for the public show hearings, has been active in giving US taxpayer money to fund George Soros backed organizations like Open Society Foundation, Freedom House, and the National Endowment for Democracy. These organizations, among other things, train people to initiate chaos and riots, and are used to identify like minded Globalist in many countries to get into key government positions who support their ideas, especially when a power vacuum occurs and there is regime change. They have also helped set up ‘leaderless’ Nazi-like thug organizations like ‘Antifa’ to destabilize Western democracies.

2019 - November 15 - Ambassador Yovanovitch testified that she was unaware of the video of Joe Biden demanding Ukrainian President #5 fire anti-corruption Ukrainian Prosecutor General Skokin, who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden, as a condition of USA aid to Ukraine. Later in her testimony she admitted she was briefed on it prior to her confirmation hearings. She should be charged with perjury.

Yovanovitch was removed as US Ambassador to Ukraine, in part, because Ukrainian officials said she was interfering with their corruption investigations of embezzlement (including the Soros controlled Non Government Organizations (NGO's) mentioned above). Also former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Lutsenko, who replaced Shokin, said Yovanovitch gave him VERBALLY a list of people (including the Bidens) and organizations (including Soros funded ones) NOT to investigate. She denied this. Lastly, he said that Ambassador Yovanovitch “controlled” two units that were supposed to report to him, the Ukrainian Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office (NABU) and the Specialized Anti- corruption Office (SAP), the latter of which is only for investigations of public figures. It was established by George Kent, US Ukrainian Embassy charge d’ affairs, who testified his misgivings about President Trump in the Adam Schiff’s impeachment hearings. Does the reader see a common thread here?

Also, Yovanovitch State Department colleagues told her to stop monitoring investigative reporters like John Solomon, EVP at The Hill until October, 2019, Ryan Saavedra (The Daily Wire), Sara Carter (Fox News), and Jack Posobiec (OAN News) because it was illegal to do it on government time. Other names monitored included Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, , Sebastian Gorka, and Lou Dobbs. All have exposed Democrat corruption and colluding with corrupt former Ukrainian officials from 2014 to 2017 under the Obama administration. Prior to joining the State Department, Yovanovitch worked for the leftist Brookings Institute. It’s President, Strobe Talbot, was Bill Clinton’s Assistant Secretary of State, and a major architect of Globalist strategies. Yovanovitch, like other Schiff's ‘witnesses,’ is a Deep State leftist.

2019 – November - President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudi Giuliani sent a letter to Senator Lindsay Graham, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, with depositions of three Ukrainian witnesses to Biden family involvement with brides and money laundering. Also, he gave evidence that present Ambassador to Ukraine Taylor has continued, like Yovanovitch, to not give visas to Ukrainians wanting to come the the USA to testify under oath about their knowledge of the Biden's, US Embassy staff, and some Democrats, all colluding against Trump. The Ukrainian officials sent affidavits to the US Attorney’s office last year and never received any responses, so they do not trust our Justice Department functionaries. Also former Attorney General of Ukraine Shokin said Marie Yovanovitch's predecessor, Ambassador Pyatt told him to “white gloves” (do nothing) on the investigation on Burisma. Shokin has also stated that $900,000 was sent to Rosemont Seneca Partners (owned by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer). The entry on the Ukrainian books said “Services rendered for lobbying by Joe Biden.” (John Solomon)

Yuriy Lutsenko, the Prosecutor General (2016 to August 2019) who replaced Shokin after Joe Biden’s threat of withholding a billion dollars of credits to Ukraine in 2016 if Shokin was not fired, told Giuliani that Ukraine has two secret units established by George Kent (another Schiff ‘witness’), then Deputy Chief in the USA Embassy in Ukraine, that are “protected’ from any oversight by the Ukrainian government.

In summary, the evidence suggests overwhelmingly that Hillary Clinton, President Obama’s key administrative people, and other government agency senior staff were working together with corrupt ex-Communist/Socialist government officials and oligarchs in Ukraine in 2016 to help in her election bid and later hide their corrupt illegal actions and partisan political activities against their political opponents, principally Donald Trump, and continue to do so. Attorney General Barr’s trips to the United Kingdom, Italy and Australia appear to suggest that the Obama administration was working with key like minded people in other governments for the same purpose. Ample evidence exists that the Obama administration weaponized the Justice and State Departments, FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, and the IRS to destroy their ideological opponents and hide their own misdeeds. This is why it appears that Democrats in Congress have spent much of their time since President Trump was elected trying to find a reason to impeach him rather than address legislation. Many Democratic Party operatives face potential jail time if they are not successful in eliminating President Trump. Their kangaroo court hearings have a lot in common with the USSR show trials of the 1930’s in that the accused was not allowed to defend himself or present witnesses. The evidence is overwhelming that some Democratic Party leaders, senior members of the Federal government, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and former Ukrainian government officials, with the willing help of most of our mass media, conspired to keep President Trump from being elected in 2016. Lastly, many are still trying to find a way to force him from office and/or make sure he is not re-elected and make sure their illegal activities are not prosecuted. It is a conspiracy.

James F. Davis (updated 12-16-19)

SOURCES: House of Representatives Intelligence Committee public hearings, including former Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, former NSC adviser, Fiona Hill, etc. Washington Post New York Times One America News (OAN), Chanel Rion Nolan Peterson, The Daily Signal correspondent living in Ukraine Victor Shokin, former Prosecutor General of Ukraine (2015-16) Yuriy Lutsenko, former Prosecute General of Ukraine (2016-19) Ukrainian Embassy statement, April 2019, admitting DNC contractor Chalupa solicited dirt on Trump Ukraine ambassador to US in 2016 August Op-Ed in The Hill slamming GOP candidate Trump Ukraine December 2018 district court ruling of improper interference by its government in 2016 USA elections. Israel Shamir (former Ukrainian Parliament member), The Unz Review, Zerohedge (10-27-19) Judicial Watch – US government documents obtained through Freedom of Information law suits John Solomon, Investigative Reporter The Blaze, Glen Beck Peter Schweitzer, investigative reporter and author of ‘Secret Empires’ and ‘Clinton Cash’ Rudolph Giuliani, private attorney for President Trump