A Accountability Politics, 212, 217, 331 Accredited Financial Institutions, 22
Index 1 A Artvin Dam, 146, 147 Accountability politics, 212, 217, 331 Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2, 55, 97, Accredited financial institutions, 22 282, 289, 291, 318, 330, 338 Adaptive influence, 124 Associativismo, 21 Advocacy NGOs, 177, 180 Ataturk Dam, 142t, 336 IR, 195 expropriation and resettlement in, 154, African Development Bank, 2 155–156, 167 AK Hasankeyf, 210, 211 Akbank, 209, 224 Akosombo Dam, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 245, B 247 Bank of Austria, 206, 209 resettlement, 257, 258, 268 Basic Environmental Plan (PBA), Brazil, 32, All Assam Student Union (AASU), India, 117 45 All Idu Mishmi Student Union (AIMSU), Beijing Survey and Design Institute, 75, 78 India, 118–120 Belo Monte storage hydropower dam, Brazil, Allain Duhangan Hydropower Project, Hima- 2, 192 chal Pradesh, 110–114 Benefit sharing, 80, 324 Dhomiya Ganga Sangharsh Samiti, 114 Berne Declaration (Switzerland), 205, 207, Jagatsukh livelihood, 114 210 Kalpvriksh Environmental Action Group, Bilateral aid projects, 289 113 Birecik Dam, 142t, 143, 159 Altinbilek, Dogan, 132 expropriation and resettlement in, 160–161 Amazonian National Research Institute Resettlement Action Plan for, 168 (INPA), 43 BKS Acres, 233, 235t, 244 Andritz, 205, 206, 209 Bokor National Park, 290, 294, 298 Anti-Ilisu campaign, 175, 202, 204–206 BOO (built-own-operate), 135t, 136 Europe, success in, 219–221, 220t Boomerang model, 5 influence on decision-makers, 218–219 BOT (built-operate-transfer), 135t, 136, 278, at international level, 221 279, 281 spatial distribution, 213f Brazil, 3, 4–6, 330 thematic interest, 210f Basic Environmental Plan (PBA), 32 Turkey, success in, 219–221, 220t changing policies and decision-making Aquasuav in Italy, 210 frameworks, 16–26 Aranyak, 115 dam projects investigated, 39t 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘‘f’’ and ‘‘t’’ indicate figures and tables respectively.
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