Hebrews 11 Discussion Guide

[CONNECT] Share a high point from the previous week.

Read Hebrews 11:23-31…

[SET UP] Are you a person who is willing to take risks? Why or why not?

[DIGGING DEEPER] The next section of Hebrews discusses primarily the life of . However, the author begins with describing the faith of Moses’ parents. Moses’ parents knew he would be a special child and they disregarded the king’s command to drown the boy in the Nile. They sent him down the river to be later picked up by Pharaoh’s daughter. The early stages of Moses’ life is a great reminder how as parents, your faith in God will have a huge impact on your children and the generations to come!

The author then shares a few situations where Moses displayed a life full of faith. Moses, being the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter, was well-educated and eloquent in words. Having a life of royalty, Moses gave up wealth, his status and authority to follow God’s call on his life. Moses chose to be a part of the people of God rather than be with the Egyptians. In verse 25, the author relates the suffering that Moses would endure to that of Christ. Moses knew that it would be better to suffer and live for God than to gain the treasures of this world. What does suffering for Jesus look like today? Would you be willing to give up everything like Moses did to follow God?

By faith, Moses left Egypt with boldness, not fearing the king’s anger against him. By faith, Moses led the Israelites to follow God’s command during the . The Passover was God’s command to sprinkle lamb’s blood over the Israelites doorposts to save their firstborn from death. This was an act of faith and obedience for both Moses and the Israelites.

Moses lived a life of faith. Discuss the acts of faith contained in Moses’ life and why they required faith.

In the next few verses, the author shares a few more events where faith was a primary aspect.

God came through and rescued the Israelites at the Red Sea. With the Egyptian army at their back and nothing but vast amounts of water in front of them. By faith they went through the Red Sea as if they were on dry ground.

The Israelites took another risk when they were commanded by God to march around the city of for seven days. Their obedience was rewarded with the capture of Jericho. Sometimes the things God asks us to do don’t make sense, but still we have to trust Him.

Finally took a risk when she helped the spies investigate the land. She knew that the Lord had given the Israelites the land and was spared from her death.

We are called to live a life of faith.

Can you think of a time when it required you to take a risk for Jesus? What did that look like?

Leadership Development L: Who in your group is growing as a leader? I: How can you as a leader involve your group in biblical service? F: Who is a friend you can invite to become a part of your group? E: How can we use this passage to equip us as followers of Jesus?