Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework

Renee Sieber

Department of Geography, McGill University

Public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) pertains to the use of geographic information sys- tems (GIS) to broaden public involvement in policymaking as well as to the value of GIS to promote the goals of nongovernmental organizations, grassroots groups, and community-based organizations. The article first traces the social history of PPGIS. It then argues that PPGIS has been socially constructed by a broad set of actors in research across disciplines and in practice across sectors. This produced and reproduced concept is then expli- cated through four major themes found across the breadth of the PPGIS literature: place and people, technology and data, process, and outcome and evaluation. The themes constitute a framework for evaluating current PPGIS activities and a roadmap for future PPGIS research and practice. Key Words: community-based organiza- tions, geographic information systems, grassroots groups, PPGIS, social construction.

t is an odd concept to attribute to a piece of software information to all relevant stakeholders presumably leads the potential to enhance or limit public participation to better policymaking. Third, as Wood (1992) argues, I in policymaking, empower or marginalize community this policy-related information can be analyzed and vis- members to improve their lives, counter or enable ualized spatially, and the resulting output (mainly maps) agendas of the powerful, and advance or diminish can persuasively convey ideas and convince people of democratic principles. However, that is exactly what has the importance of those ideas. Add to these reasons the happened with geographic information systems (GIS), sheer volume of spatial data from numerous disparate the social application of which has captured the atten- sources and across themes and scales as well as the in- tion of researchers in diverse disciplines including urban creasingly affordable and easy-to-use systems. On the planning, law, geography, library science, social work, surface, the connection between empowerment and GIS landscape ecology, anthropology, agricultural economics, appears certain and replete with possibility. natural resources, and conservation biology. Projects Arguments that GIS alone can guarantee empower- have tended to be guided not by esoteric academic in- ment consequent to a particular decision-making process terests but by grassroots groups and community-based or that spatial information divorced from its socio- organizations (CBOs) that use GIS as a tool for capacity political context can improve understanding are, not building and social change. The use of GIS has been surprisingly, controversial. A substantive critique holds furthered by members of the public and private sectors that GIS represents yet another instrument of capital who believe that access to computer tools and digital control and government surveillance (Pickles 1995; Curry data forms an essential part of an informationally ena- 1998; Aitken 2002). This lens frames GIS as a return to bled democracy. Finally, the research and practice have positivism in which its users quantify passionately held been propelled by academics who are engaged, not positions and reduce complex societal processes to points, simply in studying the application of GIS, but also in lines, areas, and attributes. Use of the technology lends promoting the normative activity of broadening access to the illusion of control over decision making when actual GIS. control remains within the governing class. Further pro- Attributing empowerment to technology is not new; motion, indeed evangelism, of GIS distracts grassroots several of the same opportunities and challenges were groups and others from proven activist strategies such as voiced about rural electrification and telephony (Tobey protest and retreats from questioning the overall frame- 1996). GIS has sparked interest for three main reasons. work of policymaking and distribution of power. Nuancing First, most information used in policymaking, whether the applications with extra attributes and lowering the with regard to crime, land-use planning, environmental entry costs of computing cannot dispel what are con- health, habitat conservation, or social service provision, sidered to be intrinsic problems with GIS. contains a spatial component (e.g., address, zip code, and In spite of or to counter the critiques, the field of latitude/longitude). Second, extending the use of spatial public participation geographic information systems

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 96(3), 2006, pp. 491–507 r 2006 by Association of American Geographers Initial submission, November 2004; revised submission, January 2006; final acceptance, January 2006 Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, U.K. 492 Sieber

(PPGIS) emerged. PPGIS was originally defined as ‘‘a and data, process, and outcome and evaluation. The variety of approaches to make GIS and other spatial themes elucidate the breadth introduced through the decision-making tools available and accessible to all coproduction of PPGIS and the resulting degrees of those with a stake in official decisions’’ (Schroeder freedom comprising PPGIS projects. In tracing the past 1996). Since 1996 numerous PPGIS and related and explicating PPGIS thematically, this article seeks to conferences (U.S. National Center for Geographic provide a roadmap for future research and practice Information and Analysis Varenius Workshop 1998; within the field of PPGIS. Technological innovations will Workshop on Access and Participatory Approaches in continue and new actors and applications will be added. Using Geographic information in Spoleto, Italy 2001; It is hoped that these and other individuals will express International PPGIS Conferences 2002-5; and Mapping their engagement in PPGIS in terms of the mutual for Change, Nairobi, Kenya 2005) have brought together narrative of PPGIS even as they participate in trans- diverse disciplines and communities to coinvestigate the forming its development. promise and challenge of GIS. Special journal issues of Cartography and GIS (1998, vol. 25 [2]); Environment A Brief Social History of PPGIS and Planning B (2001, vol. 28 [6]); Urban and Regional Information Systems Association Journal (2003, vol. 15, The term PPGIS originated at two meetings of the APA I, II); and Cartographica (2001 [published 2004], National Center for Geographic Information and Anal- vol. 38 [3&4]) have furthered explorations in, for ex- ysis (NCGIA) as attendees struggled to frame the next ample, data accessibility, development practices, and generation of GIS, or GIS/2 (which was read as two or evaluation strategies. too) (NCGIA 1996a, 1996b) that would ground tech- However much PPGIS has evoked interest from re- nical advancements in social and political contexts. searchers and practitioners, there has yet to be a com- These meetings reported on a growing affinity of GIS prehensive literature review. This deficit is partly due to practitioners with developing applications that ‘‘em- the emergent nature of the literature but also prevails power less privileged groups in society’’ (NCGIA 1996b), because PPGIS activity is distributed among disciplines, and attendees declared that the next generation of GIS economic sectors, and formats (e.g., peer-reviewed aca- should be more inclusive to nonofficial voices (Oberm- demic journals, vendor reports, and grassroots websites). eyer 1998a). The resulting definition of PPGIS focused Tulloch (2003) argues that this scattering provokes an normatively and ontologically on supply-driven and identity crisis in PPGIS, bereft of a common lexicon even pragmatic approaches to engage the public in applica- of words such as public and participation. In this PPGIS tions of GIS with the goals of improving the transparency Tower of Babel the following disparate applications co- of and influencing government policy (Schroeder 1996). exist: a spatial that is designed These early meetings were seminally influenced by by The Nature Conservancy for other nonprofit organ- the critiques of GIS mentioned above. The critiques, izations, a web-based municipal GIS that serves local real which became known as GIS and Society (GISoc), re- estate agents, a GIS application that optimizes nuclear flect a more general interest in the social nature and power plant siting, a museum of technology that exhibits impact of GIS—that is, the choices made and foregone GIS tools (Schlossberg and Shuford 2005), and a com- in the development of the technology, the numerous munity mapping exercise that involves GIS software long conflicting agendas in its use, and the impact of GIS on after the exercise is completed and far away from the representing spatial information (Sheppard 1995; community. Instead of fragmentation, this article argues NCGIA 1996a). Although influential, GISoc repre- that diverse venues have reshaped the original concept sented an ontological divergence from PPGIS. GISoc of PPGIS. From a collection of tools to increase access in asked the whether and why questions, whereas PPGIS official policy circles, PPGIS has metamorphosed into a was relegated to the how—that is, how to employ the coproduced concept composed of multiple disciplinary theories to most appropriately apply GIS for social end- approaches and actors, rapidly changing technologies, eavors. According to Sheppard (1995, 15), GISoc was and numerous as well as occasionally transgressive goals. concerned with the social theory of GIS; whereas PPGIS This article reviews and frames the work of PPGIS. It was considered ‘‘GIS in practice.’’ This framing of PPGIS begins by tracing the social history of PPGIS, a history situated the legitimate form of intellectual engagement that reveals the way in which actors from varied disci- within GISoc and with academicians. Additionally, it plines and sectors have mutually constituted PPGIS. had the effect of normalizing the critique of PPGIS to This coproduced PPGIS is then characterized by four the GISoc ontology of power relations. Concerns grew in themes, which are termed place and people, technology PPGIS that this was fast becoming the sole acceptable Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework 493 critique of PPGIS (Obermeyer 1998a), as opposed to natural resources (e.g., see Morain 1999). These types of technical critiques or critiques within other ontologies PPGIS projects concentrate on supporting various stages (e.g., collectivism). These differences produced not an of a more collaborative planning process, such as dis- impassable divide but a creative tension. As a conse- seminating planning-related information online, ex- quence, PPGIS has been infused with a reflective praxis panding the number of stakeholders in planning, easing to not accept as axiomatic existing resources, represen- the understanding of analyses through visualization, and tations, or territoriality. It also has generated in PPGIS a weighting alternatives utilizing graphical user interfaces skepticism of critique without prescription. (Shiffer 1998; Talen 2000; Al-Kodmany 2001; Ball 2002; This creative tension is exemplified in recent calls to Drew 2003). The applications illustrate how PPGIS is rename PPGIS to Participatory GIS (PGIS).1 Individuals manifest through specific disciplinary lenses. at the initial meetings on PPGIS expressed some ap- Urban planners participated in the initial characteri- prehension that applications were beginning to over- zations of PPGIS. Increasingly, researchers and practi- represent the advantaged (e.g., the haves in U.S. tioners in other fields such as social work are embracing suburbs) and underrepresent marginalized peoples (e.g., PPGIS. PPGIS is conceived of as a method to map in- the have-nots in communities without even the basics dividuals by class, employment, ethnicity, religion, lan- such as potable water). As a result, researchers have guage, gender, and age; spatially analyze differential increased the number of nontraditional PGIS applica- public mobility and access to social services; and com- tions, primarily in developing countries (Abbot et al. paratively visualize community deficits and assets 1998; Harris and Weiner 1998; Rambaldi and Callosa (Plescia, Koontz, and Laurent 2001; Beever 2002; 2000; Kyem 2001). PGIS derives from community- Hoicka 2002; McCall 2003). This is PPGIS as GIS, with integrated GIS (Harris and Weiner 1998) and what top-down goals of understanding neighborhood dynam- Peluso (1995) terms ‘‘counter mapping,’’ mapping to ics, improving public sector management, and enhancing contest the status quo. PPGIS continues to be the most social service provision. Researchers new to the field widely used term, but each acronym brings its own have tended to constitute a somewhat technocratic view contexts, methods, and actors to a collective under- of PPGIS and their applications can lack extensive standing of PPGIS or PGIS. public interaction, other than perhaps to supply input, PPGIS is considered by some to be subsumed into such as perceptions of street safety. Their views have what is now called Critical GIS (Schuurman 2001). challenged those originally engaged in PPGIS to derive a Critical GIS has become an umbrella to encompass all shared understanding of what PPGIS does and does not research on the societal effects of GIS (e.g., geosurveil- comprise. lance), the social processes that should or should not be Acronyms and concepts such as reconstituted iden- modeled by GIS (e.g., gender movement in space), or the tities were largely extraneous to long-standing PPGIS representation, ontology, and epistemology of GIS practice. A few years prior to the designation of the (Kwan 2002; Crampton 2003). This has accorded PPGIS concept, GIS began to be envisioned by nonprofit greater legitimacy to critiques of GIS within GIScience, organizations as a useful technology for participatory important for standing in the GIScience community but projects (Aberley 1993; Poole 1995; Convis 2004). Their also critical for resources such as laboratory space, version of PPGIS emphasizes the technical—that is, the funding, and graduate students. Identical to early for- development of hardware tools such as solar-powered mulations of GIScience (Wright, Goodchild, and Proctor computers that can operate in the field and software 1997), there have been questions about whether PPGIS applications such as scripts that can automate spatial can be generalized as an objective scientific inquiry; analysis. The focus has tended toward spatial data col- whether it represents a collection of methods, in other lection, database design, and analysis as opposed to words, part of the less legitimate GIStudies; and what are cartographic production. This has been accompanied by the costs of a positioning within science (Jankowski and practical guides or instruction manuals, such as Eco- Nyerges 2001; Sieber 2001). With respect to the history Trust’s (1999) guide for conservation GIS and Tobias’s of PPGIS, movements toward science, like social theory, (2000) manual for First Nation’s use of GIS. With this can strain relations between research and practice be- group of practitioners, PPGIS describes relatively un- cause the drive for legitimacy can appear to outweigh critical approaches to promote the goals of organizations normative action. outside the public and private sectors. The original definition of PPGIS has attracted re- PPGIS research itself has undergone an evolution as searchers and practitioners from , com- participants seek to formalize the nature or process of munity development, landscape ecology, as well as PPGIS. Many of the early PPGIS efforts were exploratory 494 Sieber case studies, which provided the ‘‘social narratives’’ of ducts (Convis 2001). Interactions also are seen in the PPGIS (Kyem 2001, 5). These included studies of GIS by fluid movement of individuals working with PPGIS marginalized communities, nongovernmental organiza- among nonprofit, public, and private sectors. Research- tions (NGOs) and grassroots groups (Convis 2001), ers and practitioners have recognized that PPGIS is not native groups (Poole 1995), social movements (Sieber an abstract exercise. The intersection of actors demands 1997), peoples in developing countries (Jarvis and discourse across disciplines and responsiveness to people Spearman 1995; Sedogo and Groten 2000; Kyem 2001), impacted by PPGIS projects. PPGIS resides neither in a and urban CBOs (Craig and Elwood 1998). Whereas the single sector nor exclusively in the domain of geography. earliest work showed the possibilities of GIS for grass- Understanding of PPGIS therefore requires a deeper roots environmental advocacy (Aberley 1993), the latest interrogation of the technology, its actors, and their forms vary in technology and theory, for instance, im- practices. plementations of web-based neighborhood information systems (Carver et al. 2001; Wong and Chua 2001; Kingston 2002), community resident-developed moni- A Framework for a Coproduced PPGIS toring of the environment with mobile GIS (O’Brien This article examines the emergent themes and crit- 2003), and models of GIS availability in urban CBOs ical questions in PPGIS that course through disciplines (Leitner et al. 2000). Research and practice have found ranging from law to conservation biology and venues common ground through venues such as frequently up- such as academic classrooms and government offices. It dated online bibliographies (e.g., blends the material and discursive, the varied applica- bibliography.htm). tions and the contexts in which they are used. The co- More recently, individuals engaged in PPGIS have production of PPGIS plays out through four themes: gained awareness as a distinct community with the place and people, technology and data, process, and creation of new spaces of discourse such as the PPGIS outcome and evaluation. conferences and the listserve. It is in these venues that new forms of what it means to ‘‘do’’ PPGIS have emerged. Different parties have begun to negotiate Place and People what had previously been relatively static definitions of PPGIS. Instead of focusing on practice, the new dis- Multiple perspectives, particularly from PGIS, have cussions question which theories should form the basis of illustrated that PPGIS is a highly localized activity, per- PPGIS and how much and when theory is appropriate to meated with culture and sociopolitical influences. Yet a project. It is in these forums also that the ostensible findings obtained for one type of place and peoples often targets of PPGIS activities—members of the local com- are applied to far different arenas. Systems developed in munities and nonprofit organizations—have begun to the United States may be employed in developing collectively voice the future direction of PPGIS. countries, in which the preexisting group relationships, This social history frames PPGIS as being mutually available skill levels, and technological infrastructure are constituted through numerous perspectives.2 It adopts a markedly dissimilar. A coproduced PPGIS must now social constructivist that individuals and organizations consider specific contexts, stakeholders, and other ac- interact to develop and use technological systems and tors, as well as the general public. that interaction produces and reproduces those systems (Bijker, Hughes, and Finch 1987). Context. A PPGIS project is not implemented in a This approach holds that activities interlace the ma- void but rather is conditioned by the laws, culture, pol- terial and the discursive, that tools and tool-making itics, and history of the community, city, region, or na- cannot be rended from science and social theory. Re- tion in which it is applied (Laituri and Harvey 1995; search has already grounded GIS in social constructivism Elwood and Ghose 2001; Ghose 2001; Kyem 2004). For to explore these complex relationships (Harvey 2000; instance, different legal structures for copyright and tra- Sieber 2000a; Schuurman 2001; Harvey and Chrisman ditions such as freedom of information access enable 2004). The interlacing of GISoc and PPGIS ontologies is relatively easy diffusion of census data in countries such one instance where PPGIS is being mutually constituted as the United States but constrict diffusion in Canada; through the interactions of individuals and organiza- this difficulty offers a prime reason why environmental- tions. In another example, environmentalists have be- ists’ applications of GIS in Canada lag behind that of gun to reflect on the extent of participation and the their American counterparts (Sieber 2003). Place deter- value of adopting increasingly sophisticated GIS pro- mines the texture of social networks that exchange Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework 495 information and skills; it also governs more prosaic but grow in number, more studies, particularly cross-com- still critical resources such as the extent of telecommu- parisons, are needed to investigate scale effects in nications and electrical infrastructure (Niles and Hanson PPGIS. 2001). Likewise, culture shapes PPGIS. de Man (2003), Numerous articles demonstrate the importance of drawing on anthropology and organizational theory, pro- understanding how PPGIS is situationally and culturally poses that information access as well as participation in influenced. However, to what degree is PPGIS com- decision making will differ according to factors such as a pletely contextually driven and therefore cannot be culture’s ability to absorb uncertainty, its level of mas- generalized? Specific factors, such as institutional cul- culinity, and its ability to accommodate human inequal- ture, have been generalized to other geographies, or- ity. Cultures can vary in their acceptance of PPGIS on ganizations, and relationships. For example, Elwood and the basis of their tolerance of expert solutions, their Ghose (2001) synthesize four factors that affect institu- sense of collective control, and their level of individu- tional culture in CBOs engaged in PPGIS: organizational alism (Carver 2003). Therefore, a PPGIS application knowledge and experience, networks of collaborative may be broadly accepted by all stakeholders in one com- relationships, organizational stability, and organizational munity council meeting; the same application may ut- priorities, strategies, and status. Any framework, such as terly fail in another community because legal regimes the one contained in this article, depends on a degree of restrict access to critical data, and culture and politics generalizability. This remains a little acknowledged ten- limit the type of participants to a specific gender, class, or sion in PPGIS, the importance of particularity versus caste. systematization, in which context can be analyzed sep- Local influences may predominate so as to preclude arately. Certainly the addition of new disciplines, PPGIS efforts from exerting any effect; occasionally the methods, and practices challenges the ability of PPGIS project may exacerbate existing tensions. Kyem (2001, to be generalized. 7) finds that, whereas PPGIS was judged by researchers to be a success in several villages in Ghana, ‘‘the mar- ginalization and continued oppression of the people (i.e., Stakeholders and Other Actors. Precisely who should curtailment of rights and deprivation of their access to be participating in PPGIS projects? Schlossberg and Shu- resources) were achieved through the same institutions ford (2005) note that the answers have eluded PPGIS as and structures which the . . . project [was] designed to any exact delineation of relevant participants will be by transform.’’ Hodgson and Schroeder (2002) describe a definition exclusionary. To ensure sufficient inclusion, series of countermapping exercises among the Masai in the authors define PPGIS participants as stakeholders Tanzania—‘‘clarifying’’ village boundaries, classifying who are affected by, bring knowledge or information to, and dividing land uses into neat polygons—that dis- and possess the power to influence a decision or pro- rupted traditional reciprocal relationships among com- gram. Even with this expansive definition, Schlossberg munities. Not only can GIS be irrelevant, but its very and Shuford (2005) admit that important actors can be benefits, such as improved visualization or data accuracy, omitted; relevancy and availability can shift during var- can induce further injustice. ious stages of the project; and chosen participants may Scale and geographic extent are recognized as crucial reflect objectives of agencies and the agendas of other elements in the context of PPGIS. Carver (2003) dem- stakeholders. Thus, representatives of a disability rights onstrates that as cartographic scale increases, so does the organization may lack the physical stamina to participate intensity with which people connect with local issues. throughout a process; in another instance, members of a Scale may additionally refer to the organizational ca- CBO aligned with business interests may be invited to pacity to approach an issue (Elwood and Ghose 2001; de join. Notwithstanding a definitive list, project leaders Man 2003) and thus mirrors concerns in political geog- must remain attentive to omissions, whether deliberate raphy and anthropology. Problems such as a lack of af- or accidental. fordable housing may manifest themselves at the local Delineation is further complicated by the potential of scale but, because they represent larger problems of race PPGIS initiatives to implicate stakeholders not in the or class, require action at a broader scale. Indeed, the immediate geography or those who operate at multiple spatial extent chosen for the data and project may un- scales. This opens intriguing possibilities for specific in- duly bound its remedy (Aitken 2002; Stonich 2002). itiatives to include residents of other communities, GIS resources may be exhausted in mapping at a government agency officials (e.g., data suppliers), NGOs, neighborhood level so as to ineffectuate protest at and even developers of the original software (Convis smaller scales and greater extents. As PPGIS projects 2001; Sawicki and Peterman 2002). The Society for 496 Sieber

Conservation GIS (SCGIS), an association of nonprofit Only recently has the discipline reflected the absence of conservation GIS users, has enabled international NGOs a single public in PPGIS but instead multiple levels of to find and strengthen not only the analytic capacity of public stemming from differing intensities of skills and local grassroots groups undertaking conservation (e.g., of attention (Schlossberg and Shuford 2005, 19). tigers in Siberia and lemurs in Madagascar) but also Bosworth, Donovan, and Couey (2002) provide per- strengthen their political clout (Convis 2001). The haps the best example of PPGIS approaches to engage NGOs have become important actors in those local different publics. They developed interfaces for five dif- arenas. Conversely, broadening the scope to exogenous ferent publics to aid in accessing information about the actors risks including those less committed to achieving city of Portland, Oregon. Each interface serves an in- the outcome; they face fewer consequences from pro- creasingly complex application, from a digital gazetteer posed policies than those within the community or those and a CD-thematic mapping package to spatial analysis more directly affected by the problems (Kyem 1998). In software. The multiple interfaces illustrate a heteroge- that sense, PPGIS practitioners have much to learn from neous public that possesses differential levels of GIS and their countermapping peers, who consider how exten- cartographic literacy. Technological adaptations tend sively a project should be endogenously conceived and toward supply-side approaches, which largely explain developed (Peluso 1995; McCall 2003). why the public is not more delineated in PPGIS. Irrespective of the number and type of stakeholders, Tackling the question of what constitutes the public relationships among stakeholders will influence the in PPGIS becomes especially difficult with innovations, outcome of a PPGIS project. Leitner et al. (2000) such as web-based PPGIS, that are designed to expand studied GIS-using CBOs in Minneapolis that had formed public outreach. Does someone who demonstrates in- a dense network of relationships. Relationships among terest in the project become a member of the public even stakeholders in PPGIS activities ranged from coopera- though he or she is a continent removed from the tion, compliance, and collaboration to control. Catego- community? It can be argued that, by definition, the rization alone should not imply benefits. Sieber (1997) public requires a physical bounding (e.g., a city or a describes a conservation group that cooperated with neighborhood); however, different characteristics may state government and subsequently found itself shoul- complicate that identification (e.g., lifelong residents of dering the burden of disseminating the state’s vegetation the city vs. recent immigrants with strong ties to their data. Uneven diffusion of GIS skills and technology countries of origin). Virtuality may have limited poten- among the stakeholders will likely place the less skilled at tial to build collective understanding and action, which a disadvantage and therefore easier to control; however, may require a physical space (e.g., a meeting hall; Talen numerous PPGIS examples indicate that powerlessness 2000; McCall 2003). Constituting the public and the does not automatically correlate with lack of resources geography it inhabits is further convoluted because the (e.g., see examples at; Aberley process of mapping can help legitimize the perceived 1993). The tendency in PPGIS is to view relationships as composition of the community and those possessing the elastic; for example, the line between experts and locals authority to impact decisions (Kosek 1998, 5). A PPGIS can be quite thin and shift over time. Occasionally, can empower a public at the same time it reifies a PPGIS researchers and practitioners overestimate the modifiable areal unit problem. mutability of relationships that, despite our best at- tempts, are rooted in roles ascribed to class, culture, and gender (Rocheleau, Thomas-Slayter, and Edmunds Technology and Data 1995; Kyem 2001). The particularizing nature of PPGIS projects means The Public. This article separates the public from the that most individual researchers and practitioners con- stakeholders to reflect the original definition of PPGIS centrate on available equipment and specific data sets. and because many applications continue to be developed Multiple perspectives call into question the extent of for a general public. PPGIS encompasses numerous view- GIS needed to connote a PPGIS project as well as the points so the public has been broadly characterized, for technology’s impact on projects. Researchers from dis- instance as neighborhood residents and members of mar- ciplines of law, public administration, and geography and ginalized communities, but also real estate agents and practitioners from local government have played signif- municipal government employees. This diversity gener- icant roles in shaping how PPGIS considers not only the ates lively discussions on, for example, what therefore technology but the data, in terms of appropriateness and constitutes a real PPGIS application (Tulloch 2003). accuracy, access and ownership, and representation. Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework 497

Extent of GIS Technology. As mentioned above, ear- use, to passive use, active use, and proactive use. These liest participatory approaches using GIS tended to be are not hierarchical; proactive is not necessarily the materially expressed; that is, they focused on designing optimal level of usage. Nor will all stakeholders benefit hardware and software and writing of training manuals equally. Particular stakeholders may benefit from the use and other documentation purposed for nonprofit organ- of advanced technology. Others, for example, some izations. Examples include Paint the Townt, a combi- elderly, may be marginalized. nation software package and drawing tablet, which Given an ever-broadening range of technologies, an allows users during public meetings to designate com- effective PPGIS application depends on understanding munity land uses and draw urban growth boundaries; the how much and when technology should be brought into software then forecasts households and jobs (Dieber a process. The corollary is how much GIS must be 2003). The U.S. nonprofit Conservation Fund employed learned by individual stakeholders and what technolo- the Unified Modeling Language (UML) extension in gies can be supported by available resources. Certain ArcGISt to create a data model for land trust organi- PPGIS activities may produce paper maps that partici- zations (W. L. Allen and Christensen 2001). In both of pants simply annotate by hand. Most PPGIS activity is these instances, technology in PPGIS is not regarded as a cartographic; that is, it focuses on the map as input and passive instrument, but instead represents a malleable output, so map reading may be one essential skill. For tool that participants, provided they have a fairly high others, computer programming on the part of the par- level of technical skills, can shift to suit their goals. The ticipants may be necessary. second example suggests that a number of nonprofit GIS users, particularly in conservation and public health, oc- Accessibility of Data. Whereas organizations may casionally exceed the sophistication of applications from choose the appropriate level of technology for their other stakeholders, including government agencies project, many stakeholders lack access to the spatial (Convis 2001; Schienke 2003). data. Access to data has emerged as a growing area of At the other end of the technological learning curve, concern in the PPGIS literature (e.g., Urban and Regional the IAPAD (Integrated Approaches to Participatory Information Systems Association Journal 2003, vol. 15, Development) group developed a process that blends APA I, II). GIS, physical models, and community participation into As PPGIS has evolved, a divergence has emerged on what they call ‘‘participatory three-dimensional mode- how much access is necessary or even how access is ling’’ (Rambaldi and Callosa 2000). GIS generates tem- defined. Access is variously defined as information about plates for constructing a cardboard model (one sheet of the policy-making process, acquisition of the raw digital cardboard for each elevation contour line), which is data being used to craft that policy, the supply of public detailed with pins (points), yarn (lines), and paint (ar- information, or the ability to submit information into eas). When finished, the model is gridded and photo- official data sets (i.e., residents being solicited for infor- graphed. The resulting photograph is digitized into the mation about their communities; Laituri 2003; Smith spatial database and overlain onto existing spatial data. and Craglia 2003; Tulloch and Shapiro 2003). Tulloch Community members are not involved in the technical and Shapiro draw the clearest distinction between types implementation of GIS, although they must learn basic of access and characterize access as the fluid sharing of cartography and the vector representations of points, spatial data from data producers to likely participants in lines, and areas. This is typical of many community decision making. mapping projects in which community members do not Most spatial data available to PPGIS projects are engage directly with the GIS but provide input and created by the public sector. Drawing on the discipline of evaluate output (Al-Kodmany 2001). public administration, Hoffman (2003) summarizes the The IAPAD project exemplifies an interface that is constraints placed on availability of this spatial data as a nontechnical. To increase an application’s ease of use series of four competing ethics within government: (1) and lessen the need for GIS skills for participants, some open government: information produced by the gov- PPGIS research and practice concentrate on enhancing ernment is public and therefore should be inexpensive the human-computer interaction (HCI) (Haklay and and easy to access; (2) individual privacy: privacy of Tobo´n 2003). For example, Harris, Alagan, and Rouse citizens is paramount and data cannot be made public; (2002) produced a bird’s-eye viewer for GIS for partici- (3) security: security of the state is a major factor and pants who experienced difficulty in comprehending their data that compromise that security cannot be made community from a two-dimensional planimetric map. public; and (4) fiscal responsibility: government should Leitner et al. (2000) characterize HCIs from no direct be entrepreneurial in its approach to data that have a 498 Sieber market value. Additionally, politics plays a role. Prior neity or consensus around the definitions of terms such activities of grassroots groups may have sufficiently al- as ‘‘appropriate,’’ ‘‘synergistic,’’ or ‘‘accurate,’’ a prob- ienated data suppliers so as to preclude data access lematic assumption (Laituri 2003). (Sieber 2000b). Government agencies, who would Barndt (2002) adds that, for data to be appropriate, otherwise wish to disseminate spatial data, may be one must assess whether the available data are suffi- constrained by harsh political climates that limit dis- ciently accurate. Accuracy represents an essential fea- semination to preferred stakeholders or may be restricted ture of data among many PPGIS practitioners, by cost recovery schemes that demand a return on GIS particularly those in the nonprofit sector (T. Allen, investments. Morrison, and Swope 1998; Davis and Martin 1999; W. Even facilitators of public data access, such as uni- L. Allen and Christensen 2001). Data and analyses that versities or assisting nonprofit organizations, can face are perceived to be accurate will likely determine or- similar constraints (Sawicki and Craig 1996; Talen 2000; ganizations’ ability to obtain grants and to influence Haklay and Tobo´n 2003). University staff members, policy. Although the drive for accuracy may be believed faculty, and students are not necessarily aware of many among PPGIS researchers to privilege expert knowledge policies governing access to data, and in fact may be in over local knowledge, many grassroots groups proudly violation of copyrights or licenses (van Loenen and defend the science behind their data collection and Onsrud 2004). This may place university community analysis (Sieber 1997). Thus, the challenge in PPGIS is partnerships in jeopardy as university students and fac- to understand the importance of accuracy and illuminate ulty members disseminate data to community groups. the assumptions underlying quantitative analysis.

Appropriateness of Information. In PPGIS, the words Representation of Knowledge. Representation inhab- data, information, and knowledge are frequently used in- its a contested position in PPGIS. Outside geography, terchangeably, although information here can be inter- most researchers and practitioners view representation preted as data that are relevant and accessible for a to be synonymous with visualization. For those other particular objective. There are innumerable instances in fields, representation generally occurs only at the end of PPGIS where data are available but exist in the wrong a PPGIS project and not at the beginning, such as when format, have incorrect resolution, or are incomplete. knowledge is categorized into variables. That view can Chua and Wong (2002) found that when users of their be problematically narrow if one must then account for community web site wanted spatial data (e.g., locations the role of the expert in portraying the public’s percep- of street trees or housing conditions), users’ needs were tions of environment, the agenda of the nonprofit or- highly specific and were not met by available public ganization when presenting its analysis, or the records or administrative data, such as census and prop- intellectual property rights to that knowledge before erty tax data. Data that are important to social scientists, and after it is transformed (Rundstrom 1995; Talen such as census socioeconomic and property tax data, 2000). The actions of stakeholders may violate our may contain little significance to community groups (Sa- own norms, for example, if tribal elders exclude women wicki and Peterman 2002). When a university, as a data or youth from accessing certain types of spatial informa- intermediary, makes these data public the colloquialism tion. The countervailing position is to view representa- usually ascribed to the process is to throw data over the tion as permeating every activity in GIS, which may wall. It is not always easy to ascertain the utility of spe- essentially render the richness of the concept meaning- cific data sets to an organization’s or community’s goals. less. Barndt (2002) presents a model for assessing the Representation is particularly cirtical where local value of primary and secondary data used in a PPGIS knowledge is to be integrated. Researchers have at- project. The model asks the following questions: Are the tempted to incorporate local knowledge, also called in- data and material produced appropriate to the organi- digenous technical knowledge or indigenous spatial zational issues? Can the organization use the information knowledge, into the building of GIS databases. These in an action-oriented way to support decisions, enhance efforts include value-based, traditionally intangible in- communication, and inform actions? Is information formation, such as how residents value their homes or available to the organization in a timely manner? Is the how they perceive the uniqueness of a given area information pertinent to organizational issues? Do the (Rundstrom 1995; Craig and Elwood 1998; Elwood and results have a temporal and cross-comparison compo- Leitner 1998; Al-Kodmany 2001; Harris and Weiner nent—that is, a time perspective? Although these are 2002; McCall 2003). Numerous examples demonstrate critical questions, they assume some degree of homoge- that official data sets can be enriched with multimedia or Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework 499 local data sets (Harris and Weiner 1998; Engle 2001). and direct its application toward the goal that drove the Multimedia files can be attached as attributes to point initial acquisition. layers to represent oral histories, nontraditional weight- Even as costs for hardware and software decrease, ing schemes for site suitability can be evaluated, and costs for relevant and high-resolution data remain high. language-specific user interfaces can be created. In turn, In developing countries, costs for all components tend these approaches can be designed to give local residents toward the prohibitive and GIS expertise needed to greater access to the decision-making process. Al-Kod- maintain components may be remote. In the United many (2001, 2002) explores a variety of approaches to States, grassroots groups and larger nonprofit organiza- visualization and digital annotation of public comments tions are largely able to implement GIS because they and envisions a progression in which web-based GIS exist within a social network that supports their GIS moves away from one-way information dissemination to activities. The network may include members of the two-way interactive communication to three-way pub- public and private sectors, as well as university staff and lic–public communication. In another example, Talen private individuals (Sawicki and Craig 1996; Barndt (2000) presents a model in which communication of 1998; Leitner et al. 2000; Sieber 2000b). A nonprofit local preferences can allow experts to translate envi- intermediary sector has even emerged to assist the GIS ronmental perceptions into GIS. needs of other nonprofit organizations and the public To ensure broad representation in these approaches, (Sawicki and Peterman 2002). A resource-poor grass- one must determine whose knowledge (expert/lay roots group may be unable to afford GIS but can borrow knowledge, men/women, rich/poor, young/old) should be a member’s computer, install on it software donated by a included (Kyem 2001). How then is that knowledge vendor, acquire georegistered data from a university, transposed or made otherwise malleable for GIS? Is receive GIS training from a technical assistance non- something ineluctable lost when the data are trans- profit organization, and print out a map on an E-sized formed? This is not to suggest that the goal of PPGIS is plot supplied by a public agency. to convert all local knowledge into a digital product, However sympathetic the support networks, improv- ‘‘but to organise and present pertinent information that isation imposes its own costs, including the possible ac- was not previously available, using the technological quisition of inappropriate technology, a mismatch of capability of GIS, to assist [groups] in their decision skills and schedules, compliance with other institutions’ making’’ Jordan (1998, 8). In other words, not all tra- regulations, or co-optation by other institutions’ values. ditional or local information should be reduced to fit GIS Resource-poor groups increase their likelihood of being standards, but at the same time, the technology and its co-opted as their organizational goals shift to those that developers should bear responsibility to model informa- fit with the goals of their funding agencies (Craig and tion in a manner that the nonprofit organization or Elwood 1998). For example, some GIS-using community community with which they are working may find useful. development corporations were obliged to use HUD’s Community 2020 software as a condition of access to financial support (Obermeyer 1998b), whether or not they possessed the capacity to use the software or re- Process quired it for organizational goals. Most important, the support network is likely to be informal and fragile and Three main organizational processes have been con- fail to ensure long-term sustainability of the GIS. sidered in PPGIS: GIS implementation by grassroots Overall, PPGIS implementation can be differentiated organizations, participation in policymaking, and deci- by the level of coordination within an organization or sion-making structures and management. network; the physical location of the hardware and software (e.g., in-house or outsourced); the availability of System Implementation and Sustainability. In this ar- GIS technology, data, and expertise; objectives of the ticle, system implementation refers to the adoption of GIS; and the presence of a GIS champion who will GIS technology by nonprofit organizations and less-re- shepherd the implementation process (Poole 1995; sourced groups. This derives from work on GIS imple- Leitner et al. 2000; Sieber 2000b). These different mentation in local governments in the United States, models of implementation not only categorize strategies which has roots in organizational theory (e.g., see of nonprofit organizations but also sharply divide the Nedovic-Budic 1998). ‘‘Implementation’’ is shorthand field. For example, PPGIS in development settings find for the range of decisions made internally by an organ- many GIS resources external to the community and ization to acquire, install, implement, and maintain GIS, largely under the control of and administered by 500 Sieber universities and public agencies. The challenge becomes rom (1995, 49) suggests that equal participation repre- one of external agents ensuring that project objectives sents a Western fixation and that ‘‘indigenous rules match community goals and available resources. Among about who should and should not receive geographic conservation nonprofit organizations, much of the effort information is far from democratic.’’ Models of partici- is in-house. Implementation challenges resemble those pation should delineate the recourse for people who of local government, although compared to government refuse to or cannot participate, and provide suggestions there are fewer resources and different project objec- for what can be done if participation is ill-intended or tives. destructive (Heckman 1998). On that latter note, participation models by design do Participation and Communication in the Policymak- not include oppositional forms, such as protests or riots. ing Process. PPGIS relies on literature and practice that Applications of GIS that, for example, contest the log- characterize public participation as a ladder of increasing ging of forests or rally against expert-selected sites for involvement and influence in public policymaking (Arn- affordable housing can greatly influence public policy but stein 1969; Rocha 1997). According to a ladder model, may still be labeled as illegitimate forms of participation participation in PPGIS can range from mere tokenism (Convis 2001; Elwood and Ghose 2001). Enumerating (e.g., the number of hits on a web-GIS site), to collab- steps in a ladder easily can reify what constitutes proper oration (e.g., meeting of stakeholders where GIS is used forms of participation; most models of PPGIS equate to identify conflicts), to some degree of citizen control participation with some level of cooperation within ex- (e.g., changes in local ordinances that benefit a specific isting government processes. Aitken and Michel (1995, neighborhood); see Heckman (1998), Carver (2003), 17) remind readers that ‘‘Participation in the creation of Tulloch and Shapiro (2003), and Schlossberg and Shu- GIS knowledge does not necessarily give power to those ford (2005). This work demonstrates that participation involved in, and affected by decision-making.’’ The in- differs markedly depending on who defines it, at what appropriate level of participation may disempower indi- level of spatial aggregation it operates, and what is the viduals, as mentioned above, and it also can distract desired goal. groups from a desired outcome. To extend the logging In a hierarchical model such as a ladder, the temp- example, instead of using GIS to determine where best tation is to assume that projects improve as participants to situate protesters to block logging activities, a grass- ascend the ladder from community co-optation to roots group may be convinced to cooperate in a lengthy community control. Kyem (2001) shows that, however policy process that gives policymakers political cover for much external agents may wish it, structures may not a forest to be cut down. exist to support ‘‘high’’ levels of participation such as Finally, the eponymous incorporation of the word power sharing. In Kyem’s Ghanaian examples, partici- participatory is problematic because it necessitates a role pation in PPGIS projects bestowed power on actors for an intermediary. Someone, whether it is a developer unprepared to use it, failed to attract people who may writing a new user interface, a decision maker broad- have benefited because of suspicion about another re- ening the number of stakeholders, or an academic search project, operated in the formal administrative demonstrating the efficacy of new software, must open a sphere but not the traditional tribal structure, enhanced process to participation. A bottom-up process may be disparities among villagers, and increased the chances for preferred; the word participatory prescribes an element of disputes. If PPGIS is to succeed in these instances, then top-down intercession. A truly bottom-up process likely structures must be built, or, at minimum, contexts must will result in a definition of PPGIS that resembles the be acknowledged. Both need to be done at multiple sociological. Academics and practitioners may be placed scales. in an external position of critiquing the participatory GIS Implementation of participation also may presuppose models employed by less powerful agents, instead of some degree of homogeneity of benefits among those being granted a position to intercede on their behalf. involved in PPGIS. Certain individuals (e.g., rich, technically able, young) may be better able to participate Decision-Making Structures and Processes. As noted than others (Craig and Elwood 1998; Carver et al. in the social history of PPGIS, some actors identify 2001). Craig and Elwood found that PPGIS activities PPGIS with ‘‘collaborative decision support.’’ PPGIS has could prove internally divisive if technically able mem- added value at several stages of the decision-making bers within CBOs felt more empowered than nontech- process, improving the articulation of stakeholders’ views, nical members to influence policy. In other cases, increasing individuals’ or groups’ understanding of tech- widespread participation may not be desirable. Rundst- nology, making complex decisions more transparent and Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework 501 objective, augmenting deliberation and consensus, fur- better resourced organization. Roche (2003) points to thering communication and linkages among internal the multiplicity and overlapping authorities (indeed, participants and between internal and external parties, redundancies) of French governmental agencies which disseminating or sharing information, resolving conflicts, complicate an individual’s ability to participate in deci- and enabling greater exploration of ideas (Shiffer 1995; sion making; primary decisions were made in intermu- Kyem 1998; Elwood and Ghose 2001; Drew 2003). nicipal organizations. By what means can nonspatial, Researchers and practitioners have tailored PPGIS to nonquantified data be employed and how can conflicting fit specific collaborative processes. Al-Kodmany (2002) data sets, analyses, and interpretations be resolved? At describes one planning project in which an artist what stage in the decision-making process should the sketches citizens’ perspectives on neighborhood redesign PPGIS be introduced? What decision outcome is desired while the GIS of the area is displayed. According to (e.g., consensus, synthesis, or representation of multiple Krygier (2002), these sketched graphics encourage views)? Once again, questions of process must consider greater participation because they are less polished, and not just the process itself, but also the problem the the unfinished image suggests that issues remain unde- process is designed to solve. cided. Drew (2003) implemented a spatial decision support system for the local public to express its views on the development of a nuclear power facility. This example Outcomes and Evaluation demonstrates the importance of trust and transparency in crafting spatial decision support systems. It also il- It is reasonable to assume, because this literature is lustrates how, instead of providing expanded control to named public participation GIS, that public participation the public, collaborative GIS applications may better is the stated endpoint of all PPGIS projects. However, as serve the needs of the policymakers who operate within PPGIS has progressed into an expansive milieu of varied constrained mandates where developers cannot question users and applications, this assumption frequently does either nuclear power as an appropriate power supply or not hold. Public participation may be neither the end the site selection. This example should not suggest that nor the means by which the end is achieved. Should the use of PPGIS in nuclear power issues is inappropri- public participation be the stated goal, like many goals of ate; instead, it shows that, irrespective of the technology, PPGIS, it likely will pose a challenge to evaluation. issues are framed to invoke certain questions, stake- Outcome and evaluation thus remain two of the least holders, processes, and solutions. understood aspects of PPGIS. Understanding the contribution of PPGIS in decision making can prove difficult. Drawing on decision support Goals and Outcomes. The ostensible goal of PPGIS is and behavioral science, Jankowski and Nyerges (2001, empowerment. However, Heckman (1998) points out 2003) present a quantitative model for PPGIS to expli- that in PPGIS the word is used haphazardly and its cate the role of the decision-making structure in influ- meaning is not universal. Instead, numerous outcomes encing outcomes and levels of participation. In and goals are reported across the breadth of the PPGIS particular, they highlight the role of culture on decision- literature. Outcomes range from the material, such as making models. Respondents in Germany and Switzer- outputting maps and building three-dimensional physi- land were much more amenable to decision models cal models to the discursive. Discursive goals include compared to respondents in the United States, who were empowerment, expanded participation, social capacity distrustful of overtly constructed participatory models. and inclusion, equity and redistribution, and increased Nevertheless, Jankowski and Nyerges and others in democracy (Sieber 2000a; Craig, Harris, and Weiner PPGIS believe that the dynamics of the process can be 2002; Kyem 2004). These positive, and indeed positiv- understood and generalized separate from the context ist, goals must be balanced against potential negative that people bring into the process. consequences. Harris and Weiner (1998) make the sub- Questions remain on how best to integrate PPGIS stantial contribution that the outcome of a PPGIS end- into decision-making processes. What scale of decision eavor can be the simultaneous empowerment and making functions best with PPGIS—individual or col- marginalization of a particular community or group. lective (Leitner et al. 2000)? To better finance affordable For example, building technological capacity in a housing projects, a local cor- CBO may allow that organization to advance its goal poration may wish to jump scales and advocate at a more of creating a historic district. It also may elevate a skilled regional or national level, or scale up by joining with a community resident’s chance of obtaining a job outside 502 Sieber the CBO and thus diminish the organization’s new- causal or associative relationship between technology found capacity. and the outcome ascribed to it. A positive effect may be Craig and Elwood (1998) classify the goals for the use unconnected to PPGIS and instead reflect a well-con- of GIS by urban CBOs into four categories: administra- nected and resourced organization. tive (e.g., locate members or activities), organizational PPGIS measures tend to match the goals in their level (e.g., recruit members or obtain grants), tactical (e.g., of abstraction. Barndt (2002) and others (Laituri 2003; search for suitable location), and strategic (e.g., evaluate McCall 2003) argue that the benchmark for a PPGIS success of activities). These functional categories mirror project should be its appropriateness, that is, its match public and private sector goals, similar to increasing ef- with an organization’s existing activities, its adaptability ficiency in tasks such as map production, reducing re- to local conditions such as culture and climate, and its dundancy in databases, and improving effectiveness in fitness to current organizational capacity and overall decision making (Nedovic-Budic 1998). Contrasting goals. Barndt (2002) adds that a PPGIS project should these sectors, the goals of activists and members of be integrated into broader societal goals, such as com- marginalized communities can be far more intangible as munity development, sustainable development, and en- well as more confrontational. Poole’s (1995) account of vironmental preservation. Overall, relatively vague the reasons for community mapping conducted by native prescriptions of appropriateness and integration suggest a peoples—including gaining recognition of land rights, prime challenge in gauging PPGIS efforts. Heckman protecting traditional land, gathering and guarding (1998, 19) notes that without a ‘‘clear definition (much traditional knowledge, and achieving social justice— less how to put such an idea or ideal into practice), illustrates a more activist stance. Research in the envi- public participation often serves as a proxy’’ for meas- ronmental and conservation movements finds that uring PPGIS goals. functionalist goals fail to capture the passion felt by In her seminal work in the mainstream GIS imple- group members and underestimate the fervor employed mentation literature, Nedovic-Budic (1999) explains the to achieve those goals (e.g., deliberately endangering difficulty of crafting explanatory measures. For instance, member’s lives to save a tree stand or coastline—Sieber should they attempt to be tangible or intangible, meas- 1997; Stonich 2002). ure internal versus external effects, be objective or per- Goals emanate from particular organizational cultures ceptual, or assess qualitative or quantitative outcomes? and personal ideologies (Elwood and Ghose 2001). An Products such as maps can be counted; whereas satis- academic, for example, may be driven as much by the faction with decisions is far more qualitative and con- stated goals of a project as by his or her hopes for job tingent. Moreover, evaluations must shift according to retention, tenure, and promotion. A technocrat may the stage of system implementation or organizational wish to sideline certain stakeholders with excessive type. Six months into an implementation is likely an amounts of information or skill requirements to limit inappropriate time to measure the success of a PPGIS interference in an otherwise efficient decision-making project; similarly, an all-volunteer staff should not be process. Grassroots activists may express their goals assessed according to the same standards applied to a through a culture of crisis and opposition. For a single paid, professional staff. PPGIS project, therefore, goals may be competing, con- Few concrete measurement strategies guide PPGIS. tradictory, or less than altruistic. They may not be im- Howard (1998) proposes a matrix of eleven types of mediately apparent but instead may be ill-under- participatory activities (e.g., involving participants in stood, unarticulated, or emergent during the process. scenario planning) and seven applications of GIS (e.g., Straightforward identification of goals is uncommon, and georeferenced audio recordings). He seeks an index of as Kim (1998, 11) notes, ‘‘[i]n a pluralistic society, with spatial empowerment through which spatial technology increasingly divergent viewpoints, it may be difficult to and participation techniques can best match the selected reach agreement over how GIS should be used and by goal or outcome of a project. This matrix may offer an whom.’’ A CBO may simply want a researcher to pro- unnecessarily quantitative solution to assess what are duce a series of paper maps that show neighborhood intangible goals. However, PPGIS projects that focus on conditions, which may conflict with the researcher’s goal empowerment to the exclusion of immediate tangible to build the GIS capacity of that CBO. benefits can fail unless the project is also targeted to urgent issues (Kyem 2001). Jordan (2002, 242) provides Measurement and Evaluation. Few PPGIS research- a list of social science methods for PPGIS; for example, ers explore measures of PPGIS effectiveness. Difficulties to assess the attainment of long-term empowerment he in measurement arise from the demands to establish a recommends rapid rural appraisal, participatory rural Public Participation Geographic Information Systems: A Literature Review and Framework 503 appraisal, and other social science techniques. Others are woven into the social network of assistance on which have called for a clearinghouse of proven tools and ap- nonprofit organizations, especially grassroots organiza- proaches (Kim 1998). PPGIS research has yet to estab- tions, depend. lish either a set of best practices or a technique to As this field continues to evolve, innovations in demonstrate whether or not PPGIS is a suitable ap- technology and the ubiquity of GIS use for policymaking proach for a given problem. will challenge any framing of PPGIS. Web-based PPGIS Finally, it should be noted that the ability to assess the projects test definitions of the public and understanding contribution of GIS to stated goals can predict the re- of the constituents of meaningful participation. The sources that will be available for and devoted to PPGIS availability of spatial data and the utility provided by projects. Conservation organizations, in particular, report improvements in software and user interfaces, at least in direct correlations between their ability to prove that the United States, suggest that policies can be deter- GIS is crucial to preserving the environment and their mined remotely and obviate local context and partici- ability to obtain funding (Convis 2001). Despite the pation. The ubiquity of GIS additionally implies that an potential reduction of complex issues that occurs in era of dueling databases has begun, in which multiple quantifying intangible goals, funding agencies are in- stakeholders possess equivalent GIS capabilities. In that creasingly demanding results that match the rhetoric of instance, PPGIS can further sideline those without ac- PPGIS (Silva, Saul, and Kim 2002). cess to or understanding of the technology. A full framing of PPGIS may include the most sophisticated Conclusion applications; it also will need to encompass the paper map and pencil, coupled with meaningful participation PPGIS provides a unique approach for engaging the that is fully cognizant of situational influences and di- public in decision making through its goal to incorporate verse goals. local knowledge, integrate and contextualize complex spatial information, allow participants to dynamically Notes interact with input, analyze alternatives, and empower individuals and groups. The field continues to attract the 1. Variants on PPGIS include participatory geomatics or par- attention of varied academic disciplines and sectors and ticipatory geographic information technologies (participatory GIT), the latter to include GIS, GPS, remote sensing soft- across the spectrum of nonprofit organizations. To ware, and spatial data. structure the broad range of activities in research and 2. I am grateful to Nicholas Chrisman and Francis Harvey for practice, the article first traced the social history of this formulation. PPGIS, which courses through several disciplines and research and practice. It is through this collective ex- References change that the breadth of PPGIS is mutually con- structed. To explicate the construction, the article then Abbot, J., R. Chambers, C. Dunn, T. Harris, E. de Merode, G. offered a framework of PPGIS consisting of four key Porter, J. Townsend, and D. Weiner. 1998. Participatory GIS: Opportunity or oxymoron? PLA Notes 33:27–34. Lon- themes: place and people, technology and data, process, don: IIED. and outcome and evaluation. Aberley, D., ed. 1993. Boundaries of home: Mapping for local em- Overall the framework demonstrates that much re- powerment. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers. mains to be understood in PPGIS, such as the general- Aitken, S. C. 2002. Public participation, technological discours- izability of projects, the appropriate extent of technology, es and the scale of GIS. In Community participation and ge- ographic information systems, ed. W. Craig, T. Harris, and D. the nature of access and participation, and the concrete Weiner, 357–66. London: Taylor & Francis. evaluation of PPGIS effects. Understanding scale effects Aitken, S. C., and S. M. Michel. 1995. Who contrives the ‘‘real’’ is critical; much research and practice still occurs in in GIS? Geographic information, planning and critical the- single communities or with distinct nonprofit organiza- ory. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 22 (1): tions. With few exceptions (e.g., Davis and Martin 1999; 17–29. Al-Kodmany, K. 2001. Bridging the gap between technical and Sawicki and Peterman 2002), large-geographic scale or local knowledge: Tools for promoting community-based cross-comparative research has yet to be conducted. planning and design. Journal of Architectural and Planning Larger studies are critically important as additional dis- Research 18 (2): 110–30. ciplines, such as public health, adopt and newly consti- FFF . 2002. GIS and the artist: Shaping the image of a neighborhood in participatory environmental design. In tute PPGIS within their own disciplinary cultures. More Community participation and geographic information systems, important, researchers and practitioners must continue ed. W. Craig, T. Harris, and D. Weiner, 320–29. London: to reflect on their various roles in PPGIS because they Taylor & Francis. 504 Sieber

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Correspondence: Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 4K6; e-mail: [email protected].