•: i-


i . > FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1968 PAGE SIXTEEN T. HattrliPBlpr Euftting il|fralii \ AvengeDaH Net Press Run Tha WMthsr For the Week Ended Ferecoat ef u. S. Weather 8a February 1, 1958 135 Tanner St., was am sted and owner of tlie Honrthatone Restau­ Center Church Co-Weds will F O R R E N T ^ Drivers Arrested charged with failure W drive to Y Qrquji Slated 1 rant. Partly cloudy, windy, eoMir to­ hold the first rehearsal for its an­ Engagement the right. 8 and 18 mm. MoVIe Proyaetore About Town nual spring show tomorrow eve-., DsMsrt and coffee will be served 12,640- Police said that she drove from —qound nr eilent, also SI nun. night and Sunday. Low teolght U ning in Woodruff hall. In Mishaps Here To H ear Author at 12:80 preceding the Ulk. Reaer- Member of the AudU George K.Xong, aviation clectri- the right to the left lane on Main •Bde projeetoro. to 18. nigheet Sunday In iNd m Farbman-Simons vations may l)e made with Mrs. Bureau of Olrculatlou clan'a mate, third clasa, irSN. de­ St. When a car ahead of her stop­ Theodore PoweU, 279 Parker St. King David Lodge. No. 31. lOOF, Mr. anih Mrs. Samuel Farbman, Police reported two accidents Armando Perretta, auUior of WELDON DRUG CO. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm parted from Ma>T>ort, Fla.. Feb. 1. ped to turn into a parking stall. Baby.eitUng aervlee will be avail­ will meet at 7:30 tonight in Odd 295 Jackson St.. WiUimantic, an­ yesterday and the arreat of two j Main St. <’TeL aboard the attack aircraft carrier She collided with a car driven by "Take a Number;" the family story able at a amall fee. 991 Ml 8-SMl USS Saratoga for duty with the Fellows Hsll. A social hour will nounce the engagement of. their drivers. |Peter B. Bjnge, 19, of Coventry. of Italian-Americana coming to follow the meeting. Ernest A. Fitzgerald. 63, of 17 VOL. LXXVn, NO. 110 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SA-TURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1958 (Cloaelfled Adverttalng ea Foge 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Sixth Fleet In the Mediter­ daughter. Miss Jean Lenora Farb­ Her court date has iieen act for ' man, to Theodor Simons of New William St., was arrestad and terms with the new world, will be ranean. He la the aon of Mr. and Saturday. presented by the Public Affairs Manchester Aa.sembly. No. 15, Tork City, son of Mr. and Mrs.: charged with passing in a no pass­ Mra. George S. Long, 247 Autumn (Committee of the Manchester Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Morris Simons of Boston, Mass. ing zone after a collision with a St. YiyCA Tuesday aftamoon at a will hold a business meeting Mon­ Miss Farbman was graduated Southern New England Telephone Co. truck. Education Group desitort and coffee meeting. Senators Call John A. Cuater, aon of Mr. and day night at 7:30 at the Masonic from WiUimantic State Teachers Patrolman Emanuel Motola aaH| Hie topic will bp "The Disap­ Aides Study Mra, Alfred J. Cuater. 26 W. Mid­ Temple. Officers, are requested to College and taught fourth grade at the Waddell School in Manches­ that the truck, operated by Planning Bazaar pearing City." Johnson Leads wear white. BINGO dle Tpke.. haa entered Hillyer Col­ Stephen D. Osella, 22, of 4 Village Perretta, a Hartford man. Is Uie For Fast Curb lege. of the Unlveralty of Hartford, ter. She Is currently working R e d s Lo s e toward her masters’ degree In St., was turning left Into the cut­ Th,e Manchester Education Aaan. Bits of Atlas aa a flrat year atudent. A gfadpate The Auxiliary to Barracks No. 1 L IF E j E v R r y F r i d a y N i g h t off connecting N. Main St. and will hold a bazaar in the high of Manrheater High School in 19.’i4, 786. Veterans of ■ oWrld War I, dAnce at Columbia University. On Recession Tolland Tpke., when Fitzgerald, school cafeteria Saturday; Feb. 16. 1:80 he entered the U.S. Navy that July USA, will hold Its monthly meeting Her fiance was graduated from attempting to pass, collided with A variety of baked goods, canned and aer%’ed until September. 1957, Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Ameri­ Chelsea High School and studied the tnick. goods and jellies will be on sale ICECUBES 1 SCHOOLHOUSE Space Waahington, Feb. 8 )— A fter Flop can Legion Home. Election of per­ music at Arthur Nedoff studios and Agency {fP at Key Weat, Fla.. Charleston, The area is marked with solid from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; also, books, S. C. and Newport, R. I.. naval manent officers will take place, Schillinger House, Boston. He has M IL L E R 'S p h a r m a c y ! DobsMvillB-VBniM, Two Democratic Senators, and all who are eligible for mem­ played the piano for several widely double white lines, the patrolman toys, jewelry, plants and floral ar­ baaea aa a sonar apecialiat. At Hill­ BY THE BAG ■ em BTM m i'AKin citing what they called danger Cape Canaveral, Ha., Feb. bership are requested to get their known orchestras and is presently reported. rangements. There will be a white " C o n n . By E L T O N C. F A Y yer. he la taking a buaineaa admin­ table, a grabbag and signals in the nation’s econ­ 8 (/P)— Air Force experts be­ istration program. applications in at this meeting if accompanist and conductor for Fitzgerald's court date has been Washington, Feb, 8 (VP)— Secretary of Defense McElrby has Jo b s in needlework. A snack bar Will be omy, propose immediate ac­ gan an extensive study today they wi^h to become charter mem­ Jiiltus LaRosa, set for Feb. 17. Mimmt 9 '7 *ii picked a boss for outer apace projects and handed the new bers. Meetings will be held on the A February wedding Is planned. Audrey D. Breltschncider, 31. of o.11 the essential By Ulbricht charge of electronics .business. Aa a first step, Sparkman said information that a much longer The Manchester Child Study These developments yesterday In­ he would introduce legislation for test flight could have produced. Group will meet at 1 o'clock Tues­ of a Blouse dicated that the long-delayed Pen­ a "crash program” to accelerate From Its study the Air Force Held Likely day afternoon In the library of the tagon space agency finally was home construction, and slum clear­ hopes to come by information lEER Buckley School. The topic for dis­ getting ready for business—the ance. whicih might help prevent the loss cussion will be "Stress and Strain development of such weapons as ‘‘The economic slack must be o t still another ICBM. By SEYMOUR TOPPING in Suburbia,” with Mrs. Nancy Da­ for your military satellites, antimissile mis­ Uken up and piomptiy if we are 1 Yesterday's explosion occurred Berlin, Feb. 8 (/P)— East siles and spisce platforms. C^URl vis as leader. to avoid a full blown recession." j about 30 miles above the ocean Germany’s Stalinist leader- Johnson's' appointment came the Alabama Senator said in a ' Florida's East Coast, Mrs. F. S. Klock, 63 Henry St., after a weeks-long quest for some statement. j Two earlier Atlas missiles were ship tociay swuncr the purge In ^ b ric and will be speaker at the dessert-meet­ Valentine.... executive who would take on the He was joined bv Sen. Gore (D- 'destroyed last year ahortly after ax against a relatively liberal ing Monday of the Soroptimlsts at job. He will take over the A R PA | Tcnn), who said "danger signals j'auiching. Because of the volumes faction within the Commu­ he home of Mrs. Harry Fraser, 192 L 'li'A Jewel— The moat wonderful post on April 1. when he will re-: are plain to see.” I information gained, the Air nist party, firing three top WoUpopor Dosign rtford Rd. Mrs. Klock will show sign from General Electric. | „ „ „ I Force claased those flights not aa blou.ae you could own— JU D Y Meanwhile, he will spend two or members of the ruling hierar­ plcmres taken In company with a. big puDiic wworRi o X progTftni, ^callfd I! «* 9.1 per^ cent success- her hbaband and Richard Auer of b o n d ’s elegant costume three days a week at the Pentagon. I chy. Painting and Glastonm ^ during a month-long blouse in easy-care chiffon- Johnson lives in Stamford, Conn.,. __the five 5.000-mile- Party boaa Walter Ulbricht, bat­ and works in New York. tling for zurvlval against a grow­ safari in Tanganyika, British East look nylon georjgette. Perroa- K i la'mehed to date Salary Not Set I building program, retrying of the have made completely successful ing wave of opposition to his Africa last ^m m er. Reconstruction Finance Corp. to Drawing Clauas Make Haleys tuck yoke and jewel neckline McElroy said Johnson's salary i flights. , Stalinist police tactics, sacked feature her dainty embroid­ has not yet been decided, th at; provide credit lo busineW aban, The missile, about 70 feel tall these leaders: donment of "the tight ' money ery. Jt’s a blouse you’ll live in Johnson hasn't discussed the mat-1 and 8’ j feel in diameter, was Karl Schlrdewan. Ulbricht'a Your ter and that It didn't seem "par- j policy." liberalized credit to home Adults 7 to 9:30 P.M. and love— with dressy eve­ launched- at 2:36..') p.m. Friday longtime top deputy, waa expelled tlculariy important to Mr. John-1 after more than four hours of de­ Correcwn: ning skirts, for smart da.vtime ROY W. JOHNKOH (Continued on Page Five) from the Central Committee and Tnesdays and Thursdays Valentine Gift .son.” McBfiroy described Johnson | lays in pre-launch checkout. consequently.- from the Politburo as having "impreasive experiende wear. And so easy to launder V To observers at the misalle test which la drawn from it. Headquarters — just tub, drip dry, practical­ and ability as an administrator. Fred Oelsner. the party's lead­ H A M and Be IF x The Defense chief said he atill 1 canter site it appeared lo be a Chndrtfl's Clossos ly never needs ironing I A perfect launching and climb-out. ing ideologist, was thrown out of looking for a “ most highly quali the Politburo. The terse announce­ jewel in white. Sizes 32 to 38. fied acientlst” to head a group to Tne Air Force promptly an- 8 to tS Group and Ground together for FRIDAY it New York Suspends npunc^ that it had test fired an ment was unclear whether hs 12 to 16 Group a delidona meat provide technical 'direction within would retain his central committea FEB. 14th ARPA. Atlas a* part of the routine in its Saturdays 9:80 a.m. to 12 \ ICBM development program. membership, loaf...... Lb. IS A t a newB conference in New York. Johnson said he was not a The missive raced on and up in Ernst Wollweber, former state Not Ham and Bacon ao waa er­ VALENTINE 53.98 644 ‘Violent’ Pupils brilliant sunshine toward a blue security minister, was ejected acientlst or a technical man. but August roneously stated in our ad last SPORTSWEAR—Second Plodr an administrator. aky. Slightly more than two min- from the Central Committee for DAY "criminal failure" in his police night. "I'm going to -delegate author utea away fromHhe launching site „ . - u 1J I York. Keb. 8 (/Pi - Tlie BoardFjay endorsed the nev policy. He its engines cut out and its flaming work. Champanier Ity, he Mid. 'I m going to hold ^ Education's new policy of oust- also assigned Ralph W. Whelan, yellow exhaust winked out. Tlie Communist party news­ pwple whom I delegate respon-1 "violent” students to “ protect director of the City Youth Board, From thi.s point the missile pro­ paper Neues Deutschland an­ 15 Powder Ridge Road sible. Im going to pick capable innocent” resulted yesterday to devote his full time to atudvingstudying ceeded ballistically, like a bullet Hazard ville nw JW.HAM com people.' ...... nounced that the three were purg­ MiMiiimiw Cmho j in the suspenaion of at least 644 | services provided by city agencies or hurled stone. It was ho longer ed by unanimous decision of a sec­ Johmson estimated it might take j pupVi’a. to delinquent youths j visible from the launching site. Hugs for Heart Victim Tel. R Iv e o ie w 9-7707 ,. - jf*.. Shop tonight till 9 ret Central Committee meeting in Main, Comer of Oak St. two years to gbt the jn elementary, junior and vocs- The city has a S33.000.000 pro- | Back at the misalle test center, David Fleming Jr., 6. Is hugged by his sisters, Pal. 10, left, and four-year-old Eileen aa he pre­ •^*'FA running effectively. tional high schools. 544 students East Berlin from Monday to gram for youths. i the range safety officer relaxed. pares to leave St. Francis Hospital. Roslyn, N. Y „ after successful heart operation. David's heart Thusda'y. were suspended. At least 100. "I want him to apeed i" up," the i Charged with the reaponaibmtv (Continued on Page Three) stopped beating for 2'2 hours when his aorta burst during the operation but surgeons transplanted The announcement ghowed that others were suspended from aca­ mayor said. "I want it accelerated." | of destroying missiles that go wild. a dead man's aorta, saving David's life. (A P Photofax 1. the Kremlin, Ignoring popular op­ demic high schools. This last fig ­ The school board's new policy^he left his console after making! position to Ulbricht within the ure. however, was incomplete be­ on suspenaion waa 'nvoked despite I sure that the Alias had cleared: puppet GerroAn state, haa decided Local Woman cause many of the schools opera f.'d a state compulsory education law, ' land areas, and was on course and j to back the' bepiired longtime 1 sessions well into the afternoon and requiring schools to admit all chjl- ' headed toward the South Atlantic Polar Air Coming p roZ C ll F loP ida Stalinist once 4gain. Apparently SAVE ’EM! • I* after the suspensiain total was fe- dren up to age 17 w to are not in From beaches south of Girds Plenty of wear left In thoae shoes the Russians put ahead of all oth­ Jf custodial institutions. Canaveral the Allas, now in coast- A r C f l T o H i g l l l when we repair them expertly. Work V . 4 V U 9 A 1 1 KJA I T m c t l l , Both boya and girls were Includ- er consideratlone the value of 'Ul­ P#ALITY done while you wait or while you However, in Albany, Sfiate Ekiu- ing flight, was visible for almost' \ ------bricht'a iron flated police. Lactica a • ^ f ! ed in the ouster but the announce- calion Commissloher James E. A l­ a minute after engine cutoff. At I By THE' AS.SOCIATED PRE.SS shop. W ave in keeping the restive east Ger­ p~| | | f * r m V v < r a S r l g*ve no numerical breakdown len said it wa-S "very clear that the end of that time there was a , A spell of bitter arctic weather For New Cold man p

t ! ’* '■V ( . X. • ! ), A... ■ ■■?

•" :1 ^ \ ■ i8 ' 1 • • RAGE 'raRER ilA^fCHEBTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, FE^BRUARY 8, ‘1968 !'■' I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. fcoi^N- SATURDAY. FERRUARY 8, 1968 PAGE TWO for mim qualiflad for elaHeal ar DAR Presents lalaajebs. Coventry Almost two-thirds af the' damaiid I Good Citizen Pin for. women ia In the elaiieal, sales j New York Suspends Sheinwold on Bridge Business Bodies aiM aervica fields. Marked changea i Dr* Bowen Named Chairman occurred in the demand for labor i To Brenda Cote during the past year. In December | TEST YOUR WITS WITH 62, coihmltted in the play o: today's Video Everyday ter High School, wat presented the newly eetabtlahed cutting tool and act as a nominating commit­ AcUdn Proteated named chairman-treasurer of the American Legion, and Auxiliary, 8 ¥ Q 7 tee, presenting a slate of officers skllled trades while currently, only hand. Get out your magnifying 4 A K 9 7 The Air Fores has bean assigned with a Good Citizena pin at the division of the Browm A Sharpe four per rent of such workers are PHARMACY ate focua the problem of what to Mra. Ralph Morris, director of p.m.. Legion home; North and glass and whistle up the blood­ >UI Rights Reaefved— (OanffniMd from m ga One) f to be voted on and taKe office for local Heart Fund drive which is South Coventry volunteer firemen, 4 7 3 2 the strategic mission of striking st fl eeting of Orford Parish Chapter, Manufacturing Co. of Providence, ill demand. •94 Center 8t<—TeL Ml 9-9614 do »1th the ousted puptia. the Public Education Assn., said: hounds. See If you can detect the WIST EAST H. T. Dlckeason 4 Ce^ Ina. the second year. •'In attempting to force city and now under way. 'iTils is for the 8 p.m., at their respective fire­ The ARPA le intraded to eo- an enemy’s homeland and its war- DAR, Thuriday afternoon. R. I. ' More than 800 management and The number of jobs for skilled Ses-k Facilities crime. # ’ 4i 2 state officials to assume their re­ Willimantic District Heart Assn. houses: ardlnate tpace reMareh In the De- making capacity. The presentation was made to The new organization. Brown A supervisory personnel will make workers dropped from 19 per cent Charle.s H Silver, president of Also, Cub Scout Pack 66, Den West opened the king of hearts, fAK1642 W 10 9133 McElroy also said WiUlsm Hols- to 9 per cent at the present time. PINE LENOX sponsibilities, the board has com­ About 1.600 letters, with infor­ and South ruffed and drew one 4 3 3. 4 0 442 fenae Depiertment and etiminAte Miss Cole by" Miss Marion Wash­ Sharpe's fourtli independent divi­ up the membership when the ’ os- tie Board of Education, said he 7, at 3:30 p.m. with Mrs. Malcolm GkaSBSl • lUrUera, Gena. dsy will continue as Pentagon sion, will combine the design, man­ A novel form of advertising In mitted an act of desperation and mation and self-addressed enve­ 4A983 4QJI0 Uhaasel a New Havsa. Geaa. intertervlce rivalry in thit field. burn. chairman of the good g'anizatinn plans are complete. had visited ElUs Island and Hoff­ E. C. Devine; Den 8, at 3:30 p.m. round of trumps. He then led the guided missile chief after Johnson ufacture and sale of both high­ booklet form is being used by. PHARMACY man Island, both in New York almost certainly an illegal one as lopes, have been sent residents in jack of diamonds for a finesse. SOUTH Chaaael M BarUMa. Oesa. YOUR YARN SHOP MeOnroy'e directive setting up citizenship committee. Present as Expected to become one of the with Mrs. Clarence Amidon; Den Cbaaael t t fisrlastteM, V a n . ARPA provides that the agency becomea head of ARPA. Guided t speed fteel.and tungsten carbide largest clubs in the area, an or­ John H. Lsppen, Inc., inaurors and 299 E. Center 8L—Ml 6-0896 harbor, three years ago with a well." the mail campaign. East won with the queen of dia­ 4 A K Q J 7 3 3 Ckaaael Si new Brllala, Caaa. (Om Bloch Eaat qf Mala a guest of the chapter was Miss The Civil Liberties -Union i/lled 1 at 5:30 p.m. with Mrs. Albert may farm oyt particular apace missiles, as such, are not a prl- ] cutting tools. It will continue the ganizational meeting was held realtors at 164 E. Center St. view to obtaining detention facili­ Dr. Bowen has asked that con­ monds and returned the queen of 4 None Chaaael 4S Halroka, Maas, Betweea Oak a a d 'B lr ^ mary concern of the space agency, Cole’s mother. Mrs. Everett Cole. the new policy "excessively harsh." tributions be sent as soon as pos­ Chesson; Webelos Den, 6 p.m 4 J 10 I aiaasel n Wateebarr. Caaa. project# to Individual larvicea or The meeting was hejd at the home manufacture of tools at the plant this week Ini the Hotel Statler In One side of the booklet is en­ ties for delinquent children but South St. Sfhool with Charles clubs. The defendeiis took three McElroy made clear. titled "For Women Only." the that he had becn^ unable to get The Citizens' Committee for j sible. The local campaign com­ club tricks, defeating the contract. 4 K 4 4 tap the aervicea for acientiata and of Mrs. Hermann Tlemann, 189 S. at Greystone, R. I., and the Nelco Hartford. Lowery and William Shea; boys * Art NtMllRWorii / techniciana. It alto la authorized ARPA for the Ume being will Tool Co., in Manchester. other side Is “ For Men Only.” Each them. Children described the board's ac­ mittee is comprised of Dr. Bowen, All of the evidence Is in. All of West Nerth East SonSi Main St. Purpose of the club “I* to pro­ basketball. 7 p.m., Coventry Gram­ 1 4 Pass 2 4 4 4 SuppliM V to get help from biialneaa flrmi, oversee civilian as well as military vide educational and social pro­ contains "helpful hints for hap­ He suggested that the Willard tion as "an abject surrender to j Maurv Cohen and Mrs. Edward the clues are in clear sight. Can ■pace projects. Studies now are un­ The speaker of the afternoon pressure and an hysterical re­ SchultheUs. Mrs. Schultheiss mar School; ening lead — 9PE InatltuUons. Engaged Connecticut DAR chairman for ap- mote closer cooperation and coor­ R. Ryan Jr.; Dan 2 at 3 p.m. with * Ft m forliiM there should be military or clvUlan dination among all levels of man­ Included tips on keeping husbands ised and used for the suspended mittee urged the state to proceed PTA to Sleet Wednesday nal. He should have made his con­ cannot awitcli to clubs - without ARPA is given authority to control of apace research and de­ __ ^ proved schools. Mr*. FUk gave an with plans for work camps for de- j Mrs. Francis Beaudet; Den 3, at otirrAOB s-isll.* acqiiife or build faclUtiea and The engagement o f Miss Felma account of her visits to six of the agement and to assure a continu­ happy by not falling into such bad children. Coventry PTA will meet at 8 tract giving South a trick with the velopment. habits s'* griping, using hi* razor, Wagner said he was conferring linquent children. \p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the 7 p.m. with Mrs. Ruppert H ^ g - The crime occurred at the very equipment for development .and Ann kecchia to Leo M. Vuoto is j Mhopis. Two of these schools, Kate ing exchange of mutual beneficial kins; Girl Scout Troop 71, at 7 king. If a civilian apace agency U Ideas.” burning boles in his shirt, needless­ with otlier city oflirial.s about flna\ "Sending idle delinquents in to, Robertson School. Mrs. Elias F. first trick. South should not ruff Daily Question liU (tt) SUNDAY NEWS ^ teat projects. However, axisting eaUblished. ARPA’a only concern announced by her parents, Mr. and! Duncan Smith In Alabama and p.m.. Nathan Hale Community military facilities "ihatl’ be used Mra. Domenico Recchia, 102 Char-i Tamassee DAR School In South . Morrissey Is representing the ly phoning .him at work and so on. ing some ' temporary facilities" jLhe streets cannot be considered an 1 Clay, school burse of the local the king of hesirts. Instead, ' he As dealer, you hold: Spades A 4:N ( t) BOWUNO 6TABH then will be with projects of po­ Men are' warned about winking that could be made available to iMswer," said the United Parents public school system, will give a Center; Troop 218,.at 7 p.m,. First should discard a diamond! (1I-M> FACE THE NATION to the maximum extent practica­ ter Oak St. ! Carolina, are owned and operated saleg division of the Company and K Q'J 7 5 3. Hearts none. Dia­ (tt-M) OMNIBI'A tential military value. Anderson the accounting division at pretty girls, getting along with handle sirspended pupils. Assn, talk on the health program in the Congregational Church basement. South Ruffs Ace monds J 10 8, au bs K 6 4. What ble,” the dlrlctlve aaya. Her fiance ia the son of Peter; entirely by the National Society. Happy Doers 4-H, 3:15 p.m. with 4iN ( »> FAFL WINt'HELL PROW on the committee. in-laws, fair budget planning and In some cases in the past, stu­ The New York Teachers Guild town's schools. West continues with the ace of do you say ? , FUEL OIL UMt) WORLD NEWS ROtND- 516 Million Voted legUU*m" afn!ml^g”t?i^ D ^ m j vJoto of Hartford »"'} «*’»■ ' DARDAR. In her talk Mrs. Fisk stated Mrs. Joseph Romano; Needles and CF Congress earlier thlaSveek voted Covello of Saracenh, Italy. ; that she believes these schools are stajing "out with the hoys." dents convicted of delinquency in called the board's action "shocking Hostesses will be mothers of pu­ hearts (as good a defense as any), Answer; Bid one spade. If part- ; • iM < t4S) TEXAS BANUEE6 Departmenl’a authority to go s.m rans itaiv that Also Included m the booklet are court have beefi sent back to evidence thr,t the city has not pro­ pils In the fourth grade classroom Pans, 4 p.m., with Mrs. Andrew J. and this time Scaith ruffs. He ner bids diamonds and clubs | MODERN HEATIN8 “ The Blech Kyea ef Teut" 910 million to get ARPA started. ahead with missiles development Miss Recchia is employed by j "perfect examples of Francis J. Keefe and Francis Buckley Jr.; Potts and Patches, Sullivan, both of Manchester, have spaces for date* to remember and school because there was no room vided schools which can meet the of Robert G. Anderson and the draws one of trumps' and takes the strongly, you may get to a slam, i at its very best (la-M) SEVEN LIVELY ABTS In addition, the administration It and putting McElroy In charge the State Department of HealU\; In action." clothing sizes. 3:15 p.m., with Mra. Ronald Knapp. A “(ieM Beth" asking 9340 million to rim the at the State Office Building in ■ Tea sandwiches, nuts and tea been elected an officers of the Fenn for them in juvenile institutions. needs of our time." combination third and foi^rth ace and king of diamonds. Avoid making a shutout bid on a *-.N>ll LONE BANOKB of space projects for the next Facilities for remanding delin­ The teachers union said "the grade classroom of- Mrs. Anna Now he can lead the nine of hand good enough for a bid of one. 7. "A Meatltee Fram Ahe" agency in the fitcal year starting Hartford. Her fiance is employed i were served by the holitesses. Miss Manufa'cluring Employes Federal Majicheeter Evening Herald year. bv the Underwood Corp. in Hart- ■ Washburn. Mrs. Herbert Bobb and Credit Union. The outlook for the aircraft and quents either temporarily or for board has been stampeded into a Scelza. diamonds from dummy through (Copyright 1958, General Features ■tmr ROOTS AND SIDLES July I. Other Developments parts industries is uncertain, re­ long terms are so overcrowded step that is regressive, Illegal and Tax Collector Notice Coventry correapondent, Mrs. F. East. If East plays low. South Corp.) WYMAN'S IM) Sf lENCE nCTION THEA- With both the Air Force and the foi-d. I Mrs. Msrtin AlvOrd. Miss Wash- Keefe will serve as a director tee Dr. John P. Hagen, head of the Tlie wedding w1U take place in burn and Mrs. C. Elmore Watkins ports American Machinist. Me- that the courts put them on parole, probably Ineffectual." Tax Collector Mabel G. Hall Pauline Uttle, telephone Pilgrim discards a club. If East plays the OIL COMPANY JU) ORAL ROBERTS Army racing for a major aaaign- Navy's Vanguard satellite proj­ while Sullivan is on the supervis­ May. poured, ______ory committee. Oraw-TIlll publication. They de­ or probation, or suspend sentence The city has announced plans to will be at either her office in the 2-6231, queen of diamonds. South ruffs. 24 MAIN ST.—TEU Ml t-ISOI (iM ( 1) DR. CHBUTIAN : ment In the apace field, the ques­ ect, indicated he thought the Unit­ pend to a large extent upon gov­ and they return to school. build six more special schools for Town Office Building or her home Declarer then leads a trump to GREEN STAMPS <>t) WEST POINT STORY tion had arisen; Which service The Board also declared a 3H ULM) BEAT THE FLOrK ' ed States has missiles capable of per cent dividend to shareholders ernment orders. And until those The board's new policy was pro­ maladjusted children. It already on Rt. 31 to collect delinquent tax­ lit) 1 SEARCH FOR ADVBN- will provide the crews when apace "putting something on the moon." orders give a definite go-ahead for Sex Books Banned Dine & Dance TIRE ahipt ■u'e built? and authorized a 15 per cent Re­ tested by organizations or parents. has five. es from now until April 1. She 4;W < t) aOPALONO VASSIDV In secret testimony made public Columbia production, output will continue to MORIARTY requests that an appointment be gives the opponents one Every Thurs., Fri„ Sat. < S4» ALL STAB OOLT (4) MEET TEE PBES8 McKlroy, replying to that quet- fund on Interest on loans paid dur­ decline. The turning point upward Mai. Gee. Jabe R. MeSeelt by the House Armed Services ing 1957, made with her when such direct V r l l j j i a i e 8 O i a n O S heart and two clubs Instead of (Ml BOXING (it) ITALIAN VARIETY ROUE tlon at a newt conference, said: Committee. Hagen suggested the is expected sometime in the second one diamond and three clubs. 4sM (M> ACCENT ON UVINO "In my judgment, the operation BROTHERS Bolton payments are planned by taxpay­ (tt) ALL STAB GOLF S:M '< t) OBAY GHOST time may be ripe in about a year Lessons in Cooking Planned half. The year should wind up ers. (Continued from Page One) South doesn't care if West has O A K GRILL (M) BACINO raGM aiALEAB ( t) HARBOR COMMAND of manned flight vehicles aeema to try to fire a, rocket to the Eight member* of the Manches­ about 10 per rent below 1957 In SOI Center S t the queen of diamonds. In that so OAK ST.i MANCHESTER (lt-4») TWENTIETH CENTIRY very naturally to fall within the Thomaa Holll* Jr. ‘South’ Church Notes (M) SATCBDAY rEBrGBK-^ moon. ter Chamber of (Jommerce are these Industries. MI 9-5195 case. West will win- a diamond ANCE "D-D«y Atleeh".: scope of Air Forr,a ■reaponiiibllity.” scheduled to attend the National The First Congregational Church of the board, to see that such • iN ( S) CABTGGN EXrBEM (tt-Ml RAlL OP FAME (C«Ur) In other testimony before that For Girl Scouts of Troop 181 The Nelco Tool Co. is a wholly Methodists Expect over 100 Board of Christian Education will trick, but South will discard one < 1) POFKVE TBEATEB "Heat Brlpher er Tht However, he said thl* could be Chamber’s "Airc*(ie" In Boston magazines are removed. Silver Shalea" same House group. Secretary of owned subsidiary of the Brown A meet at * p.m. Wednesday J» the club on thgt trick and , one club (It) t G’CLGCK EEPGBT__ changed. Sharpe Manufacturing Co. The next Wednesday. "There is no need for such trash later on when he geU to dummy (M( EAHAB o r TBE 4CNOLE 7:M ( t) TWENTY-SIX MEN At the same news conference.! conierence. i ‘— he Air . Force_ _ Douglaswirti kald this | parsonage In the Nathan Hale to be sold in public buildings," the (U> BOWUNO TIItE . , . . ( t) CITY DETECTIVE ■ar-in-nv uirf tha Armv )iaa been > countrv has rocket engines wiin Mrs. Ernest Payne, Girl Scouiw Thomas Morrison, agricultural new division will maintain a sales They are Edward Vl. Glenney, At Father-Son Dinner Tonight Heights development. to lead the last diamond. West (It) LASSIE ^ economist, will take up whether president; John P. Wiet. executive You eon> afford to pos9 up this t«r> governor said. t;U (IS) COVNTEY STYLE. I'.6.A, freed from a 1956 order limiting it I the potential to he- , h»» made arrangements office here. Robert Warfel. recent­ The Rev. James R. MacArthur.' • ;M < t) THBEE HCSEBTEEBB "The Faajr" ' Troop 181 to take or not it pays to produce quality vice president: Raymond Warren. rHic offtr which ie for a limitod tint* \ He discovered the magazines DANCING ( SI 6EV EINO IM) TWENTY-SIX-t MEN to operating missiles of ranges up | h* •"'* i ly appointed manager of the Man­ pastor, will attend the overnight (St) OPEN rearing I cooking instructions at the Coh- eggs; William Aho, extension poul- Robert Boyce. Dr. TTiomas Healey. The men of United Methodist^claas; 11 a.m., sermon, "The Lord's were on the stands while reading (It) TEE RIG SflOW to 200 milf*. That limitation ^ « chester company, will continue in only! ministers' pre-lenten study confer­ the), minutes of a recent meeting "■Illy, The KM" 1;M < I) FKATCRR FILM Ir- necticiit IJght and Power Co. audi­ tiyman, "Handling, Grading and that capacity. Frank Sheldon, Adam Rhodes and Church will serwe the Father-Son Prayer: A Pattern,” Junior and ence Monday and Tuesday at the (tt) disneVlang "Bella af M. Mery'a" not any longer exlit.” McElroy ^ Seattle, Storage of Eggs"; and Wilmot Robert Schaller. Senior Choirs; the Rev. Theodore of tM State Board of Education POLKAS and (Mi rjlBLT SHOW ( (At) MAVERICR vine. Air Force deputy chief tor! torium in Willimantic. Hollis. a graduate engineer Dinner at 6 p.m. today. Herald Lee 014 First Church, Springfield, Tor th\blind. • :M (.1) rOBEION LEOIOHNAIBB "The SavBce Hllla" is! When those who have already Irish, "Egg Storage Facilities and from North Eastern University, The purpose of the "Aircade” Is February Specialf W. Chandler Jr., pastor. Mass. 0«Ma Eella,v ■•hart Taylor llt-M) AACK BENNY SHOW Greater Mobility I materiel, aald the Air la chairman of the committee A Hat pf several magazines and Dorolliy .MalaNN MODERN ( t) REAVE EAGLE , Explaining the , action is in-1 considering development of completed their requirements com- Equipment. ” All -.-f 10 of Coventry will be guest speakers ing any blam ^for the existence CfneniNBrnpM MUSIC BY SPEOIAUSTS IN . not “stretch thl* out to get into a ‘ vine said this I* an interview with Helen Krause, home service repre­ agent and Stewart E. Ackerman Before coming to Manche.ster. Issues to be discussed will in- ; St. Maurice Church; Masses at ‘NoHh’ Church Notes 45n4 C'oUr Jockey” storm windows and 2 sto^rpt doors! and will show their puppet collec­ of the magazinehyon the blind peo­ WHEEL AUGBraiENT and - strategic mission." ' 'he Sesltle Tinies,______sentative of the power company. his assistant. Hollis headed Tiinco Products, a dude federal spending, tax revi- ! 8:30 and 10 a.m., the Rev. J. Ralph The Second Congregational t;M. C:U. 1C;45 4;U, Site CTlasses will begin Feb. 24 and Personals Sion, federal intervention in ediica- ' tion while discussing the art of Kelley, pastor: the Rev.' Terrence ple who operate the various stands. ART LOW RY’S BRAKE SERVICE firm that did sub­ Church Sunday School staff will OENEBAL AUTO REPAIR will meet each Monday and Thurs­ Mr. and Mr*. Eugene Henhessy tion. foreign aid and postal sub­ NO DOWN PAYMENT UNTH, MAT puppetrj-. Murphy, assistant. meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the STARTS 5UNDAY contracting work. Prior to that he A meeting of the men of the Mitchell 9-4591— 18 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER day theresfter until they are com­ of Lake Rd. have returned home worked for the General Electric i sidies. I 8EE.US FOR: United Methodlpt; 9:30 a.m.. church bSLsement. rary OrNNi FnU DomlN# ”L" BEAUS South Wind.sof pleted. after a 4-week vacation in Florida church following the dinner will Church school for nursery, kinder­ The church choir will rehearse at SA Men’s G i^up layie .MftNafield And AN nil atAr Co. in Lynn. Mass. Awnings e Canopies e Jalousies (tt> ANNIE OAKLET l:M (lt4t( ED SDLLIVAN SEOW Grade 6 girl* will go on Mondays'where they stayed at Islamarido E-Z TERMS discuss the renovation program garten, primary'and senior depart­ 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the sanc­ rack AAfl roll A native of Concord. Maas., Hol­ Combined year-end figures of about to be launched. A model of “Kiss Them CA»I Ia (IS) MOVIE GaaaU: Olaa LatlahrlfMa, and Grade 5 girls on Tiie.sday*. ' m the Kevs. They visited with Mr. lis now lives in Glastonbury with Connecticut's 71 mutual savings ments; 11 a.m., church school for tuary. Mrs. Carl Hansen. Interim To Hear Sch^del POLISH AMERICAN ■ Ralelde Altech" (ially Aaa Raw#, Jaek t^r- They will leave Yeomana Hall im- and Mrs, Leslie Burnett, formerly the proposed restoration of the junior and intermediates. 9:30 and choir director and organist, will be For Me” “Jamboree” l;M ( t) NEWS. SrOKTS A WEATH- ' .ter. G(aaae Talaal aad lha Rev. Nehon, 96, to Preach his wife and three children'. He . banka reveal new record highs in FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION church building will be, shown. ChianiNSroDa F.B Harlem Batkelhall M a n , mcfiiately alter school and will be of this town, who now make their expects to move to Providence in deposits, total resources, number 11 a.m. worihlp: Sermon, "House In charge. The group will begin The newly organized Men’s ^el- CLUB ( S) ANNIE OARLEY . Rdly Keaay, Rally aad Arry, back there just after 5;1.5 p.m permanent home there. At 3 p.m. tomorrow, the church NNd Caier 4:e{. 7:4# the near future. of depositors snd dividends paid Beautiful” , Boy Scouts to attend preparations for the Easter music low'ship League of the Salvation S. 5:Se. f:M 106 Clinton St., Manchester ITt) HAWKEVE The Naarata, The Brasat- Parents sr* asked to see that their Mrs. Benjamin Wittenberg and j bell will toll to signal the begin­ in uniform, nursery for young chil­ program. Army will precede its meeting to^ (It) TV TIHF. (la, aamberc fram "Rddytkr At 11 a.m. Service Tomorrow them as well as in total savings ning of the drive to raise funds for FREE AD.MISSION ( t) DEATH VALLEY DAY* BeaatHal" girls are picked up promptly. infant daughter. Edie. have re- tank facilities, according to a sur­ Bill Tunsky-MI 9-9095 dren in educational wing; the Rev,. Co-Op hlothers night at the Citadel with a potluck Wed.: "Tarnished Angels" I t) VICTOBY AT 6EA (tt-M) STEVE : AIXF.N SHOW Mrs. John Him and Mrs. Payne turned to their hoine oil Pine St. Dr Jacob A. Segal, chief of the renovation. 'Men of the church Mothers assisting with claasei bb vey released by the Savings Banks’ Carlton T. Daley, pastor. at 6 o'clock, each member bringing (It) MEET ME AT MAXWELLS (Calar) G aeata;-A Saatb- The Rev. Roacoe Nelson, 99, will* District Repreaentative in Con- will transport the sixth graders from Windham Community Me- cardiology at the Manchester Me­ will call on members and friends Monday: 3:45 p.m., junior choir for the coming week of the Coop­ something for the meal. (tt) WHIELY HIED* era. Kydie Oarme, Ste.e morial Hospital, has been reap­ A.ssocialion of Connei ticut. of the parish to accept pledges. (St) HIGHWAY PATROL Lawreare. Gaa Raylat aad preach the sermon tomorrow at 11 ' gres* between the hall and W’illimantii moiial Hospital. .M the same time, a mild down­ rehearsal; 7:30 p.m. adult Bible erative Nursery and Kindergarten Leland Hamilton will preside and the MaiJUlaa .Matlaa Pie- pointed as medical conaiittant to They will report back to the church (M) ROBIN HOOD a m. in South Windsor Congrega­ Flood Named to Boikrd' .Mrs. Morpa-n Hills and Mra study class at parsonage. in the SecOTd Congregational Police Chief Herman Schendel □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 1:M ( I) FEATrRK FILM tare atrarde, Heaay Vaaaf- John Flood of Main St was se-i, Thompson, the fifth graders Manchester Evening Herald Co­ turn from the unprecedented gains at 5 p.m. when light refreshments <3. maa tional. Church. Father of the pre.s- the Rogers Corp. Young People’s Events <3iurch classroom include: Mrs. will be the speaker. Col. David "T h e Parple P U ia " lected to fill the unexpired Board Meetings Scheduled lumbia correspondent, Mr*. Don­ In arddition to hi.* normal fimc- of 19.56. both In the rate of deposit will be served. Robert Simmons, Mrs. Henry Gan- ( t) aWORII OF FRF.EUOM l:S« ( LtS) ADVENTCRE AT K(DTT ent cjiurch minister, he served as growth and in mortgage activity is The Junior Fellowship of the Coy, Southern New England Di­ ANOTHER TREAT FOR YOU (lt-4t) PRRRT MASON of Education term created by the \\orkshop will meet .Mon- ald R. Tnftle. .ACademy *-.*4.15. tlona'in this rapacity, he is placing ....NOW RENTING Tickets Available kaufskie. Mrs. Wesley IjCwIs. Mrs. ISLAND "K«|>erlBieBt With pastdl of the tVindsor Church for reflected. Th|s trend waa shared in Congregational Cliurch will hold a vision, is expected. Edward C. El­ "The raae af The Orara- A Traitar" 40 years. re.signatlon of Dr. Robert V Wil- ^ight at 8 o'clock at the home .special empha.sis on heart consul­ Tickets are now available for Valentine Party at the Community Robert Visny and Mrs. Edward Kyed Kialrr" common hy livings banks and oth­ liott, 18 Orchard St., grand old (tt-St) PEOPLE ARE FE-NNY Subject of his sermon will be llama. A formed School Building Mrs. Irving Lbhr. Everyone at- tation work at the Rogers plants the St. Patrick's Day social to be Hall tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m. Troutman. CommiUee member and Ells\vorlh (.ending ia asked to bring a cony er thrift institution; nationally. held at St. Maurice Church on Mothers n.ssisting with similar man of the Army who was invited, (St) K EEP IT IN THE FAMILY ROW Is the "The Boldness of Pete and John," Floods, Avalanches located in Manchester, Willirhanlic The Rev. and Mrs. Tlieodore W. has sent a message saying he will SUNDAY BUFFET t:M ( t) WATERFRONT DONT WAIT time ta Tlie new church addition will be High School Latin teacher. Flood gf ^ favorite recipe, with the storv and Rogers. March 17. They may be obtained Chandler Jr., and Mrs. William A. classes for the coming week in the PRBKY COMO SNOW hss been a Democratic Town Cot)i- i PARK CHESTNUT be unable to attend. He is ap­ fColori OMFsit; floitas laft. Block op on liquid refreshments (Jertlcated in ceremonies commenc­ of its origin. ---- - I Frederick W. Kawsm of 80 Ver from Mrs. George Maneggia, Mra. Roberts and Mrs. LawTence Con­ Nathan Hale Community Center 3:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. mlttee member for four year* and Peril Europe Area classroom include: Mrs. E. M. proaching his 96th birthday. Ra.a and'.Marv Kaye. THa for the weekend. ing at 3 p.m. Four Sunday School Mrs. Arthur Pepin and Mrs. William F. Healy, assistant sec-j non SI. ' J. Ernest Aspinwall or Mrs. An- verse Jr. have been invited as CHOICE OF ROAST BEEF, , (tt) C'OrNTKT Sir*IC JtJIlL East Windsor Hill resident for 14 Maneggla Boisvert. Mrs. Robert E. Clapp. claaaf(k}ms. a new kitchen, minis­ Louis Soracchi will be hostesses. retarv with the Rc.sol ite Insurance po.^ilion of a.s,4i.Btnnt rorporflt^ thony Armentano. Mrs. -waiiruK*" ; guests Next to hte Hon, the m ale, BAKED HAM. Etc. LEE years, The Parent-Teachers A.ssn. will (Continued from Page One) and Mrs. Aspinwall will also take j Methodist Youth Fellow- Mra. William Perkins, Mrs. Robert l;St (lt-M> DICK A THE OCCEE6* ter's study and enlarged basement Co. was pre.sented a gold wiist trust offirrr of thf C'onnertirtit tiger is the largest of cats. 'The' _ ( I) SCOTLA.Vn YARD SIU( CITY **8TDRK* are Inchuled in the expanded facil­ 'T lie question of whether or not meet in Y'eoman.s Hall Tuesday Bank A- Tru.st ('o. APARTMENTS telephoned reservation's^ . which ^ ^ jneet at 7 p.m. tomorrow P, Bowen, Mra. Alvin R. Goodin, 261 N. Main SL—.Ml 9-13M to hold s cBUfiis caused consider­ watch Thursday m rerogmtinn of Mra. Francis Shaw, Mrs. Ralph M. tiger may measure more than ten ! LJ t:N ( (At) LAWRENCE WELE ities.- Tlie minister's study will be night st 8 o’clock. The program tributaries of the Danube ap­ Kawam joinorl th^ rowpany’s should be made before March 10.',at United Methodist Cliurch. They SHOW able (liscu.uion at the meeting. .4 proached flood levels. his 10th anniversaiy with the lom- Bums and Mrs. Richard W. Gron- feet from nose to tail tip and p i $2.95 (It-M) GALE STORM SHOW a memorial to Rev. Roscoe Melt- will be built around Boy Scout corporate trii.st «nvci! by the Security ) be followed by a program of enter­ morning. Shrubs Talk Slated (tt-M) POLLY BF.RGKN SHOW (U-4S)1tV TBEATEB reached on the siiliject. ways. Masses of wet snow loosed the companv'.s office* in Hailford I»cal residents interested In (tt-tl):»T.. V. SHOW Starrias Emanuel Congregational Church Council, will introduce .Scoutnia.s- Fillet National B.ank of An- tainment In the church hall. Junior MYF will also meet at 7 Gaeata: Gardaa MacRaa Democratic Town Commlllee by rain crashed down from roofs sf by E, K. Soribner. pre.sident 4 Rooms, 4 i Rooms, 5 Rooms landscaping are invited to a meet­ t;M (It-M) HAVE GI'.N. Dlaah Shara (Calar) Gaeatai in kartford Is .scheduled to ad­ ter Wilbur Fletcher and Cub Healy. who live.* at 5 Overland jjeles. He aNo wor ked for the Fed­ Mrs. Anthony Maneggia. Mrs. p.m. tomorrow at the church. WILL TIUVEL M a rt^ a a d Gaarer Chiaaisl- f?liairman Harry J. Odium said this La Chaiix-De-Fonds. renter of the ing at 8 p.m. Thursday at the Ver­ “ FOOD dress the gathering. He is a direct Sooutma.ster Edward MacDougall. St., is a graduate of the University eral Pve!8orve Bank of Bo.alon be­ Keeney Hutchinson, Mrs. Ernest STATE H m fO R O FUR ( I) PI'BLir nEFENDKB aa, Aaa Blythe, Sleva Allaa descendant of Jonathan Edwards, matter woijld be brought up again Scout.* will conduct an invean- Swi.ca watrhmakinr industry, seri­ fore ffoinjj to the California bank. Aspinwall and Mrs. George Man­ non Center Conregational Church. AVEY’S (SS-lt) GINKLE -MaeKENZIE t:M ( t) MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY at a meeting srheduied for Feb. of Connecticut Insurance School $105.00 $118.00 $130.00 . Manchester Eveoing Hei»ld Bol­ EVERY *ROW, Gaeata: Dale Rahert- ( S-SS) YOl' ASKED FOR IT original minister of the church, tiire ceremony and Cubs will ex­ ously injuring a woman and dam­ Rubv Fsvretti. extension garden 21. At that time, delegate proceduie and Vale Technical Institute. He eggia will be hostesses for the ton correapondent, I^ris D’ltalia, MOOD” aaa aad Raady ftparha (IS-M> ALFBED HITCHCOCE who took an active part in many hibit their handwork. By-laws will aging parked aulomohlle.s. Accmdinj; to the State Kmploy- meeting of the St. Maurice Council telephone Mitchell 8-3845. speciali.st from the University of "T h f Esaallier" and eommittee rules will be con­ joined the company as a Junioi Connecticut, will di.scuss "Land­ 1I:'m ( S) NEW* A WEATHKB local and regional activities, sr- he presented for consideration of At Stalden. a mountain cable car underwriter, iaiei- transferred to ment SrrvK'e, ihA deiuand for labor Call of Catholic Women Monday at 8 ( LAS) SIIKE WALLACE INTEB-,1I:N ( t) NES%,AND WEATREE rortling to early histories and town sidered. revision Mra Emil Malek will ar­ was blown down by a violent gust a.** mea.Rured by the nuinher of job scaping Your Home Using Native n i K VIEW Oaeal: Pearl Baeh, • ( t) d a m e t i m e .Seveial communications were re- Claims and. in 19.52. was made p.m. at the Rectory. aareliat. i (It) THE SM.t CHALLENGE rfJcnrds range for refreshment.*. I of wind, but its impart was cush­ The Holy Name Society of St. Plants and Shrubs.” He will show The'Rev. R Winthrop NeL'on reived soliciting mipport in coiulrg rnipervieoi of the EaMet n Depart- | opentnp.^ on file with ofnee.^ m the LOUIS U V i n , Ml 3-0676 slides on planning a home land­ (IMd) GI'NSMOKE (K -M ) |k>RETTA TOI NG BROW ' _ml..__ - M I.«.4 • M Me tstfev V.-savYt * Ital Statistic* ioned by deep snow The only pas- ment. He has been a.s.«istant set re- Hartford area declined by 62 per Maurice Church will hold its Ital­ Local Woman □ □ □ PD □ □ □ □ □ □ □ (K-St) END OF THE BAIN- "bear Nilhmaa" Jr South Windsor Congregational elections including two from scape. as well as discuss lawns and BOW (U) AIWJ!NTI:BF, AT SCOTT Vital .'rtati.'tica relea.sed by Town ■senger escaped with a broken leg tary eince Healy is married - ‘’<'nt dunnp the year, ian Night program Wednesday Cihurch pa.'tor. and many church Thomas J. Dodd and Emilio Dad- and bruises. AGENT ON PREMISES 1 to 7 P.M. DAILY the kinds of shrubbery available. ll:lt ( S) CHA.MPION8HIP BOWUNG . YSLAND dario. Dodd ia running for Senator Clerk Hubert P. Collins this week and has three children. j One-lluid of the cui rent Job when members and guests will be lt:tl ( t) CODE S (U1 (KCRTLAND YARD individuals and groups have done show a record number of marriages Scotland and northern England G>usin of Man The session is the first in a lt:lt ( If FEATCBE FILM and Daddario. a former Wesleyan , , 1 openings are for men. Of these. served a spaghetti-dinner, ENDS TODAY: "TARNISHED ANGELS"—"SLIM CARTER” (It) I LED THBEE MVK* the planning for the new addition performed here during 1957. The dug out from the worst smwatorni SATURDAY and SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. series of two meetings on the sub­ CLM) VOCE HIT PARADE r'FltfaU" University football great l.-i peeking CD IlMiimea Schedule and for th» dedication ceremony. 41 inarHages on iecop are not. in to years. Mountainous drifts The rc.sults of s "coupon rfay " ■'’" '‘-T '’' ’'"''' ject. The second meeting will be FLAMES (Calar) ll:M.'fa'l|j).NKWS REPORTER A election to the House of Repiesenl- survey conducted by the Chamber CIS while another one-quarter are The Civil Defense organization Hurt in Crash (U) Et^LY LATE SHOW W WEATHF.B Church Service. however, all local re.sident.s. There blocked roads and delayed express held at 8 p.m. Feb. 20 in the Green- Sunday Fenhire **lfloBde Ice" HAT'* MV LINEr ativea in Congress. of Commeice indicates that 9.5 per will resume lt.s regiilar series of Chobot Post No. .52. American St. Francis of Assisi -Church were niinierou.s out-of-.stale cou­ trains to arid from London for meetings Thursday at 8 p.m. at the ContinuoUa .3:15 (M) HKIHWAY PATROL )l DIRECTOR'S FLAT- Masses will he held at 7. 8, 9. 10. rent of the firms contacted found i I^egion, home on Wall St.. South HlRAYCHARUffi . i:sE ples who came here, had the re­ ho.urs. A train from Whitby was CD shelter. The meetings are (Continued from Page One) From 2 P.M. STATE 6:25-9:25 11 :M (It) S m n . W EATBEB A end n a m. Manchester Evening Herald business during the ,5-day period Coventry. The programs are spon­ .SPOBTS HE LATE SHOW Smith Windsor correspondent El­ quirement.* waived for one reason stuck temporarily in a lO.fool scheduled for every other week at ( t) N EW * Tareyer Amber" The Rev J, William L. Graham to be the same or belter than last sored by the Tolland' County ex­ STARTS TOMORROW K EARLY LATE SHOW more Burnham, telephone .Mitchell (ir another bv the Judge of Probate, drift. Coast Guards who watched the same time. the championship team home from • , ...... ’ .( (tt) CERTAIN TIME will speak on "Summons of the ...... its _ progress______afrom_____ a cliffrtop mm saidU year's sales piomotlon. tension service. 2o (M) NEWS "Fat Yaa I Die" S-.VWK). and were married by the local Jus­ Miss Jeanette Sumner of head­ a soccer match in Yugoslavia, hit Daw^g:' during the regular Sunday only Its smoke slack wa* \Hslble at A total of 42 firms participated j a 2-story house and a gasoline- pirls Team Wins tice of the Peace, -Mrs. Elizabeth quarters and administration re­ The Williamettes Girls’ Basket- morning worship service at Wap- D, Hutchins. time*. and .sponsored 92 coupons. The .*ur- j ports there is a backlog of accum­ filled shed just beyond the end of C f ^ R V G i v w v r ping Community Church to be held In Scotland, an .Automobile vey revealed that two firms had a | the runway on its third takeoff all team won its second game of l‘.S. Inconip Top* Forty-four birth.* were recorded ulated Information to be passed on the season this vieek by defeating at 10:45 a.m. for 1957, a.s compared to 4 2 ir,, 19.56. A.ssn. spokesman said, "virtually decrease in biisine.s.*. seven found ' to division heads at the meeting attempt from Munich-Reim air­ ja y n e m ansreld A visitor In Siiffield. the Rev all has been brought to a business about the same and 3.5 the Ixmg Lane School Girls' Team Mr. Graham tomorrow will fill the New York The aggregate in­ There were 18 deaf, s a.s compared Thursday. port. of Middletown, 35 to 23, in a game standstill." Conditions were de­ firms had a bu.sine.ss inciea.se. Seven of Britain's top soccer pulpit vacated by the Rev. David come of the 172.00.000 people in to 1.2 the year before. The.se two Polio Drive Boosted played at Middletown. SU2Y PARKER the United Slates probably ex­ scribed as "very bad" in North The low increase reported was 2 The local polio campaign re­ stars and eight British Sports flOockett. who retired following have kept on a fairly even keel for "The local team will play at 7:30 ceeds the combined income of the a 'number of yeans. There are .sel­ Wales. per cent: high increase was 31 per, FR EE ceived $59'.60 through ' "dime writers were among those killed. death of his wife. Fi-oni Italy came reports of rent while the average was 15 per p.m. Friday against the Holy Potter Endoraed' 600.000.000 living in Europe and dom any of the babies born in boards" placed In 20 business The crash endsBigered British Family Academy Girls' Team of sunny spring like weather. A year cent. One fiiin reported an increase places in town durmg January. chances for the World Soccer cup. ' Hartford...... County...... High .Sheriff Rus.sla. And it far surpa.sses the town, however; and Collins waits Baltic in a game at St. Mary's Iwi)i6fi6 Roiiltiy meet- Janitrol Package Store, Holland Candy j players and spectators will observe the Sky,” 7. p.m., Brookmoore ing ia acheduled for Feb. 13 at 8 gets an early start in Denver. Thonias .1. Morris.sey of 128 Woman Tell Police p.m. in the Rockville High .School. This season a total of 387 teams canipfleld Rd, and Earl E Ander- INSPECTION! Kitchen. Dr. A. A. Lc'venlhal's of­ a moment of silence. Players will IhrVSCfft'l Model FES fice, Red Emlier Restaurant, 6 and' wear mourning band.s. (W) WRESTLINO 1I:U ( t) WORLD'S BEST MOVlEg "Meeting the Competition with are participating in the Denver 94 pjtkln .St have been 44 Package Store, Esso Service While groups of relatives and U :U (It) MILLIO.V DULLAB MOVIE "Tha Vearllar" - (Quality Eggs'' is the subject to be public schools junior basketball n*„Tcd to the advisory committee "T h e Uuckalrra” II iN I It-M) SENDAY NEW S 8FEELU, piogram. ' ______gas-fired furnace! Station, Sunoco Service Station, friends arrived in Munich, BBA ( t) FKATl'RK FILM 11 :M (It) MILUON OOLLAE MOVIE Details of Bank Robbery diaruaseri. Joe'a Barber Shop. Laurelston officials prepared to transport the j "T h e Nixht af the H aaler" tUal Side of Heavea't We'll inspect your burner from tank to ( «) WORLD'S BEST MOVIES (M) NinVS AND MEVlKWa Sorvice Station, A and B Tire Co. bodies back to. England. The bodies (U) LATE SHOW II:M (53) SEW S - f -■ and the 'Villa Louisa. were not expected to b«-released ll;.Vt (53) NEWS II ;M ( 3) NEWS AND WEATHER (Ytontinued from Page' One) |a.m.. l(ift and retumed at about | chimney without' obligation! until Sunday or Monday when tt:M ( 4f> NEWS A PREVIEWS tt:M (») LATE NEWS A WEATREE J2;45. police asserted. While Wal­ Church Notes- FO R A ItiU (tt) NEWS A WEATHER U :t t ( t> NEWS Bolton Congregational: 9:30 German authorities complete lt :M ( 1) NEWS A WEATHER their clothes and- shave their lace stayed in the getaway car. he j % S-m., Church school and adult Bible autopsies. DELICIOUS l:tt (It) SILLION d o l l a r MOVIE beards, I told police, the three entered the ' When’* the last time you had your plant looked "draloB iy" M O l^ A Y bank. ' ( I) NEWS Mra. Darcy atated that they told > lX:t6 ( I) NEWS b,er to go out and purchase razor | "1 atood.by the door with the; at? Chances are it needs an expert inspection. (It-M) HOTEL COSMOPOLITAN shotgun," the juvenile told police, ; SUNDAY (tt-M) TIC TAK OOEOH blades and new clothing.'While in, SWEETEST THOUGHT FOR VALENTINE'S DAY Now i* the time to do it.! We’re equipped and tt:l5 (It-M) LOVE OF LIFE a 'drug atore, she waa told of the’! Sulll\T(n related to pijlice that , SUNDAY ( t) REGS BENNY he threw, some shotgun shell.*, out ; qualified to check it from= attic to basement.,., lt :M ( S) CBtlSAUER BABBIT- M:M ( I) HOLLYWOOD'S BEST bank sUckup and thought that I ( t) MOVIETIMK U.8.A. the car window as they drove from (It) SEARCH FOR TUMURRUW Gule and Berardl were In on It. ' 1 SHADY GLEN to give it a clean bill of health or suggest remedies NOW APPEARING AT'THE (It) EYE ON CONNECTICl'T (tt-M) IT COCLD RE YOO the bank. He paid the police ci-utser , (tt) CARTOONS (M) MID-DAY MOVIE After buying some shirts for the arrived at hi* house, five minute.* for any ills found. We can also fill your tank with DINNER (M) WE.STERN THEATER U:U (It) THE OCIOl.NG UGHT . two men for 111' and $13 of my own (M) LET’S TAKE A TRIP after he and Wallace did, accord- | DUBONNET BLACK CHERRY 11:15 ( S) COMEDIES 1:M (It) rONNECTICCT LIFE money she told investigators she Ing to the statement. j twin-action Mobilheat —the fuel oil that cleans U:M (It) WILD RILL HICKOK (M) AT HOME WITH' KITTY returned to the apartment and (eatufiR9 •* (M) DOEGLAS FAIKBANKS Asked this morning wheie the ' ( t) L’M VERSITV OF MICHI­ ordered them to leave. They appar­ as it heats. Held Over! Ends Tuesday! MARCO, POLO GAN , 1:U (It) NEWS other thiee had gone, the boy ICE CRRAM Multi- Thtrmtx Heotino (tt) RAMAR OF THE dL'NCLE 1:M (It) AS THE WORLD T C R N t ently went to the diner where they RESTAURANT (SS) NEWS stated: "I have no idea. They were OUR NOMINATION FOR ACADEMY TRY HOWARD .lOHNSON'S (4t) MQLLIE met Wallace, and fled together. 1 all going to leave town. We were Heart • ie*t, ecenemitol Call us today for expert advice, famous twin- 1250 BUBN8IDE AVE.—EAST HARTFOBD 1:16 ( t) WE BEUEVE (M) 1;M PLAYHOrSE The woman told police she had (It) SrNDAV REPORT l:M lit) AT HOME WITH KITTY going to aplit the money four For BetsrvAtlont: BU 9-9225 or BU 9-9768 been keeping company with Gule , . . have 6 Bweethcarl of a .sundae at keet • big cepocity action Mobilheat I , 11.07. HEAVY STEER (tt) POLKA PABTV 1;M (ItMt) BEAT THE CLOCK wavs,” AWARD (M) SCNDAY P IC T C R F .______( S) TV SYMPHONY while living on allotment checks He claimed he hasn't received 1:11 (lt):«EPOBT FROM WASHING­ (tt) FEA'TJ'KE from her Marine htisband. now the counter, or serve it with cookie.* or blewer • long life I CHARCOAL MOILED CARL ANGELICA TON S:M (It-M) ROTSE PARTY anv of the loot. He said he wanted AND HIS ORCHESTr X l:tt ( t) ,Y0I;B VOICE IN WASHING­ ( 1) FAMOUS PLAYHOrSE stationed In the South. She said to back out of the robbery at the cake for a delightful party refre.shment. • teg ecosemy HONORS! TON ( t) AMERICAN BANDSTAND she and a girl friehd met Gule :|,d last minute but . "I was afraid FeaturiDK: • (It) SUNDAY FICTVRK (tt-M) KITTY FOYLE Berardl in the diner about a month . • ceagect beouty •••aaa^aaaaaaaaaa**' M o b ilh e a t . (tt) FRONTIERS OF FAITH they'd call me 'chicken.' ” SOl.ONt MOBIl MtAIING Oil Cy Quinto at the Orffan . . . l:tt ( 1) I SEARCH FOB ADVEN- ago. . ; "Do you think'these other boys T l'R E • beelthfvl {leeslhteii Fred Vale at the Drums . . . S:t6 ( t) FFUTCRK .FILM ______LINCOLNaMERCURY "Dl(d the boys, leave any money | would shoot ?” asked Holden. Carl at the Trumpet . . . ( t) WORLD'S He ST M O IIE S TOPS IN FINE CARS! In your apartment.” aaked Simon J "Yes. sir;” he replied. (M) CERTAIN TIME 'B. Cohen. U.S. district attorney. . "Did they decide to, shoot it out STEAK (tt) THIS I8.YOER WORLD In filnnehester !^bey’ra At •’No,” she replied.'"! didn’t see; Complete DUmer ALSO APPEARING, LOCAL TV ^ITAR X :tt (St) W lSIH lli with police if they had to ?" the CALL Mlteholl 3-5135 FOR TOP QUALITY S:t6 < t> DOEBLE FEATERE any money.” . |commissioner pressed. FREE DEMONSTIIMIOII 400 ESIlMtTE FRANK MURPHY (It) FEBSFECTIVE „ MORIARTY IROTHERS The government attorney aiked ; The boy nodded Jiis head affirm­ IM) VOETH WANTS TO KNOW SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS (lt-4l> LAST WORD - 915 Center St.. TeL m S-51S5 a 920,000 bond in her, case to hold atively. Panciog Evei'y Thurs« Fri. and Sat.

a r f'f A ."f ■ pi I • . . ■■ ..dV ( 'I: / ■ it-’ >' A . " / . k A - s.. i y. / N '■


Ail of which, of cour**, la true. Veattgators were thtls strlptilng C orrectloitio n W K N B - t M W T IO ^ U M Patents Work^ iHanrl|PBlpr , But we feer that thU Senate the image, somethinjg new waa be­ 3 Liberal Reds Lose WOCO—18#8 Daily Radio^ W PO P—141* Harold W. Fisher, co-author ■pe^h, like Mayor Wagner'e let­ ing throwm about the terribly bare Lawmakers Push WDBO'i-lS88 Boeteni Standard Ttme \AVHA»-Sli , of a recently pubiiahrid text­ lEopniitg IfpraUt ter, will leave the auto makers un- shoulders o f/ M r. Hoskbis, the rCry Beloved,"^ book. "Blueprint Reading and plumber’s pm—a reputation for Jobs in East Germany HBlULC^^SiTINO INC. impretteeil. A fter the mayor s letter Sketching for Electrical Trades 13 Bluell ^ c c t was received, a apokeaman for one having an \magtnatlon that knowa rn* following progruB oebod^ **' —^Commercial.” resides at 3 M»nc.l»»t»r.'C<>nn. To Lift News Ban Offered Here Academy S t It was erroneously no boundi and a pen of consider­ jlM ara suppUed oy' Um radio' . . ICantlniMd fitan Pltge One) THOMAS r KfcRGUa^ company blandly aaaerted that the WDRC— Drch^iCstrs reported In TTiuraday’s Herald WALTER R rBROL'SON St. dames’ R. C. Church managemanta and ar« subjact to WPOP-Juse Bos 8ai Night I car-buying pubic still prefers the able persuasive power. Concordia Evangelical Enthemn ^ 7l36- \ (Cdatinued from Pag. One) ■ By THOMAS DAWKINS that the head of the Electrical Fraudulent Sale Pubitilicri Rev. John F. Haaaoa, Pastor tlianga without notiet. clearly that Ulbricht personally EouudM] October i. IWl big car to the small one by a Church WHAY-t3ut>psr iarenads Weekend Skating Alan Paton’f "Cry the Beldved I Department' at the Howell Winter and Carden Streets Rev. dames T. O’CouncU lit. wnc—MoniKr and hia tough policies have won 'HAY—PoUu Party called to act on unemployment and Country" waa preaenUd ^ Id a y Cheney Technical School lived Claimed in Suit their severest teat against so-called ptibUabed Eeerj Betunt E»ce^ margin of 80 to 1. The Rev. Erich Brandt, Pastor Rev. dohn P. Blanehfleld usk oom WDRC—Cleveland Orchestra SuBdAva and Molldayi Entered at the -M M WPOP-Word of Ufe eth er. matlera, may be reached aveRing by yie Bishop’s Company et 87 Avondale Rd. What the spokesman ignored, I\'an Beckwith Rev. doseph H. McCaan “ M .. , ■ No skating will be permitted liberal elamenta in the party. Poal Ofttca at Mancheater. Conn., aa _-Sns iomefime next 'week. Governor to a moved audience in the Sanctu­ Mrs. Stella Robbins of 73 Trebbe Wbllweber. a 59-.vear-old veteran Organist and Choirmaster today or tonight at Center Second Claaa Mall Matter ____ however, .was the phenomenal -IRC—Ntws Rsportsr Rihicoff, legislative leaders and ary of the Second Congregational Dr. haa been named in a suit al­ Connecticut Sunday. Masses: WPOP—News Spring! ' Pond or Cfiiarter Oak Communist fighter, hecauv head of SUBSCRIPTION RATES growth In popularity In only the officials of the State Labor and Church. ■' leging she . fraudulently sold her tfe East German Secret Police in Siinday, Feb. 9; Sexagesima For adults 8, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 liU — Park, It was reported this Payable In Advance WUAY—Polka Party Devetopriient agenclet meet Mon­ The play la tragic in structure, house in an attempt to put it be­ 1953 to crush rew in s of on anti­ One Year ...... S15 6U last few years of the cheaper to o'clock with two Massea at 9, one morning. However, a Park , 7 75 Sunday: WeeC—Musk atuoss WHAY—Rerensde la Blue day morning to discusa the sub- admonitory in intent and a tre­ Backs. yond reach of creditors. communist uprising. Western In­ S(« Montha ...... buy, cheaper to operate small cart. Yankee 8:45 a.m., Sunday School. in the main auditorium for adults WKNB—P M Department spokesman said Three Montha ...... S.9U WTIC-Monltor Ject.. mendously bsautiful experience. The plaintiff, Mrs. Jean Para­ telligence sources had accented the 8:45 a.m.. Early Service; ser­ and one for the children in the W n c—Ross Miller WDRC—Beu NIte Country Style skating was expected at both One Month ...... 130 Small foreign cars have found a « By A. H. 0. WDRO-Let’s Dscorau Bracken’s Ruling "The. underlying tragic theme la dise o f East Hartford, claims Mrs. Communist explanation that, ill Weebly — ...... , .10 mon. "Which W ay Into tha Jli- basement; and two Masses at 10, WPOP—Tttnpo Banditssd WPOP—Juke Boa Saturday Night areas Sunday. Hockey may be the breakdown of Christianized Revaluation .. .06 rapidly growing iplirket here, and In his first Interpretation of Con­ played Sunday at Center Robbins was attempting to avoid health caused'him' to ask removal Single Copy ...... ture?” one In the main auditorium and tl3 »- WHAY-^Uero'a to Vote Zulu rural society as its soil Is a $25,(XX) attachment Mrs. Para­ the production of a smaller wheel­ The "friendly” competition be- WHAY—Heart Asan. WTIC—UConn ve Maine necticut’s “ right to knmv” law. Springs Annex, weather per- last Nov. 1. MEMBER o r _ 10:15 a.m.. Later Worahlp Serv- one in the basement. V/iXe Mus« iOKni Bracken ruled; washed away: thus forcing its An attorneys for three Main St. dise’s attorney had served on her THE ASSOCIATED PRhSS base model b^a put back on his tween the two atrongest avowed germon, "Which W ay Into tlje W ldlB -P M ’ WDRC—Bat. Nlto Country Stylo mittinng. Hopra Sunday will be 'Hie announcement today said - WPOP-Juko Boa Baniriay; Night “ Closed sessions of-a public ad­ young men and women Into the owners now /eeeklng changes In In connection with a previous suit The Aaaoclaled Preae la exclualvely feet a donjeatic manufacturer who candidates for the Republican gu- ^ h . Junior Choir will St. Bridget’s R. C. Church WTIC—Rom Miller •^10 to 10. Wollweber waa ousted for "viola­ entitled to the use nl reiiubllcatlnn ol orMi WDRC—Adventures tn Sciencs ministrative or executive body can cities, where their morals are their own /property valuations Also named aa a defendant in bematorial nomination la guayan-; ^ ..p ^ et Jatria” award Rev. dohn d. Delaney, Pastor VHAY-l-aiiaielts Novona ' formed by their reactions to the tions of the party statutes.” all newa diepatchei credited to It. or was sinking fast under the dead WPOP—Tempo Bandstand be held at any time for the purpose swung behina a move to get a com­ the fraudulent conveyance action, not othenrtae credited In thia paper anteed to be friendly in the sense presented to Ronald Wa- Rev. Stanley E. Itestlllo tl48- WTIC—UConn vs Kaino Engaged oppression of the white man, the Engage^ Oelsner waa purged for "repeat- and alao Oie local newa publlahed here. weight''of two typical "gargantuan WDRU-GUhtrt Uigbtt of deliberation and consicieration pletely new/revOluatlon here today. which attaches the Trebbe Dr. ea violations of ti ■ discipline of that both represent the same ),reck. Rev. Dennis R. Hussey WHAY—Parade ot MusK WPOP-Uound Dog Bradley Field said that six to 12 Intensified economic struggle and All rlghta of rcpubitcatlon. of epedal w ove—MUSIC Ro-UB- - by the members thereof of matters Support to r the movement start­ house for $25,000. waa a local real­ the Politburo and for reriisal to dlapatchea herein are alao reaetred monsters." school of'political thouglit and the . 2 p.m,, lAither Leaguers meet ' Assistants Engaged inches of ^now would have been the total absence of /amlly. The engagement of Miss Nancy WKNB-P.H. ^ WHAY-nLaBaletto Novtaa that require official action by the The engagement of Miss Ruth ed by Churman Wilbur Behnett of tor, Charles Leaperance, who pur­ conform to the ccllecUve of the It might be asking too much t o ; same general party facUon. It ^ j Church for State Luther WTIO-Rom Miller dumped on' (he slate had not the And yet, as In aM good drama, the TaxM yers League was an­ Catherine Rohan to Eugene Albert chased the property from Mrs. rull srrrlcs client of E. A. 8er»- WDRC—Music on Disc ITOC-UConn vs Maiao body.” air conditions'^.awUched the storm Ann Adamy to A.2.C. Edward Phil­ Politburo." th» Communists said. expect to feel any social j demoratrably friendly in , L e g »m Mission Rally In South- Masses on Sunday at 7, 8, 9, 10 The engagement of Mlaa Joan the characters assume command­ n ounced^yAtty. Geoi^e C. Leea- Yost is announced by her parents, Robbins. Ic^ me WPOP—Tempo Bandstand Ivpoi^^^^SunS Dog He indicated there waa need for from snow to 'sleet and freezing lips la announced by her parents, Mr. -and Mrs. Charles Rohan, 38 Schlrdewan was e.xcluded for publishers Representatives: The and 11 a.m., and Masaet down Crirol Daniels to Carl A. Raiacr is t;*6- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Adamy, 174 ing attention. Here the central fig­ ne:*. However, attonieys for both Les- Julius Hsthews Special Agency — New stairs at 9 and^O a.m. . WHAY—Parade of MusK 9;*6— a stronger law. rain. ure ia Stephan Kumalo, a Zulu Gardner St. "fractional activities" and received Tork, Detroit snd Boston. __ announced by her mother, Mrs. WL'CC—Mueie Room WHAY-Itocard Rovtow Specifically, Bracken ruled oh a Parker St. LesaWer said that he will be at a perance and Mrs. Robbins asserted a "severe reprimand." the news parking and traffic problems. But ^ enough to keep a clbae eye oit each WTIO-UConn vs Maine i As it was,' Brldgerort and New Christian priest who, taking his Board M Directors meeting jn Feb. Her fiance Is the lOn of Mr. and MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF St. Mary’s Episcopal Church John W. Daniels. 200 Woodland S t WKNR-PM. question raised by chairman John ! Haven got two inchM. earlier Fri- Her fiance is the son of Mr. and In a joint statement today that item burled on page five of the pa­ CIRCULATIONS when, we wonder, will Detroit start | other. They may know they can- ChaRli''of Roh MlUer WDRC—Tho World Tonight life’s savings goes to Johannesburg 18 to/back Bennett In his request Mrs. Albert F. Yost, 29 Eiro St. Church and Park Streets wnc— WPOP-Hound Dog H, Caldwell of the Fairfield State day but leas than an inch "during Mrs. Howard Phillips, 278 Hackma Leaperance had no knowledge of per said. changing Its tune about the appeal: not openly fight one another for Adams 8t. and TMinpson Rd, . Her fiance Is the son of Mr. and WDRC—City HospIMI to help his “ sick” slater and to get for tJ new revaluation to supplant Miss Rohan, a grraluate of Man­ The Herald PrtnUn# Company, Ine., Rev. Alfred L. Williams, Rector WPOP—Mel Opera 9:16- Hospital Trustees. Caldwell had the major storm. Abrot three tack St. the- earlier suit or that the prop­ Schlrdewan has in the past tak­ fr-m var«iiv vmall ones ' the nomination; that does not Rev. Joseph F. F a rr^ , Pastor Mrs. Carl A. Reiser; Hollidays- WHAY—Recird Rovtow news of hia lost brother and son chester High School, is employed assumes no financial responsibility tor of big cars versus small °nes , maneuvers de- Rev. Prescott Beach dr., Asstsfhai t iU - asked: | inches oif snow fell on Windsor A June wedding is planned. one jmade here last year. erty might be subject to an at­ en over control of the party dur­ t>-pocraphlesJ errors appeartns In ad- Rev, Francis T. Biitlw, Assistant burg. Pa. WHAY—Parade ot MusK WTIC-UC«nn.va Maino Absalom. The sister is "sick" in think we ought to spend some by the Aetna Life Insurance Co. Sydney W. MacAlpIne, Organist WDRC-Thd World ronlgM "Under what circumstances, can Locks. ' tachment. ing party boss.Walter Ulbricht’a vertissments and other reading mstter when the sales ratio is down to 25 ,j^ e d to dlcUte which one of Miss Daniels 1* a graduate of WCCC—;4u»lc Room WPOP—HouM Dog the fact that she is a harlot; the mirney and have a new revalua­ Her fiance attended Howell Cheney Lesperance's attorney, John J. In The Manebtster Bvenins Herald snd Choir Director WKNB—PM the trustees of Fairfield State Hos- 1 ------—* son kills a white man of good will Technical .School and is presently absences. But West Berlin sources to ■ 1 or ■5 ■to '17 * them it shall be who does not do Mrs. William Kloppenbiirg, Masaes at 7, 8, 9, 10 ait<^ i l a.m Mancheater ichools arid Lasell w n c —Rose Miller tion.” the attorney said. "The O’Connor, aaid he had searched the | ^ id 'iaat July he wa.x believed to Dtspiay sdverUslns cloelns hours; the fighting. Assuming that the Junior College, Aubumdale, Mass., WDRC—City HosplUl W H AY-K ed^ Review pltai hold executive sessions.” SeveralHurt while robbing hia home. ole thing should be done over employed at the Mansfield State dunlor Choir Organist WTIC—UCoifh ye Meine Bracken. discussed his ruling at title to the house on the morning 1 j,av* broken with Ulbricht by Tor Monday—1 p. m Eridsy time will come when one has t o ; St. Maurice R. C. Cha^.h and la presently employed at WPOP—Met Opera WDRC-Mo<^for Romoitoa Stephan Kumalo meets the fa­ id we should get the qualjty we’re Training School and Hospital. Tor T\jeedsy—1 p. m. Monday Sitd— at newa conference. ther of Absalom's victim, Mr. Jar­ No definite date has been set for of the day the title was transferred | seeking liberalization of the Iron- For Wednesday—1 p m Tueedsv. Team Crash go forward and the other retire, Sexagesima Bolton Center Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Her WHAY—Parade of MusK WPOP—H o ^ Dog eeklng." —Jan. 24— and that there waa no flsted regime. For Thursday—1 p m Wednesday. The fact that Britain'a greatest I each is. meanwhile, naturally con- ] Rev. Ralph Kelley, Pastor fiance is a graduate o t Penn WCCC—MusK Room ti4s— ^ ■; • He emphaslaed he was merel.v Obituary In Accidents vis. This first meeting, and subse­ Bennett’a moVe started after Dit the wedding. 7:80 a.m,. Holy Communion, WHAV-Record Revtow ruling on the law "as written." and encumberance on it other than a There was no Indication the For Friday—1 p ra Thursday. State University and la also em­ WKNB—P M. w n c —UComPye Maine quent meetings of the two while rectors learned this week that the mortgage held by the Society for For Baturdav—1 n m Friday. athletic team has been smashed by i " ' 't . a.m...... First...... -Family - .....•’ - Service.-----v wnc—Ross Miller told newsmen he personaJly favor- „ , three would be kicked out of Vn» Sunday Masses at 8:30 and 10 ployed at Pratt and Whitney WDRC—Guest Star WDRC—Moodi for Ramohee An out-of-state woman received Absalom Is waiting to be hung, town assessor thinks revaluation Savings bank in Hartford. Classtried dead'lne' 10:30 a m each casualties and injuries in a pl«ne | WPOP-Hound Dog ed the "right to know" principle | Mrs. Alma M. Davis a"hleve high drama by posing party. day of publication except Saturday ..m. Aircraft as an experimental en­ WPOP—Met Opera iiiita — minor injuries when she was figures were not fair to a group of About Town The legal proceedings against Sam. __ crash makes Us all thinTt, with s jhus state Comptroller Fred I g*Vc?ock aerrice 'n uie ChU- 3:46— WHAV-Record Review and thought that public pressure i Rockville - Mrs. Alma Mueller thrown front a skidding car on Rl. Christian ethic: Wl)! Mr. Jarvl Broad S t businessmen. gineer. WHAY—Parade of Music for a stronger law could be made ' Davis. 63. widow of Clyde Davis, Mrs. Robbins began on Jan. 22, some dread, of the growing u.se of Zeller, who cannot get the nom-' Chap^i for the Kindergarten Sacred Heart Chureh A summer wedding is planned. WCCC-The Music We Love ; WTlC-UConn ve Maine 15 last night. who hss never shaken the hand/bf Reductions the Board, has been Allen Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. WDRC—Moode tor Romaaco at a future session of the legisla- i died early this morning at her a black man. love this Zulu, when Mrs. Paradise brought an SaturdSy, February 8 plane transportation by American Ination without the support of ^^d another aerrice follows in the Church St., Vernon WKNB—P.M State Police teported a number | ssked to approve would iotal about Richard Martin, 33 Harvard Rd., alienation of affection suit against! m j om WPOP-Hound Doc ture. home, 102 Union St., following a ' friends who are also friends of Nursery. w n c —R Miller W ili-, of accidents cauhed by the ic y ' phan Kumalo? $1.50,000 on land valued at oOmc teams— a use now to be made even WDRC—Let’s Go to Towa Noting that the "right to know" i br'ef illness, ^ .*1 Mrs. Robbins was accused in The For Quiet Diplomac.v Ken Bradley, took a furlong the a.m.. Second Family Service, Sunday Masses at 8, 9:30 and 11 WPOP—Mel Opera ri w h a V—Record Review highways, but no serious injuries. ! The Christian ethic prevails here .$330,000 after the revaluation. All ^ Williains Col- jfjg gyn having alienated the af- more mandatory by the location of The Solvation Army '! w n c —Monitor , . law specifically states that execii- She was bom in this city Sept, as well as In the resolution oy Ab­ Secretary Gen other day when he waa only sup-, Morning Prayer with sermon by the a.m. 3'S6— WDRC—Moode for Romaneo Vt-gl’nia Mullln, 22, o f Brooklyn. except one of the property parcels lege Wllliamstown. Mass. A 1958 factions of her husband. Edward, M l Main Street WHAY—Parade of MiuK t live sessions of a governmental 29.’ 18»4.1894. anaand liveduvea herenere all her ner life.me i y was thrown from a vehlcl* salom’s character; thla it seems to graduate of Mt. Hermon School, he two National League baseball posed to take an Inch or two. In ' j-^otor. Senior Choir, Major and Mrs. John Pickup WCCCT—Record Review WPOP-Hotmd Dog Involved are the sites of businesses for a period of more than a year ersl Dag Hammsrskjold. who has body ahall be open to the public ; She was the daughter of Hugo and ^ „ ,1 ^ Patricia Driscoll 22, me shows the play’s admrmltor.v on Broad St. between Center St.‘ it a member of the varalty football Doctor Says teams on the West Coast. the polite and tentative and 7 p.m., Sung Evensong. Boya’ St. Francis of Assisi Church Officers in Charge WKNB«-P M. before the start of the suit. proven himself a skilled and useful South Windsor, R t 30 w n c —Monitor ^ ^ ‘ WHAY-Rycord Roview A "when so voted by a majority of ids Knybel Davis. She wss a mem- f? Caldwell N J about 6"30 pm intent. However, more positive and the W. Middle Tpke.. The Di­ team. friendly competition between the ; chpir. Topic for this evening fol- C. Peter Carlson, Bandmaster w n c —Monitor Mrs. Robbins was notified of the Tills dread is not altogether log­ WDRC—Fascinating Rhythm the members," Bracken told the her of the Union Congregational than any siirmlsed Intentyof the rectors are to act on the request­ negotiator, had some wise words two men. things were supposed to | lowing the service will be the Holy Rev.' Francis Karvelis, CXirate Mrs. UjUan Perrett, WPOP—Mel Opera WDRC—Moode for Romance I yealerdav suit but no attachment waa filed Hodgkin’s Disease

ALLEY OOP NCJW DO/T (OaGET \O U « , PBOMISE X) CHECK O l US A OKAY, BACK IN e s e . j t l s r INCASE i a o VONS I MIGHT CHW^SE MYM1NP/ n OW,BOTH A few year* ago Helen Keller a b o u t s t a y in g t h e r e . I OF M3U-HAPIV j Cwnegto’* B if Yal* Otft unmarred hy bra)ns, after study­ toured the cou n ty and lectured LANDINGS.' " One o f the, largest Chrlstmae ing ,lor a while, la said to have on the eubjeot o f "Happlneee,” gifts on record was the 14,000,000 given'the following answer: A fter each lecture the audience Andrew Camerie fa v e his steel­ “ He gains on the -oents, was given the opportunity of ask­ workers In 1003 to aid the Injured loses on ths dollars.” ing her questions. Everything and the heirs of any who died In from the eubllme to the ridiculous the kteel plants, Christmas makes everybody hap was- asktd. Her ready rspartes , including thoaa who say theyll wss shown in the following: Several men were traveling by K glad when It’s over. train. Presently one produced This ’a That a large fruitcake, which he de­ OUR BOARDING HOUSE wHh MAJOR HOOPLI voured greedily. Tha faath'ry Sugars o f the mow ' \ Time passed. Suddenly he began tap lightly on the window pane. Nfe BORA MONSY groaning and doubling himself up W e gather by the Sreplace glow YOO'RJS Vl8RANrn>q,TWAN6- and A G IR L WHO dance tonight—and Is he sore! ASKED ME TO In a civil service examination Belnda Ann Is at thi phone, try OSTRINSKY INTAKE HER TO given In New York City some time ing to get her girl friend. Sue. She Omlan la Waate Matonato A M O V IE f ago, one of the questions asked turns at last and, with a groan, rai PARKER ST. was the following; says, “ Line's down, folks. I can’t M . Ml-a-«7U ar MI-g-gSTC $12.35 and sells It for $9.75 does ^ h e T V s e t” Pa turns It on. he gain or lose by the transac­ Alas- alack! . The * only station * OPEN MONDAYS MANCHESTER tion?” we can get is full of swirls of BEADQUARTERN FOR One of our niodem young sweet white and black. No phone, no BEDDING VALUES! things, probably with good looks TV, and no car. In such a bliz- # OoM Road a Sealy a Oetermoor ' e Blue Bell . Specializing a Sprtng-Alr a EcUpse Sprlag e 1*MH WCA IM. TjmW US cbooae Wall HIGH GRADE When It contea to moving yourfexpert moving aervlce. The men Since 1955 the New Syitem fla why fastidious people in CROSSWORD PUZZLE Laundry, 44 Harrison S t, have been the New RystemGyatem Laundry.Laundi You LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and l.liBBERS Priead M.95 to 79.95 household furniture you want aa- engaged by ManchesterMl Moving * Furniturt Rt-uphel- and Truaklng Co. are men who do giving the very finest laundry may bring your laundry to the FREE DELIVERY. eurmnee that it will be done ex­ CHOICE VARIBTI Bedraooa and Living Room PRINTING thla work all of the time, not men service poaslble and about four plant or any of the three stores staring ■ Furniture, -- pertly and with care for your poa- called in at random to help out years ago Salvatore Cirlnna, the and g e t ' 10% off or phone Ml- QUALITY * Auto Tops -wwv Answer to Prsvieus Piinls JOB AND COMMERCIAL .aeaaiona, that la w^y ao many peo­ when needed. Therefore, If you do owner, etfirted In the dry cleaning 9-7753 and one pf the three trucks SEAFOOD AHTyso Albanian Ambla PRINTING ple are turning to Mancheater contemplate moving, let Manches­ bueineea, the two businesses oper­ will call for and deliver your wash, * Truck Cushions A T6000U r EXACTLY * = » Howard's eSr ated In separate buildings but giving three to four day laundry Moving and Trucking Co. for thla ter Moving and Trucking Co. do 599 CENTER ST. (B€«r) .tONSSAAi* SM.Maia SL—5H 9-GSSS Prompt and Etfldeat Pslutlag served by the one office, ^ e re­ service. 43 OAK ST. 6L^*'N^'^ERl0tS6^^ Oil aervlce. Three trucka are at your the work for you and be sure that a i s w ACROSS S Meet melure Opea Thursday and Friday of An Rlnda service and trained, men do the your precious articles will arrive sponse to this new business has Curtains are washed by hand, TEL. MI 9-9W7 TEL. 8U 8-8831 UntU 9 P.M. stretched to their original - sise— 1 Capital of 4 Peer Gynt'i work. safely. been as popular as to the'lsundiy everyone Is measured first—and Albinis mother CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER About two years ago Walter Of course Manchester Moving service and there are now three 5 Cdrrelettvc COMMUNITY PRESS Perrett bought the moving bual- and Trucking Co. Is fully insured branches, 18 Oak St., 501 Hartford then carefully Ironed. Ruffled or 7 This country straight curtains are finished beau­ COMPLETE MANCHESTER has Important of neither NOW Uor. No. Mala dad N«. Sebool nesa from Newton Taggart and is against fire and accident They Rd. and 249 N. Main St. to take i Genui of tifully. Embroidered tableclothes, — — resources Btreefa—Telepheae MI-S-VT27 now able, through Burnham’a Van will gladly give you an estimate care of your needs. MILLWORK CO. geese Service, (he la the local agent) to on a moving Job if you wish. There is a difference In launder­ bedspreads, slip covers, drapes all HEATING '13 Praytr A CoRVBRiGRt Sronch 354 Broad SL—TeL M1-B-S2S1 7 Collapse extend moving services to all of It la a great help to have the ing service, you have only to look receive de luxe treatment at the Rotary or Pressure 14 Small space 8 Mineral rock 470 MAIN ST. the 48 atatea and Canada. Bum- at the clothes to tell this. A t the New System Laundry. ' jS Heavy aervicea o f such an outfit as Man- Burners t Legal point Aeraaa from O u ter Motor Salea ham's Van Service, out of Colum­ cheater Moving and Trucking Co. New System Laundry they use Dry cleaning is done expertly at drinkers 10 Dyestuff 28 Sir Lancelot's 43 Pester TEL. 90 S-2209 Ts P. HOLL0RAN bus, Ga., offer the very finest in eight different waters, three suds­ the New System Laundry and you C A LL us FOR FREE rlN O W !ittae beat in* IsJhstrueUon They will come Into your house, 11 Deer tracks father 44 Hurl moving facilities and If you are pack your furniture and valuables ing and five rinses! Ndt a trace of have the choice of 3-4 day service, ESTIMATES BY KEN BALD AND JERRY BRONDFIELD 17 ompau point jg Browns from 48 Employs FUNERAL HOME JUDD SAXON 28 Exclamation AlB-OONDinONED moving out of . the state all you and place them exactly where you alkali is left in' the clothes to gray Same Day Service, which is cash e General Hlllwerk 15 Ssure of ,Re 31 Through 47 Summers need to do is to contact Manchea­ them, they come .out so sparkling and carry, any article brought Into e Complete Window Units clol MANCHESTER Ideally located— ooavealent and wish, the rugs all placed and the F06ARTY BROS. 19 Meadow • 38 Irony (Fr.) ter Moving and Trucking Co. and white that they are sheer pleasure the plant or the three branch e All Size Doors away from the busy thorongh- furniture just where you designate 20 Poss'imlve 22 It has some 38 Rocky 48 Oriental coin all arrangements will be made for to wear. You may choose your stores by 10:00 a.m. will be ready INCORPORATED a Mitred and Gloed Trim pronmn fare. Distinctive Service. Mod­ it Really, moving Is not too much mineral pinnacle 30 Conclusion CRT CLEANERS you without any extra effort on of a chore when you depend upon service from wet wash to de luxe, by 5 p.m. or one. two or three hour JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL. e Bzpert Cabinet Work 31 Marinfr** 24 Storehouses SSyegetsbte 82 Streamlet ern Facllltlee. your part cleaning service. For the latter, CONNECnetT COKE, e Complete Hardware Dept. dirsctioi the skilled service offered by this your starched pieces will be done 36 Pseudonym of 38 More unusual (ver.) f 3 W ILLS STREET Packing dishes and fragile arti­ company. to your specification, light, medi­ garments must be taken to the FUEL OIL, RANGE OIL 33 Musical Charles Lamb 41 Trap 83 Wine ve cl CariitrinG HoUoran cles so they will arrive In perfect SIB Broad 8L— Tel. MI 9-4539 34 Abstract b^ing TtiBplieiw Ml 3-7254 Mancheater Moving and Truck­ um. heavy or none at all.-Special plant on Harriaon St. For regular Licensed Funeral Director condition really requires the work ing Co. are also equipped to han­ care is shown in the fact that In­ to 4 day cleaning service. 10% 3$ OoU mourn of a person especially trained in 37Lsfs4n dle freight For Information on dividual washes are placed In ex­ discount is given to articles John J. Crafty Jr. this work. When you engage the this, call M I 3-6563. For friendly, pensive nylon nets so that the brought to the plant. Waterproof­ 30 High Licenaed Embalmcr servicet of Manchester Moving mountain interested service call Manchester clothes do not touch the machines, ing is done and mothproofing with TREE PRUNING SuMyside Sunoco 175 Center SL—TeL Ml 9-70<0 and Trucking Co. you are sure of Moving and Trucking Co. MANCHESTER 33 Winglike part thus saving unnecessary wear. This a guarantee of five years on this IS Falsehood SERVICE STATION service. Minor repairs are done free ani REMOVALS AUTO PARTS 34 Snooze of charge and small tailoring jobs OPEN 24 HOURS will be done for a slight additional IS Commence "OVER t h e t r a c k s TO Latins Overrated, Fogarty Bros. Offers Finest Fuels Complete Tree Service. 270 BROAD ST. 37 Dry, as wine Rout* 6 and 44A charge. Why not enjoy the best in BETTER SERVICE” Have your work done by . 39 College cheer ROLTON—Opp. Manchester British Miss Says laundering and expert dry cleaning licensed and Inanred treemen. ' 40 Bone DRIVE-IN TIIF.ATER done by skilled workers, let New Always At Your Sendee For 43 Perched Turnpike Auto Sarvict System Laundry do the work for CALL e MACHINE SHOP SERVICE New York (A7 — After a 22,000- 44 Feline 164 Middle Tnmpike West you. . EQUIPMENT COMPLETE i.iile jaunt around the land, actress COTTON WOOD? BY BAY GOnO 43 Footed vaie 34 Hour Towing Service e PARTS (new and rebuUt) WINTERIZING April Olrich has decided that CARTER TREE ’ e ACCESSORIES fne FIMAL GUN^ANi 46 Scottish QiTVBiBi fipa sheepfold Ml 9-4100— Bob Kieman, Prop. American men have it all over Open Forum 48 Gets up CAR WASHING Latins when It comes to romance. EXPERT CO. e DUPONT PAINT, SUPPLIES Complete Auto Repairing "The reputation of Latin lovers 81 BlUleal PHONE Ml 1-7695 Open Satnrday until 5 pan. mounteln £ ROAD SERVICE is overdone—a lot of fancy flour­ Dlsputandum Est 54 Peaceful Clean Used Cara ishes that mean nothing," says Mr. Philip 'ITeggor, 88 Chinky . Miss Olrich, a 24-yearrOld British Your review of the recent Civic “ IT Miss who spent most of her teen- 88 Tendencies Neighborhood Shell Dealer Music concert indicated that after THREE J'S 87 Puffs up years in South America. the classical portion of the pro­ JOYCE DOWN Snow Removal Service During her tour, on behalf of the gram had been completed the sec­ Til. Rif. Hl.OM. X m Dubaldo movie "Pursuit of the Graf Spee,” ond half of the concert degenerat­ Flower Shop, Inc. RESTAURANT 1 Carry (coll.) O IH8 WM ftetePK ba. MUSIC CENTER April gained attention by declar­ ed to a low level, classically speak­ ON ROUTE 6 and 44A 2 Presses ing her determination to wed a Church St.. Ml 9-0791 “ I wond«r if you'd lign in affidavit! I don't know how ing. IM Middle Tpke. West BILL'S TIRE Yankee. I t would seem to the writer that I'll ovor oxplain to my husband that I was hit by a traa!" "I had six proposals but none while your taste apparently runs e FUNERAL DESIGNS Make your plans now for T E U 5n 9-6205 AND were right," she says. It bothers strictly to classical music that e WEDDING BOULtUETS Bowling Banquets. Call her that U.S. women don't seem works of composers as well knou-n BUGS BU N N Y ACCORDIONS as Rogers and Hammerstein, e FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Ml 9-4684 for reserva­ REPAIR SHOP to appreciate their men fully. FOR HOME and HOSPITAL t : KINSMAN ORGANS "TTiat’s what happens when Strauss and Noel Coward are cer­ YOU MIGHT PO William H. Green. Prop. tions. 1 something is always around,” she tainly worth an unbiased review. SOMintlNG ID A tE. e Coraages BY ROY CRANE m t P Private Instructions says. The fact that you obviously are a 1/ BUZ SA W YE R / / YOU la ty wabwt: ^ , Instruments and Supplies Columbia Bicycles classical music devotee should not SEATING FOiR OVER / Ample irSVWYSXFENSIVC i 0 «, I AMP THE lo v a v BlONOe t KNOW VERYUTILE Goodyear Tires influence your impartial review of Parking! 100 PEOPLE TO COME ALL THE WAY I ALREADY ICRE. YOU DtVEWI'n(...DOES AlOUT HER A / 4 *1 Orchestra For Hire Repairs, Service Unexpected Support the entire concert, ' TO EUROPE JUST WORKING M l WORK IN EUROPE, RECENT WIDOW, Accessories Have you had a carefree winter,: offer swift and efficient aervice You are undoubtedly aware that SKIK-PIVIN6. ZORKART TOO? XKUEVE, TRYING Cleveland (A'l—Children who fear free_ from heating worries? You and no matter what the weather, the Telephone Hour, which has TO FORGET HER the school year may be extended to and CVRENE. 180 Spruce Street have if you have depended on the their trucka get through to their ] been, holding forth on radio i r S MARY a year-round operation to meet customera. No cold homea for T v for a good many years inter- WATKINS-WEST Knart's Phone Ml 9-0659 classroom and teacher shortages very fine service given at Fqgarty the customers of Fogarty Broth-' poses an occasional lighter number Where nl!''cliolce meats arc cut have an ally— the teachers. Brothers, Inc., 319 Broad St. ers, Inc. i midst the more serious works. It to order.- FOOD MARKET A poll at a recent school offi­ Whether your choice of fuel is During the twelve years they ! would be interesting, therefore, to FUNERAL TR Y OUR cials' convention revealed teachers 540 E. MIDDLE TURNPIKE coal, coke or oil, you get the very have been in business, Fogarty | r«a LUNCHEONEHE HIM? Connecticut Coke is carried at Fo­ 917 Main St. — Manchester BEER ENA81EL and I.ACQUCB REFINISHING garty Brothers. Those who use ! Next to “ Savings Bank” AT THE GREEN REFINISHINGS i m m i D o Yo u Have $50,000— coke fee] it is tops, in clean and Open Mon., Closed Wed. LIQUORS REASONABLE PRICES AND economical heat. No matter C A LL Ml 9-5674 which type of fuel you choose, be WHERE THE GANG WINES FREE ESTIMATES sure you get it at Fogarty Broth­ ROUTE .10—WAPPINO C«NN. or More—To invest? JEW ELRY or Large Walk-In Beer Coaler t ers, Inc., you can depend upon the MEETS FOR A AT THE RICHFIELD SION WATCH REPAIRS 'quality of the fuel sold here, they CUSTOM MADE and Cold Beer At A ll Times I f you ire a peraon of aubatantial means—or are other- TASTY SANDWICH! Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. TEL. M I-3-6404 wiae reeponaible for iftveeting a large sum of money—our PHONE CANVAS AWNINGS WE SERVE i w t t . M S !,«. tAIh« u.ae«.s«i Inveatmeiit Advisory Department may be of impOTtant 3 I5 - NORMAN R. WEIL ^ Delicious Coffee UI T f r r aervice to you. , OEHQLOOIST BY PETER HOFFMAN «vHc :1 H '« Mm * t * OPEN 7 A.M. T IL L 10:30 P.81. JEFF COBB Staffed by experienced, professionally trained invert- TE L M l 9-6865 THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY. WILSON 8CRUGG8 VEAa.0NE ‘ I WISH YOU'D ■ LEAli/S ITTOME.' ^ GRANNY, I'M GOING DOWN OH, 6H00SH/ ment men, the department has had wide experienw with .. GUY ASKS FORGET ABOUT UKNOW.WHAT^ TO THE CORNER DRUG STOR WHAT5 THERE Jusnw, oonT "R ■|V5PUUK6'iaiK»MUT'iiwiA^'7W the ppeeisl problems that often accompany the inveat- ^jio,iDa/Towwj ARTHURi I EKE U TOO MANY QUESTIONS, SETTING EVEN 00 YOU MIND BEING ALOW DBE AFRAID A jcopwtwzfeue/^ ■«n)DRWW' TO SWI-fCH NOW./ GAL/...Vi/E'VE SOT 153 W. Middle Turnpike ■a|i*rt [ S O O O L . M U T F VOue FATkCg the department handlee pension, profit aharing, and re­ INXIHlMGSOWt WMTMGOUTiN TOC MUCH TC lose . Phone M l 9-3700 CALL OOESeOTOJ/UUFCR - »umt/. T H E ^ R tirement funds in substantial amounts. For complete • . .aviM O GARAGE 'EMBEZZLMG? MI 3-6563 information, please contact: PIZZA • MAeNINO 18 Main St.. Tel MI-9.4S.il ' EDWARD W. KRASENICS, Afonaivr . S P A G H E n i SBK US FOR: GIVE YOU USTING GATISFAGTION ■ R A V IPLI • ’Alumlouin Boll Up Awninga Specigll^ihg In ■.■V - , -V'- V: • Venetian Bllnda\ SOLD EXCLySWELY IN MANCHESTER AT\ -hi A7- • Storm Doom ' ) ' BRAKE SERVICE ,Shearson.,Hammill & Cp. \ ■ OPEN DAILY • Combination Wlndo>vs 7:30 A.M. to 11:00 P.I4. Front End Allgnnient V JOHNSON PAINT CO. Majh^lMofM’ Mavjng Manchester Awning Co. 913 Mcjin'lfrMt, Afiencheater • MHehell 3-lS n . SU N D AYS ABB WEST OENTER ST- 728 MAIN 8T.r MANGHE8TEH- . PHONE Ml M601 11:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M», ood TrucktiHI C o . Telpphoiia All B-SOBl Goneral Rep«dr Wdil^

71 <\ - 'f \ 7 '7 , .1'-, ■ ■/ ....-''r'P, V: ■Ci-:' 7 / * ' f y'-.! ■ • • ' Mf * 7: " V ■/-; , ; ' . :V V'f".' f - ", - y; -. \ MANCHESTteR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1956 >AGE NIKS MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1968 PAGE EIGHT Lapached in NBA iMarco P o lo s Win 71*62, Green Manor Protests Possession Ball and """'■■■J ...... ' ■ ' I ans Bobby Knigbt Kramer’s. Tutoring Job on Road Sub Supplies High Shooters Leads MiUord Brings Better Than Passing Mark 45-26 Win Defeat Loomis Spark as Rams Here Sunday New York (NEA) — "By thetslsted that.-with Urae. th«y ceuldAfamiUar with It while Gonzales Is time.” Ted Sciiroeder was saying. work on Hoad. No aa the pros used to it. Snaps Long In Hot Match Sharpshooting Charlie Stet­ “Jake ie through with thie boy move to to open "The big difference is that the Down Windsor he’ll be eble to pley Pancho Ck>n- their IflO-match tour of the coun­ ball takes a bigger bounce off the son hooped 30 points last salea and anybody else. 1 know, try, the figures show Schroeder canvas, so. you have to come up The high flying ManchesUr High ByDONRBROER night in directing the strong he looked bad today. But remem­ was right. For after 13 matches in quicker to hit it. But (Sonzales had rifle team racked up Its 89th con­ Marco Polo Explorers to a ber, thla boy will be different In Australia, Hoad has an 8-5 lead. to learn eanvaa, eo why can’t Loss String Ernie (Needles) Nlederwerfer secutive victory with a closely con­ 71-62 Connecticut Basketball the winter." How did It come about? "Sim­ Hoad? Remember, Lew can break arbke fVoni the depths of obscurity tested match against L«omis ple,” Pat O’Brien, Kramer’r New from the gate pretty (julckly. And last night, to spark a never-say-dle Assn, win over the Green This waa last summer and By PAT BOLDIU School In ths luturiously appointed Schroeder waa in the locker room York representative. . proclaims. If he has trouble, Kramer will Rockville quintet to an uphill M-50 and spanidng new rifle range of Manor Pros at the Bkuit Hartford make sure he gets some tratniiig.’’ Captain Dick Dubanoski, win over Windsor. The Valley B High Sehol gym. Th# setback, fifth at the Weat Side Tennis Club in "Kramer had Hoad all to himself the Windsor Prep echool yeeter- Forest Hills Ulking about Lew on that world tour they took all For one who compared Hoad and receiving excellent support 'League victory kept"the Ram tour­ dsy. The local score of 890 was the in 11 league games, mathematical­ nament hopes alive as they posted ly cllmtnated the Pros from the Hoad, the blond Australian whose fall. He worked on him juat like Gonzales during the summer. It from teammates Chuck Sai- second highest of the eeasoil, which pro debut had Juat been a flop. Max Hlrsch doea a good two-year- seems implausible teat Kramer their seventh win against eight now stands at five wina, no defeats, title race and once again Coach monri, little Bobby Daigle, losses. The necesary combination Eddie Rosmarin’s quintet Is faced Jake Kremer hed put up $125,- old." could bring his new staf up to a while the Loomis gunners came 000 to get Hoad, dreaming of the O'Brien mixes meUphors, but It level even remotely challenging much-improved Wes Feshler is now three wins in the remaining close on the looal heels with a good with a.battle to qualify for the and hustling Pat Mistretta, four games. forthcoming playoffs. day this thick-chested Auesie is allowable in his case because Pancho. 878. would .do battle frith Gonzales on when not busy with mattera tennis pisved possession basketball to Nlederwerfer was a starter dur­ Pace H'bwera Green Manor Manager George He is a big and agile guy, this ing the first half of the season, but Mitchell played the contest under even terms; Then he arranged a he can be found In his office at Gonzales, who is so well b)Uaneed near-perfection last niRht while Boyd Brown of Loomis took top the New York race tracks. aparkinp impressive Manchester was relegated to the bench some protest. "By mutual agreement,' apectal tonmanr.ent to introdupe during his movements that you honors with 185, but Captain Paul Hoad and during It Schroeder.. .the Game the Same ■ Hich School to an upset 45-26 seven games back and has seen AMY FIRKEY SHIRLEY VITTNER Sheridan’s 181 and Ron Oambo- Mitchell explained, “ It was agreed wondered if be ever could be beat­ CCII-< victory over fading Meriden. little action during that time. Last that no official would be assigned publicity man, had to ett and watch "Hoad's game Is the same as en. Hoad, on the other hand, seem­ iaU's ISO also placed In the magic even lesaer members of the troupe Kramer’s. Power, plenty of jlower. It's a .shame that the smallest night, the Rockville armory court circle. Manchester strength, as to the game . If he had already ed strong enough—a husky 182- beat Hoad easily. So Jake Just did a Job on the kid crowd of the season, only TOO fans was. the scene of an entirely -dif­ usual, lay in lU weU balanced worked contests Involving both pounder—but still no physical (237 paid 1, was present at the high ferent story. clubs. I contacted Whitey Piurek Won It Big and now he haa a pro instead of match for the 0-1 Pancho. squad; Loomis had to dip to a 169 the amateur who was at Forest school gym to watch the surprising Best In Final Period who assigns the CBA officials and Gonzales, the big powerhouse But Kramer didn’t put up $125.- Avalanche of Entries for ite fifth acore. .white the Indians asked that ha-asalgn two men Hills. Now, of course, they played Indians snap an eight-game losing Inserted Into the fray early in had live men within live points of from Los Angeles, won It big and 000 for a hopeless case. And as streak while handing the visitors the game, Nlederwerfer saved his from outatde \he greater-Hartford there were many who came away on grasa In Australia. On the in­ one another. door swing around the country. O’Brien notes, “ oiir horse is a stay­ their sixth consecutive setback. beat effort for the-final period." Be­ area, preferably two men from from the affair believing Hoad nev­ er. This tour will go right to the The undefeated Indiana take on dpwnstate. Both Ben (Twirler) Hoad will have to play on canvas Overall, the smooth-working Silk hind by a 52-45 score afUr trailing In for Women’s Event er would give him competition. wire.” throughout the third and part of a tough schedule next week, with Phelps and Walt Melody have stretched pver board. He’s un­ Towners have now won twice In road matches on tap in Willimantic But Schroeder and Kramer In- 10 starts while the loss was the the second periods, the Rams went worked previous Marco Polo to work. Captain Bob Grous, a By EARL YOST and Bristol, plus a rsally difficult games and should not have been eighth in 12 games for the baffled- test against Kingswood In West Silver City -quintet. Last night's whale of a performer all evening, Avalanche of entries greeted the announcement by Jack assigned to officiate last night’s Hartford. game.’’ [Yale Five Rallies sterling triumph more than gained -canned two free throws to make it Vittner that the 1958 Women’s Town Bowling Tournament Tha (ummariaa: sweet revenge for Manchester's 54-47 with 6:50 left to play. Sec Masrhaitar (SMI Leading Rcorrr Women to Bowl Boys iTo Defeat Peiin earlier 16-point defeat to Meriden. onds later, Nlederwerfer used his would be held at the Community Y alleys, starting Feb, 15. Paul Sh-iidan ...... M Both Stetson and center Freddy Several Easy Layups height to advantage to pull down No less than 23 women signed up, less than 24 hours after the;R

/'/ ■■: I "