Poems from Quarantine GT-2020 Haiku

A traditional Japanese haiku is a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in a 5/7/5 syllabic pattern. Often focusing images from nature, haiku emphasizes simplicity, intensity, and directness of expression. Example

I sit and listen, The birds are singing outside, Summer approaches. History

HAIKU HISTORY Haiku began in thirteenth-century as the opening phrase of , an oral poem, generally a hundred stanzas long, which was also composed syllabically. The much shorter haiku broke away from renga in the sixteenth century. History

As the form has evolved, many of its regular traits— including its famous syllabic pattern—have been routinely broken. However, the philosophy of haiku has been preserved: the focus on a brief moment in time; a use of provocative, colorful images; an ability to be read in one breath; and a sense of sudden enlightenment. What if, just what if Endings are our beginnings, Like a secret key.

By Samantha M. 4th grade Daily walks allowed Sunset movie every night Introverts' delight!

By Emma T. 3rd grade Miss playing baseball Catching fly balls in the air Sliding into home

By Elijah N. 3rd grade Oh boy, homeschooling Siblings always bothering me I need quiet time

By Noah M. 3rd grade Ice cream sandwiches Melting fast in the hot sun I'll eat them up, yum!

Kinzey C. 1st grade I miss Carnival Cruising brings joy to my life I wish I could go

By Colt M. 4th grade We are stuck at home We are stuck in quarantine Nothing doable

By Aiden D. 5th grade Corona Virus It makes me feel unhappy Please, please go away

Stori Z. 4th grade I have a sister She was born the other day She is very cute!

By Johnathan E. 5th grade Mad-i-son is nice Mad-i-son is really weird I-am-kin-da-smart

By Madison S. 3rd grade I have a big dog He's like a white polar bear I love him so much!!!!!

By Gianna P. 4th grade Quarantine is sad I miss my teachers so bad When can we go back?

By Emma T. 3rd grade Shooting hoops all day Playing basketball is fun Always practicing

By Colt M. 4th grade Legos are fun I can build so much from them I can be creative

By Noah M. 3rd grade Oh why, oh why did Corona virus come here? I miss my friends too!

By Jackson J. 3rd grade I want to homeschool I will surely miss my friends What a decision?

By Liam B. 4th grade Softball is cancelled Recital is virtual I want to go back

Stori Z. 4th grade Computer! Ah! Help! Uh-oh…did I delete that? I miss my students.

By, Ms. Arisco GT/Music Teacher I miss Jennie Reid Teachers love students I'm sad without them

By Emma T. 3rd grade I have lots of stuff My room is very messy Need to pick it up

By Johnathan E. 5th grade I am very bored I miss my friends and teachers I miss school a lot

By Gianna P. 4th grade Hitting bombs all day Pitching inside is the best Getting hit hurts bad

By Colt M. 4th grade Birthday in my home Haven't opened presents yet Can't have a party

By Aiden D. 5th grade I like shooting hoops I miss watching basketball Basketball is fun

By, Elijah N. 3rd grade More outside time, YES! I went swimming today, YES! Can you play with me?

By, Liam B. 4th grade I got a new dog... Her name is Bailey Wantland... She bites me a lot.

By Zoey W. 4th grade I love chocolate chip... Cookies! They are amazing I always eat them

By Gianna P. 4th grade AC broke real fast People came to repair it It feels much better

By Noah M. 3rd grade The dog was so sad So I gave her a beef treat Then she was happy

By Isabel W. 5th grade Missing all my friends Always missing my teachers But still having fun

By Colt M. 4th grade No more schoolwork now Yes, I want to play outside Is it summer yet?

By Liam B. 4th grade Jennie Reid Elementary GT CLASS PROJECT

We part for a time, Lazy summer days ahead, Hearts and dreams in sync