•: i- .... i . > FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1968 PAGE SIXTEEN T. HattrliPBlpr Euftting il|fralii \ AvengeDaH Net Press Run Tha WMthsr For the Week Ended Ferecoat ef u. S. Weather 8a February 1, 1958 135 Tanner St., was am sted and owner of tlie Honrthatone Restau­ Center Church Co-Weds will F O R R E N T ^ Drivers Arrested charged with failure W drive to Y Qrquji Slated 1 rant. Partly cloudy, windy, eoMir to­ hold the first rehearsal for its an­ Engagement the right. 8 and 18 mm. MoVIe Proyaetore About Town nual spring show tomorrow eve-., DsMsrt and coffee will be served 12,640- Police said that she drove from —qound nr eilent, also SI nun. night and Sunday. Low teolght U ning in Woodruff hall. In Mishaps Here To H ear Author at 12:80 preceding the Ulk. Reaer- Member of the AudU George K.Xong, aviation clectri- the right to the left lane on Main •Bde projeetoro. to 18. nigheet Sunday In iNd m Farbman-Simons vations may l)e made with Mrs. Bureau of Olrculatlou clan'a mate, third clasa, irSN. de­ St. When a car ahead of her stop­ Theodore PoweU, 279 Parker St. King David Lodge. No. 31. lOOF, Mr. anih Mrs. Samuel Farbman, Police reported two accidents Armando Perretta, auUior of WELDON DRUG CO. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm parted from Ma>T>ort, Fla.. Feb. 1. ped to turn into a parking stall. Baby.eitUng aervlee will be avail­ will meet at 7:30 tonight in Odd 295 Jackson St.. WiUimantic, an­ yesterday and the arreat of two j Main St. <’TeL aboard the attack aircraft carrier She collided with a car driven by "Take a Number;" the family story able at a amall fee. 991 Ml 8-SMl USS Saratoga for duty with the Fellows Hsll. A social hour will nounce the engagement of. their drivers. |Peter B. Bjnge, 19, of Coventry. of Italian-Americana coming to follow the meeting. Ernest A. Fitzgerald. 63, of 17 VOL. LXXVn, NO. 110 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., SA-TURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1958 (Cloaelfled Adverttalng ea Foge 10) PRICE FIVE CENTS U.S. Sixth Fleet In the Mediter­ daughter. Miss Jean Lenora Farb­ Her court date has iieen act for ' man, to Theodor Simons of New William St., was arrestad and terms with the new world, will be ranean. He la the aon of Mr. and Saturday. presented by the Public Affairs Manchester Aa.sembly. No. 15, Tork City, son of Mr. and Mrs.: charged with passing in a no pass­ Mra. George S. Long, 247 Autumn (Committee of the Manchester Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Morris Simons of Boston, Mass. ing zone after a collision with a St. YiyCA Tuesday aftamoon at a will hold a business meeting Mon­ Miss Farbman was graduated Southern New England Telephone Co. truck. Education Group desitort and coffee meeting. Senators Call John A. Cuater, aon of Mr. and day night at 7:30 at the Masonic from WiUimantic State Teachers Patrolman Emanuel Motola aaH| Hie topic will bp "The Disap­ Aides Study Mra, Alfred J. Cuater. 26 W. Mid­ Temple. Officers, are requested to College and taught fourth grade at the Waddell School in Manches­ that the truck, operated by Planning Bazaar pearing City." Johnson Leads wear white. BINGO dle Tpke.. haa entered Hillyer Col­ Stephen D. Osella, 22, of 4 Village Perretta, a Hartford man. Is Uie For Fast Curb lege. of the Unlveralty of Hartford, ter. She Is currently working R e d s Lo s e toward her masters’ degree In St., was turning left Into the cut­ Th,e Manchester Education Aaan. Bits of Atlas aa a flrat year atudent. A gfadpate The Auxiliary to Barracks No. 1 L IF E j E v R r y F r i d a y N i g h t off connecting N. Main St. and will hold a bazaar in the high of Manrheater High School in 19.’i4, 786. Veterans of ■ oWrld War I, dAnce at Columbia University. On Recession Tolland Tpke., when Fitzgerald, school cafeteria Saturday; Feb. 16. 1:80 he entered the U.S. Navy that July USA, will hold Its monthly meeting Her fiance was graduated from attempting to pass, collided with A variety of baked goods, canned and aer%’ed until September. 1957, Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Ameri­ Chelsea High School and studied the tnick. goods and jellies will be on sale ICECUBES 1 SCHOOLHOUSE Space Waahington, Feb. 8 )— A fter Flop can Legion Home. Election of per­ music at Arthur Nedoff studios and Agency {fP at Key Weat, Fla.. Charleston, The area is marked with solid from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; also, books, S. C. and Newport, R. I.. naval manent officers will take place, Schillinger House, Boston. He has M IL L E R 'S p h a r m a c y ! DobsMvillB-VBniM, Two Democratic Senators, and all who are eligible for mem­ played the piano for several widely double white lines, the patrolman toys, jewelry, plants and floral ar­ baaea aa a sonar apecialiat. At Hill­ BY THE BAG ■ em BTM m i'AKin citing what they called danger Cape Canaveral, Ha., Feb. bership are requested to get their known orchestras and is presently reported. rangements. There will be a white " C o n n . By E L T O N C. F A Y yer. he la taking a buaineaa admin­ table, a grabbag and signals in the nation’s econ­ 8 (/P)— Air Force experts be­ istration program. applications in at this meeting if accompanist and conductor for Fitzgerald's court date has been Washington, Feb, 8 (VP)— Secretary of Defense McElrby has Jo b s in needlework. A snack bar Will be omy, propose immediate ac­ gan an extensive study today they wi^h to become charter mem­ Jiiltus LaRosa, set for Feb. 17. Mimmt 9 '7 *ii picked a boss for outer apace projects and handed the new bers. Meetings will be held on the A February wedding Is planned. Audrey D. Breltschncider, 31. of o.<en during the bazaar hours. tion to curb the current reces­ of the data collected during The 8lh District Fire Depart­ Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) itB assign­ second Sunday of each month. sion and the rise in unemploy-, the brief flight of its Atlas ment responded to an oil burner ment of developing weapons of tomorrow. He also has de­ fire at 388 Oakland St. yesterday cided .tentatively that the Alri- ment. Intercontinental Balli.stic Mis­ afternoon. Fire officials said that Miss Mary Ann Handley, daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Force should provide crews for any Senator Sparkman tD-Ala) sile (IC B M ). the fire was caused by an overflow •pare ahlps of the future. urged Congress last night to "take In the burner. There was no dam- Handley, 385 S. Main St., has The two million dollar missile Full Purge been named to the dean's list at ’ Named to head the A R P A was the initiative" from the White exploded into bits after less than Connecticut College, New’ London. Roy W., Johnson, 52-year-old vice House in attempts to halt the eco­ four minutes of flight yesterday. A member of Uie senior class, she A JEWEL president of the General Electric nomic downturn. The Air Force said, however, that Is a history major. Co. where he formerly was in Wants ‘Crash Program' it provided almost >11 the essential By Ulbricht charge of electronics .business. Aa a first step, Sparkman said information that a much longer The Manchester Child Study These developments yesterday In­ he would introduce legislation for test flight could have produced. Group will meet at 1 o'clock Tues­ of a Blouse dicated that the long-delayed Pen­ a "crash program” to accelerate From Its study the Air Force Held Likely day afternoon In the library of the tagon space agency finally was home construction, and slum clear­ hopes to come by information lEER Buckley School. The topic for dis­ getting ready for business—the ance. whicih might help prevent the loss cussion will be "Stress and Strain development of such weapons as ‘‘The economic slack must be o t still another ICBM. By SEYMOUR TOPPING in Suburbia,” with Mrs. Nancy Da­ for your military satellites, antimissile mis­ Uken up and piomptiy if we are 1 Yesterday's explosion occurred Berlin, Feb. 8 (/P)— East siles and spisce platforms. C^URl vis as leader. to avoid a full blown recession." j about 30 miles above the ocean Germany’s Stalinist leader- Johnson's' appointment came the Alabama Senator said in a ' Florida's East Coast, Mrs. F. S. Klock, 63 Henry St., after a weeks-long quest for some statement. j Two earlier Atlas missiles were ship tociay swuncr the purge In ^ b ric and will be speaker at the dessert-meet­ Valentine.... executive who would take on the He was joined bv Sen. Gore (D- 'destroyed last year ahortly after ax against a relatively liberal ing Monday of the Soroptimlsts at job. He will take over the A R PA | Tcnn), who said "danger signals j'auiching. Because of the volumes faction within the Commu­ post on April 1. when he will re-: he home of Mrs. Harry Fraser, 192 L 'li'A Jewel— The moat wonderful are plain to see.” I information gained, the Air nist party, firing three top WoUpopor Dosign rtford Rd. Mrs. Klock will show sign from General Electric.
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